• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 9,578 Views, 599 Comments

Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Day 20: School & Hospital:

I slowly woke up as my muzzle was nuzzled, I peeked my eyes open and saw Twilight. I closed my eyes again and nuzzled back.

Twilight pulled her muzzle back as she said, ‘’Wakey wakey Star, it’s time to get up.‘’

‘’No…‘’ I mourned, ‘’More nuzzle.‘’

Twilight giggled before she said, ‘’Come on, it’s time to get up.‘’

I opened my eyes, I yawned and stretched out, ‘’Okay, I’m up.‘’ I said and sat up.

As I sat on the bed, I felt that my night protection was a bit thicker than yesterday and I removed the sheets and saw the truth, wet, and I covered my face with Flurry in shame and fell back onto my bed.

‘’Hey it’s okay,‘’ Twilight said as she stroke my mane, ‘’that’s why you have this on.‘’

‘’Can you take it off.‘’ I only responded.

‘’Of course.‘’ Twilight responded and soon it was off.

I lay Flurry back in bed, got my sheet up over her, kissed her cheek, and said ‘’Night night Flurry, see you after school.‘’ Twilight and I then walked out into the living room to a delicious breakfast.

As I ate my delicious breakfast Twilight said, ‘’So Star, do you remember when I’m coming to pick you up?‘’

‘’Umm,‘’ I said as I thought back to yesterday, ‘Something about recess maybe?’ Then guessed, ‘’at recess?‘’

‘’Yep, at your second recess, but I’ll tell Ms. Cheerilee when I walk you to school.‘’

I nodded, but as I also remembered I wanted a pajamas and asked, ‘’Are we going to find my pajamas after that?‘’ Twilight nodded and we continued eating our breakfast.

After Twilight and I had finished our breakfast, and as Spike still ate we walked to Twilight’s bed where she then brushed my mane, tail, and coat.

As Twilight brushed my mane I thought of if I wanted to hang with the ponies from school, but with a small feeling of magic, I decided I wanted to stay home and use magic, at least that way I would soon be able to levitate my quill and maybe be able to write soon.

That was at least what I told myself, but I was also a bit scared, I had five friends that weren't also Twilight friends, I mentally sighed. But I would end up doing something to make them hate me, just like I always did.

‘’Hey Star, what’s with the low ears?‘’ Twilight asked.

‘’Huh?‘’ I uttered in surprise as apparently, my ears moved with my mood, but as it was my problem I said, ‘’Oh, it's nothing.‘’

‘’Alright then, just tell me if you feel like it,‘’ Twilight said with a smile, ‘’and you're done.‘’ Twilight said before she nuzzled me for a moment and said, ‘’Now come on, it’s time for school.‘’

I smiled and we walked down to Spike who had made a lunch for me, One apple, with apple juice, a few strawberries, and one daisy sandwich.

‘’Thank you number one assistant,‘’ I said with a grin before a weird question came to my mind, was Spike my older or younger brother, so I looked at him and asked, ‘’So how old are you? I mean, umm, are you my big or little brother?‘’

‘’Well, if your birthday is on the 2. July, then I’m your little brother, mine is 17. September,‘’ Spike said.

‘’Oh, I’ve never been an older sibling before,‘’ I said, as I only had two older brothers and our oldest was our sister.

‘’Come on Star, or you’ll be late,‘’ Twilight insisted as she placed her head on my flank and led me towards the stairs.

As only my front hooves walked I called ‘’Bye Spike.‘’

‘’Byyyye- wait! You forgot your lunch-!‘’ Spike called, but was caught off as Twilight took the lunch, then me in her magic and walked down the stairs.

Downstairs, Twilight sat me down and we walked towards the schoolhouse.


As Twilight and I got to the schoolhouse, Ms. Cheerilee stood at the fence and greeted everypony.

As we walked over to her she said, ‘’Good morning Star and good morning Twilight.‘’

‘’Good morning Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ Twilight answered, ‘’I just wanted to let you know that at second recess I’m coming to pick up Star, she has an appointment at the hospital.‘’

‘’Oh dear, I hope it’s nothing too bad.‘’

‘’Oh no, we don’t think so, but best to be on the safe side.‘’

‘’I agree. But that would also mean Star would miss history.‘’

‘’Don’t worry Ms. Cheerilee, Star has done some studying at home.‘’

‘’Well that’s good, and that reminds me, Star?‘’ Ms. Cheerilee looked at me, ‘’Did you find anything in your math book you had some difficulty with?‘’

I laughed nervously as I sat down and played with my hooves before I sheepishly said, ‘’I- umm… I forgot. Sorry.‘’

Ms. Cheerilee giggled a bit before she said, ‘’It’s okay Star, everypony can forget.‘’

‘’Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ Twilight asked, ‘’would you have an opportunity to give notes to Star if she has homework?‘’

‘’Of course, many other students get homework notes.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee responded.

After the deal was made I would get the homework notes with me and Twilight would remind me to check out the math book after our busy day and only after everything was said and done, Twilight hugged me goodbye and left for the library we called home and left me at the schoolhouse.

A few seconds later, the bell rang and several ponies walked in and I followed, but as I did the CMC called my name I looked back and saw that they were on their way to school, but in front of me stood Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, before Diamond said, ‘’Good morning Star, are you coming in or what?‘’

‘’Uh, umm yeah, but I’ll just wait for the crusaders.‘’

‘’Huh?‘’ Diamond said and looked behind me, ‘’Well, they shouldn’t be late for school anyways,‘’ What she said was true and I didn’t want to be late in class again, so reluctantly, I walked into class and to my desk.

I got to my desk by the window, with Diamond Tiara in front of me and soon, Sweetie Belle was at my right and asked ‘’Hey Star-‘’

Ms. Cherrliee then cut of Sweetie Belle as she said ‘’Good morning my little ponies.‘’

The entire class called, like yesterday morning, but this time with me, ‘’Good morning Ms. Cherrliee!‘’

‘’I hope you're all ready for today, so let’s start with common reading.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee said and like yesterday one pony at a time read.

Time flew by, as pony after pony read, and after all were done we were told to read our own book, with no ‘chit-chat’ as Ms. Cheerilee called it.


Again time went by and the bell rang for recess. I took my lunch and went out with the fillies and colts, but stuck close to Sweetie Belle.

Out on the playground, we walked over to the benches from yesterday and I asked, ‘’What kept you girls this morning?‘’

‘’Well,‘’ Sweetie Belle said, ‘’somepony,‘’ referring towards Scootaloo, ‘’decided to not get up before we got there.‘’

‘’Hey, not fair, I was up late last night doing homework.‘’ Scootaloo said.

‘’Why didn’t you do that after school instead?‘’ I asked as it would seem the most logical.

‘’Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were trying to get our Cutie Marks.‘’

‘’Yeah,‘’ Sweetie Belle said, ‘’you want to join us as a fellow crusader today after school?‘’

‘’Actually, Star?‘’ I heard Diamond Tiara said behind me.

‘’Great,‘’ I heard Apple Bloom muttered sarcastically under her breath, ‘’those two.‘’

‘’We were planning to ask if you wanted to go out and get a milkshake after school.‘’ Diamond Tiara said.

‘’Only cause we asked her to do crusading,‘’ Apple Bloom said.

‘’What, no,‘’ Silver Spoon said, ‘’we were just asking, how could we know you asked her as well?‘’

‘’Well-‘’ Sweetie Belle said.

‘’Girls?‘’ I cut her off as I saw this was so unnecessary, as I would be picked up at second recess anyways, and then I would go home and do magic, ‘’Twilight picks me up in our second recess so I don’t know if I have time today.‘’

‘’Awww, what about tomorrow?‘’ Sweetie Belle asked.

I thought if Twilight had said anything about tomorrow, but nothing I remembered.

As the thought of lying and saying I couldn’t, I realized that I had friends now, friends that wanted to spend time with me and I was thinking of lying to them, ‘NO!’ I yelled in my head.
This time I would do it differently and said, ‘’Well, I don’t remember if Twilight has other plans. But it could be fun to do some crusading. I’m in.‘’

‘’Well that’s just great Star,‘’ Diamond Tiara said, ‘’and when are we going to hang out? We already have our Cutie Marks.‘’

‘’Well,‘’ I said not really knowing, why couldn’t they join us? And then it hit me, they had their Cutie Marks, they could help the crusaders so I asked, ‘’why don’t you two go with us? I mean, since you already have your Marks.‘’

‘’WHAT!!‘’ Not just the crusaders yelled, but Diamond and Silver too.

‘’You know what, on second thought-‘’ Silver Spoon started but was cut off.

‘’We didn't plan on drinking milkshakes all day,‘’ Diamond said after she interrupted Silver Spoon, ‘’we could pick you up today when you have time, around four pm perhaps? Then you could meet up with the b- the crusaders after that.‘’

As it sounded like, the crusaders and Diamond & Silver didn’t want to hang out together, and as I saw no other choice and asked, ‘’Crusader? Will that be okay?‘’

‘’Sure thing Star,‘’ Apple Bloom said, ‘’how ‘bout two hours before supper?‘’

‘’I don’t know when I get dinner,‘’ I said.

‘’If Twilight picks you up in next recess, we can ask her then.‘’ Sweetie Belle suggested.

‘’Deal,‘’ I said and as the bell rang, us six fillies went back to class.

Again it was math, which I was still bored in as the book was still too easy for me, so until the second recess, took much longer time than yesterday.


The bell rang once again and everypony prepared to get out of class, I packed my saddlebag as Ms. Cheerilee said ‘’Star, will you wait for a few minutes?‘’

‘’Yes Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ I answered, and after the last pony had gone outside I asked, ‘’Yes Ms. Cheerilee?‘’

‘’Here you go Star,‘’ Ms. Cheerilee said as she gave me a piece of paper and continued, ‘’here’s your homework till Friday.‘’

I looked at the paper and it only said ‘Find your math difficulty.’ I looked back at my teacher and said, ‘’I’ll try Ms. Cheerilee.‘’

‘’Very good, now have a nice day and good luck at the hospital.‘’

‘’Thank you,‘’ I called to her as I trotted outside.

Outside, I noticed Twilight, as she talked to the crusaders, properly about why I’m going and when we eat dinner. I walked over to them and said ‘’Hey Twily, I’m ready now,‘’

‘’You are really going to the hospital?‘’ Sweetie Belle asked in a worried voice.

‘’Don’t worry Sweetie Belle,‘’ Twilight said, ‘’It’s only a check up, to make sure Star is completely fine.‘’

‘’Oh, okay, then good luck Star,‘’ Sweetie Belle said.

‘’Thanks, but what were you talking about earlier?‘’ I asked.

‘’Oh, that,‘’ Scootaloo said, ‘’we just found out that you eat at seven pm. today.‘’

I looked at the crusaders, then Twilight, and asked with a smile, ‘’And we can meet when?‘’

‘’Around five-thirty,‘’ Apple Bloom said.

Twilight nodded as she said ‘’Indeed, but we got to get going or we’ll miss your appointment.‘’

‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I said with a smile and as we walked I called, ‘’See you later crusaders!‘’

As we walked I looked back at the schoolhouse, the views were just that of a fairytale, at least compared to Denmark. But as I looked I saw that the crusaders were talking to Diamond and Silver and it didn’t look good, it looked like they were in an argument, but as Twilight and I walked downhill, the schoolhouse and the fillies disappeared from view.


As we walked my thoughts went back to that encounter I saw, I wondered what happened, and if I would be forced to choose either the crusaders or Diamond and Silver. I mean, I had know Apple Bloom longer than the others, but that shouldn’t matter. The people I called friends in middle school, I hadn’t talked to any of those two in almost ten years, so it didn’t matter how long of a time I had known them.
Most likely this was just a waste of time and energy thinking about, and if I was forced to choose, I would choose those that didn’t want me to choose.


After a quiet walk, we arrived at the hospital, which looked just like a generic hospital, white, blocky, and with a giant red cross on the front.

We got inside and after Twilight had announced our arrival, we were told to wait a few minutes for our turn.

About thirty minutes later, the receptionist called ‘’Star Sparkle?!‘’

We got up and followed a pony with a white coat and a long light pink tail, and a pink mane which was sat up in a bun, and said, ‘’Welcome, my name is nurse Redheart, and you must be Star Sparkle?‘’

‘’I am, nice to meet you nurse Redheart,‘’

‘’Nice to meet you too, and if you’ll follow me, we can talk a bit more privately,‘’ the nurse said and as she turned around, I noticed that her Cutie Mark was a red cross, with four hearts spread about.

Why am I actively trying to look at other ponies flanks,’ I thought, but quickly ended my thoughts and buried them deep down.

Inside the office, I was asked way too many questions, like, was I in constant pain? No.

After many more questions, I told nurse Redheart what the Ponyville Spa told me, that my muscles were stressed, due to the two days with no memory I walked before I found Ponyville. But didn’t mention that I had another body at that time.

After many more questions nurse Redheart wanted to take an X-ray of me to see want my bones and muscles would show her.


After another thirty minutes, that was done and the nurse Redheart came into Twilight and I with a jar of something on her back, sat it down in front of me, and as she removed the lid she said, ‘’For being such a good filly with all my questions and the scan you get to choose two pieces, of either candy of toys.‘’

I looked into the jar and saw lollipops, other kinds of candy, alongside different kinds of toys, including a ball. In the end, I took the ball and a lollipop before I said ‘’Thank you nurse Redheart.‘’

‘’You’re quite welcome my little pony,‘’ She took the jar and said to Twilight, ‘’Doctor Horse will be in with you, when he has checked the scan.‘’

‘’Thank you nurse Redheart.‘’ Twilight said with a smile.

As Redheart left the room I asked, ‘’Twiliy, will you open my lollipop?‘’ She smiled and with her magic, Twilight took the wrap off and levitated it to my mouth, I took it and tasted it was licorice, it was good.

As we waited, I held my aura around my toy ball, as I tried to make it roll.

My aura disappeared as the door opened and a stallion came in and said ‘’Hello, my name’s doctor Horse and I have been looking over your scan Miss. Star Sparkle, and we’ll be able to give you fifty percent off, when you order a medium massage at the Ponyville Spa, we recommend twice a week, for five weeks, then come again in five weeks or earlier if something should begin to hurt. And give this paper to the Ponyville Spa so they’ll know.‘’

Twilight took the paper and asked, ‘’Was something wrong doctor?‘’

‘’I saw that Star had been through a lot of stress and pain, but there was nothing broken or even fractured, nothing to suspect a cause, so we’ll see if the massages can do anything, if not, then we’ll take it from there.‘’ The doctor responded.

‘’Thank you doctor Horse,‘’ I said and got my toy ball into my saddlebag and with Twilight we walked out into the hallway, said goodbye to the doctor, and on our way out we meet and said goodbye to nurse Redheart, but soon we were outside and the clean air filled my lungs.

‘’Were to now, big sis?‘’ I asked.

‘’Ponyville Spa, to pay in advance, so you won’t need bits with you.‘’

‘’Oh, okay, then what?‘’

‘’Then the toyshop to find you a pajamas, and then home.‘’

‘’Yay!‘’ I cheered.

Author's Note:

I'm back again and sorry for the long wait, had a little lack of motivation for writing, but I don't know when the next chapter will be out. :fluttercry:

Anyways, If somepony is willing to become a proofreader for my story, let me know in a private chat :twilightsheepish: It will however mean you'll get the story spoiled.

Most important of all, thank you so much for 78 likes, 233 comments total and over 200 views on the last chapter, it's insane.:pinkiecrazy: I never thought I would make something other people would enjoy :pinkiehappy:

Thank you so so much :yay::twilightsmile::rainbowwild::ajsmug::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

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