• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Day 25: A rainy day:

I grunted as I woke up, feeling the damp protection again, and with rain hitting the window it dawned on me, I didn’t remember getting one on yesterday.

I looked around and saw Twilight still sleeping, but as a delicious smell of breakfast filled the air, Twilight yawned and stretched her hooves, “Morning big sis, Twily!” I said with a giggle.

Morning little sis, Star.” Twilight said, giggling to herself, “Another accident?

Feeling myself blush, I nodded, “Uhuh, when did I get one on?

Yesterday, but you were so comfortable at the time, so I just took care of it before I went to bed, but let’s get you clean.” Twilight ended and with a nod of approval I was lifted on her back as she trotted to the bathroom.

Once cleaned, we joined Spike who had gotten ahead and was eating, we joined but soon after breakfast it was time for school, I got my new raincoat on, luckily it was easy to get on, even with my saddlebag filled with books and my feather in.

After I walked down to the front door, I heard Twilight call, “Star! Wait up!

I turned back and said, “It’s okay big sis, I know the way, and besides then you’ll get wet.” I smiled, as I truly didn’t mind, I might even find a few puddles on the way and have a little fun.

Twilight looked unsure, looked out, and said, “If you are sure, okay. But, please take care.” She didn’t look happy with her own answer, but I knew what would cheer her up, I jumped over and hugged her, while standing on my rear hooves and leaned up her chest and hugged her.
A clear, “aww” came from her, once I let her go, she too released me and helped me back down.

I smiled looking up at her, “I’ll be fine, wait? Do I have my lunch?” I questioned as I thought it. Twilight giggled, but nodded as she added it while I ate, “Thanks big sis, see you later!” I called as I trotted to the door.

Not much wind, but the rain was going, and I was still able to see enough to get to school. I looked back one last time and waved to both Twilight and Spike, then left.

On the way, I looked around remembering the way, but to my luck, I saw a few puddles around, I smiled and galloped and jumped into one, then the next, splashing as I landed in each and every puddle, again and again, this was so fun I just began laughing, but trying to hold it back.
I knew that if I was human, then my feet would have been wet, so having hooves was just better. I then spotted one long puddle, I stepped hard on the beginning and began to march on the puddle, and with water going everywhere I jumped and landed with all my hooves splashing everywhere.

Aaaahhhh!” I heard a high pitched voice call, I looked and saw Sweetie Belle, thankfully the water only reached her top front hooves.

Sweetie Belle, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking!” I tried to apologize.

It’s okay, as long as you didn’t get my raincoat dirty.” She responded after checking her coat.

Is it not a raincoat?” I asked confused.

Well, I might have borrowed one of Rarity’s old ones.” She responded with blushy cheeks.

Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” I said as I gave her a playful wink.

Soon enough we arrived at the school house and walked inside where Ms Cheerilee was writing something on the board while others were talking amongst themself.

Look there Diamond, now all the blank flanks are here,” I heard Silver Spoon whisper.

I turned towards her, then called “Thanks, Silver Spoon!” She almost jumped in surprise. I then turned to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who were pretty occupied with something, but I called, “Crusaders!” They looked towards Sweetie Belle and I smiled and galloped over.

Those weather ponies sure don’t know our schedule.” Scootaloo said as I took off my raincoat.

What do you mean? I think they know the school's schedule.” I responded, hanging my raincoat next to Sweetie Belle’s.

Our crusading, Star!” Apple Bloom responded, “No way we ever get to zipline in this here weather, now we have to find some other day.

Maybe that’s for the better I thought and, but I then remembered my trip over here playing jumping in the puddles, “We can do some-

But as I spoke Miss. Cheerilee clapped her hooves together and cheerfully announced, “Alright my little ponies, take your seats, we have to begin class.

We’ll talk doing recess.” I whispered the others nodded and we went to our seats, ready to begin math.

As we sat in our seats, Miss. Cheerliee called, “Star, will you stay up here with me for now?” I looked in confusion, looked at the questions, and wondered if she wanted me to teach, but I nodded and walked to her, “Now stand next to the board and wait for me.” I nodded again, not really sure what to do, “Alright my little ponies, I need you to solve these questions, you have all your resources available, but no talking. When I get back I will ask each of you how you found your answer.

Yes Miss. Cheerilee!” The class in unison called.

Miss Cheerliee then walked over to me as the class began to do the assignment, “Let’s head to the bathroom Star, alright?

May I ask why, Miss Cheerilee?” I asked, finding no answers I could think of.

Star, you may have had a raincoat on,” she said, “But you’re drenched, did you fall on the way to school?” She asked.

I looked down to see a quite big puddle underneath me, “Oh…” I expressed, I don’t think I would be seen as mature if I said I jumped in puddles, “Yes, but I’m fine.” I said, while trying to give a smile.

She guided me to the bathroom and asked, “Can you clean yourself or do you need help?

The question took me by surprise, but worse was, I didn’t have an answer, “Umm… Yes, no, I mean-” I stuttered, she took her hoof to my muzzle to make me quiet, smiled and took a towel over, and got me cleaned.

For the rest of math, I had to take some tests, but soon math was over, and the first recess began. But as it still rained outside, the only requirement to play outside was that you put on your raincoat. Us crusaders stayed indoors.

What did you have in mind for something else to do Star?” Sweetie Belle asked?

Well, what if we just played in the rain at Sweet Apple Acers?” I suggested.

In the rain?” Sweetie Belle asked, “I’m not sure, my raincoat can’t get too wet.

In response Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rolled their eyes, making me chuckle. Catching Sweetie Belle’s attention, but as she was about to speak Scootaloo said, “After school we’ll go home to me and you can borrow one of my spares. Are you then in?

Sweetie Belle nodded eagerly, but sooner than we would have liked the bell rang and everypony went back to their own spaces reading time began for the rest, so I took the book I got from Celestia about making fireworks out of the saddle bag, luckily it wasn’t wet, or even moist, so I began reading.

After much reading, I looked at the clock and saw it was almost lunch, Miss. Cheerliee place her book down and said, “Alright my little ponies, place your books down, it’s almost time for lunch,” everypony did as she said, “I would like to thank all of you for such a nice reading time, and I hope you have all enjoyed it, but I won’t hold you until lunch, and same rules like last recess counts, and if anypony wishes, I’ll find some board games.” Some came up to her, but I got my lunch from my saddlebag and opened it to find a salad, with strawberries, causing me to giggle and lick my lips, then I dug in.

After my lunch was gone, I licked myself around the lips, finished the rest of my food, and looked around, Apple Bloom was talking to Twist, Sweetie Belle was still eating and Scootaloo looked to be distracted by something outside, but I was sure since she was a pegasus then she might just in general not like to spend the entire day inside.

But as my friends were now busy I remember the feather in my bag, I got down from my seat and dug my face into the saddlebag, and grabbed the feather, luckily it was easy to spot and grab.

I returned back to my desk and narrowed my eyes on the feather in front of me, I took a breath and allowed the magic to flow, just like I was taught, slowly my pink aura engulfed the feather, and another breath with my thoughts feeling the weight of the feather. I felt the feather as if I was holding it with my hoof, but now just with the will, I lifted the feather slowly, so as to not damage the feather.

Slowly as I could be, I lifted the feather until it was a few centimeters off the table, and even though I should properly lower it again, I wanted to spin it.
I imagined it would spin around itself, from where the midpoint of the feather would be, I took another breath and gently blew at the feather, and with the wind I felt how my magic was moved and followed through on the motion. Slowly the feather spun at a slow speed, but it began to weigh a lot, I’d never even had it lifted for so long before and I was feeling it move, I had to use more strength just to hold it above the table.

A sudden bump on my side and I lost the feather and scream in shock as I fell off my chair.

The voice of Silver Spoon whispered, “Move over.

But I heard her giggling to herself as Diamond Tiare joined her, my anger filled my mind before my vision was filled with three concerned-looking Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Are you okay Star?” Sweetie Belle asked. I nodded as I didn’t really feel anything that hurt, so I smiled and thanked her, but reassured them that I was fine.

Scootaloo then chipped in “We saw what happened Star, Silver Spoon did that on purpose!

It only confirmed my suspicion, “Of course she would.” I snarled under my breath as I got up.

But before I could tell her off, I noticed that Miss. Cheerilee was gone and Apple Bloom called out, “You did that on purpose, Silver Spoon!

I joined Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and we nodded and called in unison “Yeah!

Before I continued, “You could have avoided ramming into me!

Diamond Tiara just groaned, “Come on, don’t be so sensitive Blank Flank, it was an accident.” Silver Spoon only giggled.

Don’t call us blank flanks Diamond Tiara!” I yelled at her.

Both of them just laughed, before Silver Spoon called, “Oh no, the little foal is having a temper tantrum!” They only laughed harder.

But that comment hit, what if they know of my accidents, what if they had seen Twilight buying the protection, anger swelled in me, but as I opened my mouth to give those two fillies a piece of my mind and magic, Apple Bloom got in front of me and said, “They aint worth it Star.

Being forced to calm down, but still feeling spiteful I said, “Fine, but do you crusaders wanna hear something cool?” I had to think hard if I was allowed to say the deal I had with Princess Celestia, or at least I hoped she would forgive me. The three fillies were waiting for my news and I noticed that other ponies were also listening to our conversation.

As I was about to speak Diamond Tiara interrupted, saying, “Properly some lame news, besides I’m-

I cut her off and called out, “I’m opening the Grand Galloping Galla with Princess Celestia!

The class went quiet.

A deafening silence, only to be broken by Diamond Tiara, “Yeah right, don’t make me laugh, why would Princess Celestia of all the ponies in Equestria, choose you?

Feeling all eyes staring at me and the crusaders being speechless, I had no proof right now, but I had it at home, so I called, “You wanna see proof? Fine, I’ll show you tomorrow!

As on cue the bell rang while I stared with anger into Diamond Tiara’s eyes, only for her to stare the same way back at me.

Ahem!” Miss Cheerilee's voice called, I looked at her, with a smile, “What is going on here?

Both Diamond Tiara and I answered, “Nothing Miss. Cheerilee.

And it better stay like that unless both of you want detention.” She said sternly, then turned to the crusaders and asked concerned “Girls, are you okay?

Then a high pitch scream filled the classroom, as they all asked at the same time, “No way!! That’s amazing Star! Way to go! Cutie Mark Crusaders to the top!

Girls!” Miss Cheerilee yelled, it silenced the three fillies as all looked at Miss. Cheerilee continued, “Recess is over and we need to get going with your work for today, and unless all of you want extra homework for tomorrow, then I’ll suggest we don’t yell, scream or disrupt the class again.” The room was quiet as the crusaders listed back to their seats, once they sat Miss. Cheerliee was back at her desk and cleared her throat, “Now, I know you’re all excited to get out of school, and I know being indoors all day isn’t fun, but we have to work together in order to have a happy and healthy classroom, is that a deal.

As what she said made sense, as I felt I also needed some sunlight and fresh air, I joined the others as we responded, “Yes Miss. Cheerilee!

Good,” Miss Cheerilee said, “Now, I have two things we could do today, one was the original plan, but I think the other option is better. I want all of you to write a little letter to the class, and for it to be something you would like to have done in order to better help your education or relationship with each other. Now, no personal attacks, and don’t go after anypony, these should be the rules we will all live by.” Miss Cheerliee ended, but I hoped she didn’t expect me to write as well.

Just on cue, as everypony began to write, Miss. Cheerliee came down to my desk and whispered, “Now, I want you to still practice writing, either with magic or your mouth, but that is up to you, but I still want you to participate in the activity, deal.

I nodded and responded, “Deal.

Miss. Cheerliee then left my desk to help somepony else, I then took out a piece of paper and a red crayon, then began to the best of my ability to draw a strawberry.
Soon the outer edge of the strawberry was done, and I took a green crayon and did the top, used a black crayon and dotted the seeds, then the red again and colored it in, this was where I really tried to take care and not go over the line. However as I didn’t want to go over the line, the edges were very lightly colored. In the end, I only went over the lines a few times, but nothing too bad and I didn’t break the crayon.

Alright my little ponies,” Miss. Cheerilee announced, “as we have thirty-five minutes left, let’s get somepony up here and share, and remember, all ponies must go up and the sooner everypony has been up to speak then you get to go home.

It sounded fair, but it made me realize that I hadn’t thought of anything to say, but as others raised their hoof I just listened and took mental notes, Twist said to not yell, Snails said to not talk over each other, all were pretty good, Apple Bloom’s was really good as she said, calling others blank flank should not be okay, a point Miss. Cheerliee agreed with it as well, I thought about how nice it could be if I had the space to practice magic, that could be my thing to say.

I raised my hoof and she called on me to talk, “As much as I like to do magic, I need to put all my focus on it and I think it could be nice if others noticed and were careful, so even if, you apologize.

Thank you Star.” Miss Cheerliee said before she asked the rest of the students, and all came with good answers, but after all, had given their input Miss. Cheerliee thanked us all for our contribution and ended the day twenty minutes earlier, much to everyone's enjoyment.

After a very rainy walk, I was home at last and was going to get ready to leave for Sweet Apple Acers, like the deal I made with the crusaders, Sweetie Belle would pick up Scootaloo, then they will pick me up and together we would walk to Sweet Apple Acers.

I walked into the library, and saw it empty, properly as nopony would want to go out into a rainstorm to borrow a book, as I then headed upstairs I saw Twilight and Spike relaxing on two pillows, clearly deep into their different books, so I cleared my throat and said, “Hi Twilight! Hi Spike!

Huh, wait what?” Spike looked up in confusion, but as he looked eyes with me he settled down, “Oh, hey Star! Did you have a nice day?

I nodded with a smile, but as Twilight was still in her book, seeming to have taken no notice of our chat, I giggled and said, “Hey Spike, when Twilight gets back to the real world, would you tell her I’m going to be at Sweet Apple Acers? But I’ll be back before dinner.

Sure thing Star, it will properly be a while before she gets back to us, but have fun, do you need me to walk you there?” Spike said.

No thank you, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo will pick me up soon.” I said with a smile, Spike nodded and settle deep down into the pillow, all while I walked to my room with my saddlebag. Taking out my feather, books, and drawing, just to make sure they were still dry, lucky they still were. I placed the feather next to the silver moon ball I got from Luna, then decided that once I get home and after dinner, then I would want to practice on the ball.

A few knocks on the door and I knew it was time, I quickly put my raincoat back on and trotted back to the living room, waved bye to Spike, then trotted down and saw Scootaloo in her raincoat and Sweetie Belle in, properly one of Scootaloo’s raincoats, as there must have been holes for a pair of wings, but it had been sealed by some something, and look like a good job as well.

Hi Sweetie Belle. Hi Scootaloo, nice raincoat, Sweetie Belle, did you patch the wing holes just before you left?” I asked, not really believing that job could have been done so fast by her, after seeing the capes she made, all the love but little skill.

Well, I didn’t.” Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo then continued “My aunt patched the holes for us, as she didn’t want Sweetie Belle to use it with the holes.

After our little chat, we headed to Sweet Apple Acers and meet up with Apple Bloom.

Hi Apple Bloom!” I called out as I saw her standing at the entrance for Sweet Apple Acers.

Heya girls! What took yer gals so long?” Apple Bloom answered back jokingly.

Scootaloo then answered back, “My aunt fixed my spare raincoat for Sweetie Belle.

But Sweetie Belle ended, “But now it’s time to have fun, but umm… What are we going to do?” All then looked at me.

I didn’t think about this, “Umm…? What about playing catch?” I suggested.

Apple Bloom walked over to me and said “Well, only one problem there Star.” I wonder what that could be, and as she stood close she lay her hoof on me and said “Because you’re it Star!

She then galloped away fast, the other girls too ran, but in the same general direction, taking a second to realize I galloped after them, getting closer to Sweetie Belle, I jumped and was able to grab touch her flank, without hitting hard and called, “You’re it, Sweetie Belle!

So we continued for a good long time and I had no idea where we were on the farm, but we were getting higher and the rain made it much more difficult to see, and the wind had picked up as well, and now all of our raincoats where just blowing all around us.

That’s when I heard Apple Bloom call time out, and I noticed Scootaloo and walked over to her, “What’s going on Scoots?

Scootaloo then answered, “Who knows it’s getting really hard to see in this rain, and I’m one seco-” Her raincoat blew up in her face before she could finish. She let out a loud groan and ripped her raincoat off, at least I didn’t hear it rip.

We arrived over at Apple Bloom who said, ”Sorry for calling time-out gals, but these here raincoats are getting really annoying, so I’ma taking mine off.

I wasn’t really sure about it, as Twilight properly wouldn’t be happy if I did, wait a minute, I don’t have to listen to Twilight and she’s not here and, but before I finished my thought my raincoat blew up in my face, only as it moved away I took my raincoat off and placed it down to where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo put theirs, but as Sweetie Belle wasn’t yet annoyed by hers we continued to play.

Time passed and I got a bit tired, and while I ran on a tilted hill Sweetie Belle came out of nowhere and reached out, I jumped to the side, but not feeling the ground when I thought I would land, I panicked. As I finally landed, I lost balance and tumbled down the hill, hearing my name being called I fell into a pond of water. Panicking, I reached out and tried to swim, but nothing, I tried to feel the bottom, but I couldn’t, I kicked, but all I did was go further down.

Soon I felt the water go to my head and the water surrounded me completely, I tried to take a breath, but the water rushed in, I had no more air, I tried screaming, but nothing.

I felt as if I was being pulled out of the water Sweetie Belle screaming for me to wake up, Apple Bloom pressing her hooves onto my stomach and I threw up some water and coughed up a bit, feeling a little bit dizzy I rolled onto my stomach and coughed even more, also now feeling cold and uncomfortable, I lay down.

Sweetie Belle cried out in concern, “Star! I’m so so so so sorry, it was an accident,” she was almost crying, “I’m sorry! Please be okay.

I turned my head to her, being too tired to lift myself up, I smiled and said quietly, “It’s okay Sweetie Belle, I’m okay, and I forgive you, it was an accident after all.

Her, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo all hugged me, and while Sweetie Belle was wet, but not so much under her raincoat, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were drenched, did both jump in after me?

Thanks girls.” I said, “Apple Bloom? Did you and Scootaloo jump in after me?

However, Scootaloo answered, “Of course we did, once we realized that you couldn’t swim, but Apple Bloom got most of the water out of you.

Thank you, both of you.” I responded, still tired, but feeling more cable of getting up.

No problem Star,” Apple Bloom responded, “that’s what friends are for.” She ended with a smile.

Feeling worn out by the whole experience I said, “Should we call it a day and head home for dinner?

All agreed, put our raincoats on, and swore to not tell anypony that we took them off, then we followed Apple Bloom to her house, as we now knew the rest of the way, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and I walked towards Ponyville.

Just as we arrived in Ponyville, I could see the Library and Rarity’s home, but guessing Sweetie Belle needs to return Scootaloo’s raincoat I guess they walk home together. We hug and they leave through a shortcut as we were close to the library. As I walked the final bit I felt the rain begin to ease off, so I guess before bedtime, it would be over.

I arrived through the door to see Twilight with her raincoat on, “Where are you going Twily?

Star!” Twilight called, “Where were you? It’s dinnertime now, you told Spike you would be back before then.

Sorry Twily,” I said, “time ran away while we played, I’m sorry.

Twilight trotted over and grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged back as she got my raincoat off and walked back upstairs, “You need a bath, you’re so dirty.” Twilight said while she giggled, properly a good idea I don’t tell her I was about to drown, no need to say what doesn’t matter.

A bath would be nice, before or after dinner?” I asked.

Twilight took a sniff, “Now.” She responded, “Spike, keep the food warm, Star needs a bath.

Sure thing Twilight!” Spike called back from the kitchen.

One bath later and it was time to eat a very delicious meal that was still warm, thanks to the number one assistant. Soon dinner was eaten and I went to my room and practiced a little magic on the silver ball, but it was much heavier, so I just made it roll around, but it got me thinking of how old this silver ball was, but on the thought of princesses, I wondered if I remembered to let Celestia know how it went at the toystore, so I opened my book and saw I hadn't.

Spike!” I called out

Not long after he came into my room and asked “You called, do you need help?

I nodded, “I want to write to Princess Celestia. You wanna write for me?

He nodded and got a quill and got the book on a table, I cleared my throat and began,

‘’Dear Princess Celestia.
Thank you so much for your reply. I followed your advice and it seemed to work, but as for your questions, I am not doing magic, but I am still in control in my mind, but it’s like, the only thing I want is toys, but I have difficulty controlling myself.
On our visit I kept with Twilight as we just walked around the store and I stayed with her, and always close. It helped that we made a deal I could get a toy, but only if I kept close to her the entire time. But I was scared walking in front of Twilight, down one part of the store, so I choose not to for that day at least.

Yours Star Sparkle.‘’

Spike ended his writing and said, “Done, was that all?

Yep, thanks Spike, don’t worry, I’ll soon learn how to write myself.” I said with a smile.

It’s really no problem, I love being helpful.” He said proudly.

I smiled and nodded, still wanting to write myself, but at least Spike loves to help, so I’ll take it when I can.

Star! It’s time to comb your mane and tail, then it’s bedtime!” Twilight called.

Coming Twily!” I called back.

Spike and I entered the lying room, as Spike went to his comic, I went to Twilight and lay down and we just chatted about what the crusaders and I did at Sweet Apple Acres, and I only avoided the whole drowning and taking raincoats off things, Twilight seemed happy, and soon my mane and tail was finished so it was bedtime.

I was getting pretty tired at this point too, kinda like the room began to spin, being adorable as I am, I got Twilight to carry me to bed after brushing my teeth, she got me in some protection and tucked me in, I was so tired I hardly felt getting Flurry and my strawberry plush in my hooves and soon I was close to sleep, just one cough and sniff.

Author's Note:

another chapter, hope you enjoyed it

Thank you to Luckyfanisaac for spell checking

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