• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

  • ...

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Chapter 140: Stardust Kart: Equestrian Races

"Well, that was... Something."

I snorted at my friend's sugarcoating. "Something alright." The three of us - That is to say, Starlight, Spike and I - having just finished watching the Applewood Derby, were currently on our way home. Truthfully, I brought Spike with me because I thought the event would be something he'd enjoy. And Starlight...

Well, she needed to get out and socialize more.

"Still, everything turned out okay in the end." The pink unicorn shrugged, smiling to my right. "Thanks again for suggesting we watch the race together. I honestly had more fun than I realized."

Pleased to hear it. "And hopefully, there was an important lesson from the Crusaders we can all learn."

Starlight smirked humouredly. "Always be considerate of another's feelings, especially when working in a team project?"

"Ding ding ding! Five stars Starlight!" She smirked from the cheerful praise.

But then, Spike muttered rather quietly, "It'd be even more fun to have participated..." We glanced over to the weary dragon, who sighed. "Don't get me wrong, it was fun and all to watch, but I was hoping... Forget it." Followed with a forced grin. "I loved watching the derby! Let's go see it again next year!"

But his heart was clouded with disappointment, and I knew why. Starlight knew, as we exchanged concerned glances. I know it was a Crusaders episode, but why in God's name was Spike unallowed to partake in the derby? Was it exclusive only to schoolchildren? Just seemed kinda unfair for the guy.

Fortunately, Spike's observation of the derby wasn't the sole reason I brought him along. "Hey Spike, wanna do a pal a favour?"

The dragon looked up curiously. "Um... Sure?"

I grinned cheekily. "When we get back, I want you to draw me your ideal cart; the cart you'd want to race in. Hold nothing back, be as creative as you can be. Think you can do that?"

Spike blinked... Then beamed back. "Of course! I'll draw you the best cart racer you'll ever see! And let me tell you, it certainly would've won all three of those ribbons." My brother winked smugly, proceeding to rush straight back to the castle. "I'll meet you guys there, I've got a masterpiece to work on!"

...Hook, line and sinker.

"I recognize that look."


Starlight grinned. "The 'I have an idea' expression. I should know, I use to wear that look all the time back in the village." A small grimace, but the mare quickly recovered with a curious raised brow. "Dare I ask what it is you're planning this time?"

"Oh." I shrugged with a mischievous smile. "Just something Twilight and I already have in the works. Suffice to say my dear, Spike won't be disappointed that he couldn't participate in a race for too long..."


Absolutely beautiful.

"Are those thoughts referring to me?" Twilight teased. "Or the track?"

I shrugged playfully. "Pick one." And continued nodding in approval to the work done by this fantastic mare. She's certainly outdone herself this time.

The Princess beamed at the mental praise, motioning towards the self-made track. "I made certain to keep the track in an oval shaped base, with the two main lines extended by three-point-five miles each." No kidding, I could barely see one end of the dirt path from afar. "I took the liberty of adding in some obstacles and a few traps here and there, but nothing that would actually bring harm on any of the racers."

I grinned lovingly at the alicorn. "You're a saint." Certainly a thousand times more preferable than that mess of a track in Ponyville. Honestly what numbnut deemed it sound to add acrossroadto a race track?

Twilight leaned into my side blissfully, adding with enthusiasm. "Now we just have to wait for Spike's reaction. This was a wonderful idea of yours, by the way, Jack."

Another shrug. "Just didn't want Spike to feel left out."

The Princess pecked my cheek. "And I can't express enough how sweet that is of you." Our ears perked up then at the sound of two approaching friends. A dragon and pony, the former being guided by the latter.

Because Spike was temporarily blindfolded. "Is this gonna take long?" He whined. "I have to show Stardust the perfect cart I thought up." Gesturing to the rolled up paper in his claw. Starlight gently pushed Spike towards us, smiling in amusement.

Twilight grinned at their approach. "Thank you for escorting him here, Starlight." The unicorn nodded, stepping to the side for her teacher to address Spike. "Sorry Spike, but I need your expert opinion on something I've been working on."

The dragon paused. "Well... I suppose if that's the case. But it'll have to be quick, I need to show Stardust... Something...!" The words died from his mouth the moment Twilight magically pulled off the fabric, stepping aside for the dragon to witness her effort before us. Spike's eyes looked ready to bulge out. "Is... Is that a racing track?"

"Yep." I smirked, rubbing the dragon's stumped head. "All for you." Eyes widening to humourous degrees, green serpentine orbs looked from me to Twilight, the latter chuckling at the reaction for her Number One Assistant.

"We felt bad that you didn't race in the Applewood Derby." Twilight proceeded to clarify, smiling and pleased by the reaction she expected. "So Jack suggested we make our own for you two to race in together." Spike gawked in my direction, his heart bursting in ill-concealed joy. And soon enough, his expression matched just that.

"I LOVE IT! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!" Spike then followed the exclamation with pulling both Twilight and I into a tight embrace, and we both shared loving expressions for how happy we've made the dragon so close to us. Pulling back then, the dragon turned to his rolled-up drawing in epiphany. "So that's why that you wanted me to draw my own cart!"

"Correct Spikey boy!" I beamed happily. "And we can get to work on it whenever you're ready-!"

"Then what are we waiting for?! Come on bro, let's make mine, and then we can work on yours right after!"

Spike wasted no time in pulling me by the cape back towards the castle, barely keeping hold of his own glee. Twilight and Starlight observed his enthusiasm and my sheepish grin to them in fondness and amusement. All in all, that went exactly as I thought it did, and I couldn't be happier to make my little brother proud.

A touch of self-flattery here, but what a real beauty.

Spike's ride was properly finished and currently rolled onto the starting line. Front of the cart in the shape of a dragon's head, half green and pink reaching all the way to the middle of the ride, the back extending behind the comfy seat a pure white and dark blue. Three guesses as to who those colours are tribute towards.

"Wow. What an awesome cart!" Starlight complimented sincerely upon viewing it.

"Thank you."Both the dragon and I collectively said. It was a teamwork project after all.

And from behind the gleeful Spike's cart, I rolled my own sleek design onto the track, eventually beside his. Now this baby was hoof-crafted by yours truly. All shades of blue, gold and outlines of dark purple, the design similar to that of a Hot Wheels race car. Even Spike was impressed just by looking at it.

"Cool!" He grinned. "Though when we start the race, it'll be no match for mySparity."

Oh good grief he didn't...

Oh good grief he did.

"'Sparity?'" Starlight echoed with a raised brow.

I smirked faintly. "Spike have you been looking up those fanfics again?"


We all chuckled at the meek excuse, Twilight then leaning forward to address me quietly, "Remember the plan."

"Let Spike win. Got it."

"But make it look convincing enough."

I nodded. Honestly, what kind of [BEEP]hole would I be to declare victory against a child? The whole point was having fun, and I was gonna make sure Spike had all the entertainment in the world today.

Spike then looked to my ride. "So what's yours called?"

Patting the side of the cart lovingly, I grinned. "This here is theStarscream."

Sombra snorted.

"Huh, thought you were gonna call it something likeTwidust."

"Come now Spike, I'm far more original than that."

Yes, so original you're naming the thing after your favourite cowardly Decepticon. How fitting, I might add.

Spike shrugged, then looked back to his ride with a grin. "So what are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road!" Without any prompting, the young energetic dragon proceeded to leap right onto his seat with claws clenched tightly on the steering wheel.

Heh. "Bring it on Spike." And hopped into my own cart, Twilight proceeding to interject.

"Make sure you both fasten your seat belts."

"Yes ma'am."

"And adorn the goggles attached to the side."

"Yes ma'am."

"Be sure not to drive too fast, and always keep an eye on the road."

Starlight chuckled, walking up to her mentor. "I think they know what they're doing, Twilight."

"Yes ma'am." I added cheekily, to Twilight's fond eye-rolling.

The alicorn proceeded to turn and gesture around the track. "This will be a race for three laps. First one to reach the finish line wins. In addition, Starlight and I will be tracking your times upon each lap you pass. There's a bonus for whomever finishes the race in the appropriate time."

I winked mischievously, a grin to match. "Would my bonus be some alone time with my special somepony?"

Twilight quickly attempted to conceal the blush behind her clipboard, as Starlight giggled behind her hoof. The Princess continued, "We-We won't reveal this prize until after you complete the necessary time trial. When you two are ready, Starlight will wave the flag." A checkered black and white flag promptly appeared before the pink unicorn, who raised it high through magic in preparation.

Spike leaned forward with a confident grin. "If only Rarity was here to see me win!"

"Win what Spike?"

Ah, more onlookers. Three mares and three Crusaders approached our way with open curiosity, Rainbow and Scootaloo's eyes collectively widening. "Wait, are you guys doing a race?" The latter inquired in surprise.

"Withoutus?!"Rainbow sounded almost appalled.

"You had your fun." I retorted. "It's Spike's turn!"

"Hi Rarity!" Spike waved from his cart, gesturing to the ride. "You're just in time to see me pound Stardust into the dirt!"

I laughed in genuine amusement, calling back playfully. "Them fighting words!"

Sweetie Belle proceeded to pout, looking back to her older sibling. "I know we already raced, but can't we join in this one too?"

Rarity, in turn, glanced towards Twilight. "What do you say, darling? I think the idea of them participating in another race sounds positively fun."

And the Princess, in turn, looked to both Spike and I. "I think so too. Are you two alright with that?"

"Heh, the more the merrier!" Spike exclaimed cheerfully, whereas I kept quiet.

Realistically, this would ruin the whole purpose behind this track in the first place...

"You really gonna deny those looks, sugarcube?" Applejack emphasized for the three fillies literally adorning heart-melting expressions to make me concede.

Sadly, it worked. "Fine, fine, just get your carts and let's get this over with."

"Yay!"The Crusaders cheered merrily, and Twilight raised an amused brow at my reluctant grumbling.

With everyone assembled, this time Rarity, Rainbow and Applejack taking the back seat of the fillies' carts, Twilight motioned for Starlight to raise the flag, calling out in authority, "Is everypony ready?" The sound of confident grunts answered that. Nodding, the alicorn opened her muzzle to commence the event-

"Hey Twilight! Hey Starlight! Hey everyone!" Ah great. A bubbly pink Earth Pony hopped around merrily, taking everything in. "What's going on?"

"We're having a race, and whoever wins before the time gets a super secret bonus prize." Spike supplied, unhelpfully adding to Pinkie's further delight.

"Ooh! You hear that Maud? A bonus prize!" Maud? Huh, didn't event noticed the grey Earth Pony standing there until she was called out.

"Sounds fun." Maud stated flatly. Ah, a diamond in the rough, all things considered. I ignored Twilight's pointed look.

"Can we join? Please? Pretty please? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

Spike answered for me, "Of course you guys can!"

It'll be midnight before we even begin racing at this rate...

Of course, Pinkie and Maud's ride was a combination look of a rock and a cupcake, looking both edible and ready to break your jaw collectively. Six carts on the track now, let's just pray no one will turn up.

Twilight regarded the assembled racers. "Alright, on my count; three... Two... One-!"

"And there she is!"

Oh [BEEP] me with a rough cucumber!

"Rainbow Dash! I knew you wouldn't be too far!" The blue pegasus, in response, slammed her head into the back of Scootaloo's seat with a loud groan. Justifiably so, with the approach of an insufferable tall pegasus accompanied by his older yet shorter sister. "My my what is this? A race, without yours truly? Is this all an attempt to impress me, Rainbow? You're a very considerate pony."

"Hey Zephyr." I called out irritably. "Did you know about the best friend rule between female friends; never date the other friend's brother?"

He blinked. "Uh... No?"

"Well now you have, now sod off."

"What he said." I heard the gratitude in Rainbow's tone. Smiling at her friend apologetically, Fluttershy then turned to Twilight.

"I thought the Applewood Derby already happened?"

"It did." Twilight nodded, motioning to the track. "This was originally for Spike-"

"It still is!"

"- Because he didn't participate in the derby." The Princess finished after my heated interjection.

Zephyr smiled widely. "In that case, whaddya say to adding another to the race? I happen to be quite the competitor."

"In your dreams!"

"You [BEEP]ing wish!"

Twilight promptly ignored both mine and Rainbow's indignant cries, looking back to Fluttershy and her brother. "I suppose adding another cart wouldn't hurt. Fluttershy, do you want to participate?"

Before the yellow pegasus could answer, her irritable sibling wrapped a limb around her and pulled them close. "Of course she would! It'd be like a sibling team. Don't worry big sis, I'll guide us both to victory!"

If my ride had a car horn, it'd be echoing all over the area right then.

I don't even care enough to describe their cart anymore. Seven carts. Alright yes, let's go already before even more turn up! Twilight nodded to my silent plea, motioning to Starlight to wave the flag-


"Starlight! Trixie has been looking all over for you!"

You're... You're kidding aren't you? You're actually [BEEP]ing with me right now, aren't you life? Starswirl, is this your doing?!

"Trixie! Sunburst!" The unicorn greeted in pleasant surprise, grinning. "What are you guys doing here?"

The yellow unicorn smiled. "Princess Cadence and Prince Shining gave me some time off to see you."

"And can't Trixie just stop by to visit her bestest friend in the whole world?" The blue mare rolled her eyes in fond humour, then pointing to the collective carts curiously. "And what's all this about?"

"Oh, we're having a race around the track."

"A race?" Sunburst inquired in interest. No [BEEP], what did it look like initially to you?! "Is there a prize to gain from it?"

"Should you win under a certain time. Twilight's being awfully vague about what it is though."

Trixie proceeded to smirk smugly. "In that case, I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, shall participate in this challenge and secure the prize for herself!"

Starlight smiled humouredly, turning to her childhood friend. "What about you, Sunburst?"

"Hmm... Well I've never actually partaken in a race before." He admitted without shame, eventually smiling. "Why not? It sounds like a good break after dealing with quite the magical tornado as a foalsitter."

"Trixie will take you all down!"

Slam. Slam. Slam. Slam.

"...What's his problem?"

"Oh, Stardust is... Having a cranky day."

Nine. Nine carts. Please let it be enough...

The sound of a vehicle attracted our attention to the back. A playful called out for the rather abominable design next to Trixie's bright blue and pink ride.

"I have the need, for speed!"

"Where did he come from?" Spike asked.

"Who gives a [BEEP]?" So Discord's now in the race. Great. "Let's start this damn thing already!"

Starlight nodded hastily, waiting on Twilight's command with the flag raised high. The alicorn opened her muzzle, "On your marks... Get set...Go-!"

"Is that a race?"

Oh my God... Oh my [BEEP]ing God...!

Guess who showed up. No, really, guess. Of all ponies, evenshehad to turn up and stall the race further! Twilight and Starlight turned to the voice, one frowning curiously and the other beaming in recognition.

"Sunset!" Both the alicorn and yellow unicorn proceeded to hug in greeting, the former pulling back with a grin. "What brings you here? No trouble at CHS?"

Sunset shook her head with a wry grin. "None. Today's an extra day off, so I decided to see how you guys were doing." She then looked over to the observing pink unicorn, her smile widening. "You must be Starlight Glimmer. I've heard so much about you."

The other unicorn grinned at that, walking over to the other. "Nothing too bad, I hope."

Sunset chuckled. "Only that Twilight has a student worthy of being so, according to a good friend of mine." And offered a hoof. "Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer, it's nice to meet you."

Starlight beamed, accepting the shake. "Likewise."

"What's the stalling for? Trixie wants to race already!" Thank you!

Sunset blinked in recognition. "Trixie?" And looked back to the track. "She never struck me for a racer."

Twilight chuckled. "Life is full of surprises." Then inquired lightly, "Do you wanna partake? We're just getting ready."

The yellow mare grinned rather enthusiastically. "Why not? I enjoy racing almost as much as Rainbow Dash does."

Twilight nodded. "And now that I'm thinking about it." Oh dear God. She glanced to her pupil. "Starlight, why don't you join in the fun too? I can handle things from the sidelines. You should have as much with your friends."

The pink unicorn blinked... Then beamed cheerfully. "Really? I'd love to! Great idea Twilight!"

Not sure I'm gonna live to see tomorrow...

First thing you can imagine what Sunset's cart would look like, you'd probably be accurate. With the two final mares right at the back, Twilight had to take the time when Sunset and Starlight were making their own rides to extend the width of the track a little for everyone to fit without constantly crashing into one another. Once the two mares returned and took their places at the back, the Princess resumed her stance to the sidelines and raised the flag in preparation.

Please hurry up love, before anyone else turns to delay the race further.

Are you sure? Perhaps those mutts living underground would like to participate, or maybe your Princess's childhood friends.

Don't jinx it!

"Come on already!" Rainbow called impatiently. Twilight frowned, then summoned a whistle from thin air and commencing the countdown.

"Three... Two... One... GO!"

Oh finally- Jesus Christ!

Everyone tore by before I could comprehend upon the waving flag and blowing of the whistle, already leaving my cart to... Slowly reach the lap itself... And grind to a halt.


"You're kidding me right now aren't you?" I asked my own cart flatly, attempting to turn the damn thing on again.

And again.

And again...

And again...

Twilight watched with a faint frown. "For the love of all that is Christ!" My voice was unable to contain the frustration and rage bubbling through my being right then. "Why does this always happen to me?!"



Work damn you!

"Discord!" I was too busy to acknowledge what Twilight was gasping at, focused on starting my damn cart-


"And I'm off!"

Leaving my girlfriend behind to spectate the whole race, I was expecting to be greeted by a straight live down a long oval-shaped track... NOT immediately making a sharp right, followed with a left and another right down a curvy path that wasn't originally there before!

What the [BEEP]?! I looked around, now seeing what Twilight was so infuriated about. Loop-de-loops, bridges... Those cubes with the question marks in them from the Mario Kart games.

Discord! He's changed the whole track!

On the positive outlook of things.Sombra mused casually.Now things may not be so tedious.

Oh I'm happy for you!

Okay, now we were playing Mario Kart: MLP Edition! Track course... I don't know, "Spike's Trail" or something. Maybe introducing Discord to that game on the Wii wasn't the most intelligent move. Making another sharp turn, almost making me skid off the road, it just hit me upon reaching the first cube, which disappeared by magic after I grabbed the thing. From the corner of my eye, a small squared black screen popped up revealing what item I can use to reach the others.

I can still let Spike win... But that didn't mean I couldn't take care of the others too.

Ugh... Banana peels. Not really useful considering how far behind I was. Although to be fair, I was reaching up to Starlight and Sunburst's carts. I'll just plant these things behind me to make room for the next cube-


After some more swerves, reaching just behind the childhood lovebirds-in-denial, I threw the three banana peels forward, directly into the paths. Their carts never stood a chance, speeding by the two swirling racers I called out in the spirit of things, "Surprise [BEEP]es!"

You often know why I don't use participate in competitions all that much, aside from them not really being my thing or the prize in question not being overall worth the effort?

I can get really,reallycompetitive.

Whoa okay! That was a jump! Landing from the ramp harmlessly I was grinning widely, my own frustration evaporating over the fun I was having. Smashing the next cube, my item revealed to be... Ohohoho! Who was in first again? I looked over when I had the chance. Sunset already? Welp... Sorry my student, but this race was made for one certain dragon to win.

Blue shell away!

Looking back forward to lessen the guilt for firing something at my own pupil- Jesus! I managed to swerve away in time before the bomb-omb left behind for me could explode in my face, leaving that to the two racers from behind me. Zephyr, of course. Grinning darkly, my next cube after another long left was... Three red shells.

Sorry Fluttershy...

The three carts never stood a chance. Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity with their siblings were knocked out of the way for yours truly to past. Thankfully, Discord was smart enough not to have any of the support items inflict realistic harm to the racers. Though I imagine that was done mostly for Fluttershy's sake.

Anyway, I was... Seventh now? Yeah looks about right. Only a few more obstacles to go. And here comes a loop-de-loop!


Sorry love, but at the very least Discord made things more exciting. From across our bond, as I reached it past the first lap, Twilight continued to radiate annoyance and worry, mostly directed to Spike. Couldn't blame her, this wasn't really a kind of race for a child to partake in alone. Anyway, directly ahead next are... Pinkie and Maud. And how kind of them to put banana peels down for me. Using years of skill playing the games, I managed to swerve around and through the dropped items for the others behind to deal with, hitting the next cube available-

Ohoho! The race was in my favour!

"Discord!" My voice darkened alongside the item I temporarily became. "Coming for ya [BEEP]." And tore through the other racers struggling to dodge, including Pinkie and Rainbow, reaching all the way beside Sunset's cart before I transformed back into a regular Earth Pony in his regular cart.

That was fun!

Sunset glanced to me, smirking competitively, reminding me eerily so of Rainbow. "Just because you're my friend and 'mentor,' doesn't mean I'm gonna make things easy on you!" She called out playfully, focusing back on the road before us.

Pop quiz; what do warriors excel at?


Defending their loved ones?

Playing dirty!

"You know, you're quite the good kisser!" Hahahaha! I felt Sunset's immediate embarrassment and small flattery at the reminder. I grinned, calling over. "I can still remember the taste; we should continue where we left off back then. I heard that dark hallway's available for some alone time."

Despite the velocity, I heard Sunset grumble out, "Ignore him Sunset, just pay attention to the road..."

"Maybe next time we'll let Twilight join in the fun, how about it?"

The helmet and goggles alone couldn't hide the red hue all over the mare's face. Hook, line and sinker for every last stinker!

Was that an Until Dawn reference?


My flustered student's cart rode harmlessly onto the side grass upon my 'tap,' helping me reach fourth place without further difficulty. Up next was Trixie-

Behind you!


Good call Sombra!

Now speeding up to meet me as we sped by the second lap, the race track twisting and turning all on Discord's cheating whim, was a smug Rainbow and excited Scootaloo surrounded by three spinning green shells. "Payback time Star!" And moved closer to knock me out of the track for karma reasons.

Well, that almost happened.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow called out irritably.

Thank you speed boost and ramp!

"Suck a [BEEP] Rainbow Dash!" I called out gleefully as I drove as far from the outraged pegasus as possible, hitting into the next cube. Trixie wasn't too far behind, once I dealt with her, it's time to remove the main obstacle for Spike to emerge triumphant.

As if sensing someone approaching, the blue unicorn looked back with a disdainful expression, callously hurling out an item of her own to intercept me; a green shell. Quickly, I swerved around that shell, hearing Rainbow and Scootaloo's shocked/indignant cries trailing back. That shell must've hit a lucky spot past the ones protecting the two. Thank you Trixie, allow me to return the favour!

The bright blue and white cart was knocked aside by the simple red shell, allowing me to tore by in satisfaction, Trixie's irritated outcries sweet music to my ponified ears. Alright, that's all the mild inconveniences dealt with, that left just one more obstruction to a fair race.

Unfortunately, Spike was finding it difficult to go past the obviously cheating Discord, the latter bending the track and obstacles to his advantage. Frowning irritably, I concentrated on my bonds for a moment. Sensing my mental call, the dragon looked back towards my approach, calling out in both surprise and excitement.

"Stardust! You made it!"

Nodding, I reached beside my brother and called out seriously, "I'll handle Discord! You finish up this race!"

Spike blinked. "You want me to win?!"

"Taking care of a cheater is just as much a victory!" Sharing my grin, Spike nodded, both of us hitting the next row of cubs our way.

A banana peel. That won't help me now.

"Bro! I've got three mushrooms!"

Three-? "That's perfect!" I replied happily. "Use them to get past Discord on the next turn, I'll deal with him!" Spike obliged, the pair of us making a sharp right whilst reaching the racer in first place. Looking behind him, Discord smirked mischievously and raised a bomb-omb. No you don't! "Now Spike!"

The trickster didn't react in time for the speeding dragon using up his mushrooms to knock his own ride aside, prompting him to accidentally drop the activated item. I sped through the aftermath, Discord and his ride landing harmlessly to a path of grass to our left. Karma hurts, Discord! Now all that's left to do is make sure Spike succeeds!

And we were nearing the finish line, a happy and relieved Twilight calling out across our bond.

"I knew I could count on you."

"Always love."

Spike will win this race, this I vow.

That vow may not last long...

What do you-?

"Oh come now everyone! You didn't think I'd be out so easily?" Discord's voice rung through the area, prompting us all to glance around wildly, the ground beginning to vibrate somewhat. What was that [BEEP]hole planning now-?

What the [BEEP] is that?!

Discord wasn't evidently playing by the rules any longer, with the massive battle tank running right onto the track directly behind a panicking Rainbow and Trixie. Swatting both carts to the sides like bugs, a gleeful Discord wearing an army helmet poked his upper half body out of the tank, grinning with sickening glee in my direction.

This wasn't a race anymore! It's a cluster[BEEP]!

Come on next cube! Save me now!

...A blue shell? That won't help!

Hearing the sound of a cannon lowering, I gulped. Welp, this wasn't going to end well-

The red shell firing from the tank smashed perfectly into the rear of my cart, forcing me to leap in circles into the patch of grass. Saluting at my state, Discord hurriedly made his way to reach the unsuspecting Spike... Also knocking him to the side as the finish line was so close.

I didn't even bother continuing, the race was pretty much over, and the blue shell would only hit them both in close vicinity. Sighing regrettably, my head leaned into the steering wheel as other racers sped by. Twilight, I'm sorry... Spike, I'm especially sorry...

The whistle blew!

"The winner is Spike!" Twilight called out in enthusiasm.

Figures Discord would-

...Wait what?

My head snapped back upwards watching the grinning dragon emerging from his stopped ride and being greeted by a proud Twilight. Discord descending from his tank in clear disappointment with a pouty expression, followed with Trixie, Rainbow and Scootaloo, whereas the rest following all cheered the young proud dragon for... Winning?


Turns out, he had one last mushroom at his disposal, utilizing the item just before Discord could reach the finishing goal.


Tearing off my helmet, goggles and seat belt, I leapt over my cart and hurried over to the beaming dragon and others, brushing past a few to envelop the surprised Spike in a tight hug. "You won! You beautiful son of a [BEEP] you won!"

"Jack!" Twilight chastised, but Applejack placed a hoof to her side with an amused smile.

"Leave 'im sugarcube, he's happy for his little brother winnin' the race!"

"Damn right I am!" Setting the grinning dragon down, I pointed to Discord. "That's karma you cheating [BEEP]! You deserved to lose!" The trickster shrugged and smirked casually. Looking back to Spike, I picked him up again to place on my back, grabbing my discarded fedora in the meantime and placed it on his head. "We're gonna celebrate this! Pinkie, get your party planner ready! There's gonna be a party tonight!"

"Oh boy! Yippee!" 'Yippee' was right Pinkie! Meanwhile, the others watched in either bemusement or fondness, some adoring the sight of such sibling love.

"Spike, crystal brownies on me?"

"You bet!" The dragon replied blissfully, and we hurried back to the castle. All that wait and frustration was worth it in the end! Everything went according to plan, all things considered!

Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer weren't suppose to meet at this point in time.Starswirl concluded.Your invention and role in the former's life incited Miss Shimmer to visit her home world this day. I regret to say the negative feedback towards Balance will be significant.

...Oh well. You can't say I was aware of their eventual meeting to begin with. I'll worry about the imbalance later. For now, I'll be enjoying watching the young lizard cheerfully gorging his face out with a buffet of sweets alongside the Crusaders, Pinkie and others, being patted on the back and celebrated by our large group of friends. My observation was from a distance, leaning back against a wall with a glass of punch in hoof.

Ha! Poor Rainbow over there being harassed by a persistent Zephyr. Honestly, teenage males never take a hint. I should know I was like that at his age... What was he fifteen? Sixteen? Fluttershy's the older sibling, but she looks awfully young herself to be the eldest to him. We really need the ages confirmed by Hasbro, I only know Twilight's age because Spike told me.

Maybe you should ask them.

It's rude to ask a lady about their age, Sombra.

They're not 'ladies,' boy.

Mare applies too.


I smirked to the alicorn beside me. "Preferably alone together? Yes please."

Twilight rolled her eyes with a pink hue, pushing my side playfully before observing the others with me. "I'm going to let your profanities around and addressed to Spike and our friends slide for today, and today only, simply because you were so happy for Spike to win."

My smirk widened. "And for showing up Discord."

The alicorn sighed in fond exasperation. "That too." And smiled brightly my way. "Still, it was wonderful to see you so happy, especially for Spike. Not to mention how you kept looking out for him even during the hectic race. Thanks for that."

"I'll always be there to look after my family." Was my sincere statement.

Twilight's warm head leaned into my shoulder. "I know." She responded in soft blissfulness, the pair of us watching Spike chatting excitably and reciting what happened today with gestures in reserved peace.

Alas, two more ponies approached us from the right. "Hope we're not interrupting anything." A smiling Starlight and Sunset stopped by us, the former speaking pleasantly, "For a moment there, you two looked like proud parents watching your own kid."

Twilight and I shared amused fond looks. You weren't entirely inaccurate there, Starlight. Sunset then motioned to both herself and her new friend. "Starlight and I were just discussing our past mistakes. Turns out, we have a lot of things in common; you were right about us getting along, Stardust."

The pink unicorn nodded in full agreement, sharing Sunset's beaming expression. Twilight grinned proudly at the two. "That's great to hear! And since you're here, Sunset, maybe you can stick around and assist Starlight in practicing an advanced spell I've been meaning to teach her next."

The yellow mare grinned quite cheerfully. "I'd love to help." And smirked my way. "Maybe you can watch, 'teacher.'"

I returned the expression. "It'd be my pleasure." Twilight and Starlight beamed merrily, and as they excused themselves to join Trixie and Sunburst, Sunset waited until they were out of ear shot to address me next with a smile.

"I swear, it was almost like looking at a mirror. Starlight and I are pretty much alike."

"Well, kinda." I replied matter-of-factly. "She tried to do harm because she thought she was abandoned as a filly by her friend." [BEEP]ty reason to be a villain, I still think that. "You... Your only motivation was power."

Sunset rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "There was more to it than that... Still, I've learned from my mistakes. And from what she's been telling me, Starlight's working to redeem herself everyday under Twilight's guidance. She couldn't be in better hoofs."

"I can't agree more."

A minute's pause. Sunset then added with a rather hushed tone, "I can't believe you did that during the race."

Knowing exactly what she was referring to, my tone was coy. "Seducing you with my charm?" I shrugged with an impish grin. "Warriors don't often play fair my dear; we often take advantage of whatever comes our way."

Sunset frowned in both annoyance and amusement... Then added rather hesitantly, "You really thought I was a good kisser?"

I laughed lightly, opting to be honest. "And I'll be sure to rub it in Sentry's face next time I see him." Sunset shook her head in disbelief, though unable to contain her own smile and chuckle.

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