• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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Day 13: Swarm Of The Century

I woke up in the crib and took the bunny’s ear out of my mouth and reflected over what happened last night.
As I thought back on yesterday, I remembered what I did, because I wanted to do it, but for some reason, I just couldn’t see the consequences to what I did, I felt like a small child, unable to comprehend the fact that I didn’t get things my way, I only wanted the cookie, without eating that disgusting cooked broccoli, as I thought about it, my throat hurt and tears fell ‘What is happening to me?

The door opened and broke my thoughts, I dried my eyes and looked towards the door, Twilight walked in and said ‘’Good morning, do you feel better?‘’

I nodded ‘’Yeah, but I still don’t know what happened to me yesterday.‘’

‘’Well… Long story short, you began to act like a foal, screaming and even talking like one a few times.‘’ Twilight said as she lowered the side of the crib.

‘’I mean, I do remember what happened, but I don’t know why… Do you?‘’

‘’I’m sorry Star, I don’t, I hoped that if you slept on it you would be yourself again. My best guess to why it happened would be that it has something to do with the spell and I’ll recommend you to inform Princess Celestia, maybe she’ll know. But besides that, I hope you’ll forgive me for what I did.‘’

‘’I will tell her. Wait, forgive you for what? The cooked broccoli and cookie part or the fact that I’m in a crib?‘’

‘’The, um…‘’ She scratched herself behind her neck and said ‘’Treating you like a foal.‘’

‘’I guess I can’t really blame you, I was kinda acting like one, so I forgive you big sis. Will you forgive me for kicking you.‘’

‘’You have already been forgiven little sis.‘’ Twilight said as she took me out and hugged me, as I hugged her back.

As Twilight held me she asked ‘’Star?‘’


‘’Do you want me to help you, to write to the Princess?‘’


‘’Or course, I’m your big sister.‘’ Twilight said and with her magic she took a piece of paper and a quill before she asked ‘’So, what shall we write?‘’

‘’Dear Princess Celestia. Um…‘’ I muttered before Twilight continued and recounted the events that happened last night and as she finished, I added ‘’But I still don’t know why I acted like I did.

Yours Star Sparkle.‘’

‘’And Twilight Sparkle.‘’ Twilight finished and after she had written it down and made it sound propper, she wrote it into the book I got from Princess Celestia.

When Twilight was done, Spike called ‘’Breakfast is ready!‘’ We both walked to the dining room and saw waffles on our plates and ate.

While we ate there came a few knocks from down stairs, on the front door and Twilight asked ‘’Spike, will you see who that is?‘’ He saluted and went downstairs, with a waffle in claw.

After a few seconds Spike came back up followed by Rarity who said ‘’Good morning Star, good morning Twilight.‘’

‘’Good morning Rarity.‘’ Twilight and I answered.

‘’Forgive me for the early visit, but as Princess Celestia is visiting tomorrow, I remembered that, when Star and I were at the spa, she told me that she had never tried on a dress before, um… According to her memory.‘’

‘’Yes, I remember.‘’ I answered.

Twilight looked at me before Rarity continued ‘’So in honor of Princess Celestia's visit tomorrow, it will be my pleasure to make Star a dress, just for the occasion?‘’

‘’If Star wants to, then Spike and I will clean the library, sooo, it’s your decision Star.‘’ Twilight said.

As the two ponies and Spike looked at me, I thought that on one side I had promised that I would model for Rarity at some point, so no matter what I would end up in a dress at some point, so maybe it could be fun, as I knew girls back in my world who loved to have a dress on.

As I tried to find a way to say my answer, Rarity said ‘’It’s okay if you don’t want to, what I’m saying is just an offer. You don’t have to say yes.‘’

‘’Rarity’s right.‘’ Twilight added.

As I looked at the two ponies, they looked a bit concerned at me, as I realized I still hadn’t given an answer I said ‘’Well… I guess it’s only a dress… Sooo sure.‘’

Twilight got a leg around me as she asked ‘’Are you sure Star? I don’t want you to do something you’re not comfortable with.‘’

Rarity nodded ‘’I agree, I do not wish for you to be uncomfortable.‘’

But I spoke again ‘’No it’s okay really. It’s just something new, but I’ll get over it.‘’ But secretly I looked more forward to it, but I could never say it to them.

‘’Star, are you sure?‘’ Twilight asked, I nodded and after breakfast I followed Rarity out of the library.

As Rarity and I walked through town, I saw ponies as they hang up flower buckets, with magenta colored double bows, at other places they hang up golden-ish bells and sky blue ribbons were twirled around the trees and tree stumps, at another place they were painted a banner that would say ‘Princess Celestia’ but by the size of the writing and the length of the banner, it looked to be a little bit too short, but I didn’t want to intervene, they probably knew what they were doing.

As Rarity and I continued to walk we approached a building that looked like an amusement park carousel, the building itself had light blue walls, with its two roofs looked like a light magenta and pink, with some golden yellow to cover the top of the windows and genuinely brighten it up. As we walked closer there was a pony version of a manikin over the door and under it, it read ‘Carousel Boutique’.

As I thought I was right, I asked ‘’So, is this where you work?‘’

‘’Why yes, it’s my own little shop and home, you like it?‘’

‘’Yes, but like with dresses, I don’t think I’m the best at judging.‘’ She gave a small laugh and we walked inside.

Inside I guessed it looked like any other dressmaking shop, with shiny white floors and pink and magenta walls and curtains that divided the room, there was also a kind of circle table with three mirrors. Rarity went over to the platform and gestured for me to follow her, I did and there was a white piece of cloth over something.

Rarity’s horn lit up a light blue aura and said ‘’I hope you’ll like it, I have worked on it ever since our spa trip.‘’

The cloth was lifted and revealed a pony manikin with a dress on. On the front of the dress it had a blue V-neck with a thin pink line in the middle, further on it had a piece of a darker pink cloth around the stomach, at its back the skirt it was the same kind of pink like the front, but with two pieces of blue fabrics hung that hung loose, one closer to the floor and the other one was slightly above it. The bottom part of the dress had bigger rectangular cuts in the fabric and between each cut it had a six pointed magenta star, like Twilight’s Cutie Mark.
I looked at it in shock, it looked quite nice and as I felt my mouth was open, I closed it and said ‘’Wow, um… It’s pretty, way more than I expected.‘’

‘’I’m happy to hear that you like it, but I still need to make sure it fits you.‘’ She looked at the clock and groaned ‘’Rainbow, where are you?‘’

‘’Is something wrong?‘’

‘’No of course not, I just thought that Rainbow Dash would be here now, so instead you’ll get my full attention.‘’

‘’Oh um okay, where do you want me to stand?‘’ She gestured to the cirkel table thing and I walked over to it and stepped on.

After some time I was in the dress and even though it felt weird, I loved the few moments I saw myself in the mirrors, on the few occasions when Rarity didn’t look.

When Rarity was done she said ‘’There we go, it should be ready by tomorrow.‘’

I got the dress off and as Rarity went away with the dress, a knock came from the door as Rainbow flew in ‘’Hey Rare, sorry I’m late. Oh, hey kid, what are you doing here?‘’

‘’Hey Rainbow, I’m just getting a dress for when the Princess comes tomorrow, what about you?‘’

‘’Rarity said she would help me make a good impression for the Princess.‘’ Rainbow responded.

Rarity came back from where she was and said ‘’Rainbow? You’re late.‘’

‘’I know, sorry Rare, I was practicing my amazing moves and time just flew by.‘’ Rainbow responded with a cocky voice, but her wording got me to chuckle a bit.

Rarity rolled her eyes and said ‘’Well, better late than never, in any case. Star, I think we done, but you’re welcome stay and keep us company, else I think Twilight would want you back at home.‘’

‘’No I’ll stay, I would properly just get in the way for when they clean.‘’ I responded.

‘’Or so you don’t have to clean as well.‘’ Rainbow smirked as she responded.

‘’Maybe.‘’ I responded.

‘’Rainbow dear, I’ll get your outfit, then you can get ready on the stand.‘’ Rarity said before Rainbow and I switched places.

As Rainbow stood on the platform, I asked ‘’Did you talk to Twilight, you know, about the Wonderbolts?‘’

Her eyes grew wide as she then slapped her face with her hoof and said ‘’Sorry Star, I couldn’t find her that day and I simply forgot, did you talk to her?‘’

‘’Well… I forgot.‘’ I responded as I did a few awkward laughs.

‘’Hmm, how about this, after I’m done here, I’ll take you home and then we’ll both ask Twilight, deal?‘’

‘’Deal.‘’ I responded before Rarity came back and as Rainbow got some sort of outfit, I was told I could try any dress I wanted to and I looked through dozens upon dozens of dresses, as there was nothing else to do.

As I came back out from my digging in the pile of dresses with only one blue dress with light blue trims, it looked rather nice. I walked back into the main room and was about to fall and belly laugh on the floor as I saw Rainbow in a pink outfit and a huge white wig, that looked like it could be from the Victorian age in the UK, it looked ridiculous.

I grinned ear to ear as Rarity looked at me and asked ‘’Did you find something you like?‘’

‘’Um… Just this one.‘’ I showed her the dress.

She smiled and said ‘’Then it’s yours.‘’

My jaw dropped as I stumbled on my words ‘’Rarity, I- I- I can’t accept this, not for free.‘’

Rainbow flew over to me and said ‘’Hey kid, is something wrong?‘’

‘’I can’t accept this, I know I don’t have any money, but-‘’

Rainbow interrupted ‘’Star, listened to me, it’s a gift. One day, she could need help, then we’ll help her, nothing is a favor, it’s all just generosity.‘’

‘’Precisely darling,‘’ Rarity continued ‘’Without you even knowing it, you have given me so much inspiration for future designs. At the spa, when then found out your muscles needed a massage, that was generosity from my side and besides, I don’t need that dress and it will look absolutely adorable on you.‘’

I felt my face as it became warm and the dress was taken up by Rarity’s aura and after it was placed on me, I walked over to a mirror and as I saw myself, I like it so much that I didn’t care as I heard the two ponies go back to the stand, while they quietly giggled.

A good couple of minutes later Rainbow became a bit impatient as I got out of my trance as Rarity said ‘’Stand still, Rainbow Dash.‘’

Rainbow only grunted as she said ‘’I can’t! I need to fly! This is way too boring for me.‘’

I looked at them as Rarity sarcastically asked ‘’Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?‘’ Rainbow only sat down and looked rather annoyed. As I wanted to stay out of it, I walked back into the room with the dresses, just if I missed something in my first look through.

As I looked, I heard a very familiar voice that belonged to Twilight ‘’Wow! Rarity, those outfits are gorgeous!‘’

I heard Rarity as she giggled before she said ‘’Thank you, Twilight. Nice to know somepony appreciates my talents.‘’

‘’I do too!‘’ I yelled.

‘’Thank you Star!‘’ Rarity called.

Rainbow only groaned as she complained ‘’So boring!‘’

I walked back out and as Twilight looked at me, she immediately ran over to me and hugged me as she said ‘’Ohhh, my little sis, you look so adorable!‘’

‘’Twiliiight! You’re embarrassing me!‘’ I complained.

She sat me down again and said ‘’I’m your big sis, it’s my job to do so, especially when you look this adorable.‘’

I rolled my eyes before I heard a sound that came from Twilight’s mane and I asked ‘’What was that?‘’

Rarity came close and uttered ‘’Huh?‘’

Rainbow followed ‘’What’s that sound, Twilight?‘’

Out of Twilight’s mane came three adorable little balls of fur with wings and the most adorable eyes, while they made an even more adorable sound.

I was not alone, as Rainbow got excited and asked ‘’Wow! What are they?‘’

‘’The better question is, where did they come from?‘’ Twilight responded ‘’I only had one a minute ago.‘’

‘’I- I’ll take one!‘’ Rainbow said.

‘’Me too! Oh, they’re perfect!‘’ Rarity said.

As the pink one landed on my muzzle I asked ‘’Uhhh, big sis, can we have the pink one?‘’ Twilight nodded and we all played with these new pets, the one I had jumped a bit on my muzzle and I gently lifted my head as it jumped a bit before it landed back on my muzzle.
By the end, I was on my back on the floor, as the little thing jumped from one hoof to another as I pushed it gently up into the air.

At some point the door opened and the cute creature flew over to Twilight as I looked to the door and saw Pinkie, as she asked ‘’Does anypony know where I can find an accordion?!‘’ I looked at the three ponies who were pretty occupied ‘’Gals, hello! This is important!‘’

I looked back at Pinkie and said ‘’Sorry Pinkie, I’ll let you know if I see one.‘’

She smiled and as she called ‘’Thank you Star and don’t you worry, I’ll save us!‘’ Before she ran off and left me confused.

After Pinkie had left and the ponies were done admiring the cute creatures I asked ‘’Is Pinkie okay? Should we find out why she’s looking for that instrument?‘’

Rainbow just dismissed as she waved her hoof ‘’Don’t worry Star, that’s just Pinkie for you, she’s just like that sometimes.‘’

‘’Oh um… Okay, I guess you know her better than I do.‘’ I answered and tilted my head towards Twilight as I gestuered for Rainbow to ask, as she got the hint, she tossed me into the air and onto her back, as I let out a ‘’Iiip.‘’

She flew towards Twilight and said ‘’So Twilight, why haven’t you taught Star about the Wonderbolts?‘’

‘’Um… It hadn’t been necessary, as other things are more important to learn.‘’

‘’More important than the Wonderbolts? I don’t think so, but because you have many other things to teach her, then I will take her to the next Wonderbolt performance, with your permission of course.‘’ Rainbow responded like she had practiced.

Twilight looked at me and asked ‘’Star? Do you want to go and see a Wonderbolt performance?‘’

‘’Yeah, Rainbow make them sound really awesome, so it could be fun.‘’

‘’Alright.‘’ Twilight responded, looked at Rainbow and continued ‘’But only when they come to Ponyville or Canterlot, I don’t want Star to travel too far away, but if that isn’t possible, then I’m going with you.‘’

‘’I guess that’s fair. What do you think Star?‘’ Rainbow asked, I nodded and Rainbow got down on the ground and as I got on the floor, it still felt weird to be so much smaller than everyone else, as I looked up to them.

After a bit where I was still in my blue dress, Twilight, I and the cute creature that slept in Twilight mane left Rarity and Rainbow.

As we walked around town, we looked at the decorations and I noticed two ponies as they looked at me, like they had never seen a pony before, what they thought, I had no idea, they just stared at me or maybe at the decorations around me, I was maybe just a bit paranoid.

They looked to be young unicorns, one looked to be a bit taller than me and had a yellow coat with a short green mane and tail, maybe both were colts as they both had short manes and tails, however the other one was a bit smaller, maybe the other ones little brother, on his gray-blue-ish coat, he had an orange mane and tail, they both looked to have Cutie Marks, but I was too far away to see what those Cutie Marks were.

As we continued to walk we reached the town square and city hall as Twilight told me. As we looked around a pony walked over to us, an Earth Pony mare with a dark pink coat, her mane and tail were light pink and normal pink, as she got closer I saw her Cutie Mark, it was three flowers that smiled, she came over to us and said ‘’Hello Twilight, are you here to check on the preparations?‘’

‘’I am and it looks wonderful.‘’ Twilight responded as she looked around.

As the pony noticed me she asked ‘’Who’s this little filly?‘’

‘’She’s my little sister, Star Sparkle.‘’ Twilight responded.

The pony came a bit down and met my eye level as she said sweetly ‘’Why hello Star Sparkle, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Cheerilee, but everypony calls me ms. Cheerilee as I teach at the Ponyville schoolhouse.‘’

‘’Hi ms. Cheerilee, it’s nice to meet you.‘’ I responded.

She gave me a smile before she went into thought, looked at Twilight and said ‘’Stange, I hadn’t had any news that we would get a new filly in class.‘’

Twilight hastily responded ‘’Well, it’s only been two weeks since she lost her memory about her parents, so I figured that it would be for the best that she would adapt before attending school.‘’ Cheerliee's face became full of horror.

As the teacher heard I had no memory about my parents, it looked to have shocked her a bit, but before things could escalate I intervened ‘’But it’s okay, I live with Twilight now, as her little sister.‘’

It seemed to calm Cheerilee as she then said ‘’I’m terrible sorry Star Sparkle, but I’m happy to know that you’re in good hooves.‘’ We gave each other a small short smile before she turned her attention back to Twilight.

Before ms. Cheerilee said anything, I said rather abruptly ‘’By the way, just call me Star.‘’

Ms. Cheerilee looked at me again smiled and nodded ‘’Star it is.‘’ She looked back at Twilight and said ‘’I would recommend that she should start in school soon, she would at the same time be with ponies her own age and make friends.‘’

‘’Maybe one day, but for now, we are taking it one day at a time.‘’ Twilight said to my relief.

Cheerilee nodded ‘’Just let me know and she’ll be welcome.‘’

‘’Thank you ms. Cheerilee.‘’ Twilight responded and as we left for home, we waved goodbye.

At home the rest of the day went normal, the crib was removed from my bedroom, which I guessed was a good thing, I wasn’t a foal after all. I wanted to take my mind away from the crib, so I read a bit and got myself hypnotized by my horn as I wanted to get those moments over as soon as possible.

When it came time for dinner, Twilight called and after I walked out, she said ‘’Star, because of what happened yesterday, I have decided that you don’t have to try broccoli tonight, but tomorrow I do want you to try, just a little piece of raw broccoli, would that be okay.‘’

‘’Can I still have a cookie today?‘’

Twilight smiled warmly ‘’Yes and if you do try the broccoli tomorrow, then you’ll get two cookies.‘’ My eyes lit up, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow, those two cookies would be mine.

After dinner, I played with the little cute creature right up until Twilight told me it was bedtime and after she got me ready, she lay me in my bed as Twilight said ‘’So tomorrow morning it’s bath time, then it’s off to Rarity with you.‘’ I nodded and hugged my pink bunny plush and as Twilight stood next to me, I listened to her heartbeat as she stroked my mane and hummed her melody, I slowly fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Next 3 chapters will come out tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay :twilightblush:

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