• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Friendship is Balance

"The morning in Ponyville shimmers!"

And just like that, all irritation and regret of getting up so early instantly vanished at the wonderful angelic singing which belonged to the purple unicorn. Said mare had literally dragged me out of bed for some reason, but before I could ask, Twilight immediately pulled me around the place while beginning to sing. My tried frown, after the entire night consisted of Twilight drilling me with endless questions about my world's connection with her own, was replaced by a content smile.

"The morning in Ponyville shines!"

Unlike the poor abruptly awoken Spike, I had no problem now being up so early. As I watched the grinning Twilight sing, following the mare for wherever she wanted to take us, I supposed my morning water can wait.

"I know for absolute certain, that everything is certainly fineeee!"

A little redundant there, love?

"That's nice, Twilight." I said in amusement and exhaustion as we started walking through the town. "Now can you tell me what-?"

"C'mon Jack, let's go see how everypony's doing!" Whoa! Someone's very cheery today! The mare immediately grabbed my hoof without a care in the world, pulling me along as though we were a... Couple. And the implications were clearly there in the observing resident's heads.

"There's the Mayor; on route to her office!"

"Very astute."

"There's the sofa clerk selling some quills."

"Good morning kid!"

"Ponyville is so gentle and still.
Can things ever go wrong? I don't think that they will!"

Aheh... Tirek would like a word with you, my dear Twilight.

Though a flash of irritation revealed itself on my face at the two stallions gentlemanly helping Twilight off the table she tap-danced on. No one, thankfully, seemed to notice.

"The morning in Ponyville shimmers!
The morning in Ponyville shineees!"

Now I felt as though I was walking through the middle of a parade. And just five minutes ago I was in bed, sleeping deeply. Now I'm quickening my pace to match Twilight's enthusiastic own through the town. Either Twilight's energetic mood or voice was empowering me, or that my crush on this beautiful mare was responsible.

"And I know for absolute certain, that everything is certainly-!"

Oh [BEEP]!

"Are you alright?" I immediately asked, after the douse of water which fell atop Twilight's head.

She responded with an irritated nod, looking to the side, "Rainbow Dash, that's not funny!"

Of course, who else would've-?

"Terribly sorry darling." Wait what? "I'm afraid I'm- I'm not good with the thundery ones."


Either my brain was still disorganized and disorientated for being so abruptly awoken and dragged throughout the entire town, or Rarity was controlling the weather somewhat... With Rainbow's cutie mark.

But judging by Twilight's loud gasp, I wasn't hallucinating.

"Well, this is interesting..."

Twilight expressed differently, "Something tells me everything is not going to be fine..."

Well, talk about a surreal yet troublesome day.

Rarity having Rainbow's cutie mark, and therefore controlling the weather, with very poor results from the townsfolk. Rainbow having Fluttershy's mark, resulting with the animals int he cottage running amok. Fluttershy with Pinkie's; poorly attempting to make others laugh. Pinkie bearing Applejack's mark, nostalgia eh Pinkie? And Applejack wielding the special talent of Rarity's, and for once I was glad I was wearing only this cape and not legitimate clothes.

With all that said, I have just one question.

Hey, does anyone want MY cutie mark? I'd be happy to give it away! Step right up!

"This is bad." Twilight said rather understandably panicking as we reached the library after visiting our distressed friends, "This is really really bad."

"What's going on?" I wish I knew Spike. "Why is this happening?!"

"Panicking won't help." I said with a hoarse voice upon entering through the door. "We need to think about this with a clear head." Even though my head is still pretty blurry at the moment, still tired.

"You're right." Twilight concurred, "And I think I might know what caused this." Oh? "Last night when Spike was taking one of his seven-hour bubble baths, and Jack locked himself in his room again, I got a special delivery from the Princess!"

"Ah so Celestia's behind this conundrum. Got it." I nodded knowingly.

Rolling her eyes at my quick accusation, Twilight continued with her tale. Celestia had delivered the mare a book along with a letter, believing that an unfinished spell by the legendary Starswirl the Bearded - That name agin, I swear - can be concluded by the purple unicorn herself. Obviously stroking the mare's ego, it obviously worked. Twilight had tried out the spell last night, resulting in nothing seemingly happening.

Apparently not.

Okay, even though I'm sure Twilight could master any sort of magic or spell presented to her, what made Celestia believe a seemingly powerful spell unmastered by the Starswirl of her time can be finished by a teenage unicorn? And for that matter, did Celestia give no warning about any possible repercussions for trying out the spell? Seems to me the alicorn just dumped this unfinished work on her student for no real reason.

In other words, all of this can be pinned, like always, to Equestria's current ruler. And, by the way, all this is doing really is proving my one-hundred percent justified prejudice towards the concept of cutie marks everywhere. Forcing ponies to do what the tattoo says without any option about it; implying these equines have no inkling of free will; which we've seen countless times hasn't been the case, making the idea make no sense.

"But now I know something did happen!" Twilight said, gesturing to the Elements of Harmony, safely locked in a glass case nearby. Why were they there again? Ya think Twilight's would've hid them in a more secure secret location in the library so it'd make them harder to steal. "The spell has changed the Elements of Harmony! That must be why their cutie marks are all wrong!"

"Why would such a spell even exist?" I then pointed out questionably. "What motivation would Starswirl have to create a spell that does literally that?"

"I don't know." Twilight shook her head, the same book from last night - I'm guessing - floating in front of her whilst she looked through the pages,

"Can't we just use a counter spell to switch them back?" Spike inquired worriedly.

"Oh, there is no counter spell!" Twilight announced in worry and panic.

"Why don't you just use that memory spell to fix everypony when Discord was here?"

...I don't think that's the same situation, Spike.

"It's not their memories Spike." See? "It's their true selves that have been altered!"

"Zecora's cure for the cutie pox?"

"Now we're just grasping at straws." I said, shaking my head. Then, seeing Twilight turning around towards the staircase, I quickly intercepted, placing a hoof to gently halt her. "Wait, Twilight, I know that look. It's the same expression I've been giving these past few weeks."

The downcast mare refused to look at me, eyes closed in guilt, "It's all my fault."

"You didn't know this would happen."

"They're not who they're meant to be anymore." Saddened purple eyes looked at me, and it just pained me to see Twilight this way... "Their destinies have changed, and we can't fix that..."


"Are you hearing yourself?" I asked calmly, firm gaze locking on her depressed own, "Is Twilight Sparkle giving up so soon?"


"No, listen to me. It's my turn to say that none of this was your fault to begin with." I softly grasped her pony chin, so she couldn't look away from the truth. "Celestia sent you that book in the first place, you didn't volunteer for it; you were just given a task you knew little about. No one here blames you for it."


"We all make mistakes, Twilight, and it's our job to learn from them." I smiled kindly, relieved a litlle that the unicorn didn't try to look away. In fact, her eyes seemed to be pleading, as though seeking any kind of comfort and assurance that everything will be alright. Wish granted. "You are Twilight Sparkle, the most amazing pony alive, with the bestest friends anyone can ask for. And you certainly don't give up. So come on, let's think of a solution together."

"Jack..." Yet a small hopeful smile emerged on her muzzle.

"I'm here for you." I practically whispered in comfort, and that seemed to brighten her beautiful features.

"Same here!" Spike added, joining in proudly. "All for one and one for all!"


"...You're right. Both of you." Twilight suddenly spoke in a quiet tone, lifting her head up detemrinedly, eyes hardening in resolve. "I can't let my friends down! We have to do something!"

"There's the Twilight we know!" And adore-

Wait... What the hell?!

"My friends..." Twilight said softly as a pink glow began to emanate from her body, causing me to step back at the sudden bright disorientating light. My limb quickly shielded my eyes, wondering what on Earth was happening.

Magic-ex-machima, I think.

"I got it! I know what to do!" Was the realized ecstatic voice of Twilight Sparkle, as the light finally died down. Lowering my limb, I noticed the bright smile on the mare's features, eyes reflecting resolve and the knowledge of how best to handle this situation.

I would ask what just happened, but hey, I think our friends are a more higher priority. "Well?" I asked, followed by Twilight then suddenly hugging a surprised Spike tightly, then releasing him and approaching me-

My body stilled, heart doing a flip at the peck on my cheek. Though in Twilight's excitement, she didn't seem to realize what she just did, as the determined unicorn then ran upstairs to get something.

Well that was... Interesting...

"She seems excited." Spike then pointed out, and I glanced at his smug expression, a half-smile emerging on my muzzle.

Seconds later, the mare returned down the stairs, a chest coated in jewels floating beside her. "I may not be able to remind them of why they are, but I can show them what they mean to each other!" Removing the glass case, the seven elements then magically floated into the open trunk. "They'll find the part of themselves that's been lost so they can help the friend they care about so much! Come on Jack, Spike, our friends need our help!"

Hear hear!

"Come along Spike, we have work to do!" I responded in my own anticipation, following the hurrying unicorn towards outside.

Yet fate, it seemed, had other days. As soon as I reached the outside rain, Twilight running across the town undeterred, followed by Spike caryring the chest holding the element macguffins, I was immediately halted by a familiar echoing aged voice.

Her time has come.

My hoofs halted in the mud, the running pony and dragon becoming a fair distance away from me, as I looked up at the pelting raindrops and patterned clouds above. "Specter...?"

Hello Jack. It has been a while-

"You son of a [BEEP]!" Several heads probably turned at that, but right now I couldn't care less. My incredulous and self-righteous voice of anger expressed through the air, "Do you have any idea the kind of [BEEP] I've been through recently?! Where the hell have you been?! You were in my mind the entire time too, weren't you, when Sombra was taking over?! Where were you then, why didn't you help?!"

I had every right to be angry towards this elusive entity. If he resided, unwelcomingly I might add, in my head, then why didn't he try to stop Sombra? If he wanted to be useful to me, then Specter at least could've made some effort aside from some cryptic warning earlier after the battle with Trixie.

"Whatever." I said, looking forward again with narrowed eyes. "I have some friends to help and-"

Which will already be taken care of by Miss Sparkle. My friend- As if he had the right to still call me that. I glared upwards. - I understand your anger. It is justified. However, I must ask that you cast aside your own guilt, and let Miss Sparkle face this dilemma on her own.

"And why would I do that?"

Because this is her final test, to ascend the the rank of monarchy, and become the ruler of friendship she was always destined to become. My hoofs halted before they could step out of the puddle, the implications hitting me like a sledgehammer. He couldn't possibly be referring to...

So soon...?

"You mean... That time is now?"

Indeed. Was it me or was there a hint of pride in his tone? Twilight Sparkle has overcome many challenges, with the help of her beloved friends. This is her final trial, tested by Princess Celestia to overcome this obstacle and uncover her final lesson in friendship.

Then that means Celestia deliberately-!

But you must not interfere. You have played your part, Jack, and now it's time for you to face your own trial. Come again? Just like Miss Sparkle, you have faced many challenges and overcame trials by yourself and with the help of those dearest to you. It is time we spoke... Face to face.

"Oh!" I scoffed. "Well, finally!" Though if this was indeed Twilight's test to becoming an alicorn, then who was I to intervene? No one deserved this honour moreso than her... And her friends, I'd like to add. "What must I do?"

Close your eyes.

"That easy huh?"

Hm. His tone suggested amusement. At least your anger has subsided for the moment. Now, close your eyes, it's time to confront what burdens you so.

"...Alright." I looked forward one last time, sending a small smile to the mare I cherished the most, "Good luck Twilight."

Slowly, I closed both my eyes, the pelting rain making it easier to do so.

And while at first there was a split-second of darkness, was cast aside by the golden light enveloping my closed vision.

Twilight... Spike... Everyone... I'll join you all shortly...


And, upon opening my eyes, I was no longer in Ponyville.

My surroundings was now a plain, filled with light blue grass covering the lands, light snowflakes descending from the golden skies. And right there and then, I felt... Peaceful; assuring me that everything was going to be alright-

Wait... I know this place...

Can it be...?

Endless sea of twilight dominating the sky, blue grass with the scent of pure chocolate, warm snow descending from non-existent clouds, snow-covered mountains looming over majestically, both sun and moon hovering above the eternal dawn, looking down on the planet below. And, standing a distance, away a golden castle, almost blending in with the gorgeous sky.

The name of this world, my fantasy world, breathed from my awed muzzle.


This was... Was...

"Beautiful, is it not?"

My attention immediately snapped behind me, to another unexpected sight. Approaching me, as though forming from midair, stood a pony. Well, by pony I mean a pure white light being in the shape of an equine, with warm grey eyes being the only feature I can identify, though the horn indicated it was a unicorn... Or alicorn if it had its wings folded in. This being was slighter taller then myself, I dare say up to Luna's height.

Without making a sound, the grass hardly crunching beneath his hooves, the creature continued with his aged voice, "The imagination of an autistic can be a wonderful thing. This place is a pure example of such, wouldn't you say?"

That voice...!


The luminous being nodded, and despite having no visible features aside from his eyes, I can somehow feel his kind smile, "Jack, my brave, extraordinary child. Come, let us walk."

I stepped aside for him to move forward, and my limbs felt obliged to follow. Together we walked through the plains, on the blue grass which gave off a delicious smell, and the warm snowflakes falling on my body. And I could feel it all, everything I touched and touched me felt genuine. How was this possible...?

"In the mind, any sensation can be felt." Specter replied, as though reading my- Of course he was. "I take it you wish to know why you're here."

A statement. "Among other things..." I said quietly, knowing he could hear.

"You have been through many trials previously." The being gracefully gestured to the far-off lands. "I thought taking you to a safe comfort within your mind would assist."

"I... Thanks."

"Certainly." Whether he noticed my reluctance or not, Specter didn't mention it.

"But..." I had to know, my eyes stared hard at the white entity. "Where were you when my mind was under influence by Sombra? Why didn't you do anything if you were also in my mind? How could you abandon me...?"

It was strange of me to ask that last question, wasn't it?

"I never abandoned you." What? Grey eyes glanced at me, radiating only kindness and wisdom. "And if I had stopped the fallen King then, would you have opened yourself up more to Miss Sparkle and your friends?"

"I... Wait." My own eyes narrowed suspiciously, "You mean you... Deliberately did nothing to stop Sombra? You knew Twilight and everyone else would save me?"

By God, this person was just as bad as Celestia!

"Just as they would save you, you would save them, with another being along the way." Oh come on, not this cryptic bull-[BEEP]. His eyes then looked at me in mirth, "The bonds which ties you and your friends is stronger than you give credit for; it was due to those ties which saved you from King Sombra's complete influence."

"I kinda figured..."

I practically felt his smile, "And with it, a lesson was learned, correct?" What of it? "And now you have become much more closer to those equines, along with the infant dragon, than you have been before. In Equestria, friendship may just be what every living thing there needs."


We started walking again, our destination towards the ever-closer tall castle. "I know you feel guilty for the monarch's actions." Urgh... "You feel responsible, that a part of you allowed his influence because of your own anger; the burdens in your heart from the past mistakes you've made. If you were more like the ponies, this wouldn't have happened to begin with."

What can I say... Ya hit the nail on the head there, Specter...

"I agree with Miss Sparkle, Jack, that it is time you release those burdens, and begin anew."

"Easier said than done." I responded sourly, my gaze on the blue grass I walked upon. "I'm autistic; letting go of the past is near impossible..."

"Only if you believe it." From the corner of my eye, Specter paused. And I did so in turn, and some sort of influence prompted me to stare into the taller equine's eyes. They weren't judging, or condescending, but patient and wise. "You will overcome it first by facing what you fear most. What do you fear?"



"And why do you fear yourself...?"

"Why wouldn't I...?" I muttered bitterly, my features grimacing. "Because I'm an insensitive [BEEP] who's ruined lives before by my idiotic actions and words. I don't consider consequences enough before my actions. Everyone back home despises and pities me because of who and what I am. And what's worse..." Inhaling a little, my tone raised slightly, "I'm not like my kind; I'm more... Self-aware of my condition, my surroundings, than many of those with autism. And I know the potential pain I can cause others... I know that, one day, I will do something completely unforgivable... And it's better that I stay as far away from anyone as possible, when I get the chance to... When everyone grows sick of me..."

There, I said it. I spoke the truth, to Specter of all people. Something about those eyes incited me to speak nothing but the facts. And yet, despite all I said, those eyes didn't change in the least, still displaying that warmness which gave me some comfort and confidence in divulging this to them.

"You fear yourself, because you're afraid of hurting others." Specter summarized. Basically. At my small nod, the being nodded himself... Before resuming the walk, and I quickly followed, "Then, it is time you confront that fear, and overcome it."

By this point, the foot of the castle was among us, as we approached the large open doors leading into darkness. Something about it immediately sent a chill up my spine. Mist poured from the edges of the large doorway, inviting anyone in. Though I presume it was specifically waiting for me.

"What's in there...?"

"Only what stops you." Specter replied beside me, sounding alot more calmer. "Your final test is at hand. You must face it one last time, before you're ready for the true purpose behind your presence in Equestria."

I see...

"Remember." A white warm hoof place don my side, and I felt as though a radiator was put into my body. "You are never alone. The bonds between you and those you love will help you in your hour of need."

Without a word, I nodded, facing the darkness head-on. He's right... It's time I deal with this fear, once and for all.

"And Jack." Halting briefly from my movements, I looked back at the observing being, whop spoke with confidence, "May the Force be with you."

"Oh ha ha." I responded dryly. Of all time for him to joke... "Specter, who are you-?"

And of course, he disappears.

Still, a small smile emerged on my muzzle, and I entered the welcoming castle, ready to take on whatever awaited me.

It was as if my hooves knew where they were going, guiding me towards where I assumed would be the throne room. And I got nearer, the dark presence felt stronger. Whoever or whatever was in there was waiting for me, and was probably resting on my throne.

My world, my kingdom.

The walls and interior of the hallways were exactly as I envisioned them. Everything was neat, orderly, and decorated in rugs and paintings of blue and gold, yet for some reason has some hints of purple and... Black...

...Something wasn't right, obviously. As if anything was right the moment I first came to Equestria...

And, finally, I reached the destination. Two large solid gold doors waited for me, evidently guarding the throne room. Whatever waited for me was inside, and I could sense the dark intentions within; it invited me, wanting me to become its prey once more. Well, joke's on you; this time, I'm ready to settle this, once and for all.

With my resolve hardening, the image of my smiling encouraging friends strong in my mind, I pushed open the easily-obliging doors.

The room was as big and grandiose as I expected; like the hallway's, the walls with solid rock gold along with a gold marble floor, a dark blue carpet leading towards the large throne and smaller thrones circling the room. Where the King of Balance himself would rest and speaking with his Twilight Warriors, dedicated to watching and preserving the Twilight of the multiverse, sworn never to interfere unless balance itself was in danger.

Only problem; the being currently resting in the grand seat wasn't his Majesty.

Decorated in black robes, grey hair and aged sharp features welcomed me with cold contempt. Black eyes stared directly into my soul, and I swallowed a gulp, glaring back at the being who was culmination of my darkness: My anger, regret, hatred and depression rolled up together and given conscious form, creating this OC who would be what I could possibly become.

He was my darker self. My Hyde. My Valeyard.


The addressed being smiled cruelly, "Welcome home... Your Highness."

This was my fear, this being before me; the representation of what would happen if I succumbed to my darker parts. As I almost did a while back. Normally I would've cowered, fleeing away from this monstrosity and reminder of my vulnerabilities.

But not this time. Steeling myself, I approached the being, who slowly stood up from his- My seat.

"You don't belong here." I said sternly, cautiously awaiting any move he makes.

But he only smiled.

"If you deem me a threat - As you appropriately should - Then, for now, you have a little to fear." Oh? The Valeyard to my Doctor grinned lightly, eyes regarding me with clear disdain, "Your little friends managed to have weakened me, however slightly, since our last encounter, when they used those accursed Elements of Harmony to temporarily save you from my grasp."


"Why are you here?" He then asked, sounding both annoyed and curious.

Something wasn't right. The Warlord was me, my darker self. And yet his presence, the power which radiates from him... It felt... Alien... Yet somewhat familiar. As though there was something else that shouldn't be there...

"To confront my greatest fear." I replied determinedly, feet away from the throne, standing within the middle of the room and the surrounding smaller seats.

"Then you are a fool." The Warlord retorted calmly, "But what else is new?" Followed by him stepping forward from the tall throne, and I prepared myself, body tensing and hoofs clenched in case this dark man tried anything. "You truly believe you can face me now, when you are still weakened from King Sombra's onslaught to your mind?"

An honest answer?

"No." The old man blinked at that, and I smirked lightly, "But I'm going to try anyway."

"And do you propose to accomplish that?" The cruel being smirked. "By combat?"

"...To be honest, I'm too tired to resolve things by violence anymore." The smirk was wiped off, replaced by a frown, prompting me to smile slightly. "I have an alternative. A game, if you would."

Since this was my mind, then that's means I could do... This!


From between us stood a small table with two chairs, and on the wooden surface a clean chess set, just ready to be used. Without delay I took my seat, gesturing for my counterpart to do the same.

But said man remained standing, glancing over the table with an impassive gaze, before black chilling eyes looked back at me, "And what makes you believe I shall indulge in your silly little game?"

"The chance to torment me after it's over, and to prove who is the greater being not in prowess, but intelligence."

Got 'im. That spark in those frightening orbs glinted.

"Very well."

The man took his seat from across me, a staring contest commencing shortly before the true battle of wits and deceit. Waving over the board, I asked casually, "White or black?"

And the game begun; myself against my own fear. Having been chosen white, I made the first move with my pawn two spaces forward, and the Warlord mirrored the move. Then I continued by having my horse immediately on the front lines; why sacrifice the soldiers first to bloodshed when you have more powerful sources to aid them in the fight? Unfazed, my opponent moved another rook forward, obviously reserving the more useful pieces after his soldiers.

After the internal battle - literally - against Sombra, my friends tried everything to cheer me up after I locked myself away in my room; chess was one of them. Twilight was the first to successfully get me to open my shell once again, through the power of a simple game of chess. Of course she let me win, as I so obviously pointed out to her denying-then-sheepish expression, but that dissolved into happiness at the fact I was communicating again.

But this wasn't against Twilight, or Celestia. This was myself.

And who was one's deadliest opponent but their self?

So why did something feel off...?

The game continued onwards; five of my pawns, both my rooks and one of my knights were banished, while four of his soldiers and both his knights were vanquished from the game also. And I was close to ridding his queen.

"What do you hope to achieve through this?" The Warlord inquired, our eyes still set on the board.

"To conquer my fear."

A dark scoff, "One can never be rid of their true fear, boy. If you believe this will help you recover from the past, then you are sadly mistaken."

"If that was coming from someone who wasn't made entirely out of dark emotions, I would take those words to heart." I retorted lightly, defeating another one of his pawns with my own.

Without even making a sound of displeasure, the Warlord- No, something else, moved his rook horizontally. "Your arrogance will destroy you. Has King Sombra's influence taught you nothing?" A lecture? From him? That's rich-


Frowning hard, I closed my eyes briefly, focusing on the source of that dark presence which wasn't my own. No, there was something about the Warlord that didn't feel right; he was an amalgamation, but he was MY counterpart. And yet I should sense my own emotions here, but they're not-


So... You're still alive huh?

Opening my eyes, the "Warlord" having waited patiently for my move, I moved my remaining knight across, ready to take out both his knight and queen separately. Obviously knowing this, my opponent retreated his queen over his castle, and I immediately took the chance.

When the game went on, probably almost an hour passing, I spoke up calmly, "It's not too late for you, you know." As his hand paused from moving his next piece, I clarified, "To accept the offer I made back at the Crystal Empire."

There was silence for a brief moment. "So... You've realized." I imagine the small smirk on his face.

"Yes." I said, finally looking up to meet his glaring black eyes, which quickly turned to those red orbs I was familiar with. Leaning back, I folded my limbs and stared directly back. Those eyes didn't frighten me, not anymore. "And it's not too late for you to be redeemed, Sombra."

Black flames engulfed the being, evaporating afterwards to reveal the fallen King, regarding me with contempt and... Exhaustion?

Always melodramatic, his voice echoed loudly through the large throne room, "You are a fool. I would never-"

"'Join the weaker side?'" I finished in slight irritation, "The side which stopped you, which proved the light was more powerful than the magic you possess? Showing that friendship and love aren't weaknesses to be exploited, but strengths to cherish and protect with your life?" Looking back down on the board, ignoring his heated glare, I waited his turn, "Don't act all cliche on me now, Sombra, and just accept that your methods in life won't help you achieve anything."

Growling, the monarch glanced back down on the floor, taking out another of my pawns, "Why bother trying to convince me?"

"Because no one is beyond redemption."

The game felt more heated now, with all our cards on the table.

This was a challenge I had to succeed no matter what now, if not for myself, then for Twilight, Spike, everyone, and most importantly this time around, Sombra. This pony's been living int he darkness for so long; obsessed with power and subjugation. Almost half the villains of this words had/will be reformed, and I hope Sombra will be one of them. I can prove to him and others that darkness wasn't anything to be afraid of; it can save lives just as the light can destroy them.

Almost all the pieces were gone by now, an even match between both opponents. But the sacrifices were worth it; Sombra's remaining rook and pawn couldn't defend his king; it'll be all alone and vulnerable...

Just like he was...

Just like I'd be...


"I think I understand now..."

"What?" Sombra glanced up, annoyed at the interruption. "What are blabbering about now, fool?"

Slowly, I met his gaze, confidence rising in my being. "Sombra, I know you think power and fear is the be-all, end-all, but you KNOW that's far from correct. If you rule Equestria, what then? Will you be happy? Will you enjoy reveling in their suffering just to make you feel better about yourself? You're just a pawn in Hasbro's game, you know this. You've seen my memories; you know what I know. It's not too late for you to try again, and become a better person than what my kind dictates!"

"There is nothing worth more than-"

"Power? Servitude? Is that all you can think of?" His eyes narrowed, and I swear there was a glint of... Uncertainty. I can't back down now! "You know you will always be beaten regardless, if you remain a villain. Is that what you want, to be the slave of my kind's little game? You can do so much better!"

"And become a 'good guy?' With morals and a sense to help weaklings? Is that your argument, your pitiful attempt to redeem me?"

"If it's so pitiful, then why haven't you made your move?" A pause, a flash of expression on the King's features. "Luna was redeemed. Discord was redeemed." Sunset was redeemed; though here's hoping that movie isn't canon. "No one is exclusive to the rule, not even you, Sombra. If you truly want to become a better person, try again, learn what it means to have friends and compassion... Then take my hoof."

With an outstretched limb, and offering smile, I waited. The King took that moment to glance back at the board, then to me, and back to the board. His own hoof hovered above the chess set; uncertain, hesitant... Considering.

"A buried past for a brighter tomorrow, Sombra... What do you say?" I was tired of it all; of all the fighting and villainy for one day. Just this once, I want to do something for Equestria without anyone getting hurt.

And if Fluttershy can redeem someone through kindness... Then why can't I?

Holding in a breath, I waited for the choice. Red eyes stared into my own; neither wavering, but patiently waiting for what happens next.

"I don't know... What it means... To have friends." He replied slowly.

I smiled gently, "I'll show you... If you'll let me."

And finally, slowly but surely, the dark grey hoof clasped my own, and my free limb moved the final piece.

"Very well... Show me, and then I will decide whether the concept is valuable or a waste of time."


My smile brightened. Perhaps a small accomplishment, but I did it nonetheless. It was a start, and I was happy to take it.

I did it, Twilight...

And the room started to dissolve, everything around us enveloped in a bright white light, before blinding my vision, bliss and accomplishment occupying my heart.

Opening my eyes once again, what greeted was a ordinary plain. Quickly glancing around, I noticed Ponyville was only nearby. Night had fallen, indicating it was a long while within my own subconsciousness. I must've unconsciously walked away from the town during my inward walk with Specter.

Speaking of. "Hello?" I said to no one particular. "...Very quiet up there. Did I do it Specter-?"

Responded by a dark chuckle.

Ah yes, of course...

Well, this will certainly be interesting.


You have done well, Jack.

"Oh no..." The horrifying truth hit me like a brick wall. As if one constant voice in my head wasn't bad enough!

You bought this on yourself.

"Don't remind me..."

Specter, meanwhile, spoke casually, with a hint of pride in his older voice, Rest assured now that Sombra will not have enough power to influence your actions once more. The Elements of Harmony has taken its toll on him. Perfect enough, then, for you to redeem him. You have accomplished a great feat today, Jack, in not only confronting your fear, but begin a new redemption towards one of Equestria's fearsome foes. You should be proud of yourself.

And you know what? I was.

"Does this mean I can learn why I'm in Equestria now or...?"

Hmhmhmhm. I'm afraid not.


You have one more task ahead of you, as I said previously, before you can discover the truth. And take pride in knowing you not only completed your second, but third task as well since your arrival in Ponyville.

I have...?

Indeed. Many outcomes have changed by your presence, your desire and selflessness to help others has passed you from the second task. The third, you accomplished by allowing yourself to open up to your friends fully, cementing your trust in them and theirs in you. You didn't just defeat Sombra that day, you defeated yourself.


"So then... What happens now-?"

What the?!

I shielded my eyes from the bright light exploding from above Ponyville, a gigantic pink star surrounded by six smaller ones, descending within the peaceful town. And instantly, my gut told me what was happening.

Go, Jack Wright; your Princess awaits.

I didn't need to be told twice.

My hooves ran across the plains, heading directly into Ponyville to where the light was coming from, before it disappeared. I definitely, absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, did not want to miss this! The coronation of the Equestria's greatest Princess, the one who absolutely deserved the title the most.

And I made it just in time.

And the only thing going thought my mind was...


There she stood, in all her glory, newly-gained wings outstretched majestically. And all I could was stare and smile softly in at the magnificence.

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Those wings certainly made her more beautiful.

Our friends were first to express their awe, approaching the equally-as-surprised alicorn.

"Wh- I- I've never seen anything like it!"

"Hah! Twilight's got wings! Awe-some! A new flying buddy, haha!"

"Why you've become an alicorn! I didn't even know that was possible!"

"Alicoooorn partyyyy!"

"Wow, you look just like a Princess!"

And so much more...

"That's because she is a Princess."

And look who show's up.

A collective "Huh?" was said by the mares at Celestia's statement, who was preoccupied smiling proudly at the young newly-crowned mare.

After Pinkie's spit-take, the younger alicorn repeated the words, clearly baffled, "A... A Princess?"

Celestia explained, placing a hoof on Twilight's side, "Since you came to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, forgiveness, and of course the leadership of a true Princess."

Twilight, of course, had some reservations, "But, does that mean I won't be your student anymore?" I couldn't help but smile in amusement.

I'd call that a blessing, my dear...

"Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you." You've never done that! "But we're all your students now too."

Sentimental garbage...

"You are an inspiration to us all Twilight." Followed by everyone bowing, myself included.

"But, what do I do now? Is there a book about being a Princess I should read?"

You mean... Something that would've been more crucial for Twilight to study about BEFORE achieving the rank of monarchy? You'd think Celestia would have Twilight at least understand the workings and behaviour of a Princess a long time ago.

Celestia has been regarded for her wisdom, not for clear thinking.

Thanks for that reminder...

"Huhu, there will be time for all that later." Yeah, MUCH later, I assume. But even so, I felt nothing but happiness and pride for the mare I cherished. As Twilight smiled at everyone rather nervously, reaching up to me, I nodded reassuringly and happily back. While there are a few questions about all this, I'll save them for later. For now, I am content with the achievements of my friend.

I'm proud of you, Princess Twilight...

Where else to celebrate than Canterlot?

Ponies from far and wide came to witness the coronation of a new ruler; a mare who achieved monarchy by the near-impossible tasks she and her friends have accomplished. Speeches were made, parties were hosted, songs were made in her honour, and Twilight took it all in stride, expressing bliss and modesty at it all. And I felt nothing but pure pride and happiness watching the entire events. I was there with the mares as Twilight walked down the halls, looking like the most angelic creature on the entire planet.

And I was in the background, hearing the proud Princess's speech to all of Canterlot.

"A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which was something I didn't really care much about."

You and me both.

"But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say." She waved us all over, and we obliged, though I wasn't too comfortable being stared at by millions of ponies. "I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you! Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria! Thank you friends! Thank you everypony!"

Shortly afterwards, Shining and Cadence expressed their congratulations, the former even tearing up a bit, which Twilight appropriately teased about. And as the new alicorn departed, I tried to make myself unnoticed by the married couple, but too late. Spotting me, there was staring contest for a moment... Before both embraced me in forgiveness, expressing their relief and happiness that I was alright... And thanking me for everything I've done for her sister.

Really, it should be me thanking her...

Then Twilight was to be pulled away via a carriage, going down the road of the grand kingdom, while ponies left and right celebrated. And the Mane Six also joined in by, what else, a song number. I had struggled to keep up with them; it was quite positively exhausting. But worth it all the same. Everything was going perfectly, and I was there to witness something magical.

And, eventually, night had fallen.

A grand ball was held inside the large castle as a final celebration to the purple mare, who was happily nodding and greetings to other ponies giving their blessing towards the new Princess. I, however, finding a way to excuse myself, was preoccupied on the castle balcony, overlooking the lit partying kingdom below, the smile never leaving my face the entire day and night.

Twilight as a Princess... Man time flies.

Neither Sombra nor Specter were speaking at the moment, so I presumed they were either resting somehow or were enjoying the scenery also... Although I doubt that's the case with the latter.

Limbs resting on the edge, I quietly observed the loud kingdom, wind blowing softly against my combed mane. Rarity did a number on my hair once again, to both my exasperation and amusement. But since this was Twilight's day, I obliged without complaint; I didn't want to look like a scruff one a day as important as this.

Huh... It seems, as Specter claimed, my power over Balance was growing over time, as I could sense and immediately identify the presence from behind.

Honestly, I didn't expect her to show up here. "I know you're there." I smirked without looking behind me, "Shouldn't you be signing autographs?"

Twilight made a noise of amusement, and I heard her hooves approach, feeling her presence beside, observing with me. "I knew I'd find you here."

"Clever girl." I responded lightly, smiling at the mare, whose beauty mixed with that dress and the stars only made my heart stop briefly, "Congratulations, Princess. No one deserves this honour more than you."

A faint blush, before Twilight smiled back at me, "No need to be so formal, Jack, I'm still same old Twilight Sparkle to my friends. And I always will be."

"Pardon me for being a little bit courteous." I retorted playfully, glancing at the attire, "Though I didn't get the chance to tell you this... You look absolutely beautiful; I didn't think it'd be more possible for you to look so..."

"...What?" The redness on her cheeks brightened more, the reflection of the light and moon above revealing her angelic features.

"...Radiant." Was all I could say. Because movies have taught me never to use the word 'angel' to outwardly compliment someone. Still, Twilight accepted the word happily, looking up at the stars above. And I observed them with her. "So... What does this now make me? Captain of your Guards? The royal vizier?"

Twilight played along, "I'm sure I can think of something worthy of your skills, my warrior."

"I should hope that's the case, my Princess." Shared by light laughter together, before Twilight spoke again, rather thoughtfully.

"You knew all along, didn't you?"


"That I'd become a Princess."

Ah. "Well, I didn't know it'd happen yesterday." I replied sincerely. "I only knew it was going to happen soon after the redemption of Discord, but not precisely when." Speaking of which, where was that guy? You'd think they'd invite him to have some entertainment around for Twilight's coronation. "But why spoil the surprise?"

Silence elapsed over us, and I waited patiently for Twilight's response. Still, this moment between us right here was more than enough also, we never really got to speak until now since the mare became an alicorn. And words weren't enough to express how proud I was of her, and happy to be her friend.

If I can't become much more, then... As well-

"I didn't know what to make of you, at first."


Twilight spoke rather softly, "You were the most surreal pony I ever met, Jack. I wasn't sure if friendship was even possible. But after everything we've been through, when we've both saved each other and hanged out, I knew you weren't a bad pony; just someone who was angry and frightened for being away from home. I even understood why, right here, when Princess Celestia told me you were from another world."

Our eyes met, and I waited for Twilight to continue. She did so, "And because of that, we grew closer to one another, we helped and advised each other time and time again. And though we've both done things neither of us are proud of, our friendship only grew stronger. You were there for me, just like the rest of our friends. I felt I could trust you with my life."

Where was she going with this...

"And when you sacrificed yourself, throwing yourself in the way of Chrysalis' blast, I never felt more scared of anything in my life; seeing you so pained and close to... It hurt me." I stopped breathing, as Twilight was inching closer towards me. "That you would selflessly throw your own life away... For me... It made me realize exactly how much I care for you, even now..."

She... Could it be...

My eyes widened at the close contact, staring into her meaning purple orbs which reflected the stars above. "And when Sombra took hold of you... The thought of losing you to that monster forever... Wasn't something I could live with..."

Oh please, sweet God, let this be real. Let this be actually happening. If this was a dream I never want to wake up. I could imagine the look of indignation and disgust of the Stardust who first arrived in Ponyville, over what was happening now. But right now, what was happening before me, was far more important than what my stubborn past self believed.


"I heard what you said to Spike..." Oh [BEEP]. Our muzzles were close from touching, and I desperately wanted to give in. "And sometimes your low self-esteem astounds me, Jack Wright..."

"With good reas-"

And everything in my body felt like it was on fire. A soft tentative muzzle pressing into my own, the core of my heart heating up like the resting sun above at the contact, and a hoof subconsciously rested softly on the uni- alicorn's cheek. And my muzzle instinctively returned the kiss, hungry after longing for the taste of the mare's lips for so long. In my mind there were fireworks going up, and everything felt it was going to be alright. The kiss was rather brief, but it felt like eternity.

And I will always cherish that feeling. This moment, kissing a Princess who happens to be the person I cared for more than anyone, was something I'll always remember until the end of time.

And, as the kiss ended after what felt like eternity, our heads leaned against one another, a smile of pure elation stuck on my muzzle. "If you're the luckiest pony in all of Equestria, Twilight, then I'm the most luckiest human..." Replied by the mare's quiet giggling, which was music to my ears.

The sound of cheering from behind abruptly caused us to pull our heads back, eyes opening in bliss and wonder at one another before we faced the applauding mares and dragon.

"Yes! They finally did it!" Spike exclaimed happily, fist-bumping the air.

"Woo-hoo! It's about time you two!" Pinkie cheered enthusiastically.

"And it all it took was for Twilight to become a Princess. Who knew?" Rarity said, grinning brightly.

"Hah! I knew they'd kiss here! Cough up those twenty bits Applejack!" The disgruntled Earth Pony handed the smug blue pegasus the currency.

But Applejack smiled towards us regardless, "Figures you'd finally confess now, sugarcubes. Congrats!"

"I'm happy for you both." Fluttershy said earnestly, with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

...I'll deal with that later.

But for now, I felt myself flush at the praise, and Twilight shared that sentiment. Still, we smiled lovingly towards one another, myself leaning in for another kiss which the mare eagerly accepted, this time the newly-stated Princess wrapping her limbs around my neck.

I'll be going to Hell for this. Dating a pony. My family and friends back would probably be ashamed, if they ever found out. Though as our lips connected a third time - first being that time when Twilight went insane - I realized something.

It was worth it.

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