• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 9,578 Views, 599 Comments

Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Day 14: Eating time:

I woke up to a distanced buzzing and a familiar chew, I open my eyes, but saw nothing, the sound must then come from the living room, as I stood up in my bed I felt the bunny ear again and as took it out, it felt wired, I almost forgot about it, but as I wanted to throw it, I couldn’t force myself to do it, so I lay her on my bed and took the covers up as I thought ‘Whatever is making me care for this plush, it’s becoming stronger.

After I had placed the plush on my bed, I jumped down and went for the door. As I opened the door, I saw countless of the cute creatures as they messed up the library, dropped books to the ground as Spike yelled ‘’Oh no! They’re messing up all my hard work!‘’

As the creatures continued to mess up the library, Twilight became more concerned as she said ‘’The Princess will be here in a few hours!‘’ Twilight saw me and called ‘’Star, quick! Close your door before they can get into your room!‘’ I nodded and closed my door.

After Twilight had gotten a few creatures to drop the things they carried, I asked ‘’What’s going on?!‘’

‘’I don’t know, but help me to round them up.‘’ I nodded before she continued ‘’Spike, you too!‘’

Spike was way ahead and had already a full basket of them collected, I grabbed a saddlebag with my teeth and ran over to him as he said ‘’What does it… Look like I’m… Doing?‘’ As Spike was about to fall on his tail, I quickly got behind him and as he leaned on me, we opened the saddlebag and Spike poured them in and as the one bag was full Spike closed it.

We continued to fill the other bag and as most of the creatures were now captured, Twilight ran into my room and quickly got back out again with my saddlebag, we filled my saddlebag as well and after a few minutes both saddlebags were full, but the library was a mess, so Twilight said ‘’Spike, you stay and clean. Star, we’re going to Fluttershy’s, she’ll know what to do.‘’ We both agreed and after we got the saddlebags on, we ran out and towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

As we ran we saw Rarity on the same direction as we were, towards Fluttershy, we stopped and Rarity noticed our bags as they vibrated as she said ‘’I see we’re having the same problem.‘’

I then heard the voice of Rainbow as she yelled ‘’Ditto!‘’ As she came by, she shook herself free of the creatures and flew off again, but her creatures were in pursuit.

After Rainbow was gone, Twilight said ‘’Fluttershy knows everything about animals.‘’ Before she ran and I ran after her as Twilight continued ‘’ I’m sure she can tell us how to stop them from multiplying.‘’

We ran as fast as I could follow, until we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage.

In front of Fluttershy’s door, I stood next to Twilight and in front of Rarity, but as Twilight was about to knock on the door, the door flew open and Twilight turned around, leg on my side and pulled me behind her, as a swarm of the creatures flew out, Twilight got up and said ‘’You okay Star?.‘’ I nodded and Twilight got up.

As Rainbow came down, we all walked inside, as Twilight called out ‘’Do something Fluttershy! Can’t you control them?‘’

But as I saw her home, it was full of the creatures so I got an idea of what her answer was, before Fluttershy responded ‘’I’ve tried everything I know. I’ve tried begging and pleading and beseeching and asking politely and --‘’ But she was interrupted as she was being chased by a creature that held a pot, the creatures that Twilight, Rarity and I had with us then got out of our saddlebags and joined Fluttershy’s creatures.

We took our saddlebags off and walked back outside and as the creatures flew around, I asked ‘’Um… Big sis? What are we going to do?‘’ She didn’t respond, I looked up at her and saw that she stared out into nothing.

As I tried to get Twilight’s attention, I waved my hoof in front of her, that got her out as she said ‘’Huh? We need to get them under control before the Princess arrives or it’ll be a total disaster!‘’

As I thought about how to stop them I looked towards Rarity and a yellow creature puked up a brown ball that turned into a creature, I then realized I had played with puke, ‘They’re puke,’ as Rarity shared my dismay while she uttered ‘’Ew! I you ask me, it’s already a total disaster.‘’

But as the creatures nuzzled each other, they did look rather cute, even though they were disgusting, so I asked ‘’But why do they multiply? Maybe if we find out how, then we can stop the cause and maybe reverse it, or at least not have thousands of them flying around.‘’ Twilight nodded while she looked around.

‘’Here’s all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy, but I still can’t figure out why you need so many.‘’ Applejack said as she came into view with a wagon full of apples.

A dozen of the creatures landed on her applecart and ate them all in a second, as I saw them fly away I noticed that they all puked and made another creature and I thought ‘They multiplied by eating?’ Before I called ‘’Twilight, when they eat, then they multiply.‘’

But as I looked at Twilight’s face, she didn’t look like she had any idea on what to do before Fluttershy asked ‘’What do we do?‘’

Twilight face lit up as she gasped ‘’I got it! Nopony can heard like Applejack and as Star said, we need to get them away from our food.‘’

‘’Yeah! We can drive them back to the forest!‘’ Rainbow added.

Applejack came over to us as she said ‘’I’ll rassle them up, but I’ll need everypony’s help to do it. Twilight, you and Rarity wait over there. I’ll heard the little critters straight at you like a funnel. Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of them. Don’t let them fly away.‘’

‘’Aye, aye!‘’ Rainbow saluted and flew away with Fluttershy.

Applejack turned to me and said ‘’Star, you’ll be at the back with me and let me know if you see any of them critters trying to escape, think can you do that?‘’

I nodded and said ‘’You can count on me AJ.‘’

She pranced as she cheered ‘’Yee-haw!‘’

We both ran and rounded up the creatures, more and more were gathered. As a few dozens of creatures was together AJ yelled ‘’Star, make sure they stay!‘’

‘’Will do!‘’ Before I ran around in circles and as the group got loose, I ran closer and got them back together. As Rainbow and Fluttershy pressed them down, Twilight, Rarity and AJ came to me with more and more creatures.

As I guessed, all the creatures were now gathered as AJ came over and called out ‘’All right, y’all. Here goes nothin’!‘’

We all ran, AJ and I in the back, Twilight and Rarity in front of us, with Twilight in front of me, while Rainbow and Fluttershy above us.

As we ran, it was unlike any speed, they ran fast and I struggled to keep up with them and as I fell a bit behind Fluttershy quickly flew to me, lifted me up and flew me back, where I again ran as fast as I could muster while Applejack called ‘’Look out, Rarity! That one’s fixin’ to get away! Keep a lid on them, Rainbow Dash! Hold on, girls! We’re almost there! It’s not much further Star, you can do it.‘’

Sweat dripped down my face as I ran, tongue out as I tried to breath. I ran so fast that I believed I saw Pinkie in front the pile, next to Twilight and with Rainbow out of her position a creature began to fly away from the ball and I increased my speed, got next to it and pressed it closer to the ball, slowly I got it closer and it rejoined the others and as I got back into my position, AJ said ‘’Forget her, ladies. Focus! Head them up and move them out!‘’

We ran further and further away from Ponyville and the running became more and more natural to me and my stamina was even better than I imagined, it was still difficult to keep up with the ponies, but not as difficult as in the beginning.

As AJ stopped, I continued, as I thought on how I could stop myself. As I ran, Twilight, who was still in front of me, stopped and I ran straight towards her, the gab closed and I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but instead she took me up and as my legs still ran as Twilight said ‘’It’s okay Star, you can relax now.‘’ I relaxed completely in my legs and as they stopped moving, I fell into Twilight hooves and relaxed, I heard as Twilight and Rarity giggled as I was taken on Twilight back as she said ‘’You rest now little sis, I’ll carry you.‘’

I could only nod in approval as Twilight walked over to AJ and said ‘’We did it! Nice work, Applejack.‘’

‘’Couldn’t have done it without y’all.‘’

‘’Now let’s get back and clean up the mess they made before the Princess arrives.‘’ As we walked back it was decided that I needed a bath before I went over to Rarity’s for my dress, Rainbow would help Fluttershy clean her home and AJ would help Rarity clean her boutique.

As we reached Fluttershy’s cottage Twilight, Rarity and I needed our saddlebags and as we crossed the bridge, Twilight said ‘’Okay. Everypony knows what to do, right? We gotta work extra hard to make up for lost time.‘’ Fluttershy flew over us and landed in front of her door and as she opened, dozens upon dozens of creatures flew out of her cottage, Twilight quickly got me off her back and again used her body to shield me from the creatures, when the swarm had passed she stood up and asked ‘’Where did they come from?!‘’

As I felt better now that I had rested, I got up and looked to Fluttershy as she said ‘’Well, I may have kept just one.‘’ Before she chuckled nervously, I didn’t need to see Twilight’s face to know that she wasn’t happy, maybe rather annoyed, but Fluttershy continued ‘’I couldn’t help myself. They’re just… So… Cute.‘’ As she cuddled a creature.

Twilight began to sound lost, said ‘’We don’t have time to keep rounding up these things! What do we do now?‘’

‘’If only they didn’t eat for a period of time, then it would be easier to gather them, at least they wouldn’t multiple.‘’ I said.

Twilight looked to think before Rainbow said ‘’Or, we call in the weather patrol!‘’

I looked at her, she had found some goggles and flew up as Twilight said ‘’Star, help me gather them, it will then be easier for Rainbow to collect them.‘’ I nodded and ran with her. As we ran around and tried to gather them, it worked for a bit before they split apart again, we simply couldn’t keep them together, so I walked to the bridge.

As I stood on the bridge to Fluttershy’s cottage, the wind picked up and a tornado came out of nowhere and only became bigger and bigger, as the wind became stronger and stronger, I felt myself as I got lighter. As gravity disappeared from me, Twilight ran to me and got on top of me and held me down with her body, but as the wind became stronger we both grabbed on a piece of wood that was stuck in the ground, as the wind became even stronger Twilight yelled ‘’Star! Hang on to me!‘’

I did as she said and asked ‘’What’s happening?! Where did that tornado come from?!‘’

‘’It’s Rainbow Dash! She’s collecting them!‘’

As the wind died down, Twilight removed herself from me and said ‘’Way to go, Rainbow Dash!‘’

I looked at the tornado, it only went after the creatures, was Rainbow really in that thing, I looked at Twilight and as she got her leg around me, embraced me as AJ said ‘’Looks like our problems are solved!‘’

I then heard a crash of some metal and Pinkie as she said ‘’They will be with these cymbals!‘’ A snap and the instruments were taken from Pinkie and swallowed by the tornado as she said ‘’Hey! Give those back!‘’

The tornado cracked as two shiny objects came out of the tornado and through a tree, while they cut it over and while in the tornado, Rainbow yelled ‘’I can’t hold it! She’s breaking up!‘’

Rainbow was thrown toward us and headed towards a tree. As I ran Twilight called for me, but I continued and ran to where Rainbow would fly, jumped at my best time and pushed her with my entire body away from the tree and as we fell to the ground Rainbow’s legs and wings surrounded me and we tumble to the ground and rolled, when we lay still Rainbow released me as I asked ‘’Rainbow, you okay?‘’

‘’I am, thanks Star, what about you?‘’

‘’I’m fine, I guess you took the fall.‘’ I gave her a smile.

Immediately two purple legs came around me and took me in as Twilight turned me around and looked me over as she asked ‘’Star, are you okay? Are you hurt?‘’

Only when she stopped looking me over I said ‘’I’m fine big sis, Rainbow protected me.‘’

As we looked towards the tornado, the last few creatures flew out and towards Ponyville as Twilight took me on her back and went over to Pinkie and now a bit mad and scared, scolded her ‘’Pinkie Pie, what have you done?!‘’

‘’I’ve lost a brand new pair of cymbals! That’s what I’ve done!‘’

As I was fine, I got down from Twilight’s back and Twilight, not noticing, scolded further ‘’Will you forget about your silly instruments for one second? You’re ruining our efforts to save Ponyville! And because of you instruments, Rainbow Dash could have gotten hurt and Star helping Rainbow could have gotten her hurt as well!‘’

‘’What?! Me?! Ruin?! I’m not the ruiner! I’m the ruinee! Or is it “Ruiness”? “Ruinette”?‘’ Pinkie responded before she got sidetracked and thought what to call herself.

‘’Come on, girls. There’s no reasonin’ with that one. She’s a few apples short of a bushel.‘’ Applejack commented.

As the ponies ran, I stayed behind as I saw the cut down tree, I said ‘’Pinkie? I think your instruments are over there.‘’ I pointed to where the tree had fallen.

Pinkie hugged me and said ‘’Thank you Star and don’t you worry I’ll safe us.‘’

Twilight then ran to us and said ‘’Star? Come on, we must get back to Ponyville.‘’

‘’But Twilight-‘’

‘’No buts Star.‘’ I was lifted onto Twilight’s back.

As Twilight ran back towards Ponyville, Pinkie yelled ‘’I’ll save us!‘’

We caught the others a bit outside of Ponyville as Twilight said ‘’Star, tell me next time you get off my back, okay?‘’

‘’I will big sis.‘’

‘’Thank you Star, you’re my responsibility, so I need to know where you are.‘’

As we ran into Ponyville centre, they stopped and Twilight sat me down in front of her, as I stood in front of Twilight, I saw that, now all the creatures had food and I guessed it wouldn’t be long until all the food was eaten and Fluttershy also concerned said ‘’What do we do? They’re eating all the food in town.‘’

Applejack gasped as she yelled ‘’My apples!‘’

Before she ran off and left us to find a solution as Twilight said ‘’We’ve got to do something.‘’ As a creature came over, Twilight gasped ‘’I got it! Star, you noticed that they multiply by eating food, so I’ll cast a spell to make them stop eating the food!‘’ Before anyone said anything Twilight did a spell that sendt magenta rings from her horn and out to all of Ponyville.

As her spell was done, all the creatures hovered in place, maybe unsure on what to to next, Twilight had just messed up their whole world view as I asked ‘’Did it work?‘’

I saw a creature as it sniffed a bucket with one apple in it, it looked to reject it, before it opened its mouth and ate the entire bucket and apple, but spat out the apple, my eyes wide, I couldn’t believe it, it didn’t eat the food, but everything else and around town, others followed as well, the Sugarcube Corner sign, tables and even walls were being devoured.

I looked at Twilight as Rainbow said annoyed ‘’Hey. It worked. They’re not eating the “food” anymore.‘’ As I looked around, I knew we would still have food left, but now no homes or anything else really.

Rarity then realized what was going on as she yelled full of panic ‘’Oh, no! If they get inside my store… Everypony for herself!‘’ Before she ran off.

Now a bit lost of what we should do I asked ‘’Twilight, what- what do we do?‘’

‘’Um… I, um… Let’s get back to the library.‘’ I nodded and got on Twilight’s back as she ran to the library.

Back at the library we ran inside and books were being devoured, some places on the staircase were gone as well, but we would still be able to run upstairs, Spike then from under a basket yelled ‘’Help!‘’

As I looked around, they were not only creating a mess, but ate books and the words themselves and some even flew upstairs, they were everywhere and Twilight yelled in a bit of panic ‘’They’re eating the words! Star, stay here with Spike and I’ll be back in a few minutes.‘’

‘’Okay Twilight, we’ll try to get them outside, maybe that’ll help.‘’

‘’Good idea.‘’ Twilight said before she jumped up and grabbed a creature by its wing and ran outside.

As Spike was still under the basket, I said ‘’Spike, you know they don’t eat ponies or dragons, right?‘’

‘’Oh, right. What’s the plan?‘’

‘’I don’t know, but we have to get these things out of here. So open a window, throw them out and close it again, if we repeat for enough time, maybe we’ll be able to give Twilight some time.‘’ Spike saluted and went to work, but before I did anything, I was flooded with concern for my plush and ran straight for the stairs and ran upstairs. There were holes in the walls and my door was half gone, my heart beated faster and faster, I felt I could cry as I ran into my room.

Inside my room, most of my bed was gone and a creature was going for my plush, it opened its mouth and I lost it, as I ran to it, I yelled ‘’You! You pest! You do not hurt my bunny!‘’ Now in its face, I took my bunny to me and pressed the creature to the wall with my leg and whispered with a wish to kill it ‘’Hurt my bunny and I will make you a red spot on the wall.‘’ It looked me straight in the eyes and it had genuine fear. I wanted to kill it, to rip its wings off, make it suffer, but its eyes, they looked like mine from when I saw myself for the first time and fear overtook me as I let it go and hugged my bunny as tightly as I could while tears fell down.

As I heard myself sniff, I snapped myself out it and took my other saddlebag out and strapped it around me and placed my bunny in the right side, jumped down from my bed, I found the book I got from Princess Celestia and placed it in the left side, I went out on my balcony and saw Twilight, as she ran back into Ponyville.

As I heard music, I knew that Princess Celestia would only be seconds away now, but then I rethought, ‘Wait, who is playing music at this time?’ Then I saw Pinkie with several instruments, she was a one pony orchestra and I realized why the others warned me about her behavior. As I turned around, I needed to get and get the creatures out, but saw they moved with the music, they liked it and followed Pinkie.

I walked back into the living room and there were no more creatures, they had left though the windows, as I walked downstairs, Spike wrested with a few of them as I said ‘’Spike, let them go out.‘’

He did so and they flew out, after the music as Spike asked concerned ‘’What’s happening?‘’

‘’Pinkie Pie, she’s playing instruments, but I better go and help greet Princess Celestia.‘’

‘’Okay, have fun, I see what I can do in here.‘’

‘’You wanna come too?‘’

‘’Nahh, but you’ll need to run or you’ll be late.‘’ I did as he said and ran outside and ran to where the Princess would arrive, as I got closer to the location, the other five ponies were already there and as Princess Celestia’s golden flying carriage was about to land, I ran over to them and past Pinkie.

I ran to Twilight, she hugged me and together we all walked over to the Princess, but even though I had met her before, I still had butterflies in my stomach, I guess she was a Princess after all and that was why. We walked over to the Princess, but as I still didn’t know how to bow, I quickly placed myself behind Twilight, next to Fluttershy and as Twilight, Rarity and AJ bowed, I finally saw how and did the same, but I fell on my face, quickly I regained my composure as Princess Celestia said ‘’Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.‘’

‘’Hello, Princess.‘’

‘’So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.‘’ She locked eyes with me, I smiled the best I could as she continued ‘’It's lovely to see you too Star.‘’

A loud bang of cymbals came as Pinkie got closer and as Pinkie played her music, she walked past us as Twilight waked over to Princess Celestia and would maybe try to explain where these creatures came from ‘’So… How was the trip? Hit much traffic?‘’

Princess Celestia in minor shock gasped before she asked ‘’What is this?‘’ Chuckled a bit before she continued ‘’These creatures are adorable.‘’ As I heard a faint whisper from behind me, I still thought they looked adorable, but were annoying as hell, Princess Celestia continued as she said ‘’I’m terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.‘’

But the Princess looked a bit odd as she said parade ‘Did she know?

Twilight confused asked ‘’Parade?‘’ Before she rolled with it ‘’Oh, yes! The parade!‘’

‘’Unfortunately, that visit is going to wait for another time. I’m afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there’s been some sort of infestation.‘’

‘’An… Infestation?‘’

‘’Yes. A swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I’m sorry, Twilight, to have put you all through so much trouble.‘’

‘’Trouble?‘’ Twilight laughed a bit nervously as she continued ‘’What trouble?‘’

As the Princess went back on her carriage ‘’Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship personally?‘’

Did Princess Celestia just say, report of the magic of friendship? I looked at Twilight, as I hoped she knew what the Princess talked about. Twilight was as stunned as I was, as she asked ‘’My… Report?‘’

‘’Haven’t you learned anything about friendship?‘’

‘’Actually, I have. I’ve learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It’s a good idea to stop and listen to your friends opinions and perspectives.‘’ A loud crash from Pinkie interrupted Twilight but she continued ‘’Even when they don’t always seem to make sense.‘’

‘’I’m so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I’m very impressed with your friends, as well. It sounds like you’re all learning so much from each other.‘’

‘’Thank you, Princess.‘’ Twilight ended.

As the Princess turned her head to me, I only smiled nervously, had Princess Luna told her anything, if it was even Princess Luna, was she mad, what will she say ‘’Star Sparkle, I’m sorry we didn’t get a time to talk today, but as Twilight have informed me you’re going to Canterlot tomorrow, for a few days, I would like to see you one of those days, maybe the 16.?‘’ She levitated an envelope over to me, I took it with my hoof and she continued ‘’Just give the guards at the front of the castle this and they will lead you to me.‘’

‘’I will, thank you Princess.‘’ She gave the signal to her guards and they flew away, as Twilight’s aura placed the letter into the right side of my saddlebag and we walked towards Pinkie.

As we arrived at Pinkie’s location and the last of the creatures were going into the forest, Pinkie asked ‘’Hey, what happened to the Princess?‘’

‘’Emergency in Fillydelphia.‘’ Twilight responded.

‘’Some sort of… Infestation.‘’ Rainbow added.

‘’Oh, no! Have they got parasprites, too? Well-- Have tube, will travel.‘’ Pinkie asked as she played.

‘’I think the Princess can handle it.‘’ Twilight intervened.

‘’So you knew what those critters were all alone, huh, Pinkie Pie?‘’ Applejack asked.

‘’Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tired to tell you and only Star would even listen to me.‘’ Pinkie said as she gave me a smile.

‘’We know, Pinkie Pie,‘’ Twilight apologize ‘’and we’re sorry we didn’t listen.‘’ They others apologized too, but left me to not know what to say, but Twilight continued ‘’You’re a great friend, even if we don’t always understand you.‘’

‘’Thanks, guys. You’re all great friends, too, even when I don’t understand me.‘’ Pinkie said as she made me question her sanity a little bit, but whatever.

‘’You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia.‘’ Twilight said ‘’And more importantly, you saved Ponyville.‘’

‘’You do remember that the parasprites had a long time to eat Ponyville, right?‘’ I asked.

‘’I’m sure it’s not that bad, but we better check.‘’ Twilight said.

Before I walked I looked at Pinkie and said ‘’Pinkie, I’m sorry too.‘’

‘’For what, silly? You believed me.‘’

‘’But I didn’t help you.‘’

‘’That doesn't matter, it still helped that you believed me, even if I was a little bit vague.‘’ She laughed as she took me up into a hug.

Immediately I felt my saddlebag as it began to slide off me ‘It’s too loose,’ I looked down as the right bag opened and everything felt like it was going in slow motion ‘They can’t see her, it’s embarrassing! They can’t! They can’t! They can’t!’ I wrestled myself out of Pinkie’s hug and forced myself down over the tip of the bag as I felt my bunny head on my stomach.

As I lay on my bag the ponies looked at me and Pinkie worried asked ‘’Star, what’s wrong? You’re not hurt, are you?‘’

I felt my as it beat faster and faster while I said ‘’No, I’m fine Pinkie, I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine.‘’

Rainbow flew over and said ‘’You don’t look fine. Are you sure? Here, let me help you up.‘’

As her hooves held my sides and was about to lift me I yelled ‘’No!‘’ Rainbow released me and I continued as I said ‘’I’m fine, I um…‘’ I looked around and the forest was close. Inside the forest they wouldn't see her ‘I will not allow them, no matter what,’ I took my saddlebag and pressed myself towards the forest, as I made sure they couldn’t see her.

As I tried to push myself into the forest, Twilight came over and sat between me and the others and got her head down ‘’Star, tell me? Please, what’s wrong?‘’ I couldn’t answer her and as I pushed again, I stumbled and as my bunny head was out in the open, Twilight used her tail and covered her and said ‘’Don’t worry girls, we’ll meet you back in town.‘’
As I tried to get back on top of my plush, the ponies walked away and Twilight turned around and sat next to my saddlebag and asked ‘’Is it because you didn’t want the girls to see your plush?‘’ I nodded weakly, I felt ashamed, I shouldn't like plushies, not this much. Twilight used her magic and took out my plush and asked shocked ‘’You really like it?‘’

I jumped to grab her and landed on Twilight’s stomach, still embracing her, I nodded and said ‘’I, I can’t let her go or get hurt. I- I can’t control it.‘’ I began to tear up and sniffed as I played with the thought to let her go, but I only held her closer.

Twilight hugged me as she asked ‘’Does she have a name yet?‘’

I shook my head before I said ‘’No Twilight, only babies give their plushies names.‘’

‘’Huh… Baby? You mean foal?‘’

‘’Yes and I’m not a foal.‘’

‘’I know Star. But is it you or is it something else that makes you like your plushie.‘’

‘’I don’t know… But I don’t want others to find out that I even have one, they don’t need to know.‘’

‘’That’s fair and I won’t tell the others, if you don’t want me to, but we still need to find out what is going on, as I said hopefully Princess Celestia knows.‘’ I smiled and after I got my plush back in my bag, Twilight got the saddlebag back on me and secured it, so it wouldn’t fall off again and we walked towards Ponyville.

As we walked Twilight said ‘’Star, do you know why I gave you the plush?‘’

‘’No, why?‘’

‘’Because after you would fall asleep, you always manage to find something to either hug or chew on. So I figured a plush could be a nice thing for both and when I saw this plush, I did believe you would like it, but I never thought you would care this much for it, I’m sorry.‘’

‘’Oh… Um… I see, just like a foal, but it okay, it’s not your fault.‘’

‘’Thanks you, it’s because of that spell and when you talk with Princess Celestia you must mention it to her, she’ll have an idea on what to do.‘’

‘’I will big sis.‘’ I answered as we met the rest of the girls on the outskirts of Ponyville.

As we were now together Rarity asked ‘’Darling, are you alright?‘’

‘’I am, sorry I was reacting a bit, weird before.‘’ I responded.

‘’Yeah, what was that all about?‘’ Rainbow asked.

Before I could say anything Twilight intervened ‘’Don’t worry girls, it’s something between Star and myself, but it's resolved for now.‘’

The girls nodded in approval, everyone but AJ as she said ‘’Aww sugarcube, you shouldn't’ be ashamed over telling us anything, we’re friends, but of course we understand that’s it’s difficult now, but you can always tell us when your ready.‘’ I only gave a nod of approval to show I heard her and after that was done, we walked into Ponyville.

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