• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 168: Pear Factory


Gotta say, this encounter came sooner than I had anticipated...

Joyous laughter of the sinister kind echoed throughout the valley, the overbearing glee of a creature so hellbent on my destruction that he couldn't believe his sheer luck, standing atop curved rock with an elegant posture. The pinkish-pale unicorn with soulless blackened eyes regarded his prey through a sickening smile, looking more than ready to pounce. It was as if the wind responded to that malicious noise, chills going down my body as my gown whipped in response to the currents, the signs are leading to this being a rather deadly confrontation.

You know what was worst though? Our two friends flying between the monstrous entity given pony form, one folding her arms with a smug expression and the other with a heavy frown, answering to his beck and call. The appearances of two alternate friends whom have done nothing to deserve this fate, either as demon form or that creature's puppets. My hand around the hilt tightened, azure lightsaber raised protectively for myself and Nightshade, the latter hiding deeply inside my bag.

Zagreus continued that monstrous grin as his words echoed from above like a deity casting judgement. "Poor Jack, it's as if you're trying to get yourself killed... But then again, perhaps that's considered ancient news when it comes to your antics, even when you've been tamed by the little Princess. Old habits die hard, I imagine."

Two weeks. That's all it took since running away from home for Zagreus and cronies to locate me, the unicorn and demons casting shadows over my position at the bottom of the valley. Neither Sunset nor Twilight gave off any other expression from the exchange - or lack thereof - between their supposed enemy or master.

"No comeback, boy? Where's that wit and sarcastic mocking? Don't tell me being reverted back to that depressing state has left you drained in all aspects! You just simply make things too easy for me, don't you?"

Because I had nothing more to say to this monster, only raising my blade horizontally across my chest, daring any of them to make a move... Whilst all my instincts were screaming at me to flee and cower from all this.

"Tch." Zagreus' expression shifted a one-eighty, easily displaying that contempt which was dancing through those gut-wrenching eyes. "Pathetic, you've become what you hate most once more. So weak and defenseless you're just waiting to die at this moment. What happened to that pride of humanity you always oh-so adhere to parading about with?"

We must devise an escape strategy at once.

The only two exits I could take were either side of the valley, but even then running would provide little with how easily those two winged demons could catch up to me. Sunset would be just fine playing with her food, but Twilight might take no chances with me. My eyes lingered on the purple demon in question for a moment, to which said darkened teenager looked away with a stern expression as though to hide something else.

...Besides, I had absolutely no intention on running. This ends today and it ends now, with Zagreus coming down in the ship.

"You've succumbed so quickly..." The wolf in sheep's clothing mused loudly upon my removal of the duffle bag, perking an amused brow. "And utterly. What's changed here, boy? It is the sunken in realization how much a burden you are to everyone around you? How much of a threat you are the longer you stay around those pesky Equestrians? Or..." A contemplative glance towards the purple girl. "Are you feeling pain for this sight of one version of your precious Princess your girls had failed to save?"

My features winced at that, briefly, but it was quickly spotted. Sunset cackled dangerously, rearing her head back with sadist glee. Twilight - I refused to call her otherwise regardless of what she's become - snapped her head back to me with a furrowed brow. Zagreus smirked widely, meanwhile, pointing down as though making the final decision on a mere mortal.

"Then allow us to relieve you of your pain, Jack Wright. And do not despair, once you've been entirely disposed of, the torment your friends shall experience will be swift and fair once I wipe out every ungrateful creature of these worlds." Over my dead body. And Zagreus seemed to have picked up on that. "Enough talk, I think. Girls, would you kindly... Destroy him."

My body tensed after that bone-chilling demand, both demons immediately taking a dive towards my spot. The humming blade raised defensively, awaiting and accepting the grueling battle to come today. For the Twilight Warrior raises his weapon and himself for one last confrontation, aiming to protect everyone and everything he loved.

Twilight, Spike, everyone. Give me strength!

This beginning was perhaps the very most epic, heart-pounding, intense, grueling call of battle I have ever participated in my entire life.

And by that, I mean of course the two girls firing magic and swiping claws, and myself batting away their assaults and relying on sheer luck to see me through. Luckily Nightshade managed to escape before he could get endangered by any of them. Zagreus had decided to just up and leave, allowing Sunset and Twilight to do as they please and deeming them more than enough to deal with me.

I'll pursue him after I'm done with the two myself.

My legs kept leaping backwards, side-stepping and dancing with no grace at all from the repeated assaults and both gleeful and frustrated demons. Sunset looked all too happy, baring those razor transformed teeth with a malicious smile, whereas Twilight was... Expressionless, and I had to wonder if it was the same Twilight I encountered back at the Tower.

It is indeed the very same one. But right now, focus on delaying their assaults until we can find advantageous ground.

Right. I was far from confident about my victory today, being forced back across the empty valley where water would typically be between two forests. My humming lightsaber - designed for burning rather than cutting - whirled around with all the skill of a raving lunatic, just barely managing to block any attacks the two made-

I flinched, hissing back from the intense pink light bouncing off my vertical blade protecting both face and chest, followed with the azure weapon being grasped by the blade from Sunset's claws. Said transformed teen barely seemed bothered by the face her palms and fingers were smoking from the touch, simply growling into my face with hungry cerulean orbs. In retaliation, I pushed back and swung, the teen immediately leaping back and letting Twilight make the next move.

I should be fighting back, attacking instead of constantly defending myself and thinking up ways of defeating them both... But I couldn't.

I just can't... And Zagreus obviously was aware of this fatal flaw. Sick twisted [BEEP]tard was making me fight two alternate of very special girls to me, probably believing there was some irony should I fall by their hands.

There was a tactic with how these were combating against me, I noticed. Twilight was going for attacking from a distance with magic, whereas Sunset was all too happy taking things up close with glowing red claws, giving each other time to attack while the other recovers. A part of me suggested redirecting Twilight's next attack into Sunset, but either because that idea was so reluctant to my emotions or I just suck at using a lightsaber, the blade bounced off the magical beam elsewhere instead, creating another dent in the valley wall.

Stalling for time won't provide any favours for us, Jack. Zagreus is counting on your hesitation for his victory.

Hey if you've got any ideas which don't involve laying a single hand on these two and ease my conscience, I'm all ears-


My breathing inhaled through gritted teeth, the lightsaber brushing against my robed arm carelessly, another self-sustained injury added to the chalk board. The two demons reacted by my own error, Sunset grinning wickedly with dark amusement, whereas Twilight - whom I refused to call Midnight - furrowed her brow. Quickly regaining myself, I raised my blade for the next defense against whatever they had planned next-

And the lightsaber bounced swiftly off my hand, the deactivated hilt rolling across the ground feet away from Twilight's precise attack... Huh. My eyes whirled to and from the hilt to the girls, immediately calculating the distance and how quickly I might be able to retain the weapon. But Sunset landing on the ground before me imposingly, her fist glowing red dangerously and wicked teeth informed my body to take a few steps back in retreat instead, slowly obliging my apprehensive mind.

Was I scared? Oh very.

Did I see anyway out of this? Unless I can reach my weapon in time, not likely-


My back hit something pointy from behind, a small shadow above covering up to the toes in my black boots. A split-second of looking upwards informed of what was blocking any presentable exit. A dam. A Goddamn dam. [BEEP]ing fantastic. I was going to die in front of a dam. I could already hear Rainbow Dash laughing her arse off.

The demonic Sunset raised one fist, opening it to a palm and beginning to muster up the magical energy for an orange and red fireball aimed in my general direction. My own hands clenched shut, mind going into panic mode as I searched for any means of escape. I don't think climbing up the dam made of sticks will save me from this in time.

You're forgetting one advantage, my student.

Yeah? Remind me, my mind's all over the place at the moment sorry...

But Twilight answered my invisible teacher for me. "Wait! Magic can't touch him, remember?"

...Oh yeah!

Sunset scoffed, her eyes rolling to the side where the purple demon hovered. "And what exactly were you trying to do just now?" She asked with ill-disguised scorn as the magic died out in obligation. "You used nothing but magic at him!"

"I was attempting to disarm. And it worked at least!"

"Tch, yeah, after five hundred attempts. Tell you what, you sit back and let me deal with your alternative boyfriend over here, since you can't seem to bring yourself to hurt the little man even at that tower."

Okay, their convenient squabbling was giving me more than enough time to quickly deduce something. My eyes darted around the area, making note of the fact I wouldn't be able to scale up the wooden sticks behind or dirt slope grounds to my sides. I was trapped down here, and my ears could pick up on the sound of water carefully balanced on the other side of these sticks...


That might work... Though at the cost of A. Drowning. And B. My ruptered ear getting a million times worse because of it. It was a known fact I couldn't swim, but which seemed preferable right now?

Dying at their hand and making them regret it for the rest of their lives, or potentially - perhaps certainly - drowning from a rush of water going down this valley to God knows where...? Should I flip a coin?

"At least I was successful in taking away his toy. You've just been swiping claws at him like a babaric animal. If you're going to finish him off, make the attempt of acting professional about it Sunset."

The red demon with flaming hair hissed contemptably towards the other. "If you're so impatient why don't you finish him off?" Silence, and Sunset rolled her round cerulean eyes. "That's what I thought. Now be quiet, and let me do what that pony demanded of me." And turned her attention towards me with a sickening smile. "Any last requests, little man, before I finish what was started back at that lake?"

...Hakuna Matata.

"And here I thought you had pride, Sunset." I forced myself to sound casual, leaning back rather comfortably despite the uncomfortable sticks prodding into my back, head and legs. "Isn't that why you ran away from Celestia to begin with?"

"You're one to talk." The demonic version of my friend snapped. "You're running away from everyone who cares about you under the fall guise of keeping them safe. Once I'm through with you, they'll all be next... Starting with your special Princess."

I shrugged as opposed to retaliating heatedly. "Fair enough. Tell me, do you think Celestia remembers?"

"Remembers what?"

"How much of a failure you are."

A dead silence. You could hear Twilight's small gasp from the very big risk I just made commenting that. Even my hands and neck produced goosebumps from the terribly claimed move made just then against this growling demonic pony. One thing about knowing a good friend was knowing what right, or wrong buttons to press.

And judging by her expression, I pressed the right one... For me, anyway. Twilight's warning of "Wait, don't!" Came far too late.


Starswirl made the right call, inciting my body to follow through with that command after the reddened first sailing right towards my face, hitting exactly where it was intended. And with all the magical force placed into that fiery clenched hand, it should be more than enough to begin Operation Escape The Demons. The wall of logs and sticks began to crack from the pressure and sheer brute strength, Sunset's widened eyes shifting from outrage to dawning comprehension, meeting my wry grin and mirthful eyes.

See you in Hell, my dear.

My vision was encompassed then in complete water, oxygen and clear sight cut from the sheer force and magnitude threatening to collapse my body under the pressure. My back flung forward, spinning around and around as though being hit by a mini-tidal wave. My arms waved frantically, reaching for any signs of surface.

And promptly pulling me up.


My mouth coughed loudly, forcing out the water which managed to gain access to my mouth. But even so, my body was being pushed back from the growing currents proceeding down the newly-made stream. Poor beavers, I'll apologize to them if I ever got the chance. My breathing became much more shallow, struggling slightly to compose myself in light of the present circumstance.

And from above, I noticed Twilight's backside searching around for any signs of, presumably, myself or Sunset. Speaking of whom, no sight of her either. I'll be concerned by that after I've found something to hold onto before the waters carry me all the way to the ocean... Or much worse.

Regretfully, you may be facing the latter.

Oh don't tell me, giant waterfall up ahead?


Pointy rocks at the bottom?

Much likely.

...Bring it [BEEP].


"See? You're getting better, and you only tripped yourself over two times now."

Twilight giggled at my incoherent muttering response. But hey, as long as she's smiling. The dance wasn't as difficult as I originally anticipated; two ponies leaning towards one another, standing on their back hoofs while one of their fronts hoofs are intertwined to keep each other supported. Thankfully I only managed not to screw up enough time to ruin the date.

Having cleared away the picnic, even the blanket, before the dance commenced, Twilight had patiently taught me this skill of pony slow dancing as the full night sky covered the world above us. Why, the unicorn even remarked I was progressing better at it than Spike was when he first learnt how to dance this way... Which begged the question of why Spike was taught slow dancing at all.

But regardless, I was admittedly... Enjoying this.

Taking slow careful steps around one another, one of our front limbs twirled around one another for full support, her other hoof on my ponified shoulder, and my own settled around her pony waist. My eyes were focused on Twilight's own, so not even the slightest distraction could knock us off-balance... again. Thankfully, the unicorn took the lead for the most part.

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

"What?" That was an unexpected question, almost made me lose focus just then. Was this mare trying to make me fall over again?

Twilight's smile lowered a little, while I gently spun her around. "I've only ever witnessed you express happiness a few times. Yet the majority of your mood borders on irritation or sarcasm. Why is that?"

Well... childhood was mostly to blame. "It's just the way I am."

"Now why don't I believe that?"



Ow! Big mistake!

Head shooting upwards like that prompted both whiplash and a sudden headache, gripping my temple and back of neck respectively. Jesus Christ! What the Hell happened to me? I was dreaming about my first date with Twilight prior to our relationship, but what led to that...?

Oh yeah... The waterfall! My eyes briefly glanced around, spotting the folded glasses beside my bed of... Hay? Ah well, I placed them back on whilst recalling what precisely occurred leading up to this.

I remember. I was falling down, steam clouding my vision and the rushing sound of water occupying my descent, presumably leading up to my eventual demise. Escaping Zagreus' two minions, which were alternate versions of my friend and girlfriend, so I could catch up to Zagreus before he makes his own exit. And that... Clearly went oh so well.

Alright, before I lecture myself harshly again Jack, let's assess the situation at hand. My curious eyes looked around slowly as the headache began to fade as quickly as it came, becoming more a dull throb. I wasn't dead, because I imagined Heaven wasn't a barnyard. That'd be more Applejack's personal afterlife. An interior of a red building looking surprisingly clean and well-kept despite all the hay and wheelbarrows around the place, neatly placed and hay stacked with precision. This barn looked more orderly than Sweet Apple Acres' did!

Groaning a little, my body was slowly but surely recovering from the pain of enduring through an entire waterfall and battling two demonic entities. I removed the small quilt covering my clothed lower half, carefully reaching the edge of the soft hay and sitting upwards. Which, conveniently, made something else happen.

The barn doors opened, and somepony called out. "Oh, you're up!" And called out from over his shoulder. "Hey Buttercup! Our guest is awake!" A bright yellow stallion with pure light red mane and tail, adorning a stetson with freckles between pure green eyes, smiling towards me with light warmness. My head titled, recognizing the colours, save for the eyes, resembling that exactly of Apple Bloom, not to mention the familiar accent.

I must be at one of their relative's farms. The surreal nature of this development quickly gave way to amusement. I swear, Applejack's family must breed like rabbits.

A rather pretty-looking mare followed after her... Husband? Brother? But my curiosity was sidestepped in place of the small owl perched atop the cream Earth Pony's back, flying over to me with familiar gown in beak and hilt in claw.

Oh thank God, he made it out okay. "Nightshade!" I greeted warmly, putting the offered garment and weapon aside for the moment in favour of embracing the nocturnal bird affectionately, hugging him close to my chest. "Glad you're okay."


Judging by that facial expression on the night bird's features, he'd be telling me the exact same thing, resting himself on my lap with a firm look aimed towards my face, prompting my amused laughter. "Don't you start getting stern with me, it's bad enough when Twilight does it!"

The two Earth Ponies looked fondly amused themselves, the cream mare with orange wavy mane and tail inclining her grin towards the owl. "Your friend here brought us to you, thank goodness! Obviously he was lookin' for help. We found ya at a lake right before a waterfall. We thought you were a goner for a moment back there!"

"We've done our best to dry you off and keep ya warm until yer woke up." The stallion continued, glancing in pride to the female equine beside him. "While my wonderful Buttercup here dried off yer gown and tended to yer little friend here. This bird is one smart critter, findin' help so quickly. Luckily you weren't far off from our humble farm in time for us to find ya."

Rubbing Nightshade's pleased head in grateful affection, I nodded with a knowing grin down to the owl. "You have his real owner to thank for that. Smartest mare in all of Equestria."

"Hoo!" Nightshade said in affirmation, and I glanced back up to the smiling couple.

"You have my gratitude, both of you." I stated with sincerity to my saviours, followed with a light bow. "God forbid I die of drowning."

"Or hypothermia." The mare added with a hint of teasing. On closer inspection, the cream Earth Pony held emerald-coloured eyes, and turquoise headbands on one side of her mane and end of tail. She then gasped. "Oh, we've yet to introduce ourselves." And motioned to herself. "Ma name's Pear Butter. And this..." Gesturing to the stallion. "Big lug is Bright Mac. Welcome to the Apple-Pear Sanctuary!"

Bright Mac regarded his better half with a tone of jest. "And I prefer to affectionately call my wife here, Buttercup." But you could very well see the love and joy in his eyes just from taking one glance at the mare. The two equines exchanged a look of pure devotion, infatuation and bliss it was almost breathtaking to behold. Bright Mac then looked back to me with warmth in his voice. "Now, I ain't never seen your kind before, stranger. May we have the honour of knowin' your name?"

And risk it being traced back to Applejack and providing my friends with a lead? Sorry, you'll have to stick with this. "I'm Nobody. Nobody No-One. And this is Nightshade, my travelling companion." Said companion gave me a brief glance which could be described as faint exasperation.

Just humour me here, pal.

The pair blinked, but kept on smiling regardless. "Interestin' name." Thank you, I try. "What brings ya all the way this far side of Equestria, Nobody?"

I honestly shrugged at his question. "Let's just say I'm... Walking the path to destiny, for lack of better words." And turned the conversation around before either could question further. "Apple-Pear Sanctuary, you say? A farm specifically made for those two type of fruits?"

Pear Butter beamed, and that seemed to enrapture her husband's complete attention. God, they're really in love with each other aren't they? "Mmhm! This place is a new beginnin' for apple and pear history alike, where no past quarrels can touch harmonious land unitin' the sweet taste of apples and pears together! No other place in Equestria just like it!"


"It's a long story." Bright Mac added on my expression, wrapping a loving limb around his blissful wife. "You can see for yerself later. How ya feelin', by the way?"

"Much better, thank you." I nodded with a gratified smile. "A little faint headache, but nothing so serious." Y'know, for falling down a waterfall... In human form... With no magical protection... Whatsoever...

How in God's name do I even live at all...?

"Got jus' the remedy for that." Pear announced happily. "A special pear medicine made for curin' all headaches. I can get ya some in a moment while we deal with dryin' the rest of yer clothes. We weren't too sure about doin' so earlier in case you felt uncomfortable without them."

How... Very considerate of them. I was honestly taken aback by such warm hospitality. "I... Thank you. Yes, I much prefer wearing clothes on around others at all times. Though I do carry some spares in my... Duffle bag..."

The same duffle bag abandoned back at the canyon, which would be carried by the waves and ruining everything inside it by now-

"Hoo!" Nightshade quickly flew from my lap, flying over to the side and easily putting my worries to rest. From hiding behind a haystack, the dried bag was gripped by my little friend and bright right beside me, Nightshade looking decidedly smug with himself.

"...Well I'll be damned."

Both ponies shared amusement at my relieved gratitude, Bright Mac stating as they turned. "We'll be waitin' outside."

"Jesus Christ..."

Remember when my two hosts called their farm a 'sanctuary?'

Well, seems that wasn't entirely without warrant.

I mean... Goddamn...

Fresh out of changing clothes, sipping on the juice Mrs. Butter provided for me - despite my personal distaste for pears it had, admittedly, helped with the fading headache - I was given a brief tour around the vast farm, filled to the brims of apple and pear trees intertwined and matched together as though there with no opposites or inequality. The sight over the pathway leading down to the red and yellow forest was so breathtaking to behold I had to mutter as such, leading to the pleased expressions on my host's faces.

"So glad you like it." Pear Butter commented with a light smile.

"This here farm is our pride and joy." Bright Mac then paused briefly. "Well, second pride and joy. Regardless, this is the result of hard work and effort made into makin' up mistakes of our families in the past. Pears and apples, together, as they always should've been."

"It's beautiful..." I had to agree, glancing down to the two proud couple with an envious smile. "No wonder you're so pleased with yourselves. It certainly looks worth the effort."

"Hoo!" Nightshade concurred from atop a nearby branch, resting comfortably beneath its shade.

Mrs. Pear chuckled warmly. "So glad you like it." She said with sincerity. "Trust me, they're as delicious as they look. You'll find out for yerself tonight at supper."

Supper? I whirled back to the mare swiftly. "Oh no, I've dared imposed enough. I really couldn't stay any longer." Considering Zagreus was somewhere nearby, and Demon Twilight and Sunset were likely still around, I shouldn't waste any time.

But the cream equine's pout objected to the contrary. "Oh don't be like that Nobody. Evenin's jus' around the corner, and it's the least we could do for havin' such good company in recent years, aside from the family visit here and there. I insist on havin' yer stay for tonight."

"You're welcome to take refuge in the barn for the night." Bright Mac added, winking in light humour. "And I'd recommend you accept friend, my wife can been ridiculously stubborn with these things."

Followed with said wife lightly prodding the stallion's front limb. "You make me this stubborn honey."

The bright yellow pony looked down to his beloved. "And I love yer for it." Jesus! No shame in expressing affection here. I was honestly perplexed and quite mesmerized by the heartwarming display, reminding me of a certain pony and I's time together.

...Which brought me back to now. "I'd love to stay, really." But my being here was inviting danger onto your very doorstep. "But I'd hate to ruin your little paradise in any way. The second my clothes are done drying, I'll be taking my leave. Though I can't thank you both enough for your hospi-"

But Mrs. Butter put her hoof down. Literally. "Now just a gosh darn second." With a stern expression and tone way too familiar for me, and not from Twilight. "Don't you worry about bitin' off more than you can chew; yer mouth'd be a lot bigger than ya'd assume, sugarcube."


Her better half chuckled, stepping forward with a light smile. "Have no fear in stickin' around, bud, we've got more than enough food for four of us! Ever tried apple-pear pie? You wouldn't find it anywhere else, and it's to die for!"

"Ahem, pear-apple pie, honey."

"Whatever you say Buttercup."

"Owlicious, Jack."

"Whatever you say love."

Too many flashbacks! "I can't-"

"Just for one night. Surely you can spare that?" Oh great, now a grown mare was giving me the pout look. My lips twisted in humour and disbelief, mind now growing conflicted between leaving straight away and hurting my saviour's feelings, or sticking around and further endangering the two.

My stomach answered for me, growling with such intensity like a traitorous [BEEP], giving way to the smug triumph on their faces. [BEEP].

I will let you if Zagreus or his minions are in close proximity to the farm, Jack. You need not worry.


"It's settled then!" Mrs. Butter declared all too happily, now proceeding to tug my sleeve and motion back the way we came. "Hope you've got a big appetite on yer, Nobody, 'cause when we're through you won't be able to walk all night!"

...Was that her devious intent? Bright Mac shared with me a knowing humoured glint in his apple-shaded eyes. I sighed, deciding to play along then out of concern for hunger. Supper? Fair enough.

The whole night? We'll see.


"Yes!" Bright Mac answered all too happily, the table filled with nothing but the aroma of freshly-baked pies and mirth. "So after I smashed into that water barrel-"

"Also ruinin' the crops along the way."

"- I stepped in before Buttercup here would get in too much trouble with Grand Pear. He wasn't happy, of course. But, you know what?" His softened tender eyes glanced lovingly to the wife between us. "Love makes everythin' worth endurin' through."

I smirked. "Buddy, you don't need to tell me that, trust me." Before plopping another forkful of delicious pie into my mouth. This wonderful mare wasn't kidding, it's as if my initial distaste for pear evaporated into sweet bliss by the texture and taste of their combined baking between two different fruits. I must know their secrets!

"Enjoyin' the pie?" Mrs. Butter asked knowingly.

My smile widened after swallowing. "You weren't kidding. I think this is the first time I've ever loved something with pear in it!"

That prompted their shared laughter. "Glad to hear it!" Bright Mac commented with a satisfied grin, sharing an equal expression with his beloved flawlessly. "Love can also blend food into the perfect meal. Buttercup here taught me that."

"Oh hush you." She responded in flattered playfulness and a light shove. "You taught me a great meany deal of things, if not moreso than anythin' I could've taught you."

"Hmm, I don't know..." Bright Mac rolled his eyes upward in thought. "I can make a list that reaches outside the farm over the things that you've taught me!"

Mrs. Butter grinned lovingly, then took note of my bemused expression. "Oh, don't mind us sugarcube. We're not really use to havin' guests around-"

"No no! Don't mind me." I insisted with a humoured grin, gesturing to the two sheepish equines. "Your relationship is beautiful to behold. Just some brief time together and already I can tell you were made for each other."

They beamed in flattery, but it was true! I don't Shining and Cadence have expressed this much affection in one day to each other. At least, not in my presence, or even their wedding day. Guess royal duties allow scarce time for such intimate moments every five seconds. These two? These two act as though their whole lives revolve around each other.

As if they were born simply to love each other... God, what a way to live. I found myself growing all the more envious at the sight, subconsciously rubbing the purple gem around my ring finger.

"Well shucks. Glad we're makin' a good impression on ya." Bright Mac beamed jovially. "It's always nice to have others around who don't judge ya for who you choose to spend eternity with." That statement had a meaning behind it, I could tell from the brief exchange between their gazes, only fleetingly. "What about yerself, Nobody? Any special someponies in your life?"

I shrugged, finding myself grinning just from mentioning her. "Just one." And that quickly grabbed their attention. "And, like you, we have our fair share of mishaps... Though in my case, I constantly do insane things which drives her to the point of exasperation, and she somehow learns to tolerate with my... Antics."

"That so?" Bright Mac perked an intrigued brow. "Name one thing?"

Well, since Starswirl wasn't warning me about Zagreus or the demons at the moment, why not indulge them? "Well one time I wagered our own house on a bet by two con ponies in favour for a friend."

The fact I said this oh so casually only made it funnier, for after a few seconds of complete silence... Our laughter echoed across the kitchen, my own chest feeling rather less constricted than usual these days.

It felt good to... Laugh genuinely like that again.

"And I thought I pulled some crazy stunts!" The stallion commented in bemused amazement. "You've got some interestin' ways of gettin' your mare's attention... Unless she's not a pony, in which case I apologize-"

"Nah she's a pony." I immediately reassured him, consuming another piece of pie and adding with contentment. "I can't you thank you two enough for the meal, Mr. Mac, Mrs. Butter-"

"Please, don't be so formal sugarcube." There she goes again with Applejack's typical phrase. Might be a family trait. "Just call us Pear and Bright Mac. But I hope our generosity has convinced ya to at least consider spendin' the night with us at the farm, 'Mr. No-One.'"

Ha! Touche! I threw my hands up in surrender anyway. "You remind me too much of my girlfriend, Pear, you'll probably keep persisting and not take no for an answer."

"Hah!" The bright yellow Earth Pony threw his head back in joyous amusement. "Looks like I've found someone to share my plight with, Buttercup!"

The mare rolled her eyes in fond playfulness, grinning broadly my way. "Excellent! Now, tell us more about yer own special somepony, Nobody. She sounds like exactly the perfect soulmate to have."

Oh, more than you can possible believe. And the more I leaned back to talk about her, fingers intertwined and presenting the ring which briefly caught their attention, the weight lifted quicker from my heart with the memories of a smiling Goddess in purple form. "Where to even begin... She's beautiful, eccentric, adorable, the most intelligent creature in the universe... Kind, patient, wise and loving... Not a day goes by where I don't think of her..."

"Don't you dare. DON'T YOU DARE THINK US BEING TOGETHER IS A MISTAKE! Let all of Balance suffer for it! I wouldn't trade a single moment with you or our friends for the world! You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me, full stop! I fight for you, our son and everyone else because I love and cherish all of you! But you, Twilight? Call it selfish, call it disturbing if you want, I would never, EVER, even consider regretting being with the most wonderful, thoughtful, amazing and dependable mare of my entire life!"

Those two have left... Quite the impression.

All their affectionate moments, name-calling and expressions of complete, harmonious love led me to sit on the edge of this hay-made bed, somberly regarding the gleaming purple gem which was one half of a pair. Sleep escaped me, and who could blame me? My entire life was in shambles, and those two lucky farmers outside are only reminding me over how much I missed the very alicorn I left.

Not their fault, of course. It's my own for having that brilliant, fantastic lavender Princess as the main motivation to live. This is the heavy price for my actions and decisions, and I have the obligation of enduring through it.

...Doesn't make it less painful though.

Of course, it's not just Twilight deeply missed. My dragon son, my unicorn sister, and all the rest of my small yet wonderful family. Spike's quips, Starlight's sass, Rarity's complaints, Rainbow's ego, Pinkie's joy, Fluttershy's tenderness, Applejack's brashness. Not a day went by where those eight beautiful creatures were on the forefront of my mind, reminding me what I fight for and who I was securing the future for.

"You want the truth, Twilight? I came back, mainly because of you. I became other ponies' friend, because of you! I tolerate certain ponies, because of YOU! Everything I had ever done was attempts to keep you, and by extension our friends, safe and happy! And in my own recklessness, things like Sombra and Zagreus happened! But you know what? Out of them, we became closer than ever before. My only regret is the potential harm to my family caused by my own arrogance! Other than that, I regret nothing. I'm not leaving, Twilight Sparkle, not now, not ever. I will be a father and brother to Spike, a reliable friend to the girls, a second mentor to Starlight and Sunset, an uncle to Flurry. But most importantly, a special somepony to you. Not even that mother[BEEP]ing Zagreus will stop me, and he can certainly try!"

But her... She was everything.

That intelligent, beautiful Equestrian deserving of SO much better... She was the pure reason. Of who I was, what and who I fought for, my drive to keep on going and fight to the bitter end. She was everything I could never be... And despite all my critical flaws. All my wrongdoings and great mistakes. Poor decisions and rash judgement. Despite being the most flawed, openly handicapped pony to have ever entered that alicorn's life.

Even as a unicorn... She chose me.

...She'll be fine.

Oh, don't get me wrong. Twilight will no doubt be worried sick and even shed some tears at my sudden departure, no doubt exhausting all her resources from changing the search of Zagreus to the search for me. She'll stay wide awake and endure through this hunt until there are no traces of my presence to spot, when I've disappeared completely from the public eye. I have been avoiding major landmarks for a reason, after all.

And then... Then... She'll break down.

And our friends will help her stand up again. Those amazing, supportive friends of ours. They'll succeed where I'll fail, always being there for Twilight than the very stallion who once vowed that statement himself.

"Consider it a selfish act, but I couldn't care less. I will never, ever, leave you... Not again..."

...That was the promise of Jack Wright; the man born to love Twilight Sparkle. Neither Stardust Balance nor the man I was now. I was undeserving of either those two names, nor worthy of being anywhere near that Goddess of a Princess while I was like this... I am the shell that remains from making another error in judgement.

I was... I didn't even know.

"She must really be important to you."

Gah! Almost fell off my bed, taken aback from the sudden presence of the Earth Pony appearing from seemingly nowhere, the door into the barn nearby slightly ajar. "I... Didn't even hear you come in."

Pear giggled, deciding to take a seat beside upon my re-composure, pointing out with knowing warmth. "Understandable. You've been starin' at that there lovely ring of yours the whole time. Thought you were lost in your own little world." Heh, that'd be nothing new, I assure you my dear. "A gift from yer special somepony?"

"Uh, no." Now I was all too happy to bring the dazzling gem closer for Pear to take a more appreciative view, smiling myself now at how much this brought back memories. "It comes in a pair, my girlfriend has the other one. Where I'm from, they're a vow to always stay together until the day we make it official, that we'll never be apart... In spirit at least. I gave her the other one."

"These are promise rings, a vow that one day we'll dedicate the rest of our life together, that we'll eventually make that full commitment we all know. I wouldn't dare ask that important question while you're still young, and have your whole life ahead of you. But I promise, until that day comes, you, Spike, and everyone I love - But you most of all - will be my first priority above all else."

"That's beautiful." Pear stated with sincere tenderness, the cream mare looking ready to shed some tears herself after a tiny sniffle. "Ya must really love each other if you've made such a promise." And those gentle emerald eyes looked to me with soft intent. "Even though runnin' away from whatever's happenin' yer choice, you're still thinkin' of the pony ya love everyday."

My hand dropped to my lap, not even inclining to deny that knowing statement. Perhaps I made it too obvious, either by my insistence to leave or skittish behaviour in general. "It wasn't exactly a choice." I could only shrug helplessly. "It was either me leaving, or risking the lives of my friends and family further. One day, I'll come back..." Tch, even that sounded like a hoarse fib to my own ears. "But right now... The sacrifice is too painful, but I have to do this..."

"You gave me hope, a reason to exist. Our friends contributed, but you most of all gave me that precious gift of all. I promise to love you until the end of time. I'm not Flash Sentry, nor Timber Spruce - Thank goodness there - I'm just your plain, autistic meddler who attracts trouble. But I will do everything to keep you happy for the rest of my life."

"...We've all made heavy sacrifices for the good of those we love... That's always been a hardship we have to face..." Pear spoke solemnly, gazing down at her own lower hoofs as well. But that moment of self-reflection ended as quickly as it came, a gentle hoof placed to my arm. "But in the end, I learnt we always have a choice. And although others may get hurt 'cause of these choices... So long as yer love 'em, everythin' will turn out jus' fine."

A deep silence followed those words, the two of us seeming to have quite various things on our minds. Love conquers all, huh...? If only life was a fairy tale and worked that way. These ponies may have it easy but... Me? My own experiences in the world have brought a depth of realism and human logic which have made a profound effect on those close to me, including my friends. I only wished to have the power of true love on my side.

Image of Zagreus was beaten Chrysalis-style. That scenario quirked a brief smile.

"There was always conflict between our families." Pear spoke up, memories resonating in her tender voice. The farming Earth Pony gazed upwards, looking intently to the window, where the pale moonlight shown through, a tiny smile dancing on her soft muzzle. "Always competin', always tryin' to outsmart and outdo the other in provin' if pears or apples were best. Funny thing, if it weren't for that, I don't think Bright Mac and I would've gotten where we are now... So in a way, I'm grateful."

So... House Apple and House Pear were at war over making business. Wonder who won... Probably the Apples, because they're all still around and I've never heard of a pear farm business. Although considering what this mare was telling me, I doubt Applejack would've shared details over a rival farm in good name.

"Our love sprung from meetin' and spendin' time together under the oblivious eyes of our families, wantin' nothin' more for everyone to get along and to be happy. And I wouldn't have traded all those moments together with Bright Mac for all the pears in the world." Her smile widened, emerald eyes shining in luminous affection simply from referring to her life partner. Again, a knot of agonized envy shot through my stomach. "Especially with what happened after they found out we were together..."

"What happened?"

Pear proceeded to sigh from my compelled question, lowering her gaze considerably. "Grand Pear was movin' our farm to Vanhoover, meanin' I could never see Bright Mac again had I moved along with 'em..." A tiny blissful grin. "Luckily, Bright Mac had the idea of gettin' us married before that road was even taken... Right before both our parents found out the truth."

This was all beginning to sound suspicious familiar... Like, I don't know... A certain Shakespearean play? Perhaps the most famous and infamous one at once? The tale often misconceived as a love story when in reality it was a jab on young love and all its foolish tendencies. Is that what we're going with here...?

"Grand Pear made me choose, between ma old family or ma new one... Think you can guess which one I decided with in the end." A tab of pity and sympathy flung through my chest, especially from the brief distraught at the evident painful memory. Poor mare, that must've been devastating for her at the time. It probably still was. Pear quickly composed herself, looking upwards again with a light expression. "Love is wonderful, but it also hurts. But sometimes, if ya really feel that strongly for someone, the hurt is worth all the love in yer world."

Sacrifices made too great, all in the name of love...

Pear turned to me with a knowing grin. "Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the ponies we love... I'll never regret my decision back then, and I'm sure, Nobody, you'll never regret your own. Take it from me sugarcube; love comes with all its hardships, but it's certainly, without a doubt, worth fightin' for."

"Everything I did, was to appease you, keep you happy. The reason I put in so much work and effort these past few days, aside for the benefit of this kingdom and many others, was to make sure I met your expectations and proved how good I could one day be as a ruler."

"Do you think that'll ever happen one day?"

"There's nothing else I want..."

"...Me too."

My departure from the sanctuary farm came earlier than when either pony likely went to check on me. Rather sneaky as a human, I managed to retrieve all my hung-up clothes, packed everything again and went on my way. Thankfully, my lightsaber hilt was too wet in its components to no longer function. Kit Fisto would be proud.

Before leaving the farm, I made sure to leave a goodbye note, expressing my deep gratitude for their generosity... And many other things they've taught and reminded me along the way. For those two matching ponies from the heavens gave me a good recall of what I was doing and why... Also, watching those two interact again would have probably made me change my mind entirely, go home and embrace Twilight and never let her go again.

The perfect pair... The perfect pe- Nah too corny.

But now, standing atop this small hill over a breathtaking view across an open flowery field, the rising sun expressing nature's pure and true beauty, I felt... Renewed. Re-energized. My gown flowing in the wind and Nightshade perched atop my shoulder watching the dawn with me. A perfect scenario despite my enemies being so close at bay.

My eyes lingered down to the ring, features softening just from the sight of the vow.

"You were the best thing to ever happen to me. If I could, I would stay. If my friends were the reason why I should remain, you're the core reason..."


But something from the corner of my eye brought my disrupted attention on something else, something far more beautiful than anything I've witnessed today, right next to that purple alicorn and lovely couple who saved me from a drowning fate.

For butterflies - hundreds and hundreds of butterflies - answered the call of Mother Nature and sprung to the air, covering the landscape with a serenity which represented the true harmony of why this world was so beloved by my own people and ponies alike. Multi-coloured of all types of these awe-inspiring friendly insects flapped their wings in an endless sea of breathtaking patterns, drawing my own inhale of peace. Nightshade was so awed by the sight himself that nabbing one of the passing wave of a good snack wasn't even on the forefront of his mind.

Without even thinking, I extended my arms invitingly, looking up to the soaring butterflies with a simple smile, feeling... Content, watching them all fly. One even decided to land on my nose for a brief time, taking a moment to examine my eyes as if searching through my very soul... And flying off again. Ah well, my attention was too fixated on the beauty and another fresh reminder as to why that monster and his minions must be stopped at all costs. Because it wasn't just Twilight, Spike and my family I had a duty to protect.

But all valuable life.

"Sometimes your low self-esteem astounds me, Jack Wright..."

...Maybe right now, I wasn't Jack Wright, or Stardust Balance... But I don't think I'm Nobody either. No, I was... The Nameless Human? The Twilight Warrior? The Clown Prince of Time? The Man Who Wanders The Pony World?

...I am.

I am who I am. And Zagreus will see for himself just what it means to mess with the likes of a vengeful man who will protect everything he loves. Humans do a lot of crazy [BEEP] in favour of their loved ones, after all.

And as the last butterfly disappeared to parts unknown, I allowed this moment of serenity to continue for a long while...



From the back of my mind, Twilight smiled in fond exasperation. "Your world may have chosen someone for me. But my heart has chosen you..."

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