• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Rise of Balance I

Author's Note:

Credit to new cover belongs to Shadow Beam, from MLPF.

So tell me, since when did 'a few days' translate to 'a month'?

That's how long Celestia had kept me confined to her kingdom. Well, I wouldn't say 'confined', more like 'to her convenience', though the alicorn never stated such out loud. I've spent about four weeks now answering her questions, informing her everything about my species as much I can without revealing too much away, over meals and numerous games of chess. She was sincerely intrigued by what I was, and the state of my home planet and its inhabitants.

I dare not imagine the cakewalk Celestia's inquires will be compared to Twilight's.

Aside from becoming a temporary resident of the castle, my other free time was mostly spent in the library - to Celestia's puzzling amusement - walking around the kingdom of Canterlot, interacting with Luna whenever she's brave enough to show her face around the castle, being 'interrogated' by Twilight's parents over their daughter's adventures and about her friends - who they are, what they're like, etc. - and then being questioned these same things by Shining Armor and his betrothed.

I still chuckle when remembering their reactions about the hydra and cockatree incidents.

And in light of all that, I seem to have gained their friendship all the more. Apparently risking my own life, twice, for Twilight was enough to earn Armor's and Cadence's respect. Night Light and Twilight Velvet were of course shocked about the events, but expressed sincere gratitude over saving their beloved daughter, telling me if I ever needed anything, I should not hesitate to ask them. And finally Luna, who was kept in the dark just as much as them, expressed similar surprise when I told her of my tales in Ponyville.

All in all, my time in Canterlot has, so far, been pleasant at best.

So where was I now? Currently within the castle library. The Princess of the Sun told me she searched every part of the place, finding no useful information over my dilemma. But hey, she's Celestia. So I decided to give it a shot. I requested not to be disturbed, hence there was no one else within the place while I read through a stack of books involving the theories and science of plausible space-time travel.

Results? Naught.

I sighed in frustration, closing the last page before moving onto the next book. True I've mostly skimmed through the pages until there was anything worthy of noting. The closest I've ever become fully interested in space is by watching Doctor Who. And unless there's a TARDIS nearby to take me home, I'm not fascinated in the concept of space travel as a whole.

Time, on the other hand-

I looked up from the first page, pony ears picking up the door opening behind me. A pegasus guard spoke from behind, in that rough neutral voice they all held. "I apologize for disturbing you, sir, but Princess Celestia summons you, urgently."

Did I mention as highly as their Captain regarded me, I could fully tell just how much disdain the guards of Canterlot held over me? I guess saving Armor's life wasn't enough for them to tolerate my ever expressed judgement over their ruler.

Glancing behind me to the stoic features, I nodded and closed the book before I could even read it. This'll have to wait. If it's urgent, then that means... well God knows what that alicorn believes is important or not.

"Stardust, I am glad you've heeded my call."

I shrugged, tearing my gaze from the window to face the alicorn who requested my arrival. "I'd rather we get this meeting over with, Celestia. What do you want... Celestia?" A frown expressed my confusion by the expression on the tall white mare's features.

I don't believe I've ever witnessed her looking so serious...

"I apologize for the interruption, but your research must be cast aside for a moment, as Equestria is under a crisis that could spell certain doom for us all."

"What, were not enough taxes paid?"

"If you can be serious for this situation, Stardust, that would be greatly appreciated." I raised a brow at the tone. The alicorn wasn't messing around this time. Celestia walked towards her throne gesturing me to approach as she gazed at the spot above rather than taking her place there. "My dear student and her friends have recently arrived, and are now seeking out the Elements of Harmony an old adversary of mine has hidden away."

So Twilight and the others are here- Wait... an old opponent...


As if sensing my thoughts, the alicorn nodded without looking at me. "Indeed. Someone just as powerful as Luna and I. A creature that glories in chaos and a pawn of evil."

No... she can't mean...

I was currently fighting against a grin, sputtering on my question to maintain a serious voice. "You're not talking about... him are you...?"

Celestia finally glanced at me, raising a brow of her own. "You are aware of him?"

"If it's the same one we're thinking of."

"Honestly, I do have a name you know."

The third unexpected voice was the final incentive for a full-bloomed grin to appear of my muzzle. Oh [BEEP] yeah! Now we're talking! Both Celestia and I looked around wildly for the owner of the voice. At last, now I can see what all the hype was about regarding this villain.

"You know it's quite rude to talk about someone behind their back." A pause. "But then again, who am I to talk? I'm rudeness incarnate." Followed by a dark chuckle. I swear I knew that voice from somewhere...

Is he voiced by Tim Curry? I bet it's Tim Curry.

"You shall not succeed, Discord." Celestia spoke out with determination. I, meanwhile, was smiling rather happily at the voice, and I was filled with even more glee, and a little apprehension, as the creature himself poofed into existence, smiling down upon us from the throne smugly.

Oh yes...

"Hm? What was that Celestia? I couldn't hear you over my rising triumph." Discord cleaned his right ear out, showing just as much as respect to the monarch as I do. I wanted to laugh so hard right then and there. Who'd blame me?

So this was the man huh? In all his chaotic glory. The embodiment himself, the body combined of so many animals I honestly don't dwell on the specifics. I can only see a dragon, a bear, a goat, a chicken and a pony morphed into an abomination of nonsensical force.

And I love it.

Truth be told I never saw his debuting episodes, but I knew enough that this was a confirmation that I've lasted in this world up to the second season of the show. In addition, I've seen the second half of the two-parter... but only about ten minutes of it.

"Discord." I swear I heard the alicorn's teeth grind.

"Why yes, I'm standing right here." He spoke in a smartarse tone, lowering towards the ground. "Or maybe I'm floating." Disappearing in a flash, then appearing right beside Celestia, faces inches apart. "Or maybe I'm winning."

"Your overconfidence will be your downfall." Discord teleported again, at that, this time appearing a few feet from the pair of us.

"Your faith in your subjects shall be yours." Was that an intentional Star Wars reference? I restrained the urge to just laugh at the sheer mockery towards this mare. "Ah, speaking of which; I stopped by to inform you, my dear Princess, that Twilight Sparkle and her friends are doing so well in their task... of failing miserably."

I was torn between chuckling, or being concerned for my friend's expense.

"You won't deceive me, Discord." The white mare stomped her front hoof down. "My student and her friends will triumph over your chaotic nature."

"And therein lies the problem." Discord yawned, as though his opponent flat-out bored him. That might just be it. "You try to stop the natural tide of chaos. And that will be your downfall. Now if you'll excuse me, I have my new subjects to torture."

"Wait-!" And in another flash, the spirit of chaos escaped with pure gleeful laughter echoing the large room, despite Celestia's loud protest. And after a few moments of silence, the alicorn spoke up. "So you now see what we are dealing with."

"I do." And I am loving it.

She raised a brow at my expressed enthusiasm. "You don't seem threatened by our foe." 'Our' foe? "I hope it's possible that you shall assist me, Twilight and everypony else in defeating Discord."

I had my answer ready. "No."

I took delight in her startled reaction. "'No'?"


"But he is-"

"Not my problem." I clarified, turning to walk towards the same window as earlier. "I have no quarrels with him. Plus he's the spirit of chaos; I'm not one to get in the way of nature."

Why should I help? This wasn't my problem, overall. Discord wasn't going to do anything dreadful. No one was going to die or truly suffer from his reign.

"He will cast a shadow of misery all over Equestria!"

I shrugged. "Chaos does what chaos wants."

"Nothing will be the same!"

"Oh, I forgot." I scoffed, meeting Celestia's heated gaze evenly. "Discord is an idealistic fool who wishes to impose his will on the entire planet. And that's your job!"

Instead of acknowledging that, the mare replied with a different tactic. "You assisted us in fighting Nightmare Moon."

I slightly coughed at the reminder. "Yes well, I wasn't thinking clearly during then." Followed by an indifferent shrug. "Besides, how can I help? Super strength isn't clearly enough to best Discord's obvious powerful magic." Then a thought occurred to me, causing me to point at Celestia. "Hang on, now why aren't you helping Twilight and the rest in fighting him, instead of sitting on your arse in here doing absolutely nothing?"

Celestia sighed, joining me by the window with a thoughtful and concerned expression. "A long time ago, my sister and I bested Discord, and encased him in stone. Our magic back then was bonded with the Elements of Harmony, making us strong enough to trap him. But now..."

"...Now the Elements are bonded with Twilight and the rest, making it impossible for you or Luna to utilize them." I finished. So really, an all-powerful monarch like yourself is just going to sit around and do absolutely nothing to assist your pupil?

And that speculation as correct. The Princess of the Sun nodded, gaze hardening. "So it is up to them to finish what my sister and I started."

"And if they don't succeed?" I questioned with a raised brow. "Should the Elements fail, what's the Plan B?"


"...There is a contingency plan, right?"

Further silence.

...Both anger and disbelief crashed into me like a tidal wave.

"You mean THAT'S your sole plan? No back-up ideas in case Discord wins? Your only goal is to... pray for these teenage ponies in defeating a literal incarnation of chaos itself?!" I was shocked, genuinely shocked. Celestia can't be this narrow-minded! A wise ruler would have another idea in case the first one doesn't emerge victorious.

Oh, that's right, this is Celestia we're talking about!

"You underestimate them-"

"And you, my friend, overestimate them!" I snorted loudly, swiftly turning with all intentions to leave. "This is complete bollocks! A Disney Princess would have more creativity and back-up plans than you. Jesus Christ, Celestia! I HOPE Discord wins, just to prove my point."

I was already by the door before the white alicorn called out calmly. "I understand your skepticism, Stardust. But in this situation, one must ask their self: what would you do?"

Luckily for you, you incompetent excuse for a monarch, I can think of several ideas... not that I was going to use them, of course.

Okay, maybe I was a little harsh towards that alicorn. But who can blame me? Anyone would be as disbelieving as I towards a monarch whose sole intention is to have simple faith in her student, when really that damn mare could be helping Twilight and the rest by not standing around and doing completely nothing.

I mean, Celestia could teach Twilight and her friends with how to combat Discord's magic. Tell them his weaknesses. Provide guidance and tips. Instead she plans just to have faith. That's all.


Though I shouldn't be so surprised, since Celestia showed the same willingness to not be useful over the Nightmare Moon and dragon incidents. At least I had resolve to aid Twilight in defeating Moon, but there's a difference between her and the current threat Equestria faces.

Moon was going to commit mass genocide by starving the inhabitants by forever blocking out the sun. I highly doubt Discord would ever commit such acts or even harm anyone... intentionally anyway,

Plus, Discord was a spirit of chaos itself; a force of natural disasters and change. The thing - I don't know exactly WHAT to call him - was only doing his job. Celestia ruled for over a thousand years cloaking the world in harmony. The way I see it, balance dictates that fairness would be chaos ruling over for those exact same years. I don't blame him for wanting vengeance against that alicorn.

As a firm philosopher and follower of balance, I mustn't side with either harmony or chaos. Light or dark. I had occasionally assisted my friends out in this world because I cared for their well-beings. For Celestia was asking me to fight in the name of one side than the other, and that I cannot do. It's none of my business, really, of what occurs in this world; all the events that happen are because they're written, set in stone. It is not my obligation to help out the forces of light with every crisis they have.

Hence why I neglected to divulge any information to two certain lovebirds about their upcoming wedding.

Let these ponies solve this themselves. Twilight and the others win in the end anyway. And if by some slim impossibility Discord does emerge victorious, well then tough. What could I do anyway? I doubt mere physical strength would be enough to take down a literal incarnation of one of the two most powerful forces of creation.

Odd. I don't recall the hallway being this long, barely able to see the other end where the door to the library was...

And why did it look as though I wasn't progressing further- Oh.

I finally noticed I've been walking on the same spot for a short while now, as the red carpet covering the entire floor of the hallway was moving backwards in even speed to my walking, intending to pull me towards... a dark hole right behind me.


Instinct kicked in, forcing me to pick up the speed. Yet the conveyor belt underneath the red fabric was already prepared for that, so I was still moving on the same spot no matter how fast I went. If this keeps up, I'll eventually succumb to exhaustion. Luckily there was a door to the right of me, and I quickly dived for it when I had the chance, relieved it was open as I crashed through.

"Oh! Do you mind?" I blinked as the spirit of chaos was before me... showering. He continued with a mock-offended voice whilst scrubbing himself. "I'm quite indecent you know."

Before I could retort over how the joker before me doesn't even wear clothes, I felt an invisble force push me out of the bathroom, door slamming shut as I noticed I was now standing on the only spot of land in this hallway. Water replaced where the entire marble ground once was... along with some alligators.

I immediately jumped for the dangling rope above me when one of the large reptiles lunged, finding myself then climbing upwards as the rope slowly descended to the patient beasts. Obviously Discord was taking great amusement out of this, as I heard maniacal laughter over my plight.

Well at least someone's being entertained.

"That's it, put on a show, servant of my dearest nemesis."

Knowing immediately who the invisible spirit was referring to, I scoffed admist my struggle to keep climbing upwards. "I'd rather serve a [BEEP] hydra than Celestia."

And just like that, the rope magically vanished, and my arse landed on the red carpet as the hallways returned to normal. Thank Christ. But any hopes of relief shattered as Discord appeared in a flash before me, regarding me with a grin before literally shoving a bar of soap into my muzzle. "Why, such vulgar language, and about your previous ruler no less!"

Standing up properly, I spat out the soap while rubbing away the taste from my tongue with my limb. Christ that was disgusting. "That mare deserves just as much respect as a chimpanzee." Especially during chess, I swear the monarch moves the pieces around whenever I'm not looking.

Still, it's rather incredible. I'm talking to Discord. THE Discord.

The creature laughed, evidently amused greatly by the retort. "And you speak to me as though we're equals! Do you even know who I am?"

Prepare to be even more surprised. I bowed to the incarnation of nature in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you at last, Discord. I am Stardust Balance."

He blinked, before quickly recovering and laughing much more harder. "Hahahaha! So you recognize your true ruler then, Mr Balance?"

I smiled faintly. "Anyone would make a better ruler than Celestia."

"We can both agree on that." Discord wiped an invisible tear from his yellow eye with a tiny red pupil. "Then you won't stand with her against me?"

"Neither her nor you." I shrugged casually. "I'm more of a neutral party and-"

I was rudely cut off by a scoff. "Then you already bore me." And just like that, a zipper replaced my mouth, resulting in my attempts of expressing my displeasure.

Already I felt light-headed by the sudden limited breathing reliance on my nostrils.

Discord, promptly ignoring my sounds of protest, inspected his none-fingernails from his chicken hand. "And here I believed while Celestia's pets searched for the Elements of Harmony, I'd find something to pass the time. Oh well."

As he vanished, so did the zipper. I took a few breathes as clear oxygen returned to me, resting a hoof against my chest. It was clear the creature quickly grew bored of me, and probably went back to 'play' with Twilight and the rest.

Well... at least unlike Nightmare Moon he didn't take that much of an interest in me.

Even though he made me his source of entertainment for a few minutes, it still wasn't a good enough incentive; I will not help the ponies in their battle against Discord.

Returning to my temporary quarters, the same one I've been occupying since my stay in Canterlot, I noticed an astonishing lack of guards or servants around during my walk to the throne room and back. Did the alicorn evacuate everyone in case her foe attempted to attack the castle. If so, wouldn't it make more sense to have guards everywhere around the place and the kingdom. Or maybe the guards were occupying the latter, defending the citizens while Celestia deals with Discord...

...By throwing her teenage student and her- our friends against him.


Ugh... I can still taste the soap in my mouth.

Cleaning my mouth with the basin, and spitting out the remaining contents of that soap bar, I resorted to spend the rest of my day... honestly I have no idea what. I'll tell you what I'm not doing, helping Twilight and the rest in defeating Discord. I'm not exactly sure if I'm ready to face them yet, or if they me, considering the possibility of Twilight informing them what I truly was-

Hello, what's this?

A parchment I recognize all too well, placed neatly on my made bed. A letter perhaps? Moving towards the bed and unrolling the paper in question, my eyes widened upon immediately identifying the handwriting.

A letter from Spike? At this time? Did a servant place it here earlier while I was in the library? Well obviously. But if all the servants have evacuated, then how...? I shook my head. Better read what my reptilian friend has written.

Dear Stardust,

How are you? I hope you're doing fine in Canterlot. The letters Princess Celestia sends to Twilight tells u that you're doing well. But knowing you, and knowing how much you "like" the Princess, both Twilight and I are skeptical... well, I am anyway.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that Twilight has finally accepted the fact she's been housing an alien for almost a year now. Wow, a year since you arrived on our world huh? But I think Twilight's still in shock about it, even if she won't say it. Though she said she's ready to see you again, and that she has a lot of questions on her mind.

Don't worry, I've answered some of them for her... oh all right, I told her everything. You have no idea how persistent Twilight can get when she's curious about something-

Oh trust me Spike, I do. I rolled my eyes, allowing a small smile to grace my yellow muzzle with every paragraph I read.

- But she means well.

So, I was wondering, when are you coming back? You said you'd come back after a short while, but it's almost been a month already! I miss having you around, and so does Twilight (not that she says it out loud.) Everypony in town misses you. Even Rainbow Dash misses having you around! I hope you're not in trouble for humiliating Blueblood at the gala, and got thrown in a dungeon or something.

I'm sure Twilight can get you out if that's the case, since she's on her way to Canterlot right now to deal with these weird things going on in Ponyville. I mean, a cotton candy cloud, bunnies growing long legs, kettle turning into popcorn and apples growing three times their sizes!

Both Twilight and I, and everyone, hope to see you soon.

- Your best friend, Spike.

Rereading the parchment a few times, I eventually sighed before laying the paper down on the clean bed. So Twilight's apparently accepted the fact I'm an alien in pony form, hm? Right, sure, I'll believe that when I see it first-hand. But more importantly, everyone misses me... that could be Spike misinterpreting the expressions of others.

Or that just could be me being pessimistic. But what else is new?

Still, my eyes remained fixed on the letter, it was kind of Spike to send this letter, obviously concerned and wishing me to return to Ponyville soon. Well I've yet to find any method in returning to my own planet, so I guess I'll have to oblige to Spike's - and by extension the residents of Ponyville - wishes very soon.

I won't lie, I too have missed their presence. Residing in Canterlot was a pleasant experience - Celestia notwithstanding - but I was rather fond of the quiet and serene atmosphere that this kingdom doesn't have. It was always less busy in Ponyville, and the ponies there were a lot more polite and friendly than the occupants of Canterlot.

Seriously, you have no idea how sick I got of the judging gazes towards me simply because I wore only a cape. I guess the novelty of beating up a spoiled Prince quickly wears off-

Hang on... these letters from Spike are first sent immediately to Celestia... and the parchment has clearly already been looked at; as the binding used to keep the rolled paper like that wasn't there.

...Ohhh subtle Celestia. Very subtle, I'll give you that...

With that thought, I quickly spun around to exit the room, having every intention to scold the monarch for attempting to guilt-trip me into helping my friends.

I wasn't the kind of guy who'd usually listen in on meetings and conversations between Celestia and anyone else. Generally they were dull and meant nothing to me anyway, the majority of them was political garbage - now I see why the show doesn't focus on the alicorn a lot.

This time, however, as I slowly opened the doors to the throne room, I heard two voices. One full of vigour and determination, the other with mockery and triumph. My suspicions were quickly confirmed as I gazed into the room through the small gap between the doors, as Celestia and Discord themselves were engaging in another heated exchange.

Well, heated on the former's part, anyway. As Discord was currently sitting on her throne and looking quite pleased with himself. "You may as well face the facts, Celestia. I've won. One of those little ponies refused to abide to the rules of my game, and now they shall all pay the price."

At the bottom of the small steps to the chair, Celestia had her back facing me, so I couldn't see her expression. But her tone had an edge to it. "I have faith they will succeed in their quest to defeat you."

"How cute. Blind faith in some mere ponies." Discord stretched, scratching his back while a wine glass appeared at his side. "By the way, sending someone else to face an all-powerful spirit of chaos instead of doing the job yourself? You've certainly been slacking since our last encounter all those years ago."

"You severely underestimate my student and her friends." Wow. This conversation sounds familiar. "Through their friendship, they shall triumph against your chaotic force, Discord."

"Oh no!" The surreal combination of animals threw his hands up in despair. "Not friendship! Anything but that trivial thing! Why, you might just have the advantage after all!"

A pause. No doubt Celestia was either glaring or seething at the sheer mockery and dismissal of friendship. Hey to be fair, I'd be as skeptical as Discord over the concept of friendship alone winning against an incarnation of force.

Then Discord laughed, loudly I might add, as lightning flashed from the side outside. Whoa, now it's getting serious. This time he was leering down at the alicorn before him, his voice shifted to not just amused, but with venom in it as well. "So then, shall I give them the same treatment you gave me? I think over a thousand years encased in stone might teach those ponies some respect. Or maybe I'll banish them to another dimension, Maybe I'll make them my puppets, literally I might add. What do you think, as consequence for defying their true ruler?"

"You won't harm them."

"Oh, I am far from being barbaric, my dear Celestia." Those yellow eyes narrowed far, a sinister grin replacing the original smirk. "But I will make them suffer."

Something about that tone sent a shiver down my ponified spine. And just like that, mental images of misery and distress towards Twilight, Spike and everyone else for the rest of their lives flashed before my eyes. Recalling the letter, I hissed in anger at the thought of any of them suffering horribly.

Damn, these inhabitants have made me soft.

"And they will suffer, Celestia, because you brought this upon them. Your arrogance over fighting me will result in your little subjects forever experiencing the consequences." The madman took a sip of his martini, before teleporting and reappearing to the side of the room, gesturing to the outside. "Gaze outside, and you will see my victory has already come to fruition, my dear Princess. Twilight and her friends have failed to win the game. Equestria is mine, and on the weather forecast tonight: a shower of pure, beautiful chaos!"

Concluded by insidious laughter, so gleeful and confident that he had already won. I repressed the urge to barge into the room and tell him otherwise. The thought of Twilight and the rest forever miserable was still fresh on my mind.

I turned away, grinding my teeth as I was already conflicted with what to do.

They don't need me. They don't need me.

Images of them all serving Discord, who took fiendish delight out of their sadness.

They win in the end anyway. So why should I help...?

The spirit of chaos sitting upon his throne, forcing all ponies to bow before him.

What could I do to possibly assist anyway? He was the incarnation of chaos itself for Christ's sake!

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to greet the losers of the game, and punish them accordingly."


Fine. Fine. I'll help them out.

God damn will I allow Twilight, Spike and everyone else to suffer horribly simply because of my own ideals. True, they'll win in the end. But I hate to imagine their discovery over my refusal to help them.

In addition, this could be solved without the usage of the Elements, regardless. Could being the word.

As the creature teleported out of the throne room, I used that opportunity to enter. Celestia, who was occupied with looking out of the window grimly, appeared obviously startled by my presence.


"Understand this, Celestia," I began. This had to be clear between us. "I won't do this for you, the kingdom nor all of Equestria. But for Twilight and all of my friends. I will help you in your battle against Discord."

I half-expected the mare to express gratitude and relief by my decision to finally assist. Yet all the alicorn did was sigh, rather tiredly I might add. "I'm afraid it might be too late for that, if what Discord says is true. The Elements of Harmony could be lost forever."

Well, lucky for you then, I know where they are.

But instead of sharing that information with this foolish monarch, I rolled my eyes. "Giving up already? Clearly a role model of our time, I see." Shaking my head then, I turned back towards the doorway. "If you'll excuse me, Celestia, I have to clean up your mess for you alongside Twilight."

"Do you have a plan?"

"I do." Well one in the making. It's a long shot, but it might just work. "And I already have a destination in mind."



To Be Continued...

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