• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Golden Oak Library:

Inside the floor, walls and ceiling were made of the same wood, basically the middle part of the library had been taken out, but it actually looked really nice, the walls were basically bookshelves and had two doors, besides from the main door and in the middle of the room was a table with a kind of horse head statue.

I followed Spike up the stairs to what looked to be a more residential area, that included a small staircase that led up to what I guess was a bedroom, as I could see something that looked like a bed and just like downstairs, there was even more bookshelves filled with books, there was also some flowers, a table, a telescope and the walls had some vines marked into the wood and a sun carved into the ceiling.

Twilight then came out of a door that I only just noticed and said cheerfully ‘’You’re back, come see your room.‘’

I walked towards her and inside the room on the right and left side were more bookshelves with some of the books was definitely for a younger audience, as some of the titles implied, the few I could see was ’What is 1+1?’, ‘What Is Magic’ and ‘Make Your First Light’, else there was a five step stairs that lead to a double glass door, maybe to one of the balconies, that could be awesome, else there was room for a bed with it’s long side towards the outerwall, but else there was not really more to it, so I ask ‘’This is my room?‘’

‘’Yes, do you like it?‘’ Twilight asked as she smiled.

‘’I do, thank you Twilight.‘’ I said, it was a downgrade from my property in my world and the room in Canterlot, but it was fine.

‘’Your welcome little sis.‘’ She walked over to a section of the carved in shelf and levitated three books out of the shelf and said ‘’Spike, would you like to make us some tea?‘’

‘’You can count on me.‘’ He said before he left the room and left me alone with Twilight.

She then came over to me with the three books in her magic and said ‘’These books are great beginner books, both in magic and in Equestria’s history and our culture. But put that aside, since you are going to live here, there will be a few rules.‘’

‘’Okay, what kinds of rules?‘’ I asked, as I thought ‘Great, rules.

‘’Hmm… Let's say after I put you to bed and you are still staying up or just going outside without permission, then I’ll have to ground you or something that will fit the rule you broke.‘’ Twilight said with a serious voice.

Confused and a little upset I asked ‘’But why? You know as well as I, that I’m not a child.‘’

She sighed before she said ‘’Yes, but from this day on you have always been a pony and you are a filly.‘’

More calm I then asked ‘’Is it so no one else finds out, that I’m not from this world?‘’

Twilight nodded slowly as she said ‘’It is.‘’

But as I thought back on what she said about a bedtime, I nervously asked ‘’Wait, are you also saying that I have a bedtime?‘’

‘’Yes, for the moment your bedtime is between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm.‘’

Great, like a child, I have a bedtime.’ But thinking back to the rules I wondered before asking ‘’Will I still get grounded, even if no other pony knew I broke a rule?‘’

‘’Yes. Since you are a filly, you will get the same treatment as any other filly, and if not by me, then by other ponies, ponies that doesn't know the truth.‘’ But hearing that I looked down, saddened as I would now be treated like a child, even when I was ‘home’.

Twilight noticed and said ‘’Hey… don’t worry, it won’t be as bad as it sounds, because if you break a rule, it will be in the context that you are a filly.‘’

As Twilight left the room she said ‘’Just let me know if you want to talk about anything, since this must be a big change for you. But for now I will get out off your mane.‘’ After she left I just stood still in the middle of what was now my new bedroom, I had gone from being a new rich adult to now I’m basically a pony little girl, but It’s always something she didn’t say anything about school, if they even have school.

After a few minutes of pondering about my temporary life, I looked around the room and saw that there was no bed in here and remembered that the bed would first arrive tomorrow or the day after that, I then walked back out to the living room and down the stairs and found Twilight as she read a book, she looked at me before I said ‘’About the room, I forgot to say that the bed could first arrive either tomorrow or the day after that.‘’

Twilight thought for a minute before she said ‘’Well in that case, you’ll have to sleep with me until then.‘’

Surprised, I asked ‘’Really?‘’

She just smiled and said ‘’Of course, I don’t want my foal sister to get a cold.‘’ As she said ‘Foal sister’ I could feel that I’m not yet comfortable about that, but before I could walk away, she said ‘’I’m sorry Star, it’s only to help you to get used to it.‘’

So instead of getting angry, I said ‘’It’s okay, as I said, I have to get used to it.‘’ I went back to my room and took one of the books Twilight gave me ‘Equestria’s History Vol. 1: For Fillies & Colts.’ But thought ‘A children's book, greaaaat.’ I looked inside and saw it was a more simple version, as it also looked to be very sparing on the details and with many pictures, as most kids books.

It must have been a few hours until Spike knocked on the door and said that dinner was ready, out in the living room Twilight sat and drank some sort of soup, I walked over to the 3. bowl and smelled it, the smell wasn’t bad, it was carrot soup, but since I had never tasted it before I hesitated, Twilight obviously noticed before she asked ‘’Star, is everything alright?‘’

‘’Yeah, I'm just not hungry.‘’ I said as I felt my stomach was full.

She levitated an apple over to me and said ‘’Well, at least see if you can eat an apple.‘’ As I didn’t want a discussion on the first night, I sighed and ate the apple.

When I was done I got permission to leave the table and I went back to my room and out onto my balcony.

I lay down and looked at the sun as it disappeared over the horizon as I thought about my family and why I was forced into this world, was it just some kind of a sick joke or what.

After what I just thought of as a couple of minutes, Twilight’s voice called ‘’Star, it’s time for bed!‘’

I walked back inside, closed the door to the balcony and went into the living room where I asked ‘’Is it already time for bed?‘’

Twilight nodded as she said ‘’Well almost, you need to brush your teeth first.‘’ I then noticed the clock and sure enough it was about 8:15 pm, I followed Twilight to the bathroom and she even had a toothbrush for me, nothing unusual as many would have toothbrushes for guests.

It was extremely difficult to brush my teeth, as the only thing I could use to hold it with was my hooves, so in the end Twilight brushed my teeth instead.

When I was done, we went to her bed and when she was comfortable, she gestured to me to lay next to her, but at the foot of the bed I jumped, but I couldn’t get up, I tried again and again before Twilight levitated me up onto the bed next to her.

After I had gotten comfortable Twilight asked ‘’Hey Star?‘’

‘’Yeah?‘’ I asked, still annoyed that I had to go to sleep, I wasn’t even tired.

‘’Would you like to hear a bedtime story?‘’ Twilight asked.

‘’What kind of a story?‘’ I asked.

As she levitated a green book over to us, she said ‘’The book is called Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone, it’s the first book in the series and I have all of them. What do you say?‘’ I nodded and as she began to read, her heartbeat was calm, almost hypnotic and for some reason, I fell more and more sleepy, until I fell completely asleep.

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