• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 201: Righteous Surpassing

"Spike you uh... Hm, you need some help there, buddy?" Looked like he actually needed it.

"Ugh, no... I got this!" Putting his scaled back into it, the young dragon lifted the entire bag of mail into the library, with Twilight shortly following after, not helping in the least obviously. And when I say an entire bag, I mean enough to make a small hill. Starlight and I traded a bemused glance upon the scene.

"Twilight, love, you know we don't have kids for menial labour."

"Hush, Jack. Spike was all too happy to volunteer." Twilight answered without skpping a beat, just as the bag was finally dropped from the young lizard's purple back... With constant letters drowning poor Spike.

Starlight stated after a moment, once putting her own book down. "I'd hate to imagine any other kids you guys have in future enduring that."

"Thankfully, I would never endorse putting any children being forced to carry my stuff." Came my own amused grin. Twilight rolled violet eyes, pretending not to blush at the very propsect to a future with more offsprings. My smirk only widened more.

Pulling himself out of the hill of messages, Spike spat out one envelope, taking one look at it before passing on to the Princess. "Postcard for ya Mom. Tenth one this month."

Twilight beamed happily by the news, accepting the offered letter while the young dragon next sorted through the pile. Stocking out to hand over to the next pony with messages,

"Got some letters from your Dad, Starlight, something about a new festival he's planning in Sire's Hollow. Sunburst, with some long-looking messages and pictures. Uhh... Oh, a letter from Trixie... Three from Maud... And some postcards from your old village."

Starlight graciously took the offered stacked letters, smiling while beginning to read the first one. And as Twilight was using magic to sort out and organize the rest of the mini-mountain of paper, Spike got the last letters for yours truly, myself putting the tablet down from my son's approach. Why tablet? Fanfiction.

...Twilight gave most of the good books to the school library.

"Here you are Dad, you got a letter too, from Las Pegasus of all places." Oh? Humming, I took the letter, examining the formal hoofwriting curiously. Odd, I don't recall having any acquaintences in the pony equivalent of a place filled with scum and gambling.

Come to think of it. "Twilight, have I ever been to Las Pegasus?"

"Not that I know of... Huh." The Princess blinked from her spot once inspecting the card more thoroughly. "That's a coincidence; this postcard's from Las Pegasus." What? Starswirl was off gambling away money there? But why would he send me a letter?

Hey teach, did you send me a letter when you were still breathing?

In this current time, not that I can recollect. Perhaps you have another friend visiting the place. Shrugging, I opened the contents with care. Whilst the others kept on conversing.

"Spike, you don't have to keep straining yourself carrying around heavy stuff, you know."

"Well I kinda do, Starlight! How else am I gonna be a Twilight Warrior if I don't work on these guns?" The sound of kissing own tiny excuse for muscles. But hey, you should see my lack of skin as a human.

"I'm pretty sure there's more to being a Twilight Warrior than just exercise, right Jack?"

"Hm? Oh sure... The Hell am I reading...?" Was this real, right now, these contents...?

"Maybe, but I don't wanna take any chances. I mean, daily meditation is fine and all, but I can't just slack behind when Dad here managed to fight back an Ursaminor on his first time! I wanna learn how to pick up boulder with one claw, and fly at supersonic speed, and breathe like golden flames! Don't tell you you wouldn't jump at the chance too, guys?"

"Heh, I don't think being a Warrior's cut out for somepony like me, Spike..."

"And 'golden flames?' Did Jack mention anything about being capable to accomplish something like that?"

"Ehh, not exactly, but he did say that Balance varies when used between different species. Just imagine what a dragon could do with that kind of power!"

"All the more reason, Spike you should really be taught in the training field out back-"

Oops, sorry, but I just interrupted that entire conversation by a startling loud laugh. I mean, who could blame me, this letter was just hysterical with every word! "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh God! Oh lovely Christ...!"

"Sounds like a good letter." Starlight commented once regaining composure, lifting a raised bemused brow. "Go on Stardust, indulge us."

All too gladly my dear. "Ahem, allow me to translate bascially what this 'consolation' letter is honestly saying." Unable to resist my own smirk and speaking my own variation of the the message from a certain Chancellor.

"Dear Prince Balance. I'm too much of a wuss to explain myself in person, but basically two certain con brothers decided against learning from their mistakes and attempted plagerizing your Princess' book and open up their own 'Friendship University.'"

Unfortunately, I have not been drinking enough cola this morning to have entirely made that up in my head. Friendship University. Come on now. By Flim and Flam, no less?

"They hoped to seek approval for opening this oh-so educational facility by approval of my speciest EEA. However, remembering when the council and I were scared [BEEP]less after your benevolence put us in our place, we honoured our part of the deal against any attempts of sabotage in that school belonging to your absurdly attractive Princess, so longas you keep your end of the bargain. With well regards, please don't hurt us, Chancellor Neighsay the Neighsayer on the Neighsay Shore."

Finishing that loose transalation with a small beam, I glanced up the three bemused others, whom all exhanged a glance of mixed reactions.

"Friendship University?"

"The Flim Flam brothers?"

"Chancellor Neighsay?"

"Wait... They tried to plagerize my school book on teaching friendship?!" There we go, that sunk in. Twilight twitched in understandable fury, frowning darkly before looking away back at the others stacked letters, hurriedly searching through for something. "Yes, I thought I noticed a signature familar to me while looking through. It's from the EEA." One moment of skim reading later, and Twilight's mood only darkened further. "Trust those two to try taking credit for other's success..."

"Well, at least it shows how successful you've been in establishing the School of Friendship and its reputation." Starlight offered with a wry grin, hoping to calm her former mentor down.

Twilight, though, was having zero of it, setting the letter down with a determined appearance. "No, I will not stand for this. It's not just me who made the school where it is today; all of my good friends equally contributed for its achievements in spreading the magic of friendship throughout Equestria and growing. This... This is an insult to everything we've done!"

Wow... Twilight was getting more passionate and overly worked up about this than I would have assumed. Guess she feels that strongly about the school. Well, it would be considered her crowning moment of creating along with her friends... Intentionally, that is, when we're not talking about this castle.

Even Spike echoed the simultaneous surprise by her heated behaviour. "Err, Mom, I think you're getting a tad worked up about this?"

A brief, faint smile came the first response. "Blame your father." Oh, sure, blame me for any temper actions. But Twilight was in no mood for further jests, already halfway towards the doors out to the hallway. "They can try to take Applejack's farm. They can try to ruin other ponies' lives for their own self gain. They can have the nerve to offer help from us after doing so much in the past, but this..."

Sparkling violet thrown over her shoulder, with a smirk thrown to me reminiscent of the Evil Twilight I helped break free of Chrysalis' work. An expression I could only describe as 'hot.'

"Up for helping me give those con artists a piece of my mind, honey?" Oh, with the way you say 'honey,' how could I possible refuse?

My own coy grin was enough of an affirmation. "This might be our best date yet, love."

Damn. Back there was... God damn.

"Twilight, remind me to never jest about you lacking any backbone to non-world conquerors again." I stated in genuine, amazed humour, unable to repress my impressed grin. The pair of us leaving the university that was shut down the moment it was even finished constructed in this equivalent of Vegas. "Because I think, back there, you just gave ME a run for my money."

Ever modest, the beautiful lavender Princess shrugged, pointedly avoiding my awed gaze with a light hue of pink on her features. Embarrassed, but flattered, the furious indignation carried over since the quick trip to Las Pegasus vented out from chewing the two con brothers out only a few minutes prior.

"It was nothing, just sometimes I think a rant can be well-deserved after all." Sly violet eyes glancing my way momentarily, the quirk of a faint smile. "You bring out the worst in me, after all, Jack."

"'Nothing?'" Oh Hell no, back there was NOT nothing. "Twilight, dear, you made those ponies look like they were going to [BEEP] themselves senseless. You were like a volcano of explosive literature. I hadn't seen you that angry since... Since... Well I can't remember. But still, that was incredible!"

Flushing ever harder by my sincere praise, the alicorn merely shook her head in spite of our bond picking up on her touched humility. "It's not a thing to be proud of, Jack, losing one's temper..." Before, just then, grinning a bit wider my way in a reflection of mischief. "But sometimes, it just feels relieving to express how one truly feels. Never healthy, after all, to bottle emotions up. Literally, once, in Starlight's case."


"But no, seriously." After our moment of shared laughter occurred, calming down enough to converse while walking down the street to nowhere in particular, oblivious to any passing gawk of nearby equines... And another dragon-looking dude in a cloak. Seriously, what's with that? "You usually vent differently as opposed to THAT back there. What's changed love?"

"...Honestly, you're the change." Huh? I paused, raising a brow of confusion, and Twilight was only a few steps ahead before halting herself, looking back with her own amused, but affectionately warm appearance. "Is that so surprising, that I want to be more like my rebellious, passionate fiance who isn't afraid to speak his mind when an injustice occurs? That I find it refreshing, often bordering on attractive, when he fights back anything he deems unfair for anyone else? I may have been, as referred to by some, a 'stick in the mud,' but sometimes... Everypony has to let loose... Let's just say Flim and Flam provided the perfect opening and leave it at that, shall we honey? Now, let's go home."

Concluding that short, well-explaining speech with a sly wink, Twilight merrily trotting on back towards the direction we took in opposite. I... Was I that much an influence to the Princess now? If so, I was bloody loving it!

Ohh, Jack, this only begins to scratch the surface with what's to come.

Someone sounds entirely pensive. Something on your mind, old spiritual timer? Mentally asking as I followed after the breathtaking mare, unable to take my awed eyes off her cheerful, calmer state now still.

My on-again off-again teacher replied after a few heartbeats passed. Mine, that was. Today is coming back to me, my boy... And what a day it was.

"And then she said, right to their faces without skipping a beat, 'You know, it's not everyday I see two confident ponies blab out of their cutie marks. Maybe I should study this rare phenomenon and prevent it from spreading.' With a look as though ready to give them a magic autopsy! Seriously, their fur changed ten different shades of colour by every vague sentence made from the alicorn! I promise, I'm not bull[BEEP]ting any of you."

"We believe ya." Applejack reassured with a nod, a member of this captive audience of friends I was just all too happy to recount was happened earlier today. Consisting of herself, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Spike over a nice afternoon of horseshoe throwing.

Spike was winning, if anyone's asking.

"It was like seeing a brand new pony before my very eyes; so bold, so determined, so unforgiving. That GORGEOUS mare didn't give those con brothers any break whatsoever to even catch their breath. Every stutter or stumbling over their words was enough to give fuel to the fire; Twilight was like a raging inferno of protectiveness over the effort of her friends and why friendship shouldn't be deemed a profitable business venture for some hacks. I swear, Flim and Flam were sweating harder than a sauna, you should have seen them five minutes in her 'stern lecture!'"

While the orange Earth Pony was trying desperately hard not to display any bubbling glee from two certain con artists whom have been nothing but trouble - for herself most of all - in the past, despite making some amends after a friendship problem, Rainbow had no such issue. "Heheheheheheh, serves them right! It must have been that good if it's making Stardust here gushing like a fanboy."

I shrugged without shame. To be fair, I WAS a fanboy, of Twilight particularly, long prior to my arrival in Equestria.

"It's nice that Twilight was so passionate for our hard efforts." Fluttershy soon contributed in, smiling in flattered lightheartedness. "We should thank her later. Oh, if she's still not too mad about the incident first, of course."

"Nah, she blew off all her steam right into their faces." I assured my good quiet friend, smirking lightly. "I just wish I brought a camera." Hang it on my friendship mirror to look back at for one of Twilight's hottest moments ever.

"Heh, I wish I could've gone with you guys! Twilight putting Flim and Flam in their places? I could've brought some popcorn for us!"

Applejack shared our Wonderbolt friend's enthusiasm in a more restrained manner, smiling lightly. "While I'm glad that those two no-gooders were dealt with, somethin' about that story that ya mention has me curious." All eyes turned on the farmer, whom clarified thoughtfully as green orbs rolled around. "Ya say the pair of ya found some papers, like assignments and grades and... What's the word, exams, yeah? That they looked, when Twilight gave a proper inspection, exactly like the same our school has? Does that strike anyone as odd?"

Yeah... Valid point, Applejack. But Rainbow was quick to dismiss the matter with a careless shrug. "Eh, so they copied our work. Low, but not surprising."

"I dunno..." The orange mare in a stetson wasn't ready to give up the subject just like that, with the typical trait of looking into things more thoroughly. Applejack always followed her own gut when something's amiss, it's an admirable trait. "Assignments, homework, grades and friendship lessons exactly like ours, down to a T? It don't feel right, how could they have copied all that if they've never even been to our school?"

Again, an interesting question. Contrary to popular belief, Twilight alone didn't craft all the tests and lesson papers for the classes; each of the Mane Six contribute, not only by teaching, but also from designing their own methods of assignments and grading. But what Twilight and I discovered after leaving the con brothers scared [BEEP]less shared, according to the fellow befuddled alicorn, a one-hundred percent flawless resemblance as to how ALL of our friends designed their own teaching work, with scarcely a trace showing Flim and Flam's spin on things. The plagiarized work was a perfect match, meaning they had to have mimicked it all from scratch.

Or, they already had it to begin with.

And I wasn't the sole person outside the barn here to contemplate that idea. "Hmm..." Spike hummed loudly, rather cutely tapping his purple chin "Perhaps... If someone from the school gave them all your examples of teaching."

Gasps. "You mean... Someone's been sending Flim and Flam our hard work for them to copy from without asking?" Fluttershy inquired, earnestly aghast.

But Applejack frowned. "Maybe a leap of logic that there, Spike."

"But think about it Applejack. It's no coincidence, if what was Dad says is true, for Flim and Flam of all ponies to have the precise same assignment papers, grading and friendship lessons that our School of Friendship has taught before. Plus, you guys really think Flim and Flam would have any idea how to teach friendship? Obviously they either tried opening their 'Friendship University' to take advantage of our popularity or get back at us. It makes sense someone's helping them!" The young dragon finished with hand on hips, nodding and looking pleased with his own logic.

At least someone was feeling satisfied by the revelation, before Rainbow was positively fuming, almost as much as the cold, righteous fury Twilight displayed earlier this morning. "So, someone thinks it's okay to steal MY- I mean, OUR ideas and send them to those con artists?! Ohh no! When I find out who, it's detention for the rest of the semester!"

Well... At least it wasn't full-on expulsion. Rainbow was being reasonably restraint in light of the circumstance, normally she wouldn't be so hesitant when it came to her efforts being ripped off by others. Does anyone remember Lightning Dust?

"Stardust?" A tender voice called out, worried blue, serene eyes belonging to the compassionate yellow mare glancing in my direction. "Did you ever feel anything... Off in your visits to the school? Anything that could relate to somepony taking all our hard work and sending it to others?"

"No I-" Pausing immediately, blinking in realization. Well, that's not entirely true. "Actually, there is something." This time, I was the center of attention again, Rainbow and Applejack particularly attentive for the right reasons. "Sometimes, when I visit, I get this... Oily presence that comes and goes in the school."

Applejack blinked. "Like, imbalance or... Somethin' else? Does it feel dangerous?"

"...I don't know." Came my rather sheepish confession, sharing the blonde equine's frown and regarding the ground between us, trying to figure it out. "It keeps appearing and disappearing before I can get a proper lock on it, or him or her." Whoever it was, this individual was crafty enough to conceal their own presence, even through magic. I gazed back up to their disappointed expressions. "If it is a student, I can't even intervene."

Fluttershy soon sighed loudly. "Oh, right... The deal between you and that mean-spirited Chancellor..." Sadly, yes my dear. I was forbidden to take any action involving the school, its staff or students in any circumstance. Normally I was rule-breaker, but this wasn't for my sake.

If it meant keeping this passion project of Twilight's away from the grubby, spiteful hoofs of Neighsay and his Ministry of Boredom.

But not all hope was lost, as Spike perked up. "Maybe you can't do something, Dad... But I can." What? The young, confident lizard throwing a thumbs-up with a coy grin. "Time to put your training to good use, I'll see what I can find out."

Before I could protest the possibility of danger, unfortunately, the rest were endorsing the prospect. "Heck yeah Spike, go make your parents proud!"

"Wonderful idea Spike!"

"And we'll help anyway we can!"

...I huffed, rolling my eyes fondly with a nod by the pleading expression on Spike's eager face once regarding me following their support. The other's expectant looks didn't help. Alright then, Spike, show us what you got!

As if he wasn't already showing off his practice in Balance by besting even Rainbow Dash AND Applejack in this returned game of throwing metallic shoes.

There we are. Violets with a dash of lavender, red roses and some whites too. And a few yellow to symbolize Twilight's favourite activity outside of magic.

Satisfied, I placed the new bouquet neatly down before her bedroom door, knowing the alicorn wasn't in there but would be pleasantly surprised to find them later. Wonder if she'll enjoy the new flowers added in considering the day she's had.

I'm confident she'll love them, Jack.

Yeah... Provided she doesn't get too hungry to even appreciate the appearance first. I smirked, casually strolling down the hallway to the kitchen, a little peckish myself. Today was quite eventful; Flim and Flam trying to rip off friendship lessons, Twilight exploding vocally, and now Spike promising to go investigate the bizarre presence at the school. The lavender mare was currently conversing with a visitor in the reading room, since I couldn't identify the newcomer's signature, but nothing close to the oily form I kept picking up at the school.

In any case, it was a long day, and I had been long depraved of food. Know what I'm thinking? Pasta and tuna! I love me some pasta and tuna.

A fine dish, my boy.

Okay, you've been complimenting me all day. What's up with you, teach? It sounds like you're trying to butter me up for something.

Perish the thought Jack, I am simply approving of your well-meaning actions on this fine day. You've been supportive of Twilight recently, moreso than ever, with flowers everyday, chocolates on the weekends, reading out-loud her favourite history books when she's in yearn of rest, handling her own tasks without prompt. I am just enthralled by your determination since your patch up during Hearth's Warming.

While that's true, I had been devoting every ounce of time at late to pleasing my alicorn Princess and making things right, I doubt it's all patched up again. One night of apologizing and admitting we're both morons that don't think in the long run scarcely could patch everything right back upwards.

Regardless, try you do. Everything you've been doing since uncovering your own feelings for the Princess has been devoted in making her happy, which you often achieve with flying colours through your own selfless, well-meaning decisions. A momentary pause. Not to mention, by the by, your preference of pleasing your friends and son in addition. I dare say you make it nigh impossible for any of them to resent you, my unorthodox boy. Now, you may argue it isn't in their nature to hate, but you would be surprised how, without difficulty, the sensation may come to us, similar to your own kind.

Hm... Good try, by the way, in dodging my earlier question, Starswirl.

...Well, it was worth an attempt. Followed by a weary, but faintly amused sigh from the invisible spirit, and I smirked in self-satisfaction at catching the oh-so wise being off-guard. You're more perceptive than you give yourself credit for.

Go on then, old pony, tell me why you've been making complimenting sandwiches all day. Is there something on the horizon I should be on the lookout for, or do you have some bad news you feel obligated to share, but want me to be of sound behaviour to endure it?





Eventually, after what sounded like some resolved acceptance, the essence replied with soberness. It's better you find out for yourself... Now that is.


The sound of shared laughter alerted my twitching horse ears, craning my head down the hall ocne passing around a corner, to the room Twilight and her guest occupied, the latter's laughter mixed with the former's sounding decidedly familiar. The presence itself, once getting closer, was purely warm, wise with a sense of purpose. But came with the faintest edged outlines of some minor regret. Curious.

An old friend of Twilight's? Granted it's none of my business, and I didn't want to interrupt their pleasant time but... Something about Starswirl's vague response prompted me to continue, raising a brow as I inched down the hall, closer to the doors into the reading room with a visible gap in-between, light pouring out. More quiet conversing, and then, more warm laughter.

Laughter, on closer inspection, which stiffened my whole form, was belonging of a voice I knew all too well. And who could blame me, having tolerated the sage's tone for years. Without real consideration, I plowed through the doors into the relatively lit room, noting the two ponies smiling and talking on the couches surrounding a table of postcards. A part of my mind scoffed by seeing all those cards in question.

The rest, focused upon the certain individual in a cape and wizard's hat with his back turned to me, my breathing becoming slightly more shallow by the moment. Twilight, while talking about one thing or another, finally spotting me from the corner of her peripheral vision, her wide grin vanishing in a heartbeat.

"Jack...?!" Evidently not expecting, perhaps hoping, my path with this living and breathing stallion would have never crossed. His signature radiating innocent curiosity, those stormy eyes behind a mighty beard and grey fur finally turned to face me.

And for the first time, present met the present.

This was real... This was seriously real...

And while my hazel eyes, wide and disbelieving, blinked to express my utter incredulity, the flesh and bone Starswirl the Bearded raised a polite brow, maintaining that innocent puzzlement. "Well, hello there, young stallion. Whom might you be?" I couldn't find words, at first, and that only invited more incentive to push. "Are you another friend of Twilight's here?"

'Twilight,' not 'Princess.' So unlike the formal address my Starswirl was typically more comfortable with, but this... Present self... Felt more lax, his heart simply reflecting his outwardly curiosity, with those eyes expressing a seek to know new things and amend from his mistakes.

Mistakes... Oh, they were more than that...

Twilight was quick to attempt remedying the situation, quickly coming between us in haste as my body grew more anxious from the old unicorn's REAL approach. "Um, Jack, this is... Well, no doubt you've heard of him." I couldn't even bring it in me to make a mental joke at the time. Twilight grinning abashedly before then introducing the old pony to me next. "Starswirl, meet Jack. He's my... Well, fiance."

"'Fian-'" Starswirl echoed with a sincere, laughable gasp while glancing between in some minor suspicion. "You... Never mentioned having one beforehand, Twilight?"

"Oh, we weren't engaged during the Stygian affair." Stygian... My teeth clenched, unnoticed by either, but Twilight did pick up the spike in my heart, pressing herself closer next to me in attempts of rectifying the tension. Adopting that rather squeaky, sheepish behaviour when something's amiss involving awkwardness. Doesn't even BEGIN. "But um... Jack's a good stallion. The best Warrior a Princess could ask for, right honey?"



"...I see." Starswirl coughed politely in his hoof, offering a wry smile while his heart still leaked suspicion of deceit and... Irritation now? He dares be... To HER? "Well then, I suppose congratulations are in order. When might I attend this eventful union?"

And now he invites himself-

"What excuse did you have...?"

Both heads whirled to me, Twilight bordering on anxious panic, but Starswirl blinked with a coy frown. "I beg your pardon, young stallion-"

"WHAT, excuse did you have you... You..." My heart was varied blend of emotions, raging to incredulity and pent up, negative emotions with few positives. Now being ready to release that this version of the pony whom brought me here, to this world to begin with, was here and now and... And... "You have the [BEEP]S to even show up here... After all you've done... All you will do...!" Practically hissing out that last bit.

"Jack..." A lavender hoof squeezed my gold own, but my features remained tense. I'm sorry love but... I can't... Couldn't... Will NEVER...!

"Well then... I clearly see I'm not wholly wanted here." Starswirl hummed as though deeming this a terrible inconvenience, further adding fuel to the fire. Those stormy, indifferent eyes glanced to my Princess. "Another time, perhaps, Princess. I must admit, I'm not overly impressed by your taste, almost as to how unimpressed I was by your inability to see the big pic-"

A rush of wind, one thrusted hoof extended to brush past the old coot's side, a couch flipping and soaring into the air, smashing with impact against the wall. The force of my righteous rage, flowing up my cape and his, prompting Starswirl's loud gasp by the golden wings then finally exposed, blinking in pure incomprehension. But I wasn't in the mood of indulging his thousand pointless questions.


My voice put Evil Sombra to shame. "How dare you judge my wife for what was your own fault to begin with!"

Starswirl - the one that's luckily dead and watching from above - I hope you have a nice little corner to hide in, to avoid watching me vocally tear your past self to shreds!

The old unicorn blinked, taking a few steps back and glancing hopelessly to Twilight, the Princess too stunned to even make a comment, wide-eyed regarding me and my pent up rage becoming released. This Starswirl swallowed. "Who... What are you...?"

Oh my favourite question. "Frankenstein's Monster." Grinning at the one-sided knowing irony, before resuming releasing my own emotions upon the stallion whom was arguably more a monster than even his own students. "But who are YOU, Starswirl the Failure, to even judge a Princess who is wiser, compassionate and strong of heart and will than you will EVER BE!"

A heavy frown. "Boy, if you would just calm down and explain yourself reasonably-"

"NO. I'm not like everyone else, I won't be 'heeding your valuable wisdom' or tolerate your sense of being a patronizing [BEEP]. Yeah, I know ALL about it; I know what you did, I know what you've BEEN doing. Pretty bold to lecture and condescend others after abandoning someone who could count as your own SON."

"Just calm yourself-"

"CALM?! I'm perfectly calm, thank you! So calm enough to even speak as opposed to the utter temptation of Team Rocket'ing you out of the castle ceiling after all the [BEEP] you've pulled."

"Clearly you have some misfortune with me. If you could kindly and reasonably-"

"Explain myself. You know what? I've done enough of that for a lifetime. How about YOU explain yourself for a change, Starswirl."

Pointing rudely, uncaring as my glare was enough to pierce through this deranged stallion's skull.

"How about, instead of expecting everyone to kiss your decrepit hoofs and tell you how great you are while everyone else is flawed, that YOU explain why your reputation as wise, eccentric but kind teacher is even well deserved after refusing to let a friend explain himself by a leap of logic, trying to banish him to limbo, take all the credit for him even assembling your little Avengers team knock-off, and expect not to be condemned by your own selfish, self-serving consequence-free motivations in pursuit of knowledge."

This time, Starswirl was getting more flabbergasted than calm, muzzle hysterically agape as his heart panged with open shame and wound from those fresh reminders, and the reality check. Sorry Twilight, you had your chance today in vocally slandering those whom wronged the people you loved.

It's my turn now.

"I see where Celestia gets it from; this activity of doing whatever you please, expecting everyone else to just deal with it! Hell, even I'm guilty of it, but at least I do these with OTHERS in mind than my own one-sided agenda! You and your friends made someone whom brought you together, someone who looked up to you, an outcast, and tried to get rid of him eternally when he just wanted to earn your approval and respect! You create the monsters you teach!"

Then, finally, pointing to the still shellshocked Twilight, whom blinked rapidly as my furious, golden blazing eyes never looked away from the silent Starswirl, who even had the audacity to look at the floor in utter, pure regret. Oh, think that'll make me stop? Think again!

"And don't even get me started on how you've treated my Prin- Actually, yes I WILL GET STARTED, BECAUSE NOT A SINGLE SOUL HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE ANYONE, ESPECIALLY THE MARE I LOVE, FEEL LIKE DIRT. NOT MY FRIENDS, NOT MY SON, AND NOT TWILIGHT SPARKLE, THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO EQUESTRIA! This mare has done more for the world and every living thing than you or Celestia ever could; Twilight brought together species, established friendships where it wouldn't be considered possible. Saved and reformed wronged people time and time again. Hell, it was TWILIGHT who saved and redeemed Stygian, and her equally wonderful student!"

Blinking back tears of rage, I heaved loudly, feeling completely red in the face. But not quite finished just yes. This time, my cracked voice was lower, cooler but filled with the face, justifiably malice.

"Yes, Twilight made a grave error in acting without thinking. Yes, perhaps I'm overreacting... But for you to revel in your own arrogance. For you to continue smiling and expecting things of anyone - of her - after how you've treated her and our friends... Never ONCE apologizing or resolving to make things right, for my wife or Stygian, and expect everything to go as normal... I'm not like the rest of Equestria, Starswirl..."

Walking over to right beside the mare, and holding her close in my firm, gestured passion. Making it abundantly clear who my loyalty to was, then and eternal. Twilight couldn't even find any words, so I oh-so happily continued putting this old fool before us down in his place.

"I made the same mistakes you did, Starswirl, just a short while back... I likely will keep doing so... And to see those reminders again, after how I reacted to Twilight's past errors like that... I just wanted to throw myself into the Ghastly Gorge after realizing my OWN narcissistic, presumptuous tendencies."

Twilight gasped loudly, and I held my love much closer. Though I didn't pay much attention, more focused sorely on the ashamed stallion, the Princess held me in equal affection and devotion.

"But I would, unlike you... NEVER forget the people I grew closer to. I would never favour one friend over the other. I love everyone I've come to met in Ponyville and beyond, equally and forever. You are so blinded by your self-righteous years of studying and teaching that you fail to even see the obvious, the consequences of what your actions can cause..."

Just like me... Just always like me...

"If you ever expect to even come to Twilight and I's wedding, then I, in turn, expect your sole wedding present devoted to groveling at the feet of those you've wronged, begging profusely for forgiveness. I don't care how, but I'm not as empathetic and forgiving as my lovable Princess and our amazing friends or son."

With that, I permitted myself a momentary, amused smile, before it vanished to become sober, and release the last statement I uttered today at this old fool whom looked as though he aged a hundred years more just from heeding my words.

"And to give an example of how I can often be regarded as the most ruthless pony around, if you don't apologize for giving my beloved here the cold shoulder and harsh words back then in the next two minutes, then not only will I literally kick your old [BEEP] out of our home, but I will forcibly shave off that Gandalf-wannabe facial hair and present it as a rug to Rarity's cat. Clock's ticking, old timer."

"You were wrong, you know?"

"...About what?"

"The claim of having less empathy than the rest of us." Those violet eyes sparkled in humour once I turned to the mare I loved curiously. "You have more empathy than most, Jack. Nearly as much as Fluttershy."

"...Okay remember when you said that I often made up the compliments I give to you?" Wincing a bit by the sound and pain of my raw voice, still recovering somewhat from my 'little' rant earlier. But managing a small grin. "Well, I know you hate it when someone copies what you've said..."

A gentle, playful rebuking shove to my front limb, before Twilight happily settled back next to me, overlooking the beautiful sunset of the castle balcony, a hour or so after the [BEEP] that went down in the other room. Suffice to say, I understood now why the future Starswirl attempted to butter me up before hiding away.

No one prefers a repeat of such a lecture, my boy.

That, or watching yourself grovel and literally kiss a younger Princess' hoofs in earnest apology. I was honestly impressed you went through with that.

What can I say? You left quite the impression on me back then, Jack.




How would you even bring yourself to talk to me, from the very beginning? After an episode like that, I would have assumed, Starswirl, that you would do everything in your power to prevent it from occurring.

One can't change the events of their own past, Jack, it's never an appealing sight. Plus... You were right, every word. It took me a long time to fully process, after I left the castle, devoting plenty of contemplation on the train ride to my next tourist destination. After your rant completely sunk in, I forgoes my tour of Manehatten and sought out Stygian, ready to deliver, perhaps, the greatest request of repentance one such as myself could design. Finally, with the words of a young stallion, passionate and filled with abrasive knowledge repeating in my weary head, I found my former student, and never stopped saying 'sorry' until he had enough. Suffice to say, I was never actually quite the expert in that field, hence his quick irritation.

Starswirl sounded earnestly amused, but I could only solemnly observe the outside world with my beloved, looking over the peaceful town we have lived in for so long.

You're not mad at all, teacher?

Jack... You saved me that day. What...? If I never possibly learned from my mistakes unless the stone cold truth was presented and thrown in my face, how could I have ever known? What worse choices would I had obliviously made in future, if not for your words? Your delivery, your harsh truth, was what I NEEDED to hear, rather than what I wanted. Besides, it was refreshing to see a pony not stumble around me and tell me what had to be said to my baffled face. Observing it from another perspective, even, was quite amusing to behold.

Heh... Suppose it could have been.

His tone softened, but still maintaining that warm reassurance. No, Jack, I am not mad, or upset. I was back then, but even a stubborn old fool like myself could get over it. That day, young one, YOU were the mentor lecturing the student. And I will never be ungrateful for that day of finally seeing the truth.

"And if you expect me to be mad or upset for you bellowing in someone's face whom I had idolized as a filly, let me reassure you, Jack, that I am far from surprised or enraged." Twilight added in, having been listening in on the mental conversation through our bond. Guess it was strong enough to do that too. "It's been so long since I've witnessed you getting that worked up. I kinda missed it..."


"And if you say you're sorry that I had to be there during your tangent, Jack, it is I who will forcibly shave off your beard and use it as a gift for Rarity's furry friend."

"...Point taken." Was all I could simply said, admittedly a little exhausted from my rant before and hoarse voice.

"Then let me be the one to speak." Violet met hazel once more, and I blinked wearily, but managed to smile right back at Twilight's own warm, gorgeous facial features illuminated by the warm, resting sun. "While some of what you said back may be exaggerated - and I would implore you, Jack, to stop diminishing Celestia or Starswirl's accomplishments in favour of my small own - that was, quite possibly, the most heartwarming, passionate and honest speech you've ever given about defending me... When just a little while back, you would have backed Starswirl up in a heartbeat."

"No I-"

A soft lavender hoof cupping my lips, the mare smirking in sly affection. "I'm just teasing, Jack..." With those sparkling orbs brighter than ever, gently removing her limb off my parted mouth to begin leaning closer those beautiful front arms of a pony's wrapping around my welcoming neck. "But please, allow me to express my gratitude for your pure devotion and affection, in the best way I can..."

When was the last time we kissed like this, on the balcony and for so long? It lasted as the shades of evening turned to a tender night. I swore, even the stars appearing twinkled in approval by the loving couple sharing their affections below.

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