• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 126: Friendship Games II... Drivel...

A... Ack...!

Can't... Breathe...!

Starswirl... Someone... Help...!

You fool! You should've suspected something like this would occur concerning that device of hers!

Glad you... Have time to... Lecture me... While I'm... Choking to death... Lungs... Feel burning... Can barely look up... Clutching chest... Need air...!

"Oh my gosh, what have I done?!" Twilight... Gasped horridly. "I didn't mean to... What's happening to you?!"

"Can't... Breathe..." Hurts to... Even talk... Felt like... Vacuum of space...

"We have to help him!"

"I-I don't know how, Spike!"

Eyes watering... Corners of vision beginning to blacken... It'll be over soon if... If she doesn't do something... "Twilight... Pl... Please...!" Voice was hoarse, wasn't... Wasn't going to make it any longer...


Spike's terrified voice... Lit the fuse. Something smashed before my body.

And then I was impacted by a ball of light between us, the force of which sending me flying backwards, skidding across the clean hallway floor, clenching my eyes shut at the intense brightness emerging from seemingly nowhere. And, suddenly, it felt like a wave of fresh air was finally being granted as my oxygen again, rapidly inhaling and exhaling the air welcomingly. My nostrils filled with a warm scent, of comfort and reassurance, that the magic keeping me alive in this world was back with me.

When the light died down, my eyes carefully opened... Blinking to compose myself, slowly getting up from the ground. Wait, I inspected my body, and found the original body of Jack Wright has once more become the golden taller, much lean form of Stardust Balance. The sight of my yellow hands incited a long exhale of relief.

Thank God... Hold on.

From the other side of the hallway knelt a saddened Twilight, regarding her now broken hand-made purple device lying on the floor, bits of it scattered around it. Spike leaned against her side for comfort, and I slowly stood up, dusting myself... Before coughing, violently. Right, that was to be expected...

That was, indeed, too close for comfort. Thankfully there was enough goodness in this young woman to save your life as opposed to leaving you there for... Well, I prefer not to imagine a different scenario.

Yet, this doesn't change how foolish it was to approach this human variant of your Princess and anticipate things to only proceed smoothly. Just be more cautious the next time; your constant near-death experiences are beginning to wear on me.

Slowly stepping forward, I inquired gently, "Are you okay?"

Violet eyes snapped upwards, widening in surprise before lowering back to the small device, carefully gathering everything in her hands. "I guess..." Twilight sighed, glancing back up with fright reflecting in those beautiful purple orbs. "I'm sorry... I-I didn't know something like that was going to happen! Were... Were you in pain?"

"It did look as though you were hurting back then after changing your appearance, literally." Spike added.

With a hoarse chuckle, I smiled wryly. "No harm done. Really, you didn't know your device was capable of absorbing magic like that... Sorry I made you break it, by the way... But thank you, for saving my life just now, Twilight."

Accepting, once again, a hand to help her stand, Twilight glanced between the inoperable thing and myself. "It's still my fault, regardless. All I wanted was to understand the strange readings and phenomenons happening within this school. I didn't mean to hurt anyone...!"

"I know." Carefully, I laid a hand on her shoulder, prompting her soft wince. "But I don't blame you. Really. You're a good person, Twilight, and I know you would never intentionally harm anyone without good reason to. What matters now is, everyone has their own magic back, and no doubt the portal's working again."

Which I could feel. No shadow of doubt about it, my connection to Balance here may not be as strong, but it was enough and calm once again for me to sense that everything was as it should be. Twilight, upon breaking her device, released the contained magic which, in turn, returned to their original hosts. I'm assuming that's the case, Starswirl?



Twilight looked back up hesitantly, curiosity slowly emerging on those vulnerable features. "When you say magic..." Ah, now this is where the fun begins. "You don't mean 'magic' as in the unnatural force which contradicts all known laws of realism and scientific research, do you?"

"Look to your talking dog for answers."

Spike chuckled from the ground. "He's gotcha there, Twilight." The teenager flushed in embarrassment.

The decision made, to avoid any further messes caused by what occurs later in the film, I turned around and motioned forward. "Let's get going then."

"Wait, where are we going?"

Smirking, I glanced over my shoulder to the curious Twilight. "You want answers, I'm willing to provide them. About this magic, why Spike can talk, and why everyone here apparently knows you and Spike by name and recognition. But let's talk somewhere where we won't be easily eavesdropped on."

Are you certain about this decision, Jack?

Yes. What is preventing any further negative repercussions from taking this route? The events of Twilight transferring to this asinine school may never occur because of this. Take this choice with precision.

I will. Don't worry.

I already know I'm off to a good start anyway, the moment the human Twilight took one last look at the broken device in her hands... And dropped it in the nearest dustbin.

"I... Wow... Just... Wow..."

Yep, same.

"Pretty much my thoughts about this, too." Spike commented, wagging his tail between us excitedly. "I mean, there's another me who's a dragon?! How awesome is that?! He sounds so cool with how you describe him!"

"That's because he is, Spike." I say with a touch of pride to my voice, rubbing the canine's head. "Then again, I think any version of Spike is awesome."

Except for Gen III.

While her dog was happily accepting the attention, Twilight still look mystified by everything I've just shared with her, blinking slowly to process all this. Then, from our sitting spots on the school rooftop, she looked down to the front statue. "So these girls got their magic because another me - a pony me - came from another world. And that same mirror I investigated down there, this 'portal,' is in actuality the very same gateway between this world and 'Equestria?'"

The skepticism was actually pretty adorable. Any sane person wouldn't buy it at first, which shows how more human this Twilight was compared to the people in this school.

"The same portal which became in accessible when you absorbed its magic along with Sunset's." Smirking at the flustered teen, I added teasingly, "Got to say, very impressive device you made to do such things. Albert Einstein of our time over here."

Reddened cheeks increased further. "I wouldn't go that far... Not even Einstein had any experience with something this... This... You know..." Violet eyes stayed to the ground below our dangling feet, expression contemplative. But I didn't need Balance to sense the growing turmoil and confusion growing inside her. The more answer, incites more questions. Not even those glasses hid the conflict in her eyes.

Speaking of which, those glasses. Them being there alone incites HUGE writing inconsistencies. Because, clearly, the only reason this Twilight has impaired vision is so people can tell the difference between the two. Because children, apparently, aren't intelligent enough to spot the distinctions though mannerisms, clothing and hairstyles.

You give children of your homeworld too much credit.

I remember when cartoons didn't dumb themselves down for the viewer's sake... Anyway, why only those two with the major physical differences? Why couldn't the others be distinguished uniquely opposed to their Equestrian counterparts as well? Why can't, say, the human girls have different hobbies? Different lifestyles? Different mannerisms? The carbon copy approach is simply unconvincing.

If they want the audience to like the Human Six aside from being basically reflections of the ponies, give them distinct personalities and traits.

Different experiences breeds different paths.

Exactly! But no, it's only Twilight who has a unique alternate self. Whom, meanwhile, still stared at the ground and oblivious students below us, rubbing her temples as though suddenly growing a migraine. Leaning slightly, I asked softly, "Are you alright?" Placing a hand on her shoulder just in case.

The teenager inhaled. "I... I don't know. Everything you've just told me, it's all... Overwhelming I suppose..." She confessed, shaking her head bafflingly. "Maybe that's an understatement; this is just all so... Bigger than I originally expected. Alternate worlds, magic actually exists, another version of me who's a Princess."

"Don't forget the dragon me!"

"Heh, that too Spike... I just... This is almost incomprehensible. It should be incomprehensible!" Violet eyes stared at me. "But, everything I've seen so far... It's all beginning to add up... And that... That scares me..."

My reaction was instinctive, placing a hand on her shoulder to keep the teen grounded, expression that of understanding. Twilight didn't flinch this time, but gazed at me through desperate eyes behind those obnoxiously big glasses. "The unknown is always frightening to us, even those who claim they embrace the unexplored and strange. Even the other Twilight had doubts at times." Twilight nodded, slowly, beginning to let it all sink in. "Do you need a moment?"

"What? Oh... No, no I'm beginning to let it sink in."

"Are you sure?"

"Fine, just... This will take some getting use to." Clearing her throat, composing herself, the enlightened Twilight regarding me curiously, face clearly hungry for more information, but restraining herself somewhat. "So... What happens next?"

Grinning, I answered casually, "That's all up to you, Twilight. You have all this knowledge at your fingertips, and the proof in this school. The question now is, what will you do knowing all this? Return to Crystal Prep upon learning these things... Or seek out what you've been missing that you're searching for?"

The reaction was, of course, not unexpected. The girl was stumped. "How did you know that...?"

"Magic I'm guessing," Spike said.

"Nope, I just know things," I answered humouredly, but Twilight wasn't amused, just watching me expectantly. Shame. Anyway. "There's something missing, a constant absence in your life that you're not sure what it is. You want to find it, and you had some hope the answers would be find by investigating Canterlot High."

After a long searching moment, Twilight sighed, staring at the ground from the roof again. "Yes... It's always felt as though, despite all my grades and successes, I've been missing a key component. Something essentially that I have no idea what it is. And, if I'm being sincere... I still haven't found it, despite everything I've been told just now... So much for finding the answers I needed as opposed to wanting..."

And Hell will freeze over before I ever consider not helping Twilight in her time of need.

But she's not your Twilight.

"I know what it is you're looking for, Twilight, and I can help you find it." Purple eyes glanced over to me uncertainly, but I caught that sparkle of interest behind those silly large glasses. Smiling, I strengthened my voice to assure conviction. "But first, we need to deal with someone else; someone's who been taking advantage of her students long enough."

"Principal Cinch." Spike supplied, canine features frowning. "But, how exactly are we going to expose her for everything she's done to Twilight?"

"The answer lies at Crystal Prep itself, Spike." Both dog and teenager looked at me in surprise. Grinning, I stood upwards, brushing myself off. "There's not greater crime than hiding the truth, Twilight. Cinch has gotten away with this for too long. If you help me take her down, I can, in turn, help you find what you're missing. What do you say?"

"...I don't know." Twilight wrapped her arms around herself uncertainly, purple eyes skeptic and worried. "The idea of spying on those girls was bad enough, but what you're proposing potentially breaks every school code and law. What if something goes incredibly wrong?"

"Then I'll take the fall."

"But... You'd do that...?"

I smiled. "Of course." A habit developing, my hand reached down in offer. "Breaking a few rules to bring a criminal to justice. I don't see the problem. But I can't do it without you." Which wasn't entirely true. Even if she declined, I'd go to Crystal Prep regardless. "Assist me in bringing Cinch to justice, and I'll do everything in my power to help you so you won't be feeling empty any longer. Help me help you, Twilight... Help me help you."

Twilight glanced at cyan eyes, to the golden hand, and then a tugging Spike. The puppy said with assurance. "I think we can trust him, Twilight. That mean woman shouldn't get away after today."

The teenager wasn't entirely convinced yet, but looked back with something else reflective on her look. "Why bring it upon yourself to take her down...?"

"If I don't, no one else will." Literally. Even knowing everything Cinch had done to Twilight, not even Cadence called the police on her [BEEP].

You seem to hold a lot of faith in this girl who lacks the conviction and will of the Princess.

I recommend against underestimating her so easily, Sombra. You'd be surprised how interaction can create newfound determination. I pictured my mentor smiling sagely. As demonstrated this very moment.

A purple hand grasped a golden grip, sealing the deal. And carefully pulling her up, I smiled proudly at the hesitant teenager... Whom smiled back, but more softer and growing in confidence. "You're right... Cinch shouldn't be allowed to get away with this."

"Yes!" Spike leaped from the ground into Twilight's arms, embracing his owner and friend tightly. "Alright team, where do we go first?"

Smirking, I inclined my head to the door leading back inside. "Well first, we take a ride to Crystal Prep, and lay out the plan on the way there."

A few steps forward before Twilight called out. "Wait, right now? But the next round of the Games are starting soon!"

Oh yeah, that. "Twilight, no offense, but [BEEP] the Games." She gasped comically, shielding Spike's ears from the offensive word. Snorting, I continued, "Priorities my dear. The Games can wait for one of their contestants. If not, well that sucks for them."

"But what if-?"

"It'll be fine love, trust me." I winked, heading towards the doorway. "When we're done, Principal [BEEP] won't have any further right to blackmail you anyway. Come along Twilight, Spike, we've got work to do!"

"So, tell me about yourself."


"Well, I know just about everything regarding your equine counterpart." More than you'll realize, I guarantee it. "But you're a different person, though no less unique." Twilight blushed at the compliment. I grasped my hands behind my back with a smile. "So, why not indulge a friend?"

The teenager blinked in surprise. "We're... Friends?"

"If you want to be."

She then smiled lightly after a short moment, ducking her head from my teasing gaze. Together, the two of us walked with intent through the school hallways towards the exit doors, Spike hiding back in her backpack. "There's not much to say..." Twilight admitted with open shyness, shrugging cutely. "I could tell you about my grades and research, but personally? I'm afraid you'll be disappointed."

"Try me." I smirked, and Twilight opened her mouth, as though about to accept the challenge lingering from my statement-

"There you are!"

Ahh [BEEP].

Twilight immediately halted, staring at the floor as though it was interesting upon the six girls approaching us, blocking our way out. Without fail, my hand clutching her shoulder as a gesture of reassurance. Sunset and the others looked positively confused by the scene before them, but that didn't stop Rainbow was saying irritably, "We've been looking all over for you Star! What are you doing hanging out with her? The next round's gonna start anytime soon, and you're here hitting on the enemy team!"

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, you could be a little less crass." Rarity glanced between my glaring self and the flustered human Twilight, frowning in concern. "She didn't mean anything by it, darlings. We're just all a little under duress from last round."

"Not to mention our friends suddenly getting back their-!"

Applejack was smart enough to cover the blabbing Rainbow's mouth, adding with a nervous chuckle. "Confidence! That's what you were gonna say, wasn't it?" Pink eyes rolled and a blue head nodded vigorously, prying Applejack's hand off her. "Not to mention we were worried sick after ya seemed to have been in pain earlier Star. Is everythin' okay...?"

...You know what? One last thing to take care of before we departed. Something I should've addressed yesterday among our interactions.

"Everything's fine. Come with me, all of you." Rainbow opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off by stern glares and reluctantly obliged. Following my serious posture outside to the front school yard, I said gently to a worried Twilight, "Would you mind waiting here for one second? I won't be long." A small nod, but that was all I needed. "Sunset, a private word." The other girl blinked, and followed me a few feet away from the others.

Once we were out of ear shot, right beside the front statue, Sunset immediately burst out, "Something's happened; it felt like a wave of fresh air inhaled into my lungs. Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all suddenly got their magic back also, and the portal's working again! I checked. Is there something you know about this sudden restoration of our magic?"

I sighed, ready to get this plot point over and done with. Partially completed yesterday at the cafeteria, now it's time to finish the job.

"Sunset... You're not Twilight."

Oh, how condescending of you.

The pony-turned-teen blinked. "I'm... Aware of this...?"

"Let me finish." I continued firmly. "You're not Twilight Sparkle. You're Sunset Shimmer, and that makes you no less important as her." Importance to me, however, was another perspective. Sunset was confused, but allowed me to proceed, "I know you've been feeling insignificant as of late, feeling as though nothing can be done without her or I being here to help out. But the truth is, Sunset, you're just as capable, confident, strong-willed, determined and straight-up amazing as any of us. You have it in you to help your friends without any help from your home world."

Cerulean eyes reflected surprise and hesitation, Sunset looking away briefly to the ground. "Was it that obvious in my messages...?"

"And because I know how you feel." That prompted a reaction. Grinning lightly, I grasped her leather shoulder. "I know how it's like, feeling useless and ineffective without the guidance and wisdom of others. Hell, I've allowed people to control and steer my path all my life. Ever since I met Twilight and the rest... I did everything I could to be useful and independent, when the truth is, it's okay to rely on people for help at time to time."

A lesson which you constantly ignore and almost get killed for it. You [BEEP]ing hypocrite.

"You've already proven yourself, whether you know it or not. In my eyes, Sunset, you're as worthy of being a Princess as Twilight." And that's the truth.

Sunset looked positively stunned by the admittance, covering her mouth slightly in gaping shock. "I... I don't know what to say..." Her body expressed the gratitude instead, as I was suddenly embraced, tightly, by the pleased dark-yellow teenager, bacon hair covering my vision somewhat. And Sunset whispered happily, "That's probably the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Thank you so much, Stardust..."

And in my mind, I pictured Twilight, my Twilight, smiling proudly at my encouragement and words, and this moment prompted my own smile, Sunset pulling back with a touched grin.

"Just speaking the truth, my dear." With a smirk, I inclined my head to the side. "Yes, I know what happened with the magic suddenly returning. And with that out of the way, this Twilight's going to help me with something previously overlooked. I'll be back sooner or later."

Sunset blinked at that, following my gaze to a shy Twilight keeping her distance from the others, save for Pinkie and Fluttershy who were conversing cheerfully with her. "What about the Games? I don't think they'll start without their prized contestant."

Oh my God. "The Games can bloody wait. This is far more important." Leaning forward, I added with intensity. "This Twilight was blackmailed into participating, and I'm not letting that stand any longer." Sunset gasped at that, clearly disturbed and frowning in empathy, glancing towards the nervous purple teen from a short distance. "Stay here with the girls until we get back. I'm doing what should've been done long ago."

But before I could go back to them, a warm hand clutched my sleeve. "Be safe." Hm? I glanced over to Sunset, who was smiling faintly. "Twilight told me about your tendency to be... Reckless at times. And I wouldn't want my 'mentor' getting hurt off the bat, would I?"

"Too true." Laughing lightly, we headed back to the group, and I gestured Twilight to follow as Sunset talked with the girls. "Are you ready?" I inquired to a patient human Twilight.

She looked back briefly at the six colourful girls. "They're... The other Twilight's friends."

Ah. I nodded. "They are... Best friends in the pony world, in fact."

"They seem nice..."


"If a little enthusiastic..."

God help me wipe this grin off my face. "...Yeah."

"It's strange..." She commented thoughtfully, violet orbs lingering on the group conversing away, tilting her head. "They're interesting girls... But, just those few minutes alone with them I felt... Safe. Almost happy..." A small grin was creeping on her features, whereas I was smirking knowingly. "I guess I'm already beginning to get the answers I really needed..." With a spark of newfound determination, sparkling in those gorgeous emotional eyes, Twilight looked back to me with utter certainty. "Let's go."

Turns out, on the bus ride there, Twilight found it in herself to finally swallow everything told to her. Thus, inciting her inquisitive nature to be released in full force, making excited questions regarding everything I knew about Equestria, its natives and magic itself. Even during the 'interrogation,' I had to laugh, watching the human Twilight from mellow and depressed to enthusiastic and craving for more answers to her never-ending list of questions. Each one I responded to only brought two further inquiries from her mind.

About Earth Ponies, unicorns, pegasi, alicorns. You name it. Griffons, dragons, minotaurs and Changelings. Twilight wanted to know every drop of information; how the regal system worked, how society operated differently from ours, and so on. I felt more like a lecturer the further we discussed these things, taking seats at the back of the bus as to not be overheard. Eventually, my weary voice had to comment on something which made the eager Twilight flustered in flattery and embarrassment.

"You'll have plenty of time to learn more about Equestria soon." I reassured the eager teenager. "Although I love hearing your voice and enthusiasm, I'm hardly the best at explaining stuff."

The rest of the trip was spent in discussing the layout of the plan, which was easily prepared for enough. Infiltrate the school, find the security surveillance room, get the recorded footage of Cinch blackmailing Twilight along with any other students that [BEEP] repeated the action towards, send them to the nearest police station through email, and voila, bobs your uncle! Sound simple enough, and despite Twilight's constant misgivings about what exactly this plan entails, I had to keep reassuring the teen that should anything go wrong, I'll take the fall.

"You're awfully calm about doing this." She had to comment as we stepped off the bus. "Aren't you worried over the likelihood of us getting caught?"

"Believe me, I was a worrywarts once." My eyes gazed to the imposing building before us. "Although the other Twilight often bests me in that regard. We'll be fine."

A swift advance forwards, and I found myself moving beside Twilight at such a close proximity it surprised me. But then I knew why; feeling of protectiveness. Having to remind myself repeatedly that this Twilight wasn't the same strong-willed one as mine; easily manipulated and victim to emotional abuse. There was an urge to keep this young woman protected at all costs, and I'll be damned if anyone stops me.

No matter the location, it appears any version of Twilight will have her Warrior.

Ha ha. Very funny.

"Well, gotta give the school credit in how orderly it is." Seriously, everything looks pristine and well-kept just from entering the front. Crystal Prep obviously thrived on reputation alone, because treating students like equals? Pft, not here!

Twilight scarcely nodded, purple eyes darting around nervously as though we're being watched. "The surveillance room's down this way. If we're going to do this, we should probably hurry."

"Let's go then."

Twilight sighed, but quickly jogged up to meet me, the weight of Spike in her backpack not slowing her down in the slightest. "I see you're persistent about going through with breaking every rule in the book."

"What can I say? I'm known for challenging authority."

That's putting it mildly...

"So much for getting into the study program..." I smirked at Twilight's defeated tone, shaking her head tiredly.

"You could just point me in the direction and head back yourself, you know."

Finally, a small smile emerged on her pretty expression. "Well, since we've already made it this far, what would be the point?" Atta girl! "Besides, you promised you could help me, and since you're basically a walking talking alien from another dimension, I can't have you leaving my sight anytime soon. You're stuck with me, I'm afraid."

"I'll try not to complain too much." That brought out a giggle from the teen, who knew from my tone I was jesting. "By the way, you still haven't told me."

"Told you what?"

"Anything about yourself."

"Oh..." Twilight grinned sheepishly. "Well... What do you want to know?"

"How about... Everything."

And so the surprised Twilight obliged, and let me tell you, she excelled at being a lecturer than I ever could be, launching off her life story with a bang. At my encouraging smile and amused eyes, the young teen laid out everything about her grades, hobbies and life style, happily describing her love for Maths, history, science, stargazing and so on. It was like listening to my Twilight repeating everything she's ever told me about herself. And I was completely okay with that.

Taking a deep breath while we walked down a corridor, ignoring the curious yet annoyed gazes of students by their lockers, Twilight glanced around before flushing in seeming shame. "Sorry if it's a little much."

I even surprised myself, when spotting the detested looks of other uniformed students - Very, very ugly uniforms that could do with some blue, I've yet to comment - by interlocking my hand with hers. A red-faced Twilight snapped upwards at the sudden intimate gesture, and I only winked in response. "Don't apologize; I enjoy hearing you talk." And leaning closer, I whispered sincerely, "You're safe with me. These clowns don't know any better."

What ever would your Princess say, I wonder, acting this close with another version of her willingly? She wouldn't be too pleased, I can picture.

I imagine she'll be understanding... After being initially annoyed at first. But hey, what my Twilight doesn't know won't hurt her.

Once we were down a corridor bare of scrunched-faced students, the hand-lock disengaged, but Twilight blushed like a tomato for a good few minutes, inciting my short laughter. "Haha! I remember when my Twilight got easily flustered by physical contact that way." But, gazing back, I added with a frown. "But I don't ever recall her being so... Treated harshly by her peers."

"Then she's lucky..." Twilight said solemnly, regarding the floor again while still leading the way. And the posture brought an unpleasant curl to my lips.

"Twilight... Why do they despise you so much?" I just compelled to ask, sympathy and fury driving my motivation. "What could you have possibly done to have made them behave like immature brats to you?"

There's another thing that makes no sense. You'd think, being the student who often won the awards in the school, she'd get some positive attention. But for no reason at all, Twilight is treated like scum by the student body because... She's a driven student with ambition? Teenagers are [BEEP]ing stupid.

You can relate.


The girl shrugged, smiling wryly at me. "They're not exactly fond of others succeeding above them-"

"Twilight? What are you doing back here?"

We both collectively froze at the familiar voice, belonging to one human counterpart of an old friend standing before us with open curiosity, glancing from the nervous girl to the gold older teen beside her. And, surprisingly enough, this might be weird to note, but Shining Armor is probably the only human who barely resembles anything to his equine self. Like, the least similarities appearance-wise apart from skin and hair colours.

And looking obnoxiously repugnant. Seriously, not even a Diamond Dog bears such an unpleasant appearance, the sight of that foolish Prince as a human probably disgusts me than your little romance with the naive Princess.

"Shouldn't you be at Canterlot High for the Games?" That questioning look quickly shifted to suspicion, looking back at his younger sister, whom was twiddling her fingers. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, him?" Twilight asked with a tremor to her voice, evidently conjuring up some excuse. "This is Stardust, my... Escort. Dean Cadence wanted the medical records to the Crystal Prep students participating in the Games for the next round, so she asked me to retrieve them from the nurse's office. Stardust is here to verify this."

Quick thinking, Twilight. I nodded, playing along. "It's true." Although, gazing at the man's eyes, there was something already... Off I sensed about him. Although that implied if anything was right about the human version of my friend.

"Hmm..." Blue eyes stared deeply back at the pair, one nervous and one composed, before a small smile rose on his lips. "Well, why didn't you say so? Anything I can help with?"

"No! No!" Twilight waved frantically, grinning sheepishly. "We'll be fine. Come on Stardust, let's not keep the nurse waiting." Still regarding the curious boy with a mirrored expression, I followed. Again, something felt disturbingly weird about him, and passing by the boy, for some reason, incited a shudder down my spine.

A sign, maybe, that I've dwelled among this world long enough.

"That was a close one."

"Hm. Good excuse you pulled back there, although acting-wise could be improved on."

"I panicked alright? I wasn't expecting to bump into my older brother of all people, I had to improvise!" Twilight protested to my light-hearted observation, rubbing her forehead tiredly as we passed a corner. "Sorry. It's just, Shining can get very protective of me, and the last thing we want is that blocking our way."

"Oh. I'm fully aware of how protective of his loved ones he can be."

Purple eyes glanced at me curiously. "You mean, you know him in your world?"

I grinned. "Was Best Man at his wedding." And what an event that was. "I'll have to tell you about it sometime." I added to Twilight's gaping expression, nodding forward. "Are we close?"

Closing her mouth, the girl nodded, motioning to a pristine door on our right. "Right here." Ah, excellent. We're halfway done with the plan! Twilight proceeded to knock, and... No answer. Another knock. No answer. "Huh... Must be on lunch break."

"Even better." And I almost laughed at Twilight's expression upon me callously opening the door, which wasn't locked for some reason, and into the room filled with recording cameras and controls, spying on every corner of the school building. Upon a reluctant Twilight following after me, I closed the door carefully whereas she lowered her bag and allowed Spike to come out and play.

The puppy was all too happy, to say the least. "About time! Sometimes it gets really stuffy in there." Spike scratched behind his ear, gazing around curiously. "Are we here then?"

"We are Spike. Now, time to get to... Work." Twilight already beat me to it, taking a seat by the controls and immediately hopping into it. The teen muttered beneath her breath.

"Yesterday... Two hours ago and fifty-seven minutes... Principal's Office..."

...Anyone who said any version of Twilight Sparkle was ineffective, was a Goddamn liar.

"I'll leave you to it then." I commented jokingly, prompting Twilight's quick glance and small smile.

"We should do this quickly as possible. I'm already breaking enough rules for doing this. If everything goes South, I can kiss that study program goodbye."

"Didn't I say I'd-?"

"Take the blame? Repeatedly." Finally, something akin to amusement emerged behind those glasses, staring back up at the camera recording the office of the detested Principal. "But despite which, I don't think I can bring it in myself for anyone else to take responsibility for actions I'm partially involved with."

Leaning against the edge of the table, I folded my arms and grinned. "Heh, noble. You're almost like my Twilight in every single way, but unique in other aspects. You're doing the right thing here."

Twilight was typing into the keyboard with the speed of a hungry jaguar, but couldn't refrain from asking. "...And what else is she like?"


"The other Twilight. The 'Princess of Friendship,' as you called her."

"As everyone calls her nowadays." I smirked. "But where do I even begin?" The mental image alone of the smiling alicorn prompted my small smile, gazing up to the ceiling. "Beautiful. Driven. Ambitious. Determined. Passionate. Hilarious. Kind. Studious. Intelligent. Devoted. Brilliant. To be honest, I don't think every positive word in the entire dictionary could do her justice; she's... She's perfection itself."

The sound of tapping keys halted briefly, and I felt both pairs of eyes on me. "The two of you sound pretty close." Spike stated.

I chuckled lightly, eyes looking upwards still. "That's one way of putting it... She saved my life, for existing alone. At one time, we were the bane of each other's existence. But now... Without her, I'd... Well, I'd prefer not thinking of other scenarios."

"Why?" Human Twilight inquired softly, sounding slightly nervous, as if afraid of the answer. "Who is she to you...?"

The billion dollar question, an answer to which only I knew. And that answer came from the bleeding heart and dedicated soul towards that beautiful, Goddess of a mare, a sole word emerging from my throat that was quiet, but carried more weight and intensity than a thousand suns.


The room then became quiet for a long, good moment, the implications of the meaning behind that singular word filled with nothing but emotion sinking in. Until Spike said something which incited my genuine laughter. "Wow." Wow indeed Spike! "You don't strike me as Twilight's type, no offense."

Pft! "Don't worry Spike; I don't know what she sees in me either." Human Twilight, meanwhile, turned her gaze back on the screen, which was replaying the exact footage, I imagine, needed to expose the Principal permanently. "You found it? Nice work Twilight!"

The teenager nodded slowly, her mind seemingly occupied on something else. "Now we just need to download the footage and send it via email." Good point. First we'll need- Huh. "It always pays to come prepared." And Twilight inserted the Deus Ex USB stick from her pocket into the hard drive to proceed with the download.

Spike threw me an amused look. "Don't look so surprised. Twilight always comes prepared for anything."

"Anything but magic girls, talking dogs, breaking and entering the surveillance room in my own school." Twilight commented mildly, sending us a look of faint amusement. "This has been one surreal day, to understate it." A bing noise to alert us the download was complete, Twilight was efficient in pocketing the stick again, standing up and erasing any evidence of our presence here. "We should depart quickly. But first, Stardust."

I was so use to her voice calling me 'Jack' instead, hence my sudden surprised look. "Yeah...?"

Twilight looked nervous briefly, picking up the backpack after Spike lunged back inside it, composing herself before proceeding to ask, "You said this other Twilight was the 'Princess of Friendship,' correct?" Yeah-huh. "And... Is she happy? With her friends, I mean, and with her... Boyfriend?" Hah, it was nearly hysterical with how embarrassed she was adding in that last part.

But in answer, I nodded with a smile. "More than you know." Twilight nodded, staring at me then contemplatively.

"And you think... I'll find what I'm missing through those girls, back at CHS?"


"There are always better options to happiness."


My senses yelled in danger, and I swiftly turned around, extending an arm to protect the equally shocked Twilight. From the doorway, flanked by numerous male students entering the room to block our only exit, human Shining Armor with a straightened posture, hands clasped behind his back and a smug expression present on his ugly white mug. But my attention was neither on the controlled students nor Shining's unappealing facial features.

But the eyes.

Those pure, blackened irises overtaking the deep sea blue he normally had.

"Shining Armor...?" Twilight inquired in stunned surprise, taking a few steps forward before my outstretched arm. "What are you...?"

A sickly grin. Malicious and ill-intended. "Sorry Twily." The words held no fondness for the host's younger sibling. "Your big brother's gotta deal with some trash getting close to his innocent little sister."

At least we were right about one thing. Sombra mused warily with the students surrounding on Shining's snapping fingers. That monster was involved with this mess in one form or another. And now we know...

A classroom. How quaint.

"Please, do make yourselves comfortable." The possessed Shining insisted mockingly, blackened eyes regarding us with ill-concealed glee. "We wouldn't want to cause you distress. After all, one of you is our greatest student and the other the oh-so famous 'Twilight Warrior.'"

Twilight, struggling against the grips holding her arms, stared at her elder sibling pleadingly. "Shining, what's gotten into you? Let us go!"

"Oh I'm afraid not, dear sister." A hint of disdain from addressing the teen as such. "Until you hear what I have to say, that is. You've been a very bad girl already; cooperating with this ill-tempered nuisance and breaking almost every rule in the book? My my he has been a bad influence on you."

"Shining! Snap out of it; this isn't you!"

"Don't bother Twilight." My eyes narrowed, myself held by the arms with two students gripping me tightly. "That's not your brother talking to us right now. Am I not mistaken, Zagreus?"

Faint expression of amusement formed on the possessed boy's facial features. "It's the eyes, isn't it?"

"Black and tainted."

"The only 'tainted' thing I see here, is the clown mucking about causing messes everywhere he goes." Stepping forward, his pale features leaned close to my undeterred face, glaring right back. "Always endangering his own life for the sake of some self-noble crusade, never once considering the consequences towards his actions. A child playing adult." Zagreus shook his head and reared back again. "I don't know what the Princess sees in you."

My mouth stayed shut. I won't give this monster the satisfaction.

"What? No witty comments? No insults or threats? I see how much those ponies have influenced you to the point of mellowed cowardice. No matter." A sharp inhale, teeth grit in anger at the creature daring to grasp the spooked Twilight's chin to maintain eye contact. "It's this girl here I'm more interested in, regardless."

"Touch her again, see what happens..."

"And there it is!" Mock applause, the controlled teen raising his voice while circling the room. "The unrestrained wrath of a God!" This time, Twilight turned to me in gaping surprise. "Oh, he didn't tell you my dear? Unsurprising, this man always guards his closest secrets from others... Aside from Princesses, of course."

"Who are you?" The purple teenager finally asked, voice raising from shock to boldness. "What are you?"

"Moi?" He gestured to himself. "Why, your salvation of course! I am the master of all that lives, the chessmaster over Chaos and Harmony, the saviour towards every star in the multiverse... But you may call me Zagreus."

"Well, whatever you are... Release my brother at once! He has nothing to do with this!"

"Ahh, such conviction when the right buttons are pushed. You're not as completely unsimilar as your Princess than you know, my dear."

Give the demonic presence credit. Sombra mused. At the very least, he's making more use of the human Shining Armor than Hasbro ever did...

"But really, there is no need for such hostilities!" A wide grin, not a good sign. "I'm not your enemy here, Twilight Sparkle, but your ally!"

"Because taking over her own flesh and blood while holding her hostage certainly makes a good first impression." I pitched in.

"Lowest form of wit, but that defines you in a nutshell, doesn't it Jack?"

"Bite me. How did you escape from your realm?" I inquired heatedly, attempting to stall for time. Answers were needed here, and I had to keep Twilight safe from this monster's reach. Too bad I wasn't doing a good job so far. "Starswirl stopped you from harming us."

"He did, didn't he?" The sickly grin remained stitched onto his face, an ugly contrast to the normal expressions Shining Armor would have. "And he would've trapped me there indefinitely. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of yourself, Starlight, the dragon and the Princess, my essence managed to escape before the gateways sealed off, landing me in this world. And how conveniently too, since I long suspected you would attempt to prevent the next change destined to occur; but, as of yet, I am not as powerful in my presence as is. I require a physical body, and this discarded boy obliged to my plight all too willingly."

"I don't believe you." Twilight said hoarsely, struggling once again. "Shining would never allow a monster to control him like this. Get out of him, right this instant!"

He nodded, as if in agreement. "Oh do not despair, I have no intention of keeping this waste of flesh for long. No, I desire my own, personal body. And that is where you come into play, my dear."


That vile...!

A creature like him has no concept of empathy, I'm afraid... Even I am repulsed by his crude behaviour.

My limbs were shaking, voice beginning to quiver in rage,"If you think you're taking this girl's body-"

"Always assuming the worst, aren't you dear Jack?" A cruel smile. "A trait often shared with the Princess. No, I have no wish to control this girl's body unwillingly. I want my own body; a self-made form to reflect my greatness. A body composed from the magic and majesty than is I." A small nod towards the frowning girl. "And this young woman here will assist me in doing so... Unless, of course, she wants some unfortunate fate to befall her dear older brother..."

Twilight looked stricken, leaning back in shock. "Even if it was possible, which it isn't, why do you want my help? I'm not... Magical by any means."

"Modesty compels that answer, Miss Sparkle. But you couldn't be further from the truth." And with that cryptic answer, the possessed boy reached behind him, producing something from his back pocket and showing it to us. "Unbroken and completely operational, all with the correct amount of magic intact."

Twilight gasped.

And I glared. "Where did you get that...?"

"Some thing are beyond your knowing, Jack."

"So bad writing then."

Zagreus scoffed. "Crude humour suits you boy. But let's not dwardle any further." Stepping forward right before the flinching teen again, the creature raised the repaired device upwards towards her face. "A very crafty device, my dear. Unsurprising for one with your talents; it seemed such a waste to destroy such a useful toy."

"That's not yours." Twilight protested feebly, staring at the floor between them stubbornly. "What is it you want from me? What could you possibly hope to achieve from all this?"

"The same thing you are after, my dear... Answers."

Of course...

He seeks to seduce the more vulnerable Twilight Sparkle through promises of wisdom and knowledge. He mustn't succeed, Jack. The repercussions otherwise would be too disastrous even for I to halt.

Stepping away from her again, Zagreus raised Shining's head to the ceiling and motioned dramatically. "I know you, Twilight Sparkle. We are very much alike. Like me, you seek the truth in things. The answers to all questions, an insatiable curiosity. I was born from darkness and deception; my origins forged through the actions of a boy who seeks to protect his friends and precious Princess, selfishly sacrificing consequences in the process. Blindly following the actions of a spiritual old buffoon!"

Don't heed his words. There is nothing that monster can say that will stray from the truth his own existence is of greater peril than anything else.

"Don't listen to a single thing he says love." My eyes narrowed. "If evil was a valid concept, he would be the very definition of it. He'll do anything, lie and cheat, in order to get everything he desires."

"Evil? No... No my friend, I reject your claim of evil." Black eyes stared back at me, unflinching by either of us. "Evil defines malevolence; unwanted cravings for death and destruction. I crave Balance; knowledge of the forbidden and well-kept. Secrets the universe dares to keep from my everlasting grasp."

"You're a sick version of Balance. An abomination!"

"Charming. But your little tirades over what I am is hardly relevant. I'm not here to trade barbs, after all." Walking back to a wary Twilight, he grinned with sinister intent. "Consider what I am proposing here, my dear. Any answers granted to you from this autistic clown won't be enough, will it?" He ignored my warning growl. "You don't want just to learn about Equestria, you want to see it. You want to witness ALL of life's answers right before you! I can relate! Together, we will find the peace we are desperately seeking for."

"...And if I do cooperate." Twilight began slowly, processing the horrifying implications behind this offer. "Will you let my brother go?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"You don't have a heart."

"Boy don't make me gag you." Snapping his fingers suddenly, Twilight found herself freed and rubbing her sore arms in brief relief, regarding the gesturing possessed body of her sibling with open caution. Twilight was smarter than Zagreus gave her credit for. "Come now, let us discuss business, you and I."

"Wait!" She protested loudly before being forcibly guided towards the doorway, the sight of him doing that repulsing me. "You're not gonna hurt Stardust, are you?"

"Do not worry, dear Twilight." Zagreus glanced back at me with a knowing smile. "He's in good hands." And the door closed after one last exchange of stares between myself and Twilight, attempting to send the message that I'll come after them, quickly as possible.

And the second they left, the group of seven possessed teenage males began surrounding me. Wonderful. They were also undeterred by my glares, too controlled by that monster to express fear.

Remind you of your time in high school, Jack? Time for an escape plan.

Indeed. Now we know what Zagreus is after, we should pursue them posthaste. He cannot be permitted to escape alongside the manipulated young Miss Sparkle. The events would be catastrophic, for this world and all others.

Right. It's my fault this all happened anyhow. Time to fix another of my mistakes. But first, these teenagers. They loomed closer, ready to deliver their guest the oh-so warm welcome bullies could possess. If it wasn't for, of course, one certain interference by something I just spotted form the corner of my eye.

The student gripping my right arm noticed too late, suddenly looking down at the small canine tugging at the bottom of his school jeans, and thus giving me the time to deliver a swift knee upwards. Thank God for these new long legs of mine! The teenager keeled over in shock, and my released right arm acted accordingly, grabbing the other teen holding my left limb by the absurd hairstyle and pulling him close. A headbutt was more than enough to stun the teen in letting me go, resulting in him having his face slammed into the window shelf behind us and knocked out. The student on my right was still keeling over, down for the count from my harsh kick to the area you don't wanna get hit in, especially for males.

"Alright boys." Craning my neck with a wry grin, I gestured to the unfazed teens to bring it. "Let me show you how a real man fights."

It was over before a minute. There was no coordination in their movements, no tactics. All brute force without thought put into it. Mindless minions, always the most ineffective in combat.

Hmph. Unless you educate them in combat personally. But I don't see a power-craving lunatic like Zagreus entertaining the notion.

Students were flung over desks and slammed into the surfaces of such, along with windows and the chalk-filled blackboard. Dirty fighting, not exactly an honourable way for combat, but useless for getting them over with quickly. About four of the poor souls were clutching their private ares in pain now, curling up on the floor in sheer agony. Ah they'll wear it off sooner or later. One last back-punch to a charging pupil that sent him flying into a desk. Wow this new human body was much stronger than my old one.

Where was this when I was back in high school...?

"That was amazing!" Spike cheered in utter awe. walking forwards after observing underneath a desk. "No wonder that guy taking over Shining Armor called you a warrior!"

The time for praise must be stalled, I'm afraid. Starswirl said gravely, sounding disturbingly worried. We must hurry and prevent Zagreus's plans before they come to fruition. Let us make haste, gentlecolts!


"Thanks for the distraction earlier Spike. But now we have to find Twilight; she's in grave danger!"

Noticing the impatient distress in my tone, Spike nodded determinedly. "Right! I'm not gonna let some possessive monster hurt my friend! I can track down where they went with her scent!"

Atta boy! "Spike, you never let me down! Lead the way!"


"Zagreus, that's far enough!"

Finding them wasn't too difficult, Spike followed the trail of lingering scent back to outside the school itself. Together, we both spotted the two right in the middle of the school courtyard, Zagreus no doubt coaxing Twilight into committing an act she will never forgive herself for.

As though suddenly prepared for our interruption, a grinning Shining reached forward and grabbed the surprised Twilight before she could respond to us, holding her arm behind her back and evidently adding pressure to it. "Right in the nick of time!" Zagreus called out merrily. "You always were too punctual for your own good!"


"Ug... Spike!"

"Another step forward and her life is forfeit!" The demon grinned sadistically, emphasizing his point as Twilight released a pained gasp from the hold. "I am not like those 'villains' you've faced before, Jack. I have no hesitation to follow through with my promises."

He's right, unfortunately. There's no telling how far he'll accomplish to get what he wants; like you, Zagreus isn't tired to the rules of this world. We must proceed with caution.

My tone and expression left no room for joking. The pained expression and his awful grip on the teen was far enough. "Let her go, now!"

"Why? I have no obligation to obey your word; there's nothing stopping me from harming her."

"Hurt her, and there's nothing stopping me from destroying you."

At least he had the sense to pause for a moment, recognizing I wasn't kidding around this time. And then, another sinister grin. "But why? She's not your Twilight; merely a high school student whose curiosity would ultimately doom her. She's not a Princess, or an alicorn, or anything significant. She's just a child..."

I snapped irritably. "It doesn't matter what she is. I will not stand by and allow you to hurt my friend. Any version of Twilight Sparkle is under my protection, and I'll be damned before you lay another hand on her."

Silence briefly enclapsed the area, Twilight staring back at us in shock and faint pain. Spike regarding his owner and friend with open concern and panicking. Zagreus seemed mildly indifferent, a contrast to the sheer anger reflecting from my own expression. For the second he let go of the helpless teen, his life was forfeit.

For once, we are in complete and utter agreement. Sombra added firmly. This animal has no place in our world; no reason to even exist. He must be eradicated posthaste; there's no room for hesitation. Not this time.

"Alright then, let's leave the decision to her!" Say what now? I frowned warily, as did Twilight who was inexplicably released, staring down at the device extended from the monster's possessed white hand. "After all, this is about you, my dear Twilight. In the end, we are both after the same thing: Knowledge. And that path towards it is just at your fingertips... Take it."

Oh no! "Twilight, don't!" But the teen doesn't seem to be paying attention, taking the closed piece of technology and examining it closely, as though seeing it for the very first time.

"Twilight!" Spike called out feebly. "You can't let him get away with this! Don't listen to a single thing he tells you!" If not listen to me, then listen to your best friend here! She can't go through with this!

Patience, my friends.

Patience? There's no time for-!

Zagreus was no circling the conflicted teen, his words of seduction said out-loud, "What do they know? Hm? A puppy and a clown? You best them in wisdom and intelligence alone, you are more than capable of making decisions than they ever will be. Within that device lies the key to answering everything you've ever wanted. All of the magic contained in there... Help me achieve both our shared dream, Twilight. And your brother will be free, everyone you love safe and sound, and you will ascend higher than you ever thought possible... All it takes is simply opening what lies within."

"Don't you dare." Zagreus was not gonna win this battle easily! Taking one step forward, I insisted heatedly, "Twilight, I've seen the repercussions. The magic contained in that device is too unbalanced, it'll shred you of all humanity!"

"And what is wrong with that?" The enemy scoffed, rolling his black eyes distastefully. "With knowledge, humanity means nothing but limiting yourself to a mundane existence. We would be Gods among men!"

"Which is far worse!" I objected hotly. "Knowledge can destroy you as much as enlighten you if you go too far! None of us have any right to control everything throughout the universe! Twilight, please, don't heed his words!"

"Pay no attention to that manchild!" Zagreus sneered, leering at the visibly shaking Twilight. "He already seduced an alternate version of you; but you are smarter than that, I know it. Release the magic within, Twilight, and everything will become clear. You are almost... There..."

"No one will ever be safe, not even our loved ones!"

"Unleash it girl! It is your destiny to achieve greatness!"

Twilight stared at the device in her palms still, expression completely covered by uncertainty, glancing from it to me, to Zagreus, then to Spike. One was goading, the other two pleading. Twilight looked completely stricken; as if the temptation of knowledge was too much to not simply ignore. Please... I know you're better than that, Twilight...


"Twilight..." Spike attempted weakly, pleading to his owner and best friend.

As I have said repeatedly... She's not your Twilight...

No... And Zagreus will pay for underestimating her that way.




"I'm sorry?" Zagreus blinked, Shining's expression that of surprise.

"No..." Twilight barely whispered. Violet eyes were glaring down at the device clutched in her grip, mouth set as in in firm decision. "I can't... I can't unleash the magic contained in here... It's not my right."

...Something similar to hope began rising in my being. Scratch that, it was hope exactly!

"Can't... Or won't?" Zagreus narrowed his eyes, displeased by the repeated answer, standing right before the girl with sickening black orbs penetrating her soul. "You have the potential to learn everything the universe hides from beings like us-"

"I am nothing like you!" Whoa! A fiery side to the girl never before witnessed in Friendship Games. The uniformed teenager glared right back at her opponent, purple eyes sparkling- No... Blazing in determination. "No one has the right to be all-powerful, neither you nor I! You're a monster who only cares about himself and no one else! And I absolutely, without anymore hesitation, refuse to let you hurt anyone ever again!" You go girl! Raising her hand upwards, Twilight was prepared to slam it into the ground and prevent Zagreus from ever getting what he wanted-


I roared in pure fury.

Spike called out in horror, "TWILIGHT!"

How... How DARE HE!

The poor girl wasn't strong enough to react in time, the backhand from the possessed body sending her flying a few feet away, the device falling into Shining's waiting grasp without delay. Rubbing her cheek, Twilight groaned and stared up at the monster tearfully, but traces of defiance still remaining. Without hesitation, I rushed forward, ready to rip the monster out of Shining's body and into shreds.

"Foolish girl!" Zagreus spat in pure disgust. "The ignorance of a child... So be it. I never needed you regardless, but having a worthy Queen by my side, mostly just to spite our ill-charging friend over there, would've made an excellent bonus prize."

Shield your eyes!

Starswirl's warning couldn't come soon enough, suddenly blocking my face from the white light breaking out in full from the opened device, the force of such power already flapping my coat and pushing my hat off. Such... Raw energy!

Stop him! Before it's too late!

Can't... It's pushing me back...!


Once it was presumed safe enough to see again, Twilight and Spike's gasps of pure horror alerted me to the giant white sphere suddenly floating in the middle of the courtyard, the possessed body of Shining Armor standing before it... Black mist leaving his eyes and mouth. Ugh! I could tell what that meant. The discarded, unconscious body of the poor boy collapsed onto the ground before the worried Twilight and Spike, and I quickly hurried over towards them. And the black mist evaporated into the literal ball of light before us, prompting me to help a dazed Shining Armor suddenly beginning to wake up.

"Huh... What happened...?"

"Shining!" Quickly, Twilight and Spike assisted me in guiding the disoriented teen at a safe distance, Twilight inspecting her older brother for injuries. "Are you okay?"

"Ugh... Twily...?" The pale boy rubbed his temple, bleary eyes staring back at the three regarding him down in concern. "Did I miss some- ...Whoa..."

Whoa indeed. As Twilight helped him on his feet, we all turned back to the gigantic sphere only growing further in size, the strong gusts causing our clothes and hair to flap dangerously, even releasing the long purple hair of Twilight's from that original hairstyle of hers. Immediately, my instincts had me step forward and act as a living shield. Just in case. In response, a magnificent voice boomed from the blazing sphere.


"Ugh... What's happening?!" Spike called out, struggling against the harsh wind and ignoring Shining's shocked gasp to Twilight's dog suddenly talking.

"It's Zagreus!" I answered while covering my forehead, squinting angrily towards the threatening sphere. "The imbalance is merging with the unleashed magic!"

Where did he get that magic anyway?! The girls retrieved theirs after Twilight previously broke the device!

That doesn't matter at the moment! Right now we needed to find a solution before the end of the world!

"What should we do?" Spike asked loudly, panic and fear present in his tone against the force before us. Good question Spike. Sombra, Starswirl, if you have any suggestions right now I'm open to them!

Beneath you!

This ain't beneath me Sombra! Everyone in this world is in danger-!


What- OH!

Thought I felt something tapping against my sneaker. And surprise surprise, it was the same device human Twilight had constructed and Zagreus somehow got his hands on and repaired, discarded and opened like a clam. Picking it up, my eyes glanced from it to the giant sphere itself, mind already formulating a plan. An incredibly, dangerous idea that would, once again, possibly be the death of me.

Starswirl... Would it work?


Would it work?!

The tired mentor sighed, regretfully. In theory, yes. The device was unintentionally designed to absorb and contain magical anomalies. And at present we are confronting perhaps the greatest anomaly of all. However, combined with Zagreus's own imbalance, it might prove too much; the end result could free the magic, destroy the thing for good and... And annihilate everything within a short feet of it.

But you don't know that for sure...

Zagreus's merge has become too unstable. The device would break, completely, but the magic would be freed and returned to whence it came. I will make sure of that. Zagreus wouldn't become too powerful, but he would escape. And you... I cannot bring myself to admit the possible aftermath.

...That's alright. I can.

Don't. Don't even think about it boy. Sombra snarled as I stared at the technological wonder thoughtfully. You've come too far to willing accept that fate now. You hear me? I refuse to have you die right here, right now!

My life over theirs... Heh, not really a choice, is it?


With a small, remorseful smile, I looked back to the worried teens and canine, speaking with no room for argument. "Get indoors, keep everyone inside. You'll be safer there than out here... I hope."

Twilight frowned heavily, eyes watering from the force of wind and hair flapping about almost angelically. "What are you planning to do...?" I grinned lightly, holding up the device as an answer. Those magnificent eyes widened. "Would- Would that work?!"

"We're gonna find out." Glancing to the recovering boy, I added with a hardened tone, "Keep her safe." Shining blinked... But nodded, just as determined as I. Alright then. "Get inside, all of you, before it's too late!"


"Come on Twilight!" Spike protested. And Shining concurred, guiding a reluctant Twilight away from what was about to occur. But before they made it to the doorway, Twilight called out one last time.

"Be careful!"

I grinned weakly back. "Always!"

The voice from the sphere chuckled, unfazed as I gave the teen one long last look before turning to face it defiantly, the three now safely behind closed doors. "IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS, DOESN'T IT?" Ugh! A strong gust of wind, more powerful than before, prompting me to pause briefly from that raw power in my advance towards the being. "BY OPENLY DEFYING ME, USING THAT DEVICE, YOU WILL ONLY DESTROY YOURSELF, YOU REALIZE. I, ON THE OTHER HAND, CANNOT BE DESTROYED!"

Tch! My feet pressed into the grass as I slowly approached.


Agh! Almost keeling over, I pressed on.


Jack, reconsider your actions here. The voice almost sounded pleading. There is no real telling the outcome from what I predicted. This is no longer a situation where the logic of this world will assist you this time. The result could erase you from existence itself!


You're a blind fool! A mistake Zagreus! I agree with the old mage, boy, do NOT go through with this idiotic plan! We can think of something else to eliminate this threat eternally!


Starswirl... Sombra... Was nice knowing you guys... Goodbye.


Stop Jack!

With a small grin, standing directly before the large sphere bathing me in light, I regarded the device as a certain image of my friends conjured from the depths of my mind. Of my heart. Everyone... Including Spike and... Twilight...

My Twilight... This is for you... Thank you, you and everyone else...

I love you all...

Glaring upwards, I called out with the voice even Sombra would be proud of. "I'm not a hero... I'm a Twilight Warrior!" The open device raised up between us. "And I am fixing my mistake!"

Zagreus barely had time to scream, but whispers of objections and disbelief flew by my ears as the magic was being slowly, readily absorbed into the unstable device, the raw power of such causing my two hands to grip tighter on the technological marvel to keep it steady. The imbalanced merged magic was already causing a strain on my body, knee vibrating and teeth chattering violently. It wasn't going down without a fight. That's fine, we warriors often fight to the death regardless. With the image of my friends and... Her... Fresh in my mind, I screamed out in angry conviction. I was gonna win this battle! Zagreus will never have a body or the power to rule over anyone or anything! THIS WAS FOR MY FRIENDS!

And through that mental announcement, the last of the magic was consumed into the closing device like a Pokeball capturing its latest prized Mewtwo, the tremors and strong winds immediately dying down as soon as all was said and done. Silence eclipsed the courtyard, offering nothing but peace and serenity for a brief moment.


Well that was-

The explosion encompassed my vision before I could even blink.








Something... Warm... Touching... Touching my...

My... Lips...?

...Wait... Was someone-?!

The perpetrator of my personal space reared her head back in pure shock, my own eyes quickly opening and violent coughing producing from my throat and lungs. Ack! Ow! Felt like I was hit by a moving train... My chest is burning...!


"St-Stardust? You're okay?"

"Give him a moment. That was some mighty explosion he just survived back there."

...Oh. My bleary vision, taking a moment to adjust from complete disorientation, soon became clear enough to regard the nine faces staring down at me with open concern, bafflement and relief. Mostly the first and last one. "Aghh..." Clutching my sore head, the implications soon became to me from a newfound sensation on my lips. "Did-Did someone kiss me...?"

The one responsible blushed heavily, looking away at the amused and mischievous looks of her friends. And of all people, what are the odds? Despite my chest burning, my head growing a migraine and limbs feeling stiff as all Hell.

I had to chuckle. "Heh... Sorry to disappoint, Sunset, but I'm a taken man..."

Clear blue eyes snapped back at me irritably. "I panicked okay! You weren't breathing and I... I learnt about these things since my time in Canterlot High." Sunset rolled her eyes as Rarity and Rainbow snickered. "No wonder Twilight thinks you can be so infuriating at times. First you risk your life like this - Again - and now you're poking fun at my CPR. You... You...!" Okay, then I was greeted by a tight embrace from the teen, bacon hair filling up my vision. "We were so worried about you..."

Oof! Followed by Spike pushing into my stomach with a blissful wag of the tail. "I'm glad you're okay!" Ah Spike. Couldn't resist rubbing the excited dog's head fondly and graciously taking the offered top hat from his mouth..

"Welcome back to the livin', Star." Applejack grinned lightly, relief and bliss radiant in her Western voice. "That was, what, the second time ya did somethin' so reckless since we met?"

Add it to the list...

So I'm alive then...

Of COURSE you're alive you ungrateful [BEEP]! This time, the former King of the Empire snapped. And next time, at least consider your life values before endangering yourself, willingly.

And Zagreus...?

As we predicted. Starswirl replied instead, and I never heard sound so relieved either. But that can be patient for a moment. Let me express how gratified I am to see you safe and sound. Seems our own magic was strong to reduce the damage of the immediate explosion to a significant degree. Balance remains with you once again, Jack.

Hm... Just don't do it again.

Aw... You do care...

"Alright everyone, let's make room for him." Shining's voice had the girls oblige, the boy and Applejack opting to help me upwards. "She's right, that was some explosion... You're lucky to be alive. How are you feeling?"

The body movement caused my slightly groan, but I made an effort to stand with their help regardless. "Like all Hell..." I grumbled.

"Maybe we should take you to a hospital-"

"My own injuries can wait." Shining blinked at my harsh interruption. "Is everyone else okay? They're more important."

The other looked ready to argue there, but Spike beat them to the punch. "Yeah. That big boom back there only covered like a few feet, nowhere near the school itself." Yikes, no kidding. Scars tore a circle-like crater of the ground, inspected by Crystal Prep students who were investigating the loud explosion right outside the building. "There was nothing left afterwards but you. We thought... Ya know..."

A brief pause of horrifying thoughts consumed the air, before Rarity attempted to clear said atmosphere. "What matters now is everyone is safe and unharmed. Though I can barely fathom what caused such a terrifying explosion."

"I can..." All heads turned to Sunset, who regarding me intently. "I sensed it when we arrived to the scene. That bright light, it was filled with nothing but magic. Unstable magic ready to be unleashed on the world. But you stopped it... Didn't you Stardust? This was the danger you were warning us about."

"Not entirely." I sighed. "But... Yeah."

"And you almost got hurt because of it," Fluttershy commented worriedly.

"Not even 'almost,' we thought for a moment you were taken from us!" Rarity exclaimed, hands on hips. "Just what were you thinking darling, risking your life on your own that way?"

Oh boy, another lecture. Maybe well-deserved this time, but still... Hang on. "Wait, what are you girls even doing here? I told you not to follow me here."

"Well the second round of the Games was starting but they didn't want to start without their prized contestant and after you were taking a while we all got worried so we decided to come after you thinking you guys were heading to Crystal Prep and it turns out you were and we only arrived just in time to see that really really loud white explosion and you in that crater so we dragged you out and you weren't breathing so Sunset decided to give you mouth-to-mouth because we were all super worried and Sunset may or may not have developed a small crush on you-"


"Oops! Sorry!" The blabbering teen grinned in wide innocence whereas Sunset was blushing like a tomato. "Anyway, what were you doing throwing your life away like that? I mean at the Fall Formal it's cause Sunset threw a sledgehammer at your head-"


"Heheh, she does have a point there though." Applejack commented, green eyes regarding me firmly. "Mighty reckless of ya to do somethin' like that without us. What would Twilight- Sorry, the other Twilight say?"

Well I imagine she'll kill me than the explosion after learning what occurred here. Speaking of which, the name of my girlfriend prompted me to glance over to a certain human version of the alicorn, keeping a respective distance from us. Gently pushing Shining and Applejack off me, whom were close by still just in case, I slowly moved over towards the nervous Twilight, taking note of the bruise covering her right cheek.

That [BEEP]... I'll kill him.

Not if the Princess kills you first.

Tch... Good point.

"Let me see."

She blinked, before realizing what I was saying. "It doesn't hurt that much; it's just a bruise-"

"Twilight." The teen obediently did as requested, allowing me to inspect the stung cheek more thoroughly, my own rage and annoyance heating up the closer I looked. Shining growled quietly from behind, but any fury he felt was small and inconsequential compared to my own rage. "I'll kill him..."

She blinked at that, then sighed, stepping back while shaking her head, regarding the ground in shame. "It's my fault to begin with. If I hadn't built that stupid device, you wouldn't have almost-"

"Do me a favour, love, and stop blaming yourself for things entirely out of your control." I replied in exasperation, sighing whilst clutching my forehead. "If anything, it's my fault this all happened..."

"What do you mean?" Spike inquired curiously, and I felt all eyes on me. No point on leaving things as a mystery, I looked to everyone else and sighed again, beginning explain myself to my friends... And those almost hurt because of me.

"That creature - That thing - that took over Shining's body and tried to seduce Twilight through promises of power... Is of my own creation." Multiple gasps of shock, confusion and horror. The expected response. "An accident of my own making. The truth is, I was never meant to be here in the first place. Hell, there was never meant to be a Stardust Balance who befriend your pony counterparts... Dating the Princess Twilight Sparkle... Preventing this Twilight Sparkle from becoming something else entirely because of her curiosity..."

Shining frowned, and Rainbow asked in utter bafflement, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, Rainbow, that I'm not from this world OR Equestria." Widened eyes, all pure unexpected shock from this confession. I smiled tiredly. "I'm from a place that should've had no interaction with these two worlds to begin with. And because of my interactions here, my interference ever since my arrival, the negative energy caused by the choices I made and those I spoke with, it melded, forming together piece by piece until it was enough to break free, desiring nothing more than to bring imbalance itself upon the lands."

"...Zagreus..." Twilight said quietly from behind.

I nodded, this time myself regarding the patch of grass in regretful shame. "I can't apologize enough, endangering you all this way... I might as well be the biggest threat to you all..."

Plain and simple. I'm a danger to everyone around me. A reminder to the time when Sombra overtook my body and almost ruled Equestria because of it. Everything I do brings nothing but trouble and heartbreak, what right have I to even allow being here? I love Equestria and hate this world equally, but that doesn't excuse my own right to even interacting with the inhabitants of either universe. I have never done anything good enough in my life to deserve a peaceful existence alongside my friends and the mare I...


Two purple arms wrapped around me from behind, a soft, tender voice speaking in solemness. "You tried everything to stop me from going too far, not to mention saved Spike, Shining and everyone else here. I can't possibly despise you for such."

Next were a pair of bright yellow arms reaching around my side, a more gentler voice adding in, "You saved us numerous times now. As far as I'm concerned, you're our friend no matter what."

Next were pale white arms, this one a classy voice to my left. "You encouraged us against the Dazzlings in spite of your clear desire to go home. How can we possibly hate you for that?"

And pink arms to my front, joining in the growing group hug. "You never gave up on your friends! You're not as bad as you think silly."

And blue arms. "You supported us in the Battle of the Bands and helped us kick siren butt. You think we're gonna stop being your friends now?"

Orange arms followed by a confident Western tone, "I don't know about you, sugarcube, but after everythin' you've done for us, it'd be unfair to think any less of you. Heck, we call mistakes, right?"

Two paws hugging my shoes. "So what if you were never meant to be here or anywhere else? If you're pals with my awesome dragon self, you're pals with me!"

A firm white hand on my shoulder. "I don't know exactly whats's going on. But you risked everything just now to save countless lives, not to mention my little sister. That makes you okay in my book."

And, last but not least, darker yellow hands joined the embrace wrapping around my neck as Sunset said quietly, "You showed me another path, and never gave up on me. You and Twilight. You don't have to ask for our forgiveness, because there's nothing to forgive. Everyone here loves you, Stardust, surely you see that?"

"...Yeah." I whispered, refusing to allow tears to leak from my eyes, embracing all my friends tightly, human or pony. "Yeah I do..."

Jesus. Christ. Can we get anymore sappy and cliche? This is something your Princess would be the victim of, not yourself!

Quiet you. I'm having the time of my life here. The fact everyone here so readily accepts me regardless of my unintentional actions... Heh, goes to show. Maybe I do have a place in these worlds after all... Don't I Starswirl?

You always did. Never believe otherwise.

"Thank you, everyone... Now then." Back to business. But like me, everyone kept wide smiles across their faces. Clasping my hands together, I continued with new enthusiasm. The threat was gone, leaving only a few things to take care of. "I think it's time we all start again, regarding a certain teenager behind me. She was just as courageous and strong-willed today and deserves as much thanks from everyone here, starting with a proper introduction, don't you think?"

Twilight reddened at the attention and praise, grinning shyly. "I didn't really do anything..."

"Bull[BEEP], but I enjoy your humility." Looking over to an amused Sunset, I motioned playfully. "Care to help someone in need of friendship?"

"It'd be my pleasure." Stepping forward, the two girls faced each other, the pony-turned-teenager raised a hand as an offer, voice and eyes as confident as ever. "We got off on the wrong foot, sorry about that. We can try again, if you want... Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer."

With a small smile, Twilight cheerfully returned the gesture, mirroring the exact expression. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's a pleasure to meet you." When a certain pink-haired teen popped up between the startled girls, grinning merrily.

"Hi there. We already introduced each other before, but there's no harm in doing it again. I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Heh... Hello again, Pinkie Pie."

"Hi, I'm Fluttershy. It's very nice to meet you."

"Name's Rainbow Dash. How's it going?"

"Howdy, I'm Applejack. A pleasure makin' yer acquaintance."

"Rarity, darling. And I muse say, I do love this new hairstyle as opposed to the other one; it really brings out the colour in your eyes."

"I don't think I've seen her this happy in a long time." Shining commented as observed from the side, beaming at the excited teens chatting away with his grinning younger sister.

Smirking, I said humouredly, "It only gets better from here on out. Trust me." Legends of Everfree notwithstanding.

"After today, I can believe anything... Especially the idea of my little sister having an alternate boyfriend from another world."

The traces of disapproval of his voice couldn't hide completely from his surreal amused tone, prompting my short laughter. "Hahahaha! With luck, she won't encounter another me living in this universe." Which was impossible anyway, so you're safe there mate. Also, onto other matters. "Say, you think Cadence would make a good Principal?"

"Dean Cadence?" Shining frowned curiously. "She'd make a brilliant Principal certainly. Why?"

"Let's just say, she might be getting a promotion before the end of the day."


Hm, what?

Are you content with the progress you've made today?

Zagreus has been stopped, the evidence to Cinch's blackmailing has been sent to the nearest police station, human Twilight has successfully befriended the girls walking alongside me to the back of Canterlot High's building and, most importantly, Midnight Sparkle will never come into existence ever again. So, all in all.

Damn right I'm happy.

I'm pleased to hear it, just as I am relieved we managed to spare you the full force of that explosion in time. Though you may experience some after-effects magic-wise for a short while, you're completely unharmed.

Save for a headache, fading chest pains and minor limbs numbness, not to mention my clothes being slightly charred as a result from being smack-dab in the middle of said explosion. I had to decline Rarity's offer numerous times over getting some new clothing and letting her patch up what looks as though I just went through WWII.

"Alright, this is just bloody nonsense."

"Basically what I said about it." Sunset nodded in agreement, taking in the full view of the dirt track, archery spots and where the [BEEP]ing motorcycles are. I mean really, motorcycles? What numbnut declared that a good idea for a teenage sport?

Probably an excuse for making these Games look even slightly more amusing to observe.

That- That doesn't excuse how stupid it is! It's a Hospital disaster waiting to happen!

"Twilight!" A recognizable voice called out, Dean Cadence hurrying towards our location, a concerned yet relieved expression on her pink features. Twilight smiled back at her future in-law. "Where have you been? We were so worried about you." 'We?' I'm sure.

Ah, trouble.

Principal [BEEP] and her Shadowbolt minions strode our way with purpose, and like living shields Rainbow, Applejack and I placed ourselves between them and Twilight, throwing clear expressions of the same message: Back. Off. The Crystal Prep girls paused, suddenly looking perturbed, whereas Cinch barely flinched, sickly eyes narrowed only on her prized student being surrounded by people who legitimately cared about her.

"I trust you have a reasonable explanation to your remarkable absence Twilight." That obnoxious posh voice drawled. But before Twilight could even conjure up a response, Cinch raised a hand to continue, "No matter. We will discuss your lateness for the next event later. For now, we are to proceed with the Games posthaste. Come along girls."

It took a few seconds for them to halt and notice Twilight lingering behind, being comforted reassuringly by Rarity and Fluttershy. Glancing back, Cinch raised an unamused brow, lips curling in distaste.

"Come now Twilight, you should know better than to interact with the opposite team. You're well aware of the consequences should anything go awry, correct?" Twilight winced, and I bared my teeth, only Sunset's touch holding me back. My Twilight must've told her about my... Lashing outs. "I won't say it again Twilight, come."


That single, barely whispered word prompted even the Shadowbolts to looked stunned by the quiet defiance. Cinch snapped her head back at her in slight surprise, before quickly composing herself. "Now Twilight, let's not behave this way. Just because you helped us win the first round doesn't permit a rebellious disposition."

"With all due respect, Principal." Twilight spoke slowly, working to build up the courage in facing this awful woman who's been using her like a puppet on strings. Purple eyes stared up at the adult. "I can't participate any further, not with the stakes you're making about it."

A furrowed brow, Cinch moved to step closer... Only to be denied by the straightened posture of myself, Applejack and Rainbow, all glaring down the woman in dare, whom grew more and more annoyed by the minute. "Stakes? I don't know what you're implying, but this absurdity must end. Obviously the foolishness of these students are affecting your better judgement." Emphasis on the last two words.

"It doesn't come as a surprise for Twilight to befriend the people here since she's terrible at socializing like a normal human being." Sugarcoat had the [BEEP]s to say. And like whiplash, I retorted hotly.

"Hey [BEEP]y McPantaloons, how about you shut your [BEEP]ing ignorant mouth and listen to what Twilight has to say." Bam, worked like a charm. The five Crystal Prep girls dropped their jaws at the profanity and insult, Cinch glared disdainfully, Rainbow grinned faintly as the others groaned somewhat in exasperation. Cadence, meanwhile, was glancing between us and Twilight, brow furrowed curiously.

Twilight took the lead once again. "You know exactly what I'm referring to, Principal." Taking one step forward, the teenager continued with ire creeping into her raising voice, "It took a while for me to finally see it, but I know now, thanks to these people - my friends - this injustice can't be allowed further."

"Injustice?" Cadence echoed, following our glares focused on one unpleasant woman. "Is there something I should be aware of?"

"From the very beginning." I said irritably, glancing at the Dean. To be honest, she was a disappointment compared to her Princess counterpart. "Twilight has been used as a tool from the start, and she couldn't trust you enough to confess that fact."

"Stardust, it's not Dean Cadence's fault." Twilight shook her head. "It's my own for being too afraid to commit action against what Cinch has been doing to me."

"Which is what exactly?" Sour Sweet sneered, both irritated and confused by the exchange. And Cinch, however, was glaring down the courageous pupil, beady eyes daring her to continue. But with her friends encouraging her, Twilight had no further reason to feel afraid.

But the CP student's question was answered by another source. "Pardon us, which of you is Principal Cinch?" Ah, the popo is here! Two burly-looking officers strolled meaningfully in our direction, prompting surprised looks before everyone turned to the addressed woman in question, who regarded the police with open suspicion.

"Is there a problem, officers?"

They wasted no time in standing between the frowning Principal, one speaking up business-like. "We need you to come with us."

"For what purpose, may I ask?"

"You're being charged with emotional abuse and blackmail of a minor." Eyes widened, staring at Twilight disbelieving and back to her. Even Celestia and Luna, joining us at last, gasped from the implications. "We ask for your cooperation here ma'am."

"The jig is up!" Rainbow declared smugly, folding her arms with a smirk.

Cinch was not too pleased. Who would be? "But... I cannot be taken at this moment! I am supervising my students for the Friendship Games. Besides, where is your evidence?"

Stepping forward, Cadence said lightly, "I'll be fine taking care of the students in your absence, Principal. I recommend against fighting back the law." A tinge of meaning behind those words, and something shifted in her bright eyes. Twilight smiled at the reassurance. The cops wasted no time in guiding an enraged Cinch away, who called out one last time while being directed away from the large group.

"This isn't over! The Games cannot be won without me!"

"All about reputation with her... So long Principal [BEEP]!" Gasps from everyone around me, but I just waved cheerfully. "See you in court! ...Oh wait."

"Stardust Balance!" Celestia had hands on hips, staring me down disapprovingly. "We don't permit that sort of appalling language in my school."

"Good thing I'm not a student then. I'd be the bane of your existence!"

"Meaning you already aren't?" And we all chuckled from Rainbow's teasing, even the Shadowbolts finding themselves smiling from the positive air beginning to take over, now with Cinch's eclipsing stench out of the picture. Then, walking forward, we moved away for Cadence to reach Twilight, placing two hands on the teenager's shoulders with a light smile.

"I hope you can forgive me Twilight. I never suspected Cinch would be capable of such an atrocity." That is why you fail, hmm.

Twilight replied happily, "There's nothing to forgive. I'm just glad it's all over now."

"Well, we still have the Games to compete." Applejack pointed out in amusement. "Ya sure you won't be participatin' now with Cinch no longer over yer shoulder?"

Twilight smiled. "I said I wouldn't partake in them any further through her manipulations. But now with that taken care of..." Purple eyes sparkled over to the other watching team. "I don't see why I shouldn't, considering how far we've progressed up to now."

Sour Sweet scoffed. "And who said we needed your help?" Prompting everyone else to groan but the enemy team.

Alright, that does it. "This heated rivalry has gone on long enough." Clasping my hands, I said loudly, "Will someone get me a mic?" Pinkie obliged, rushing over to the observant box for the adults and returning with a wired microphone in hand. "Thank you." I said upon receiving, striding over towards the middle of the arena, standing atop the spot where the archers would fire at the moving targets.

Another speech? Sombra inquired, as the curious group followed.

Oh, you bet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cardboard cutouts of all ages!" I began with newfound enthusiasm, winking at the humoured girls. Pacing around, I spoke through purpose, "This bitter rivalry must end, and it will end now. Why? Because ever since these Games began, it's been nothing but heated competition with no friendliness behind it, contradicting the meaning behind the name. Remember, Friendship Games? As in, may the best school win? The real meaning behind them isn't about winning, but the fun of participating in them. That stuck-up woman with a ten-foot pole up her rectum whose name rhymes with [BEEP] made you forget about that. She was set on maintaining the reputation of Crystal Prep, bringing down Canterlot High and keeping the status quo."

Celestia and Luna folded their arms in observation from the side, Cadence was openly curious, and the girls smiled in approval. Sunset and human Twilight walked over to join at my beckoning, and I gestured to them for everyone paying attention.

"Look at these two, these extraordinary, intelligent, beautiful young women, both who were victims of greed and arrogance. They equally remind me of my own girlfriend, but unique, and fantastic, in their own ways." The two teens were growing red all over the face, staring at the wooden floor but smiling regardless, prompting my chuckle. "They're even cute when they're embarrassed." The other girls laughed lightly at my teasing, Twilight and Sunset staring hard at the ground.

You're just seeking excuses to compliment these two while getting away with it.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Looking back at everyone sitting on the stands, I continued with a grin, "Compliments aside, these two eventually learned what it means to take a stand, and fight back against the corruption which plagued over them. One fought to gain redemption for deeds of the past, the other rising to fight back against someone using her to their own ends. And like a marvelous twilight of dawn or glowing sunset, they shone from their accomplishments. I couldn't be anymore proud of them for it, alongside their friends and loved ones."

The two girls beamed happily at the sincere, ecstatic praise, sharing a look between one another of mutual understanding and warmness. Now for the finishing touch.

"And if two students from different schools can get along, why can't we? Why can't Crystal Prep and Canterlot High get along for the remainder of this contest, and the others to follow? Short answer, we can get along! We've above such mutual petty rivalry! Come on everyone, we're better than this! Better than what schemes Cinch had in mind! Let's prove that madwoman wrong and show the true meaning of the Friendship Games!" Nodding to the two, both Sunset and Twilight turned to face one another and, with huge smiles, clasped a firm handshake to signify a newfound friendship between both schools, indefinitely.

You don't know that, it might not last.

Maybe now, but... Watching the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts slowly start to shake each other's hands from the side, students from both respective schools rising from the stands and reaching over to merge with one another. Cadence placed a palm where her heart was with a warm smile, Celestia and Luna exchanged more than blissful expressions. Twilight and Sunset finishing their exchange with a warm hug, prompting my very huge, rather ridiculous smile.

What can I say? Well, I always live in hope.

Twilight will be proud of you.

Hm... Now then.

"Now, let's get these tedious games over with! By the way, motorcycles? Really guys? Celestia, Luna, the [BEEP]?" Sounds of shocked gasps, groans and laughter ensued from the echoes of my annoyed disbelief.

"You know, I think I've finally figured it out."


Sunset, regarding me with a light smirk, clarified, "How it is you learnt about these threats beforehand."

Say what now? I blinked. "Oh?" I was curious, what exactly had the pony-turned-teen conclusively reached to? Even the girls were interested to hear an answer.

"Think about it; evidently you knew about the Dazzlings and their plans a while back, helping us prepare against them. Yesterday you knew about this 'Zagreus' and came here to deal with it personally. You recruited Twilight's help in exposing Principal Cinch for using her, knowing about the dirty trickery beforehand. So, unless you're from the future, there's another likely possibility only the rarest of ponies could have." Yeah? Let's hear it. "Foresight." Sunset pointed at me playfully. "You can see into the future and knew about these things, that's how you knew best towards handling them."

"...Yes! Yes that is exactly it!" I nodded wildly, grinning. Might as well play along; the truth would be far more outlandish than what Sunset was suggesting. "Sometimes you excel at observation and deduction than Twilight... Don't tell her I said that."

"Hm? Don't tell her I said what?"

Ohh you. We shared mischievous grins as the others chuckled, myself then glancing over to the smiling human Twilight. "Absolutely sure with your choice today, Twilight?"

"Somehow, I think you knew I'd decide this from the very beginning." The glasses-wearing teenager mirrored my expression, Spike happily rubbing against her leg. Twilight glanced down at him fondly before gazing back up, her smile widening as she stood beside Sunset. "Maybe I'll find something better than an independent study program being here. There's so much more to the world than I've processed since today, and you all helped me see that."

Because, after the Games - Which was a draw, by the by. Who'd have thought? - Twilight eventually made the decision to transfer schools, rightfully so. Cadence was pleased by the choice, helping Celestia arrange having arranged the entrance of a new Canterlot High student. So, everything was as should be. The bitter rivalry between the schools has simmered down considerably, leaving on a high note, and the human counterpart of Twilight Sparkle was where she belonged.

With her friends.

With pride, I placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "You've made the right choice." I grinned slightly, which Twilight returned. "You're gonna be absolutely fantastic. All of you."

Indeed. Just like their equine counterparts, these young girls will blossom into a shining constellation for the world to behold, alongside our reformed friend Miss Shimmer over here. Additionally, Jack, any final thoughts to your third venture within this world?

Meaning your last, overall opinions regarding Friendship Games.

Yeah I know. Well... What can I say? Out of all the Equestria Girls specials, Friendship Games was the most dull and tedious to observe. Aside from Sunset, Twilight and Spike, everything else was plain boring and uninteresting to watch. Characters were flat, story was a snore fest, and the cliches and stereotypes remained the same as ever.

Still, it holds the same over all rating as Rainbow Rocks; not the worst of the bunch, but definitely higher than the first EQG.

No. After all, my young warrior friend, you have the worst of all to look forward to in your next visit...

Oh God, don't remind me- Wait... Did you just call me your-?

"She'll be here soon?"

What? Oh, yeah. "She will." I nodded with no hesitation, following their gazes towards the statue. The other girls laid a picnic blanket before it, all having taken seats save for three of us to wait for the inevitable arrival of my Princess. "In all her Goddess glory."

"That's just plain cheesy." Sunset smirked with folded arms, whereas Twilight reddened somewhat from what was technically a compliment to herself. "But, thank you for everything, Stardust. Just wanted to say, I appreciate everything you've done for us... For me."

"Yeah." Twilight nodded, pushing up her glasses with a warm, hopeful smile, pushing a strand behind her magnificent hair. "I can't tell you how... Grateful, I am, for someone to have believed in me and helped me find the confidence to take a stand... Thank you Stardust."

Those warm smiles, as bright as the affection and innocence reflecting in those cerulean and violet eyes. "Oh come here, both of you." Both accepted my offered embrace, myself saying with quiet amusement, "If only there were two more of me in this world; they would be two lucky [BEEP]tards."

"Haha, careful Stardust, I don't think your Twilight'd appreciate you compliment some other girls like that." Sunset replied after we pulled back, though her cheeks were faintly red in contrast to the bright rosy hue on human Twilight's face.

"Eh what she won't know won't hurt her." I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

And lo and behold, the Princess arrives.

"Sorry for being a little late!" Ha! We all turned to the sound of magic and the flawless voice of my special somepony. "I was occupied helping out a new friend of mine with befriending some others and making amends to past mistakes. You won't believe what we went through beforehand- ...Oh. And there's another unexpected development this week."


Walking forward, I clasped a hand on the humanoid form of pony Twilight Sparkle while passing by, simply stating with a smirk. "Your problem now." And left them to deal with it.

Bed and soda awaits!

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