• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,873 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 177: Hail, Hail, Flanktopia!


Hold on...

I knew this spot...

Starswirl I knew this spot... I was almost there! After weeks to near months to trailing back, I was almost there! The directions equal to the warm welcoming greetings of old equines had guided me in the right place, for over the small hill I heard them.

I was almost home!

My pace only quickened, relying on grabbing some of the grass to assist my eventual mad dash up the hill to where they were. Where home was. Not the castle or library. Not the town itself. But home was where the heart was.

And my heart was always, neither hesitation nor fear to admit it without a singular shred of doubt, them.

The sounds of melodious laughter, noises of enjoyment and peace. The sounds I would have expected to hear from wonderful, beautiful equines... And dragon. What I wouldn't give to be in their arms again, safe, sound and happy for the rest of my limited time. And now...

Now, that was going to become true-

There they were... There they were...!

Over the hill, enjoying an obvious lovely picnic below next to a clean, gorgeous lake at a nice spot typical of Equestrian land, was a sight so familiar and so nostalgic my breath hitched, heart beating wildly at what I've been hoping to come back to without the likes of Zagreus, Chrysalis or any other fiend potentially ruining.

My friends, at a picnic, in peace.

Pinkie Pie, chasing after the pets of our friends happily, her energetic shrills of laughter and joy music to my own ears. Once I would've found the noise irritating and tiresome, but there was a sensation I welcomed with open arms... Physically to follow soon.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash... Both clearly in the competitive spirit at present, playing a game of horseshoes at a nearby post, both were typical smirks and challenging glints in gleaming pink and emerald eyes. And from the looks of the next throw, by Rainbow's cursing and Applejack's smug expression, one evidently was in the lead with the advantage of knowing the game since birth.

Hate to see the farmer's face if I challenged her to a 'friendly' match of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Fluttershy, Rarity, happily conversing without a care in the world over a plate of delicious-looking sandwiches, even from this distance. Both peaceful mares holding large pleasant smiles and chatting away about some topic or another, even offering one another clearly their separate homemade dishes. The spectacle brought a wider smile to my face.

Starlight... Spike... The former obviously educating the latter with their own kites in the air, the pink unicorn often glancing to the young dragon sat beside her with expressions of fond pride. I released a long exhale at the gorgeous sight, my sister and son spending quality time with a carefree activity and large smiles on their faces... My heart was hurting for even considering how much I've missed out since leaving.

And finally...

Well... We all know the cause of what made my heart stop beating for a long, drawn out moment. Because in all her beauty, never once dull, which expanded tremendously from how I remembered her since I departed ages back, the lavender alicorn Princess was observing our family as well, violet orbs sparkling in all that typical breathtaking vision, gorgeous dark purple mane with those lighter shades reflecting from the sunlight beautifully. The smile on her face was what made me take another step forward, though she, never mind the others, has yet to notice the presence of their old friend just then...

"Twilight..." My mouth breathed by instinct, mind and heart whirling in apprehensive excitement, another small step forward. How to make my presence known? Casually? Tch, nothing was ever casual with these ponies...

But Nightshade wasn't as patient, though, deciding to direct their attention as he launched from my shoulder in pure eagerness, clearly as excited and elated to see them as much as I. His eventual stop was at his old animal friends, flying atop Pinkie's head and having the Earth Pony glance upwards in pleasant surprise.

"Oh, hey Owlicious!"





Gasp. "Owlicious?! Hey guys, look who's back!" That brought all the others to look, each one either gasping in shock of elation. "It's Owlicious!"

"Hoo!" The owl puffed out in enthusiasm, flying around then in circles above the gathering friends, all whom gazed at Nightshade in pure wonder.

"Well I'll be!" Applejack smiled broadly, jade eyes following the young bird cheerfully. "There's a sight for sour eyes."

"You mean 'sore' eyes dear."

"I know what I said."

"It's so good to see you again." Fluttershy expressed quiet elation, letting Nightshade perch upon her offered yellow hoof, the compassionate pegasus nuzzling against his cheek which widened my grin. "We've missed you terribly."

"Welcome back!" Spike greeted next, hurrying to the bird joyfully with his own huge grin. "Where the heck have you been this whole time?!" Twilight stayed silent, but the same question was clear in her expression and breathtaking sparkling eyes.

Starlight, as always, was quick to point the most obvious thing out. "Hold on a second. Didn't Owlicious leave with Stardust?" Ah, it began. The dawning expressions slowly rose on their adorable equine faces.

"You don't think...!" Rainbow gasped next, all pairs of eyes beginning to focus on the location Nightshade flew to greet them from. Atop the small nearby hill where the little man with folded arms and the biggest, happiest grin ever to appear on his face looked forwards at his bestest and wonderful friends.

His family.

A moment of dropped jaw and uncomprehending features. And the penny - Or bit - eventually dropped by the loudest exhalations of excitement and disbelief from the first two of my friends to react.


But even mental and physically preparation didn't stop me from falling over at the pink and purple blurs tackling my chest and stomach, the energetic pink mare and young ecstatic dragon burying themselves into my clothes with cries of elation and relief. Without even considering it, I embraced the two back just as tightly, fighting off the urge to shed tears at this reunion I've been anticipating for so long since I decided to return.

"You're back!" Spike exclaimed into my chest with one cheek pressed against my jumper, sounding close to breaking tears himself. He's probably started to. "You came back! I knew you wouldn't let us down! Or let me down!"

My hand, by instinct, grabbed the top of the scaly head and affectionately rubbed it, missing the sensation so much and the hugs of my favourite son. "I came home." Was my solemn reply, leaning my face down next to nuzzle the dragon's forehead. Didn't hurt in the slightest.

"OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH! YOU'RE BACK!" Pinkie proceeded to announce, removing herself from my stomach next but with front limbs still wrapped tightly around me, as though planning to never let go. "I knew you would return! Of course you would because you would miss your friends almost as terribly how much we missed you and everything we've ever done together and I told everypony you would never abandon us unless you're some illusion made by our hopeful imaginations all together... You're not an illusion are you?" Ow. The suspicious Earth Pony then knocked my forehead introspectively, smiling widely in satisfaction. "Nope, you're real. Which means real hugs!" Tightly embracing my middle body yet again. "And I'm never letting go of you again for the life of me!"

My own expression of relief, humour and joy to see the pink mare again was cut off by another amused and relieved tone. "I think he'll have to move again eventually Pinkie." Starlight, approaching with the others holding a rather composed smile. But those lilac eyes told a different story; sheer joy and relief glimmering withing them. She looked ready to hug me herself when the other two eventually released me. But something else shone in that expression as well. "I knew you would come back." "Just couldn't keep away from us, huh?"

I smirked widely at that. Happy to see you too, Starlight. However, any further response was firmly interrupted next by three certain mares approaching slowly next, Pinkie and Spike making room for the pegasus, Earth Pony and unicorn all simultaneously carrying the same looks and glints in pink, jade and sapphire eyes. My nostrils inhaled deeply, knowing what was likely coming and bracing for it-




They certainly didn't disappoint...!

"Typical. Absolutely typical!" Rarity began scolding, having wracked my shoulder several times with a cup. "Leaving unannounced, then returns just as well. You truly are the bane of my existence, Stardust Balance! The gall! The audacity! What made you even think you had any right returning after what you did!" But the unshed tears were already there. "And worse, my mascara is now ruined because of you... You...!" And suddenly embraced around my shoulders next, beginning to sob rather loudly into my ears. I was torn between smiling and grimacing in regret... Instead resorting to sheepishly patting the dramatic unicorn's hoof. I suppose it was warranted, the dramatics this time.

"Just what in the hay were you thinkin' sugarcube?!" Applejack pitched in to lecture harshly next, placing orange hoofs on my legs sternly as though to keep me from leaving ever again. The farm mare glared over me with enough intensity it made me prefer fighting Tirek all over again. "Runnin' out on yer friends like that! Without good reason to! I have half a mind to use ya dumbnut as a wheelbarrow for the next apple buckin' season! Yer stubborn, reckless, selfish little... Ugh!" Eyes closing tightly with tears beginning to clearly leak, Applejack then regarding me with a tiny smile. "Well, the fact yer have enough common sense to come back means there's hope yet..."

And guess who finished for them? "And ponies call ME foolish and egotistical!" Rainbow started, proceeding to irritably slap the top of my head repeatedly to get the message across. Ow... Repeatedly. "But at least I don't go out to get myself killed without any help from my friends! Seriously, just because you don't think you're going to last means you have to fight this battle alone! Just because you have an excuse this time doesn't make it valid Stardust! You stupid, cowardly... Typical person..." And Rainbow turned away from my eyes promptly, hovering above with folded front limbs and refusing to let me see her tears of anger and relief.

That left just two others to greet me, and one would be far more emotional than the last. And that's saying something with who was next to approach with hesitation, fear dancing behind clear blue orbs.

Walking around slowly, Fluttershy was clearly apprehensive, wincing softly upon my decision to reach out with an offered hand, assuming the mare through body posture and facial features that yes, indeed, it was her old friend and he's returned. Fluttershy just stared... And stared, and stared, and stared some more...

Then a sniffle. And soon enough, the yellow blissful mare embraced my side gently with full tears cascading down regularly peaceful features. The sight caused my heart to freeze and make the attempt to cheer my vulnerable friend up, running a careful hand down bright pink strands. That only incited the emotional Fluttershy to hug me tighter, making low sounds of relief and more sniffles. As if that wasn't painful to see enough, a distraught Fluttershy.

Try a distraught Twilight.

The purple alicorn, at first, kept expressionless, even when standing right before me. I gulped, knowing this could go several different ways, and a majority not without serious pain from the mare I loved delivered to my exposed body. Oh boy...

Despite which, I made the attempt to grin weakly and offer open arms to the observing alicorn, the mare making no immediate reaction. "Honey I'm home..." Oh I was gonna die. "You were right, it was a foolish choice to leave in the first place... I missed you. All of you, so..." A tiny shrug. "Don't hurt me too badly...?"

The next movement followed with my flinch, expecting Twilight to start beating me to a pulp with a hard leather book. Instead, a tackle to my chest that almost made me fall in the ground yet again, myself eagerly returning the hug just as tightly at the alicorn's, the loud sounds of relieved sniffles and exasperation escaping her beautiful tearful face, burying my own lower half of my features into soft purple hair.

"I, am going, to kill you..." Twilight vowed softly in my clothes, her body heaving quite loudly.

Well, that was a given. "I'd expect nothing less..."

And Twilight then pulled back, glaring at me with sorrowful yet heavily thrilled violet orbs, clouded in affection and pure relief. Her melodious voice cracked. "Promise me." And pressed her own muzzle against my nose warmly, purple eyes tightly closed with her hoof on the back of my head. "Promise me you won't ever leave me like that again..."

'Me.' Not 'us.' An instance where Twilight wasn't afraid to show how much I meant to just her than the rest of our agreeing friends.

The contact melted my own chest, finding myself closing my eyes right back. "I promise..." And turned to everyone around me with my hands cupping Twilight's cheeks with sheer love and devotion, my voice carrying the weight of such. "I'm not leaving again, I promise you all that... My time is limited, and I want to spend the rest of it with all of you... All my family..."

Twilight's smile lit my whole world, and it was so good to see it than imagining it in person again. "We'd like that too." The emotional alicorn I loved responded in soft kind, hugging around my neck yet again with the rest soon to follow, all finding spots of me to embrace in pure warmth and loving.

I missed this... I missed this too much...

"And we all know what this calls for..." Pinkie started to my right excitedly, that classic grin always highlighting anyone's day. "A welcome back party-!"





A growl of pure annoyance and exasperation escaped me. I mean, talking about false hope, my mind just being an utter [BEEP] and making me have such a hopeful dream; deciding to return home and spend the rest of my limited life left with my best friends and new family. Good joke brain, taking the mick like that in poor taste.

Humming in discontent, I made the effort to push myself off the tree trunk with a grunt, deciding that was enough rest to keep moving. Nightshade, perched from the tree trunk, go the hint and descended from his watching post to fly ahead of me, leading the way down this time. Atta boy, myself picking up the bag before following.

Seriously, dreaming a scenario that likely was never going to happen. You think I wanted to stay away from them? Were it up to me, I've have returned home ages ago in a split heartbeat, into the safe and warm arms of my friends, son and girlfriend.

But it wasn't up to me, so that's that.

That's not true, you know Jack.

Okay fine. I snorted to the air as I walked down the pathway after Nightshade, moving by a rather lovely flower field to my left and mountain view from the right. It WAS up to me, but explaining why I couldn't go back was a broken record at this point... If it wasn't already. Twilight and the others will do fine back home without met, so I was getting my hopes over nothing.

Both yours and theirs could come to fruition despite what you may believe, my friend.

Tell you what; if I beat Zagreus and manage to return home, the first thing I'll do is marry Twilight on the spot. I'll make Sombra my Best Stallion and have a sweet bachelor party with a Celestia dartboard. It'll be great.

You sure this was safe, teach?

Have I provided any reason to doubt thus far, Jack?

Well... I could name a few. I could name some going through with this plan right here and then, wandering into a populated town after climbing up some steep cliffs forty feet tall while there were wanted signs of me all over Equestria. So one could appreciate the skepticism over just passing through a settlement of equines, Starswirl.

You need not be so apprehensive, my student. This town has yet to be alerted over the land's most wanted man. I suggested here in respite for two ideal reasons. One being that Zagreus' touch has yet to reach this small settlement which has cut itself off from society at large.

The other...?

You need a proper rest.

Oh, well, fair enough. Was starting to smell and the sleeping bag was doing no favours anyway. My back was killing me the past few weeks. I winced, already feeling the effects from resting on hard ground affect my body poorly of late. The fact I was wanted for presumably 'treason' by the royal crown kept me more on guard than ever, making sure to sleep at night mostly in cave of really desolated areas. Even the most dangerous.

True story, one time I stumbled upon an underground settlement of massive spiders. Their children were ill. I helped them out, after getting over my temporary fear of even interacting with the giant arachnids. Had the experience in any way lessen my fear of the creepy crawlies?

Hell no.

Not to mention the various other [BEEP] I've gotten myself into, travelling across the land this way for ages then. Too many misadventures and stumbling across incidents to count or even memorize. Maybe I'll write a book on them one day; a tale describing all my discoveries and encounters since running away from home. The castle home, that is.

Implying I'll even survive past this-


Starswirl... Happening... Again...!




It's gone. My teacher was quick to reassure my abrupt keeling state. The imbalance has subsided. Do not despair.

Agh... Rather late for that coach... I exhaled forcibly, making myself stand and regain composure, thankful I wasn't too near the cliff in case the stabbing pain sent me accidentally falling over, rubbing Nightshade's concerned head from beside me with a wry and weary smile. [BEEP]ing close call... At least the pain wasn't as intense as the last one... Or others before.

Which were becoming rapidly more frequent of late. Guessing my time was getting shorter.

We'll worry on that later, Jack. For now, get the respite you rightfully deserve. Remember, the citizens here have no quarrel, and will treat you no different than any of their own.

Ponies that aren't afraid of a never-before-seen creature? Now that was rare! Something tells me they're an isolated community for a good reason, Starswirl...?

Believe me. And my wise teacher sounded faintly amused over the conversation. These unique equines... Well, they would meet your specific approval in a heartbeat, Jack.




Tell me... Tell me I was reading this right, Starswirl. The sign was unmistakable, but the carved words against aged wood had me do an immediate double-take, rereading the ludicrous letters several times to tell myself I wasn't seeing things. Because this was far too good to be true.




Yep, was reading that accurately alright.

One might immediately draw the assumption it's partially why the settlement itself was unmentioned by modern society.

It sounds like every furry's wet dream. Flanktopia... Good grief.

I snorted, shaking my head at the sign which didn't look terribly old to my right. In fact it looked fairly recent in modern times. But that wasn't the most peculiar part; I was seeing why Starswirl wanted me to take a rest here; the inhabitants, as I started - Cautiously, mind you - walking amongst them, these equines barely took note of the human being just strolling through town and glancing upon them each with incredulity.

No, in fact, these inhabitants of the fairly large town conversed and trotted along through the clean streets with blissful unawareness, very few sparing glances. And when they were taking notice, their expressions, which I dared hope, weren't that of fear and shock, but open curiosity, right before they continued on their way alone or conversing with another of their kind. Leaving me just standing eventually in the middle of a street with a flabbergasted disposition and looking left and right in plain befuddlement.


A settlement named Flanktopia, occupied by a townsfolk of ponies who barely spare looks or even acknowledgement of a walking two-legged alien just casually walking through their home. So said town's name wasn't the sole bizarre thing about this place. Were they accustomed to strange creatures passing through this town? Was it a regular occurrence this far near the borders of Equestria?

Also, Flanktopia?

I know, I know, but... Flanktopia. Was someone at Hasbro thinking they could pull that into Equestria's map without anyone even noticing?

You'd be surprise how often flanks are focused upon by many, Jack.

Well there's only one flank for me to focus on usually, never mind appreciate it.


Let's pretend none of that was ever mentally uttered and Twilight will never have to know of it, okay?

Acknowledged. Starswirl's voice betrayed nothing then, but I scowled at the envisioned image of a faint smile on the unicorn's aged muzzle. Regardless, this town is named as such for a specific reason. If you'd care to even spare one glance at the flanks of these specific fellow Equestrians.

I don't make a habit out of looking at ponies' rear ends, Starswirl. That's a side of the fandom I NEVER desired, nor intend, to venture through.

With the exception of, naturally, your own special some-

ANYWAY! Flanks of these ponies. Alright, fine, I'll humour just this once, Starswirl, huffing and reluctantly looking to one bright mare passing by. But there's a reason I never mention their cutie marks amidst my mental descriptions of those I see, teacher-


The [BEEP]...?

Here I was expecting some generic mark, some genetic tattoo which forever dictates your ultimate destiny without any say in the matter. A pictured summation over a lifetime task which you could never escape or deny from.

Not... Nothing...!

Wait. I threw one look to a couple by the side of a cafe, blinking rapidly at my suspicions being confirmed.


Three grown ponies with NO cutie marks. And nothing like Starlight's village ages back either. No no no, completely vanished cutie marks! Nothing there! No trace! Ponies... Without cutie marks!

The clear reality was throwing me off, sending me stumbling a little with every glance I threw, squinting hard in some far off ponies behind glasses to check even further. No mark there, or there, or even over there. Not a single cutie mark in sight; nothing which decides the life choices for these gullible equines at all.

And then, a male voice popped up in greeting enthusiasm. "Ah, excellent! A new face after all! You were right Wind!" And my head snapped to three approaching ponies; a mare and two stallions. And I didn't need to add any cutie marks for their descriptions.

A unicorn mare of average height with bring orange fur, dark magenta and streaks of red medium flowing mane and curling tail, chocolate-coloured welcoming eyes and one pony earring. A teal-coloured stallion, taller than the other two, pegasus, with inquisitive yet equally warm amber eyes, honey mane falling down one side of the face in style. And one brown Earth Pony, again, stallion strongly built, shorter than the other two with light yellow eyes, a dark orange goatee and short mane with rather long tail by contrast. Again, not a single trace of a mark, as I attempted to subtly look at their flanks for split-seconds between.

I managed a small grin, still reeling over incredible new information and being greeted so... So callously, by these Equestrians. "Welcome to Flanktopia stranger!" There was a hint of an accent in her friendly tone. Couldn't pinpoint what it was though. "Name's Peacemaker." One motion to the pegasus on her left. "This is Wind Waker." And to her right. "And Groundshaker."

Both addressed ponies smiled in equal warmth, where I blinked with a still-baffled brain to think up any quips regarding their names. Well, ONE of them was deadly obvious to make a joke over, but the mare's name was a bit on the nose, wasn't it? And wasn't the last pony's name a Heartless from Kingdom Hearts II? They write themselves! Damn it Hasbro!

Even so, I wasn't above manners, especially to ponies who weren't immediately running in fright of me. On the contrary, it was a welcome change of pace in recent times. I bowed lightly with a small, somewhat uncertain smile in turn. "Star-" Whoops, stopped myself there. "I'm..." Okay, still having this issue. Do I use my real name? A faker name? The 'Nobody' angle seemed repetitive at this point. What to do, what to do...?

But the Earth Pony, Groundshaker, called out in good nature, "It's alright if you don't want to tell us." His voice was... Surprisingly lighter than the rough features and beard would suggest. There was a twinkle of youthful warmth in his eyes. "I assume you haven't been treated too well by our kind to have ever been the chance for introductions?"

I could only blink, because this stallion was way to on the nose with that statement and guess. Gold star my friend! The pegasus, Wind Waker, answered for me, "We'll take that as a yes." And nodded to himself, sharing a glance with Peacemaker. "Well, you won't have to worry about prejudice here; anycreature is welcome in our little settlement and treated as an equal, so long as you follow the town's golden rule."

"...Well, I'm really just passing through." Was my meek statement, before I was reminded earlier of Starswirl's words. "Oh, and a place to clean up and rest for a bit. If you could kindly direct me to the nearest hotel-"

"How about a better idea?" Peacemaker interjected without hostility, inclining her head behind in another direction. "We have a bathhouse and restaurant not too far from here. Why don't we help you and your bird friend out-" Obvious statement to Nightshade on my shoulder. "-Get fed and well rested since you came all the way here? Our treat."

"And before you consider declining friend." Wind raised a hoof before I could even make a response, much less a gasp, alone. "You won't have to worry about owing us anything? We're more than happy to help out anyone who passes by so long as they cause no trouble."

...I could only shrug. "Well, I don't have any plans of causing trouble-"

"Then it's settled." Peacemaker nodded in finality, sharing agreeing nods between her friends before turning and motioning for me to follow. Well, I tried. Well, not really. But since they're evidently so persistent. "And don't worry about anyone asking any questions about yourself around here. In Flanktopia, we respect all privacy and other's pasts."

That... Was far more refreshing than I should admit. Twilight would disagree severely over their policy, whether she believed that or not; the alicorn would always want to learn everything she can about a person or pony if she found them intriguing enough.

"You mention a golden rule?" I inquired after a hopeless glance with Nightshade and following my three escorts, walking between them with hands in gown pockets. May as well know this supposed rule just in case I didn't break it somehow later.

"Never judge a pony for their past." Groundshaker started rather seriously, looking straight forward.

"Never judge a pony for their choices." Wind Waker added with severity, eyes narrowed in light concentration.

"And never judge a pony for choosing their destiny." Peacemaker finished, throwing me a look which defined her namesake. "We're a society which has abandoned the call of destiny, and forged our own. Free of cutie marks, we have rejected what life has chosen previously and walked down our own paths, creating a society where ponies are free to choose their personal destiny for themselves, not what some mark on their flanks tell us what we can and cannot be. This is the way of Flanktopia."




My only reaction then was to throw my arms in the air with elated exclamation. "My people!"

"As you know, a pony is often gifted with a cutie mark in their youth to realize what is deemed their real potential." Peacemaker began on the tour, having offered to show me around after the lovely wash and meal, guiding my curious state around town. Groundshaker and Wind Waker had gone off to do their own things. "To be shown what society would call their 'true' talents and how they'll use it for the rest of their lives. But there are some, like us, who don't believe life is that straightforward."

Well, no, and I was already getting behind this in an instant. A group of young foals ran past us in reckless enthusiasm, evidently no cutie marks on them either.

The adult mare watched them run by with a shared smile, continuing as we made our way through the bustling and serene settlement. "Sometimes, there are ponies who are left dissatisfied or flat out objective of the supposed destinies they're handed; even to the point of attempting to fight off said destiny. In the end, they choose to reject what the marks have chosen for them and begin journeying down their own destiny, making it their own." And how mighty proud Peacemaker sounded about it. "Eventually, like-minded ponies branded together and made great friends out of it."

You're selling me here, Peacemaker, you're selling me super hard. My grin just widened further and further with every word being uttered from the equine's muzzle. This was something I've wanted to see for a long [BEEP] time now!

"Unfortunately, modem society aren't too accepting of ponies whom have rejected their chosen fates to make their own." She sighed, but kept the wry smile with a glance up to the human accompanying her. "And thus we were banished from our hometowns, but we left with heads held high and the path clear. Naturally, it occurred to us that many other ponies would be rejected by the majority for choosin' how to live."

"And thus Flanktopia was born." I quipped with a light smile, still unable to keep my bemusement hidden about the name, yet internally feeling a pang of annoyance and utter despair at how these ponies were treated... Or rather mistreated, simply for thinking outside of the narrow norm.

"You got it." Peacemaker turned to regard a group of equines happily chatting and laughing away, her smile softening to overall pride and affection. "A refuge for Blank Flanks who have chosen their personal destinies than allowed destiny to make their decisions for them." And thus, starting motioning to various spots we walked by.

"That pony over there, for example, was originally meant to be a carpenter. But rejected his chosen fate in favour of achieving his lifelong dream of becoming a woodmaker." As demonstrated with the horde of well-designed bird houses surrounding the tanned stallion.

"She was decided to be waitress, but instead chose her own path and, in the end, became a ballerina." And was evidently pretty good at it, from the light green unicorn dancing and being applauded by ponies passing by. My smile widened more at the sight, choosing to lightly clap for the mare too.

"And that pony, over there, was decided by her cutie mark to be a professional at aerobatics. Instead, she defied her original fate and opted to become what she always wanted... A stage magician!" And from the looks, was pretty damn great at it. Trixie would be impressed by the pegasus showing off and being praised by her audience far off.

Speaking of reactions, imagine Twilight's reaction to all of this! She'd have a heart attack at this open defiance to fate. I could just see it now; the flabbergasted and hyperventalating expressions, so adorable I would be compelled to laugh. Starlight would likely call it a 'town of Stardust Balance's.'

"What if the children accidentally gain their cutie marks?" I then inquired with a raised brow. "What happens then?"

"Oh, they're not rejected by the town or anything like that." Peacemaker continued happily. "We're all about acceptance in Flanktopia; anyone's welcome, even those with cutie marks. If we reject others for having different mindsets... Well, have are we any better than the norm?" She asked with a rhetoric smile.

Sold! I was super sold on this! Where have you ponies been all my life! This is the society I've always dreamed about! Acceptance without prejudice in the least! Love it! That's why I was greeted so warmly by the citizens here. It's like Starlight's village back when she was in charge, but done right!

"That's why we have three leaders in charge than an overall ruler." The bright orange mare proceeded to explain, motioning next to the whole modest town at large. Reminded me eerily of Ponyville at times. "Wind Waker, Groundshaker and I. The three founders, you could say. An equality of Earth Pony, pegasus and unicorn working together to keep the community stable and content."

It only just gets better!

"How do you get rid of your cutie marks, though?" Was a question which burned in my mind the moment I first looked upon this town's equines, sincerely yearning to know Twilight-style. "Not painting over them I imagine?" Didn't look like paint anyway, but could be for all I knew.

"Oh, nothing like that friend." Peacemaker waved one hoof with a dismissive grin. "To be honest, we're not entirely sure of the magic ourselves." Came the rather sheepish confession, shrugging. "Over time, the more we reject indulging our marks they just... Disappear. Vanish. We consider it a breath of fresh air without some mark on our flanks telling us what we can and cannot do for the rest of our existence."

So they randomly disappear the longer you reject what they demand of you... Huh... Starswirl? Any explanation for that?

Before my teacher could answer me, however, my attention was then disrupted to Groundshaker hurrying over, his expression immediately catching Peacemaker's concern. "What is it?"

"We have a visitor." And from his subdued tone, the 'visitor' was rather not a favorurite of theirs. "Mr. Binder's demanding another meeting with us."

"Now?" Peacemaker sounded more terribly exasperated than afraid. At the stallion's affirming nod, the orange unicorn turned to me with an apologetic grin. "Guess this tour will have to be cut short. I'm afraid Mr. Binder doesn't like to wait too long."

"And Mr. Binder is...?"

"A representative of the mayor from the neighboring city." Came Groundshaker's response, sounding equal to his friend. "Nothing you need be concerned over." Without any dismissive hostility to it.

"Why not check in with the town hotel?" Peacemaker then recommended lightly, already moving to accompany Groundshaker back the way he came from. "You mentioned before how tired you are. I'm sure Wind Waker already booked you a room with your stuff and owl friend already inside. If you'll excuse us."

And practically made a mad dash of a departure, obviously wanting to get this meeting with the representative over with ASAP, and thus leaving me in the dust.

...Huh. Guess things weren't peaceful without some obstacles getting in the way of things. Was it my business though? Well usually I made everything my business. It was typical that nothing really occurred without my own opinion on the matter. My exasperated friends know this the hard way.

Still, I clapped my hands loudly, looking around in growing delight. A community devoted to acceptance and open mindsets. And best of all, not a sign of anything hostile or sinister going on. Peacemaker and the town in general seemed sincere with their intentions of just wanting to be acknowledged equally among ponies.

...Alright Starswirl, spill.

My teacher replied without missing a beat. Cutie marks are typically revealed once the bearer acts on the talent they were born for, whether with intent or pure coincidence. Although, with destiny, nothing is ever purely coincidental.

And the marks disappearing?

As Miss Peacemaker referenced, a cutie mark does, indeed, disappear over negligence against the chosen path in time. Many are under the presumption that cutie marks, by definition, are a sign of their ultimate fate in life. This is, however, exactly that; a presumption.

So ponies CAN live on without some mark on their arses telling them what they can and cannot do? Well, obviously evident after today, but the confirmation from a wise old spirit felt needed and appreciated.

Cutie marks have always been moreso a recommendation than an overall pathway to success. Free will has never been a delusion. Of course, many ponies accept their chosen fates yet may still perform other activities in their life as they please. But a cutie mark defines a trait the bearer may be adept in should they pursue, but never their penultimate destiny. The disappearance of one's mark is not necessarily something to be abhorred over, but rather acknowledged. This town's existence pleases me as it does to yourself, Jack.

Honestly if it weren't for Twilight, friends, Zagreus and everything else happening, I might have considered just living here for the rest of time. This is the ideal utopia I always dreamed for; and how much it just proves me right and Twilight wrong after ALL our heated subjects on the matter countless times since season one.

If she was here, right now, I'd feel like dancing like a smug [BEEP] right in her face.

A sudden tug to my pants. Hm? I immediately looked down to the young colt, small sun yellow eyes looking up to me in open curiosity. "Umm, excuse me...?" D'aww! My instinctive response was to kneel down beside the young pony and offer a warm smile, which is exactly what happened next.

"How can I help?" I asked fondly, unable to hide the love for children and wanting to keep them happy at all costs.

That encouraged the colt to open up more a tiny adorable smile filled with hope. "Could you help us out?" And motioned to the group of pony children observing curiously from the side, all surrounding a round stump perfect for storytelling. "The nice pony who often tells us stories is sick today." Well that's shame, hope he gets better soon. "And you look like someone with a lot of stories to tell...?" The young foal trailed off with a hopeful sheepish grin.

I couldn't stop myself, ruffling the boy's short red mane and standing upwards, playful hands on hips and looking down. "Because I obviously look like a creature from a far off land, child?" I asked in a teasing tone, causing a light giggle from him. I was already in love! Nodding with a smile, I already headed over. "Well then, I suppose I do have some tales to share."

Why the Hell not? Nightshade could wait a little longer, and has probably already hogged the bed before I could get the chance.

Sitting down with clasped hands, I rubbed them excitedly as the children quickly began sitting down around me. "Are you all sitting comfortably." The gathered colts and fillies nodded in enthusiasm. Seemed they loved hearing stories as much as I enjoyed telling them. "Good. Now, what to share...?"

Well, there were far too many stories to count. I could share them a tale of one of my recent exploits whilst running away. Maybe the incident in the pyramid, the confrontation with the yeti or the battle against the sirens. I had enough experienced tales by now to share for a lifetime. Maybe I should just retire, become a storyteller for children who ask.

...Sounds nice.

Oh, wait, I've got it! I knew just the tale to share! It quickly struck after one sweeping gaze over the expectant, eager foals.

My grin widening with theirs following, I nodded in finality. "Okay, I know just the story to share. Hope you're all patient, children, because what I have to share is a very long tale." Leaning forward in enthusiasm, even some adults in hearing distance made motions of listening in. More audience than the merrier, I supposed. "This is a tale over a Princess and her Warrior; over a unicorn who became a legend, and a man who walked the stars..."

"- And it turned out, it was an alternate dimension!" Multiple gasps of shock and wonder, my audience utterly enthralled and growing over time. I grinned, leaning forward excitedly myself. "I know right? So anyway, after they retrieved the Princess's crown-"

"Wait!" One hoof struck up. "What happened to Sunset Shimmer?"

"Oh she got redeemed. Nothing really worth mentioning. Anyway-"

"- After that, the human finally returned to his proper home, the one he truly called his home now... Only to wound up, instead, in that alternate dimension he and the Princess recovered the crown from!"

"Oh no!" One pony exclaimed in genuine horror. "And the portal wasn't working then was it!"

"No, but that was only the least of his worries, for the human was soon to be confronted with a terrifying experience he had never hoped to endure again until his Princess came back to him!"

"What was that? More monsters?!"

"Well, them too, but something much worse!"

"What?! What did he have to endure?!"

"...High school...!"

"- So since then, even Zephyr was accepted into the group for their weekly gaming nights. And they played lots of games they've all enjoyed and bickered over since then. Now, the next following event was somewhat less interesting, but no less important."

"Excuse me?"


"Will we see more of that Discord guy in the story? He's pretty funny." Murmurs of agreement, and my smirk only grew. By now the gathered audience was practically half the town.

"Wait and see child. Anywho..."

"- Finally, after putting all two threats in their place, the human's teacher used his magic on the subdued foes and vanquished them back to their proper times and places." Multiple sounds of joy and victory following that statement, and I had to laugh at the enthusiasm. "Thus the Monster had lost two more of his puppets and his enemies gaining the upper hand."

"But who's that mysterious mare in the cloak?!"

"Patience my dear. Things are only to become more interesting... And intense, from hereon..." The crowd followed my movement of leaning forward, my mouth holding a massive knowing grin. "Because next came the worst thing of all... Putting up with a stallion who has no idea how to win a mare's heart." The giggles from various fillies and mares which followed were appropriate.

Well, that took a load more out of me than I thought. I was literally craning back a few joints after about an hour or two telling that whole tale of my abridged journey, and not worse for wear. God, evening was already on the horizon.

The afternoon's light sky was darkening, only slightly. I yawned, finding myself utterly exhausted already simply from telling a simple story, looking over to the screen doors to my right from my sat posture on the bed, slouching a little and breathing heavily. It was very generous of Wind to book me this room; rather spacious and suiting our - Nightshade and I - needs perfectly. I'll be sure to thank them while I could.

You know, if the imbalance doesn't suddenly kills me beforehand...


Dammit... I sighed, choosing to life myself off the bed's edge and head towards the window doors, sun rays pouring through and hitting my chest downwards. I almost flinched at the sight. But the feeling of the heat from the fiery ball of gas from above made me realize something.

How long I've spent more outdoors than indoors since I ran away, even for rest. It contradicted with my natural introverted nature... Yet it didn't bother me in the slightest. On the contrary, putting aside all the dangers and threats I've faced on my seemingly endless journey across the wide lands, it's been a pleasant experience.

Because I've seen just as much good things as well as the bad. Gorgeous breathtaking landscapes, brilliant characters, participating in exciting events, making new discoveries unseen from the natives in generations. Zagreus and all that which has caused me nothing but grief these past months put to the stand for one moment, I could appreciate the world around me the further I explored.

Flanktopia. A ridiculous name, but at its heart everything I envisioned about Equestria, the kind of world I've always yearned for on Earth. A place of complete and utter acceptance; no strife, no chaos, no conflict or prejudice even for having different views on things. A dream place which sounded far too good to be true.

My eyes glazed over the buildings outside, ponies bustling about with enthusiasm and peaceful exchanges. I could very well call this encounter into the town a well-deserved reward for all my troubles thus far. I hadn't felt this at peace since meeting those nice farmers of that apple-pear location. Another fresh reminder, this town was, as to what exactly I was fighting for, not just for the Balance of magic or the safety of my friends, though they were no less important to me than anything else.

But to strive a world exactly like Flanktopia. A land where all creatures were treated fairly and without any contempt. No war, no needless deaths, none of the manipulative warmongering or selfish needs by certain individual, neither power grabs or open prejudice against colour, gender, race or the handicap. Everything we humans hope to achieve, yet never truly succeed.

My gaze lowered, the train of thought slowly bringing out that depressed side I was always so terrible in hiding. God dammit.

Why... Why couldn't the fighting end? Why couldn't everyone just find a way to work out their problems, together? Why couldn't equality and fair rights just be universally accepted? Why couldn't we learn from the mistakes of our world's past to forge a brighter future? Why was the majority of the world constantly out for themselves...? The cruel reality was seizing my chest like a cold clenched hand, my breaths growing more shallow. Was it truly so hard to ask for world peace? For unity...?


God... I was tired... When will it end, Starswirl? When will this endless game of cat and mouse reach its conclusive point?

And who was really playing the cat and who was playing the mouse here...?

Any hopes of an answer, from either my own thoughts or Starswirl's intervention, was intervened by a polite knocking from the door behind. "It's open!" I called over my shoulder, keeping my arms folded behind my back with gaze lingering on the outside peaceful world.

They very world I fought and WILL die for... Literally soon enough...

"Hey there friend." Ah. I turned around to face the unicorn, Peacemaker, with the light blue pegasus named Wind Waker accompanying her into the room. The former's smile was wide and genuine. "We were just checkin' up on ya. Hope the room isn't too spacious for your liking?"

"It's perfect, thank you." I managed a real smile, flattered by their sincere generosity and hospitality. I then nodded to the pegasus gratefully. "Thank you, Wind, for even booking us this room in the first place. I'll be sure to repay you for your troubles."

"Think nothing of it." Wind waved dismissively, grinning in satisfaction. "You looked like you needed a place of refuge, if you don't mind me saying so. I was more than happy to help." Fluttershy would approve immensely of this pony.

"I see your friend's getting comfortable." Peacemaker than pointed out in casual amusement, eyes lingering on Nightshade resting contently atop a shelf, eyes closed peacefully. "Must have been a long journey for you two. You traveled far?"

"Farer than I ever deemed possible." I turned back to them with one hand on waist, grinning in wry humour. "Which is shocking, if my lack of exercise has anything to say about." In this human form anyway. It's a miracle it didn't shut down soon enough with all the walking. My feet were already numb at this point.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here for as long as possible." Peacemaker expressed warmly. "It's been too long since we had any real visitors passing through. Eight months now, I think. You can see why the hotel is mostly vacant." Yeah, had noticed such in the main lobby upon arrival, even in hallways leading to my temporary suite.

"And from what we've been hearing on the way here, the town's already taken a liking to you." The teal stallion proceeded to add with a light smile. "You've become quite the storyteller in a short span of time, you know. I've been hearing young ponies sharing some tale that the newcomer has shared with them. You're already famous among Flanktopia, you should feel honoured."

"Charmed." I returned the humour, shaking my head with a weary grin. Famous? Please. "Though I'm flattered, I can't stay for long. One night and then I have to leave, sorry."

"Oh." They looked sincerely deflated, before Peacemaker perked up then with a light beam. "It's alright. Probably for the best anyway with what's heading our way tomorrow." Hm? What now? "A minor tussle with the neighboring city's council; more of their representatives are coming tomorrow afternoon to... Well it doesn't really need to concern you-"

"On the contrary, I'd like to hear more." The words flew immediately from my mouth. The desire to protect this Blank Flank utopia and what it stands for, also because of how I've been treated in positive difference ever since arriving here, straightening my serious stance and expectant gaze.

Both shared surprised glances, before Wind added for his friend next. "It's nothing really too serious." But everything in his tone implied the precise opposite. "They're just not really happy with our repeated negative answer to their constant offer."


The mare nodded next. "They wish to integrate Flanktopia's inhabitants into their city." Oh, but what was bad about-? "In exchange for all our citizens regaining their cutie marks and accepting what destiny has decided for them."


"Naturally we refused, continuously." Wind said next, glints of frustration from his voice and expression, glaring down at the carpet between us. "We shouldn't be forced to get back our cutie marks just for some promises of more food, water and security."

"While we are a peaceful isolated society open to equality and fair judgement, that's not without its downsides." Peacemaker explained upon noting my expression, sounding rather somber about it herself. Weary even. "Food is becoming scarce, and the landscape which surrounds barely provides for securing good food and healthy water. Flanktopia has no membership of the Equestria food trade or economic services."

"So you understand our dilemma." Wind the pegasus finished, before offering a tight smile after a moment of realization. "Though it seems tactless of us to dump our worries onto you like that, stranger. We can find a way to preserve-"

But I held up one hand, thoroughly cutting the stallion aptly off. "I heard more than enough." Came my lighthearted response, arms back crossed behind me back and a big grin. "And hearing your plight, it sounds as though you just need to reach a decent compromise with the neighboring city. And I'm more than happy to help."

Both pairs of eyes widened in sincere bafflement. Peacemaker became the first to object with wildly flapping front limbs. "No, no now! There's no need for you to trouble yourself without good reason-!"

"Considering how fair and kind I was treated since I got here? What your community stands for and what it truly entails for inevitable all of Equestria? How can I possibly neglect to help?" Came the finality in my tone, but not unkindly. I smirked faintly then. "This town is all about acceptance, yes? They just need a taste of that acceptance."

"How?" Wind Waker looked compelled to ask, vague hope beginning to shine in their eyes. Tomorrow afternoon? No problem.

"All you have to do is follow this advice, and the representatives will follow it, in turn, in a heartbeat. And trust me." With no intention of arrogance, I leaned forward with a conspiratorially smile. "My negotiation skills can give Celestia a run for her bits."

"Have you considered Diamond Dogs?"

"Diamond Dogs?"

"Or Changelings, griffons, anthropomorphic parrots. Whatever comes across your settlement really." Coming with a shrug, hands clasped behind me in utter pride for my work as we watched relieved ponies across town play and sing in celebration, unable to contain the pleased smile which remained stretched across my face ever since the negotiations going down well.

Did I say 'well?' I meant fantastically well.

Plan worked without a hitch; relying on the old emotionally manipulative tactic. Under my advice, Peacemaker, Wind Waker and Groundshaker, whom barely took my words for granted, offered to show the representative ponies upon their arrival around the town like tourists. It was easy, all they did was show how utterly content and adaptable the town ponies were doing their own thing and succeeding without some forsaken marks deciding for them. Following that with a rather passionately speech between the three equines which almost brought a tear to even my own eye.

They were quite brilliant. I could see why the town acknowledged them as their fair and just leaders. Pegasus, unicorn and Earth Pony working and making decisions together in harmony for the sake of keeping the whole time safe and happy.

At the end, the representatives promised they'll report their findings to their superiors, and that they can work something out. But one, like I observing from the shadows, just needed to take a single glance at the visiting ponies in suit's expressions to know they were truly convinced of Flanktopia's working ideals. All felt well.


Yes. I'd say Flanktopia will maintain a safe and sustained future to come. You did well today Jack, you and these hardworking equines.

"Hmm, Flanktopia accepting all manners of creatures amongst its citizens..." Peacemaker pondered with a tap of the muzzle, looking quite serious in thought. Has that never really occurred to her before? "We've dwelled on that previous times in the past..." Oh, never mind. The orange unicorn looked back up with a serene smile. "Why not? Especially when someone who wasn't a pony helped saved our town from starvation or losing all its inhabitants."

The sheer gratitude in her voice was flattery-inducing. I barely managed a wide grin and scratching my hair sheepishly. "I did what anyone would do in this situation." Followed with a serious but kind tone. "Though we may be different, though destiny may have plans for our future, none of that means anything in the name of carving your path and defining yourself, as a person. How you treat others and how you treat the world is what determines your real place in life. No one should ever be treated as wrong for their existence alone."

After that rather self-revelation, Peacemaker nodded and playfully wiped an invisible tear from her eye. "That was beautiful." Not really, just truth. "Have you reconsidered leaving, friend? You'd be more than welcome here."

Tempting. Believe me, I was more than tempted...

"I can't." Came my solemn but compassionate smile, gazing down on the mare with a helpless shrug. "I already have a place to call home... Besides, my destiny is still out there, elusive... But I'll reach there eventually."

I'll reach him eventually...

"I understand." The orange Equestrian smiled passionately, showing no disappointment or concern, entirely on the level with me. "If you ever change your mind, though. you'll always have a place among us. The first of your kind to be welcomed in Flanktopia... What are you again, sorry? Don't think I even ever asked."

"I'm... Just a man who walked the stars." Came my sly response, shrugging with a [BEEP]-eating smile. Even Peacemaker chuckled at that, but my own amusement was moreso focused on Groundshaker and Wind Waker dancing together with wide smiles and consistent eye contact.

Yaoi ahoy.

"The mystery card huh?" Peacemaker replied with good-natured humour glinting behind those chocolate brown orbs. "Fair enough. Though something else occurs to me in the form of another question." The mare titled her head in open curiosity upwards at my face. "Why were you so adamant in keeping yourself hidden while the representatives were here?"

"Oh, that was just in case-"

"Stardust Balance!"

"- Of that." I replied in flat humour, huffing loudly in utter annoyance by the interruption and untimely arrival. Ponies in suits, representatives, council equines and bodyguards alike, all regarding the human being in plain sight with incredulity, horror and conviction. Oh boy. I grinned down to the befuddled Peacemaker in forced jovially. "Thanks for having me around Peacemaker. Until next time!"

"Seize him!" One stallion called out, though I was already turning to run and take the immediate nearest exit, the sounds of thundering hooves of bodyguards in suits from behind pursuing myself, hair and gown whipping against the wind freely as if to emphasize my giddy fleeing. Obviously I had the disadvantage with them having fours legs and mine tired two legs. I needed to hide.

Or perhaps jump. Starswirl's voice abruptly interjected. Shall we commence with the same maneuver we pulled against the griffon mercenaries not too long ago, over the cliff by the town's edge?

You have a plan?

Another portal. I now have a new pinpoint location on Zagreus.

Sounded good to me! Already taking left and right turns with all the agility and speed this fragile form could muster, careful not to shove or knock over any ponies on the way, but from the sounds behind me my pursuers weren't having such luck. Luckily my body wasn't wide enough to make much physical contact with passerbys unlike theirs. With a slide over a long table before continuing my escape just because I could.

Hold on Zagreus... I was going to touch my destiny yet.

Cliff in sight. Leap of faith to do the trick. With one final cheeky grin at the stallions chasing after me with vocal exclamations demanded my halting and compliance, I performed an over-dramatic spin before reaching the stony edge, jumping off in the gesture of a cannonball. Last I checked, since climbing to reach this town in the first place, below was nothing but pebbles, low shrubbery and puddles. But I wasn't too worried then with the golden portal waiting for me below my form the moment I leaped-

"- Ow my [BEEP] cheeks!"

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