• Published 25th Jul 2020
  • 9,636 Views, 599 Comments

Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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In Ponyville:

The train pulled into the Ponyville train station and as the doors opened Spike, Twilight, and I walked out of the train, Flurry now in my saddlebag on Twilight’s back and we walked home.

After we arrived home, I went to my bedroom and unpacked my saddlebag, thankfully Spike offered to help me, so it only took a couple of minutes.

After all of my stuff was in their place, I placed Apple Bloom’s, Diamond Tiara’s and Silver Spoon’s sun plushies and placed them in my saddlebag alongside my firework book, just if I should meet them as I wanted to go walk to a park and just relax, as I felt I wanted to be outside for a few minutes.

I took my saddle bag and walked into the living room where Twilight lay and read, as she saw me, she asked, ‘’Hey Star, where are you off too?‘’

‘’I hoped it was okay if I went outside for a bit.‘’

‘’Umm, sure? To where?‘’

‘’A park maybe, just to relax.‘’

‘’Do you know the way?‘’

‘’Umm… No.‘’

‘’Spike!‘’ Twilight called.

Spike came up the stairs and asked, ‘’You called for the number one assistant.‘’

‘’Hehe, will you show Star the way to the park?‘’

‘’Sure thing Twilight, come on Star.‘’ Spike said.

As I walked towards him Twilight said, ‘’Spike or I will pick you up again in an hour, but just go home before that, if you want to.‘’

‘’I will, bye Twily.‘’

‘’Bye Star.‘’ Twilight said as I walked down the stairs and walked out the door with Spike.

We reached a small park with a few benches, a small playground, trees and bushes scattered around. As I looked back I saw the library and Spike asked ‘’You can find your way home, right?‘’

‘’I think I’ll remember, see you in an hour.‘’ I smiled before Spike waved goodbye and walked back home again.

After Spike walked away, I lay down and began to read from where I left off, even as I didn’t completely understand what I read, I understood the technique but much of what I should do was still a bit odd, I had to release the magic with my imagination and push it away from me.

As I read, I heard ‘’Oh my gosh, Star.‘’ In a similar voice of Diamond Tiara.

I looked where the voice came from and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they walked towards me. I took a mental note of where I got to before I closed the book and got up. I turned to the fillies and said, ‘’Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, how are you?‘’

‘’Great,‘’ Diamond Tiara said ‘’Was it fun in Canterlot?‘’

‘’Definitely.‘’ I answered and as I remembered the sun plushies I said ‘’Actually, I have something for the two of you.‘’

‘’Really?‘’ Diamond Tiara asked, a bit shocked.

I opened my saddlebag and poured out the three plushies, but before I placed Apple Bloom’s sun plush back, Diamond Tiara asked, ‘’Three, why three plushies?‘’

‘’Oh, the last one is for Apple Bloom.‘’ I answered as I closed my saddlebag.

I gave them their sun plushies as Silver Spoon asked, ‘’Wait? You’re friends with Apple Bloom?‘’

‘’Yeah, I met her a few days before I met you two, you know her?‘’

‘’Why of course we know her, she’s a-‘’

‘’She’s in the same class as us.‘’ Diamond Tiara interrupted.

Silver Spoon then said, ‘’But Di, didn’t we just-‘’ But Diamond Tiara pulled her head away from me and whispered something I couldn’t hear, it just left me confused, but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.

After a bit their heads came back up and I smiled nervously to their big smiles as Diamond Tiara asked, ‘’Does Apple Bloom know that we’re friends?‘’

‘’Well…‘’ I thought back, but I guessed that I had never mentioned them to Apple Bloom before, ‘’I don’t think so, I was planning on telling her today, and you two, that tomorrow I’m starting in the Ponyville schoolhouse.‘’

‘’That’s perfect, then we got the perfect plan, right Silver Spoon?‘’

‘’Totally, if we keep it a secret until tomorrow, then she’ll be so surprised.‘’

‘’Definitely, what do you say Star?‘’ Diamond Tiara asked.

‘’I don’t know, are you sure.‘’ I asked, it felt a bit unnecessary.

‘’Don’t worry, it’s all in good fun.‘’ Diamond Tiara said.

I thought about it and it didn’t seemed like a meanspirited joke, so I said, ‘’Sure, I’ll keep it a secret until tomorrow.‘’

The two fillies smiled and we talked for a bit as they told me that they had fun at the Cute-ceañera, but still wanted me to be there. After a bit they left and said, ‘’We’ll see you tomorrow Star and remember, don’t tell Apple Bloom.‘’

‘’I won’t.‘’ I said as they walked away and I went back to my book.

As I read I felt as someone got closer and closer, so I closed my book and looked around with my eyes only, but I saw nothing, but a loud voice called, ‘’What ya doing Star?‘’

I jumped in the air in shock, as I got back on the ground again I saw Apple Bloom and said, ‘’Apple Bloom, that’s not funny.‘’

‘’Hehe, then you should have seen the look on you face.‘’ Apple Bloom said as she laughed.

Oh, even if I was considering telling her about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon today, that’s completely gone now, tomorrow would be fun.’ I thought as I smiled.

After Apple Bloom had stopped laughing she said, ‘’Sorry Star, I couldn’t help it.‘’

‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom. What’s up, how did the party go?‘’

‘’Actually, better than I thought, I actually meet two other fillies who also didn’t have their Cutie Marks.‘’

‘’That’s awesome, especially since I couldn’t go.‘’

‘’Yeah, but did you hold your promise?‘’

‘’I did, I would never break a promise.‘’

‘’Ohh, almost forgot, I also told Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about you and as a founding member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I’m inviting you to join our club.‘’

‘’Wait what… Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo? And what’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders?‘’ I asked, dumbfounded, the names sounded familiar, but didn’t ring a bell.

‘’Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are those other fillies I meet at the party, they stood up for me when I was called a. When I was called a.‘’ She went silence ‘’A blank flank.‘’ Apple Bloom ended with a flat tone.

I knew I should say something, but thought ‘What’s a blank flank?’ But as Apple Bloom was stuck in her words I said, ‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom, even though you were called that word, you gained two new friends out of it.‘’

‘’I guess you're right. Anyhow, together we formed the Cutie Marks Crusaders and we’ll help each other to find our Cutie Marks.‘’

‘’That’s awesome Apple Bloom.‘’

‘’So is that a yes?‘’

‘’Yes to what?‘’ I asked ‘What was I about to say yes too?

So Apple Bloom asked, ‘’Do you wanna join our club?‘’

Oh, so that was what she asked me about, but how do I say no, while being polite.’ So I said, ‘’Well, I’ll have to ask Twilight first, just to be sure.‘’

‘’That’s okay, I’ll come by tomorrow after school.‘’ She said with a smile that wanted me to join.

As she mentioned ‘after school’ I remembered that I was starting tomorrow as well and said ‘’Well, can’t I just say it before school instead?‘’

‘’Huh, what are you on about?‘’

‘’I’m starting in the Ponyville schoolhouse tomorrow.‘’

‘’Really?‘’ Her mouth went open, but quickly it turned into a smile and she hugged me tightly, but a feather compared to Luna, ‘’That’s gonna be so much fun, are you going to be in my class as well?‘’

‘’I think so.‘’

‘’Yay, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are also in my class, the four of us are going to to have so much fun together.‘’

I only smiled at her, even as I wasn’t that eager to get more ponies who wanted to be friends, but this is what the pony life must be like.
As I thought I remembered I also had a sun plushie for her and said, ‘’I have something for you.‘’

‘’Huh, what’s that?‘’ She asked.

I opened my saddlebag and took out the sun plush, ‘’Here you go, you like it?‘’ I asked with a nervous smile, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon seemed to like theirs.

She took it and said, ‘’Really, th-thank you Star, but I don’t have anything for you.‘’

‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom, I know that.‘’ I said.

She hugged me again before she took the plush in her saddlebag and said, ‘’Well, I’ve to get going now, I’ll see you tomorrow, do you want me to pick ya up?‘’

‘’Nah, it’s okay, I think Twilight is going to walk me, it is my first day after all.‘’

‘’Al’right see ya tomorrow.‘’ I waved as she walked off again and I knew that tomorrow would definitely be interesting.

With Apple Bloom gone I lay back down and enjoyed the sun and the wind as it blew through my mane, tail and fur. I was truly refreshed by how calm the sun and a gentle breeze could make me. After a little while I read further in my book.

Some time later I still had no idea how I should make the fireworks, the techniques still sounded so strange, but the book have told me that I should know other spells first, I had to be able to move my light away from my horn and I had to make it solid, and I couldn’t do it with my eyes closed, as I also needed to be able to move two objects at the same time, in different ways.

As I read and tried to make sense out of this spell I heard Twilight as she asked, ‘’How’s it going Star?‘’

I looked up at her and said, ‘’I have to learn more spells before I can learn this one.‘’ I said, as I finished she took her muzzle down to me and nuzzled me and by instinct and my own will, nuzzled her back.

When she pulled away she said, ‘’You’ll learn.‘’

‘’Thanks Twily, is it time to go home?‘’

‘’Jep, I think Spike is soon done with our dinner.‘’

‘’Okay.‘’ I said and as I got up, Twilight placed my book in my saddlebag and placed it on my back as we walked back to the library.

Back home I smelled something delicious and as I walked upstairs, I saw totallias before Twilight walked passed me and said, ‘’Try at least one, pretty please.‘’

‘’Okay big sis, I’ll try.‘’

We walked over to the table and as I sat down Twily levitated a plate of food over to me and as I ate it, it tasted so good, I couldn’t believe it.
I looked inside the totallia and saw hay and other vegetables, but at this point I didn’t care and continued to eat, as I ate I asked, ‘’How long do I have to be in school?‘’

‘’Don’t talk with your mouth full Star.‘’ Twilight said.

I swallowed and said, ‘’Sorry.‘’

‘’Just remember, but tomorrow we have to be at the schoolhouse at 8 and I’ll pick you up at 2.‘’

‘’6 hours?‘’

‘’Well… Yes.‘’

‘’Do I really have to?‘’

‘’Yes and if your good, then you get a cookie after school and after dinner.‘’

‘’Really?‘’ I asked, Twilight nodded and I wasn’t as annoyed as I was before, I mean I would get a cookie.

After dinner I got my cookie and went to my room.

Inside my room I ate my cookie, took my feather and walked over to my balcony’s glass door, laid in front of the door and closed my eyes, I breathed slowly and as calmly as I could. I felt my magic on my horn as a small wind came and surrounded it, I felt it as a few hairs in my mane blew a little bit.

I felt the quill and everything it was and lifted it up, but even with my eyes closed I saw pink swirls where the quill lay before, I breathed in and out, and the swirls became a constant all over the room.
I saw a magenta light as it came closer and I breathed in and out before I said, ‘’Twi-Twily?‘’ The magenta light stopped and I lifted the quill up to my eyes and as I opened my eyes, I saw that beauti-ful ligh-t…

A flash of pink light later I was in a weird place. I looked around, it was calm and peaceful, I didn’t feel a need to panic as it felt like home, I was outside and even though I was alone I still felt love all around me.

As I took in my surroundings, I stood on grass with a dark forest in front of me, but as I looked behind me, I saw a small waterfall that fell into a small lake, beautiful trees were scattered about and I looked towards the sun, it wasn’t bright, it was perfect for my eyes as I looked at it.

I thought my eyes played a trick on me as eight lights, gold magenta, purple, blue, orange, red, dark blue and pink came down from the sun in different directions.

The eight lights joined in the middle of the lake and formed a filly made of pink and blue light that looked like me, it stood just above the waters of the lake.

After the light was formed, a cold darkness rose from the horizon, like I was in a dome and it made its way across the blue sky. In front of the darkness, there were black, almost liquid spider legs, which were making their way towards the sun.

The sight of the darkness made me want to vomit, I felt sick to my core. As the brightest light bagan to be the filly, I looked at it and it walked towards me. I stood still, ‘Was it going to hurt me, it doesn't feel like the darkness, this light feels more like me’, as the darkness went up the sky, it wasn’t turning to night, it was consumed to a state of emptiness.

As the sky darkened the light got closer, it didn’t stop walking, not as it was just in front of me, it continued as it walked into me and I walked forward into it and the darkness disappeared just before it reached the sun and I was blinded.

I looked around and noticed that I was back in the library as Twilight sat next to me and hummed the melody I knew so well. In front of me I saw the quill, still in my magic, I lost a bit of focus as the pink light flickered, like a light bolt that wasn’t screwed properly in, I gained back my focus and levitated the quill in mid air, I wanted to try and write but the quill became heavier and heavier as the seconds went by and I levitated the quill back down on the floor.

After the quill was back on the floor, I nuzzled Twilight and as I nuzzled her she asked, ‘’Star?! Your back.‘’

‘’I am and I think I’m done with those hypnotises.‘’

‘’That’s great sweetie, who do you feel?‘’

‘’Strangely good, it was weird, I think I saw you before I left.‘’

‘’You never left, tell me what happened?‘’

‘’I levitated the quill and saw swirls around the floor and in the air itself, then I saw a magenta light and I thought it was you.‘’

‘’It was and you said Twily while you just stared into the quill with bright white eyes and then you went silence.‘’

‘’What do you mean? I was outside and there was a dark forest in front of me and behind me was a beautiful lake with a small waterfall.‘’ I said before I sat down and felt my ears as they dropped while I thought ‘Should I tell Twilight about the darkness? It properly didn’t matter anyway.

‘’Hey Star, what’s wrong?‘’

‘’Oh, nothing,‘’ I answered and tried to steer it away from talking about the darkness, ‘’It was just a weird experience, did it also happen to you?‘’ Twilight looked to believe me and I thought ‘Maybe I’ll tell her tomorrow.

‘’Well, when it happened to me I was in an odd library, it was shiny, like a crystal and there were lots of books that were overflowing with words. Did you also see the lights?‘’

‘’Yeah, they took the form of me.‘’

‘’The same happened to me, did you run towards it or flee?‘’

‘’I stood still, until it was inside of me, then I walked towards it.‘’

‘’Huh, I must admit I ran from it, but it caught me.‘’

‘’Why did you run?‘’

‘’Some light that looked like me, I was scared, okay.‘’ Twilight said firmly as she blushed.

‘’Sorry, how old were you?‘’

‘’About four years old.‘’

‘’But what is it?‘’

‘’Unsure, we have never known what it is, only that it will go into us just before we can look at our aura.‘’

‘’Why didn’t you tell me?‘’

‘’In the past where ponies had tried to study it and told young unicorns about it, it didn’t go well, they were scared out of their mind and had to learn many things over again, like they had lost many of their memories.‘’

‘’Wow, thanks for not telling me then.‘’ I said as I giggled a little bit.

Twilight said, ‘’No problem little sis.‘’ As she nuzzled me I nuzzled back.

As Twilight brought her head back she said, ‘’It’s soon time for bed, you want help brushing your teeth?.‘’

‘’Yes please.‘’ I said before we went out of my bedroom.

As we came into the living room Spike asked, ‘’Hey Star, what’s up?‘’

‘’I think I can look into my aura now.‘’

‘’Seriously, that’s awesome.‘’

‘’Thanks Spike.’’ I said before Twilight and I went into the bathroom and she brushed my teeth.

Back in my bedroom I was lifted onto my bed and Twilight levitated Flurry over to me before she tucked me in, kissed me on the forehead and said, ‘’Good night sweetie.‘’

I took Flurry right ear in my mouth and said, ‘’Night big sis.‘’ Closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Thanks for supporting the story, every comment put a smile on my face. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Anyway, have a nice day. :twilightsmile:

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