• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-One: The Ties That Bend

What a relaxing and peaceful day. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like these, the common man can just lie down and enjoy the serene blue skies, the positive atmosphere, the warmness which clouds us like a warm blanket-

"Oooooooh, I wish the mailpony would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!"

Or, at least it would be a nice peaceful day.

Rolling my eyes, I lazily gazed upwards from my spot, "Calm the [BEEP] down Pinkie, it'll be here." Twilight, from her spot on the picnic blanket, sent a look at my use of language, prompting my indifferent shrug. Hey, not my fault if Pinkie was full-on disturbing my moment of relaxation.

"Pinkie Pie, you're more nervous than Rainbow Dash." Twilight proceeded to point out humouredly.

What was going on, you ask? Well, not that I'd see why you would, but basically Rainbow Dash is awaiting her acceptance letter into Hogwarts- the Wonderbolts Academy. Good for her, it means one less annoyance while I'm still trapped on this world.

My relationship with the others has seem to have taken a derailed turn. Not my fault. I seem to be getting into more and more arguments with these six lately, including over minor things. Not that it'd stopped us all from being friends of course, as viewed here, but enough to make me think that these ponies have it out for me.

I don't know why, I just find them more irritating these days. Even Twilight. Must have something to do with these complex feelings... Or perhaps a part of me was now blaming them for my predicament on this world.

"She is the best flyer in Ponyville." Applejack commented, inciting the egotistical pegasus to zoom off into the air.

"In Ponyville?" Followed by Rainbow being her usual self- showing off. Speeding around an innocent cloud into a slide. "I'm probably the best flyer in all of Equestria."

As she slid down, I said dryly, "Well we can all dream, can't we?" Prompting the mare to slow down from her relaxing state and scowl at me. I met her glare head-on. Go on, retort Sonic Ripoff. I dare you.

"Hey look!" Pinkie then exclaimed, and the others followed her pointing hoof.

"Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash!" The mail stallion finally arrived. Oh good, the sooner she leaves, the better. Without delay, Rainbow quickly zoomed over and snatched the offered envelope, tearing the thing opens for the message inside.

Then, as she read the contents within, her pink pupils shrank, disbelievingly.

Oh no, she didn't get in, did she? That's a shame. Now we'll have a whole episode dedicated to Rainbow moping and doping about how she wasn't accepted, and her friends will trying cheering her up, concluding with the lesson that you don't need some experts praising your skills or not; that as long as you believe in yourself and your friends believing in you. Then she gets the acceptance letter at the end and-


...Of course.

"You guys are so gullible." ...Excuse me you impudent mare?! "Like I wasn't gonna get in."

"Now I wish that was the case." I growled, rolling up from my lying position and joining the others, while Pinkie tackled Rainbow in a fierce embrace.

"I'm just soooooo happy for you!"

Really? Because I'm more happy for me.

"Uh... Uh, thanks?"

"Quickly, Pinkie, hug her to death." I urged dryly. Ow. Applejack roughly elbowed my side... [BEEP].

"Pinkie Pie, I kinda need to get going."

"Oh don't let us stop you."

"Stardust." Rarity then said sternly. I rolled my eyes. What?

"Okay, I'm done." Pinkie said after releasing the blue pegasus, hopping away happily.

"That's a shame... I'm just kidding!" I added heatedly at the looks given to me by three of the ponies.

"The sooner I get there, the sooner I can show my stuff." That said, Rainbow flew quickly into the air, grabbing her backpack before stopping one last time. "See you guys in a week!"

"Good luck!" Applejack said as the others waved.

"I'll need it!" Was the Sonic Ripoff's last words before ascending to join the academy.

"Hope you burn in hell!" I added jokingly... Yet the others glared at me anyway, save for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. "What?"

"You could at least be more encouraging for her." Rarity said, frowning at me. "Surely you could've cast aside this recent mean behaviour of yours in favour for Rainbow."

For Rainbow... Seriously? And I wasn't being mean-



"PINKIE PIE YOU [BEEP]!" I shouted, expressing my rage, after the echo from the megaphone was done literally shaking the ground, mountains and trees, and almost shattering my eardrums. Stomping towards her, I ripped the Goddamn thing from her hoof and threw it as far away from possible. "DO YOU WANT OUR EARS TO BLEED?!"

And, big shock, Pinkie only grinned sheepishly.

Yet before I could continue scolding this Earth Pony, a hoof settled calmly on my side, belonging to none other than Applejack. Her gaze said to just let it go, prompting my eye roll.


Just when I thought I can finally relax, things settle off again without warning.

My moment of reading this book in peace was interrupted by the vocal arrivals of Twilight and Rarity, who were entering the library with concerned voices. "I'm really worried for Pinkie Pie. She hasn't stopped checking the mail ever since Rainbow Dash left for the academy."


"I share your concerns, Twilight. It's as if our dear Pinkie genuinely believes that Rainbow has forgotten all about us."

Shocking. "It's just Pinkie being Pinkie. Don't worry about it." I flippantly spoke up without glancing at the book, part of hoping they will express their pointless worries elsewhere.

Yet, they seemed to have ignored me. "Maybe we should consider visiting Rainbow sooner than later, if that'll ease Pinkie's unnerved behaviour."

"Hm, you might be right darling. That'll show Pinkie that she has nothing to fret about."

"Great, have fun with that." I spoke up again, my voice painfully making it clear that these two were distracting me from my reading.

"Huh? You're coming with us too, Jack."

That statement prompted my snort. "The hell I am." I had absolutely no intention on visiting that academy just to help the melodramatic Pinkie Pie calm down. They can sort it out themselves.

"I'm sure Rainbow Dash will appreciate all of her friends visiting her."

Bull. [BEEP].

This irritation finally made me snap the book shut, getting up from my seat to leave. I can read peacefully elsewhere; this was just nothing but distracting for me. "You want to visit her? That's fine. I have no incentive to."

"Of course you do." Rarity pointed out in confusion. "Rainbow Dash is still your friend, is she not? That's incentive enough."

"And besides, why would you need persuading?" Twilight asked evenly, "Some fresh air might do you some good, and you'd get to see how one becomes a Wonderbolt. Doesn't the thought intrigue you?"

"Oh yes, the thought is definitely fascinating." I rolled my eyes, "Why, I've so been trying the grasp how they do their amazing talents for God knows how long now. You're right Twilight, sign me up for the ride!"

Catching my sarcasm without fault, Twilight spoke up in exasperation. "Alright, I get it. You're in a bad mood; you have been these last few months now. Are you finally going to tell us what's wrong, or just hurl more of your oh-so charming dry comments at us?"

...Fine, she wants to know. Why not indulge her?

"Oh I don't know." I began, refusing to look at the listening mares. "Maybe I'm just sick of being obligated to help my friends out of their own pathetic dilemmas. Maybe none of this is worth the energy anymore. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm sick and tired of being here, far away from my friends, my family, the people I grew up around, the people who understand me better than any of you do."

After a moment, there was only stunned silence, before Twilight spoke up rather hesitantly, "Jack... I've been trying to find a solution to that ever since you've shared with me your dilemma-"

"Yeah, and you've been doing a good job, haven't you Twilight?"

The Rarity spoke up on the purple unicorn's defense, "Now that's not fair, Stardust. We've just as determined to help you return to your home, but you can't blame Twilight nor anyone else here for what's happened to you-"

That does it. "Can't I, Rarity? Can't I?!" My hardened eyes focused on their uncertain expressions. "Maybe I can, and maybe I will, because I can. Of all words to end up in, why THIS one? Why am I stuck in a world filled of walking talking jelly beans? Why did Specter force me to interact with this world and its stupid, Goddamn naive inhabitants? What's the bloody point?!"

Emphasized with my free hoof slamming the floor below, smashing a hole through admist my frustration. But that hardly mattered. Just why, why, did Specter do this to me? What had I done to warrant my unwilling arrival into Equestria? It made no bloody sense at all! What was the [BEEP] point of me being here?!

"Jack..." The more logical of the two unicorns spoke up, stepping forward rather apprehensively, "I understand how you must feel." I sincerely doubt that. "To be forced away from your home and the people you love. Believe me when I say that I - that we - want to help you, and I'm doing my best to fulfill your wish."


"Perhaps just doing your best isn't good enough, Twilight..." I muttered, loud enough for them to hear. At seeing her wince, I turned around, unable to see the impact I was making on her with my words. "You're not as perfect as Celestia makes you out to be. Not every solution can be solved with magic or 'friendship.' If you can't help me, than I don't know why I bother expecting anything from you at all."

My piece said, I resumed my walk towards the stairs, leaving two stunned unicorns behind. Truth hurts, but reality has always been harsh with its occupants. Perhaps now, they'll finally see that.

...So why did I feel like my heart just got stabbed for saying all that to them?

"This is so [BEEP] stupid."

"Oh will ya just give it a rest already?" Applejack responded for the group, rolling her eyes at my displeasure. "You've been doin' nothin' but complainin' for the last half hour. We get it."

I don't think you do.

Practically dragged from the library to now, the five mares and I were currently riding this hot air balloon towards the oh-so famous Wonderbolts Academy, because apparently Pinkie couldn't get it through her pink thick skull that Rainbow won't just forget about us on a whim... Though I wish I could.

"Remind me as to why I'm here again?"

Sighing tiredly, Twilight glanced behind her, "Because you've contributed to the care package. It's only fair that Rainbow Dash thanks you in person also."

I snorted at that, smirking a little at the thought of the pegasus' reaction. It's a shame she won't understand the meaning of the picture I've drawn for her, safely inside that package we took with us. A very beloved human gesture of a hand affectionately referred to as 'The Bird"...


"Oh, I do hope Rainbow Dash will love our gifts." Fluttershy spoke up, "I can't wait for her to see the love and care we've put in for her."

Love and care... Sure let's go with that. Heheheheh...

At least I'll have a good laugh at her confusion while I'm basically kidnapped-

"I see something!" The obnoxious Pinkie suddenly yelled, pointing in one direction.

Applejack squinted along with myself and the others, seeing the rather dark blue blur up ahead. "Ya'll reckon it's the Wonderbolts Acade-?"

I don't blame her for stopping. Due to the literal hurricane heading our way.

"It's a twister!"

No [BEEP]!

"Turn the balloon around!" I quickly ordered.

Yet too late. The looming whirlwind of death was already upon us before we could take action.

"Hold on!" Twilight then commanded futilely, as our mode of transportation was sucked up into the harrowing tornado. Yet I obliged as quickly as I could, gripping the edges of the balloon with all my might.

Again, to no avail.

I think I'm gonna hurl! As we sped around and around in the wind, everything a quick blur, I faintly heard the sound of ropes snapping nearby, which my disorientated mind quickly realized what was happening next.

Oh [BEEP]!

What followed next were screams. From the girls and myself.

I couldn't help it! I'm falling to my death for Christ's sake! How in God's name were we suppose to survive?! As my vision became more clearer again, the ground far below looming closer with every second, I shook my head wildly to clear off the urge to vomit, my mouth still yelling in terror as we were falling to our ends.

Oh [BEEP], what am I going to do?!

Looking around again, the harsh wind whipping through my face and mane, I then noticed the horrified and fearful expression of the others as they also screamed. I didn't have the voice right now to yell at Fluttershy that she can FLY!

Then I noticed Twilight, and time stilled for a moment, suddenly occurring to me that this mare would, in fact, die from the impact with the others.


With as much strength as I could muster, the unforgiving weather pushing my body back, I reached out, hoping Twilight will do the same. Upon noticing from the corner of her eye, the unicorn hesitated at my offered hoof. Come on you damn stubborn mare! I won't let you die! I won't allow the others to either, but if one of us deserves to live the most...

Well, that'd be all you but me. But dammit if I'm not going to sacrifice myself for the mare I-

Oh finally! She grasped my hoof.

Then, with the finality of my muscles, I pulled the scared mare in, over me so she can at least survive somehow after landing on my cold unmoving body. Our eyes met, hers widening in realization before Twilight struggled, obviously protesting at what I was doing. But I held firm, embracing the mare fully and protectively.

Sorry love, yours and the girl's lives are much important than mine. At least the last thing I get to see was you...

...Wait, what the [BEEP]?

Before I knew it, we were slowing down... And ascending, to our justified confusion. The breeze against my back suggested that we landed on something soft, which was completely absurd, unless gravity decided to reverse itself, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it.

So what was going on- Oh.

A cloud was lifting us... Okay- [BEEP]!

Now we were hurtled into the air, prompting me to hold Twilight closer. The mare wasn't struggling this time, instead embracing me just as firmly as though she could protect me also. While a part of me was glad that Twilight wasn't mad at me enough to not accept my help, I remained confounded as to what just happened.

Balloon. Twister. Falling. Certainty of death. Cloud. Hurled up in the air.

And then we were finally saved.

Catching us were numerous pegasi, all wearing ridiculous outfits, forcing Twilight and I to depart as we were carried by the ponies back to safety. As reality sunk in, I slowly exhaled in relief, a turbulence of emotions passing through me at the whole ordeal.

That was [BEEP] close.

We were dropped gently on the grass above the clouds - Hi how can that happen - greeted by other pegasi adorning the same dark blue costumes with lightning strike stripes. Probably training outfits. Immediately, I asked the others, "Is everyone alright?" At their relieved nods, I sighed again, "Thank God..."


Oh dear...

"What have I told you about using that name in public?" I asked sternly, voice wheezing a little after screaming a few moments ago.

Yet Twilight wasn't fazed by my tone, brilliant eyes reflecting relief, gratitude and... Something else. "Were you really going to...?"

"Use my own body as a barrier to save you?" I finished with a shrug. "Of course. Done it before haven't I?" The others, meanwhile, smiled knowingly at the exchange, to which I ignored.

Yet before she could reply, probably in gratitude or a lecture, Pinkie then spoke up, "Look, it's Rainbow!" Our attention turned to the arriving pegasus, who looked positively worried for our well-being as well.

"Are you guys okay?!" She asked, rushing towards us rather panicking.

"Uh-huh!" The girls answered, while I simply nodded. Then the four mares embraced their concerned friend, who eagerly returned the gesture.

"Pinkie Pie!" Sonic Ripoff then exclaimed. Whoops, didn't notice the pink Earth Pony lying on the grass. My bad. Pinkie, opening her eyes, glanced up at the blue pegasus before her eyes started watering.

"You... Remember me!"

Jesus Christ...

"Well, yeah, of course I remember you!" As Pinkie hugged her friend bridal style, Rainbow regarded us then with confusion. "But, what are you all doing here?"

It was clear to me now that Rainbow was responsible for the cloud which saved our fall. And now I felt bad for what I've put in the care package. When we get home, I'll bake the pegasus some special brownies. My treat.

"We wanted to bring you a care package." Applejack explained. "Didn't realize we'd be in the middle of some crazy tornado drill."

Then, out of nowhere, a dark lime pegasus spoke up in hype, "That. Was. Awesome!"

Our near-deaths? I hardly agree.

Rainbow Dash shared that sentiment, "Awesome? My friends could've been smashed to pieces!"

"Yeah, but they weren't, right?" The [BEEP]? That's irrelevant; we almost DIED for [BEEP]'s sake! The dark green pegasus, with a yellow and orange mohawk of a mane, then sped upwards, "Can't say the same for the clouds. We totally wiped them out with that tornado!"


"The other cadets will have to-"

"That was YOU?!" I suddenly yelled before I could stop myself, angered eyes burning towards the nervous-looking Rainbow Dash. "We almost died because of YOU?!"


"No Twilight! Rainbow isn't getting out of this one! [BEEP] leniency! We almost [BEEP] died!"

"It- It was an accident!" The blue pegasus suddenly protested, flinching at my enraged expression. "I didn't mean to-!"

"Perhaps the concept of death might not mean anything to you, Sonic." I hissed, teeth grinding as a passing thought to rip this reckless, idiotic mare's wings off feather by feather came to mind. "But where I'm from, we face that reality everyday of our lives. Why, it just happened today, right then, a couple of minutes! We were about to [BEEP] die because you can't hold a lid on YOUR arrogance!"

The stupid whelp spoke weakly, "Stardust... I'm sorry-"

"Save it." I didn't want to hear it. Shoving past the hurt copycat, I spoke firmly, anger continuing to leak from my tone, "You're the most reckless, inconsiderate, lazy, insolent pegasus in all of this Godforsaken world. Our friends almost died because of you. I hope that burns into your mind, because I especially won't be forgetting it anytime soon."

That said, I walked off, leaving the stunned audience behind. I needed to be as far away from these ponies as possible.

To my annoyance and infuriated mood, however, they persisted. Despite my clear need to be alone, the mares, while seemingly waiting for Sonic the Pegasus to return, followed me to the other side of this floating road. Though they said nothing to me, discussing to themselves, I knew they were throwing worrying glances at me time to time.

How do I know? Because I know them well enough for that.

Yet before one of them could dare to approach me, the blue pegasus returned with some news I couldn't care less about. My gaze remained firm on the clouds over the edge, wishing this glare of mine would burn through the white fluff.

"Ya did what?!"

"Being a Wonderbolt was your dream!" Rarity added to Applejack's exclamation, after hearing the pegasus' resignation. Hey, I'm not complaining.

"Not anymore."

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash; I know how much this meant to you." I snorted. Yeah it meant so much she would cause a natural disaster just to show off.

Obviously hearing that snort, I heard the blue pony sigh regretfully, "Stardust-"

"Don't [BEEP] talking to me." I snapped in annoyance.

Before she could reply or have anyone stick up for her, another, yet unfamiliar, feminine voice called out, "Rainbow Dash!" A part of me wanted to glance at the arrival, but I remained firm in not wishing to even look at the one responsible for endangering our lives. "How dare you storm out of my office without giving me a chance to respond."

Yep, sounds like Rainbow Dash alright.

"The Wonderbolts are looking for the best flyers in Equestria." The unknown individual continued, "But you were right: Being the best should never be at the expense of our fellow ponies. It's not just about pushing ourselves, it's about pushing ourselves in the right direction. You've shown that you're capable of doing just that."

My head slowly raised upward at every disbelieving words, expression that of absurdity and anger. So... Rainbow almost got her friends killed... And they're rewarding her for it...?

...What the [BEEP]?!

"You're no wingpony, Rainbow Dash, you're a leader!"

What the [BEEP] [BEEP]?!

My eye twitched, and it took every ounce of my being not to turn around and ruin the so-called moment. No! NO! She shouldn't be handed any responsibility after that display! What the [BEEP] is WRONG with these ponies?!

But Sonic, obviously, agreed with this other pony's assessment. "Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!"

"Now get out there and give me twenty!"

"Yes ma'am!" And evidently, off she went, as I heard the whooshing sound of a pegasus ascending, leaving the others to cheer her on and myself to smack my head in disbelief.

This was... I don't... You can't...

...[BEEP] morons...

"Wait! You didn't even get to open your care package!" Pinkie then hopelessly called out, to my great irritation.

"Oh I think she's been rewarded enough for her 'good behaviour,' Pinkie." I practically sneered, still refusing to look behind me from the clouds.

"What's his problem?" The unfamiliar voice inquired.

Twilight, of course, answered politely and in exasperation. "Ja- Stardust hasn't been himself lately."

"And he kinda blames Rainbow for the whole twister fiasco." Suuuure, let's call it that, why don't we, Applejack?

"Oh. Well then, good thing no one was hurt then." The new mare pointed out.

And finally, I was incited enough to face the others, all startled at my infuriated glare. "That's not relevant; Rainbow's reckless behaviour almost got us killed, and you decided to reward her for it?"

The yellow pegasus with shades, wearing a blue uniform and having a ridiculous hairstyle, frowning in challenge, "Rainbow Dash recognized the folly of her actions, and redeemed herself by trying to quit. That is an acknowledgement of responsibility, and she was rewarded accordingly. And besides, no one was hurt, yes?"

A low growl escaped my muzzle. I knew the mare had a point... But a part of me wanted to protest otherwise or just shove past her.

"Also, Stardust, may I point out it was all a big accident?" Rarity said next, sticking up for the absent Sonic Ripoff. "Rainbow had no intention of harming us, and we weren't exactly expected here."

"But that still doesn't excuse the tornado." I then said, glaring heatedly at the obvious trainer. "What were you thinking, allowing such a thing to be used?"

"I wasn't aware of it until afterwards-"

"So you're blatantly incompetent, then?"

"Excuse me?"

I was then found face-to-face with the yellow pegasus, a staredown commencing.

Then Fluttershy spoke up, quietly attempting to diffuse the tension, "Um, guys? Shouldn't we just be happy for Rainbow?"

Twilight, of course, spoke in relief, "You're right Fluttershy. We should be celebrating that Rainbow Dash became a leader."

"Oh, and I know just how to do that!" Pray tell, Pinkie. "Let's have a party in Cloudsdale!"


"Enjoy that." I said, barely glancing at the others who were nodding to the ecstatic Earth Pony. "I'm going home."

Applejack shrugged, "Suit yourself." Oh, finally had enough of me love? Good for you.

Snorting, I walked by them, my eyes meeting the stern ones of the dark yellow pegasus one last time, before resuming my pace. So when I endanger myself I get lectured at for it, but when Rainbow almost gets her friends killed she's given a pat on the back.

This world was bull-[BEEP]. And I'm beginning to have enough of it.

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