• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Honesty Is The Best Quality

"It must be good stretching your legs again like this, huh?"

"You have no idea." I responded in content, stretching those limbs in question, careful not to have the box of brownies slip off my back, as we walked down the town square to our destination: Sugarcube Corner. Oh that felt good. The bones making those joint sounds brought nothing but relief in me. It felt great to be outside - I can't believe I'm even thinking that - after a long-arse time in that rather stuffy library. "For once in my life, I'm thankful to be even outside."

Spike chuckled. "Well, I guess miracles can happen."

"Very funny Spike." I replied flatly, seeing our intended location just around the corner. "Still, I'm surprised you haven't gone with Twilight to Canterlot. She might've needed the assistance of her number one helper."

"Well, she asked me to stay here in case you needed anything." At that I paused, glancing at the dragon as he shrugged. "What? I think she just doesn't want to upset her alien guest."

"So keeping you here as my butler is suppose to keep my happy?" I rolled my eyes in good nature. "Genius Twilight strikes again."

"Hey! Besides, we haven't hanged out much ever since Twilight kept you occupied with all almost every day in that basement lab of hers."

"I don't 'hang out', Spike." I smirked. What Specter asked of me be damned. "I interact, I socialize - when I need to - but I don't waste my entire time 'hanging out' when I have things to do."



"You do know you'll have nothing else to do after you deliver those brownies right?"

"...Fair enough." I conceded dryly, nearing the entrance to the store. "I don't suppose you have anything planned then, for today?"

From the corner of my eye, the infant reptile shrugged again. "Well there is this competition happening in town today, if you wanna watch it with me."

"...Well I suppose it's better than partaking in said contest. After we've delivered these brownies, you can tell me what it entails."

"So this is a contest which tests the skill, cooperation and trust of sisters?"


"But there hasn't ever been a competition in Ponyville exclusive for brothers?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Spike shrugged casually, while I frowned in disapproval.

Well, nice to know that the town doesn't favourite the female occupation more. Never mind the fact, as I've noted several times, the concerning lack of male ponies at all in Ponyville. Apart from myself, Whooves, Big Macintosh, Snips, Snails and those stallions who pulled that carriage to the gala. The majority of my friends in Ponyville were mostly mares.

Either this contest took advantage of the dominant gender populating the town, or... or... I don't know what yet.

"It'd be cool if there was one though," Spike commented, as we walked down the pathway among other ponies to Sweet Apple Acres, where the competition in question was being held. "We could've entered and beat them all. I mean, I know we're not brothers, Stardust, but together we would win no sweat. Team Spike and Star, Stardust!"

I snorted in amusement. "Well, I suppose you'd be more cooperative than my own brother."

"If your two sisters were here, you think they'd enter the Sisterhooves Social?"

Shaking my head, my response was quick, "Unlikely. I doubt they'd even make it past the first round." Typical thoughts from the eldest sibling, yes, but forgive me if I find it hard to imagine those two winning any sort of practical competition together.

"Well, I'm sure Rarity and Sweetie Belle will win this contest."

Raising a brow, I glanced at the smug dragon. "And what makes you think Rarity would have the guts to partake in this practical event?"

Opening his mouth to reply, then snapping his jaw shut, Spike chuckled. "Huh... Good point."

"- And may the best sisters win!" That frail old Earth Pony finished her short forgetful speech, as the teams were already in position at the starting line. Spike and I arrived just in time to take seats by the stands. The race hasn't even begun yet and I was already feeling the sensation of boredom heading my way.

The only interesting thing to note being that it was Sweetie Belle standing beside Applejack at the start line, not Apple Bloom. I guess Rarity vigorously declined even thinking of entering this filthy contest. I don't blame her.

"Who do you think's gonna win?" Spike asked next to me, munching on some spare apples handed freely to him.

"Applejack and Sweetie Belle, obviously." I replied, not keeping my eyes off them. You know, thinking about it, since this was Applejack's own family hosting the event at their farmyard, and there was no doubt the orange Earth Pony trained for this, wouldn't that give her an unfair advantage?

"On your mark!"

Let's see how much my interest in the race lasts before my mind wanders elsewhere.

"Get set!"

From the corner of my sight the dragon leaned forward in anticipation. What did I feel about this? Nothing really.


With that order from Granny Smith, it began. And just like that ten seconds afterwards my interest in the contest quickly waned, finding myself dwelling upon other things as the groups of siblings raced across the dirty track filled with obstacles and tests of sisterhood.

My arms folded, sitting in the position of my own species, I allowed my mind to wander back to more important things, as Spike yelled to my left in support of Applejack and Sweetie Belle. Let's see, Specter requested I change the very course of the show's history itself, as much as I can whenever possible. And to accomplish this I must be outside more, interact more with the residents of the town and my friends. Twilight would evidently be reluctant to allow that.

Yet I still ponder on something I had asked Specter before; how exactly was I to know whether whatever was happening was an episode or not? Was this contest before me an episode? Was Twilight going nuts a few months ago an episode? I didn't watch enough of the show to know this.

Specter must've known this, and that was why this was going to be more of a challenge than I speculated.

"They're winning!" Spike called out, pointing to the grinning Sweetie Belle, and Applejack covered entirely in mud, as they already neared the finished line. I scoffed slightly. Of course they were winning, the power of main characters dominates all.

Anyway, no matter my doubts, I had to play Specter's stupid game. If I was to ever go home and see my little sister again, who this race was remind me of, then I must swallow my dignity and, as the lizard next to me put it, 'hang out' with these residents. Shouldn't be so hard, as I've grown use to their company a while back.

Though what worries me is that Specter didn't specifically state how long I'd have to change things around here...

"They've lost!"

Hmm? ...Huh.

It seems another pair of siblings reached the finish line before them, as the crowd cheered and proceeded to pick up the two victors in celebration. In second place was Applejack and Sweetie Belle, who didn't really seem saddened by their loss. Apple Bloom came to congratulate them, Sweetie Belle embraced the still-muddy Applejack which made that hat of hers fall off and-


"A horn?" Spike voiced my thoughts. A white horn was atop the filthy mare's head, and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. "Rarity?!"

The white unicorn shook all the mud off her, smiling down at her own baffled sibling. Hey, she wasn't the only one. Even I'm confused here. Where was-? Oh. The real Applejack emerged from the muddy pool that was part of the race, approaching the group. How she was able to hold her breathe for that long was a mystery.

Noticing Spike climbing down the stands, I stretched again before following the lizard, heading towards the clearly ecstatic group.

"I won't lie, Rarity, I didn't know you had it in you."

"Truth be told, neither did I." The white unicorn replied to me, observing the two fillies and dragon play with one another as she, myself and Applejack conversed. "But, in the end, I took part in an activity with my sister, and made her happy. That's what counts."

Those words brought a faint smile to my muzzle, the image of my own young smiling sibling in my mind. "Indeed."

"For one's own family, it was a sacrifice she was willin' to make, right Rarity?"

"Of course Applejack." The exchanged bright smiles. "And I apologize for having to make you wait in that filthy mudhole until the race concluded."

"Now don't you worry about that." The Earth Pony reassured her happily. "Helpin' ya out with Sweetie Belle was worth it."

"Still, I must at least repay you. We'll depart for the spa very soon. I think I'm going to have to make an order on every service available to clean this relentless stench off me."

No kidding. I think the whole of Ponyville could smell you from here.

Instead of pointing out that dry observation, I chose to speak positively, for once. "You're a good sister, Rarity. Sweetie Belle is extremely lucky to have you as her older sibling." To sacrifice your own pride and obsession for being clean like that. It's admirable.

"I'm flattered, Stardust." The unicorn beamed.

"He's right, Rarity, why you're almost as good when it comes to bein' sisters as I am."

"Why thank you- wait." We both snickered as the white mare raised an annoyed invisible brow at the Earth Pony.

"Now now Applejack, I believe I'm the one who uses sarcastic observations."

"Well, someone had to use them while ya stayed cooped up in that there library." I shrugged. Fair enough. "In fact, I don't think I've seen you since Nightmare Night."

"Yes well, Twilight's never ending thirst for knowledge has kept me locked up in that place." I replied in amusement, as Rarity chuckled and Applejack released a knowing smile.

"'bout what you really are and where you come from?"

I nodded. No use dodging the questions this time. Applejack was way too smart for that. Rarity, however, seemed curious. "'What you really are'? Is there something you need to tell us, Stardust?"

"Mmm, one day perhaps. One day." I decided with a shrug, casting my gaze back to the laughing children. "I wouldn't want to change the mood be revealing who, and what, I truly am."

"Oh come now, darling, what in all of Equestria could ruin this pleasant atmosphere currently? Are you a monster in disguise?" The unicorn inquired hurmouredly.

"...Depending how you look at it." I replied honestly.

The bearer of honesty raised an non-existent brow at that, her tone changing a little. "Rarity, if ya would 'scuse us for a moment, Stardust and I need to talk."

Both the white mare and I frowned at that, for different reasons. Oh boy, should've been more careful. Obviously Applejack's patience was at an end, and saw a perfect opportunity for me to confess. The Earth Pony left no room for argument from Rarity as she pointed with her head towards the stands, and I hesitantly followed the orange equine.

The location she decided for us to converse in was behind the white structure, away from any ears as the rest of the ponies in the farm were preoccupied celebrating the victors of the competition.

"I think it's time ya told us who and what you are, sugarcube." Applejack began with a stern expression, pointing at me rather rudely. "Twilight obviousl' knows, Spike knows, and we don't. If you want us to fully trust you, Stardust, then it's about time you tell just what in the name of apples is goin' on."

Meeting her unfazed soul-searching stare for a few moment, I sighed. "I agree. You all deserve to know the truth. I've not been at hiding any noticeable differences between myself and your own species. Subtlety was never my strong point."

I suppose letting one mare know the secret at a time was more careful than revealing it to everyone at once. Plus, I'm more than certain Applejack was possibly the second of the Mane Six I could trust to keep a secret.

...Ah well, in for a penny.

As she gestured for me to continue, I spike just as firmly, "I must first have your word, however, that you won't tell a single soul about this until I'm prepared to tell them myself. Understood?"

"Clearly." Applejack nodded, eyes softening a little. "Whatever happens, just know that you're our friend, Stardust. And no matter what you are, I'm sure we'll all accept you for it."

"Even if I'm another being from a different universe?"

"Of course. So then, what are you?"


"...What?" She asked towards my bemused stare.

"I just said it."


I couldn't help but smile a little as the information was clearly sinking in. "Yep."

"Yer sayin' you're an... an..."


For a moment there was only a shell-shocked expression, before the surprised orange mare proceeded to exclaim. "Yer an alien!"

I flinched, quickly snapping in annoyance. "Shout it to the world, why don't you?"

Then I glanced behind me, seeing nothing. Huh, for a moment there I swore I heard a sharp exhale...

"An alien... we're friends with an alien." My eyes returned to Applejack, who continued pointing at me in pure unadulterated shock. "Well I'll be... it makes perfect sense now!"

I raised a brow. "It does?"

Was it really that obvious?

"The mannerisms. The strength to take on an ursaminor, a dragon and a hydra. Blocking Blueblood's spells like that. No wonder Twilight was actin' strangely after the gala, she must've just learnt that her house guest was from another world!"

I nodded in confirmation. "I thought it'd be best to give her time to recover from the news."

The Earth Pony merely stared at me for minutes, and under that gaze I repressed the urge to squirm. Well, it could've been worse; at least I wasn't being kicked out of the place, or she was't already rallying an angry mob to get rid of me. Finally, a small, while still recovering, smile lit up on her muzzle. "Wow... this is a mighty big shock, Stardust... if that's even your real name."

I smirked. "One revelation at a time, I think, my dear."

"Too right." Then the honest Earth Pony tilted her head, as though truly looking at me for the first time. "Well, ya haven't done anythin' to harm me or our friends yet. And I can see it in your eyes that yer not lyin'. And honestly, sugarcube, I understand now why you've been keepin' these things to yerself. Who would've believed yer right away?"

Um, you? Anyone really? I shrugged, a sense of relief coursing through me. "So this won't affect our friendship then?" After I've finally completed the first task of Specter's, as well.

"Of course not." The Earth Pony assured, bringing further relief to my already anxious mood. "You're my friend no matter what, Stardust. Though there is one thing I'd like you to do."

Hm? "Yes?"

"Tell the others this." Applejack stated, switching her tone and expression back to firm. "They also deserve to know. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy."

"I will." I nodded while speaking sincerely. "In my own time. When I have the right opportunity." Because either I tell them, or Applejack or Twilight does. And I'd rather not have the information be revealed from their muzzles. Still, that's one less pony to worry about, and I felt both satisfied and happy with Applejack's calm reaction and continued acceptance of me.

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