• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Princess Luna:

After Princess Celestia had placed me on my elevated cushion, she sat down next to me and the door opened with a bang as Princess Luna walked in as she announced ‘’Behold! The Princess of the night has arrived!‘’

‘’Good evening sister, have you slept well?‘’

‘’Indeed we have.‘’ Princess Luna locked eyes with me and said ‘’Our sister told us thou would be dining with us, so du tell if thou aren't satisfied with thou food.‘’

‘’I will, thanks.‘’ We gave each other a smile before she sat down on her cushion.

As our dinner came, I only thought of how different the two Princesses were, where Princess Celestia was calm and quiet as she spoke.
Princess Luna was, well, loud. But I’ve just met her, or maybe I had met her my dream before, or maybe that was just my mind.

I got my soup, the same as the Princesses and it smelled delicious, I took my spoon and Luna yelled so loud she could have undermined thunder ‘’Thou have served us cold soup!‘’ Princess Celestia’s wing came over me as my ears pressed into my head, as it didn’t worked I used my hooves and Princess Luna bowl was crushed as she stomped her hooves on the table, shook everything which was on the table and continued in the same voice ‘’We demand for another soup to be delivered or the dungeon is-‘’

‘’Sister, Luna. Please.‘’

In a normal tone Princess Luna said ‘’Yes dearest sister?‘’

‘’You don’t need to use the royal Canterlot voice. And nopony will go to the dungeons because of a cold soup. Ask calmly.‘’

I got out of the Princess’s wing and opened my ear again, not really sure on what just happened, other than a royal canterlot voice and a cold soup, I locked eyes with Princess Luna who widened her eyes as I must looked a bit scared, as Princess Luna said ‘’We apologize, please maid, may we have another soup, warm this time.‘’ Princess Celestia nodded and a maid came over and cleaned up after Princess Luna‘s mess.

Dinner continued where Princess Luna got her soup, of which she was satisfied with and Princess Celestia told her sister that I had accepted to open the grand galloping gala with her.

After dinner I asked ‘’Is it okay if I go back to my room now, I’m a bit exhausted.‘’

‘’Of course Star.‘’ Princess Celestia said before she spoke calmly ‘’Ms. Dawn?‘’

The door opened and ms. Dawn came in, bowed and said ‘’You asked for me your highness.‘’

‘’I did. Star?‘’ Princess Celestia said.

‘’Yes, I wish to go to my room now.‘’ I said.

‘’As you wish, follow me.‘’

‘’Thank you for the dinner Princesses. It was delicious.‘’

‘’I’ll make sure the chef knows.‘’ Princess Celestia said, I nodded and followed Ms. Dawn back to my room.

It was nice as I was back in my room, a bit of peace and quiet.

I took my saddlebag and got the book Princess Celestia gave me and looked it though and as she said, it was on how to make a simple firework and how I could make it move like I wanted to before it blew up like a normal circle firework, like in the my world. It looked to be a complicated spell, but if Princess Celestia believed in me, then I would try my best, so I opened my book and read.

Quite a while later I noticed that my room got darker and as I looked out I saw that the sun as it came down over the horizon. I closed my book, memorized that I was on page four and went out onto my balcony as I wanted to see the nice orange sunset that stood still on the horizon ‘New world, new rules.’ I thought as I remembered that Princess Celestia moved the sun across the sky and Princess Luna did the same with the moon.

As I lay, a voice of thunder came and I jumped high into the air ‘’Star Sparkle! we wish an audience with thou!‘’

It was definitely Princess Luna who hammered the door and used that voice, I had no idea if I should open the door, was she mad at me and then I remembered my dream, ‘What if that was actually this Princess Luna?’ My heart pounded faster and faster ‘Was I in trouble?’ Tears fell down before I called with a crack ‘’I’m sorry for what I thought!‘’

‘’What?! Why would thou say that?‘’

‘’You’re yelling at me!‘’ Tears fell out as I never liked when others were mad at me.

A moment of silence came before Princess Luna said ‘’Oh, we apologize. May we enter?‘’

Maybe I’m not in trouble, was the dream Luna, this Princess Luna or am I remembering wrong?’ I hesitated, but wiped my tears away and said ‘’... Yes.‘’

The door opened and Princess Luna walked in, closed the door and sat down ‘’We truly apologize, we have um… been away for some time, and much have changed in our absence.‘’

‘’Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t knew.‘’

‘’We thank thee for thou apology, that was however not why we came, we were hoping thou would like to see the moon to be raised by the Princess of the night.‘’

‘’Really? Thank you Princess Luna.‘’ I said with a smile.

Her wings spread out as she got on her hind legs as she yelled ‘’We told thou! Call! Us! Luna!‘’ The shockwave pushed me back and as I was afraid, I might have said something wrong again, I ran as fast as I could behind my bed and pulled my bed sheets over me and hid.

As I tried to hold back my tears, I heard two metal shoes hit the ground, as Princess Luna said ‘’Oh… Star? Sta-ar?‘’ As her hoofs steps came closer and closer, my tears fell faster and when a dark blue aura took the bed sheets off me, the Princess said ‘’We found thee, but our moon is soon to rise, so we must-‘’

We locked eyes and she took me in for an embrace, one so tight I felt my spine was about to break and uttered ‘’You’re… Hurting…‘’ But squeaked ‘’Meeeee.‘’

She sat me down before she said ‘’We apologize, again. The royal Canterlot voice is one of tradition and an habit, though it is one our sister does not use anymore, but thou does not need to cry nor fear us.‘’

‘’Sorry prince-‘’ She raised her left eyebrow and I corrected myself ‘’Sorry again, Luna, it’s these stupid child emotions, I can’t always control them.‘’ I said, I didn’t need to say that I had always been like this.

‘’Have thou talked with our sister about these, emotions thou cannot seem to control?‘’

‘’Yes, earlier today. But, according to Princess Celestia, if she tried to force them with magic that could risk me losing my memories.‘’

‘’Huh, we see, then that would be that. Though, if thou wishes, we will see ourselves out.‘’

‘’No. But if you use the voice again, I might cry again.‘’

‘’We will try not to.‘’

As I remembered why Luna was here I asked ‘’But umm? When should the moon go up?‘’ Luna’s eyes widened and a dark blue aura surrounded my entire body and Luna went for the glass door with me in her magic.

Out on the balcony, the sun was finally lowered beyond the horizon and as Luna’s horn glowed the moon came up from over the horizon, into the now, night sky.

Stars were as far as the eye could see, a few shooting stars flew over us and in all that wonder, I felt my mouth as it hung open.

I closed it and noticed Luna, as she looked at me with a truly warm smile before she asked ‘’Does thou like it?‘’

I nodded, smiled as I said ‘’It’s beautiful, I mean, I have seen the night sky before today, here in Equestria, but this it’s definitely the most beautiful one.‘’

‘’Do excuse our curiosity, though we would love to hear how thou world’s night is like.‘’

‘’Oh, the human world, well… I guess in some parts of my world there’s a similar looking night sky. But this, this is the most beautiful night sky, I’ve seen in my entire life.‘’

‘’We’re pleased to hear that, but it would seem thou body requires rest.‘’

‘’Huh, I’m aaaaa-‘’ My yawn interrupted me.

Luna took my up on her back and said ‘’Let us get thou to bed, although our sister have told us, that thou would require assistance to maintain thou dental work.‘’

‘’Oh, yeah, I forgot.‘’ Luna just smiled and we walked into the bathroom.

After a rough brushing of my teeth Luna brought me back into my room and I went for my saddlebag and took out Flurry and bit her right ear, but as I walked over to my bed, Luna asked ‘’Is this stuffed bunny thou plush?‘’

I nodded, still ashamed of it, but before I could say anything, Luna took me up and place me on the bed, where I released the ear and only hugged Flurry, but Luna’s aura took Flurry’s ear and placed it back in my mouth and said ‘’Thou shall sleep now, as our work is to begin.‘’

I yawned before I said ‘’Okay, goodnight Luna.‘’ I yawned again and slowly closed my eyes and I slowly fell asleep, with Flurry’s ear in my mouth.

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