• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 191: Times Gone By

"On yer marks..."

Limbs reared back.

"...Get set..."

Pony nostrils flared, eyes narrowed hard.


For the moment the checkered flag was thrown, the world swiftly became much slower in my eyes, dust and pebbles flying back from the fierce gold and blue hoofs connecting in sync. Hazel orbs glaring, fierce and determined, opposing the equal but smug expression belong to the Wonderbolt whom met my assault head-on. Not bad.

But not good enough. And yet she ducked beneath my swung roundhouse, aiming another rushing hoof that forced me skidding back against the yellow ground, the opponent wasting little time in throwing a lot of equine punches and a few roundhouse kicks herself, placing me on the defensive for a good few seconds. That was, until my swung limb managed to grab the tail and hurl the cocky blue pegasus soaring into the air upwards. She recovered quickly in a showy-spin, her smirk and position with a wing motioning for me to come join her above, something I obliged all too happily, taking the battle to where my foe was a natural force to be reckoned with.

Except I knew what I was doing, for the both of us, and perhaps our cheering friends below were aware too. More blows traded, any aimed for the face or below the metaphorical belt blocked and diverted expertly by us, my opponent evidently putting those years of pony kung-fu lessons to good use.

She, soon, made the attempt of breaking off the contacts going nowhere, but I wouldn't let her out of my reach yet. Any advantages on the pegasus' part, especially this high up in the air, would conclude this match faster than I would want. Certainly, this round couldn't be put to an end so quickly; it'd be a blow to both our prides. I made my pursuit, the blue mare having to duck and swing her lower half to dodge my attempts of grabs and punches, circling me around the clear blue lake the battleground was chosen for.

Away from the town, in a good secluded spot with no incentive in drawing in an audience, to my foe's prior disappointment.

Wind rushed in my bearded face, neatly trimmed earlier so both it and my mane couldn't whip all over, a sound point on Rarity's part. The speed was exhilarating, the entire concept of time lessened considerably in the heat of this battle, practically becoming a blue from the tall trees to the close clouds. Obviously, the Wonderbolt was making a point how breathtaking and wonderful it was, feeling faster than the speed of the world's pace, making you confident, bold and fulfilled, pure living in the moment. To become a part of something not many could accomplish.

It was amazing, I will say, smirking with an acknowledging nod towards the smug mare, whom understood and began making a few tricky maneuvers and spins, knowing full well I wasn't well adept in flight yet to keep up with that. Which is better, because I WANTED this foe to hold nothing back. Pretty exemplified when she commenced attacking from all sides, beginning a rush of blow after blow, punch and kick all after one another in much increased speeds I couldn't catch up with. Yet anyway. For now, I was on the defensive, relying on natural, and Balance, senses to pick up the wind and signature of where I was going to be attacked, doing quite well for myself if I was permitted to compliment myself for once.

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up forever, for my adversary in this battle still topped me in speed and mastery over the air, displaying as such by zooming around and towards me in rapid hit dashes, inciting my groans and grunts. Ow, ow, ow, grinding my teeth and making a few attempts of blocks and swings once again. To no utter avail. The match was already reaching its steady conclusion. But I wouldn't be going down without a fight.

Eyes closed, soothing my focused mind, and waited on the heart signature to become closer. Closer, and closer. Before one, concentrated pony fist twisting around my left, flying body twirled around to meet the stunned expression of the Wonderbolt... Before said expression changed to resolve again as her speed continued outmatching my own, two front blue hoof pushing atop my outstretched gold.

Finding myself covered in water upon a shallow pool with some impressive splashes later, the audience shielding themselves briefly before erupting into pleased and congratulatory cheers, to both my sparring partner and myself.

Who could blame them? We gave quite a show, as promised, a landing Rainbow helping me out the shallow lake and into a nice towel, feigning ignorance by the bemoaned expression on a certain fashionista regarding my drenched clothing. Should have considered that earlier, my dear. A light punch to my side belonging to the grinning Wonderbolt just exuding cockiness and satisfaction.

"Nice, you held out for ten seconds longer this time." Well, clearly someone had to keep track while Twilight was In Canterlot. "Shame Twilight wasn't here to watch kick her Warrior's butt."

Laughter all around, even from myself, as I winked back with my own cheeky smirk. "Next time let's keep it to ground battle, Rainbow, and I'll show you precisely who dominates the battlefield."

The Wonderbolt scoffed, but kept her bantering look as Rarity fussily helped dry my dark blue clothing. The cape itself was by the rest of the crowd, consisting of Lyra, Bon, Derpy, Whooves, and some weird cloaked guy who's shown up in Equestria of late. Creepy.

"I'm certain Twilight would be more than proud of Stardust for bein' able to fly like that by now." Applejack pitched in, sounding relatively pleased by the progress herself. "Now to see you ain't slounchin' around this time."

Slouch? Moi. What poppycock! Name me four examples of me ever just kicking back and making no progress into improving as an alicorn.


And time's up, no need to hear anymore, cheers Starswirl!

"You were amazing too, Rainbow." Oh please Fluttershy, don't let the ego go to her head, as Rainbow threw her head upwards with a pleased and prideful smirk, in total agreement by the animal lover's praise.

Applejack agreed, nodding with a smile. "You sure were, what with all them fancy flyin' tricks you just pulled a few seconds prior."

"Heh, it was pretty awesome right?" Pink eyes looked to me expectantly, inciting my raised humoured brows instead. Never catching me boost your arrogance alongside the others, my dear. Rainbow snorted, as if hearing such, and looked back to everyone else. "Who wants to see a rematch?"

Then Rarity spoke up in complete objection. "Goodness gracious darlings, enough abuse has been made to these tailored designs!" So I'll take them off, big deal. Rarity, shaking her head with a few 'tut's, fiercely regarding both Rainbow and I with blazing sapphire, putting an end to any argument that would go forward. "I'm sure a particular Princess would not approve of the roughhousing either."

Honestly, I don't think Twilight would care as much, certainly not while she and Spike are celebrating Celestia's 'one-thousand, one-hundred-and-eleventh' sun-raising anniversary. And yes, that does sound as dumb for something to Twilight to make a big deal out of to be possible. How would we be expressing our gratitude and happiness for the most incompetent mare in Equestr- I mean, for the oh-so wise Princess who has guided our kind to the light more often than not.

Well, Applejack voiced what we've all been contributing to of late. "Mighty point Rarity. Come on, we should get back to workin' on the play stage." That's right, a play, a play regarding how Celestia first raised up the sun.

Because, you know, the sun never rose once on the entire planet until one alicorn was born. Was there a Lion King moment back then where Starswirl, on the castle balcony, raised newborn Celestia to the sky before every living creature and BOOM! The sun appeared for the first time ever?

My former teacher couldn't sound anymore, highly amused. Well, perhaps not every species was in attendance during such an event...

You do know I found the notion that the sun never rose without Celestia to be total hogwash, right?

Believe me Jack, you've expressed that point more time than the hair in my corporeal facial mane.

I mean, come on guys, even the story of the play sounded like total, self-grandalizing bull[BEEP]. Ponies actually BELIEVED all that happened? Well, of course, the main fault of this world's inhabitants was being gullible to a fault.

So, long story short, some mishaps, mishaps that made me almost die from busting a gut every five seconds before of whom this play was in celebration for. Twilight, in all her wisdom learned from Uselestia, decided it would be brilliant to have the older Princess be the main lead of herself. What could have possibly went wrong then?

One big issue, my friends, was that Celestia couldn't act... At all.

The royal Princess, with all her thousand years of knowledge of experience, often playing some political role and negotiations when duty calls, couldn't even act a simple play to save her life. Jesus Christ, no wonder none of the other species became more open-minded with ponykind until Twiliight and friends came along. So bad it wasn't even funny.

Lucky for you, my pupil, I have quite the amusing tale to share.

Go on.

Despite what she may say to the contrary, this was not the first time dear Celestia ever performed on the stage. Now it sounded like the old unicorn was threatening to chuckle himself to death, again. A play was once made in her father's honour, a play she kept pushing herself a role into, begging and even demanding to participate to the horror of the cast, and Luna's. When the festivities came under way, Celestia made a... Lasting impression on foreign representatives, to say the least. The performance was quite impacting to the point, decades later, the ruling Princess made certain to remove all traces of that incident from history books, vowing to never speak of it again.

Okay, THAT was pretty funny, [BEEP] what I just said earlier, abruptly bursting myself into laughter in the middle of the custom outside theater, with no one in sight but the others in the back. I really wanted to see that play now! Surely it couldn't have been more hysterical than watching the ruling government make an attempt of charades.

God I was crying when that happened. Of course, all amusement properly vanished after Twilight and Celestia had a brief fall-out. Quickly resolved of course, but Spike's attempt of stand-out comedy to stall for time did little wonder in bringing the humour back. Spike's at his best when he's being a snarky little dragon.

Shame the girls didn't allow ME to take my son's place, I would have excelled bashing the [BEEP] out of everyone in the live audience... Which was likely why they prevented me from going out there in the first place.

I could show you through my own memories over that eventful night. I shall never forget the expression on her father's face... Ahh. From the sounds of it, it was so good, so much better than earlier that I just had to see it.

Hmm, maybe later. I was honestly getting tired with the sun having been raised early in favour of the play - totally cheating, by the way, Celestia - suppressing a mild yawn as the ache for a good bed was starting to get to me. Though I should help clean everything up with the rest first, then sleep all day later.

Oh, hello? There passed the six collective members of respective species, the young six students of the School of Friendship not noticing me while heading out themselves, yawning loud and tiredly.

"Maaaaaaan I'm beat!"

"Yeah." Another massive, compensating yawn. "This whole play stuff really got to me."

"I'm so sleepy I could nap in a clam."

"You mean you don't do that underwater?"

"Something on your mind, Ocellus? Looks that way."

"Erm, I was just thinking. Do you think, in the future, there'll be a play about Principal Twilight and the Professors?"

"Oh wouldn't that be cool! I'd be totally down to playing Twilight!"

"Aheh, you're a little too enthused for that role, Silverstream."

"Yona would make good Pinkie Pie!"

"Ha! You got that right!"

Playful banter and bustling conversations faded across the field back to Ponyville, leaving me to ponder. A play about Twilight and the girls? Ha, like anyone would ever come close to playing her right. What would the play even be about, anyhow?

Another stifled yawn, more threatening to break loose this time. Right, better help clean things up, then I can have a nice, relaxing session with the fourth most precious thing to me after Twilight, Spike and friends. A companion that will always love me for who I was without judging, being there for me twenty-four seven.

My bed.

...My head shot upwards after six hours of sleep from the pillow, gasping in sudden, inspired glee. A play about my friends! That's it!

"Spike!" I called out halfway out the bedroom door moments later, throwing on my blue and velvet cape. "Get me a notepad and quill, stat!"

Everything was already going smoothly. Of course, knowing as it was the MLP universe, some mishap would bound to occur with some forced friendship lesson mixed in at end that somehow resolves it all. Still, best to live in the moment.

What a moment it was, though, as I gazed around happily and in pride by the spectacle of a production being set up. And not a single mare of the Mane Six in sight, which was also more refreshing, otherwise this entire thing would have been pointless. Can you imagine how shockingly difficult it was asking for help while keeping it altogether hush hush? Twilight was at the school, currently assuming Spike and I were doing a father-son activity of researching daisies.

Heheheheheheh. Anything science-related, that lovable but gullible Princess with buy anything. Chuckling beneath my breath, my attention turned towards the hurrying Spike approaching me, looking quite eager himself with a focused salute. "The auditions are ready when you are."

"How many applicants do we have?"

"Well, with how discreet we had to be getting them, we're limited to..." The young dragon quickly counted with claws. "...Twenty."

Oh, I was expecting worse. "Twenty's not bad. It'll do. Good job Spike." Rubbing my son's top green scales for good measure to express my satisfaction and happiness, smirking then. "I'll check them out in a sec. Help yourselves to those crystal cookies, you've earned them."

Gone in a cloud of dust. Kids these days. Alright, auditions were filled up, that's one matter taken care of! Now for plenty more, as a certain Changeling Prince was next to occupy my time regarding the progress.

"The special effects' ponies are here." Excellent! Thorax then offered his meek smile. "And thanks again for requesting our services too, Stardust. It's the first time we Changelings would get to openly watch a play in all its magic. Never mind helping set up one!" The enthusiasm was everywhere. From the close by, colourful four-legged equine bugs buzzed and worked in hanging up the lights perfectly.

"Yes well, ponykind has had enough time to appreciate the theatrics arts." I smirked wryly in return, perking a teasing brow to the much taller Prince. Why wasn't he called King again? "Let everyone else enjoy them for once."

"Hey, Prince Pony." Well, look who else approaches! The sapphire young female dragon, on lean teenage height, throwing a rather dubious expression in her rather brilliant attire. Thank you Coco Pommel. "You sure this 'wig' won't get in the way?" To show an example, Ember brushed back a mighty chunk of the dark blue 'mane.' Just a sec, gonna take another moment to admire the contribution of effort into making the costume.

...Okay, done.

"The unicorn assistants-" A.K.A, Moondancer and Lyra ten feet over Ember's shoulder. "- Will keep the hair flowing with magic until your moments on the stage are done." Before adding then with a cheeky grin. "Thanks again for participating in this, Ember."

A snort of derision. "Considering what you've done for Spike and our kind over and over, I can swallow my pride and get through this, hopefully with some dignity intact." A short, before amber eyes glanced to me uncertainly. "You sure the dragons watching won't recognize me."

"You let the makeup artists do their work, practice your stage voice a little, and not a single person ever would identify you as the fierce Dragon Lady of the Lands." Seriously, that's more than like since wearing a faux mustache and monocle alone would fool even my closest of friends.

Once the blue dragon was appeased, my attention turned next towards the Griffon King coming forth to greet a fellow new royal. "You have been busying yourself, I see." Zenith announced with a wry smirk, gesturing around to the indoor stage. Oh yeah, this was all happening in the old castle by the way, though I should mention that at this point. "I see your skill of gathering all manners of creatures to work in unison hasn't worn off even becoming as you are now, old friend."

"Bringing people together is what I do best." Also, it keeps Twilight and friends happy, but that's mainly the second motivation. Well, typically not the second. "Thank you again for coming with some of your kind, Zenith."

"The gratitude must come from us, Stardust, we are quite honoured to play a part in this production. I'm quite curious regarding how these pony plays are done." The black royal of his restored kind made another sweeping motion. "Out of curiosity, would there be any roles regarding a Griffon?"

"Just Gilda, sorry." That's what the auditions were for, anyway. Zenith nodded with a knowing smile, soon excusing himself like the others prior and continuing to oversee the contribution of his fellow kind working on the rock terrain sets. Yep, all was going perfectly for this, now all we needed was, finally, the main star to show.

Oh, right on cue, swirling my head around to the large doors opening into the aged castle currently being re-decorated for the upcoming performance, soon entering to join a pink smiling unicorn, with another unicorn at her side, whom beamed happily at the sight before after she gazed around the interior filled with various creatures in curious awe.

"I never knew you were into theater, Stardust." Sunset commented in mild approval, perking an amused brow my direction before cerulean eyes looked around again, Starlight following her example with appearing impressed herself. They were twins, I swore.

"An elegant and almost dying art, theater." At least in my world. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child gave plays no favours. "Speaking of which, you often participated in plays at your school, right?"

"From time to time."

"Perfect, you're playing the lead role." Both mares blinked, prompting me to add as Nightshade, perched nearby, took his cue to swoop down and hand me over the script. Cheers my owl friend, passing it over then to the stunned yellow bacon-haired mare. "Why else would you be here?"

The pages floating beside her, Sunset took a curious and humbling skim-read through before those eyes widened again considerably. "You want me to play Twilight."

"I was gonna ask Starlight here, but I think she's no longer comfortable taking the spotlight as she use to be." Said pink unicorn meekly looked away. You see? Meanwhile, Sunset shook her head in disbelieving amusement, but her grin remained all the same gratified.

"I'm flattered, Stardust, but I don't think I have what it takes." Couldn't blame her, but instead of discouraging, I encouraged, playfully wrapping a limb around her pony shoulders and escorting towards the stage itself. Very spacious I will stay.

"It's not just your past experience in plays I'm asking you to play her, Sunset." Her expectant features had me clarify. "You and Starlight are the closest in similarities to Twilight; personality, intelligence, bravery, wit, soul and belief. Don't get me started on the beauty." That warranted a light hue of red on both unicorns, before I added with a small, assuring grin. "If anyone can get her right, it's you two."

"Well, when you put it like that..." The former student of Celestia trailed off playfully, dancing her blue eyes around before getting somewhat serious again with an elated smile. "I'll try not to let you down then, Stardust."

"Don't do it for me." Do it for whom this play is about. "Costumes are at the back. I recommend you rehearse while you check the place out and get your attire."

"So who plays Flash Sentry?"

"Just go to the back." A chuckling Sunset obliged, Starlight giggling behind her own pink hoof before following after her while I raised a flat brow to their departing states. Hardy har girls, I offer you the best role ever and get repaid like that. Sunset Shimmer ladies and gentlemen, never giving a poor guy a break.

But still, with the second best pony playing the role of the first best pony, this play was in the bag.

"Who's Starlight gonna play?"

"Hm? Oh she's being managing assistant. I think your childhood friend has a little case of stage fright." Glancing over towards Sunburst. Yep, he's here too. The pony responsible for getting the crystal decor which were neatly placed in their respective positions on the walls, ceiling and ground.

Now if only Ember can get her fellow dragon kind to STOP attempting to eat most of them whenever our backs were turned.

"Oh." Apparently this was news to the stallion, the royal foalsitter soon turning attention on a different subject. "By the way, your requests proved fruitful; Princess Cadence, Prince Shining and Princess Luna are on their way here."

Splendid! All going according to plan. "Thanks Sunburst." Now, to finally get those auditions under wraps, clapping my hoofs loudly to garner enough attention for those in vicinity to the stage. "Alright everyone, we need some space! Someone get me Spike and Starlight when they're ready!"

Oh, weren't we already off to a good start?

"First up is... Granny Smith, auditioning for the role of... Applejack...?" Spike trailed off uncertainly from the list, glancing between the two ponies at the desk with him before the very lit stage. Green eyes looked back to the clipboard, then up. "Err... Start whenever."

"Booooooooy howdy~!" Alright, Jesus Christ, things were becoming interesting already, the elderly Earth Pony proving to be quite spry for her age by sliding onto the wood, adorning a blonde ponytail wig and classic brown stetson. Absolutely fooling no one, but any level for authenticity was thrown out the window looking at... This. "Let's go buck some apples, right boys?"

"Next, next, NEXT." I called out hurriedly by instinct, a sentiment both my fellow judges concurred with a disgruntled Granny was immediately escorted off the stage by some Diamond Dog guards. Okay, note to self, should have hired others to be the rest of the Mane Six opposing to being up for auditions instead.

"Next we have..." Rubbing the back of the pencil against his cheek, Spike continued with a soft frown. "Maud Pie as Rarity."

Alright, let's see where this goes.

"Clothes. They're like rocks. I like rocks. They're beautiful in their own right."

"That's my girl." Okay, who invited her Sheldon Coooper knockoff of a coltfriend? Still, the tall Earth Pony from the side raised a good point. Maud was absolutely killing it.

"Clothes are like rocks, in a way. They're shiny when cleaned and... Breathtaking to the eyes." Did I mention that 'Boulder' had a fluffy tiny fake cat tail attached to it?

Rarity would have a fit if she were here, and not many would find the routine that amusing.

However, I was a man-slash-stallion of peculiar taste, and I say: "Sign her up guys. We have our Rarity." Pointedly paying no heed to their bewildered expressions, focused only on the grey mare's blank stares and blinking.

"Next is... Hm, Zephyr Breeze playing the role of Shining Armor. Okay, whenever you're ready Zephyr."

"Oh I'm always ready little dragon." Already losing brownie points with me. Bring back Maud's stupid boyfriend already. The blue lean pegasus cleared his throat, before getting all too dramatic about it. "Be amazed!" Before suddenly looking to the curtains and pulling out a rainbow wig- Oh come on. "As I play the role of a pony no other can possibly imitate!"

"Well, he already has the self-grandilizing down..." Starlight murmured in her own bewildered exasperation. Both Spike and I hummed softly to that observation.

"Now observe, as I, unlike anypony else could achieve, perform the legendary RAINBOW RAINBOOOOOOOM!" 'Sonic Rainboom,' Zephyr. Christ even I remembered what it was called, although it's been forever since Rainbow performed that little trick. It wasn't even used in our spar yesterday. "By shooting myself out of this cannon-"

"NEXT." Funny as it would be to see Zephyr make a fool of himself, it wasn't worth Fluttershy's mood being ruined once the play dazzled my friends.

Pharynx in a rather impressive self-made attire of Sombra. The Head of Thorax's guards merely gave one deadly growl-

"You're in!"

"Woo-hoo! Way to go Pharynx!" The Changeling's mood dampened to embarrassed annoyance being cheered for publicly by an enthusiastic King for a brother.

"Alright, next we have... The Crusading Pony as Princess Celestia!" Oh, you mean the Cutie Mark Crusaders dressed up in a Halloween-style outfit of the Princess, fooling absolutely nobody, or nopony? Starlight and I traded humoured glances, choosing to indulge the three fillies and see what they got.

Needless to say, they were giving quite the impression. "As Princess of the Sun, it is our- Er, MY responsibility to spread good and happiness to all of Equestria, my dear Twilight."

"That posh voice is on point..." Yes it was Spike. Apple Bloom was killing it!

"Ahem, I am privileged to be - Scootaloo don't shoving - Ah, ruler of such fair and caring ponies - Sweetie you're moving the front hoofs too much - So much so that I hereby declare that- AH!" The three needed practice with their collaboration in one costume, which was thusly ripped apart by their own doing as the young but promising fillies scattered comically on the stage floorboards, dizzy but otherwise harmless.

Once their sheepish and hopeful grins turned to us, we judges shared some amused but entertained glances. What would it hurt. This time, Starlight did the honour. "You three are in!"


"I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, would commonly be suited for the role of herself. But now, I believe, the honour of impersonating one such as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza can only extend to myself!" The blue magician announced proudly and happily, in her makeshift Cadence outfit with a spray-painted pink horn and dyed mane.

Starlight offered a shy chuckle in defense of her friend. "At she made the effort to look more the part...?"

Honestly I'm just disappointed in myself for declining Zephyr's audition to be Shining. Zephyr and Trixie acting with romance together? The chemistry would be phenomenally funny, or a great... Headache to us all...

Yeah, I change my mind. There's no regrets ridding of that pegasus from the scene.



"You're in kid, congrats!"


"Eh you'll do I suppose."

"Overall... NEXT!"

Christ, who knew managing a play would be such hard work. I didn't envy Twilight for doing this twice, rubbing my own forehead with a few breaths of air.

Still, that's the auditioning concluded, alongside the sets, scripts, costumes and food buffet, the last one more important. Various species conversing with one another in their own eager enthusiasm, brightening my smile of elated relief. Good, nothing wrong has occurred just yet. Let;s hope it stays that way, at least. And it seemed everyone we getting use to their roles and required attires suitably. Good thing too, not many complained about them. Give credit to where it's due, Rarity should be proud of Coco after this was all over.

And speaking of moving things along, soon moving myself to take center stage and clear my throat loudly. Time for the usual pep talk and reminder of why we were all here today. I've already rehearsed this in my head. The only part of the script reserved only inside my noggin.

"Attention everyone! Attention, please!" Giving a moment for things to calm down for all the cast and crew to give me their undivided concentration, inciting my pleased smile and now. "Thank you. Now, I've expressed my gratitude again and again ever since the very first among you were on board with this play idea. At this point, it'd be repetitive of me to say my thanks again."

Eliciting a few smiles and chuckles from the crowd. I wasn't kidding exactly how much gratification I displayed a good while by then.

"But for this case, I still thank you all, tremendously so my friends. This whole endeavor isn't about me, but about the six, wonderful mares and one adorable little dragon who have been there and done so much for us, while asking for little in return. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie."

My hazel eyes swept across the hushed multitude of friendly creatures regardless of shape and size, all equal together.

"And the cute little Spike of course."

Many glances to the flustered young dragon hiding his claws, prompting more of our laughs, winking to said sheepish lizard of a son myself before regarding everyone again with a small smile, another nod of acknowledgement and content.

"It's only fair we express our own thanks for them being there and bringing us altogether, in secrecy until the time is right. Let's give a hundred percent of effort, let's work hard in rehearsals and making sure everything goes right. Let's work together as friends being one!" Followed by throwing my gold hoof like a fist to the air in dramatic emphasis of my resolve. "Let's give those mares the show of a lifetime!"

A determination they all together shared, throwing their various appendages upwards in tandems of cries of agreements and fierce passion. Excellent, the girls won't know what hit them! Sharing a wide grin of excited satisfaction with Sunset, Starlight and Spike just below at the edge of the stage.

"Now then, let's get rehearsals under way. No time like the present." Getting fully serious and becoming the bossy version of me Twilight often enjoyed seeing. "Places people!"



"Exactly how many invitations did Lyra have Derpy send?"

"Last I checked, just for the friends and family. Why do you ask?"

"Oh." With enough time peeking my pony head out the center red curtain concealing the rest of the stage from the live crowd right within the foyer of the aged castle, many of whom I didn't even know the names of, I couldn't do anything to hide my exasperation. "No reason." Before poking my head back in, looking to everyone else participating. "Is everyone ready...?"

Some must have picked up on my apprehensiveness, and who could blame them? Or blame me? There were far too many ponies, Changelings and various other creatures about to observe my first ever live production that was made in tribute to the six wonderful mares at the front row. Damn right I was anxious.

Could it go well? Would people love it? Would they start appreciating Spike and the Mane Six all the more hearing these chosen tales of their roughest times and essential lessons about friendship being magic? Would Twilight and the girls, which was perhaps the most crucial of all starting this play tonight, have a thrill of a lifetime watching our expression of gratitude and affection in the form of theatrics?

Only one way to find out.

Moondancer and Lyra nodded with enthused confidence. Starlight, Sunset and Sunburst smiled encouragingly. Trixie smirked widely. Thorax, Ember, Zenith and so many more, all sharing their own numerous reactions of pride, affirmation and certainty they had this in the bag. Enough so for Starlight to stand beside me and call out with enthralled boldness.

"Don't forget, this isn't for us, it's for those six amazing ponies out there who have done so much for Equestria, for everyone here." The pink unicorn's smile softened while sharing a knowing glance alongside me, the two of us understanding our similarities and how those beautiful mares, and the beautiful son in an adorable tux right next to us, reformed us for the better. Starlight's lilac eyes glimmered with confident eagerness. "Twilight recently made a play celebrating her idol. Now, it's our turn to celebrate ours. Places everyone!"

"You're a brilliant director assistant, has anyone told you?" I commented in half-tease, half-sincerity.

Starlight joking scoffed with rolled eyes, as everyone began getting into positions for the long night ahead. "You're paying me to assist, Stardust, not to be complimented." Followed by her coy playful grin. "Though you could show your appreciation with maybe a raise..."

Hmhmhmhm. Alright then. "Spike, you ready?" The young purple dragon nodded once, smoothing back his green scales and straightening his bowtie with an air of smugness. "Humility, Spike." Much better, the eager-to-please lizard shifted his expression, before heading outside to the hushing whispers and conversations of a large audience, Starlight and I moving out the way along with those unneeded once the curtains would be ready to unveil the hard effort and contributions of good friends.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Fillies and gentlecolts! Dragon, griffons, Diamond Dogs, Changelings and much more!" Oh, Spike had this in the bag, he didn't even bring the cue cards with him for reminders of the opening speech. "Thank you all so much for attending tonight, we really appreciate how eager everyone is to witness our play; an appreciation to the most wonderful friends anyone could ever ask for!"

"YAY!" Of course Pinkie would be more than ecstatic, Starlight and I sharing humoured smirks from our places in the shadow corner of the stage. "Do we know these wonderful friends? Can we guess?!"

Oh Pinkie.

The moment Applejack helped settle the eager fellow Earth Pony down in her seat, Spike laughed sheepishly before regaining composure and sticking to the script. "These mares have done so much for so many while asking for barely anything in turn, and it's time we appreciated their being here, especially when they're sitting in the front row!" All eyes turned to the flattered, awed and excited mares. I could feel the tidal waves of pure, positive emotion emanating from the humbled Mane Six... Humbled with the exception of a grinning Rainbow, but you get the picture.

My own stare unable to look away from the sparkling orbs regarding Spike in proud content, evidently not expecting such a play to be about her or our friends. Get ready for more surprises tonight, my dear Twilight.

"And now, tonight, everyone in attendance gets to partake in celebrating their presence that has changed our home of Equestria for the better! By the collaboration and effort done from all who feel obligated to show these amazing friends just how much they mean to us, I present to you all, tonight, the best moments of these mares across their journey in: 'The Chronicles of Friendship!'"

"Let's take everyone back in time, to the humbling days where the first Elements of Harmony were yet to have been uncovered, after so long of peace..."

"Muahahahahahahahahahaha! After one thousand years I'm free! It's time to conquer Equestria!"

"My niece Cadence, Nightmare Moon has escaped. We need six naive teenage mares with attitude!"

Man the music intro to this was on point. And Ember was killing it as Nightmare Moon the whole first tale through, especially hamming it up after an encouraging thumbs-up from Spike behind the curtain.

"Their second greatest challenge, was also one of the few to really test their growing bonds..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I, Discord, who howl at the moon, while sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon, am the carnival of chaos! The master of crashin'! The puppeteer of action! The windbag of bad fashion! You little girls can't possibly defeat moi!"

"You're wrong Discord!" Don't get me started on the phenomenal fire Sunset was putting in her role, forgetting for a good moment she was even wearing a costume. "We have one thing that can stop you from hurting innocents and see the light!"

"Oh? Would that be the oh-so powerful magic of 'friendship?' HA, friendship is a weakness just to make fools look stronger!" You know, neither was I regretting Shining's exaggerated yet somehow accurate portrayal of the spirit of chaos. The stallion was really letting himself be released of all dignity in favour of making his squealing child held by her grandparents in the audience laugh cheerfully.

"No. We, have... Fluttershy!"

I had to cover my muzzle from blown-out laughter, mostly to the real mare's hidden expression with a blood-red face as the 'Fluttershy' on the stage began making seductive, eye-batting postures towards the Discord on stage.

Spike's voice rung out to the crowd once again: "But through their powerful bonds of friendship, they were able to come through and redeem Discord sooner than later."

I had a very unique vision, what could I say?

"Not even the bonds between family can break, as proven when the amazing Twilight Sparkle rebelled against the wishes of her betters, and reunited two loved ones in opposition of the villain Queen Syphilis."

"My name is Chrysalis you fools!"

"Whoever you are, your plans have failed!"

"Oh have they now? Let's see about that!" A brilliant idea on Shining's suggested part earlier, where some of the background cast and even IN the audience suddenly morphed into reformed Changelings and were suddenly flying around above the gasping, impressed and anxious crowd. That's some good tension-building for the tale. "With my Changeling army, we'll be invincible!"


"Haven't you learned anything by now? I hold all the cards, little Princess and unicorn. What could you possibly hope to use against me?"

"They always say that, just as they're always proven wrong!" Twinkleshine as Cadence stood her ground, using everything she learned spending time as Cadence's bridesmaid to good use. By the way, guess who was portraying Chrysalis? I'll give you four guesses. "Because we believe in the power of LOVE! Just listen to the rhythm of our heart!"

Cheers and cries of encouragement from the crowd, almost drowning out Chrysalis' outraged cry of "No! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" As 'Cadence' and 'Shining,' the latter played by Thorax ironically, tapped their horns, hilariously so when the latter had to bend down uncomfortably, some special effects sparks of magic courtesy of Moondancer and Lyra in the back. Good job girls.

"Crystals! Crrrrrystals! Crystaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals!"

The Hell? Why was Granny Smith back on the stage? Where's Pharynx?!

"I want ma crystals dang nabbit! Eh... Anypony seen of dem' shiny crystals! I have a kingdom to run darn it!"

...Never mind, this was already better. Relaxing back in my position while Starlight and Spike regarded the situation warily, not even close to the lost expressions of the actors and actresses some managed to retain some dignity to continue with the scripts.

Wonder how long before Disney claims copyright to this play for no reason? Heheheheheheheheheheheh.

"And now, we would show you the events of the other world, but fortunately Equestria Girls didn't happen. NONE of it happened, so let's move on to what REALLY happened next... The Tree of Harmony!" Did I mention I wrote all of Spike's monologues. Evidenced by my un-suppressed grin which widened from Sunset's flat raised brow my direction backstage.

"We may not be Bearers of Harmony anymore! Or our magic may be gone! But the spirit of Friendship lives on, within all of us! Twilight Sparkle, Bearer of Magic!"

"The bonds we made through everything we've been through, is stronger than anyone will ever know. Fluttershy, Bearer of Kindness!"

"Friendship is the bonds we form across the land. It is to be kind and giving, Tirek. Rarity, Bearer of Generosity."

"Nothin' ain't more important for us than to be together, and take those like you who would never understand why friendship is magic! Applejack, Bearer of Honesty!"

"Parties, sharing and being there fo each other! That means more to us than just getting power without any fun behind it! Pinkie Pie, Bearer of Laughter!"

"Together, we'll show just how powerful friendship is for everyone, and put you back into the pits of Tartarus where you belong, Tirek! Rainbow Dash, hah, Bearer of Loyalty!"

"Guardians of Friendship, united we gallop!"


"And now, the final story-"

"Which I will now take point over." Hm? Starlight suddenly disrupting Spike's next exit, the pink unicorn stepping out to the front stage without any encouragement to. No, this wasn't in the script. What in God's name was Starlight planning?

The former student of Twilight's took center point on the floorboards, closing her eyes briefly to gain some deep breaths, ignoring the curious and uncertain expressions of the costumed others around and behind her. Was this because this last story regarded her time travel shenanigans, or something more? Whatever it was, the emotions coming from the young mare's heart was palpable, and invoking all the more curiosity within me.

Did Starlight have this planned all along, or was it conjured up sometime before we reached this point...?

Lilac eyes opened again, gazing over to us backstage and on-stage, before locking eyes with Twilight's on the latter's front row seat, beginning with a soft smile. "I am probably one of, if not the most gratified to have had my friends enter my life, and save me from a very dark path. Although I've expressed my thanks be making up for my past mistakes, I don't think anything I'll ever do would be enough to repay their kindness, generosity, laughter, loyalty, honesty and, what else, magic."

The Mane Six smiled widely, some looking ready to glisten with tears. Wouldn't put it past them.

"...And Balance." Oh God dammit Starlight, you might make ME cry now and you know it! With a grin of amused fondness, Starlight's expression brightened moreso while looking over to the rest of the audience. "The final story tonight, is one caused by a large mistake of ill judgment and poor thinking on my part. I wanted revenge upon those whom never deserved it, and they still forgive despite the horrors I would have out them through... Girls, Spike, Stardust, Trixie, Maud, Sunset, Sunburst... Your friendship is more invaluable to me than anything else, and I wouldn't trade a single moment of our time together... Thank you all, I'm proud to call you my family."

From the side, a low chuckling Sunset playfully jabbed my side, nodding to me to go join Starlight on the stage with her alongside Sunburst, Spike, Trixie and Maud. Well... Alright, wasn't exactly how I pictured it would all end.

But hey, the moment was too beautiful for me to complain. So off I went, all of us joined together, beaming down at the equally blissful and pleased six amazing friends, when none of THIS could even have happened if it weren't for their just existing. We had so much to thank, all of us tonight.

And forever more.

Smiling warmly to all of us, Starlight then grinned down to a certain, tearfully happy Princess and added with a knowing grin. "And if it weren't for a certain Twilight Warrior planning all of this to impress the mare he loves, and once again apologize for his own mistakes, we never all could express our thanks properly tonight."

Annnd this is where I make my hasty retreat, if not for Sunset, Trixie and Spike knowingly and playfully blocking my backing away back into the shadows of the backstage. Only, they finally moved out of the way, when a certain lavender mare of pure beauty and magic leapt up with flight from her seat and promptly tackling me on the wooden floor.

The cheers of the crowd by all species heightened like never before tonight as everyone observed as passionate, heated makeout not seen since our reunion. And damn did it feel good!

Almost ruined by my own laughter followed Shining's cry of outrage! "Watch it guys! That's your sister you're viewing macking on another pony!"

"And not just anypony, the pony who started all of this!" Spike called out cheerfully, and pure applause broke out. Everyone on stage likely bowed and deduced the play was over, leaving roses and chocolates to be thrown their way in praise and congratulations. Normally, Twilight and I would have stopped making out so fiercely, pulled me up to stand with her and the rest of our equally amazing friend who would join us, all bowing together with the Princess of Friendship giving one last heartfelt speech to conclude the successful night.


But, to be honest, I am a greedy [BEEP]tard, hence our rolling on the floorboards so I was on top, continuing the breathtaking makeout and leaving our friends to take in the rest of the cheers.

Ten weeks of hard work worth it!

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