• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,887 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 42: Spa Day

Knock knock knock

Ashwyn awoke with a start as the sound played out. Her head shooting up from its position on the Alpha’s lap as her eyes searched the room for the source. The search was quickly brought to an end when the Alpha rested a comforting hand on her head, making her look back to him.

“It’s just the door.” He said, making Ashwyn’s cheek flush in embarrassment. Of course it was the door. Why she hadn’t looked there first was lost to her.

Either way, she was swift to move herself off the Alpha so that he could get up. It was common for the Alpha to answer the door instead of her, as any pony that came by would likely have been looking for him instead of her. As such, it was a surprise to her when she was called over only a few moments later.

Blinking at him in confusion, she hopped off the couch and made her way over to the entrance of the house. She briefly wondered who was at the door that would need her attention. She attempted to sniff them out, but the scent was unplaceable. She recognized it as a familiar one, but couldn’t remember the pony it belonged to. The mystery was quickly solved, however, when she arrived at the door.

Standing outside was a white unicorn mare with a purple mane. This was the pony that was terrified of her in the basement. The memory instantly soured her mood, and as she stood there, a frown steadily formed on her face. Instead of addressing her, she instead looked up to the Alpha with a raised brow.

He wasn’t the one to respond to her unasked question, rather it was the pony who came first, starting by clearing her throat. “Ashwyn.” The chimeric pony could see that the smile on her face was nervous, but the fear that was once present in her eyes had been reduced significantly. It was similar to how a lot of ponies had started to treat her as of recent days. “I came to apologize for my previous behavior. I’ll admit it was a rash assumption of your character that caused me to react in such a way. I’ve come to realize just how wrong I was. Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

Ashwyn wasn’t oblivious to the fact that the Alpha had abandoned her with the pony, but she was more focused on the mare in question. She thought about what the pony had said and a part of her wanted to tell the unicorn off. She knew that was unfair, however. There was no shaking the fact that she was a creepy sight for most ponies. Even more so, she assumed, if she was blocking their only means of escape. She couldn’t hold it against her, despite the remnants of her anger.

“Is… okay.” She said after a long moment. The mare tried to hide it, but Ashwyn could see that she had let out a sigh of relief. “Is natural be afraid. Am monster pony now.” The mare’s reaction was instant, the pleased smile on her face replaced with a disappointed frown.

“Don’t say that.” She said swiftly. “I have encountered monsters, dear. You may look different, but I can say that you are no monster.”

Ashwyn frowned in return at this. Clearly this pony didn’t know what she was talking about. She didn’t even know her! How could she say that with such certainty? “But the-” She was cut off by a white hoof pressing to her lips.

“Ah, ah. I’ll be having none of that.” She said in a firm voice. “Do you know what ponies around town say about you?” That caught Ashwyn’s attention. Ponies were talking about her? What were they saying?

“...No.” She said after a moment of her mind running through ideas of what was being said.

“Allow me to tell you, then.” The pony placed a hoof on her chest and smiled. “They think of you as mysterious. They think you a quiet loner. Not once have I heard mention that you were a monster.” Ashwyn had nothing to say at that, her mouth merely hanging open slightly. The mare took the opportunity to continue. “You should hear what some of the stallions say.”

“And what do they say?” Startling even Ashwyn, the Alpha was suddenly back in the conversation, his head sticking out around the door. The mare was looking up at him and then back to her as a look of realization came upon her.

“Nothing you have to worry about, Aurick. Just some young fools talking a big game.” She told him with a smirk, making the Alpha frown.

“Good.” He stated, before departing once more. The moment he was gone, the mare turned her gaze back to Ashwyn.

“How is he that quiet?” She asked in a softer voice. Ashwyn simply shrugged, making the mare shake her head with a sigh. “Being as it is, I can’t have you thinking of yourself that way.” She started once more with a frown. It took only a moment for that to change into a grin. “Idea!” Suddenly the mare’s hooves were on Ashwyn’s shoulders, making the mutated thestral recoil in surprise. “I was going to go to the spa after this. Why don’t you join me?”

Ashwyn blinked at her for a long moment. “Spa?” The request had confused her, being sudden enough to threaten her with whiplash.

“Yes! Darling, if there’s ever a place to make you feel like the beautiful mare that you are, it’d be the spa.” The pony said with such exuberance that it had taken Ashwyn aback. She felt herself heavily conflicted on this. The idea of a spa trip sounded nice. She had been stressed out, and though her relationship with the Alpha had alleviated a chunk of that, she knew a spa trip would do her wonders. On the other hand, she didn’t know this pony, she didn’t know the ponies at the spa, and she didn’t think that the Alpha would want to go. She didn’t like the idea of going out without the Alpha around.

“I…” She started to say, trailing off as she continued to play with the idea in her head.

“Do it.” The Alpha chimed in, this time from the couch. She couldn’t help but look back over to him with a frown.

“But-” She attempted to argue, but was cut off by the Alpha speaking once more.

“You can’t spend every moment with me, Ash.” He stated firmly. “Besides, you need it. Go relax.”

“...Okay.” She said reluctantly. If even the Alpha thought she needed it, then she should do it. It’s not like this mare could be a threat to her, so she shouldn’t need to be so anxious about being alone with her and not the Alpha. So why didn’t that idea help her? The unicorn gave her a smile, which Ashwyn awkwardly returned.

After a few more hesitant moments she took a step outside and closed the door behind her.


As soon as the door closed, Aurick pumped a fist in cheer. He made a mental note to treat Rarity to dinner for the wonderful timing of her request. He waited for some time, to make sure they were far enough away before he exited the house and headed into town.

A grin was plastered on his face as he thought of what face Ashwyn would make when she got home.


The mare, who had come to be known as Rarity, pointed out the spa as they approached. On top of that, she pointed out another mare. A buttery yellow pegasus with a long pink mane. Her tail was even longer, enough so that it was dragging across the ground. Ashwyn couldn’t imagine the trouble she must go through cleaning it every day.

She was surprised to find that she recognized the scent of her. She was the mare that hid all the animals from her when she was in the forest. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of anger towards the mare, but she kept it inside. Even the Alpha had helped hide them from her. Besides, it all worked out in the end.

The mare in question looked up at their approach, and visibly shrunk at the sight of Ashwyn. The scowl reappeared on her face and she couldn’t help but look at Rarity with a look of ‘I told you so’.

“She’s a shy mare.” Rarity explained. “I assure you it has nothing to do with your appearance.”

Ashwyn rolled her eyes, clearly untrusting of the statement. Despite that, she didn’t say anything. If things fell apart, she would just go back home to the Alpha. It wasn’t like they could stop her.

“Hello, Fluttershy.” Rarity greeted the yellow mare as they got closer.

“Oh, um, hi Rarity.” She responded in a quiet voice. Even Ashwyn’s sharper hearing had a hard time hearing her over the sound of the other ponies on the street. Her gaze shifted towards Ashwyn, her mane shifting to partially obscure her features.

“Fluttershy, this is Ashwyn.” Rarity stated, answering the pony’s silent question. Fluttershy’s eyes widened at the name, shifting down to look at the thestrals paws for only a moment. “I invited her to join us today. She seemed like she needed it.”

“Nice to meet you.” The yellow pony gave her a small smile, but Ashwyn couldn’t see any trace of falsity in it.

“Er… same.” Ashwyn wasn’t used to exchanging pleasantries, and it showed in her response. Luckily, neither pony commented on the awkward way she said it. That didn’t stop the awkwardness from continuing, however, as the trio devolved into silence for a short couple moments.

“Well,” Rarity was the one to break the silence, her hooves clacking together to get their attention, “let’s go in, shall we?” No complaints came from either of the other two mares, so they made their way into the establishment they stood in front of.

Their entry was paired with the jingle of a bell that was above the door. The sound quickly alerted one of the workers, as a sound of hooves could be heard from further into the building. It was only a brief moment before a pink pony with a blue mane stepped into the front room, a smile on her face.

“Ah, Rarity, Fluttershy. So wonderful to see you again.” The mare said in a prench accent. “And I see that you brought someone new!”

“It’s always lovely to see you too, Aloe.” Rarity said with a smile, stepping forward to give the spa pony a friendly hug. “And this is Ashwyn.” She gestured with a hoof towards the white mutant before whispering something in Aloe’s ear. The pony subtly nodded before smiling at Ashwyn.

“So you’re the mysterious mare I’ve heard so much about.” The pink earth pony commented, her face betraying no sign of fear. “Me and my sister have been meaning to go get something enchanted, but we haven’t had the time.” Ashwyn didn’t know how to respond to that, so she simply nodded. “Well, then. Let’s get you started, shall we?”


Ashwyn’s face flushed as she sat down in the spa bath. It wasn’t nearly the same thing as sharing a personal bath, but it was still a weird experience. Especially when it brought up certain memories and images in her mind. Thankfully Rarity pulled her mind out of the proverbial gutter.

“So, darling, I must ask.” She started with a smirk on her face. “When did you two happen?” Fluttershy seemed confused, as was Ashwyn.

“Happen?” She asked in return, her head tilting slightly.

“You and Aurick!” Rarity broke out into a big grin as her eyes locked with Ashwyn’s. Ashwyn was glad that her face was already red, because if she wasn’t blushing before, she would have been now. “I’m not oblivious to these types of things, you know.”

“Is… two weeks, now.” She said after a moment, unable to meet Rarity’s gaze. She may not know Rarity or Fluttershy very well, but she had been looking for someone to talk to about her feelings for some time now. Twilight couldn’t have been the one for obvious reasons, but maybe they could be. They were nice enough, and she had to admit that the spa treatment had helped relax her far more than she had anticipated.

“Oh, that’s wonderful, darling. I thought he seemed a little lonely. It’s nice to see that has changed.” Fluttershy nodded along with Rarity’s words, a calm smile on her face. It hadn’t taken long for the shy mare to get used to Ashwyn’s presence, and once she did, Ashwyn saw no traces of fear in her actions.

“You’re eating better now, right?” Fluttershy spoke up after a few moments passed.

“Yes. Alpha feed me. I try to make food, but… is bad idea.”

“That’s good. I heard you were starving before…” Fluttershy started before trailing off and looking away. Ashwyn similarly frowned at the unpleasant memories.

“Was hard. No find food, and no eat pony. No matter what instinct say.” The other two looked disgusted at the words, but Ashwyn didn’t notice, as she was looking down. “I pass out, think I dead. Then I wake up in Alpha’s house.” She looked back up with a small smile. “He heal me. He help me.”

“Is that why you call him Alpha?” Rarity asked, her expression betraying her curiosity.

“He is Alpha because he is Alpha.” She stated simply. This, of course, didn’t please the mare, but she didn’t comment any further.

Eventually the conversation steered away from Ashwyn. A fact that she was happy about. She may want to talk to someone, but she didn’t want to talk too much to these mares. Not yet anyways. She didn’t even know if she’d even see them again after they seperated.

Ashwyn didn’t speak as much after that, though she would comment occasionally. At some point, however, the spa pony, Aloe, returned.

“Ashwyn, if you’d come with me?” She asked, gesturing with a hoof to go with her. Glancing towards the other two, she was met with a nod from Rarity.

“Go on.” A little unsure, she stepped out of the water. A towel was floated over to her by Rarity and she gave her a nod of appreciation before following the pink mare. After she was brought to a different room, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Why am seperate?” Aloe simply smiled at her.

“Rarity purchased the Princess Package for you today.” She said happily. “Something about sending you home to your stallion looking better than ever?”

Ashwyn couldn’t help the blush that came over her, but despite it, she eagerly allowed the spa pony to work her magic.


Ashwyn landed at the door as lightly as she could. Her wings folding to her sides as she reached up to open the door. Her claws glistened in the light as it was lifted, and she couldn’t help but smile as she walked inside.

“Ash?” She heard the Alpha ask from the couch. He turned to look at her and promptly froze in place. His jaw hung agape, and she could practically feel his eyes take in her new look. A blush returned to her face as she approached him, her smile widening on her face as she did so.

“Is good?” She asked once she got close.

The Alpha blinked at her for a moment. “Good? Ash, you look great!” He exclaimed, her smile mirroring on his face. Her heart swelled at the compliment. She had hoped that what Aloe had done was good, but she was never a good judge of fashion, so she couldn’t tell. She was trusting the mare to know what she was doing, and it seemed that she did. “Oh! I almost forgot!” The Alpha suddenly said, getting up off the couch and gesturing towards the stairs. “I got a surprise for you.”

A surprise? Did the Alpha plan this? Or perhaps he took advantage of the opportunity? Either way, Ashwyn was swift to follow him up the stairs, finding that she was being led to their bedroom. Opening the door, the Alpha pointed to a corner of the room that was previously unoccupied. What now resided there was enough that Ashwyn fell to her rump.

Sitting in the corner, as though it had been there all along, was a writing desk. Not just any writing desk, though, but her writing desk. The desk that had so many memories, both good and bad. The desk she had used for the past twelve years. That Inkheart used, rather. That didn’t matter at this point, though. Inkheart’s or not, it was still hers.

Looking up, the Alpha had a massive grin on his face. She just couldn’t help it. Her wings flared as she lifted off the ground. His eyes widened at the sudden movement, but he couldn’t stop her.

Even as she planted her lips to his.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Venerable Ro for making suggestions in the last chapter. They helped quite a bit.

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