• Published 25th Jul 2020
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Afterlife - Star Sparkle

The story of Stef the human's journey of discovery and self discovery, and of the unlikely bond that forms between him and Twilight.

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I’m sorry:

Twilight walked over to me as she asked ‘’Star? Do you have something to say for yourself?‘’

I felt as my eyes became warm and my throat became sore when I said ‘’When I woke up I saw Spike was still asleep, and I saw your note, so I decided to go and read on the balcony, but then Rainbow Dash picked me up.‘’ Then I lost tears, but continued ‘’So I couldn’t tell Spike that I was leaving and when Rainbow got me to the ground, Rarity wanted to go to the spa, and I only remembered again when I saw you again. I- I’m sorry Twilight.‘’ I broke into sobs, as I knew she would erase my memories now.

I heard hoof steps as she walked over to me and as I felt Twilight sat on the bed, she held me and stroked my mane as she whispered into my ear ‘’Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here and I believe you.’’ I hugged her and as I sobbed she continued ‘’Rainbow didn’t know you should let me know and Rarity just prolonged it, but it’s okay now, you’re not in trouble, because it wasn’t your fault, and I’ll be sure to tell Rainbow and the others so it won't happen again.‘’ I looked up at her, she smiled softly and levitated a tissue over to my as she said ‘’Let’s dry those eyes.‘’ Before she said with much sadness in her voice ‘’I’m sorry for yelling at you Star. You did nothing wrong. Can you forgive your big sister?‘’

‘’Only if you tell me why you yelled at me.‘’ I said, despite my tears.

‘’... I was, afraid, that something terrible had happened to you or that you, ran away… But that’s no excuse for yelling at you, I should have hugged you and asked ‘you’ what happened, I should never have been angry at you. But if you want to, I’ll talk with Princess Celestia so you can live with her at the castle instead.‘’ Twilight said.

I hugged her as tightly as I could as I said ‘’I forgive you big sis and I wanna stay with you.‘’

As I embraced Twilight my tears stopped and I asked ‘’Twilight?‘’

‘’Yeah, what is it?‘’ She asked softly.

I remembered what Princess Luna told me, I said ‘’I… I don’t know how to say it.‘’

‘’You can tell me anything.‘’ She said, still soft but more worried.

‘’I… I believed that you, and the Princesses, were keeping me here… Against my will.‘’ I said.

Twilight became quiet, but her heart began to beat faster before she asked ‘’What?‘’ Her voice cracked ‘’Why would you think that?‘’

‘’You asked me how the sun and moon rose and sets in the human world.‘’

‘’...Yes?‘’ She asked confusedly.

‘’Human don’t use magic, it’s gravity that makes our world spin and with the moon around us, and together we spin around the sun.‘’

‘’Okay… But why is that important, I mean compared to you thinking that we are keeping you here?‘’ Twilight asked, even more confused.

‘’You use magic, powerful magic to do the same job, but you still couldn’t get me home… So I came to my own conclusion… But I was wrong, I don’t even know why I jumped to such a stupid conclusion. I’m so stupid and I’m sorry.‘’ I answered and as I was done, I lowered my head as I didn’t dare to look her in the eyes.

Not even seconds passed before Twilight pulled me into a tight hug and as she hugged me, I heard her faintly cry as she muttered ‘’Star, you are not stupid and I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.‘’

I hugged her back as I whispered ‘’It’s okay.‘’ We just sat there and embraced each other.

After some time, we were interrupted be a growl from my stomach, which Twilight giggled at before she said ‘’Somepony is hungry.‘’

I did a little giggle as well and we went out to Spike who asked ‘’Are you alright Star?‘’

I looked at Twilight first and said ‘’Yeah, I’m fine, it’s been a tough day.‘’

He laughed before he asked ‘’But I heard you were with Rarity at the spa. Did she say anything about me?‘’

Confused, I answered ‘’No um… She didn’t. But I found out that my muscles have been really stressed,‘’ I gave Twilight a playful smile before I said ‘’I really don’t know why… But maybe I should go again some other day.‘’ Twilight giggled before she asked Spike if dinner was ready, it was and we ate.

As we ate Twilight got my attention as she said ‘’I think you will still need some sort of punishment for going out without me knowing.‘’ Confused I looked at her, but she said before I could say anything ‘’So tonight, you’ll sleep with me.‘’ As she gave me a playful smile.

I giggled at her while I said ‘’He he, if I have to. Can I still get my cookie?‘’

She nodded and said ‘’Of course and by the way, when you are done reading the last book, then there are two new books for you over on the table.‘’ She pointed to the table with the two books on it and we continued to eat.

After two more plates I asked ‘’Can I go and read now, please?‘’

‘’If you plate is clean, then yes.‘’ She answered and instinctively, I licked my plate clean of crumbs and showed it to her, she nodded in approval and I thanked Spike for dinner before I went to my room, grabbed the books with me, but before I entered my room, Twilight asked ‘’Didn’t you forget something?‘’ As I looked back at her in confusion, a cookie appeared in front of me, I took it with my mouth and gave Twilight a smile as I tried to thank her, she just giggled and I went into my room.

Inside my room, I looked at the books and saw it was a volume 3 & 4 out of what I had already gotten, so instead I ate my cookie before I turned the lights off and went over to the glass door, which led to my balcony.

I closed my eyes and began to feel the magic inside of me. It was faster than yesterday and when I found it, I imagined a light on the top of my horn, how sharp it would be, it’s color and remembered to not use too much power.

After I had focused my magic for a while, I slowly opened my right eye. As I still kept my focus, I noticed the pink light as it surrounded the room and again, I slowly opened my left eye and in the mirror I saw the blue in my mane as it became purple.

With both eyes now open and the light still on, I became entranced by the light and I only wanted to keep it lit.

While I looked straight at the top of my horn and the pink light I heard a soft voice say ‘’Focus. Feel the magic. Feel the light itself.‘’ I let out a small breath and felt the magic as it flowed inside of me and the soft voice spoke again ‘’Hold the light and begin to focus on me.‘’ As I looked into the mirror, I saw Twilight, my concentration slipped a bit, but I managed to hold the light.

While I looked at Twilight, her lips moved as the soft voice then asked ‘’What is my name, and your name?‘’

I focused harder as I stuttered ‘’You’re, Twi-light Spar-kle… I’m Star Spar-kle.‘’

‘’Good, again.‘’ She encouraged me.

‘’You are… Twilight, Sparkle… and I, am… Star, Sparkle.‘’ I repeated

‘’Good, one more time.‘’ She encouraged me.

‘’You are Twilight Sparkle, and I am Star Sparkle.‘’ I repeated.

‘’Perfect.‘’ She said proudly and as her horn got a purple light on it, her light came closer and closer to mine. As they met, a rush of magic came between us as the small little lightnings of purple and pink flickered between our horns.

After a short pause, Twilight turns off her light and I as well before she said ‘’That was amazing Star and in only two days, I’m impressed.‘’

‘’Thank you big sis, I couldn’t have done it without you. How long did it take for you to learn?‘’ I asked.

She thought for a moment before as she said ‘’I think it was closer to a month, but I was much younger than you are.‘’

My gaze went to the door that was now open and with Spike there he said ‘’Star, that was awesome, but I’ve never seen those lightning strikes before.‘’

‘’He he, thank you Spike, will you help me to write to Princess Celestia?‘’ I asked. As he left I asked ‘’What did he mean about lightning strikes?‘’

‘’When our lights met they flickered harmless lightning between them. It’s a natural thing to happen and is a moment that’s also highly anticipated right from when a unicorn foal is born.‘’ Twilight said.

‘’Will it happen again?‘’ I asked as I wanted to see it again.

‘’There is a spell for it, but it won’t happen again, that’s why it’s usually done with once mom or dad.‘’ Twilight said and as Spike came back Twilight said ‘’Remember it’s bedtime soon little sis.‘’ I nodded and as she went out of my room.

I turned my attention to Spike had a quill and opened the book as he said ‘’Ready.‘’ I thought before I said.

‘’Dear Princess Celestia.
Today I have learned how to make a light on my horn. Twilight said it took her about a month to learn, but she was younger than me, does it mean anything?

Yours Star Sparkle.‘’

Spike repeated as he wrote ‘’Star Sparkle. Done.‘’

I gave him a smile ‘’Thank you Spike.‘’ Before I went to the bathroom and got myself ready for bed, but still not able to hold the toothbrush, I called for Twilight and she brushed my teeth instead.

After that, I came back to my room and saw the book glow, I walked over to it, opened it and read.

Dearest Star Sparkle.
I did say you had potential. But how is Twilight as a big sister?

Yours Princess Celestia.

After I had read, I called ‘’Spike!‘’

Seconds later he was in my room with a quill and asked ‘’You got a replay already?‘’

I nodded and asked ‘’Will you write back for me? I then promise that tomorrow, I will learn how to write.‘’

‘’Don’t think about it, I love to help, it’s not for nothing that I’m the number one assistant for both Twilight and yourself.‘’ He answered as he took the book and said ‘’Ready.‘’ I thought before I said.

‘’Dear Princess Celestia.
Twilight did say she also was impressed and I guess we are like all sisters, she looks after me and teaches me about magic and in a way I can’t explain, I look up to her.
But it’s still weird to me being, well me, but with Twilight’s help, I am learning, even if I fall.

Yours Star Sparkle.‘’

Spike wrote and spoke ‘’Star Sparkle. Done, was there anything else?‘’

‘’Nope, nothing more number one assistant.‘’ I responded with a playful smile, he placed the book back on the shelf before Twilight came in and said it was time for bed.

I followed her to the bed and at the bedside she asked ‘’You wanna try jumping up?‘’

I nodded and I took my rear legs up in the air, as I stood on my front legs the rear came down and I pushed myself up into the air and landed on top of the bed as Twilight said ‘’Well done Star.‘’ She came up onto the bed as well and once under the sheets she pulled me in to her and after I snuggled into her chest she said ‘’Hey Star, guess what.‘’

‘’Huh, what is it?‘’ I asked curiously.

‘’Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville on the 14. Then mom and dad are coming the day after as they would love to have you in Canterlot for a few days, you know, to get to know their new daughter.‘’ Twilight happily said.

As I felt nervous about meeting my pony parents I asked ‘’For how long and what do they know about me?‘’

‘’It will only be three nights and they know that you are not from this world and wasn’t a little filly before, but nothing else. But don’t worry, they understand that this is all new for you and they are okay about you not calling them mom and dad, but instead by their names Twilight Velvet, or just Velvet, for mom and Night Light for dad.‘’ She answered before she continued ‘’I just wanted to let you know, but now you’ll need to sleep.‘’

‘’Okay,‘’ I snuggled myself closer into her ‘’Goodnight big sis.‘’

‘’Goodnight my little Star.‘’ She whispered as I fell asleep.

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