• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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A Broken Friendship:

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo still lay in a mud pile, and all I could do was cower inside the schoolhouse as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were laughing at them. I was screaming on the inside, they lied to me, how could they?

I wouldn’t hide anymore. I ran out of the schoolhouse.

Leave them alone! I commanded.

The five fillies looked at me, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had a horrified look.

Star?! W-we can explain!

“NO! No more lies, you lied to me, both of you!”

But Star, they deserve this, how they treated you yesterday… We’re just getting even,Silver Spoon pleaded, reaching out to me with her hoof. For you…

No, you’re bullies. Hurting other ponies, and even laughing while you do it, how could you ever think that was what I would want?

They shrank back at that.

Diamond Tiara laughed nervously. We might have gone a bit over the top, hehe…?

A bit over the top?! I exploded. The crusaders were right about you two.

I reminded myself of the CMC and looked over to the mud pile, they had gotten back up, and wore tired expressions.

I turned to face them. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you girls, you were right. Could we try again?

Sweetie scoffed at that. Do like Diamond Tiara said and leave us alone. They only pushed us into the mud pile because we talked to you earlier today.

I’m- I’m sorry, I believe you now, please?I begged. But it was too late, I’d already chosen, and I’d chosen wrong. The three girls walked away, not even bothering to respond to me.

Come on Star.Diamond said, beckoning me.

I didn’t give an inch, I’m not going anywhere with you two bullies.

Come on Star,Silver said, We only went a little bit over the top, don’t throw away our friendship over something small like that.

Before anything else, I want to know something. And tell me the truth.I said.

Always.Was Diamond’s immediate reply.

When we met, in the beginning, did you really want to become friends with me?

Well, in the beginning, when we learned that you were friends with Apple Bloom, we thought of a little joke we’d play on her.Silver nervously said.

But as we spent time with you, we had fun, and it became so much more, and that doesn’t have to end- so come on, I’ll have Randolph make you a hot cocoa!Diamond Tiara continued for her, with more confidence.

It had all been a big lie. None of it was real? My heart sank, and my whole body tensed. As despair filled me, the sounds of Ponyville were drowned out by the pounding of my pulse, and my breaths seized. I knew I couldn’t pick right, I knew I’d messed up again, I knew I was a failure, I-

Tears streamed down my face, and I took a shaky breath. I’ll never be friends with you, you’re both horrible ponies, I hate you, never talk to me again!

I ran away crying, with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in tow, calling out to me, apologizing, saying anything they could to try and make me turn around, but I wouldn’t, it would all just be more lies.

I ran into a forested area, which wasn’t the Everfree Forest from what I could tell, this was more open. Soon Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s voices were gone, and I hid behind a bush, making sure they weren’t still in pursuit.

After a while no voices came, and the only sound was the gentle wind hitting the trees.

My ears twitched. No, it wasn’t silent. Deeper in the forest, I could hear a voice, a mare’s voice. It sounded familiar, and she was singing along to a birdsong. It was a beautiful song, and relaxing to hear, but I couldn’t escape the feeling that it was somehow bittersweet; it was tinged by minor chords and abrupt silences that yearned for someone else to sing a reply. But no reply came, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

The voice got closer, and I could now make out that it belonged to Fluttershy. Soon I could see her, and I decided that I wanted to go to her, I didn’t want to be alone right now. I stood up a bit, rattling the bush, but stopped myself- maybe she was too busy at the moment? But as I lay back down in hiding, I put all of my weight onto a weak branch, which snapped loudly, and Fluttershy jumped in surprise.

Who- who’s there? Hello?She said, quivering.

It would have been mean to jump out and surprise her, or even to just stay hidden, so I left my hiding spot and walked out to her.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,I sniffled, I’m sorry Fluttershy, it’s just me, I’m sorry!

Aww, it’s okay Star, no need to cry.

That’s not why I-I stopped myself, there was no need to drag her into my dumb little school drama.

You can tell me.

I looked into her eyes and it just felt safe to tell her, besides, it was only a bit of ‘dumb little drama’, so it didn’t even matter.

Just some stupid argument at school between me and my fr- some ponies who I thought were my friends.I spat out.

I thought I saw her expression turn sad for a second, but I blinked and she was back to her usual self. Hmm… Do you want to come home with me to my cottage? I know just the thing that helps when I’m feeling down, maybe it’ll help you too?

I had nothing better to do, so I nodded and followed Fluttershy to her cottage.

During the silent walk, Fluttershy stretched out her wing, and wrapped it around me, pulling me into her fur, and it felt better, just being hugged, even if it was just by a wing.

Soon Fluttershy’s cottage was in sight and as usual the surroundings were that of a fairytale, truly beautiful with the different kinds of birds flying around, and bunnies and other soft animals jumping around.

Should we go inside?

I nodded again, it was just easier to nod than talking.

Inside her home I jumped onto her couch, which followed by a few chuckles from Fluttershy.

I felt myself blush in embarrassment. What? I asked.

You got up on your own!She said in a cheerful voice.

I released a few chuckles in surprise, I hadn’t even realized. I guess I was getting better at this whole pony thing.

Umm, you mentioned that something bad happened between you and your friends?

I sighed and began to explain the whole thing slowly, making sure that I told the most important things, from when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon first met me, to the crusaders finding out about it, up until yesterday evening. I had to choke back my sobs as my mind relived the event once again.

It’s okay, it’s okay, she soothed. Have you told Twilight?

I sniffled loudly. Yes, she’s talking to Applejack today.

After a few minutes of Fluttershy calming me down, I felt ready to keep going. I told her what happened today, of the event at the track, and as I spoke I wondered to myself if Apple Bloom had been telling the truth after all. I carried on to what had happened after school, and the awful feeling it left me with.

I just felt like everything I thought was true was pulled out from under me. I was scared, and because of my choice, I was alone, I just had to run away, it was too much. I felt so stupid for believing them.

It really sounds like you need a hug, Star,She said, before hastily adding,Um, that is, if you don’t mind of course?

I was a little confused that she had asked, but since I did want one, it didn’t matter too much. I nodded, and she wrapped me in a warm hug.

S-sometimes I feel that way too… And, um, it sounds silly, but I’m sorry you had to experience that.

Thanks Fluttershy,I giggled.

My giggles made me notice how dry my mouth was, and I looked around for any water, eventually engaging in a staring contest with Fluttershy’s sink. She seemed to notice this, because then she brightened up, and her wings fluttered excitedly.

Oh, of course, I promised to tell you what I do when I’m feeling down!

She cleared her throat sheepishly, and her tone of voice calmed down. Well, um, I spend a lot of time with my animal friends, and I then make myself a lovely cup of mint tea.

I was thirsty, and, though I’d never tried it before, since Fluttershy approved I was willing to give it a try. So I nodded eagerly, and Fluttershy smiled.

But, um, if it’s not too much trouble, Star, could I tell you a story while I make it? It’s a bit of a long story, but if you hear me out, I promise it will be worth it.” She said. While she started her sentence timidly, her tone grew more assuring as she spoke.

I nodded.

So, whenever I have a horrible day, one that stresses me out and leaves me feeling awful, after I come home, I make myself some tea.

I was confused as to where this was going, but didn’t interrupt.

A long time ago, I had a really bad panic attack, and I was hiding in an alleyway in town...

She put the kettle under the tap, and turned it with practiced precision so that water was flowing as little as it could while still being a consistent stream.

I was scared, and stressed, and all alone, but somebody found me. A very elderly stallion, visiting from far away.

I was fixated on Fluttershy, only hearing her, and the slowly rising pitch of the kettle filling with water.

He asked me if I’d like to go with him and have a soothing cup of mint tea. It was so rare for ponies to be kind to me back then, so I went with him.”

He took me to a cafe nearby, it was a lovely place, cozy and warm. His daughter ran the shop, you see, so when we went inside, we were able to go into the kitchen in the back together, to make his special cup of tea.

The kettle was full now, and Fluttershy set it on the stove, turning it on to a low heat.

And he did what I’m doing now; he talked me through this, like I’m doing for you, and this is what he said to me:”

Sometimes, you have to take things slowly.

She smiled. He said, all ponies are like this kettle.

Your thoughts and your feelings are like water, flowing, and free- and if you don’t slow that down, they can overflow.

Steam began to rise from the spout of the kettle that I found my eyes glued to.

And sometimes, things happen to us that are beyond our control, and we heat up. But when that heat is too much to bear any longer-

The kettle began to whistle, steam pouring out. My heart beat faster, and I waited with bated breath for her to continue. She smiled fondly, and simply took the kettle off the stove.

-It’s perfectly alright to get away from it all. Nopony can live a life without stress, but no pony should force themselves to stay that way.

When I really thought about those words, it made sense. Even though in a moment of stress it seemed impossible to get out, I still had to try and make things better, or maybe they never would.

Fluttershy hovered a little way up and retrieved some things from a cupboard up high. She first took a simple clay teapot, and placed it on the counter, and then two odd handleless clay mugs, both of which were placed with reverent care onto the table.

He told me that finding the serenity of enjoying even the single smallest of actions, like brewing a perfect cup of tea, can be the thing that takes away all of your worries.

She took a well-worn box out of the same cupboard as before, and put two spoonfuls of a minty-smelling tea powder into the pot. I watched, mesmerized, as she carefully poured in the kettle’s water, not stopping until it barely overflowed. Putting the lid on the teapot only made a little more of the contents overflow, but Fluttershy didn’t seem fazed.

She sat back down, and her expression saddened slightly. I went to that shop every day, after that. Every day, he helped me learn a little more of this tea ritual, until one day…she trailed off.

I had to learn to make the tea on my own. she finished in a small voice.

We sat in contemplative silence, and after a few minutes, Fluttershy carefully poured us each a steaming cup. The minty-sweet aroma wasn’t overwhelming, but simply a soothing accent to the tea itself. It was understated, but tasting it made the last of my stresses melt away in the warmth it filled me with.

I wondered how much time had passed since we sat down. And wait, what time was it? I realized I hadn’t told Twilight I was going to be out late, and I started to worry a little.

What’s wrong Star?Fluttershy asked.

It’s Twilight, I never told her I came here after school.

Oh my, maybe she thinks that you went-

Gentle knocks came from the door.

Come in! Fluttershy responded.

The door opened and I was surprised to see Spike walk in.

Spike!?I placed my cup of half-finished tea on the table and jumped down from the couch, I’m so sorry, I know I should have said that I was going to be out after school, I just-

Spike placed his claw on my lips. It’s okay Star, relax, Twilight guessed that you were just out with your two friends.

I lowered my head, Yeah, my fri- I stopped, closed my eyes, and swallowed, not wanting to cry.

Oh no, what happened Star?

It’s a long story, but I'll tell you when I get home, but don’t worry, I smiled, But umm, why are you here?

Alright then, we just got a new book in that Fluttershy wanted to borrow, so I brought it straight over!He said proudly.

Fluttershy came next to me, and got the book.

What’s it about, Fluttershy?

Oh, Rarity has asked me to groom her cat, Opalescence, but she needs a very special technique to get her fur just right. Thankfully Twilight was able to help me find the right book, She then began to flip through the book.

I turned to Spike and asked, Do you know when I should be home?

I would guess before dinner.He said, shrugging.

I’ll be back before then. I said, giving him a wink.

Spike smiled and walked away, waving his goodbye, See you at home Star!

Bye Spike!

I closed the door and went back to the couch where Fluttershy was deep in her book.


Huh, wait what? She shook her head around before she looked at me, Sorry Star, it would seem that a cat like Opalescence needs a lot of care before her grooming, so this will probably take a few hours to prepare.

Oh, do you want some help?

She was silent for a few seconds, and as they dragged on I wondered if I’d just end up being in the way. But my fears were eased when Fluttershy smiled appreciatively.

Well, if you’re sure, it could be nice to have some help to feed the animals. That is, if you don’t mind.

I don’t mind at all! Just tell me what to do.

She nodded and we got up as she fluttered over to the kitchen. After a few seconds she flew back to me with a basket full of various nuts and vegetables.

Thank you so much Star! Alright, the vegetables are for the bunnies, the nuts are for the squirrels, and for Harry too, if he comes.

Alright, that doesn't sound too difficult, do you think that umm, Harry remembers me? I asked, still a little scared of the idea of seeing Harry. Even though I knew he was safe, he was still a bear.

Fluttershy placed her hooves on mine and said, I think so, you are the first pony besides me that he’s met after all.

I was a bit more at ease with that in mind, but I was still going to be careful, just in case. I took the basket’s handle with my mouth and walked outside. As I walked outside, Fluttershy took to the sky, probably to feed the birds.

That was when I really noticed it, the sound of the little river, the rustling of trees, and the natural sounds that came from the animals, this was truly one of those moments that I would just enjoy. With a job in mind, I walked down to where a few bunnies were running around.

I placed the basked and to the best of my abilities used my hooves and placed the vegetables on the grass, and spoke like I thought Fluttershy might do.

Alright little bunnies, time to eat.

Only some animals looked, and maybe half of them jumped over to me. They carefully sniffed the air, and I stepped back a little just to let them know I wasn’t dangerous. They were hesitant at first, but soon they started to eat their food. Once a few started to eat, more bunnies joined, and some that had been hesitant before came over to investigate too.

A bit away from the bunnies, and next to a tree I poured the nuts and acorns onto the grass.

Alright little squirrels, time to eat. I said, again trying my best to act like Fluttershy.

I stepped away and soon squirrels and other little furry animals came, but there was no sign of Harry. I was finished now, so I looked up and scanned the sky for Fluttershy, but I couldn’t see her, so I walked back inside with the basket and decided to wait for her on the couch.

While I waited, I finished my now-cold tea, and it was just as tasty as it had been when it was warm. It only took about 5 minutes before Fluttershy flew in, looking rather flustered.

I’m so sorry Star, I was out and-

I stopped her, It’s okay Fluttershy, I gave the animals their food and nothing bad happened.

That’s wonderful, did Harry turn up?

No, I didn’t see him.

Oh, alright then. And thank you so much again, Star. Do you wanna go home now?”

I thought for a moment. On one hand I wanted to practice my magic and tell Twilight about what happened today, but on the other, I wanted to stay with Fluttershy a little longer.

If you want, you could help me get ready for looking after Opalescence- but only if you really want to though! You’ve already helped me so much.

If you’re sure Fluttershy, then I think Twilight would like to hear how today went.I said.

Alright then, I’ll walk you home, Fluttershy smiled.

No it’s okay, I can walk by myself, and besides: it sounds like you have a lot to do.

She didn’t look confident.

I promise I’ll be fine, I gave her a reassuring smile, and she nodded in approval.

We hugged, and as we did Fluttershy whispered, You’re always welcome, remember that.

I nodded in our hug and when we let go of each other, I walked out of her house and on the path to the library, hoping I wouldn’t bump into Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon.

The sun was low in the sky by the time I was in town. Just when I thought I might be a little bit lost, I found Sugar Cube Corner, and reminded myself that I could see the library from there. In no time at all I was at the door of the library, and I walked inside.

Inside the library was quiet, only a sweet smell of food was in the air, maybe lasagna? Whatever it was, it smelled great. I got to the stairs and walked up.

Upstairs I saw that Twilight was muzzle deep in her book, whatever it was. I coughed, trying to get her attention. She put her book down, and looked around in confusion, but when her eyes met mine she quickly ran over and hugged me.

Star, what happened?Twilight collected herself. I mean, It’s so late, are you okay?

I’m fine big sis, I went to Fluttershy’s today after school.

I know, did something happen?Twilight asked gently.

But before I could say anything Spike’s voice could be heard in the entire library as he yelled, Dinner time!

He came into the main room and saw me, Star! You’re back, and just in time.

I told you it was late.Twilight added, grinning.

We all walked to the table and began to eat our dinner, and while we ate I told Twilight and Spike about the day. Twilight was happy that Fluttershy found me, but from her voice I wondered if she was a little sad it wasn’t her that I had turned to. Nonetheless, she was happy that I was with a true friend. She also mentioned that she had told AJ about what happened, and AJ had said that Apple Bloom probably just needed a little space. Twilight did offer to go again tomorrow, but I said that it was fine. Things couldn’t really get any worse.

By the way Star, Spike said, Princess Celestia sent Twilight a scroll, and it said that this is for you- but I’ve never seen this seal before.

He gestured to a scroll that rested on one of Twilight’s desks. It was sealed with a dark blue wax, and I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw a moon imprinted into the seal.

That can wait until after dinner. Twilight said.

I wondered what was in the scroll and, more importantly, who had sent it. The moon insignia definitely suggested that it was from Luna, and I couldn’t imagine Velvet or Night Light sending a letter using Princess Celestia’s magic. But why didn’t she just use the magic book Princess Celestia had given me? Maybe that was only for her sending me messages?

Soon the delicious dinner was over and I left the table with the scroll and a cookie. Once inside my room I was unable to resist any longer, I broke the seal, and unrolled it to read the message within.

Dearest Star,
We write to thee to express our humblest of apologies, and to offer explanation for the failure to carry out Our sacred duty.
As you know, the burden We bear is guarding the kingdom in its sleep from nightmares and monsters beyond the veil of waking. While We walked the realm of dreams last night, We were unable to sense your nightmare until it had already overpowered you so. We apologise again that you had to suffer such a dream for so long before We intervened. We are still trying to reclaim a grasp over Our powers, but We hope that you were not too shaken by the bad experience. Tonight, as recompense, We shall stand as ward over thy dreams.
Your Friend, and Princess of The Night,

I munched on my cookie while I thought about what I’d read. The fact that Luna felt guilty that she couldn’t prevent my nightmare was touching, but I was honestly still amazed even now that it was a skill that anyone could possess. I didn’t blame her at all for not being there in time, and it was only a nightmare. One I would rather not repeat, but again, only a nightmare. But knowing that she was there tonight was a nice feeling.

With the letter out of the way and my cookie eaten, I decided I wanted to practice my magic, I really wanted the ability to write to both Luna and Princess Celestia without any help.

Time passed and my eyes hurt as I didn’t want to blink, believing I would lose my focus. Much effort and time was spent before I was able to rock the crayon. I’d achieved a goal I thought would take years, but I knew that there was still a long way to go.

Knocks came on my door, It’s time for bed Star, Twilight said.


I walked out to her and as we walked to the bathroom I told her how my magic went.

Well done sweetie, I’m so proud of you, Twilight said in joy as she giggled.

Thanks Twily.

Who was that letter from?Spike asked as he came into the bathroom.

Oh, it was from Princess Luna, telling me she was sorry that she couldn’t have prevented my nightmare last night, but said she would look out for me tonight.

About that, Twilight said, Would you like to sleep with me tonight, just in case?

Sure, I would like that.

Even though I didn’t need Twilight to feel safe tonight, I still liked to hear her heartbeat when I fell asleep.

After I was ready for bed, Twilight made herself ready as I went to my room to get Flurry, my pajamas, and one night protection.

After I had waited on Twilight’s bed for a few seconds, her and Spike came and I was made ready for bed, and sone with the sound of Twily’s heart and the comfort of Flurry, I slowly fell asleep, with my last thought wondering if I would see Luna in my dream.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, but at least it's the longest chapter :twilightblush:

We'll try to get the next chapter up next weekend, but else it'll be up when it's up, then I don't disappoint any of you :twilightsmile:

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