• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,886 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 51: Royal Library

Ashwyn craned her head back as she took in the view of the royal library. Her eyes widening as they trailed across the vast bookshelves around her. She would have been standing just beyond the entrance for a time, if it wasn’t for the librarian getting her attention.

Blinking, she turned to face the one that addressed her. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the pony she was expecting it to be. It wasn’t a pony at all in fact. Having emerged from one of the many corridors, was a brilliant silver dragon. Standing just under the Alpha’s height, the newcomer carried a small stack of books in her arms.

“Quite the sight, isn’t it?” She asked, her voice filled with joy as she turned her head to view her surroundings. With a subtle smirk, the dragon’s eyes turned to face her. “Though I’d say you’re quite fascinating as well, hmm?” She stepped forward and brought the books towards a counter nearby, placing them down gently. “Now, what might an interesting creature like you want in a fantastic library as mine?”

“Er…” A small shiver ran down Ashwyn’s back as she remembered that the Alpha wasn’t around to deal with the interaction for her. It certainly wasn’t the first time, but there was a difference in having a casual conversation with someone, and having to speak to someone in a more professional state. Not to mention, she had never had to talk to a dragon before. Not counting Spike, of course. “Am looking for book.” The dragon blinked at her and smiled after a moment.

“Well, my dear,” she gestured towards the room around them, “I believe you’re in the right place. Though I hope you have a more specific idea than that.” She gestured for Ashwyn to come closer, even as she moved behind the counter and pulling out a large binder. “Tell me, do you have a genre in mind? A topic?”

Ashwyn nodded as she moved closer. “Need book on Changelings.” The smile on the dragon’s face shifted to one of curiosity.

“Changeling?” She tapped a claw against her chin before opening the binder and swiftly flipping through a couple pages. “Not the most common point of study. In fact, a fairly rare one. I don’t believe I have a book dedicated to changelings specifically, but they are covered in the Creature Compendium.” She told the mare, finally stopping on a page and tapping a section of it. “That’s on aisle 7, bookcase D, 3rd shelf from the bottom.” She read off the page before smiling at Ashwyn. “Might I ask why the interesting topic?”

“Is for…” Ashwyn trailed off, wondering whether she should inform this dragoness about the changelings. “A book.” In the end, she decided against it. She didn’t want to stir up panic before she could confirm if this changeling was a threat. Like the Alpha had said before, they had no idea if the changeling was the one who wanted to attack.

“A book!?” The dragon’s eyes lit up after hearing Ashwyn’s lie. “You write!?” She asked in a giddy voice.

Ashwyn didn’t speak for a moment, too busy recoiling from the sudden outburst. “...Yes?”

“That’s wonderful! Are you published, or did you just start? What genre do you do? Can I read it!?” The dragon leaned over the counter so far that Ashwyn was surprised she didn’t fall to the other side. Ashwyn, however, was too busy taking a step away to care. After a couple moments of silence between the grinning dragon and the awkwardly smiling mare, the dragoness blinked and retreated to her side of the counter. “Sorry.” She idly scratched her cheek and looked away. “I just kinda like books.”

“I… see…” Ashwyn responded slowly with a nod.

“So, uh… the Creature Compendium is down that aisle.” The dragon said after another awkward silence, pointing down one of the many paths between the shelves.

“Thanks.” Ashwyn said as she moved away from the dragon. She wasn’t entirely sure what happened there, but she decided that the next time she came to the library, she’d bring the Alpha. With him around, she doubted she’d get caught in a weird situation like that again.

Shaking her head, she looked around at the books that towered over her on each side. She had to take a moment to try and remember what it was that the dragoness had told her. “Aisle 7, bookcase D, 3rd shelf from the bottom.” She muttered, scanning the bookcases around her.

Frowning, she realized that they were lettered in reverse. Case Z was closer to the entrance, meaning that D was at the other end of the aisle. With a small sigh, she trudged on, her eyes idly looking at the books she walked past.

Titles and bindings passed by, though none of them caught her eye. None of them seemed to be fictional in nature, and she always found nonfiction titles to be too close to school for her to enjoy. As such, she ignored them all until she came upon the place she was told of.

As promised, on bookcase D, third shelf from the bottom was a hefty looking book. It was easily as wide as her arm, and looked heavier than the couch. Thankfully, that wouldn’t be much of an issue for her, the issue was trying to get it off the shelf.

Her first instinct was to pick it up in her mouth. Then she remembered her teeth and thought better of it. She didn’t want to destroy the thing. Not before she read it at least. Her paws were a better option, but she didn’t want to risk scratching it up with her claws. Then again, that dragon was able to handle the books just fine, despite her own claws.

As such, with a small frown, she attempted to pull the book out with a paw. It was far more difficult than she had anticipated, as the shelf was packed tightly. The book being wedged in between the others made it stuck within the confines of the shelf.

With a sigh, she turned her head back down the path she had taken. She briefly thought of going back and asking the dragon for help, but decided against it. She didn’t want to get stuck in a weird conversation again. Instead, she frowned and turned back to the book that refused to move.

There was a small space at the top of the shelf, not large enough to fit her paw into, but…

Grimacing, Ashwyn opened her mouth, her tongue snaking out of it. The tongue maneuvered into the space and behind the book and began to push on it from the other side. While that happened, she attempted to pull on it with a paw from the front.

Without warning, the book was pulled from its place in the shelf. Not prepared for the outcome, Ashwyn stumbled back and hit the case behind her. Her eyes shut as she anticipated a heap of books to fall onto her. Luckily no such thing happened. Looking back, she found the books to be as tightly packed as the one before her.

Letting out a tired sigh, Ashwyn lifted the book onto her back and set off to find somewhere to read.

Author's Note:

Sorry, about the long upload times. I'm trying to make sure I have this arc correctly thought out and planned, that way it doesn't end up like the retcon.

It might be one chapter a week until I'm confidant on the quality of what I'm writing. If it does become once a week, then it's most likely going to be on Saturdays.

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