• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Six: Can you handle the Truth?

"You sure you're ready?"

"Heh." The nervous chuckled unwillingly escaped my faintly smirking muzzle, in response to Spike's question. "Absolutely not."

The understanding dragon nodded, tone that of comfort as he observed me pace around the room. "I know how that feels; back in Canterlot, it was easy to become the center of attention from being the number one assistant to a student of the Princess." Upon turning around during my slow walk, a corner of my eye showed Spike shrugging, "But what's the worse that can happen? They all know now, so we should just get it over with."

"Easier said than done..." I muttered while passing the observant lizard, eyes occasionally glancing towards the closed door nearby. Nope, Twilight hasn't entered yet, which makes me partially wonder what the girls are even doing in there, aside from waiting for me to be prepared.

Bad news though, I was far from ready to face this. Another failure on my part; I should've prepared for this inevitable meeting ages ago.

For some goddamn reason, I felt nothing but hesitation and a sliver of apprehension at what was to come as soon as the purple unicorn informs us our friends were prepared to hear the whole story. Having been practically untalkative yesterday evening from the truth being known to the entire Mane Six now, Twilight suggested we continue with this revelation tomorrow, when I'm more prepared to say my piece. Now, the girls have arrived, and were waiting on the other side of that door.

Nervous was becoming quite the understatement, the thought I dwelled on it. I shouldn't worry this much, but my damn mental condition's to blame for this exaggerate behaviour of mine. And besides, this was bound to happen eventually. though I'm rather surprised that Fluttershy, of all ponies, was the one to blurt out my secret, instead of a certain loud pink Earth Pony or melodramatic blue pegasus.

Spike, opting to provide support for me. continued with trying to help me face this upcoming confrontation with positive words. "You look like you're about to face an ursamajor with that expression." Well, almost positive vocal support. "You'll be fine, Stardust, and you've got me and Twilight to back you up just in case."

Despite my apprehension, I threw a small smirk at the confident dragon, "Ah yes, you two will certainly be the backup I need."

Spike playfully rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah. Sarcasm aside, Stardust, I know them, and so do you; they won't hate you or anything. They'll be your friends no matter who or what you are!"

"...Honestly, Spike, that reassurance is very comforting." I was being sincere there, I needed as much encouragement as possible. He's right, there was nothing to be worried about; this initial nervousness which kept me up for most of the night was just some unwanted drive whenever something huge or small was about to impact me. I nodded with a tired smile to Spike, "Thank you, my friend."

The grinning infant dragon winked and gave a thumbs up, "What are friends for?"

Before I could provide another dry retort to the rhetorical question, a creaking sound caught our immediate attention. We both looked, my pacing halted, towards the opening door, Twilight's head popping in with a small smile, "They're ready. Are you?"

"No, but that doesn't matter now."

"We can postpone if you're that apprehensive-"

"No, no. We should get this over with." An exhausted sigh concluded my statement.

A supportive-expressive Twilight nodded, opening the door fully while we followed her to our patient audience. "Don't worry Jack, you'll be completely fine. There's no need at all to be concerned over this." Spike nodded in agreement to the mare's reassuring words, but my only response was wordlessly walking with the two.

It's time to face the music.

Heh. Trust Twilight to arrange everything so orderly for something like this.

The rest of the Mane Six were currently waiting expectantly, all eyes turned on me upon my arrival into the room. Sitting on a row of comfy-looking cushions, their seats faced a lectern, where I was evidently going to address my curious and patient audience. Approaching the wooden object, my eyes then noticed a pile of cue cards lying on the surface of the lectern.

Tch, thanks Twilight. I threw the encouraging mare an exasperated smile, before clearing my throat when standing behind the lectern, taking a moment to observe everyone's expressions. Rarity and Applejack were expressing just as much encouragement as Twilight, Fluttershy looked openly curious, Pinkie Pie was grinning, and Rainbow Dash waved her hoof around to motion for me to begin.

...Well, I've kept them waiting long enough.

"To be honest, I'm not sure where to even begin." Was my first sheepish statement.

That incited a chuckle out of Rarity, "Perhaps the beginning shall suffice, Stardust." While Twilight's horn glowed, the stacks of thin white cards levitating beside me for emphasis.

"...Alright." Swallowing my hesitation, and urge to just run out of the room, I slowly picked up the first offered cue card, reading out loud the contents. "'Thank you all for attending this afternoon, where revelations are to be opened before us. But first, I would like to say that no matter what happens, I hope you all accept me for who and what I am after I've concluded indulging your curiosity, and right to know.'"

Picking up the next cards, I continued with a frown, "'To begin, I should inform you all about my species, known as humanity, or in scientific terms, homo-sapiens-' I'm sorry, Twilight, the beforehand preparation is appreciated, but I'd rather explain my circumstances my way."

"Oh. Of course." The addressed unicorn nodded in understanding, and the cards disappeared just like that, even the ones in my hoofs.

"Thank you." Then I returned to addressing my intent audience, elbows resting on the surface of the lectern. May as well get comfortable, and I have an idea on how to begin this speech. "Though she's right, you all deserve to know the truth, and we'll start with my identity. My true name is Jack, Jack Edward James Wright. I come from a planet ruled by the human race, named Earth. By some inexplicable magical force, I've been taken from my world and dropped here, in Equestria, during the whole Nightmare Moon affair."

They all nodded, prompting me to proceed. And I obliged, already feeling more confident by telling them the complete and absolute truth, "My kind, humanity, are a bipedal race, evolved from monkeys... or created by a deity, depending how you view it. Your kind and I have many in common, save for our more advanced technology, our history, politics, monarchy, and the fact we're mainly omnivorous."

A smirk rose on my muzzle at Spike's small chuckle. "I can't really describe to any of you what a human looks like, because quite frankly, I'm terrible with descriptions... and explanations."

"That's all right." Applejack spoke up, sounding genuinely intrigued. The others nodded.

Thank God. "My home planet, Earth, is like Equestria in similar ways also. Though their are various differences in species and land; the majority of my world is covered in water, and each and every land has their own individual government and or monarchy to rule it. Unlike Equestria, we have no one ruler we all ultimately answer to. Also, there are many creatures here, on your world, that only exist in folklore on Earth, dragons and hydras, as examples."

"Do ponies exist there?"

My eyes glanced at Fluttershy, nodding. "Yes, but they have the same mindset as any general animal." That caused some to tilt their heads and others to raise invisible brows. "Also, what you call 'Earth Ponies' here are the only type we have on Earth. Unicorns and pegasi also exist only in fairytales."

"Huh? Well that sounds lame!" Rainbow Dash commented in disbelief, gesturing dramatically. "How can there be a world with no pegasi? What about weather control?"

Before I could get a dry word in, Twilight spoke up in that knowing tone, "Actually, in Stardust- sorry, Jack's world, the weather works without anyone operating it; it acts accordingly to the passing seasons."

Well, most of the time. "Thank you, Twilight."

The purple mare smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, couldn't resist."

"And this is mighty fine and all." Applejack then said, green eyes focused intently on me. "But I'm more interested as to why ya here, Stardust. Or would you prefer we call you Jack now?"

"Stardust will do." Was my immediate response. "I've grown too fond of that temporary name, I should enjoy it while it lasts."

"That's great, but Applejack's got a point. Why are you, of all your kind, here?" Rarity, Applejack and Twilight then glared at Rainbow's unintentional rudeness. Yet her attention was only directed towards me, awaiting my answer.

Well, this was it. The moment where either my friendship with them strengthens, or crumbles like dust.

"An unknown entity basically abducted me from my world, and for some reason dropped me off here with little to no explanation." Their responses to that was appropriate, of course, ranging from confusion to skepticism. I snorted, leaning off the wooden surface to walk around the lectern. "Sounds positively absurd, I know. But it's the truth, believe it or not. This person, who calls himself Specter, apparently has a few tasks for me to conduct here on Equestria. So far I've completed only my first task, and I need to get through before I can any hope of returning home."

"Wait wait wait a minute." Rainbow Dash was the first to address their disbelief, her pink eyes narrowing. "Let me get this straight, some random invisible force took your for your world, placed you here and wants you to do some things for him before you can go back to your world?"


"I share Rainbow's blatant skepticism, it does all sound a little... ludicrous." Rarity admitted apologetically. "What exactly are these tasks that this 'Specter' wishes you to complete?"

"And who the heck is this Specter?"

"Do they have parties on Earth?"

Just to remind yourself, Stardust, there are plenty of windows for you to jump out of. Just in case their reactions are... less than calm.

Bracing myself for just about anything, I composed myself with a calm exhale, before continuing. "Yes, Pinkie, they do have parties; some more extreme than others. I'm at a loss over Specter's identity as you are, Rainbow. As for these tasks... if any of you get mad at me for this, you have every right to be."

"Stardust..." My firm glance stopped Twilight before she could possibly intervene.

"I've been lying to you all, you deserve to know the main reason I befriended you all." Many frowns creased their features. Too late to back down now. "I... My first task was to befriend all of you, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, specifically." Their eyes widened, yet I had to continue. They deserved to know. "I don't know why, or what it has to do in the grand scheme of things, but Specter demanded it. And I had every desire to return home, I still do, but..." Anymore words could hardly escape my throat at the expressions they were displaying towards me.

Being a good friend, Spike spoke up suddenly and quickly, "But he does think of us all as friends! Remember how many times Stardust risked his life for us? When he gave us all advice and helped us out whenever needed?"

Twilight nodded, reinforcing Spike's points. "Do you all remember Stardust first displaying reluctance to even hang out with us, never mind befriend us? He had no intention of manipulating any of us for his own gain. Stardust cares about each and every one of us, you have to believe us."

"Is that true?" Applejack was the first to ask, green eyes reflecting doubt... and hurt. "Did ya ever really care about us?"

"Yes." Without a doubt. I nodded, frowning in determination. "I've always cared about you all, I was just too stubborn to admit it to myself. And I would hate myself even further for willingly tricking you all and taking advantage of your kindness and loyalty, hence why I didn't immediately do as Specter requested."

"Really? Or are you just lying to us all right now, to keep up this supposed friendship of ours?" Rainbow folded her limbs, expression that of suspicion and betrayal. "How exactly can we trust you now?"

...Dammit... The one thing I was afraid of arising in this conversation came true...

"Because he wouldn't be telling you all this, if he had any intention of deceiving us." Twilight replied, walking forward to stand beside me, with Spike approaching my left. Without looking at me, the stern unicorn addressed her- our friends determinedly. "It's one thing to befriend us, another to risk one's own life constantly to protect others."

"Twilight, did you know about this?" Rarity asked in surprise.

The knowledgeable mare nodded. "I did, and for a moment I was just as doubtful as you all are currently. But then I remembered, all my interactions with this stallion, the times he selflessly risked his life or willingly helped others. Rarity, remember when he and Spike went down to rescue you from the Diamond Dogs? That was Stardust's idea."

From their reactions, save for Pinkie's shocked gasp, they knew I had a bigger hand in it than the fabricated story we told them. "Applejack, remember when Stardust single-handedly stopped a war between Appleloosa and the buffalo tribe? And Rainbow, remember when Stardust swallowed his pride just to help you realize your own folly? Fluttershy, remember a while back when he threw you out of harm's way from that falling tree, and hurt his own leg in the process?"

Twilight's purple eyes glanced at me, glinting that warmness and trust she showed all too well. "I can recall plenty of times when he helped me out, cheered me up whenever I felt down or doubt, endured my lectures and speeches, and always answered my questions time and time again. I trust him with my life."


"So do I!" Spike added to the defense, beaming at me. "He's helped me out whenever I needed it, knowingly or not! Stardust has become a big brother to me. It doesn't matter whether he had to be out friend or not back then now."


Twilight nodded at her assistant's input, her smile broadening while returning her gaze to our audience. "Stardust is our friend, no matter what. And he thinks of us all as his friends, don't you?"

"...Yes." I finally spoke up, my voice a little hoarse by the sentimental openness towards me. "Yes, I do."

And, to my relief, Twilight's effective speech seemed to have an impact on the rest. All suspicion and mistrust was already clearing from their features. Yet, I couldn't be too relieved, just in case something happens that'd cause them to never want to speak to me again. Yet Twilight and Spike... both trusted me, regarded me that highly...

Was I honestly, truly deserving of their friendship like this?

Applejack and Rarity were the first to respond, standing up from the seats and approaching us, more specifically me. Blue and green eyes gazed intently on me, as though really looking at me for the first time since my arrival here. Probably for any signs of deception. I did my best to express just how sincere I was, and that Twilight and Spike had no reason to be lying.

Even if I was unsure about it myself.

Stopping right in front, both mares regarded me for a moment, before smiling. "Well, if Twilight and Spike have that much faith in ya, sugarcube," Applejack began, "Then I don't see why we shouldn' either."

Rarity nodded, "Quite right. We've been through so much together, after all, to doubt our friendship with you now, darling."

Before I could even respond to that, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy walked up next, the former speaking positively, "I never doubted you for a minute, Star! You'll always be my friend, even if you're an alien or not!"

"You've helped us all so many times." Fluttershy added gently, grinning lightly, "After everything you've done for us, I have no reason to doubt our cherished friendship now."

You girls...

Our gazes then turned on the one who had yet to say anything. Rainbow Dash was still in her seat, eyes averting our looks. Knowing she was the temporary center of attention, the pegasus shrugged, "Well... I still don't know what to make of you, Star..."

Of course...

"...But," But? I'll pretend there wasn't a tinge of hope in my soul, as Rainbow grinned at me, her wings moving her forward. "If our friends trust you so much, I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt. Besides, it's undoubtedly cool to have an alien for a pal." Thrusting her blue front hoof forward, the girls and Spike quickly understood, placing their own hoofs and hand on Rainbow's, all looking towards me again. "What do ya say, Star?"

"Ya'll for lettin' us help ya out in returnin' home?" Applejack concluded for the pegasus, as they patiently waited for my response.

...[BEEP] it. I had nothing to lose but their friendship. And if they want to help me, then I have no objections.

My own hoof placed atop theirs, Twilight spoke up professionally and brightly, "For our friend Stardust Balance, let's help him return to his world!"

"Yeah!" The rest save for I chorused as our limbs stretched up into the air in triumph. And just like that, I felt nothing would go wrong again.

"Sometimes, I feel as though my friendship with you all is too good to be true..." I couldn't help but admit.

"Oh, you give us too much credit, dear." Rarity waved dismissively as the rest smiled happily. "So, what precisely is this second task you're currently doing for this 'Specter'?"

"Ah. Well really it's to interact... with you all." [BEEP]. I inwardly wince, prepared for any negative impact now for confessing as such.

Yet they all nodded, "Ah"'ing themselves. Pinkie then grinned widely- Oof! I was treated to another hug by the pink Earth Pony. "Well then, let's interact with a group hug!"

Oh dear lord...

"...Alright. I'll endure this one." Which prompted the laughter of the many ponies and dragon squeezing me to death.

But all the same, everything felt like it was going to be alright...

Funny how bonds can become stronger by the most bizarre of circumstances.

After hearing out my plight and missions, the Mane Six vowed to assist me in my endeavor to return home. The rest of that meeting was spent with me explaining more about my homeworld and species, leaving out the more darker and grown up details of course. I provided information that fascinated them the most, such as the fashion sense of each country, what kind of animals lived there, farming and rodeos, parties, and what Rainbow would most likely find as 'cool'.

After which, the rest of the day comprised of the entire Mane Six, Spike and I just... hanging out. That's it. They all decided to treat me to a lovely day out, knowing a 'Welcome, alien' party idea from Pinkie Pie was the last thing I wanted. Any grievances or doubts I had instantly evaporated by the clear and trust and love they had for their extraterrestrial friend.

I was wrong to have doubted them.

The next few days afterwards were the usual with some changes here and there. Those morning sessions between Twilight and I were now usually accompanied by someone else, other than Spike of course. Occasionally it was either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash, considering the rest had bigger responsibilities to where they lived. They helped by either asking questions Twilight hadn't thought of, or assisting in whatever experiment the intelligent unicorn decided to try out in relation to my 'unique powers.'

Rainbow had inquired if my species had similar abilities, to which I humouredly replied with a simple "They wish." Sometimes Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie visited when they had the time in the morning, also eager to help out and learn more about the alien living here. They certainly weren't kidding around upon expressing desires to help me complete my tasks; I once joked that they wanted me to leave as soon as possible.

The immediate objections to the jest had me baffled, flattered and honoured.

Having finished a session this morning, a whole week ever since the truth came out, I returned to the usual routine of weekly delivering a tray of brownies to the lively Sugarcube Corner.

"Who's next please, and what can I get for you- Oh, hi Stardust!" Pinkie greeted upon noticing who was at the front of the line. "Are you here to deliver some brownies?"

"Is the tray resting on my back an answer enough?" I asked in dry good nature, carefully setting the warm backed goods down on the counter. "Mr and Mrs Cake out for the day?"

"Yep!" Pinkie nodded happily, pulling the tray to the side. "They're out having family time with Pound Cake and Carrot Cake, so I'm running the store with Rarity helping me out!"

"Lovely, how are those little bundles of joy?"

"I'm glad you asked, they're-"

"Now go to the back of the line where you belong!" Our attention shifted on the raised rough voice, noticing Fluttershy at the back... berating another pony? It seems everyone turned to look at dispute, as the ordered blue mare hurriedly did as the yellow pegasus commanded, while Fluttershy then glared - that's right, glared - at the line in front of her, prompting several gasps as the cue suddenly moved backwards to allow Fluttershy to approach the counter next.

...[BEEP] wusses.

Seriously though, was it Opposite Day? What's going on?

"Hey, look at you!" Pinkie was evidently impressed.

Joining her, Rarity commented as the yellow mare confidently flew towards the counter, "Oh! Your action was so feisty! It's fabulous!"

Fabulous? I'd call it worrying.

"Looks like that monster's workshop really paid off!" Monster? What?

"Iron Will's not a monster." Fluttershy objected. Who the [BEEP]'s Iron Will? "He's a Minotaur, and a true inspiration. His techniques really work!"

"Slow down, you have Minotaur's here as well?" I asked, admittedly intrigued by the concept. Pinkie nodded. Huh, first hydras and now Minotaur's. What other greek mythological creatures do they have inhabiting Equestria? I wonder

"Well they've certainly made a difference in the way you carry yourself." Rarity continued in response to Fluttershy. "You truly are a whole new Fluttershy."

...Um. Was that a good thing?

"Yes I am! And new Fluttershy feels stoked about new Fluttershy!" Oh God, she's turning into Gaston.

"Well old Pinkie Pie's pretty proud of new Fluttershy; proud as pink punch!" For emphasis, the enthusiastic Earth Pony pulled out a glass bowl of punch. "Want some?" Followed by snorting laughter.

...The things that happen whenever I got outside.

"You laugh at me?" The [BEEP]? Fluttershy was frowning, her tone suggesting she was insulted by Pinkie's innocent behaviour. "I laugh at you!"

Jesus! The pegasus ruthlessly pushed the glass of punch atop the helpless mare. Sharing a surprised look with Rarity, we could only observe wordlessly as Fluttershy proceeded to storm off out of the store. "Bye girls."

"What...?" I asked myself while following Rarity and Pinkie out, in obvious shared concern for our usual shy pegasus-


Fluttershy literally just beat the [BEEP] out of a pony who was preoccupying a taxi cart pulled by a stallion. Said pony was then hurled through the air, landing right by the doorstep of Sugarcube Corner, vocally expressing the unwarranted pain. I quickly helped the poor stallion up.

"Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! NOPONY!" Was the mare's announcement to whole town, before the frightened cart-puller hurriedly ran off to take the pegasus wherever she wanted to go.

"Old Pinkie Pie's not sure she likes new Fluttershy after all."

"Oh old Rarity agrees..."

"And old Stardust would like to know, never mind his new discovery that taxi's are a thing here as well, but what the hell has warranted this drastic change of personality from Fluttershy." My gaze settled from the departing cart towards the disturbed Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "I've obviously missed something."

Rarity nodded, turning to me with a worried expression. "Indeed. Fluttershy has been too much of a pushover as of late, so we tried to help her be more assertive towards others. When that didn't work, she obviously visited that monster's live event to learn how not to be so pushed around so much. Clearly, it's only made things worse."

"So you tried to help Fluttershy stand up more for herself."


I nodded, my frown deepening. "A noble goal. Yet it seems this 'Iron Will's' tactics is turning Fluttershy into something she isn't."

"You can say that again!" Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly grabbing us around our pony shoulders. "Come on! We gotta follow Fluttershy before it gets out of hand!"

"Wow, this is serious, Pinkie, if you're speaking sense for once."

"This is no time for joking around, Stardust!" Rarity concurred with the pink mare, as we were practically being dragged forward. "We need to help Fluttershy as quickly as possible."

"And we will." Indeed, that was not the Fluttershy I knew. And goddamn, after their acceptance and assistance for me, would it be hypocritical of me to not try help any of my friends in turn.

When we arrived, our fears were proving more and more confirmed.

Yelling at a stallion who looked ready for a vacation in Hawaii, Flutterhsy looked prepared to attack the poor pony. "You make me lose, I blow my fuse!"

"Fluttershy, stop!" I shouted as the mare proceeded to bite into the stallion's camera, obviously wanting to hurl him like a toy.

Yet the angered mare paid no heed, and I could only watch with a horrified flinch as the pony was thrown away, but thankfully landing in a bale of hay while his camera somehow landed against the bell atop a nearby tower.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing?" Rarity asked sternly as we approached the pegasus, who had her tail turned to her. "That's no way to behave!"

"Did you see what he did to new Fluttershy?" Actually no, no we didn't. "He thought new Fluttershy was a pushover!"

At the stare towards, daring us to argue back, Rarity obliged first, calmly replying, "No sweetie, he didn't. We saw the whole thing!"

We did? I always did have problems with my visions at times, not that I'd ever admit that to anyone here. My Dad always made a point for me to wear those damn glasses at home, due to my need to squint at anything from a distance.

Although, ever since my arrival in Ponyville, my vision has been fairly better. I can't recall much of anytime I needed to squint at anything here.

"We think you've taken your assertiveness training a little too far." Rarity said as Fluttershy flew above us, almost menacing-like.

Yeah, a little. Sure.

Fluttershy was having none of it, though. "What?" She asked in annoyed disbelief. You know it's amazing how such a soft tone can have a rough edge like that. "You just want new Fluttershy to be a doormat like old Fluttershy! But old Fluttershy is gone!"

"Somehow, I don't believe that." I retorted, which prompted her glare to harden. No, I will not be intimidated by her. Fluttershy of all ponies.

"New Fluttershy! Old Fluttershy!" Pinkie said, as though the pegasus' reference to third-person was headache-inducing.

"What happened to nice Fluttershy? We want that Fluttershy back." Rarity basically demanded of her friend.

"No." Well of course it wouldn't be that easy. "You want wimp Fluttershy! You want pushover Fluttershy! You want do-anything-she-won't-complain Fluttershy!"

"We want none of those." I said while frowning at this abnormal behaviour of hers. "We want the Fluttershy who isn't behaving like an arse back!"

Ah great, now I'm doing it!

"Make it stop!" Pinkie whined, as though sincerely getting a headache from it all.

The following statement, I [BEEP] you not, did NOT come from me."Things getting too complicated for your simple little brain, Pinkie Pie?" Ouch.

Rarity caught the falling Earth Pony who was pushed back by the smug Fluttershy. "Now stop right there!" You tell her, Rarity! "Let's not descend things into petty little insults."

"Why not? I thought petty was what you're all about, Rarity; such as your petty concerns about fashion."

Oh burn!

My jaw literally opened in shock while Rarity gasped at the offense towards something she loved. Noticing tears leaking from the unicorn's eyes, my brotherly instincts took over. "She didn't mean that, Rarity." I said in attempt to comfort the poor mare, patting her back gently.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Pinkie said next for Rarity's defense, glaring at Fluttershy. Even the optimistic bearer of Happiness knew better. "Fashion is her passion!"

"Oh then what are you passionate about? Birthday cake? Party hats?" Fluttershy continued relentlessly. "I can't believe that the two most wriggliest ponies in Ponyville are telling new Fluttershy how to live her life when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying-!"


My own disbelief and rage overtook me, as my eyes glared heatedly at the unfazed Fluttershy, who stared impassively down at the one who interrupted her. I will NOT tolerate this bull-[BEEP] towards my friends. This ends right now-

"Oh, and how can we forget about our attention-seeking patronizing alien?" ...Excuse me?! "Telling new Fluttershy to be quiet when all he ever does is give lectures and melodramatic speeches in his own self-righteousness."

...I'm not patronizing... am I?

"Well guess what, Stardust? Or 'Jack', no one cares what you have to say! You pointlessly waste your time away from going home by favouriting hanging out with Twilight than anyone else, because you refuse to admit that you have a crush on her! I almost feel sorry for you; you're just as weak and pathetic as old Fluttershy!"

...What... What can I possibly say to that...?

For once, I found myself utterly speechless, by Flutterhsy of all ponies. As the smirking pegasus folded her limbs triumphantly, I could only stare as a cold sensation washed over me. What... What the hell happened to you, Fluttershy...?

I heard Pinkie sniff. "Looks like nasty Fluttershy's here to stay!"

"Uh! I cannot believe what that monster Iron Will has said to you!" Concluded by the sound of the girls crying while running away, leaving only my stunned self and an enraged pegasus.

"Iron Will's not a monster! HE'S A MINOTAUR!" Fluttershy screeched to the heavens, finally landing on the ground as she breathed angrily while turning her gaze to the puddle below her, as if checking her own expression.

My own mouth wouldn't shut, and perhaps it should stay that way; seeing as how now Fluttershy was finally realizing what was truly happening to her.

Those widened innocent eyes returned, features quickly shifting to that of shock, and then of horror, as the full implications hit her mind full-force. I could only watch, still stung from her words, while Fluttershy returned to the normal self we all knew and adored.

Tears were quick to leak from her blue saddened eyes. "I'm the monster..." Was her inaccurate statement. As though realizing I was still here, those eyes gazed upwards towards my still state. "Stardust... I'm... sorry..."

...It was near to impossible for anyone to be [BEEP] off at Fluttershy herself.

"Fluttershy..." I began softly while the pegasus turned away, finding it in me to move my limbs again. Slowly approaching the paused pony, I commanded gently, "Look at me. Please."

Reluctantly, the mare met my gaze, tears still dropping her soft features. "I've been a terrible friend..." Fluttershy said quietly, while I placed a hoof on her shoulder for comfort. "I've gone too far..."

"You have." I nodded in agreement. She winced at those words. "You allowed yourself to get lost in your own assertiveness. But that doesn't make you a monster, we all make mistakes."

Should I be mad? Furious? Disappointed at this mare for behaving in that awful and sickening manner earlier? Perhaps. But dammit, I couldn't find it in myself to express anything other than comfort and reassurance for my poor friend. Rarity and Pinkie Pie will have to wait; the one who seriously needed help the most was this distraught pegasus before me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked gently. Her eyes were averting my own-

...There's the Fluttershy I know.

I felt the fur on my chest soften as the poor pegasus sobbed into it, rubbing her back for more comfort. "I'm sorry..." I heard the tearful words. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine..." I replied with equal quietness, refusing to allow a single drop to escape my own eyes. Just hearing Fluttershy cry was enough to strike a cord in me, and quite possibly any human being. "I'm not mad at you, Fluttershy."

"You should be..." The pegasus objected softly, still not removing herself from my soaked chest. "After everything I've said to you..."

"You weren't yourself, my dear." I reassured her, gently prying the saddened mare off me to meet her tearful gaze. I smiled in hopes it cheered her up further. "Rarity and Pinkie know this also, they'll come back." My eyes glanced at the nearby cottage. "Now, I think we go inside and help you get better. Shall we?"

She didn't answer. That was fine, her posture responded enough. Gently, I guided the grateful Fluttershy back towards her house, where no doubt her animal friends were waiting and willing to help cheer up the one who always took care of them.

This might just be me, yet I couldn't help but feel I was partially to blame for what happened to this poor mare.

"Feeling better?" I asked with a kind tone, as one of the woodland creatures occupying the distraught Fluttershy's house passed her the warm cup of tea. The pegasus eagerly accepted it, drinking the contents there were evidently soothing her distress.

Yet the only reply to my question was a small nod, as if still ashamed to even communicate with me after that incident earlier.

I sighed, deciding to get right to the point. As the small animals she always took care of huddle around the sitting Fluttershy from the other side of the table, I waited until she stopped sipping the drink. "Fluttershy..."

Dammit, I wasn't honestly sure how to begin.

But looks like that wasn't necessary, as the pegaus clearly understood my inward inquiry. "I wanted to stop being a pushover." Fluttershy began quietly, bright blue eyes averting my inquisitive own, focusing on the surface of her warm tea, "I wanted others to stop pushing me around and do nothing about it, so I decided to take some assertive lessons from Iron Will."

My reply for now was a nod. I don't know who this Iron Will was, but I know where I'm going after Fluttershy has completely calmed down.

"So I went to the seminar, and Iron Will chose me as a volunteer to show others how to be assertive. And it worked." Yet there was no triumph in her voice upon saying that, just dejection. Her muzzle quivered. "I thought... that those lessons would help me stop being a doormat for everypony. But instead..."

"Instead you went too far."

Fluttershy nodded meekly, still refusing to meet my gaze. "Yes..." She squeaked.

A sigh escaped my mouth. "There's a distinct difference, Fluttershy, between being assertive, and being a [BEEP]- A jerk. You can stop being a pushover to others, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be rude about it. You just have to find that balance of asking others to move out of the way, and not be mean about it at the same time."

"But I've been awful to everyone anyway, even you, Stardust." Fluttershy shook her drooped head. "Now I've hurt Rarity and Pinkie Pie's feelings, and they'll never forgive me for that."

"Oh of course they will." I objected gently as the many woodland creatures shook their heads in disagreement with their mistress. "If there's anything I learned about your kind, my dear, it's that they are nauseatingly forgiving. They'll come around and check to see if you're alright soon, I promise you that."

"But... what about you, Stardust? You're not a pony, how can you forgive me so easily?"

"You weren't yourself." I answered simply. "Plus, it's quite impossible to be mad at you, Fluttershy. And besides, you were one-hundred percent correct about me earlier, Fluttershy; I am arrogant, patronizing, I do give out long overdrawn speeches and lectures, I do interact more with Twilight than anyone else nowadays, I am a pathetic being."

Fluttershy looked up at that, expressing surprise at the admittance. "I didn't mean any of that, Stardust!"

"Doesn't mean it isn't true." I shrugged, "Aside from my 'crush', everything you said about me is accurate. I'm been an awful friend, and I'm sorry for that." That said, I moved off my seat, intending to leave the cottage now to give Fluttershy her peace. "But I've come to terms with my faults a long time ago, my dear. Now, seeing as how you're feeling better now, I'm going to pay this Iron Will a visit."

"Stardust, you've never ever been a terrible friend!" The usually shy pegasus objected as I walked towards the front door. "You're one of the best friends I could ever ask for!"

My hooves paused.

"...Look after her, my little friends." I addressed the animals I passed by. The woodland creatures nodded determinedly, some saluting. My eyes looked back at the watching mare. "You're not and never will be a monster, Fluttershy, you're the kindest and thoughtful pony I've ever had the honour of meeting, and I'm proud to be your friend."

With that said, time to show this Iron Will the real meaning of assertiveness.

...It's Hercule.

I recognize that voice anywhere. It's [BEEP] Hercule.

"So remember my friends." The large blue Minotaur, his lower body completely black, concluded his lesson for the pony audience, posing dramatically. "Don't apologize; criticize!"

He even gives out ridiculous advice like Hercule.

As the cheering crowd slowly began to leave the middle of the maze where the event was being held, I stood to the side, waiting patiently for them all to leave. I'm half-expecting the giant blue goat-man, who had no 'half-man' about him save for the fact he was standing on two hooves and had two human hands, to suddenly burst out laughing like Mr Satan. I'll give him credit though, he chose a maze to hold these lessons in.

I love mazes.

And Minotaur in a maze. Hilarious.

This was the so-called Iron Will I sought out, after taking directions towards where the seminar took place. The giant bull-man was preoccupied speaking with some of his assistants; real goats who were now cleaning up the stage. Walking by one, ignoring its glance at me, I waited at the front of the stage to get the Minotaur's attention.

"Hm?" The giant mother-[BEEP] said as one of his employees pointed behind him, tiny yellow eyes gazing down at the remaining pony. "Show's over, my friend. Come back tomorrow if you wanna learn more of Iron Will's amazing lessons."

You have nothing to teach me, Hercule the Minotaur. "Iron Will, I presume? I'm a friend of Fluttershy's."

"Ahh." Recognition shone in his eyes, nodding. "Fluttershy, my prize student ever since Iron Will arrived in Ponyville; I've heard she takes no pushing from anypony. I'm proud my lessons paid off."

Third person or first person, which is it?

"More than they should." I replied calmly, prompting the bull-man's raised brow. "This new assertiveness of hers has turned her into a jerk, resulting in arguments with her and her friends." Myself included.

Folding his arms, Iron Will shrugged. "If they can't handle it, then clearly they've no right to be her friends." My eyes narrowed at that. "Though you have reminded Iron Will that Fluttershy must now pay her fee for my lessons. If you'll excuse me..."

"Fluttershy is in absolute no condition to pay anything." Yet that didn't stop Iron Will from jumping off the stage, the ground landing causing a considerable vibration in the air. Jesus, I was barely up to his rather thin stomach. "She won't be paying your fee for a while."

The arrogant Minotaur scoffed, waving dismissively as though I were a fly. "Anyone who takes Iron Will's lessons to heart must pay their fee, condition or not."

"It's not a matter of you wanting money for turning Fluttershy into something she's not." I said evenly as he walked by me. "It's a matter of your lessons teaching others how to be assertive the wrong way."

That incited his hooves to halt, the Minotaur glancing over his shoulder. "Hm? And what gives you the right to declare that Iron Will's lessons are wrong, little stallion?"

Because I come from a species that knows assertiveness like the back of their hand. "'Don't apologize; criticize.' You're not teaching them how to stand up for themselves, you're teaching them how to be [BEEP]s- jerks."

"Look kid-"

"Don't 'look kid' me." His eyes narrowed, body turning around to face me fully. Our glares were evenly matched. "I'm far more older than I look, and clearly have more experience than you over assertiveness. I will not allow Fluttershy to transform into someone as brutish and mean-spirited as you've taught her."

"...You've got nerve kid, I'll give you that." Beneath that rough Hercule voice, I detected a tinge of respect. The Minotaur folded his arms again. "What do you want?"

"For you to leave Ponyville." Was my immediate answer. "No one here deserves such harsh lessons, least of all Fluttershy. Reconsider what you've been teaching ponies, and don't come back until you've learned yourself the proper meaning of assertiveness. I am willing to pay Fluttershy's fee for her, if that'll satisfy you."

Expecting a quick rejection of the offer, I had a plan B prepared. Yet the giant bull-man looked intrigued by the offer, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I might be persuaded to do as you request, little stallion, if you do something for Iron Will first."

Of course.

"And what might that be?"

"In addition to the fee." Iron Will began, grinning rather sinister while gesturing to the stage behind me. "Show me exactly how assertive you can be."


A smirk graced my muzzle. "With pleasure, Mr Sa- Will."

"Mind if I join you?"

The humoured tone incited my smirk. "No, get out of my sight Twilight. Of course you can join me, this is your house after all." Not bothering to glance at her, my eyes stayed focused on the glinting stars above, having decided to spend some time out on the library's top floor balcony. I rarely visit the top floor of this place, despite how long I've been living here.

I felt the railing my front limbs leaned on gain additional weight. "I've always loved the stars." Twilight began, sounding quite serene. "So many patterns and constellations; I can name a few right now just be looking."

"I'm not surprised, love."

"Do you think you can see your world from here, Jack?"

Well since they're separated by different universes, no. "I doubt it; my world would've discovered Equestria long ago."

I imagined the mare beside me nodding, sounding contemplative. "I've always wondered what would be out there, beyond the beauty of the stars, that my own telescopes couldn't see. Yet I have living proof of other life in my own home, who happens to be one of my best friends. A small part of me is still reeling over that."

"Life is obviously kind to you, my dear Twilight." Me on the other hand, well life hates me. But what can ya do? "But you're right, the stars are beautiful. It's a shame that I rarely look at them."

I heard her chuckle. "Maybe you should go outside at night more often."

"I'll think about it." Followed by shared light laughter. My gaze finally teared from the glinting lights above to the smiling unicorn, who looked positively at peace from looking at the stars above. Those eyes of hers again sparkling... "Though I get the feeling that's not the only reason you came out here."

Twilight nodded. "Perceptive as ever, Jack."

"I try."

"I know." The unicorn met my gaze, this time her expression softening slightly. "I've heard about what happened with Fluttershy."

Ah. "Of course you have."

But that smile never left her muzzle. "It was sweet of you to be there for her, Jack, despite those horrible things she said about you that she didn't mean. Fluttershy asked me to thank you for her, since you were busy talking with Iron Will."

"I'll talk to her tomorrow." Hopefully nothing awkward would come out of it.

"Jack..." This time there was uncertainty in her tone, Twilight's voice wavering. "What precisely happened between you and Iron Will?"

The innocent yet worrisome question prompted my light smirk. "Worried I attacked him or something?"

"You can be a little... brash at times." Twilight shrugged.

"You don't need to be concerned, we had a conversation, nothing more. Iron Will won't be returning to Ponyville until he's learnt to change his lessons about assertiveness a little." At least, that's what I'm hoping happens. Wouldn't hold my breathe on it.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Twilight said sincerely, resuming her gaze on the stars above. As did I. "I'm glad she doesn't hold any resentment towards you for rejecting her feelings."

I groaned, she brings that up now?

"Then again, this is Fluttershy we're talking about." The amused unicorn added, "But it was sweet of you, nonetheless, to look after her like that."

"I'm a generally sweet guy."

"Could've fooled me." The balcony echoed with more laughter from both pony and human. "You're not planning on sleeping anytime soon?"

Did she forget who she was talking to? "You know me, Twilight, can never sleep until three or four in the morning."

"I have a spell to remedy that, but I can expect your immediate reply." I smirked. "Then you wouldn't mind assisting me on some late night research?"

"Certainly." My limbs pushed themselves off the railing, as my body turned to return to the warm indoors. "Just let me give Spike his bedtime story and we're good to go."

"Of course-"


Speak of the devil. Spike quickly rushed by, holding a rolled-up letter for the mare. "A letter from the Princess? At this time?" Magically grabbing the offered parchment, Twilight began reading the contents. "Oh, it's addressed to you, Jack. Princess Celestia requests your presence in Canterlot the following morning. She says it's urgent."

Urgent? What could Celestia possibly want that it wouldn't have to wait? I've no obligation to heed that alicorn's beck and call.

"Guess visiting Fluttershy will have to wait." Twilight said apologetically, passing the letter to my waiting hoof.

Reading the parchment myself, my eyes rolled. "As if Celestia asking for my presence is going to stop me from checking on my friend. Come on, Spike, you want me to continue that story from yesterday?"

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