• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 160: Lavender Tower

Okay... I'm taking a break.

Having traveled for over Lord knows how many miles, a short moment of respite was long overdue. Starswirl made no effort to complain, so I settled by a comfy boulder right next to the pathway, thankful the growing mist surrounding me wasn't utterly concealing my vision forward. And why would Starswirl the Bearded complain, you ask?

He wouldn't be the first today. Twilight was very vocally objective against me exploring out far from Ponyville, all by myself. When the first statement left my muz- Mouth, the Princess of Friendship proceeded to cut me off and thoroughly explain why me venturing out beyond without any accompaniment by herself of their friends, with the looming threat of Zagreus ever present, was the worst idea to do right now. It only took the mention of Starswirl himself having assigned me this task to calm the mare down considerably, though she reluctantly allowed so despite mentioning her concerns regarding my departure.

The Princess is justified in her hesitation. Unfortunately, this must be a path you and you alone must accomplish, Jack, as Balance decrees. Princess Twilight would be much safer at the castle.

Yeah. Nice of you to lie, by the way, teacher, to the mare who idolizes you about there being no danger from this mission.

All is as Balance wills it.

A misquote of the Force? Yeah you lied mentor, end of story.

I... Cannot argue with the tides of destiny.

I smirked faintly, picking myself up and ignoring the strain gradually increasing in my legs. Huffing, my body continued forwards, aiming to reach this place, sort out whatever catastrophe was occurring over there, and go home in time for supper. Spike's making carrot cake tonight. Ever had carrot cake, Starswirl?

Hmhm. I confess it's a delicacy beyond my time, Jack.

So you can't eat in the spirit world. That sucks. Meanwhile, are you sure Zagreus himself isn't waiting for us wherever it is we're heading to? That this whole thing isn't another trap while we're most vulnerable?

The imbalance we face possesses an aura of much difference. Was Starswirl's stern response. Zagreus' scent lingers there, but far from the genuine thing. Regardless, whatever we face, you know what you must do.

I know I know. Be careful and all. Twilight stressed that to me repeatedly before I headed out earlier. What I still can't comprehend is what exactly you're hoping for me to accomplish today. No pony body, no magic, remember?

I know, my young student, which is why I have an alternative method to dealing with what threat we encounter today. All you have to do is keep this new imbalance stalled long enough for me to access the proper magic to correct its presence, and properly banish it back to whence it came.

Oh, that simple then!

I felt a shiver, the dressing gown not enough to prevent the complete cold emanating from this mist. I still had zero clue as to where we were even going, you've been awfully vague about it, Starswirl, moreso than usual.

You will understand once we reach the place. Then, after a moment, the spiritual unicorn added wearily. Suffice to say, it also brings up a personal role on my behalf...


Goddamn... Holy [BEEP] wow.

Okay, I was expecting by the mist alone to be greeted by some sort of small village resting by a swamp or dark forest or something. Upon venturing forward, the white trails clearing enough for me to view the whole town, my expectations plummeted from surprise to incredulity. Because you know what I absolutely wasn't anticipating?

In a little girl's show?


Gravestones everywhere.

Not to mention the somber Equestrians wandering around the place, grey brick houses with age of decades decaying the soiled walls. These mother[BEEP]ers were completely solemn and focused on nowhere to even notice the alien human arriving in their village. Starswirl, you gonna explain some [BEEP] here? The very sight of this unanticipated location, or even existence of it, brought a chill of suspense and dread down my straight body.

This, Jack, is a populated location unspoken of by many equines for its atmosphere and what it represents. Death? No kidding! The Town of Passing, a place where those who wish not to be found spend the remainder of their days in the physical world before joining the spiritual. Where souls who have found no more purpose to their existence in Equestria wish to reserve their finals hours in peace and resignation. A sanctuary for the defeated and lost, yearning to move on with nothing more or left to lose.


How [BEEP]ing depressing.

I shook my head in disbelief. No Goddamn wonder Hasbro never revealed this place in the show. A town where people - I'm sorry, ponies - just give up and die? Jesus with an H Christ! What would Zagreus possibly want with this place? I asked mentally while watching a bowed-head stallion walk by without even acknowledging the newcomer, unnerved by this lack of reaction. Suddenly I was missing the screams and nervous expression of those ponies back home, and that wasn't something I was expecting to think!

What Zagreus would wish for this place, I have no clue. Even Starswirl sounded negatively affected by the somber atmosphere of this lifeless town. The imbalance is close, however. We should proceed with seeking it out at its specific root.

Yes. The sooner this was over, the sooner I could leave this bone-chilling depressing landscape. To business then.

First thing's first. We should ask around for any strange sightings by the locals. Now, seeing as how these lanky mother[BEEP]ers hardly looked prepared for any conversation, I'll have to seek out a pony of authority instead. There a Town Hall around here, teach?

No, however we are quite near an establishment which would possess the information we require. Observe to your right.

Let's see. I squinted through the vague mist... A few houses... A clothing store? Oh Rarity would appreciate that in this lifeless habitat... And...

Ah! A bar!

Makes perfect sense. Anyone would want to drink and try to forget about the miserably [BEEP]ing place they live in. Hell, I want to drink at this point, and I don't even do that! Wonder if they sell cider? One way of finding out. And as I ventured forward, an earlier conversation occurred to me from my old mentor.

Starswirl... You mentioned something about this place was personal to you...

Your next question is no, Jack, this is not the place from which my physical form is buried. He sounded oh-so matter-of-fact about that. That, is another matter entirely...

Jesus. Even in this bar it felt just as lifeless!

And look at the patrons! More spotted than outside and the atmosphere stayed somber, like everyone has just... Given up.

Outwardly shuddering by the sight of regularly energetic cartoon ponies frowning or staring depressingly into their drinks, barely glancing up to witness the newcomer entering the dusty bar, I made a beeline right to the counter, dusting off an unused stool before taking a seat, pointedly proceeding to ignore any of the residents for now. The more I watched them the more I just wanted to get up and leave.

And people called me depressing... Christ.

It took about a minute of me twiddling my thumbs before the bartender himself showed up, a dark-grey stallion with a rather styled back black mane and steel eyes walking before me, age present on his features. He spared barely a glance towards his customer, inquiring with simple gruffness. "Anythin' in particular?"

I imagined soda wasn't in question. "Whatever's appropriate for the day."

"The usual then." Ten seconds later, my glass turned up with a rather dark yellow sustenance bubbling beneath my chin. Okay, looks like [BEEP], hopefully doesn't take like that. Raising the mug to take a whiff, expecting to sniff something unpleasant, imagine my surprise by how decent it scented and presumable tasted. "Apple cider." The bartender explained without even looking by drying another mug. "From the very apples we grow in this town."

How long before the grim reaper takes them for himself? Shrugging, I gave my new friend the benefit of the doubt and took a sip...


Quite warm, actually.

When I mused that thought out-loud, the stallion simply responded. "Secret's in the honey we add, gives it a kick to rid of the suffocatin' atmosphere around us." Ah... Interesting. "So, you here to visit a relative?"

Well since Starswirl was confirmed not to be buried here, that's a hard no. "I'm actually here on business." I confessed, prompting the dark equine to huff with rolled tired eyes.

"Tell me you're not another coffin salespony."

I... Those exist?

"No I'm here for something else entirely." Leaning forward carefully, I inquired calmly to contain my eagerness. "Have there been any... Unusual sightings in this town lately?"

Finally, those gray eyes turned to face me, the pony giving me a once-lookover and made a wry smirk. "You mean, aside from this?"

I had to chuckle by how casual he was about it. At least he wasn't as lifeless as the others surrounding us at their tables and counter. "Aside from me, yes."

"Don't know what to tell ya then." He shrugged, inspecting another glass mug with care while clarifying. "Town's been pretty much normal as it can get. Visitors don't often come than to see a loved one or... Give in to their more darker feelings." The stallion barely sounded as fazed. "Only strange incident occurring aside from your being here, stranger, are the new rumors going about at the Tower."

And we already have a clue? "Tower?"

"Yep. Name's Grave Keeper, by the way." I had to repress a snort. "I manage both this bar and the graveyards around the town." This time I did snort, but Grave Keeper barely seemed to acknowledge that while peeking into his glass, myself taking another sip as I listened in interest. "And anyway, these supposed rumors are nothing new. Young ponies just love to spread tales about the town being supposedly haunted by vengeful spirits, especially within the sacred halls of the Tower itself."

"And this Tower is...?" I pressed curiously. The tall built stallion took a moment, cleaning his next mug and being on his way to serve another customer, refilling another depressed equine's drink before returning to answer me again.

"The first building and grave sight of the town, which said town was then built around." Grave Keeper explained casually. "A landmark, if you want, where the oldest resting places of respected and lost ponies are buried within for all these years. Nowadays it's treated like a tourist spot for passerbys..."

I raised a brow at that mutter. "You don't sound entirely pleased about that." Was my remark without making any judgement.

Grave snorted, rolling his eyes in disdain. "The final resting place of those no longer with us aren't something to take pictures of, or should be treated as such. It is blatant disrespect to their memories."

You know what? I agree. It does sound offensive for the departed, even if they're not physically there to be offended from.

"The only positive side about these new rumors over a spirit haunting the Tower." The stallion continued with that same disapproving posture. "Is that it's keeping the tourists from entering for their own entertainment. The downside?" He sighed wearily the next. "Nopony else in town wishes to venture through and see their ancestors. Hopefully it'll all blow over soon; it usually does."

And at this point, it was clear where precisely the imbalance hid itself. But just to be certain, I asked cautiously. "This vengeful spirit... Did they give a description of this deceased pony?"

"Tch." Grave shook his head. "That's the thing. Whatever is supposedly haunting the place isn't a pony." No? At my eye-widened look, the Equestrian clarified with a shrug. "Apparently it's sighted to be some kind of winged demon."

And I sat back in my seat with a frozen gesture, feeling my grip around the mug tighten, breaking it if I was a pony again. Of course... She escaped with Zagreus that day before we could send her back... But why would she be here...?

There's one way of uncovering this mystery.


Leaning forward again, I set the currency down for the drink and asked seriously. "Would you give me directions? I'd like to see this Tower for myself."

Do ponies believe in Heaven?

This suddenly just struck me upon my walk down the pathway aiming towards the supposed-haunted Tower. I never really paid any attention to this, but just from being here regarding all these chilling gravestones I walked by incited that very questuin. How did Equestria perceive an afterlife? Do they believe Heaven and Hell exists? Something else?

Perhaps it's the Christian in me talking, but I'm curious. What do they, the ponies, believe comes after death?

It is believed by a great many. My teacher happily provided the answer. That the next step after an Equestrian's departure from the physical realms embarks towards a spiritual paradise. A sanctuary with all dreams and peace come to reality.

So Heaven then.

Hmhm, if you'd like. Although our kind refers to this discussed utopia simply as 'The Other World.' You can imagine why many aren't so open with conversing about exploring this ideal realm.

Because our kind can get easily squeamish just even mentioning the concept of death and other adult matters.

Starswirl only chuckled in fondness.

I looked up with a raised brow. Wasn't that funny mate.

That wasn't what incited my humour, it was your addressal regarding Equestria's inhabitants.

I frowned for a moment, recalling back my earlier thought-


Scowling softly, I shook my head and continued forward. Anyway, so ponies believed in their own Heaven. What about Hell? Do they have a name for where damned ponies are sent after death?

You already know it.

What... Tartarus? That place even count anyone can just go there according to the show? Are the spirits of sinful equines sent down there?

Remember, Jack, the rules of reality operate differently than in your former world. Tartarus is more than a location to send those unjust, but a prison for the most vile of living entities. Tirek's own imprisonment is merely one layer amongst countless more, delving deeper and deeper into the unforeseen darkness.

So you're suggesting that there are far worse monsters out there than Tirek, all concealed below the lowest pits of pony Hell?

And I pray we never have to face such beasts. For now, let us venture forward on stopping the very beast we ourselves are responsible for.

Fair enough. I think I could see our next location up ahead, slowly clearing away from the mist. Repressing the urge to shiver from the cold and atmosphere alone, I made a lighthearted quip to keep my spirits up. A shame your resting place isn't here, Starswirl, could've found a way to exorcise you and be rid of you finally.

My teacher played along without fault. You say that, yet your quip within the bar earlier regarding our relationship speaks otherwise. A family member, you insinuated this old spirit as.

No I didn't? You're clearly misinterpreting-


What was that...?

The sudden sharp sensation to my chest almost keeled me over, gripping a headstone close by for balance. I quickly breathed, in and out, and straightened once the abrupt feeling subsided, removing my hand from the chest in furrowed confusion.

My apologies. Starswirl quickly stated. My magic maintaining your breathing slipped temporarily.

...What happened again...?

My teacher sighed, sounding quite strained and weary all of a sudden. I suspected this would happen... What? Come, Jack, we have a fallen demon to prevent from causing harm to this town.


We'll discuss this further afterwards, I promise.

The fact that my teacher sounded suddenly more flippant put me on edge, and my legs found themselves striding forward with renewed briskness. I'll be holding you to that, teach. Because I got the feeling this was something I needed to hear.

This feels as though I'm about to enter some Resident Evil [BEEP].

Christ, my whole body was shivering uncontrollably to the point of vibrating, reaching the doorway leading into the gigantic, dusting stone tower which looked ready to crumble any given moment. How huge was it? Akin to one of Celestia's castle towers, by a good guess. One hand tentatively grasped the edge of the doors, opened ajar with merely darkness waiting inside, a part of me reluctant to even venture into the inky blackness awaiting its new visitor.

Scratch that, a lot of me was terrified to go in.

[BEEP], even my own breath was foggy then, wincing to myself as I struggled to compose myself. Would've been easier as a pony. Now as human? I was basically walking target practice for whatever waited within. Sunset I could handle - well, debatable these days - but the idea of ghosts? Pokemon and Corpse Party are what sprung to mind.

Yeah, Pokemon does some dark [BEEP] involving the dead...

Do I have to go inside...?

I'd rather you didn't too, Jack, but the imbalance is withheld in those aged walls. We must find it before it spreads across the unsuspecting town.

That's what I figured... Oh boy.

My gripped hand lowered in defeat, attempting to steel myself... And failing miserably, back slouching with a grimace on my reluctant features. Couldn't I at least having something to protect myself with before I go in?

A sound suggestion, my pupil.

Hm- What the...? I felt something suddenly heavy in my gown's pockets, prompting me to produce the cold, metallic cylinder just appearing out of thin air-

And my jaw fell agape.

No way...

Without any further prompting by anyone, my thumb grazed over the activation switch and ignited the legendary weapon, a brilliant azure hue lighting up my face and partially the darkness in the tower. Yeeeeah man. Suddenly I wasn't feeling so frightened anymore.

The weapon is set to burn rather than disintegrate, mind you. But I advise carefulness wielding it in the upcoming confrontation.

Works for me! I grinned like a madman while testing the lightsaber in my hand, whirling it around delicately and assuming many stances of all seven combat forms. The hilt itself is a design I haven't seen before... Curved, and feeling just right in my palm and fingers. I weighted the hilt and nodded in bemused satisfaction. Felt as though it was made for me, without sounding so boastful about now carrying a lightsaber.

Crafted from magic to your liking. Enjoy, but do refrain from burning your fingers numerous times as you use it.

Heh, got it. Pushing the door further open, I, Master Stardust Kenobi, found the immediate confidence to venture within, the hue of the blue blade forcing back the darkness upon exploring inside, pausing for a moment to sniff the stale air. Huh. And swallowing a gulp, my feet took me forward towards the near staircase, glancing around in caution and curiosity, having anticipated to see more gravestones laying about everywhere.

Instead there were... Statues. Lined up against the wall showing various equines of Earth Pony, pegasus and unicorn kind, each holding a solemn expression whilst standing with pride, atop a stone square pillar with words implanted into these pillars. The sight was unnerving as it was entrancing.

Burials of long past. My teacher proceeded to explain upon hearing my curiosity, sounding far too casual about it whilst I carefully walked up the first spiral staircase. The ritual practiced for burying the passed was a ceremony most were obligated to attend. A statue placed for each fallen Equestrian in respect to their existence and accomplishments, how insignificant some of them may appear to others.


Starswirl chuckled lightly. Quite. The Tower was created as a means to respect the greatest ponies of their time, having committed great deeds for Equestria and passing of old age, or falling in battle.

So all these ponies I was passing by accomplished something great for Equestria? These were forgotten heroes?

Some of them. Others were revolutionists of their shared eras. Some were inventors and philosophers, sharing Equestria's future for the good of all. In fact, I do believe the inventor of the quill is buried somewhere in these walls.

We can check later should I survive. How close were we to the imbalance? I asked this as we reached the third floor already.

...Not too far now. Starswirl answered after a moment of concentration. I suspect our opposition is already aware of our arrival. Prepare to defend yourself, Jack; lest this foe does more damage than already from disrespecting these Equestrian's resting places.

Claiming dominance over the dead? I knew Sunset was petty as a villain, but this was something to just look at in pity and disgust. Frowning, I continued up the next staircase, feeling the air grow thicker with every step upwards...

I felt like a Jedi Master.

I mean, what other feeling could describe perfectly this sensation of holding a genuine lightsaber in my hand while exploring a dark, supposedly haunted building? I couldn't resist from twirling a blue blade a couple of times amidst the venture up the tower, the reality of wielding the genuine article still sinking into my head. Now, the lightsaber hovered by my hip, taking a slow posture into the tainted blackness waiting for me on this specific floor.

Keeping the lightsaber, by the way.

This was the area, wasn't it? Even I could feel the tense atmosphere palpable on this floor without magic.

This is it. I pictured Starswirl nodding. Prepare yourself.

Alright. I raised my blade upwards before, assuming a two-handed grip and relaxing my breath, waiting. I was ready for you this time, Sunset. Without Zagreus to boss you around, I might stand a chance... Here's hoping.

My body stiffened at the loud scuffling in the darkness opposing me, something clearly ready to leap out and pounce the second I lowered my guard. While keeping my weapon raised defensively, I had the good idea then to quickly removing my gown so it wouldn't become a hindrance in the upcoming fight, kicking the discarded clothing back and pushing a strand of hair from my face. A dark boot then emerged from the shadows, but instead of seeing those cerulean demonic eyes glaring back at me.

I saw serpentine blue.


My whole posture tensed further, hearing the ghoulish noise and whispers from around me. Warily, I glanced from the demon-shaped creature in the dark towards the source of the noises between me... And immediately refrained from the urge to scream and run, although the entire sensation was there.

Oh [BEEP] no...

Ghosts. Literal, ghosts. All rising up from the graves beneath their respective shadows with blackened eyes of pure malice, white transparent muzzles twisted in contempt, regarding me as though I was the one trespassing and disturbing their final resting homes. Great, [BEEP]ing fantastic.

A demon and now ghosts... When did My Little Pony become so diverse-?

My blade swung the second the ghosts leaped forward, body spinning around without further incentive and blazing through the spiritual bodies. What's that? A lightsaber shouldn't affect them? Tch, tell that to Force Unleashed!

I believe that's no longer canon.

Thank God too. The Force was excessively OP in that game. Anyway, my blade succeeded, in a way. The second the blue light ran across their chest the spirits disappeared on contact, myself extending the blade far to my right-


And my opponent making good use of the brief distraction, the weapon falling from my grip by the surprised tackle to my chest, feeling two claws force me back against a stone wall and flinching by the hard contact. Ow! The deactivated blade encased the room with darkness, only the demonic purple eyes staring closely at me illuminating anything. Feeling one hand off me, I sucked in a breath and instinctively dodged, stone and bits falling on my shoulder from the fist impacting the wall I previously backed against. Quickly, I rolled out of the way, reaching out into the darkness for any feel of my fallen weapon.

Aha! My pinky and ring finger brushed against metal- Agh! The opponent who clearly wasn't Sunset tackled me again, but this time I retaliated with a growl, kneeing my surprised assailant in the stomach and prompting a pained grunt, pushing her off me and rolling again, feeling around on the dusty floor for the hilt and-

Success! The hall illuminated again with my blue blade and-

[BEEP]! This time I was ready for the attack, my lightsaber holding back two unfazed purple claws, the demon leaning forward with blazing violet eyes of hatred-


Not her too...



My opponent took advantage of my shocked state, a steady kick to my waist forcing me to roll across the ground and hit another wall, inciting my yell of anguished pain. But the anguish itself stemmed more from the enemy I found myself facing. Purple claws emitted a similar coloured hue of energy, clenching into fists as her suddenly lit blue horn cast magic into the ceiling, passing blue fire onto dusting torches scattered on the walls. The lightsaber almost fell from my grip at the heartbreaking sight, breathing in shallowly.

Not her... Not her as well...

It's not the Twilight you know. Neither of them. Starswirl offered with a tinge of remorse. Just another slave to Zagreus' whim.

...Then I will do everything in my power to free her from his venomous grasp.

Midnight Sparkle snarled at my defensive stance, body and indigo wings extended with preparation for a fight. I flinched, feeling quite nauseous from the thought of even attacking with my blade, hence the Soresu position. Every fiber in my being was screaming against attacking her, but somehow, I got the feeling there was no other outcome this way.

"Twilight..." I couldn't stop myself from muttering again in disbelief, my pain palpable by what has befallen this version of the mare I loved. To my faint surprise, though, the demonic iteration seemed to have glinted her eyes at those words, before glaring in disdain again.

"What manner of creature are you...?" Midnight- No, I couldn't call her that. Not now or ever. Twilight inquired with a raised contempt brow. Okay, so it seemed she wasn't controlled enough to be able to speak freely, and there was no trace of Zagreus' influence in those eyes.

They weren't black...

They weren't black...!

Don't lower your stance for a moment, Jack.

"What happened to you...?" I was compelled to ask, hoping she would answer. And she did, just not in the way I hoped. My blade met her attacks again, although this time it was various magical beams emanating from her clenched fists, bouncing back harmlessly from my weapon with some flying past my hair and body. I might have a lightsaber but I was no Jedi...

And then, the woman extended both her open hands together and fired a more powerful wave of energy. I rolled once again, hearing magic shatter the stone wall behind before composing myself and kneeling down, blade pointing directly towards the unfazed opponent. I should attack back... But I couldn't.

I can't.

Twilight looked rather annoyed by my actions, scowling before raising one limb to the ceiling, and I began to feel the floor vibrating by the raw mass of corrupted magic contained within the woman. That's what happened to her in Friendship Games; an unstable mess of magic unleashed and consuming the hapless teen into it, forming into this creature I had hoped to never see again. Hoped I would prevent from ever happening.

But I did... So why would he do this? Why steal away one of the few times I would call a genuine victory? This was just... So wrong...

"Why do you pretend?"

I blinked by the sudden disgusted tone. "Sorry?"

Twilight barely appeared amused, her angered look deepening. "He was right, you are deceptive. Your feigned sympathy won't work on me, Warrior. You're a threat to all these innocent people on this world, and I'm here to stop you from causing anymore harm!"

My baffled posture took in her words before I frowned in revulsion, indignant by this evident bull[BEEP]. "Is that was Zagreus told you?" I sneered back in ludicrous anger. "God dammit Twilight why are you always so gullible-?!"

Wrong thing to say, all things considered. My lightsaber almost flung from my grip again at the raw power firing against me, my body deflecting and brushing past all blue energy beams aimed my way, rather surprised by myself. Perhaps it was instinct, that drive of humanity to survive any and all obstacles. And, truth be told, I'd rather not die today, for once.

Not by Twilight's own hand... I would never want to cause her that much pain.

The demonic version charged again, frustrated by my dancing dodges and adopting a more personal approach, swipes, kicks and punches which I either blocked, dodged or did get hit by. Human body, I keep getting reminded of. And said body was already beginning to feel drained. I barely managed to dodge the next fist and energy attack from it over my left shoulder, finally seeing an opportunity to retaliate.

An exposed spot of her left hip. My hand swung by incentive, reaching contact-

And stopping, time holding still for just a moment, Twilight's disbelieving eyes looking down where the blade paused right before it would make contact with lavender flesh, my blinking hands regarding my shaking right limb... No.

I couldn't do it.

Twilight seized that chance, pushing me back forcibly before flying backwards to gain some distance, the enraged demon now looking more incredulous and wary. My own gaze lingered on my sweating hand, still shaking slightly from the prospect of almost harming the one I loved. I know the lightsaber wasn't set to kill but... Any bodily harm to her physically pained me in turn.

...I can't fight her.

I'm sorry Starswirl... I can't.


My opponent blinked upon my next action, genuine confusion blazing her purple features upon me deactivating my weapon and throwing it to the side. Twilight inquired sincerely. "What do you think you're doing?"

Staring directly into her eyes, I confessed without regret. "I won't fight you, Twilight."

Suddenly, two hands gripped my clothed chest and threw me around, landing my back roughly into a stone pedestal and inciting my snarl of pain. Argh... Gonna feel that in the morning.

She towered over me, glaring down at my lack of attempt to retaliate. "You don't fool me!" She retorted. "Fight back, now!"


Twilight growled, and I then found myself being thrown across the floor like a rag doll. "Fight back!" She yelled in earnest frustration, clearly attempting to get a rise out of me.

Well, she could try all she wanted.

And tried she did. Oh was this Twilight determined. For the next few minutes my body was a plaything for the demon, throwing me, punching me, kicking and magic aimed at my vulnerable spots, making every attempt to incite me to fight back. But I couldn't, my body was on shut down for the moment, making zero attempt to defend myself a little. I flinched, winced and exclaimed pain at every moment, surprised I was even lasting this long. But I wouldn't fight back. Not against her, not ever again.

And Twilight finally seemed to notice this, after throwing me on the ground again and my dazed eyes blurred a little, feeling a more softer grip against my cardigan this time, meeting the demon's incredulous and, this time, hesitant gaze. "I don't get it." She hissed in angered confusion. "Why won't you fight back?!"

Why? The answer was obvious love.

With a sore grin, I managed to muster out quietly, and simply. "Because my love for you will always overshadow my hate."

The reaction was authentic as it was comical. Her grip on me loosened, the poor version of Twilight taking a few steps back slowly, genuine disbelief and shock dancing on her features. "You're... You're lying." She whispered, sounding unconvinced and despaired herself. "He- He told me! You're just using this world's me for your own gain!"

It felt like my throat was choking up blood, but I managed to utter out, "No... No." With a weak chuckle. It took some effort to stand, my knees wobbling whilst mustering up enough willpower to make the attempt, grinning tiredly towards the baffled corrupted teen. There's hope, there has to be! "I don't know what exactly Zagreus told you, love..." I began, taking a steady step forward each time. "But... But I would never... Never harm you... I'd sooner die..."

And I almost did, all things considered.

"I don't understand..." Twilight muttered earnestly, her previously contempt expression melting away to reveal the real her, the one trapped inside that poor shell. Those serpentine eyes replaced by those violet orbs I endeared so much, and it broke my heart all over again to see them on this body. "But if you're so in love with my other self... Aren't you... Repulsed by... This...?" Her voice grew tiny with every word, hesitant and afraid.

And it ached my chest all over again, moreso than the physical pain she just bestowed on me.

"Never." Reaching her at close distance, my hand managed to reach out and weakly grasp her lavender shoulder, looking into her eyes with the utter truth. "You will always be Twilight to me... Let me save you."

Her breath inhaled sharply, the demon quickly retreating backwards after shrugging off my hand, and it hurt all over again to see her this way. So unsettled, so uncertain, so... Afraid.

And in a flash of light, she was gone. And all the magic with her.


I whispered into the darkness, my legs finally giving way and kneeling on the ground, breathing slow and exhausted, defeated and pained. Palms pressed against stone, a sensation of tears I didn't notice until then were falling from my blurry hazel eyes.

She's gone... Starswirl stated the painful truth. No matter what you think, Jack, that was all Zagreus' doing.

...You're right.

My eyes blazed upwards into the dark. And I'm going to make that [BEEP] suffer for what he has done to her...

After limping out of the Tower, I had found Grave Keeper tending to some graves and waited, before telling him that the supposed danger has passed and ponies were free to see their ancestors again. Indeed, Starswirl had wrapped up the imbalance within after Twilight fled the place, off to parts unknown and beyond my teacher's senses at the moment. I'd say all's well that ends well... But that wasn't the case.

There was no victory felt here today... Just a somber outcome as blatant as the air of this town.

I would be heading home by now, wanting nothing more than to escape the horrible experience I had here, had Starswirl not made his personal request. Now, still limping, my recovering legs reached the dimly lit room of the highest floor within the Tower, heading directly towards the back of the area.

A bouquet of red flowers in my hands. Red was always his favourite. Starswirl had simply said, and I had the sudden suspicion as to whom exactly we were visiting up here. The unicorn had expressed it wasn't himself, so that left only one other candidate after pondering the notion.

Finally reaching the end, I was met with the largest pedestal in this Tower I've witnessed, surprise surprise. The biggest statue atop resembling a creature akin to a gargoyle, thanks to the stone. Without further delay, I knelt down before the imposing structure and gently placed the bouquet in front of it, looking up to face plate marking the words of a fallen friend to Equestrian kind.



It's been too long, old friend. My teacher expressed with emotion. Forgive me for neglecting to visit again; I've had my hoofs full for a while.

I closed my eyes while bowing my head.





Rest in peace, Scorpan...

Rest in peace, old friend...

Tenderly rising to stand, I gazed upwards at the solemn expression with a tiny smile, quite thankful to Starswirl for showing me this.

It is I who should express gratitude, Jack... You had no incentive to do this for me, but I am touched and gratified all the same.

After everything you've done for me... How could I say no?


Yes my child...?

...Why me? You could've picked anyone else on Earth... Why?

...One day, Jack, everything will be explained. Starswirl answered with sober warmness. Once Zagreus is stopped, and Equestria reaches the peace we strive to achieve... My imagination should Starswirl looking up at the statue with intent. What he always wanted for... Until then.

...I'll save her.

No matter what, I'll save her and Sunset... I'll save them both.

Author's Note:

I have disabled ratings after finding out now that that's a thing. Always hated that gimmick on this site... Anyway, thanks for enjoying that chapter!

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