• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 9,636 Views, 599 Comments

Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Dinner Time:

As I walked over to the table I immediately picked up on what was for dinner, some kind of vegetables and without a doubt, cooked broccoli, I was about to throw up in my mouth, its stench was so strong.

As I sat at the table, it was even worse and it wasn’t over, as Twilight, like normal, made my plate and placed a few pieces of cooked broccoli on it, as well as other vegetables that I didn’t mind as they weren’t cooked. She placed my plate down in front of me and began to make her own.
By instinct I quickly took my fork with my teeth and separated the cooked broccoli from all the other vegetables before I took the fork with my hoof and ate my dinner.

After a few minutes I was done and asked ‘’I’m done, can I go to my room now?‘’

Twilight looked at my plate, swallowed and said ‘’When your plate is empty.‘’

I looked down at my plate and even thought I new it sounded childish I said ‘’Twilight, I don’t like cooked broccoli.‘’

‘’Just try a small bite.‘’

‘’I don’t want to.‘’

‘’Well, then you’re staying at the table until you either try one, or when we’re done eating.‘’


‘’No buts.‘’ I wanted to protest, but I knew it to be pointless, I looked at the pieces of cooked broccoli and I knew it mocked me. As I sniffed it, my vision became blurry and I knew that I was not eating that, not today, not ever, it smelled disgusting, so I just sat still and waited for Twilight and Spike to be done.

After some time, I felt lasted forever, I fell backwards and lay on my back, on the floor, but also being more comfortable on the floor, I stayed there, until I heard Twilight ‘’Star, sit normal, we’re eating, not napping.‘’

‘’Arghhhhh…! But I’m borrred.‘’

‘’Then try a piece of broccoli. It’s good for you.‘’

Unable to keep it down, I screamed ‘’But I don’t want it!‘’ But only after I realized that I actually screamed that bit.

Twilight was not having it as her voice firmly said ‘’Star Sparkle. I do not want to hear you screaming again.‘’

‘’But I-‘’

‘’No buts. Now sit properly or it’s five minutes in timeout and no cookie.‘’ I did as she said and sat normal again.

As time went on I was bored and I sway slowly from side to side, but Twilight ruined my fun again with a stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle.‘’

I stopped and explained ‘’But Im borrred.‘’ As my muzzle landed on the table, right behind my plate with the cooked broccoli on, I stuck my tongue out against the broccoli and blew air out, it imitated farting noises.

Twilight got up ‘’I warned you Star, come on, five minutes, then you can rejoin the table and no cookie tonight.‘’ I stood as well and followed her as I tried to avoid getting into anymore trouble and as she walked right behind me, she escorted me over to a corner in the living room and said ‘’Five minutes Star, do not move from this corner, do not turn around and do not talk as you are now in timeout. While you are here, you can think about what you have done.‘’ I felt embarrassed but I nodded, sat down on my flank and looked at the wall as Twilight went back to her dinner.

As I sat, I thought about my actions ‘Why didn’t I just listen to Twilight, why didn’t I just sit still- Wait, my cookie!’ I realized that I could lose my cookie today, the second day in a row, I knew I had no other choice ‘I have to get the cookie myself.

Carefully, I turned my head around and as Twilight had her eyes closed, I made a fast run for the kitchen, but I only made a few steps before Twilight with a firm voice said ‘’Star Sparkle. Go back to your corner.‘’ I continued to run and as I stood in the opening frame of the kitchen, I looked around and then I saw it, the cookie jar, on the top of the counter. I licked the drool off that came from my mouth, ran over to the counter and tried to jump up to reach the jar, but I was too small.

Hoofsteps approach, I had to think fast and noticed a drawer, one that was about halfway up, I pulled it out, stepped onto it, like a staircase and I got my front legs up on the counter and with my eyes on the prize, I drooled as I imagined what they would taste like, but not just one, all of them, they would all be mine, but a magenta light broke my thoughts and the cookie jar was gone, even though it was here a second ago ‘How could it disappear?

As I realized what had happened I heard a loud ‘’Ahem!‘’ From behind, I looked to where I thought I heard the noise and saw Twilight, she didn’t look happy, but also not full of anger and in her magic she had the cookie jar.

I carefully got down on the floor before Twilight said with her stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle. You will go back to your corner. Now.‘’

‘’Can I still have a cookie?‘’ I begged


But I wanted my cookie no matter what, so I sighed and said ‘’Fine, what if I try the broccoli, can I then have my cookie?‘’

‘’No Star, you aren’t, you’re going back in timeout.‘’

Annoyed I stomped my front right leg into the ground and said ‘’But I said I’ll try it, please, I just want my cookie.‘’

‘’You are not getting any cookies today and I will not discuss this any further Star.‘’

‘’But I-‘’

‘’No buts Star, now come on.‘’

I wanted my cookie so much that I narrowed my eyes and I responded ‘’No. I want my cookie.‘’

‘’Star, now or I will carry you.‘’

I felt my body as it overheated and I screamed on the top of my lungs ‘’AAAAHHHH! No! I want my cookie!‘’

Twilight calmly responded ‘’Alright.‘’


‘’Yes, you’re not going in timeout.‘’ I’ll get my cookie, this is the bestest day ever and Twilight continued ‘’Because you’re going straight to bed now, without any cookies.‘’

‘’What! Nooo! I! Want! My! Cookie! WAHHHH!!‘’ I cried as I fell to the floor and rapidly hammered all my hooves into the floor, over and over again.

As I continued to scream and hammered my hooves into the ground, Twilight walked over to me, with ears closed towards her head. I stopped screaming, got up, but as I tried to get away from her, I was too slow and she caught me with her front leg and took it across my chest, in the middle of my front and rear legs, she lifted me up and into her chest. I tried to twist myself out of her hold on me, but failed.

She carried me back into the living room and walked towards the bathroom, I was not going to bed without my cookie and I used all my legs, I twisted and kicked the best I could as I tried to get loose as I screamed ‘’Nooo! I don’t wanna go to bed! You can’t make me!‘’

She managed a few more steps before she uttering ‘’Ow.‘’ She stopped, sat down and held me up in the air with both her hooves under my front legs, looked me dead in the eyes, which caused me to stop squirming and she said with a stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle. You are going to bed and that is final. Complain all you want, but do not, and I repeat, do not ever hit me.‘’

It was either her tone or the look in her eyes that made me calm down as I stuttered, on the verge of tears ‘’Sor, Sorry, but I don’t wanna go to bed, I want my cookie.‘’ I felt tears fall as Twilight sat me down, still kept a leg behind me as she wiped away the tears.

Using her normal voice, but still firm she said ‘’Star, something is happening to you and I think that after a good night's sleep you’ll feel much better, so what do you say?‘’

‘’I no care, I wan cookie.‘’ I said with a frown, Twilight only took me up and into her chest, before I even thought to escape and walked me into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom she made my toothbrush ready and was only waited for me to open my mouth, but I refused, then with a gently voice Twilight encourage ‘’Come on Star, open upi.‘’

I shook my head and said ‘’No, I want arrr-‘’ She interrupted as she took the toothbrush in my mouth, I tried to shake my head to get it out, she just sat closer to me, pressed me firmly, but gently against her and made sure I couldn’t shake my head or even move much, I could only drool over the sink.
As I was helpless, I thought of a plan to get back at her for taking my cookies. I would spit all of this toothpaste that I have in my mouth, right in her face, then she’ll learn.

She made sure to keep my head over the sink as she said ‘’Okay Star, it’s time to spit.‘’ I still couldn’t move or turn around to look at her ‘’Come on Star, you can do it.‘’ I shook my head as I held my mouth close, she sighed before she took me up, made sure I was still over the sink and she patted me on the back.
After a few pats, I just lost control and burped the water into the sink ‘’Perfect. Now it’s bedtime.‘’

I violently shook my head as I screamed ‘’Nooo! I wan cookie!‘’ But Twilight stayed silent as she held me into her chest and walked back into the living room.

From the living room, she walked into my room and placed me onto my bed and asked ‘’Where is your bunny?‘’

‘’Under my bed next to the, I want my cookie!‘’ Using her magic she got the plush up onto my bed, right next to me, but I refused to lay down, no matter what.
Twilight then, like it was nothing, gently lay me down using her hooves and while tucked me in, I pleaded ‘’Twilight, please. I no wanna sleepy.‘’ As she was done tucking me in I yelled ‘’Twilight! Stop ignoring me, I no foal.‘’

‘’Goodnight Star.‘’ Twilight happily said before she walked to the door, turned the lights off, walked out of the room and closed the door.

Being alone in the dark, I fought to get the sheets off and once free, I threw my pillow towards the door, but didn’t even land close, I then threw my sheets on the floor and screamed ‘’Twilight! I wan cookie!‘’ I jumped down onto the floor and heard hoofsteps as they approached the door.

Twilight opened the door, walked over to me and as I was about to run, she grabbed me again with her front leg. She didn’t say a word as she placed me back onto my bed and with her magic, she placed my pillow down first, then me, then my plush and then the sheets over me, before she said ‘’Star, listen closely, you’re going to bed and you will be quiet. If you go out of your bed again, I am sure I can then find a foals crib in the basement for you and if you practice magic, you will get a buffer on your horn. Now, go, to, sleep.‘’

‘’If I get cookie, then I sleepy.‘’ She only tucked me in again and left the room, leaving me alone and cookieless.

A few seconds passed and I wasn’t having it, so I fought my way to stand up in my bed and threw my pillow towards the door, again only getting it halfway, I took the sheets with my mouth, I shook it around, just as I was about to throw it away, I got my hoof on the sheet and as it was too late to release it from my mouth, my head went down and I fell to the floor, as I landed with a bang.
As I remembered what Twilight said earlier, I quickly tried to jump back onto my bed, first time my head hit the side, but before my second attempt, my door opened up and in the door frame stood Twilight ‘’Twilight, please, it was accident, my swear.‘’ She said nothing, but came over and lifted me up into bed again, with my pillow and sheets, but she didn’t tuck me in, instead she left the room and closed the door.

I decided to comply, lay down and tried to fall asleep.
I couldn’t sleep and after some time, there was a glow outside my door, it opened and Twilight walked in, after she let go of the door, her horn still glowed. She turned the lights on and went over to my bed, she took me before I could ask what she was doing. As she held me into her chest and made sure I couldn’t escape, she levitated a crib into my room. As soon as I saw it, I begged and pleaded like my life depended on it ‘’Twilight please, I’m, I’m sorry, please, I promise my sleepy, please, I beg you, I no wanna sleepy in crib.‘’ She didn’t respond, only sat the crib down in the middle of my room, with its long side towards the door, she walked me over to the crib, as I squirmed and slithered about, but I couldn’t get free and step by step, I was brought closer to the crib.

In front of the crib, Twilight stopped, raised me up into the air with her hooves, only for her to place me down on my back in the crib, my head landed on my pillow, bars were all around, she gave me my plush and tucked me in ‘’Twilight, pwlease, my promise I go sleepy, but my wanna sleepy in my bed.‘’

When she was done, she tucked me in she said warmly ‘’Goodnight Star, sleep tight.‘’ She raised the side and locked me in the crib, walked to the door, turned the lights off, walked out and closed the door.

As I lay I thought about what I could do to get back to my bed, then I realized it, this is thin wood and I’m a pony, I should easily be able to break those bars, so I got up, as I used a considerable amount of effort. As I stood, I hammered with my front hooves against the bars. After a few hard hits on the same place, I looked at the piece of wood, but it had no damage, so I turned around and got on my front hooves and kicked the same two bars over and over again.

Exhausted and more tired, I looked at the bars I had kicked, my eyes widened and I got the urge to cry as I saw, I had done no damage to the bars, I was trapped in this crib.

I looked up and saw it had no roof, I could jump out and with as much force as I could muster I jumped, but not being enough, I hit the bars and fell back down into the crib, but I was not going to give up, so I got closer and I jumped again, but only I hit my head into the bars again, fell back down and landed on my back.

Maybe hearing my escape attempts, the door opened and Twilight walked in ‘’Wlease, I wromise I go sleepy in my beddy.‘’ She walked over to me, lowered the side of the crib and grabbed me before I could jump out, she used her magic on something, before she put me down in the crib, plush next to me and the sheet in her magic came down over me and she tucked me in again.

As I could only watch helplessly I cried, tears streamed down my face, as she had tucked me in she gave me the bunny and I felt her hoof on my nuzzle as she said ‘’Boop‘’ As my eyes opened, my crying stopped and as she placed the right ear form the bunny to my mouth, I by instinct, took it in and sucked the ear and slowly my tears stopped and Twilight kissed me on my cheek before she said ‘’Goodnight Star.‘’ She raised the side and walked out, turned the lights off and closed the door.

As I sucked the ear I realized that I couldn't get out of this crib and I was not gonna get my cookie, I could only go to sleep, so I closed my eyes and with the sound and feeling of the bunny ear, I fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Thanks for following the story so far.

I know this chapter is more different than the rest, but as I have much of the story planned out, this isn't some small thing that will never be addressed again, it will come up again, but at other points.

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