• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,878 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty: Isn't One Typical Birthday

You know, somewhere admist this recent popularity given to the poor yellow pegasus, there's a crude irony to it all. Oh not to the fact she was shy and everything yet she gets a mjor chunk of attention - that's the world in my case anyway.

But the fact everyone was focused on Fluttershy today, and not me.

The eleventh of June.

What a Birthday.

I sighed quietly while staring at the window to the sunny outside. To be fair, I haven't told anyone about today being the celebration of my birth, and I had absolutely no intention on doing so. Things were problematic enough for the meek Fluttershy; one more being in this world didn't need to suffer.

Suffered mainly by Pinkie Pie.

In addition, there's no real reason to inform anyone in Equestria about today's special event on my part. My relationship with Birthdays has been "decaying" over the last few years; I held little excitement whenever they were approaching, even now, and there wasn't really anything back on my world I desired anymore.

Aside from returning back home and seeing my no-doubt grieving family... and a PS4.

What? I have to play the third Kingdom Hearts game somehow.

Still, I can't help but pity poor Rarity for not getting the intial fame she expected. And I also pity the poor Fluttershy instead being the object of fascination and fame than the elegant white unicorn recently due to the exaggerate Photo Finish - a ridiculous name I poked fun at a while back - taking note of her.

What is it with blue ponies in this world being dramatic boasters...?

A knock on my door a few feet away caused me to glance over my shoulder and sigh again, though this time in exasperation. I swear if it's Spike again here to complain about Fluttershy again I'm gonna... "Come in." I said regardless of my suspicions.

And what do you know? I was right!

"Can you believe her?!" I was already rubbing my forehead as the dragon entered my temporary bedroom, proceeding with the same rant I've had the pleasure of hearing these last few days. "Look at this: Fluttershy's now on the front cover of Ponyville's best-selling magazines! What did she do to deserve this?"

What did I do to deserve this?

Seriously, I just wanted some peace and quiet right now. Couldn't God at least provide me with them for my Birthday, instead of listening to Spike moaning over the fact his crush didn't get the fame she desired?

Spike slammed the magazine down in front of me on my bed duvet, and my eyes glanced down to the front picture of the still yellow pegasus looking away wearing some sort of Equestrian dress. "I mean, if anyone deserves to get the spotlight, it's Rarity! Fluttershy's too scared of even being the pony of fame! But you know who's really at blame here?"

"The illumanti?" I asked dryly while watching the dragon throw his arms in the air to express just how peeved he is over something that doesn't concern him in any realistic way.

"The illu-? This isn't the time to joke Stardust! No, it's that glorified pony, Photo Finish! She was too bust concntrating on the dresses she mistook Fluttershy for being the true star. Yeah, that must be it; if Rarity was the one wearing the dresses, then she would be on the front cover of every magazine in Ponyville!"

"Yeah, that's the problem..."

"Exactly! So, I have to find a way to make her notice the mare who deserves all the fame and fortune. Rarity shouldn't be unoticed-"



"I don't care."

I was far too concerned right now with the matters of Celestia and Rainbow Dash. The former right now because who knows what she'll plan to do to me after my farewell words to her. And the latter because neither she nor Applejack it seems were relenting in finding out who I was.

Hence both the reason I have isolated myself within the library ever since the Diamond Dog incident.

"Oh..." The lizard blinked, obviously not expecting my blunt annoyed tone. After finally grasping what my tone meant he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, looking away. "Gee I'm sorry Stardust. I'm just a little mad..."

"We both are." I replied before sighing for the umpteenth time today. It was already nearing the afternoon, I imagine. "But for different reasons, I assure you. But I have the feeling this will all be resolved very soon. Fluttershy's popularity is temporary, as you will all soon see."

"Oh, really? And how do you know that?"

"I'm psychic." I responded with a touch of humour in my tone, turning away again to look at the open window. "Now then, Spike, I need to be alone right now. So if you don't mind..."

"Okie dokie. I'll just figure something out with Twilight then, sorry to bother you." You go do that. I nodded before hearing one last question, this time rather than a voice of whining it was concern, "Stardust... are you alright?"

"I'm fine my friend." The automatic responce flew from my voice box. "There are some things on my mind today."

Like today being my celebration of creation, and how I couldn't celebrate that because I was far, far away from my family. Granted I wouldn't have celebrated it much at all, but it was nice for some acknnowledgement over my birth from those close to me.

And there was no one close to me here.

As I heard the tiny footsteps leave the room, I rubbed my bearded muzzle. I could celebrate my special day somehow, but not by somehting that would give any of these inhabitants indication to it being my Birthday. Well, I won't throw a party for myself, or buy myself a cake. Reading a few books won't satisfy me, or anyone's Birthday I imagine.

So what should I do...?

I glanced down at the photographed mare once more before sigh number four thousand and eleven escaped my lips.

"Some Birthday this is..."

But I'll tell you where I'm not going: to visit any of the ponies. Despite the recent news around town that the meek Fluttershy has quited with being a model - shocker - I rolled my eyes at everyone's apparent surprise while walking aimlessly around town. Oh no, the most quiet, well-mannered and frightened pegasus has finally decided enough with being a citizen of popularity.

Next up, Spike has a crush on Rarity.

As I walked by the chatting residients, my ears only catching the words "Fluttershy" and "Quited", I shook my head at the theatrics of it all. Really, here I am inwardly celeberating my Birthday while everyone else cared over some pony who wasn't even going to reach the top of the ladder in the first place.

Clearly only one, or just the only, person in this town has his piorities straight... except with the piorities of exactly where the hell I was even going. Or the point of why I was even taking a walk in the first place.

In mere hopes of finding something to make this Birthday at least a memorable one?

Tch, as if living in a world of multi-coloured ponies being the dominant species wasn't memorable enough.


Speaking of, one particular pony wouldn't be erased from my memories anytime soon.

I nodded in greetings to the approaching group of mares. "Twilight. Fluttershy. Rarity." The fact these three in particular were even here brought a smile on my features. Yes, the three of the Mane Six I seem to get along with the best.

Huh, their shining manes look as though they've just been clean and neatly taken care of. They've arrived from a spa or something?

"I haven't seen you in a while Stardust." Fluttershy began with that serene smile, sounding very happy with that quiet tone of hers. "Not since I think during that whole incident with Rarity being kidnapped by those Diamond Dogs."

"Yes well... I was preoccupied afterwards." I responded honestly, smiling myself as the yellow pegeaus seemed to be in a good mood. "News has reached me that you've ceased being a prudct of fame. Good job."

"Um... thank you?"

It took me a moment to releaze what I just said, quickly rectifying it. "Oh, I meant that the fact you stood up to your boss and left your job to be with your friends."

"Oh yes, my friends are far more important than being a star." Both Twilight and Rarity beamed at those words, hugging their shy friend to express just how much they thought of her in turn.

"Now just a minute, how did you know that's what happened? Fluttershy only quitted a mere hour back." Rarity then inquired with a raised curious brow.

Ah [BEEP].



I nodded at the repeated word. "Indeed. And I was correct it seems."

"Indeed..." I shrugged at the expression on the graceful unicorn's features.

Great, I brought on more suspicion to myself, again. Someone give me a medal for my Birthday, engraved with the words of 'Least Subtle Human Being Ever.'

Twilight chose that moment, thank you my dear for clearing the tension, to speak up. "Um, Fluttershy, I think you're still getting attention from your adoring fans." The four looked around at the crowd observing us, eyes mainly focused on the shy pegasus.


"Not to worry my dear, I'll escort Fluttershy back home." Rarity said positively while wrapping her arms around the looking-down mare in a comforting manner. "You have something to do anyway, don't you Twilight?"

"I do." The purple unicorn inquired in confusion before a sudden stenr look from Rarity assisted her. "Oh, that's right! I'll see you two later at the... cottage."

I raised a brow as the two waving mares departed from us. What was that all about...? Something already felt off. Oh Jesus, like I really needed this on my own Birthday too. Thank God that I can never seem to catch a break.

Shouldn't I at least be granted some privalige for helping in saving Rarity's arse a while back... and the Diamond Dogs?

"Anyway, I'm glad you're here Stardust." Twilight continued civilly after the two ponies disappeared from view, and the nosy citizens returned to their own mindless chatter. "I was wondering if you could keep me company for some time today."

That statment was baflling enough. "You couldn't have requested such back in the library?" Never mind the fact this mare was potentially mentally unstable for even thinking of desiring my company for any reason.

"I wasn't sure if you were awake or not. You have a surreal sleeping pattern, you know." Oh... well, fair enough. I couldn't help but shrug sheepishly as the unicorn raised an amused brow before turning around, looking over her shoulder. "If you'll follow me."

...Eh, why not? At least it'll give me something to do. Plus my brain seemed to be ordering me to go with her. And finally I was admittedly curious as to what Twilight had in mind. I nodded with a small smile.

"Lead the way, mi'lady."

"- It was just so hard, you know? Keeping secrets like that when my two friends were in distress and ignorant of the other's feelings about the matter."

"One moment, I need some clarification." I raised a hoof politely after setting my drink down. "You stuffed your own mouth with yours hooves, then stuffed it with various food, and finally dunked your head into a vase, just to keep yourself quiet?"

Twilight nodded slowly, then smiling in clear embarrassment. "Well when you put it like that..."

"And you say I'm full of surprises." I shook my head in amusement while taking down whisk of soda. Who knew she had it in her?

Twilight escorted me to Ponyville's cafe, and the pair of us were currently sitting on two sides of an outside wooden table. I haven't been here since Lyra and Bon Bon treated me to dinner. But instead of food this time, it was just Twilight and I ordering drinks and... just talking about what happened today.

I was a little confounded.

"So anyway, I learnt a valuable lesson today that-"

"Twilight." She blinked at the unexpected shift of tone. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering something."

"Um, okay, go ahead."

"Why am I here?"

"Oh, well... to talk with me of course."

I raised a brow. "I'm not that fond of idle chatter, my dear. I have a suspicion there is more to this than you're letting on. Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

"What, I can't just hang out with a friend of mine?"

"I don't 'hang out'."

Twilight knew I despise being outside in public for so long, and wouldn't have dragged me all the way here without a purpose. Already the purple unicorn was looking away at my stated observation, seemingly nervous for whatever reason and as though she was trying to come up with a sufficient responce.

What if...?

No... Celestia couldn't have told her the full details of my conversation with the ruler, right? Even a mornarch like her had to be intelligent enough not to dilvulge everything, even to her own pupil. But who knows? Perhaps Celestia DID tell Twilight what I said to her, and this mare was now thinking of a way to bring the topic up and scold me for it.

I slowly retracted my hand from the glass of delicious soda, already preparing myself to stand up and leave as soon as I feel either irritated or uncomfortable.

I should've known Twilight would discover about that eventually. And I was going to pay the price for it... on my own Birthday too.

What a present...

Finally the unicorn spoke, sighing while looking at me again with an expression I couldn't read. "Now you mention it, yes, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

Oh boy. My hind legs were already ready to spring up.

"It's about Spike."

Off we go- wait what?

"...Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Twilight stated with a raised brow, obviously at my shift in posture. "I wanted to talk to you about Spike."


Slowly I sat back down comfortably. "Okay... what about him?"

"I know what really happened in those caves."

Caves... oh... ohh...

"You mean, with Rarity and the Diamond Dogs correct?" I sought for clarification, just to make sure we thinking of the same incident. But really there has never been another incident before that involving me and any cave in existence.

Twilight confirmed with a nod. "Precisely. Spike told me everything that truly happened in the Diamond Dog's lair."

"...I see." That was all I could say, because I had no idea how to exactly react to this revelation of Twilight's supposed knowledge of the event. "Did Spike tell you willingly or...?"

"I asked him to tell me what really happned after that party for him was over." The purple mare explained, again looking at me with percuilar expression. "I was surprised to say the least."

"That Spike rescued Rarity or-?"

"Don't give me that." This time it was Twilight who interjected, raising a hoof of her own while speaking calmly. "I know you did most of the work, and I have only a few things to say to that."

I raised a brow, honestly intrigued. "And that might be?"

"You were smart to use negotiation as a tactic to distract the dogs and make sure they would never go near another pony again, despite your threat being compeltely empty and, well, exaggerate. And also..." A small smile appeared on her features. "That it was sweet of you to give Spike all the credit and make him the hero of the day."

I shrugged. "I'll say to you what I said to him and Rarity; it was Spike who saved the dasmel. I was merely the bait."

"The bait who planned everything from the start and did he best to prevent any violence from breaking out." She took a sip of her warm tea before inquiring with slight amusement. "Though, really, did you have to instill that much fear into them in order to distract them long enough?"

"It worked, didn't it?" I asked retorically as Twilight shrugged.

"But still, what puzzles is why you refused to take the credit... at all." Twilight expressed her thought out-loud with a perplexed frown. "I mean, I know you don't enjoy getting the attention, but you did just as much if not more of the work than Spike. Surely you should be thanked for it as well."

"Oh I was given gratitude." I replied in assurance. Hopefully this mare didn't have any ideas on repaying for helping her pet somehow. "From Spike and Rarity. Besides, that fabricated version made things sound more romantic, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh?" Twilight raised a humoured brow. "So you're aware of Spike's crush on Rarity?"

...Excuse me while I give you an expression that says 'Who doesn't?!' "'Aware'? A blind and deaf spastic hermit crab can tell Spike has the hots for her."

This caused the unicorn to giggle. "I suppose it was obvious from the very beginning, huh?"

"To anyone who can exert at least half a brain cell, yes."

"Tell me about it." The studious mare rolled her eyes in good humour. "When we were preparing the dresses on Fluttershy to present them to Photo Finish, Spike confided in me and Pinkie Pie about his infatuation for Rarity."

"I imagine you gave the appropriate response."

"You mean a groan of disbelief? Indeed."

"Huh. Not what I would've done."

"Tch. You would've just rolled your eyes and give a sarcastic reply."

"...No comment." I chuckled along with her, as we both then took another gulp of our own drinks.

Twilight patted her muzzle with a napkin before continuing. "Still, I suppose I can't blame him for liking Rarity that much. She's arguably the most prettiest pony in all of Ponyville."

...Again, no comment.

"What, no concurring or disagreement?"

"I don't... dwell about the looks of mares." Or ponies at all. In the context Twilight was using anyway.

At this statement Twilight looked suddenly intrigued. "Oh, you go for personality instead?" I couldn't seem to form a reply at all, as I was racking my brain from conjuring up an effective reply that wouldn't rouse any more suspicions. The unicorn blinked at my silence before taking another sip of her tea. "Okay, since you're clearly uncomfortable by the subject, why don't we talk about something else?"

I said with more relief than I would've liked. "That would be more preferable, thank you."

"Okay then. Should I ask about why you were even following the two in the first place, according to Rainbow Dash?"

Uh oh...

"Um... uh..." Don't take time to think, Stardust! Those slowly raising eyebrows of hers are already saying she was getting all the more curious and, dare I think it, suspicious. "...Gut feeling?" Yes, that was the same excuse I used last time to Rarity and Spike when explaining why our rescue mission arrived so soon.

"Oh, so did the 'magichlorians' then tell you to follow them?"

I frowned in good nature while Twilight smiled jokingly. "Sure, let's go with that."

And luckily, also thankfully, the intelligence and wisdom within the purple humoured unicorn urged her not to question me about it further. Instead she made a comment about the matter. "Well, it's a good thing you showed regardless. Who knows at those dogs could've done to poor Rarity."

The replaying of a scene from that episode had me smirk. "Oh believe me, it wasn't just Rarity I- we were saving."

"Hm? Oh you mean you were also saving Spike from not being a hero in her eyes." Uhh sure, let's go with that. I nodded positively while Twilight glanced upwards, looking towards a nearby clock. "We better finish our drinks soon, there's something else I'd like you to assist me with."

I blinked. 'Something else'? "But I haven't assisted you with anything as of yet."

And to my surprise, the mare smirked. "You've assisted me now by providing me with pleasant company."

I shook my head in bemusement, hoping it was the soda that was putting me in this neutral mood, and not just the simple company of this pony.

So after our little 'hanging out', Twilight had taken me next to the town hall, a place I haven't entered ever since my first day with this world. She had business to discuss with the warm-welcoming mayor, I'm guessing royal matters, and requested of me to help the two mares by... standing around and doing nothing, really.

Okay they wanted me to make sure no one enters the room they talked within. Since when was I qualified in their eyes to be a bodyguard? What was the mayor of Ponyville aware of the feats I pulled off against those various threats to the town and its citizens? I had a sinking suspicion, while pacing around the outside hallway, that perhaps they knew what I truly was, and were discussing what was to be done with me.

But then I dismissed it, as Celestia possibly couldn't be that begrudging as to inform anyone about my origins just because I swore at her. No royal would sink that low... well I could name a few from my planet's own history that say otherwise. But despite all her faults - her plenty and plenty of faults - Celestia was not foolish to that extent.

...I don't think anyway.

Eventually, while I was pondering about such and why the hell I was even here, Spike had arrived to see Twilight about something; the latter allowing him entry because he apparently had something important to say. And about two minutes when the dragon entered the room, looking nervous for some reason when he cast a look towards me while passing by, both him and the smiling unicorn left the mayor's office to return to the library, both with expressions of being slightly anxious for whatever reason and refusing to give me the details.

And as soon as I entered the tree-house first, I learned why, the hard way.





I could practically feel my jaw hitting the ground with such force it gave my body a jolt, while I stood there with a justified shocked expression at the crowd and decorations before me. Behind me I heard Twilight and Spike enter next, both passing by. But my attention was focused on the fact of this party presented to me.

And the crowd before it: Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, the Crusaders, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, Derpy Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Big Macintosh, Miss Cheerilee, Mr. Carrot Cake, Mrs. Cupcake, Snips and Snails... Wow, I recognized them all immediately by name. Impressive. All of them were staring at me happily after announcing those words to celebrate something they shouldn't even be aware of.

What- What the hell...?

My eyes kept glued mostly to the banner above, which held the generic 'Happy Birthday Insert Name Here', as my brain racked against itself for answers.

I... I never told a single soul about today, so how...?

"Stardust...?" The hesitant voice of a small dragon caused me to blink, retaining some composure from my shock.

But not enough. "How... How did you...?"

"I overheard you in your room earlier today." The rather nervous confession finally tore my eyes away from the banner. Now I was staring at Twilight in complete bafflement. The unicorn cleared her throat, while smiling sheepishly. "You muttered that today was your Birthday, I assumed anyway. So after helping out Fluttershy and Rarity today, I asked Spike and Pinkie Pie to prepare a quick party before the day is over and invite many ponies whom you were familiar with, while I occupied your time so everything could be ready before we returned."

I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of all this. "You mean to say..." I forced out my muzzle in disbelief. "You wasted your and these ponies time by organizing a party for the likes of me?"

I heard a certain orange Earth Pony scoff feet away as Twilight shook her head. "No, doing something for your friend is never a waste of time." And then she smiled again, this time looking hesitant. "So... do you like it?"

Oh I don't know. Right now there was a familiar desire to just turn around and storm out of the place like last time they decided to host a party for me.

Spike seemed to have sensed my distress, speaking quickly while the crowd observed curiously. "Wait, Stardust, before you get mad! I know you don't like parties; but today's your Birthday, right? So we couldn't just do nothing about it. Besides, we wanted to at least do something nice for you, since you do so many good things for us."

I stared at the nervous dragon, wondering what on Earth he was even talking about. I've never done anything 'nice' to them. My eyes then wandered to the decorations, the table filled with a food and standing out a large cake obviously reserved for me, and finally the ponies who bothered even attending a party hosted for the likes of me. Fluttershy and the others looking very tensed, as though knowing I might just stomp out any second now.

But something kept my hooves planted.

"I... I... You... all attended this party... despite the fact it was made for me?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Well duuh; it's not as if we don't like you, Stardust."

"Even if some things about ya don't make a lick of sense, it would be rude of us not to do somethin' for ya on an important day like this." Applejack.

"And we can't just ignore a Birthday. A party had to be made no matter who it's for!" Pinkie Pie.

"You are our friend, Stardust, and so it is our obligation to host someone close to us with a party." Rarity.

"And we have to thank you somehow, when you've done all those wonderful things for me- for our friends." Fluttershy.

As the rest of the multi-coloured crowd either nodded in agreement or spoke vocally, I just remained standing there, stupefied. Oh good God... there was a feeling rising up from the pit of my stomach. Was that... affection? Was I truly touched by the fact these ponies consider me so highly?

Yes... yes I was.

Swallowing my shock, finally, I stared down at the wooden floor while shaking my head to express my disbelief. "You ponies are so damn sentimental..."

"What was that?"

I proceeded to release a small smile at the blinking Spike, then to the rest of the observant. "Well... why are we all standing around then? Don't we have a party to enjoy?"

One party, for a day like this I suppose, wouldn't hurt. Just this once I'll allow myself to partake in this one tradition, especially since everyone went through so much trouble to celebrate something so trivial. And it'd be rude of me not to blow out the candles later; I couldn't deny a cake, especially one reserved for me, after all.

I wasn't smiling as much as Twilight and Spike were in relief when Pinkie Pie exclaimed to get this party started.

"So why are they here?" I gestured behind me to three particular Earth Ponies chatting among themselves. Them being Whooves, Macintosh and Cheerilee.

Spike looked around to see who I was pointing at. "So, well I asked Pinkie Pie to invite as many ponies that you've at least talked to, since we know how anti-social you are."

Ah, well fair enough. I've only had one conversation with those three I believe (So I'll question Pinkie Pie later on how she knew I've ever even interacted with them). I sipped the drink of punch - which was the first time I've tried such a drink, and I wasn't regretting it - while raising a brow at the dragon who I was conversing with. "So, you helped prepare the party."

Spike shrugged modestly, taking a swig of his own drink. "Well, most of the work, Pinkie Pie was out most of the time looking for guests to invite, so I did most of the decorations all by myself."

"Sounds like a lot of work for you."

"Well I- hey!" I smirked as Spike frowned at me with indignation. "I'm not that lazy. Sheesh."

"I know... and I still can't believe you even bothered doing any of this for me." I admitted lightly.

Spike seemed to have picked up on my somber tone. "Well I had to pay you back somehow, for helping me rescue Rarity and giving me all the credit." I smiled, I wasn't ashamed to say gratefully, as the lizard then looked up in realization. "Oh, you wanna know a secret?"

A secret? I raised a curious brow as Spike motioned for me to lean closer. To which I obliged slowly, reaching an exaggerated distance as the dragon confessed to me a supposed secret of his.

"I have a crush on Rarity."


I retracted my head and stared down at the dragon in disbelief. "No, really Spike? I never would have known."

The dragon was clearly unable to pick up sarcasm, nodding rather sagely. "Yep, I mean Twilight thought it was obvious. But I've shown her haven't I?"

"You most certainly have."

Spike grinned, before casting a glance to the side at said white unicorn. "Now if you'll excuse, Rarity might need my help with that food on her plate." I rolled my eyes as the lizard walked proudly over the other side of the library towards his waifu.

Child crushes. So adorable, yet embarrassing.

Just like teenage and grown-up crushes, but only worse and more hilarious.

"Enjoying the party?" A voice asked behind me.

Recognizing it I smiled slightly, turning around to the cream Earth Pony. "Tolerating would be the right word for it."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, how are you 'tolerating' the party so far?"

I shrugged seriously. "Could be worse. At least Pinkie Pie isn't playing any loud music."

Thankfully the pink Earth Pony in question knew better than to play anything awfully high and obnoxious for a party hosted for me. Instead there was no music playing, which was even better.

But that didn't stop the pink mare and three certain fillies from utilizing some dance moves - at least that's what I think they're doing - in the center of the room.

Bon Bon looked back from following my gaze to Pinkie to me, frowning curiously. "True enough, but aren't you at least a little gratified by this party hosted for you, Stardust?"

"Of course I am." I replied, more force to my tone than I allowed. Great. I turned my blue-green gaze to the surface of my red drink. "I just think no one needed to bother organizing a party for someone like me."

"...Are you always this negative?"

"Just realistic."

I looked up to see Bon Bon shaking her head in clear bafflement, before glancing to her left and sighing in disbelief. "I apologize but I think Lyra couldn't contain her appetite." I followed her gazer this time to see the lime unicorn was, indeed, gorging as much food as possible, alongside Snips and Snails at the food stand.

I chuckled a little. "It's quite alright." Good grief the positive atmosphere that spawned from Birthdays was getting to me.

"Still, Happy Birthday, but if you'll excuse me. Lyra! Leave some for the other guests!" Bon Bon called out while walking towards the lime sheepish shrugging unicorn.

"Quite a lively party." A British voice - which hearing from anyone around here was rather a relief to me nowadays - incited me to face the approaching brown stallion. The sight of him this close almost had me in excitement, and raise a huge grin, before recalling this was not the kind of pony I had once hoped for.

"Which is a surprise, considering who it's hosted for." I replied casually. "A pleasure to see you again, Doctor."

He waved a dismissive hoof. "Please, call me Whooves. There's no need for such formality, especially on one's own Birthday party." His brown eyes scanned the occupied area. "I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised and a little perplexed when I received an invitation by Pinkie Pie to this event, since the special pony and I have only interacted with each other once."

"You're not the only one bemused." I concurred, our gazes on the pink oblivious mare, who was blissfully dancing away. "What puzzles me further is how she even discovered that one conversation."

"Hm. Well if there's one thing I've learnt during my time in Ponyville, my friend, it's that there's most wisdom in not questioning such things whenever that energetic Earth Pony's involved."

"Preaching it to the choir there." I smirked while he shrugged.

Something then seemed to have attracted his attention. "Ah, if you'll excuse me, I do believe Miss Cheerilee is waving me over. Happy Birthday my friend."

I nodded in farewell, sighing before continuing to observe the entire crowd around me.

You know, just standing here, right now, watching this all, made me realize just how ludicrous it all truly was. Another species, of talking multi-coloured gullible horses, hosting a party for an alien they're not even aware - with the exceptions of Spike, Snips and Snails - was a different life form. For once a grand Birthday party was hosted, with a room filled with ponies who genuinely consider me as their friend, for me...

...They just make it more hard for me not to grow that attached to them.

And they hosted it for me when I have done nothing for them in turn. I still didn't consider them my friends. They knew this, yet made a celebration for me anyway. These ponies, along with Spike, were just utterly hopeless.

"You look troubled."

There was the voice I've grown fond of around here the most. I smiled tiredly at the approaching purple unicorn. "Can't I at least get one minute of peace?"

"Not at your own party, no." Twilight smiled apologectically. "But if I'm disturbing you, I'll just-"

"Twilight, you never disturb me." I interjected with honesty, not wanting at all this pony in particular to feel awkward around here. As she flushed, clearly touched, I continued politely. "So what brings you over here?"

"I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you, Stardust." Ah, I nodded in thanks before she continued. "And that I'm sorry."

The sudden change of tone and words had me arch a brow. "Sorry?" For what?

She nodded. "I know you don't like parties, but I wanted you to feel more welcome in this town and show just how much friends you've made over the course of your stay, despite your thoughts and feelings otherwise. Plus I wanted to repay you for saving my life, twice. And to further reassure you that I wasn't befriending you simply because Princess Celestia asked me to."

"...You don't need to apologize, Twilight." I smiled rather softly. "You just wanted to do something nice for someone you consider a friend. And on the celebratory day of his birth, too. Who am I to be mad?"

"I just want you to know, Stardust, that I do want to be your friend. And I would truly like it if you consider me as one in turn too."

It took a moment to realize how I was tightening my grip around the plastic cup too hard.

I sighed while forcing down those feelings of nervousness and gratitude from the mare's words. "I suppose I should thank you in turn, my dear."

This time it was the smart mare's turn to blink. "For what?"

I gestured to the whole room, filled with many coloured and bright individuals chatting among themselves happily. "For planning... this. You really didn't have to, but thank you all the same, Twilight."

The gratitude had her smile more brightly than ever. "You're welcome, Stardust. Anything to make a friend of mine happy."

That God damn smile...

"Cute for a bookworm..." I muttered before wincing at the mistake.

"Wait, w-what was that?"

Ah [BEEP].

"Nothing." I replied sharply as Twilight obviously heard it, the unicorn looking away with her face being more brighter purple then usual. Quickly, I have to rectify this. "I said nothing. You heard nothing. Okay my dear- Twilight?"

"O-Of course." She looked back at me, lightly grinning in clear embarrassment. Tch, imagine how I feel. I just called a pony cute... right in front of her.

God help me.

"Cake is ready!"

Oh thank you God... or rather, Pinkie Pie.

My hooves strived to immediately take me away from the tension I have just unintentionally created towards the food stand, where the massive cake in question stood waiting for me. As I moved closer, passing by the ponies who moved out of the way, watching me with smiles on their muzzles, I counted on the chocolate cake consisting of twenty... five candles.

Huh... Did I look that old to them?

Mrs. Cupcake, nearby, seemed to sense my bemusement. "We weren't aware of how old you are, dear. So we took a guess. I apologize if we got it wrong."

I shrugged while my eyes remained fixed on the cake. "Well... you're not far off." Truth be told I wasn't entirely certain of my age either. I mean, it was summer when I first arrived in Equestria, and the beginning of the year back home when I left my world.

So I could be either twenty or twenty-one...

...I'll dwell on that later. For now, may as well partake in the most famous event of a Birthday.

"Blow out the candles and make a big happy super duper wish!" Yeah thanks Pinkie.

I rolled my eyes as Twilight and Spike stood between me. Geez, personal space you two... I mentally shook my head while taking in a deep breath... before blowing out the whole group of wax in one breath.

As some of the ponies cheered and clapped, to my slight embarrassment which I refrained from displaying, Twilight inquired to my right. "What did you wish for?"

To return home? To see my family once again? To never come back to this world? A PS4? Doctor Who Big Finish audios? A chance to see Star Wars: Episode VII?

"I... don't know." I answered in all honestly. "I don't believe in the concept that blowing out the candles grants one's wish."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Spike asked rhetorically, and before I could glare at them Pinkie Pie then yelled out for no reason.

"Time for presents! Then afterwards we'll all play some games!"

This time I couldn't contain my disbelief outwardly. "Ah Christ you got presents for me too?!"

Best. Party. Ever.

I'm calling it right now. Never had I had such an eventful and heart-warming celebration of the day of my birth in my entire life. As soon as everyone finally departed, the party concluded after the games were done and the food vanished, the moment the front door closed from the last guest, a huge grin was plastered on my muzzle as I stared at the opened gifts bestowed to me from all those generous ponies, and Spike of course.

"Psst. Twilight, Stardust looks happy. Is there something wrong?"

Sometimes the heightened hearing of these pony ears than humans came in handy. I glanced towards the two observing residents and asked blankly. "Oh, you two still here? Party's over."

Twilight's mouth twisted slightly and she said quietly to Spike in turn. "Well he's still using that dry humour. So I think everything's okay."

I chuckled at the retort while approaching the many gifts that were previously wrapped all for me, taking them in with and emotion I didn't usually feel: joy.

The fact these were all exclusively hand-picked - or hoof-picked - for me and me alone had my mind in continuous reeling. It felt as though this was all a mere dream and any moment I would wake up with a usual dull Birthday.

Fictional storybooks. More quills and papers. Packed boxes of sweets. Hair products. Curtains; finally. Birthday cards. A... poster of the, I believe, Wonderbolts. And a whole basket of apples.

None of these things I asked for nor desired, but honestly is that relevant now? The fact these ponies, and Spike, chose to but or make me gifts was more than enough to fill me with immense gratitude.

And before, of course, I thanked every one of them each for their presents... to the shock of a few.

"So, would you like some help in getting all this to your room?"

Immediately I found myself protesting to the very idea, whirling around to the walking unicorn. "Twilight, you've done more than enough today for me, I couldn't possibly request-"

"I insist." She was already lifting some of the glowing objects via magic, feigning ignorance to my objective expression. "Come along then. Spike, can you clean up the place? I'll help you after I'm done with this."

The small loyal dragon saluted. "Yes ma'am!"

Eventually I realized protesting to the helpful mare was futile, so I simply shrugged and picked up the rest of the stuff carefully onto my back, following Twilight upstairs. This quantity of objects on my back.. all reserved for me by thoughtful ponies; some of which I've only interacted with briefly.

It think the word 'generous' would be an understatement in describing their kindness.

"There we are." Twilight announced with satisfaction as we placed the gifts down upon entering my temporary bedroom, turning to me with an enthusiastic smile. "Quite a quantity of gifts, huh?"

"Quite." I agreed, noticing the tone of my voice. "A quantity I never anticipated at all, today."

The purple mare shrugged casually. "Well, it would ruin the surprise otherwise, you know? What kind of friend would I be, after all, if I didn't host a party for someone important to me's Birthday?"

"One who respects the other's longing for peace and quietness?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, not unkindly, at my dry words. "You enjoyed the party anyway. Admit it."


At my silence she raised a knowing brow. "Cat got your tongue? There's no need to answer. Your eyes tell me otherwise."

"Oh?" I raised a brow of my own. "Since when were you that efficient at reading peo- ponies?"

Despite it being a joking inquiry, the studious unicorn's expression changed from happy to all-knowing. "Making friends teaches us many new things."

"Celestia would be proud."

"Was that sarcasm, Stardust?"

"My dear, would I ever use such a tone towards you?"

"Implying you never have before." We both chuckled, Twilight walking by me. "Well then, I suppose after that eventful celebration you'll desire your own peace now. I'll leave you with your gifts."

But before you do. "Twilight." I began, waiting for the unicorn to looked over her shoulder at me. For once, just this once, I expressed more humbleness than I ever have before. "Thank you, you, Spike and everyone else. This has been, quite possibly, the bestest Birthday of my existence. You have my sincerest gratitude, Twilight Sparkle."

It took a moment before the beaming unicorn even responded, evidently pleased by the expressed gratefulness. "You're welcome. Happy Birthday, Stardust Balance."

The smile never left my muzzle for the rest of that day and night.

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