• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Day 9: Look Before You Sleep:

I woke up as Twilight nuzzled and said ‘’It’s time to wake up Star.‘’

I nuzzled her back asking still half asleep ‘’Just five more minutes?‘’

She giggled before teasing ‘’Maybe five minutes earlier to bed?‘’

I quickly opened my eyes, yawned and said ‘’I’m awake now.‘’

‘’Hehe, come on, breakfast’s getting cold.‘’ Twilight said.

I followed her down to the table where Spike sat, alongside three plates of waffles.
As we ate I asked ‘’So… What’s happening today?‘’

Twilight swallowed and answered ‘’Spike is going to Canterlot for some royal business. However, the two of us are going to help the rest of Ponyville to prepare for the scheduled storm that’s coming tonight.‘’ I nodded as I ate and knew that at least Twilight was going to help as well.

After breakfast we walked Spike to the train station, we hugged each other goodbye and after his train departed Twilight and I walked away from the train station and into the townsquare and began to remove the branches and other things that could hurt ponies.

After a couple of hours, I was able to sit down and take yet another break, but this time I looked up and saw that a couple of pegasus moved the clouds to block out the sun.

As I looked to the sky, Twilight said ‘’Alright, we’re done here. Ready to go home?‘’ I continued to just stare at what the pegasus were doing, Twilight waved her hoof in front of me and snapped me out of my concentration as she asked ‘’Star? Is something wrong?‘’

I looked up again and asked ‘’Umm… You are seeing what I’m seeing, right?‘’

She looked up and asked ‘’About the pegasus and the clouds?‘’

I nodded and she said ‘’Let me explain as we walk home.‘’

I got up and followed Twilight as she lectured ‘’You see Star. The pegasus ponies are the once that control the weather, by making everything from different kinds of clouds to rainbows and even storms like the one we’re going to have today and tonight.‘’

‘’Oh, I guess it makes sense, seen as the sun and moon are controlled by the Princesses.‘’ I responded and we walked the rest of the way to the library.

Once inside the library the rain began and as I thought more about the lightning storm I asked ‘’Um… Twilight? Is a tree the best place to be in, when there is a lightning storm?‘’

‘’Don’t worry little sis, before you woke up I put on a magical lightning rod, it’ll protect us.‘’ She responded and I felt calm.

I looked out the window and saw lightning as it stroked down into the ground, the thunder surprised me so much that I found myself holding Twilight’s leg with all my legs.
She stroked my mane as she softly said ‘’It’s okay Star, I promise we’re safe.‘’ I felt the blood rush to my head as I let go of her leg and we both went upstairs, with me going into my room.

As there was nothing else to do, I closed my eyes and focused on my magic and tried to make my light again.
A short time later I felt the magic on the tip of my horn and slowly I opened my eyes, as I saw the light, I felt that I didn’t focus as much as yesterday and Twilight asked ‘’Can you feel it getting easier?‘’

As I kept my thoughts on the light I said ‘’Yeah, it’s more, easy, to hold my focus.‘’ Twilight horn glowed as she levitated a book over to me and I read the title out loud ‘’Levitation 101‘’ The surprise of the book caused me to lose my light before I said ‘’Really? Thank you Twilight.‘’

She smiled and said ‘’Your welcome Star and if you want to, you are welcome to read next to me and ‘when’ you feel that you are ready, you have my permission to try it out, but just remember what I taught you.‘’ I gave her a smile and a hug before I took the book and began to read.

Half a page in, I saw a flash followed by the sound of thunder and as I looked outside another lightning flashed and I saw the silhouette of two ponies, one was under a table and the other one stood in the wind, I looked closer and I recognized them both as Applejack and Rarity and then the thunder came.

I ran into the living room and as Twilight read, she broke her concentration, saw me and asked worried ‘’Is something wrong Star?‘’

‘’I’m pretty sure Applejack and Rarity are outside!‘’ I explained.

‘’What?!‘’ She asked surprised and ran down the stairs, I followed.

Down in the library part, Twilight went to the door and told me to stay at the bottom of the stairs, I did as she said and as Twilight opened the door, the wind blew in and Twilight called ‘’Applejack! Rarity!… Applejack! Rarity!‘’ I then heard some faint voices as Twilight called ‘’Come inside, girls, quick!‘’

Seconds after, Rarity ran in, but Applejack stopped just outside the door and surprisingly said ‘’Whoa, nellie. Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?‘’

But relaxed Twilight answered ‘’It is if you have a magical lighting rod protecting your home like we do. Come on in.‘’

With Rarity being at peace she said ‘’We are most grateful for your invitation.‘’

Before Applejack said ‘’Thank you kindly for your hospitality.‘’

But as she walked in, she was caught off by Rarity in the doorway, as she pointed towards Applejack’s hooves, which looked to have a lot of mud on them and Rarity gave Applejack an odd look as she said ‘’Uh, do be a polite houseguest and go wash up, please, won’t you.‘’ Applejack responded with a groan and muttered something under her breath as she walked back outside.

With the door closed Twilight was over with me and looked at Rarity as she said ‘’Some storm, huh? It was lucky that Star spotted the two of you out there, or else, who knows what might have happened.‘’ As Rarity walked over to us, Twilight continued ‘’The pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you and Applejack don't have any trouble getting home.‘’

‘’Why thank you Star and it may, indeed, be a problem.‘’ Rarity responded.

‘’Your welcome Rarity, Twilight…? Is it okay if I go to my room and continue my reading?‘’ I asked.

‘’Of course Star.‘’ She responded and as I walked up the stairs I heard Twilight say ‘’Well, you’re welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. It’s only Star and I that are home tonight.‘’ I came to my door and walked into my room and continued to read.

After I had read a few lines, there were knocks on my door and I said ‘’Come in.‘’

‘’Hey Star, do you want to join us for my very first slumber party?‘’ Twilight asked.

As I wanted to levitate stuff I said ‘’No thanks Twilight, you should be able to have fun with your friends without me.‘’

‘’Are you sure Star?‘’ She asked, clearly she wanted me to join.

‘’Yes I’m sure, go have fun with your friends.‘’ I said.

‘’Alright Star, you can join us at anytime you want.‘’ I nodded, she closed the door and I continued to read.

While I read I heard that the slumber party had been moved to the living room and Applejack and Rarity did not sound to have fun, something about ‘being plain rude’ and ‘fussy’, but as I didn’t want to interfere, I stayed out of it and continued to read.

After I had read the basics about levitation and had a better understanding about levitation I looked around my room for something light, like the book said, the lighter the thing was, the easier it would be to lift.

As the lightest thing in the room was my pillow, I opened my door as Twilight said ‘’Ooh! It says here we have to tell ghost stories.‘’ She looked at me and as she hoped to get me to join, Twilight said ‘’Star? Don’t worry, we can always come back to that if you want to join.‘’

‘’Um… No thanks Twilight, I was just wondering if I could have a quill or something very light.‘’ I said not wanting to get involved.

Twilight levitate a quill over to me and I took it with my mouth and as I walked back to my room Applejack said ‘’Hey thanks Star, I’ve heard if it wasn’t for you I reckon we still be out there.‘’

Quill in mouth, I said ‘’U welcom AJ.‘’ Back inside my room I closed the door and spat the quill out next to my book.

I re-read a bit more and as I felt ready to lift the quill and I felt for the magic inside, like with the light, but nothing happened. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and remembered what Twilight said ‘feel the magic, it’s you and you’re it’ feel. As I imagined the quill, I felt something on my horn and I felt the quill, it’s weight, it’s form, how it would be in the air. I opened my eyes, but as I saw a pink glow around the quill, it disappeared.

As I wanted to give up, the sound of thunder was heard and the room became completely dark, but as Twilight didn’t yell or call for me, I figured it was from their ghost story telling and to get the right atmosphere.

But as I didn’t want to turn on the room’s light, I wanted to try my own light and a bit of focus and it was on, the pink slowly grew in brightness until I wanted it to stop and it did like I wanted, but as I read, the light turned off. A bit annoyed at myself, I turned it back on and took the ‘Levitation 101’ to chapter 2 and began to read while I had a bit of awareness of the light and it worked.

While I read I saw lightning and thunder that followed and with me being completely in the book a thunder came and screams of horror from the living room followed and with my light still on.

I ran to the door and walked into the living room with the light being turned back on, Twilight said ‘’Ghost story -- Check.‘’ Saw me and asked ‘’Star?! Did you hear the story and got scared?‘’

‘’Huh? No I was just surprised when I heard some screaming.‘’ I answered

Before I could go back into my room Rarity said ‘’Oh my Star, I’m impressed that you have already learned how to make your light, have you also done the lightning.‘’ I nodded as I smiled at Twilight.

Applejack looked at my horn, then at Rarity and said ‘’I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a light.‘’

Rarity got offended and angry as she said ‘’Just, a light! Just a light! Making your light as a unicorn is a big deal! And if Star here have only been practicing for a couple of days, that means she’s gifted.‘’

Applejack looked annoyed at Rarity, but as she looked at me she looked ashamed as she then said ‘’I’m mighty sorry Star, I- I didn’t know.‘’

‘’It’s okay AJ, we all have to learn, I guess.‘’ I said as I tried to make her feel better and as she gave me a smile, I believed it worked.

Twilight then interrupted as she asked ‘’Now, who wants s’mores?‘’ She looked at me and admittedly I actually wanted one as well, so Twilight asked ‘’Star? Do you want s’mores?‘’

‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt.‘’ But after Applejack said that she would make me the perfect marshmallow and Rarity wanted to make the s'more perfectly for me, I accepted.

At the fireplace, that was on, Applejack warmed the marshmallows as Twilight went to find the other things that we needed and after everything ready, Twilight went back to the kitchen and Rarity got a plate and placed a square graham cracker on followed by a piece of chocolate and ending with the first marshmallow that was ready and then the final piece of graham cracker was put on and she gave me the plate as she said ‘’Voila, a perfect s’more.‘’

As the s’more was in front of me Twilight came back from the kitchen with something in her magic, but as she looked at the plate she asked ‘’Oooh, how did you make that, Rarity?‘’

‘’I’ll show you.‘’ Rarity answered and got another plate, meanwhile Twilight finally let me see what she held, a cookie, my cookie.

She then gave it to me and I first ate the s’more, Applejack and Rarity came over and both asked ‘’So… How does it taste?‘’

I gave a smile as it tastes really good, swallowed and said ‘’It’s perfect.‘’

‘’Your mighty welcome Star.‘’ Applejack said

‘’I do believe she was talking to me.‘’ Rarity insisted.

As I didn’t want them to argue again I asked ‘’Didn’t Twilight want to learn how to make a s’more?‘’ They then realized that Twilight was still here and I said ‘’Thanks for the s’more and the cookie, but I need to try my levitation again.‘’

A bit disappointed Twilight answered ‘’Oh, okay. Just come out again if you want to.‘’

‘’I will.‘’ I answered before walking to my room.

As I walked I as Rarity said ‘’First you place one square graham cracker in the middle of the plate…‘’ I closed my door and the voices became muffled before I ate my cookie.

After I had eaten my, well deserved, cookie, I wanted to see what my horn looked like when I used magic, I then went over to the glass door that lead to the balcony and as I looked into the glass, I saw my own reflection, with that confirmed, I went to take my quill and went back over to the glass door. I placed down the quill, I looked into the glass and saw myself and my horn ‘Perfect.

I closed my eyes and felt as the magic in me went to my horn and as I felt the quill, I tried to lift it, but as nothing felt different, but as I opened my right eye and as I looked into the reflection, I saw my horn as it glowed, like Twilight’s, but was all pink, it looked, beau-ti-ful, hyp-no--tic.

As I heard a door open to the outside I was pulled out of my trance and as I looked at my horn, the glow disappeared again.
Still confused at how long I had focused on my pink glow, I went to my book and looked at it, but there was nothing about the glow.

As I knew I needed Twilight, I walked out into the living room and saw Applejack in a really girly blue with pink dress-ish and Rarity completely soaked in water and hearing them dare each other ‘’... not to enter the next rodeo that comes to town!‘’ Rarity said.

‘’I dare you not to comb your mane a hundred times before bed!‘’ Applejack yelled.

‘’And I dare you to comb yours just once!‘’ Rarity yelled as the heat of their conversation went up

Twilight, who clearly sounded a bit uncomfortable suggested ‘’I, uh… I think we should check off truth or dare and move on.‘’ As she turned round she locked eyes with me and asked ‘’Star?! How long have you been standing there?‘’

‘’A few seconds… Something weird happened before, it was like I was hypnotized by my horn.‘’ I said as I believed Twilight would work it out if she had any trouble.

Twilight thought for a bit before she said ‘’Oh, yeah. That happens the first few times you look into your aura.‘’

‘’Oh… Fun. Thanks big sis.‘’ I said before I walked back into my room.

‘’Let’s see what our next fun, fun, fun thing is, shall we?‘’ Twilight asked as I closed my door and heard pillows fly about.

As I tried to relax, I closed my eyes and gathered my magic to my horn and allowed the magic flow and as I dared to dream, I used a bit more strength, but as I felt it would end like that first day. I released all my magic as I then suddenly heard as Twilight announced ‘’Pillow. Fight. Fun.‘’ Before she went quiet, I guessed they had fun again and I continued to read.

Short time later knocks came from the door and I said ‘’Come in.‘’

Twilight’s head came in as she said ‘’Hey Star, it’s time for bed.‘’

‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I said as I walked towards her and then the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As I got closer to Twilight she asked ‘’Do you want to sleep with me tonight?‘’

I looked up at her and said with a smile ‘’Thank you big sis.‘’

After I had gotten ready they had got another bed out for Rarity and Applejack, to sleep together. I hoped that I would fall asleep quickly. After Twilight got into bed, I snuggled into her and as I used her heartbeat to fall asleep too, I fell asleep.

I woke up as Applejack yelled quietly ‘’Geronimo!‘’

Hit the bed, probably, causing Rarity to fall out and exclaiming ‘’Hey!‘’

Applejack being comfortable lets out a ‘’Ahh.’’

With Rarity responding with ‘’You did that on purpose.‘’

Applejack responded annoyed ‘’Um, yeah.‘’

Rarity becoming more annoyed said ‘’Get up so I can fix it again.‘’

Blissful Applejack said ‘’Can’t hear you, I’m asleep.‘’

As AJ began to imitate snoring, Rarity, now frustrated, ripped the blanket away with a ‘’Hmph!‘’

But Applejack only responded ‘’I ain’t budgin’.‘’

Rarity with something in her mouth said ‘’You will if you want any blanket!‘’ What followed was the sound of them pulling the blanket, like the game ‘tug of war’.

I tried to ignore them as I nuzzled closer to Twilight.
With their mouths full of blanket, they still fought until Twilight got up, covered my ears and loudly said ‘’Enough!‘’ Using her magic she levitated a book over, opened it and said annoyed ‘’It says, right here, that the number-one thing you’re supposed to do at a slumber party, is have fun. And thanks to you two, I can’t check that off.‘’ I snuggled into her and as she noticed that I was awake as well, she scolded them further ‘’And you woke up my little foal sister.‘’

Applejack tried to defend herself ‘’I’ve been tryin’ my darndest to get along.‘’

As she hinted at Rarity who said ‘’No, it is I who have been trying my best.‘’

‘’No, it was me.‘’ Applejack tried to argue.

‘’No, it was I.‘’ Rarity said.

‘’Me!‘’ Applejack yelled.

‘’I!‘’ Rarity yelled.

As she finally had enough Twilight responded ‘’I hope you’re happy, both of you. You’ve ruined my very first slumber party… The makeover, the s’mores, truth or dare, the pillow fight! No wonder Star didn’t want to join, the two of you arguing over and over again! I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?!‘’ Just one cue a lightning stroke with thunder at the same time, it told me it was close and on instinct Twilight and I hugged each other, as I was mostly under the sheets, Twilight apologized ‘’Sorry I asked.‘’

Twilight got out of the bed as she said ‘’Star, stay on the bed.‘’

I nodded in acknowledgement before I asked ‘’Wait, if we have a magical lightning rod, could something have been hit outside?‘’

They galloped to the window and gasped before Twilight said ‘’It’s the tree next to us that was hit and it’s about to fall on the house next to that.‘’

Applejack looked at Rarity and scolded ‘’You see. That’s why we needed to take down all those loose branches in town, not spiffy’em up‘’

‘’But I…‘’ Rarity tried to defend herself.

Being interrupted by Applejack as she said ‘’Out of my way, missy!‘’ She opened the window and brought her lasso out, one end in mouth and swung the other end, like a pro.

Rarity tried to warn Applejack ‘’Wait! Stop! Don’t!‘’

Applejack responded with rope in mouth ‘’No waitin’! No stoppin’! Doin’!‘’ Before she tossed the other end of the lasso out off the window to catch the tree that was hit. Being successful Applejack gloated ‘’And that, my friends, is what we call “gettin” her done.‘’ Before she took the rope, but as she pulled it Rarity and Twilight yelled, I jumped away from the window by instinct, but as I did something big and heavy hit my on the back and I was pushed to the floor with great speed.

Cowered in darkness I heard Rarity as she whimpered and scolded ‘’I tried to tell you it would come crashing down in here!‘’

‘’Well you should have tried harder!‘’ Applejack responded before saying ‘’I’m mighty sorry, Twilight.‘’

‘’It’s… Well it’s not okay. There’s a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedro…‘’ Twilight responded before she called ‘’Wait… Star! Star! Where are you!‘’

‘’I’m down here, it’s dark!‘’ I responded not liking where I was

‘’Where are you? Can, can you get out?!‘’ Twilight asked.

‘’I, I don’t know.‘’ I responded as I tried to get out, but as I tried to move, it only hurt and my back was stuck under a branch, so I called as I felt claustrophobic ‘’I’m stuck… I, I can’t get out!‘’

More concern in her voice Twilight called ‘’Don’t worry Star, I’m coming for you. Do you have an ouch?‘’

‘’My back… It, it hurts!‘’ I responded, but as I tried to get free I cried out ‘’Owww! Owwwww!! It hurts!‘’

‘’Star, hold still. Your big sis is coming for you.‘’ Twilight responded and I obeyed and tried to not move.

I then heard Applejack as she called Twilight ‘’Twilight! If you’ll use your magic, Star will be easier to find.‘’

With panicked Twilight responded ‘’I need to find her first! Don’t worry Star, big sis is coming!‘’

I then heard Applejack as she yelled ‘’I said, ‘’I’m sorry‘’! I should have listened to you when you noticed where this here branch would end up. Your annoyin’ attention to detail would have saved us from this whole mess. But right now, you need to stop bein’ so dang fussy, pickin’ up all those little things, and help me move the one big thing in here that actually matters! Please!‘’

A small silence came before Rarity said ‘’Uh, uh, but I’ll get all icky.‘’

‘’Consarn it!‘’ Applejack said annoyed before she changed her tone and said ‘’What the… You… I mean, yes, ickiness is often a side effect of hard work. But y’all need to get over it on account of I just can’t fix this mess I made myself. I need your help and so does Star.‘’

‘’Twiliiiiight! Heeelp!!‘’ I cried out as tears came with it.

‘’I’m coming little sis.‘’ Twilight called.

I felt it as a blue aura magic surround me and with a blue flash the branch was gone and I was free with Twilight fell to the ground a bit in front of me and rushed over to me, but as she hugged me I let out a cry of pain and she quickly lay me on the floor and lightly poked my back as she asked ‘’Does this hurt, how about this.‘’

As it hurt I cried out ‘’Ow! That hurts!‘’

‘’Don’t worry, your big sis is going to take care of you, but first you’ll need a bath. Rarity, do you want to go first?‘’ Twilight asked.

‘’No, let’s get Star clean first.‘’ Twilight thanked her before she levitated me to the bathroom and cleaned me.

After the careful bath, Twilight carefully dried me before she brought me back to the living room and wrapped some bandages on me as carefully as she could, but in the end she said ‘’Alright… Tomorrow we’re going to the hospital. Just to be sure.‘’

I nodded as Rarity and Applejack came over ‘’Are you feeling any better?‘’ Asked Rarity

‘’I’m mighty sorry Star, if I had been more careful you wouldn’t have gotten hurt, I’m sorry, can you ever forgive me?‘’ Applejack apologized.

‘’Well, if you want to make amends, then as Twilight is most likely to put me to bed soon, then promise me that she will be able to check off the last thing on her list, the ‘have fun’ part.‘’ I responded.

‘’We promise Star.‘’ They both responded in sync.

Twilight then levitated me into my own room and placed me down on the bed, pulled the sheets over me, tucked me in, kissed me on the forehead and said ‘’Goodnight little sis.‘’

I yawned as I responded ‘’Night big sis‘’ Twilight then hummed a melody as she stroked my mane, one I knew very well and shortly after I fell asleep.

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