• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 9,633 Views, 599 Comments

Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Another New Home:

We walked for a bit before we entered a dead end road and with a few houses, down the road there was a stone and wooden house with two floors, with a metal trash can that was outside, a front garden with a stone path that led to a wooden door and we walked inside.

Inside there was a staircase that led upstairs and just to it’s right was there a hallway that led to the back door. Next to the hallway there was an opening of which we walked through and into, what Velvet told me, was the living room, one with a fireplace with a few vases on it and many pictures on the walls, bookshelves, a couch with a few chairs and a coffee table.
Though another opening that could slide open and close, there was a dining table with six chairs and as I stood next to the table I looked to my left and saw the front door, in front of me there was another opening, one that could slide open and close as Velvet said ‘’Down to your left is the front door, to the right is the backdoor, straight ahead we have the kitchen, and if we go back to the front door, then we can go upstairs and show you, your bedroom.‘’ I nodded and we walked upstairs.

Upstairs to the right there was a hallway and of what I could see there was three doors, a door was in front of me and one to my left before Velvet said ‘’To your left is our bedroom, in front of you is the bathroom and your room is on the right.‘’

I followed them and my door was the one door on the left next to the bathroom, Twilight’s and Shining’s old rooms were on the right side, Twilight’s just next to the staircase, Velvet then opened my door.

As I looked inside, I saw that my room had a wooden floor, walls and ceiling, on the ceiling there was a nice lamp, on the left side there was two large bookshelves on both sides of a small table with quills, ink, pencils, crayons and papers, on the bookshelves there where all kinds of different books, some I recognized from Ponyville, while other books looked to be for a much younger audience.
On the right there was a bed with it’s short side and pillow towards the wall, a bit away from the outer wall. Towards the outer wall there was a glass door with a small space for me to stay on and I had a great view of the Canterlot Castle, it looked quite small from here.
Else there were different colors of carpets around including pink, magenta, sun golden and a full moon carpet, with multiple stars around it.

After I had looked for a few minutes Night Light asked ‘’What do you think sweetie, do you like it?‘’

‘’I do, it’s even bigger than my room in Ponyville.‘’

‘’Haha, Spike did tell us when he was here.‘’

‘’Wait, what?‘’ I asked

‘’Didn’t you know? Spike helped us decorate your room.‘’ Velvet said.

‘’I didn’t know, but I’ll have to thank him when I see him again.‘’

‘’We do also have another little thing for you.‘’

‘’Huh, more?‘’

‘’Hehe of course sweetie, it’s in your desk.‘’ Velvet said as she gestured to my desk.

I walked over to the desk and opened a drawer that had a pouch in it, I was a bit confused, but said ‘’Huh, um… Thanks?‘’

‘’Not only the pouch, but also these.‘’ Velvet said as she levitated several coins onto my desk, maybe twenty coins and continued ‘’Here’s fifty bits and every Friday you’ll get twenty-five bits in allowance.‘’

‘’Really? Is that a lot of money?‘’

‘’Maybe a bit more than the average filly and colt would get.‘’

‘’Are you sure it isn’t too much? I mean … You know.‘’ I said as I knew I would go back home one day and didn’t want them to spend too much money on me.

‘’Don’t worry sweetie, besides twenty-five bits isn’t that much, so you’ll still need to save so you can buy those things that are more expensive.‘’

‘’Oh, thanks.‘’

‘’You’re welcome sweetie. Now, we’ll leave you to get settled in, but if you’ll need us, we’ll be in the back garden.‘’ Velvet said before they then left the room and left the door a bit open.

I looked at the coins and I had ten 1’s bit’s, five 2’s bit’s and six 5’s bit’s and muttered ‘’Huh, fifty bits? At least I will be able to pay for myself now.‘’ I took my saddlebag off and laid my bunny on my bed and the letter from Princess Celestia on my desk alongside my quill and as I looked around for a wardrobe to put the dress in.

As I looked around I noticed that next to the bookshelves, on the right of my door, there was a wooden wardrobe and on the left on the door was a small display table, with room on top and inside it, to think that I would maybe be able to fill it was crazy to think. As I felt tears I stopped myself and placed the dress inside the wardrobe.

As I wanted to get my mind of everything I took my quill with my mouth and walked downstairs, lay the quill in the living room, on the coffee table, before I walked to the backdoor and saw Velvet next to the house with some flowers and Night Light a bit further away, at some bushes and asked ‘’It is okay if I practice levitation in the living room?‘’

‘’Of course sweetie, just let us know if you would like some help.‘’ Velvet responded

I smiled as I said ‘’I will.‘’ Before I walked back to the fireplace.

After some time had passed where I had lifted the quill up and down, left and right, I still struggled, it also didn’t help that I hadn’t seen it yet, but I was getting the hang of this levitation.
Now I wanted to lift something heavy, so I looked around and as I looked to the top of the fireplace, I locked eyes with a picture of Velvet, Night Light, a younger Twilight and Spike, together with a white stallion with a blue mane, one I believed to be Shining Armor and thought ‘A family picture,’ I just stared at it and I felt a bit out of place, this wasn’t my family, but one day I would go home to mine, I just knew it, I had to, I just had to make the best out of my time here.

Next to the picture there was a white vase with blue stripes, one that looked familiar and I wanted to look closer at the vase, I narrowed my eyes on the vase and felt my magic around it.
As I couldn’t see my pink aura yet, I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on the vase, its shape, weight, which was way more than my quill and as I held my breath, I used all of my energy and gently lifted my head, the vase rocked until silence, I still had it and I pulled it towards me and I felt it got easier and easier as each second went by.

As I felt it should be close to the ground, if not on the ground, I opened my eyes and the vase was still in the same height as before, but as my eyes were locked onto the aura, so beautiful, so fragile…

When my aura disappeared, the vase fell and shattered into a few big pieces that lay on the ground, as my heart beatet fast, my mind raced ‘No no no no no no no!!!! Did they hear? What do I do?’ I looked at the backdoor, but they didn’t come in or called for me ‘They didn’t hear, thank you.’ I left out a sigh of relief ‘I can’t let them see this, but how do I fix this?

As I thought back, I remembered the vase from the marketplace, where Velvet and Night Light talked to that pony, Fancy or something like that, but that didn’t matter ‘If I can find that shop again and replace the vase, Velvet and Night Light would never know and I wouldn’t have made a bad first impression, flawless.

I went to the kitchen and found a bucket and as I looked outside, I noticed Velvet was at Night Light’s side ‘Perfect timing,’ I took the bucket with my mouth and got back to the, broken into ten pieces, vase and used my hooves to get them into the bucket and made sure nothing was left behind. I took the filled bucket outside and poured the broken vase into the trash can and placed the bucked back to where I found it after I made sure nothing was left in it.

Time for the next phase.’ I got my head out of the back door and saw that they still stood a bit away from the house and I asked ‘’Is it okay if I go around in the neighborhood, just to get to know the area?‘’

‘’Of course sweetie, do you want us to show you around?‘’ Velvet asked.

As that would destroy my plans I said ‘’No it’s okay, I’ll go myself.‘’

‘’Well alright sweetie, if that’s what you want to do. But be sure to be back in one hour and don’t go to far.‘’

‘’I won't.‘’ I said before I walked back inside, took my quill and as I walked towards my room, I felt it wasn't a good plan, but I had to do it or else I knew Velvet and Night Light would be mad.

I got to my room, laid the quill on my desk, took all my fifty bits in my saddlebag’s right side and my plush on the left side, after I got the saddlebag strapped onto me, which took a few minutes, I walked downstairs and went outside and hoped to get to the marketplace and find the vase.

As I walked to the marketplace, it was relatively easy to remember as I made mental notes on how to get back again, as I saw homes that stood out and other things like that.
I got to the marketplace and to the fountain and that Fancy pony was nowhere in sight, so no one could tell on me. I looked around and saw the shop and they still had a few vases left, so nothing would stop me and I walked to the shop I saw its price, forty bit’s, was that even expensive, I only knew that I could afford it and nothing else mattered.

I walked inside and saw a mare behind the counter, she looked at me and asked ‘’Hello young filly, do you need the bathroom or do you need help finding your parents?‘’

‘’No thank you miss,‘’ I said a bit on the shy side ‘’I want to buy a vase, like the white one with the blue stripes, in your window display.‘’

‘’Certainly, but are you sure you have enough money, I have cheaper alternatives.‘’ The mare asked, even though she sounded entitled.

‘’I have enough and I want that vase.‘’ I said determined.

‘’Well okay then, forty bits.‘’ The mare said and as she levitated the vase over to the counter, I took my saddlebag off and opened the side with my money, I got all my six 5 bit’s up and laid them on the counter, but as I took up my five 2 bit’s, it was a bit tricky, but after a little struggle I lay them up on the counter too, but the mare said ‘’Perfect, only five more bits.‘’

I was surprised, I knew I had laid all the bits on the counter, but one of the 5 bit’s was gone, only five was left and I explained ‘’I knew I had put six 5 bit’s on the table.‘’

‘’Excuse me! Are you accusing me of stealing?!‘’

‘’What… N-no…‘’ I stuttered ‘’But knew I had place six 5 bit’s on the table, maybe one feel o-.‘’

‘’You know what, whatever, if you’re trying to swindle me out of five bits, then take your money and go and find your mommy and daddy.‘’

‘’No, I’m not trying to swindle you, but I-‘’

‘’Listen kid, give me five bits, take your vase and be on your way.‘’ So I got five 1 bit’s out and gave them to her, she then levitated the vase, in its box, into my saddlebag and I closed it, strapped it on me and walked outside.
Something felt wrong about all of this, maybe karma just hit me or maybe the 5 bit was still in my saddlebag and I didn’t notice, but I would find out when I’m back at the house.

The journey back was easy and when I was home I walked inside and sneaked to the backdoor, they were still in the garden and I walked to the fireplace and it didn’t look like they had been here. I got the vase out of my saddlebag and out of its box, got a chair and lifted the vase up with my hooves and after the vase was faced, the maybe, right way I got the chair back to its place, went to the backdoor and got my head out and called ‘’I’m back now!‘’

Velvet saw me, smiled and said ‘’Welcome back Star, did you have fun?‘’

‘’You could say that, I know how to get around here a bit more.‘’

‘’That’s lovely, but how did your levitation go, I forgot to ask before you went out.‘’

‘’Oh… Um… It went okay, but I still need more practice though.‘’

‘’All in it’s own time, but you’re definitely your big sister’s little sister.‘’

‘’Hehe thanks, but I’ll head to my room now.‘’

‘’To read?‘’ Velvet asked with as small grin ‘’You go right ahead, we’ll call when it’s time for dinner.‘’ I gave her a smile and as I walked to the stairs, I walked through the living room, took my saddlebag with my mouth and admired the vase.

Upstairs in my room, I placed my saddlebag next to my closet and saw that I only had five 1 bit’s left, but it didn’t matter, everything is well and as I looked through the book selection Spike got me, there were a lot of those Daring Do books, so I took the one called ‘The Quest For The Sapphire Stone’ which I remembered Twilight said was the first one in the series, so it made sense it was the first from the left and the others must be it’s sequels ‘Thanks Spike’ As I walked over to the glass door and my small balcony, I saw in the corner of my eye a strange book, it looked to be a book for a younger audience, the title ‘The adventures of Bunny Hop’ it looked familiar, could I had read it when I was a human child, maybe it was also in Twilight’s library ‘Odd.’ But it wasn’t important so I took my Daring Do book and read.

After a few hours of reading or levitation in my room, a knock came and Velvet stuck her head inside my room and said ‘’Dinner is ready.‘’

I smiled and walked with her downstairs, at the table Velvet lifted me up onto the elevated cushion and on my plate was a burger, it didn't look bad, nor did it smell bad, it smelled delicious and as I took a bite, It tasted really good, almost like meat ‘Wait… Have I been deprived of meat all this time, I didn’t even think ponies ate meat.’ So I opened the burger and saw hay, but mashed together like a beef and a bit shocked, I asked ‘’Is this hay?‘’

‘’It’s a hay burger.‘’ Night Light responded ‘’Have you never tried them in Ponyville?‘’

‘’No.‘’ I shook my head.

‘’Do you like it?‘’ Velvet asked and I took a big bite and felt my muzzle was completely covered in ketchup and bits of hay. Velvet leaned closer and levitated a napkin to my face, she cleaned my muzzle and when she was done, I continued to eat.

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