• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,874 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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A Journey Beyond Sanity: The Movie: Part III

"Head's up!" Came Sunset's warning from the hurled Storm King minion unwittingly coming my way, forcing me to duck quickly as it sailed by down the homely blue hall... And a chance to deliver a swift uppercut on the armoured guard I was fighting, right up the white furry chin. Wouldn't be enough; a double kick with my rocket boots then was, my flung form quickly caught by a hill of fluffy pillows courtesy of a certain trickster. Discord grinned, calling out whilst making a loop-de-loop of his own body to mock the group of guards daring to face the Master of Chaos itself.

"No wonder His Ancient Majesty asked me to keep an eye on ya!"

"I'm a glutton for punishment!" I responded with a heated, rather eager grin, blocking one point spear with my metallic bracelet, tearing a bit through leather. Ooh, human Rarity won't be happy... Ah well. Far more important things were at stake here, I'll apologize to her, should I survive, once all was said and done.

Namely, taking back the castle. MY castle. Our castle. With that state of mind, the soldier in black armour wasn't too happy by the shoulder-to-chest, forcing the furry guard backwards and causing a noticeable dent in the wall. Oops.

One rocket boot to the shielded face, and moving on, catching onto the spear of another guard. Metal bracelet flung into the face of the next intruder, and a jetboot to the chest, forcing my world to spin briefly, rolling across the ground rather roughly. Ow ow ow. But months and months surviving out in the harsh wilderness, you learn to brush off these things... That and I've endured far, far worse during my few years as a Twilight Warrior.

Sunset was faring well enough; time in the human world accomplishing sparsely in diminishing her skills as her true form, the dark yellow unicorn smashing the heads of two guards together without effort, leaping over a diving black-and-blue intruder next before utilizing the very rug itself, tightly bounding around the hapless creature.

Which Discord helped himself to wrapping three grown fingers around the unwitting soldier, adorning the attire of a professional bowler and aiming with tongue out and narrowed precision at another approaching set of guards... I think you know what happened next. "Hey Starry old boy, how are your skills here?"

"[BEEP] you." I answered without skipping a beat, out of endearment and playful banter than real malice, side-stepping and grabbing a thrusted long stick with my elbow, then proceeding that with elbowing the guard, whom blocked it, but was unsuspecting of my direct to his knee. His defense lowered, giving me full access to snatch out the weapon, whirl around, and snap the large stick in half from contact with the side of his dazed head, forcing the guard to lay down. Almost caught splinters there.

The three of us exchanged triumphant smirks, but the vibrating floors from the next few guards, storming across the hallways they had no right to venture in effort of charging towards us, eventually ceased before their own helpless cries by a more prominent force of magic. Black and green holding them at bay.

Followed by being thrown onto the ground and secured by grown crystallized magic, courtesy of an approaching former dark King alongside the pegasus from another world, the latter with a certain blue lightsaber held in his new wing, beaming as though having a good time. "I'm getting use to this!"

And the hilt through his feathers, causing a burn mark on the carpet I'm sure Spike will have to clean up later. I flinched.

Sunset smiled at her friend's mistake, her own weapon deactivated and spinning expertly in a blue hue by her side. "Is that all of them?"

"On this floor." Sombra responded at once, getting straight to business, and I found myself smiling faintly in nostalgia. As the group of five formed a circle with one another, the grey unicorn - did I mention how [BEEP]ing weird it was to see him without armour or that red cape? - nodded between us. "Many still roam the halls, gathering all they desire in the name of their master." Which 'master,' though?

"Here's the plan then; we split up and take them down floor by floor. Sombra you cover the ground floor, keep anymore of them out. Discord you handle the other floors where they're most likely to keep covering for any intruders and flush them outside. Flash, we'll need you to lure any stragglers in Discord or Sombra's vicinity-" Sunset, during her explanation, was oblivious to my slow stare her way. "- I'll handle the library and rooftop. Stardust will inspect any of the other rooms since he knows the layout of the castle better than us. Once done we all regroup on the rooftop and coordinate our next strategy. Any questions?"

"...Excuse me?" Cerulean eyes turned to face my frown. "Who's in charge here?"

"Oh. Right." The yellow unicorn's sheepish smile was a contrast to the flash of annoyance across her features. "Sorry, please go on."

I nodded, clapping my hands together and looking back to the others. "Right then, here's the plan!" ...And then back to Sunset. "Great plan Sunset!" The unicorn rolled her eyes with a bemused smirk to my grin. "We'll need to keep in contact though. Discord?"

While Flash was humorously checking invisible pockets for a phone, the draconequus merely snapped his fingers, and voila, earpieces in our palms... Looking like something I would never hope to ever put in my ear again after this ordeal. Once we all did so, mine to my working left ear, Discord tapped his and caused us all to wince. "Testing! TESTING!"

"They work you fool..."

"Oh, grou-chy! We have another Stardust Balance amidst our crew!"

Ignoring the short bicker between two former villains, I turned around and, with a good luck nod to Sunset... And Flash... I ran the opposite direction to complete my part of clearing the castle out of Zagreus' slaves. And I knew just where to start.

Third door down the right. Three of them.

Laundry room.

The three unsuspecting guards in there had no chance, knocked out one by one; the first granted a swift rocketed knee to the face, stumbling backwards into the laundry basket. The other two minions of the Storm King couldn't prevent the metallic chain wrapping and smashing their armoured furry heads together, leaving behind only their dizzying states.


"I don't think Mom's ever gonna let you do laundry again, Dad."

"How was I suppose to know they'd all come out white...?"

Second door down the next curved staircase. Five of them.

The kitchen.

A fistful of black fur, from behind, smacking one guard's face against the counter whilst other were distracted snacking themselves on OUR food stock. Needless to say, one weaponless two-legged goat got a body-full of fridge door, knocking him backwards helplessly. Another charging before one cupboard door opened, comically throwing him in a backwards twirl onto the ground, the fourth and fifth guards hasty to grab their discarded spears before gifted a face full of flour, myself sliding over the counter and blasting their protected chests with a full dosage of rocket fire.

And helping myself to grabbing a jar of blackberry jam before leaving for the next room. I was getting pretty hungry from all this.

"You might make the best brownies in Ponyville, Stardust, but let's see if you can keep up with my mastery over the art of scones."

"Scones, Starlight? It's a wonder your village was still alive when our friends reached it."


Meanwhile, all sorts of sounds were playing within my ear; grunts and battle cries of my friends and the pain of the intruders, obviously hard at work to kicking all these [BEEP]ers out as much as I was. No clear idea as to what my friends were doing exactly to fight off these remaining stragglers all throughout the castle.

But if I were a gambling man, I'd wager Sunset was kicking goat arse with her fierce grace, green lightsaber humming and whizzing in powerful blurs, catching the minions off-guard and slashing their sticks in two, kicking and magically headbutting the waists and chests of these intruders with her own battle smirk, leaping and twirling over one charging soldier and blasting into three others, judging by the chorus of grunts just then.

Sombra, being an undisputed master of magic be it harmonic or chaotic, was enveloping and trapping all forwarding opponents before they could even reach him, crystals summoned from the ground and, despite making a small mess, doing its job with incapacitating the one-minded foes. All while holding that same calm posture with a mere faint tinge of pride.

Discord would be having the thrill of a lifetime, mocking and playing with his food instead of chewing. "Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Oh dear, please stop hitting your friend too." Before dropping God knows what kind of heavy or 'playful' objects atop the poor unsuspecting soldiers.

If only I felt pity for them.

Flash was likely making up for lack of usage with his new equine body by utilizing the blue blade further; blocking and slicing spears with precise swings to the legs of his foes, inducing burns overall before making any other combatants follow him towards either Discord or Sombra... Discord by the sounds of this present judging by the sounds of maniacal laughter and more hapless cries of the armoured intruders.

All making use of ourselves in driving away some unwanted guests... I'll be doing my best not to limp behind.

Next few rooms left side, four hallways down. A significant number of them.

The bedrooms.

Ohhhhh were these mother[BEEP]ers in for some beatings, especially when I found five to six guards patrolling and ransacking my son's own room. All grinded to a halt from my slamming doors wide open, my dark expression and the visible appearance of a blade. "Get out of my house."

Needless to say, these guards were quick to turn tail and run after seeing what I just did to the first two soldiers.

Instead of pursuing, however, I found myself lingering, hazel eyes wanting, searching up and down the violated bedroom with memories popping back up, shivering my entire helpless form, breaking down all shields against vulnerability.

"And then, when Luke turned himself in, he met up with his father-"

"Wait, when did that happen?"

"Just now, after Luke confessed to Leia regarding their birthright a few minutes ago."

"You were still telling the story while I went to the bathroom?"

"When I get going, Spike, I get going."

A small faint smile, my breathing deepening and feeling myself going to shed a tear of two. [BEEP], it's as if I could transparent versions of Spike and I at the other end of the room, setting up his PS3 and playing some old-fashioned co-op-

No... Not now...

Forcing myself to turn away, I managed to get out, letting Starswirl dispose of the unconscious guards in my quest. Once reaching the hallway again, I pressed one hand to my rapidly-beating chest, closing eyes tightly. This castle was REALLY bringing back memories... It almost felt as though I never left...

Wish I never did to begin with...

You may never have to again...

Tch. I snorted derisively, carrying on my pathway towards the next bedroom... Twilight's bedroom. Oh dear God no...! Those [BEEP]s dare defile her belongings-?!

Seven to nine, all doing some unholy actions like breaking through my Princess' stuff, ripping up pages from her favourite personal books and even smashing the double-bed. It might have just become petty of me, while my palms shook dangerously against the open doors.

But right then, I was seeing red, and a voice tore from my throat I haven't heard to myself in years. "Get out of my wife's room!"

Twilight blinked earnestly with wonder and curiosity as I quickly approached and knelt before the alicorn, holding up my ring finger with a tone of conviction. "For as long as I wear this ring, I vow as the Twilight Warrior not to engage in anymore danger headfirst without help from my friends. My family." Twilight gasped, and I grinned rather cheekily. "My love for them and the amazing Princess of Friendship is too much for me to let them suffer because of my own mistakes. This ring is a symbol of my promise to obey the wishes of my flawless Princess, and for as long as I stay human, it will never come off-"

"That's all I needed to hear." Was Twilight blissful whisper upon cutting me off, tight purple limbs wrapped around my neck and embracing me warmly. And, of course, the second she pulled back Twilight's eyes were watery with emotion, chuckling in soft relief. "I'll be holding you to that vow, Jack..."

My free hand reached upwards, gently brushing away the unneeded waterworks with a humoured smile. "I'll do my best not to disappoint, my love."

"You better." Twilight was still smiling warmly as she said this, bringing me in for another hug which I endearingly returned. The mare added more quietly with happiness. "You better..."

Not sure what happened precisely, but my own mental remembrance making that vow ended with seeing armoured guards scattered around the room, knocked out or cowering in fear my direction. One was even halfway out the shattered window...

Starswirl... Just...

On cue, they disappeared with a flash of gold between each of the beaten soldiers, and I breathed for a good long moment, ignoring the battle cries and victory ringing in my left ear, looking around in distraught anguish and memories. The hand bearing the promised ring pressed against my chest, a new priority replacing all others for the moment.

I know it might seem petty, wrong moment at the wrong time. But [BEEP] anyone who believes that; I had to make sure.

The friendship mirror wasn't damaged, thank Christ. Most of the books across the shelves were relatively unharmed, but the few that were openly ruined... I made time to retrieve a notepad and quill from the broken drawers, writing down the titles each of the defiled items for future replacement. After all this was done, after I saved everyone and reunited with her, with my friends. My family.

So you are staying then.




The sounds of battle cries each throughout the castle and inside my left ear broke my from my conflicted thoughts, setting the notepad and making a mental reminder to pick it back up later. For now, there were the remaining stragglers. Were they in Starlight's room?

Luckily not. It seems their focus is in your own room. Either case, Jack, you have yet to answer my question.

...I don't know.

Truly? The mentor hadn't sounded so firmly confrontational in ages. Do you continue believing there is no future? No hope for your existence? Perhaps I haven't devised a way, even in my flesh today, to restore you back to Equestrian form now or ever, Jack... But the Princess is certainly not me.

No... I smirked faintly, carrying on forwards towards my bedroom, ready for some more forced memories rising by the pits of the very sight. No Twilight was her own pony... Amazing and determined in every single way...

What I failed to accomplish in my past life, those wonderful mares certainly made up for. By now, my friend, perhaps they've found a way to...

...It's too much to hope for, Starswirl. And right now, bigger fish were in need of frying.I was close to my room then, venturing the layout of the castle expertly even without my teacher's instructions, knowing this interior like the back of my human hand. Again, as if I never left.

...Also did I just call Twilight my 'wife' earlier? The [BEEP] was that all about...?

Nine. Ten. Twelve guards waiting inside by then, examining my room and making a mess of the nostalgic area that caused a sharp, annoyed inhale through my nostrils. Twilight, Starlight and Spike's room being invaded I won't tolerate, hence the more mild annoyance then. Thankfully, my TV and consoles seemed relatively unscathed.

Shame the same couldn't be said of these remaining soldiers, all whom couldn't land a solid hit against the coming onslaught. Months of surviving alone and within the wilderness, experience gathered by adventures and peril situations, all coming out as the armoured spear-wielding minions were punched, kicked, shouldered and thrown all over my room, Starswirl deal with the dazed and unconscious [BEEP]holes until there was none of them left.

Just me, my panting state, in the center of my old room. Gulping, and looking around slowly, catching my breath and instinctively drawing out my hidden clean blade at the movement of brown mane on the couch... And a brown tail.

...Ah. Who's this one, I wonder...?

Resigned, I sighed deeply before slowly walking over, joining the golden past life on the comfortable sofa which wasn't too ruined by the intrusions before, hands clasped together and waiting for this gold stallion in the dark blue cape to say his piece. Judging by appearance, somewhere around my current age, so a recent version. The one I encountered in those woods would apply as my season six self... So was this...?

"I've always often thought myself a disappointment." Stardust started rather flippantly, pure blue-green eyes staring intently upwards at one portrait I was doing everything in my power to avoid looking, thus proving this ghost's overall point. The gold Earth Pony tilted his shaggy bearded head. "Not to Twilight and the others, obviously, but the ones we left behind back home. Our first home."

Note how he didn't say 'real home...'

"A liability. A inconvenience. A burden, you name it. I might as well have fit into all those categories." The faintest self-deprecating smile. "And I call Zephyr Breeze some things; he's far better the person than we would ever be."

"I'm sorry I left everyone behind like that." I blurted out without much thinking, my emotions speaking from behind forced to face this previous echo of a better past. "I'm sorry I abandoned everyone."

"No you're not. And no you didn't."


Stardust spared my befuddled state a low glance, before shaking his head rather patronizingly and looking back up towards the family portrait, staring intently to one specific spot of the picture. "We've lived our life steep in regret. I was hoping, with them... With her... It would finally end but... Here we are still, choosing to take blame for everything and hope our sacrifice would mean their safety, although things may not be that simple anymore."

The pony who chose a new life here, whom decided to stay in Equestria and live out the rest of his existence alongside the mare he loves and the new family, whom accepted him faults and all. The one who, perhaps, made the hardest life-making choice we ever could. The Stardust who knew what was coming, somehow, but still often defied fate and protected his friends no matter what.

The Stardust Balance who regrets, but kept on fighting.

"We may have been responsible for Zagreus' creation." Only the tip of bitterness in that British pondering tone, Stardust murmuring while keeping firm eyes still upon the portrait. "But sometimes, I think, we blame ourselves too much."

"Guys? Guys come in, how's everyone doing?"

I blinked once, and the phantom vanished in a mere half-second. Sighing, without much time to dwell on his words, I gently pressed a finger to the device and responded accordingly. "Just finishing up in the bedrooms. How's everyone else?"

"Library and rooftop cleared."

"All floors cleared."

"The main foyer cleared."

"Seems we've all been doing a great job guys! Guess we make a grand team! We should celebrate; how about a game of pin the tail on Celestia?"

I smiled lightly at Discord's endearing antics, shaking my head with a small huff. "Maybe another time. We should all rendezvous on the rooftop as per the plan-"

"Uhh, we may want to re-think our meeting point." Flash was sounding decidedly anxious all of a sudden... Was that the sound of rain? "Everyone should meet me at the balcony, quickly."


"On it old Fossil King!"

A dark chaotic portal swirling right before me, and presumably the other throughout the castle. Well, if the teenage boy says something's amiss, who was I not to investigate? I walked straight on through, arriving to the next destination in a heartbeat, the rest of us joining Flash by the entrance against the blue balcony overseeing the town.

A town... Heavily pounded by water, the sounds and shapes of cackling lightning and the darkest clouds, strong ridiculous currents making the ones back in the human world feel tame by comparison.

"That doesn't look good..." Discord, Master of the Obviously, pointed out in geniune faint surprise, the five of us looking out to Ponyville... Or what will soon remain of it.

With half of even the normal houses covered in harassing water, stretching out far across the open fields as much as the eye could comprehend. And Sunset's shocked gasp only confirmed I wasn't hallucinating this travesty.

"A flood..."

Imbalance is marking its terrain over the lands evermore...

"You see?" I motioned then happily, the hope in my chest rising brighter than the dying campfire between us. "You're still you. The appearance outside never changes whom you are on the inside. And inside; you're still the same compassionate, knowledgeable, kind and thoughtful, brilliant, considerate, strong amazing Twilight Sparkle I've... Well, I think you know." The faintest traces of pink on dark purple features, but Twilight never lingered her gaze from me or my great smile. "And I want to help you, Twilight Sparkle, not just as an obligation, but because I believe... I KNOW." I affirmed with conviction. "You deserve happiness and peace."

"...How?" Came the small, meek response, but I knew those eyes long enough now; enough to catch the glint of vain hope in those beautiful violet orbs. How indeed, love? Well I already had the perfect start in mind, lucky for you.

Smiling, I proceeded to offer an open hand gestured for shaking. "By starting over. Because forgiveness, my dear Twilight, is always the opening to a new peaceful beginning." And added with slight humour in my otherwise light tone. "My name is Jack Edward James Wright, my dear. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Twilight didn't react in kind initially, as I anticipated. Of course she needed a moment, and I could wait forever for her if need be. The teenager looked down to her own open purple hand, examining it and then mine for a long, drawn out minute, internally at war. But something, in the back of my mind under the smallest glimmer of hope, informed me over the decision this woman made before it even happened.

Tenderly, a small purple hand reached and clasped my own with gentleness, allowing a slow shake. "Twi... Twilight Sparkle." Still sounding completely unsure about addressing herself as much, but the lavender teen managing to keep going regardless. "And... It's nice to meet you too, Jack Wright..." And then suddenly frowned, and my mind quickly panicked. Had I done something wrong? But it wasn't the frown of caution or anger or malicious intent. Instead, it was a frown I was all too familiar with regarding my own Twilight, having bore witness to it time and time again.

The disapproving frown.

"Your bandages are wet." Oh, so they were. Twilight regarded my hands with an expression displaying annoyance, followed with her suddenly grabbing said hands before I could react. "Hold still, let me re-apply them." And paused, looking up albeit shyly. "It's... The least I could do for your kindness."

A part of me was tempted to point out the comparison between herself and my own girlfriend, but I neglected from mentioning as such not to upset the girl further. Instead, I grinned as my hands were currently being treated, this time me being conscious for the act, knowing better than to argue. "Afterwards maybe we could play some chess. Did you know I am currently beating Twilight by thirty-six to twenty-eight?"

A big fat lie, and even this Twilight knew it. Her lips curled upwards to a genuine amused smile, lighting up her beautiful features. "I sincerely doubt that... But you can prove otherwise in a mome-"

"-ardust? Stardust!"

"Oh, what? What?" Jesus Christ, another moment of losing myself in better memories, snapping his gaze to Sunset commenced shaking my knee, looking concerned with those cerulean eyes but keeping her eye on the ball.

"Now's not the time to start losing focus!" Hasn't stopped me before, but Sunset shared no such humour at present. "We need to do something, or that flood will consume everything!"

Right! Right of course! Immediately I looked to Discord hurriedly, hoping the very essence of Chaos itself was capable right there and then. "Can you stop this?"

"Pah! A drizzle like that?" A pink umbrella soon held in his grip alongside the most smug of smirks. "No problemo my little primate friend." At least one of us was positive, as the draconequus snapped his fingers.




Well, judging by the flicker of confusion on his goat-like features, something was suppose to have occurred then. Discord regarded his bear paw of a hand curiously, snapping again. Nothing, the heavy downpour continued harrowing the balcony close by. Discord raised a brow, for a moment showing sincere concern. "That's not good..."

No [BEEP]. Flash asked before I could snap my frustrations at the incarnation of mischief, "What's wrong?"

"Looks like the instability between the realms of magic are getting far too worse for me to stop the imbalance currently drowning the houses below." Followed by a rather callous shrug, Discord taking not then of our stunned-slash-irritated expressions and holding up a deck of cards. "Go fish?"


He's right Jack. This is beyond anything I anticipated. I hadn't even known the unstable weather that day originated from a mad creature.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...! I was this close, THIS close to snapping in heated anger and annoyance, grinding my teeth visibly! Couldn't something for once go our way?! If not Discord, the Elements of Harmony then?! The Crystal Heart?! The Pillars? What? What?!

"Those townsfolk are still trapped in the secret cave within the Forest..." Sombra murmured next in solemn thought, causing my insides to freeze.

And hastily looked out, uncaring of some rain hitting my temple with force, towards the dark green woods a good distance from the flooding town, correcting my worse fears and feeling the blood drain from my face faster than Discord could start handing out cards.

Oh [BEEP]! Oh [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]! No, I will not let this happen! NOT THOSE LIVES TOO!

"OPEN A PORTAL IMMEDIATELY!" The draconequus blinked in genuine shock to my commanding voice, and I was this close to grip around his neck and shake him wildly for not obeying at first. "GET EVERYONE IN THAT CAVE HERE NOW!"

"Uhh... Starry old boy, we might not have enough room here-"

"YOU WANNA BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEMISE OF A HUNDRED INNOCENT CREATURES!" Quickly shoving him aside without hearing an answer, I called over my shoulder with less frustrated and deeply concerned shouting. "Bring them all to the foyer! Now!"

With commencing to hurry there myself, the sounds of multiple hoofsteps following in my mad dash towards the castle's entrance. They had to be alright. They had to be alright. They had to be alright. Bon. Whooves. Octavia. All the innocents ponies that ran away from Canterlot back here for refuge until the crisis was done with, brief morbid images of the worst possibly happening to them.

Trapped in that cave... Water, leaking from the only entrance and pouring down the stone steps like small waterfalls... My pace quickened much further, ignoring the warnings of friends behind not to push myself.

They HAD to be alright...!

My moment of panicking was briefly delayed, however, from the sounds of confused gasps and murmurs echoing closer, alerting me that Discord did his job, the draconequus greeting us upon the main staircase while guzzling down a barrel of... Something, and motioned carelessly downwards. To the whole room of baffled and concerned ponies.

"Oh God..." I breathed gently, feeling my knees ready to wobble a little. "Oh thank God..." A certain yellow unicorn and blade-coloured pegasus supporting me by the knees and waist, keeping me steady with their own faint relieved smiles. They all looked safe... At least I hoped they were. All of them.

Many saved citizen looked upwards to the human, three ponies and one mishmash of animals and started pointing, whispering and crying out in either shock or recognition. But Sombra addressed something more pressing next, "We're not out of this yet; the flood is trying to get in."

We followed where the former tyrant was pointing. True enough, to my flash of panicked horror, the foyer was beginning to turn into a tiny pool, filling up the the many hooves all around.

Plan. Plan plan plan- Ah! "Get everyone upstairs, lead them to..." I had to consider deeply for the moment. "The throne room. Sunset should know the way." I turned to Discord next expectantly as both Sunset and Flash went to work downstairs and rallying the crowd. "Can you stop the flood getting into the castle?" The answer glinted in his eyes before even opening his long mouth, so I held up a hand firmly. "Never mind. Summon all the towels in the castle for everyone when they're safely upstairs." I turned to the closed doors spewing outside water threateningly, myself heaving a low sigh and commenced rolling up my sleeves, throwing my leather jacket onto the railing side. "DIY it is..."

Gonna need some boards and nails... Ah! A stern hoof to my right prompted my gaze to meet the commanding monarch, Sombra frowning with his own unstoppable resolve. "I will assist you."

Twilight I could work with. Rainbow and Applejack could have their stubbornness changed with enough time. Sombra? He was a league of his own, and that's why I didn't argue, resorting to walking down the rest of the grand staircase and stepping aside with the grey unicorn on the other, allowing the hurrying and frightened ponies to hastily venture upwards for sanctuary, ignoring the feeling of water against socks.

More important things were at stake... Although, maybe removing both shoes and socks first on the stairs would have been more efficient.

The imbalances have extended beyond touching the countless species of Equestria. Beyond toying the minds and thought process of the innocent and vulnerable, or sinister and powerful. What you saw was merely a glimpse of what the world was now enduring; in the human world, a mere preview.

As the teacher proceeded with the explanation, I was currently content in plugging the cracks and preventing the doors from inevitably bursting open from the growing sea outside. From the side, Sombra helped, utilizing his darkened magic in crystallizing his half of the foyer. What did I have? Wood, nails and a hammer. The classic human tactic to home repair work. Suffice to say, I thought I was doing a pretty good job so far. Haven't broken any fingers... Yet.

Forests coated in floods. The seas greeted by a great drought. Avalanches and volcanic eruptions the likes Equestria has never witnessed. Fields dawned by harrowing wings and oppressive hurricanes, deserts encompassed by ruthless newfound tornadoes of snow. Mountain tops descending in strong mud falls. The skies a neverending darkness. All around the world, these unholy unnatural disasters are causing strife for all life.

All caused by you-know-who...

Indeed. Starswirl the Bearded sounded all too mournful, experiencing the regret and pain one would anticipate from all of this awful catastrophes. Zagreus has gone too far... There is little else which can be done left.

It wasn't Zagreus I was talking about...

He stayed silent at that, probably for the best. I sighed lowly, eyes focused still on hammering on nail in care. Not desiring anymore things to swear bloody murder about; though I've already doomed all of the life on perhaps every world in existence, what comparison would be made to damaging my own body parts? What more could I possibly do than [BEEP]ing everything up already? Absolutely nothing. This nail I was currently pounding into the previously lovely doorframe was currently more stable than myself or the fate of Equestria.

"Of all the things I have known about you since entering your self-deprecating mind, being a DIY individual never struck me for your talents." The former King finally spoken up, having been quiet for most of these repairing and reinforcing the front room.

I shrugged, neither of us really regarding each other in sacrifice of setting ourselves to the task at hand. "My Dad was a plasterer, a hard worker. Maybe it runs in the family." Maybe I should have been that instead; followed in his footsteps. Then I could've damaged only houses and walls.

Than, say, the multiverse.

"I remember." Sombra acknowledged rather casually, more sounds of crystal magic setting up a few extra layers of protection. Flashes of black from the corner of my hazel eyes. "You had no hesitation against following his example. Why start now?"

Ah. I managed a low grin then. "Guess some things we never expect."

A low deep grunt. "But few we can entirely anticipate... A shame you've always refused to follow some examples made by those closest."

More silence followed, my mouth parched of any possible retorts. Sombra always knew the right buttons to push... Even, perhaps, moreso than Twilight...

God dammit, why did I have to think of her now...?

Oh right, nostalgia.

Back in the old home, back where everything seemed alright - the scared citizens and animals upstairs, the small lake beneath my soaked legs and the flood outside threatening to consume us all notwithstanding - when I was home, safe and sound. It almost felt all... Natural.

Waking up either by the calls of Twilight or Spike, one stern and the other playful. Sometimes Starlight, who would be more teasing about dragging my groggy posterior out of bed. Breakfast with the family, sometimes in absence of few either by work or chores. Still, those often sibling-bonding breakfast moment just between the pink unicorn and I were enjoyable, constant teasing to and from one another aside... Nah they were enjoyable too.

First few hours of the morning spent in the company of either all three, or separately. Video games and playing ball with an enthusiastic loving Spike, kite-flying with a laughing Starlight, reading time with my beautiful Twilight. Then, a trip around to help out Applejack, Fluttershy or Rarity if they needed it, mostly the first two since they prefer my assistance the most. Pinkie's just fine with the Cakes in the bakery, and Rainbow likes to sleep in more than I could back then.

Lunch spent in the castle or with whomever I visited, followed by a next couple of hours hanging out in a group together, talking, laughing, joking and doing just about all what good dear friends would do. And I'd have a blast!

The evening, spending the last few moments with Spike before the adorable dragon's bedtime, then helping him sleep with a good story either made up or from another piece of fiction... Mostly the latter.

Then the moments of peace with Twilight... Candlelights set neatly around in each other's warm, comfortable hoofs, reading in snuggled compassion or just... Being with each other... Content, relaxed, with no cares in the world.

...Ow my heart...

And then, something grasped my still arm, bringing me back to reality and having me realize I had stopped working altogether, looking to the former tyrant whom set his close features firm, green deep orbs regarding me in knowing intent. "What has become of you Jack?" He asked quietly. Not gently. "What has made you the worse than I have ever witnessed of you before...?"

To tell, or not to tell? I could only stare back for the moment, feeling typically indecisive. What would Sombra do? How would he react to the harsh, world-breaking-only-to-my-friends news? Would he forgive, or condemn? Would it even matter anymore?

I'd get my answer... Soon enough.

"Guys?" We looked to the top staircase, a certain cream mare gazing downwards with worried deep blue eyes. "There's something you need to see."

This had to be a dream.

Because it couldn't possibly be real.

It couldn't be...

Couldn't... Shouldn't...

For no way, once hastily following Bon Bon A.K.A Sweetie Drops upstairs in soaked shoes and socks to where the sheltered ponies and various wildlife were protected in the large dining room itself, as the whole crowd dispersed to welcome a sight I hadn't anticipated at all. For no way was she here.

No way, was Starlight Glimmer, looking slightly drained but smiling in peaky warmth, standing in the middle with her trickster friend, and two certain Earth Ponies I hadn't expected to see in God knows how long.

Literal cold feet would be applicable here, for due to the moment of a startling, breathtaking revelation, I could not bring myself to move a single muscle. Only until the pink unicorn approached herself did I keel over into a warm, fuzzy embrace, breathing heavily into comforting fur did the reality strike. Feeling her in my tightly-grasping arms.

She's here! She's SAFE!

"Somepo- Excuse me, somebody's been having an emotional coaster of late." Discord slyly commented from the side.

"But... How...?" I had to ask, croaking almost, intently focused only on both my sister and her friend, pulling from the hug in awed, pure relief. "I... We thought Zagreus captured you...?"

"Oh, he did, for a time." Starlight responded as though the whole matter was a mere walk in the path, sending a coy path her best friend's way. The voice became equally playful. "Until a certain good friend one could ever ask for couldn't allow that."

"Pah!" The blue mare promptly turned away, clearly unused to being focused on by others in the emotional variety. Head looking upwards with a closed-eye frown. "Naturally! The Great and Powerful Trixie would scarcely allow friends who had been there for her to be the mere playthings of vile fiends!"

A long, pin-dropping pause.

And Trixie winked back with a warm grin her bestie's way. "But you're welcome Starlight."

Sunset, Flash, Bon and the rest all beamed themselves at the joyful reunion - though to me it was more even than that - before I frowned next. Hold on, some questions to be had here. "Wait, then had did Trixie find out you were even captured Starlight? I thought she was hiding in the pool cave with everyone else?"

"For that matter, how did you accomplish saving your friend?" Sombra stepped forward, addressing the blue magician in purple flashy wear with sincere curiosity, none of the snark remaining. Looked and felt surreal, to put it mildly. "Surely Starlight would have heavily guarded in Canterlot?"

Trixie snorted, rolling pink haughty eyes before responding all too proudly, "Puh-lease! Cages mean nothing to the Great and Powerful Trix-!"

"You've got us to thank for helping there." A certain male voice interjected, drawing the attention away towards two other ponies from another time, another world. A green Earth Pony, black medium mane and tail, whose red eyes carried a burden of regret and hardship, but not for the matter at hoof- Hand. "We managed to arrive in the castle library courtesy of our own Discord's magic in time to witness Starlight and others get captured."

Beside me, Sombra visibly stiffened, and I felt another pang of guilt there. No one seemed to pick up on that though, thankfully, all attention presently turned on the two stallions explaining what occurred during our brief absence from the world.

The next Earth Pony, an orange light, with darker shades on mane and tail with sea blue eyes, modest fella who scored himself his own Princess back home, stepped forward to continue while looking at everyone... But myself. "Soon after, Trixie came looking for Starlight, and together the three of us followed after the airship which took their prisoners - the ponies who couldn't escape in time - to Canterlot. Luckily, we managed to sneak in and free Starlight in time before Zagreus could do anything nasty-"

"So Zagreus is there?" I instantly snapped more to attention despite hanging on every word, leaning forward earnestly to my old friend. "In Canterlot, right this second?"

This time, those innocent eyes stared directly my way, and I almost staggered backwards from the uncharacteristic venom pouring out of them, aimed my way. What the [BEEP]...?

"Yes." Casey eventually affirmed, nodding finally despite the heated glare my way. "I saw him with my own eyes. Nothing like how your Twilight described him." Followed with a callous shrug. "Then again, nothing seems certain anymore, huh Stardust?"

Sunset hastily stepped forward next, before things could possibly get out of hand. Good thing too, I was far from the mood of tolerating such rude behaviour by that stallion of all ponies. "What matters most is that Starlight's safe with us, and we now have a location on the enemy." Looking to the others whom managed to escape from the main held kingdom. "How long ago was this?"

"Not too long." Beck answered, inclining his dark green head the Lord of Chaos' way. "Once we were outside Canterlot at a safe distance, we were instantly brought here courtesy of Discord."

Said draconequus was all too content humming away while rearranging an upside-down floating bouquet. Charming.

"How did you even escape?" This time, Flash was the one asking. "If those goat monsters are anything to go by, that place must've been heavily guarded."

This time, I was ignoring the curious scowl Casey sent my direction for not even bothering to send a typical hate glare the guitarist's general vicinity. Trixie smirked, motioning only to herself. "Those ruffians in armour were no match for Trixie's cunning-!"

"The number of soldiers stationed over there decreased dramatically." Starlight interjected this time, all traces of warmth vanishing to one of sudden anxiety, as though recalling something. "The majority of the Storm King's army mobilizing."

The tension in the air was palpable, some of many Equestrians paling by the implications. "For what? Is he planning to attack here?" Bon inquired apprehensively, visibly twitching on her cream four limbs.

The unicorn shook her head, suddenly then appearing grave whilst looking all around, carrying the message of dread. The feminine tone was light, but filled with meaning. "Before I escaped, when Zagreus brought me to the throne room to boast with his new pal, I'm completely fine by the way, Stardust." Starlight immediately added but my eye-wide anxious expression, quickly throwing a small, barely reassuring grin, before getting more serious again and glancing around. "He managed to convince the leader of the invading army to prepare to attack the Crystal Empire."

I stood up immediately again from the new alone, this time myself paling from the implications. What, wasn't Canterlot enough!

"What benefit would they have to attacking a standalone kingdom in the north?" Octavia was the one to ask, generally confused and apprehensive at once. It was a good question.

"The Crystal Heart." Beck answered solemnly, frowning that typical frown from how little we've interacted together. Amazed I wasn't even considering pointing my hidden blade his direction considering all he's done in Casey's world. "The Storm King is aided with nothing but greed, and the power of the four Princesses won't be enough to sustain that raw hunger. And we know what kind of power the Crystal Heart generates."

"For both light and darkness..." Sombra responded first, quietly and filled with his own wisdom and knowledge regarding the subject. "A mad quest to obtain all the treasures of Equestria that would grant significant might. The Elements of Harmony would likely be next..."

My fists clenched.

"Then we must do something, posthaste mares and gentlecolts!"

Teeth grit, head bowed with voice all around me coming up with ideas and proposed solutions, barely catching a few.

"But what? If the Storm King has an army, we might be out of luck."

"We did barely manage to escape Canterlot with what little guards they had there."

"We have an army right here. We can retaliate!"

"Against the Storm King's forces? We don't have enough. Besides, most of everyone here aren't fighters."

"We still have to do something. Who knows how long we have until they arrive at the defenseless kingdom, with their Prince captured and Princess turned to stone..."

"We could take the Crystal Empire and push it somewhere else?"

"That... Could that be possible with your magic?"

"Won't know until we try, will we?"

"How about we ask the one guy who perhaps knows the layout of the land more than most of us in this room?"

Another silence, and I looked up then a few seconds afterwards by someone's cough, dreading, to see confirmed that all eyes were firmly fixed on me, curious or serious. I inhaled sharply, knowing exactly what was being asked of me.

The expressions were nothing if not overwhelming. Starlight inquisitive. Trixie hopeful. Beck apprehensive. Sombra severe. Discord indifferent. Bon concerned. Octavia thoughtful.

Casey judging...

And instantly, I snapped.

"Why are you looking at me for guidance?" Many reared back in surprise from my heated glare and raised voice, tired and thoroughly annoyed. "What suddenly made me the hope of the universe? Huh? What can I possibly do other than [BEEP] things up more than they already are?"

A couple of stunned blinks, with Sombra and Casey's looks deepening, and Starlight quickly speaking up. "Stardust, we're just asking-"

"Oh, I know EXACTLY what you're all asking of me. Help. Leadership. Guidance and wisdom. All qualities I could never provide to begin with." Shaking my head wildly. Why couldn't they see?! "I'm not a leader, Starlight. I'm not Twilight..."

"We never said you were." Sunset quickly piqued up, stepping closer with her own concerned expression, deep and sincere. After our last encounter was nothing but heated disgust from both sides. "But you know about Zagreus more than most of us after all this time, surely you can help with giving us an idea what to do-"

"No, actually, he has a point." A rather snark voice popped up, and not the former tyrant's. No, it was the orange Earth Pony, glaring sternly at me with a set muzzle. "Why SHOULD we rely on Stardust? Why does everyone go to him for help? Is it because he's dating Twilight? Because he gets himself involved with everything and always pops up the easy solution? What can Stardust actually do, now as a human, more than any of us?"

I blinked, flabbergasted for the longest moment. What was his problem?! Did a version of me [BEEP] in his oats cereal one morning? Was he annoyed I didn't even mention him in the farewell letter? Was it resentment for running away in the first place-?

Actually, that might be the case... Regardless, I wasn't going to sit down and take it. Straightening my leather jacket, I made a point of glaring directly back, far from willing to be victimized from all this.

"Just because I'm human doesn't mean-"

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU BEING HUMAN YOU RAN AWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Casey heaved next, cutting my stunned self off with his shocking raised voice, wide furious sea eyes glaring hotly my direction, leaking emotional bitterness and pain. This couldn't be Casey... Not possible. A hoof pointed at my in sheer accusatory resentment. "It's because of you being human again that you're dying, and cowardly decided to leave instead of letting who were suppose to be your friends - to let TWILIGHT - help you!"

It was like a penny dropping. Both the distraught Casey and I simply regarding each other, both breathing heavily our own way. That... That [BEEP]hole... What has he done? What made him think he had the right...?!

From around, Starlight looked away in guilt, Sunset swallowed tightly, Flash looked between us in horrified shock, Discord paused in all his self-humourous antics, and Beck sighed. Whereas Sombra's glowing emerald eyes focused intently on me.

A hand slowly covered half my mouth, feeling cold all of a sudden. I had no words. Nothing to defend myself for the longest moment. Any comprehensive argument or retort died like a flicker instantly in my hollow, drained mind. What could I possibly say or do to fight back? Should I even fight back.

Starswirl... What should I-?

OOF... Ah...!

"Stardust!" My ears picked up on the pink unicorn crying out my name in horror, instantly being held back by Flash himself, who knew what was coming. No, not a heart attack this time. But perhaps something just as painful, strained keeled eyes gazing upwards to the grey unicorn staring at me furiously.

A cold, unsettling anger in his eyes unlike anything I've ever seen before. There was no time to react to react for the second, well-deserved hoof into my stomach.

Agh! Good thing... I didn't eat anything recently...

And his regal voice was a quiet thunder, laying it into me through violence of both wordplay and body.

"Will you stop-"


"Making this-"


"About yourself!"

Ow! Oof! Gah! Finding myself kicked and rolled across the ground, making no move to defend myself. Why bother? For once, Sombra had every right laying it into me. A whole multitude of bruises around my form to come.

And from my position on the nice, surprisingly smooth carpet, I heard the King approach in open, disappointed disdain. "To be loved, you flee." Gah! "To be feared, you flee." Uk! "To be dying, you flee." I could see the judging green eyes above, piercing into my very broken soul. There was no describing the magnitude of anguished anger on Sombra's reformed features, barely looking to be holding himself back from falt-out disemboweling me, here and then.

I probably would have welcomed it.

Followed then with a wry snort, shaking his head. "Here you lay, pitying yourself and craving naught but damnation. You're so afraid of opening yourself up; to release your real self. To feel loved, safe and cherished eternally. That one day, you might ruin all that, and you trust these innocent equines so little that they would give up on you for simple causes."

Sombra then looked away, deciding then, clearly, not to bother wasting any further external energy on my bruised and battered form, walking back to the stunned, fearful audience. But not, of course, without a final pause and mere indifferent glance over his shoulder.

"That is why you ran away. And if a Twilight Warrior only entails a coward who flees for misguided nobility... Then he is far from what we need." A shot of internal pain to the chest, not liking from the bruises. Sombra showed no reaction to my struggle, gazing back to the others. "We'll devise a method to stopping both Zagreus and the Storm King."

With that, the King commenced as though my presence was no longer acknowledged. Even Beck, Discord and, yes Casey too, after a few brief glances of concern turned serious to heed whatever plan the former villain was concocting. Merely Sunset, Starlight and Flash were gazing at me with any sense of compassionate worry.

I was amazed by own will even then, considering, as I made the best effort to stand upwards, slow and careful, and escape the large dining room into the much bigger and grander hallway, my entire mind and heart in a present numb state.


Infirmary... Wasn't too far away... Gah.

You know how all this time I've been accomplishing [BEEP] all but feeling sorry for myself, ever since first leaving this castle so long ago? Well, lucky for everyone, I've decided to bring a swift halt to that.

But first thing's first, Sombra was right. Pure and a hundred percent right. Correct about something my foolish brain and heart have been denying for so long at this point.

I WAS being selfish, thinking only the consequences for myself and not for anyone else. Believing I was truly the only soul on this world who had it bad. Reminded of this, harshly, by a good friend who's been through his own worse trials.

Traumatized at childhood.

Prophesied a dictator that cast fear for most of his life.

Lost his own real friend and soulmate once losing himself to the darkness he had feared so.

Imprisoned in a glacier for over a thousand years. Cold, helpless and alone.

Trapped in MY mind for God knew how long. I never counted the days.

And now, once reuniting with his beloved, becomes separated again before of a supposed friend's own arrogance. His own self-sacrificing tendencies that no one in Equestria will ever accept of me.

Yes, Sombra knew, perhaps moreso than I ever could, what it was like to endure through the hardest of trials and suffer awfully. The one who fought tooth and nail to get what he desired, and now fighting for what was right than simply what was the most beneficial. Sombra managed to release his sorrow and pain. Of which I envy.

And witnessing me, being so frightened and hesitant and making everything resolve around me, even when unwittingly so, must have caused the [BEEP]hole to snap.

...I couldn't blame him.

With a grunt, I resumed pushing myself off the blue hard wall, limping slightly on the way to getting these newfound bruises taken care of. Swore I almost felt a few bones close to broken. Pony feet, they pack some punch...

But no, this was no time to pity myself. Not again. First, deal with these injuries. Second... Second... I'll think on that.

I'd recommend a lie down once tending to your wounds.

Heh, you a teacher or a doctor now? Ugh, I winced slightly, but continued onwards.

Starwirl sounded nothing but amused. Whatever I deem myself to be concerning the kind of trouble you bring yourself, Jack.

I smirked faintly, playing along. You mean, the kind of trouble you constantly throw me into since no one else will?

And that hardly even begins to describe my pride and happiness for you, my friend. You've progressed so far at this point, overcame many obstacles, continuously holding your head high. Even back there, you refused to keel over and succumb to defeat; even now, the Twilight Warrior fights on.

One mere glance down to my purple ring, gleaming beautifully constant. Yeah, sure, feels like it, getting thrown like a ragdoll and taking the brunt of a good friend's justifiably rage. All Twilight Warriors were made to be punching bags.

Maybe that's what I'll do, open an academy for live punching bags. That'd make good money for dragons and griffons.

Once all of this is over, and which it does become over, then we could consider that. Regardless, Jack, you have succeeded where most would have submit to peer pressure and hopelessness.

Ha. More attempts of bathing this human in reassuring pride. Regardless, I had to smile lightly from the praise alone, making me feel slightly better from the drama back there. A little half-disappointed no one pursued to try and help me. Guess they knew me that much not to accept any help. I could clean myself up. After all, I've been looking after myself surviving in the wilderness and much harsher environments for a long time then.

Exploring the areas of Equestria yet unseen from the main show, seeing brand new places and venturing through dangerous territories. Encounter friendly and deadly creatures time and time again, in this neverending chase. At least all the sightseeing could count as being worth the endurance... Save for what happened to that human Twilight...

Ah... There we go again. Couldn't help myself, feeling another stab of pain through the chest that belonged naught to the imbalances. No the unstable magic was busying itself ruining a whole world. This was self-inflicting. All because of my own mistake.

"But you've never once asked... If I was never suppose to exist... Why did Starswirl bring you here at all?"

Those last words of his from our recent confrontation, done at Canterlot High after we won in that duel for the fate of all in the human world. Another attempt of trickery, to turn me against my friends and mentor, right Starswirl?

The teacher was then ridiculously quiet.


Hm? I'm sorry Jack. The aged-spirit unicorn immediately spoke upwards then, sounding albeit hasty in his response. I went for a brief check on what stability remained in the current magical realm. Now, I trust we should continue attending to your injuries. No warrior should endure them for long when battle calls.

We haven't even devised a plan yet of where we're going or what we're doing. As I was saying, Zagreus was evidently trying to sow discord between us, though that wouldn't even work. You've been my teacher, my friend, my... Well, that confession can wait after the matter's done. And, you know, if I'm still alive by then.

Then let us make haste. We're not too far from the infirmary now. Starswirl sounded rather urgent all of a sudden, and I envisioned the nod of eccentric encouragement.

I nodded, continuing onwards in careful limps... Although, as I pondered curiously while walking at a slow steady pace as to not harm myself moreso than already, Zagreus, for once, brought up something valid.

It's best not to dwell on what vile words that creature has left in his wake. Zagreus is a master of inflicting strife and conflict between others.

But still, it's a good question I don't think I even asked, or ever got answered. And Starswirl, you never did say why I was brought to this world in the first place. In any case, we never stopped pondering what kind of vague clues the mother[BEEP]er had left behind before.

There's a first time for everything, Jack, now come, we must tend to your wounds and prepare for the inevitable confrontation once more. The more we linger, the more that fiend gains in further power.

Okay, then I knew something was up. My teacher was sounding more and more... Frantic? What would be the right word here? Regardless, Starswirl was behaving more hurrying than usual, as if wanting to avoid this conversation.

Just as he avoided my own question... Starswirl.

A soft sigh. Jack, I promise all will be revealed but-

No, hold on. A tingling sensation, at the back of my neck. A warning, a premonition, maybe, that something wasn't adding up. To which was correct, because Starswirl was being deliberately evasive, just like the first few times we interacted until season four. Come on Starswirl, we've known each other for so long now, couldn't you answer a simple question?

More silence, and my frown deepened to that of growing suspicion. What you couldn't answer in all your own power and knowledge, Starswirl the Bearded, fabled wise unicorn of Equestria to ever live... Or because you refuse to?

I... Perhaps we should... Ah... A long, heaved invisible sigh, followed with a resigned, knowing tone. Yes, Zagreus had indeed conjured a valid question you have every right to know, my student... But this is not the time. Now when we're so close...!

If not now, then WHEN Starswirl? I actively paused from my pace down the hall, folding arms slowly and glaring upwards to the ceiling. You know me, stubborn until I gained my answers. So tell me the truth, teacher, that's all I asked.

What truth would that be, Jack? That I lied to you? That I purposely left out my real intentions for bringing you here? That all you've come to known would have been inevitable sealed with your fate? The back hair of my neck stood on end, an ominous approach of newfound dread in the air. Something wasn't right. That you've been deceived on both sides from the very beginning to now, Jack? You are a great student, Jack, and a dear friend, and the so-

What truth, Starswirl? I need to know now, before it's too late.

Another slow sigh. As you wish. Then the truth is... Never sounding so depressed and resigned to his fate than I ever heard before. You are and always were a casualty to my grand design.


Zagreus, the imbalances. None of these would ever have become a threat to begin with had I chosen against bringing you to this world. Understand, Jack, that balance is everything, and must cost a great deal of prices to achieve. They would have become a danger, quite possibly, to the world, so I took no chances as my future self, as his spiritual form, had done while I was flesh and blood. The same events which occur here have happened then.


But to bring these malevolent forces out, to fight them back proper, I had in need a useful pupil from the real world. His presence would slowly de-stabilize the walls between realities, allowing our foes to leak through the cracks and make themselves physical. A human who deemed himself nothing to lose; no future, easy to miss... To learn why things were worth fighting for through this land and its warm, friendly inhabitants, willing afterwards to fight-

And die on their behalf... On YOUR behalf...


The hand bearing my promise ring pressed against my fast-beating heart this whole confession. The simple, one-worded affirmation was all that was required to have me finally kneel down, far more numb than what Sombra had committed on my poor self earlier. My slow, heavy breathing was becoming deaf to my ear, hazel eyes regarding nothing in particular.

A tool... A-A slave...

The next tone was entirely mournful. I'm terribly, truly sorry my stu-

"You were going to have me a pawn? A PAWN TO DIE FOR YOU?!" My voice wasn't raised this high since what happened in that forest, to a version of the woman I loved, disappearing in my very hollow arms. And that only set me off further. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ALL THE BULL[BEEP] YOU'VE PUT ME THROUGH! HOW MANY HAVE SUFFERED! HOW MANY TIMES I SUFFERED! ALL FOR WHAT, IN CASE THE IMBALANCES WOULD EVER UNLIKELY SHOW THEMSELVES?! FOR A HUNCH!"

Jack, I'm well aware you're mad. Justifiably so, but this is neither the time or circumstances to truly express your fury-

"NO! NO NO NO!" I wasn't having it. I WAS NEVER HAVING IT AGAIN! "You USED me! A tool to be discarded once I've served my purpose! My hardships, my accomplishments, they all meant NOTHING! Any other SECRETS, oh wise and powerful teacher, I should KNOW?!" A brief pause from that cowardly spirit. "WELL?!"

Yes... Starswirl sounded ready to steel himself. The Twilight Sparkle who fought on your behalf, back in those woods, is alive and well. That felt like a brutal punch to the gut, my gaze and body lowering to the carpet in sheer emotional trauma. Her sacrifice reformed her real self, and I brought her back to her world in another reality. She's safe, unharmed and more than healthy, thanks to your-

Those peaceful features as she rested... The gentle, breathtaking smile... The beautiful sparkling orbs promising hope and happiness... Her warm touch in my cradling arms as she was spirited away into magic itself...

She's alive...

She was alive...!

She was ALIVE...?!

"And you... Kept this from me...?" My voice felt as cold as what my heart was becoming, catching a tear drip down my glasses dazedly, hands clenching and unclenching softly. "Until... What... When it was a good enough time to already...?"


"Until after I've beaten Zagreus and learned to let go; the one thing you could NEVER possibly ask of me, teacher...?"

The silence was more than enough of an answer. And then, FINALLY then, everything was just easy to give up on.

"Leave me alone."


"No Starswirl..." Furious, cold leaking blue-green eyes looking to the innocent ceiling, hiding away the dead spirit who has tormented me so. "You no longer have the right to speak to me... You have manipulated, lied and gotten your way just like Celestia... And just like..." A self-deprecating teeth-grit grin. "Ha, like teacher like students, huh old friend...?"

I've abandoned my friends. My own mentor whom I've come to trust could never have been trusted in the first place. What more is left than to muck up with the others in that room? Oh wait.


If it's in every pony's nature to expand life... Then it's human nature to take.

Suddenly the walk to the infirmary felt was far more easier.

It should have been obvious from the very beginning, really.

Taking a human, whom would feel nothing but hatred for himself and everything around him, believing there was simply no hope for anything or himself. Throw him into another world, learn to lower his guard enough to start accepting a different viewpoint; his contempt mellowed to make way for love. His heart opened to inhabitants who cared for nothing else but to befriend and comfort souls even lost.

Have him learn to care what it means to live again, grow to become only concerned for everyone else, and eventually himself, and realize what the magic of friendship truly means in all its concept. Used as a tool to be dispensable, in the end, once the purpose is served, expecting to die at the hand of his own shallow creation and vice versa.

The most saddest part to this obvious, crafted planned revelation that should have taken me ages ago to uncover was... It worked. A hundred percent.

My younger self should have anticipated this, either from my first transportation to this colourful world of hopes and dreams, or when I came back a second time and all these imbalances 'coincidentally' commenced popping up.

Starswirl... Starswirl planned it all. Because HE experienced this happening before. His future self, as the spirit form, bringing forth a lowly human to face the darkness spawned from themselves. He knew I wouldn't stand by and let others get hurt, physically or emotional, or allow situations to get out of hand when I could change them. It was planned from the very beginning, a long-time manipulation where I was a puppet on strings without realizing. The same [BEEP] I kept attempting to convince Twilight about regarding her own bond with Celestia, so many times.

The irony. I was just as much a pawn, yearning for praise and acknowledgement regardless by who. I was played by an old, overrated ghost unicorn who had tutored the worst incompetent ruler in any fiction I have witnessed. Even the Disney Princesses who have done [BEEP] all bested that white-furred, always-smiling, manipulative cowardly-

No, blaming Celestia, for the first time in forever, would be pointless, because this wasn't her fault. It was the stallion I trusted most, the one who mentored, cared and was always there for me. Well, okay, MOST of the time. But it still applies... Until now. Now, the reality of it all comes crashing away, building blocks falling apart with no hands to rebuild them. I let myself be played a fool so many times. Starswirl, Celestia, Sombra. To think I was doing right, when it was all just planned to be taken from the beginning.

"Uh..." Welp, so much for somber thinking in peace. Hovering by the doors was the ponified Flash, smiling in small nervousness and nodding to the hallway. "The doors were open, and I heard muttering so... Hey."

The first character of these worlds I had despised the most. So what would I do? Scorn the human-turned-pegasus right there and then? Pin all my problems upon his mere existence? Give a piece of my mind as to why Flash Sentry should never have been made a concept in the first place? Lay it all in to him?

I smiled, albeit strained, holding up a book. "Was just cleaning up." Referring to the state of this library. Books scattered all around with some torn. "Remind me to thank Sunset. Those [BEEP]holes had no respect for literature."

The small attempt of a jest seemed to be effective. The blue-haired stallion's own smile widened a little, nodding a bit before letting himself further in, gazing around in open curiosity. I just let him, currently content - as I could possibly be at that point - picking up the books and trying hard not to flinch at their current ripped and clawed states on a good number.

That failed.

"Still getting use to this." After putting one back to the proper shelf, I turned to the speaking Sentry, whom motioned over his own equine form. "Never imagined this would ever happen to me. Being a pony, in a whole new world. A pegasus, heh." A low chuckle and sheepish rub the back of spiky hair. "Wow."

Somehow, I found my own smile widening briefly. "A new fantastic point of view."

A mild, friendly shrug. "I guess so." Already, then, opting to pick up some discarded bound books in effort to help. I didn't stop him. "Was this what it felt like to you? Amazing, exhilarating-"

"Terrifying and wondrous. Add 'anxious' and 'doubtful' and you've nailed my reactions perfectly." I finished for the pegasus, looking over the pile Flash was picking up via wings. He was learning fast. "Those belong in the history catalog; second and third shelves on the right together." A second peek, then adding quickly, "Not those two, though, at the top. They belong in biology; seventh shelf, put those wings to good use. Oh and mind the magical books. Twilight will have a fit if anything worse happens to them."

It became a few minutes of collaboration and guiding about, Flash handling the taller shelves whereas I did the bottom, educating the stallion what book went there and deliberately ignoring how Twilight I was soun- Oh who was I kidding? I knew this library and all its books like the back of my hand. Our private times educating about everything needed to know over Equestria came in handy.

The best part, surprisingly with Flash, was slowly forgetting what a miserable pile of [BEEP] that was my life up to this point. But, again, I could take haven in that Starlight was currently safe, one of the few positives. Once we were finally done, what felt like half and hour passing by, I strained myself onto the small comfortable seat, the human-turned-stallion opting to join me close by. Hah, classic role reversal then, huh?

A comfortable silence that last close to a minute. "Oh!" The blue-haired stallion just recalled something, producing then a silver hilt from his side to present my way, offering additionally a small grin. "This is yours still, by the way. I think I've held onto it long enough huh?"

My hand was halfway to reaching, before my body froze, tired hazel eyes regarding the weapon with quick thought. Considering all that's been happening, that probably wasn't for the best.

Instead, I gently pushed the hoof wielding the lightsaber back to Flash's bland furry chest, a small strained smile myself. "I think it'll still be more worthy with you yet, Flash."

He blinked lightly in response, before a slow nod of agreement that followed with placing the weapon down again, opening his muzzle briefly and deep blue eyes seeming to ponder. Evidently trying to figure out what to say regarding my current state and affairs. Appreciated the sentiment, boy, but the facts are all too clear.

"So... What's the plan then? Assuming you have a plan, and you usually do. I'm sure it's a great plan and if we work together we'll be able to save the day." His voice was growing steadily hasty with every sentence, eventually becoming apologetic and sheepish at my resigned expression with a "Sorry."

"You're taking all this pretty well." I had to point, this time my low smile that of sincere bemusement, cheek resting on fingers whilst regarding the boy whom was, like me, another Earth, another time. "Any regular person would go mad."

Flash cocked his head, offering a grin of amused warmth. "Maybe I'm just so use to everything being weird now. You should've seen Sunset's first arrival in Canterlot High. It was... Something."

"I'll bet." Leaning forward with plopping elbows on my weary knees, I clasped my hands together and dropped my expression. "Though why everyone automatically looks to me for a plan instead of, say, Sunset, I don't know."

"...Maybe because you're like Twilight." What now? I raised a brow almost incredulously the human-turned-pegasus' way, whom merely offered a casual shrug. "I mean, you both say and do things alike. You both lead and inspire hope in others."

"Fat lot of good that's done me and others, though." I pointed out, idly gazing then around to nowhere but the ruined library, just beginning to be cleared up. "I'm no saint... I've lied to those close... And I got worse, I got bolder... Lied to myself to spare my own pain..." One slow look to Flash, confessing all this but having no idea why him of all ponies. "Sometimes I think humanity lives for too long."

A low sigh from my nostrils following that admittance was soon repelled by the growing insistence of the boy who was too positive and... Perfect for his own good. "But don't you see, Stardust?" A hoof clasping my shoulder, neither harmful or rough. "You've done more than enough to make up for anything you've done wrong!" I searched those wide blue eyes and grin, hopeful and knowing shading from the stallions' warm gaze. "You ran away from home, but you came back the moment your friends were in trouble. You've rescued so many today and save a whole world just a few hours ago. Stardust, you saved many from a flood earlier and worked your hardest keeping your home safe!"

"To what end, Flash?" I had to ask almost breathlessly, beginning to wonder. Just WHO and WHAT was he? What manner of magic did Hasbro spawn this hopeful, enthusiastic boy that deserved Twilight more than I? "It all seems futile in the end..."

What could this boy possible expect of me? Anticipate even? I had nothing to give left. No hope or salvation. Right now, Sombra, Sunset, Discord and everyone else were devising a plan, likely more effective and successful, to cease Zagreus, whom my plan involved merely a wild goose chase with, and the Storm King's advance and thwart their attempts. Right then, Twilight would have a better plan thought up by now than I, pitched in by all our good friends. My eyes gazed down to the purple ring, glinting and reflecting the warmth that my love kept around, even now. I could feel it. The hoof upon human shoulder tightened, allowing me to turn back and stare at the shining navy eyes reflecting nothing but encouraged hope.

"It always looks futile in the end, but you know what? So many of us back in CHS thought the same thing when Sunset Shimmer was a nightmare to our lives. We thought there was no hope, no will to fight back whatsoever against her tyrannical hold of the school. But what happened next? Two amazing friends from another world stood up to her, and helped the school gain the will to fight back. Time and time again, when new threats emerged and all seemed lost, you helped us see another way and fight back for our freedom. United!" I could only blink, rather dumbfounded by the sheer conviction and utter strength in Flash Sentry's voice, the man offering a smirk almost reminiscent of Sunset's usual way of encouragement. "Things look bleak now, but we'll come around, and we'll fight back. Because that's what friendship is, right? Facing all obstacles, no matter how big or threatening, together."

A light cough emerged from the doorway, that moment of shocking events disturbed briefly from the green Earth Pony with black mane and reddened eyes entering the library and looking decidedly awkward, something gold and metallic held under one curved limb. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Approaching forward still, seeming to get braver with every step to stand then right before me, his orbs searching before clearing his throat again, deciding to get right to the point. "Here."

The object practically shoved into my arms, causing me to stagger back slightly and regard the... Chest piece in my lap then...? It looked kinda... Familiar...

"Something Casey's Twilight and I concocted up together when we heard about your condition... Helps shield you from magical attacks and obstacles your human body wouldn't be able to endure less than an equine's." Huh... Beck sighed, looking away momentarily with red eyes of regret. "I have a lot to make up for, Stardust, to you and so many others for my actions back then. I can hope at the very least this will be a starting point... So yeah." Throwing then a tiny green grin. "Do with it what you will."

A nod to Flash, before turning to leave the room itself. Before I could take a proper examination of the device, though, the dark-shaded stallion paused and called over his shoulder.

"For what it's worth... Stardust... Even despite everything I've lost, they somehow managed to make me feel worthy of living again." Turning back with a glance of knowing. "It'd be almost disrespectful not to acknowledge everything they've done for us..."

And finally left, leaving me to blink in stupor from behind, regarding the chest device again, then the waiting Flash, and the device, and Flash. To and from him as my mind wrestled with everything both this pegasus and Beck had just reminded me of this time. For the final time.

...[BEEP] it.

The bland boy almost fell off his chair from my abrupt standing upwards, slapping the machinery onto my chest and strapped across my shoulders, golden armour promising something to fight back with. I grinned down with hands on hips, before offering a said palm to a good friend. "Let's not keep them waiting, Flash."

A dawning look of comprehension, the hoof accepting my fingers which helped pull him in all fours, the stallion tilting his head with a friendly grin, but also of relief. "You've got a plan after all then?"

"Well..." I cocked my head in turn, smirking with good humoured resolve. "The makings of one anyhow."

I've been ripped from my home, never given a choice, really, in the end. My family's gone, and my second family's occupied in facing enemies they shouldn't have to. I've been deceived, used and was prepared to be disposed alongside the nemesis once that moment came. Someone I thought gone, sacrificed on my behalf, was really safe and sound. My life is in nothing but in shambles.

What more could I possibly have to lose? My thrown grin to the human-turned-pony could be considered that of maniac.

"Allons-y, Flash Sentry!"

Before re-joining the others, however, a change of pants and socks whilst Flash and I passed by my main bedroom. Then, a swift venture towards the main throne room where everyone remained still talking, trying to think up a plan. Evidently because I could hear their concerned voices outside to the hall upon approach.

"We could ambush the Storm King from behind, while he sends his forces to capture the Empire."

"That would still have his army hold the Crystal Ponies hostage. We shouldn't risk their safety in exchange. And I doubt these soldiers are smart enough to come to an agreeable chance if that worked."

"The key word on 'if.' And there's still Zagreus to worry about. He's the real threat of all of this."

"That won't last long if the Storm King grabs his greedy hands on the Crystal Heart. Who knows the kind of damage he'd commit!"

"Imagine it a hundred times worse in his ally's hoofs!"

"Speculation only brings way to ruin."

"He's right, we have to concentrate on what's happening now while there's still time to draw up a plan to stop them both."

"These things might as well be happening NOW if we just keep sitting here jabbering!"

My entrance was loud, dramatic, and filled with zeal. "Well jabber no more!" Both palms slamming open the doors in ease, turning the surprised heads of the self-appointed strategists my direction. Some in surprise, some in relief, others in skepticism. "We'll be killing two birds with one stone, and I know how!"

Granted, the idea itself was forged on the way here. But I think, in the slimmest of chances, it just MIGHT work. Few options remained, and it finally hit me regarding opposing Zagreus and any malevolent force which becomes used as that unforgiving abomination's pawn. I WILL need help in defeating him and his forces.

"Now there's a change of heart." Discord mused out-loud, having dined himself on silverware itself amidst the heated bickering.

Sunset looked more elated herself, standing up from her seat with renewed optimism by an old friend's sudden willingness to help, regardless how sketchy it might be. "You have a plan?" Any help was likely welcomed at this point.

And I was all too happy to deliver, entering with pride and the bland pegasus beside me, approaching around the round table and white thrones each bearing a good friend's mark atop. "I'm gonna need everyone's cooperation here, alright? Regardless how some feels about others." A brief glance to Sombra and Sunset before continuing. "We need to work together to see this through. Do I have that willingness of teamwork?"

A hoof from the human-turned-pony on my leg, Flash beaming upwards. "You have it with me."

"And me." Starlight added in a heartbeat, approaching from he seat she chose earlier with her own radiant grin, more than pleased.

"Bah, why not?" Discord joked lightly, throwing a pointy grin when twisting his head harmlessly a hundred-and-eighty degrees over the head of the throne.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie shall offer her assistance in this climatic battle... From a safe distance naturally!" An endearing smirk on my part.

"Well... If you're helping, you're helping. And we could use all the assistance possible." Casey chimed in, still steadily ignoring my gaze.

Though something akin to guilt appeared to be plaguing in his own eyes.

"And the help of someone who knows Zagreus the most will benefit our fight immensely." Beck pitched with his own gratified smirk, looking more happy with the chest piece clasped upon myself earlier.

"Any ideas from you, while sometimes extreme, typically work. I guess I can count myself in." Sunset smirked in jest, but the warm sincerity and willingness to forget past grievances shone through sea-like orbs.

A long, weary sigh. The former King of the Crystal Empire shaking his head, but turned to me with a mildly bemused smile. "What have you got in mind, boy? Let's indulge your bipolar mind this one time."

I wasn't- Oh.

Fair play.

Still, the loyalty and willingness to cooperate, altogether, brought a new breath of fresh air to my lungs, my confident grin widening while sweeping hazel eyes behind glasses over everyone. "Alright then... Let's do this." Snapping a hand the entity's way. "Discord, can you safely bring all the trapped ponies in Canterlot here?"

"Neigh." The draconequus shook his head, stretching upper limbs and sounding genuinely apologetic for a change. "Not with that creature and all the imbalance he radiates. Untold devastation could come out of it."

"Figured that..." I mumbled, rubbing chin with a quick pace. Not beaten, not beaten yet! Time for Plan B! Again, gesturing to Discord. "Then can bring forth the leaders of each species in Equestria: The Yaks, Buffaloes, Changelings, dragons, griffons and Diamond Dogs?"

"Now THAT I can do!" With a stretched grin, the trickster of Chaos summoned four more arms like a spider, snapping them altogether at once.

"What exactly do you have planned?" Beck stepped forward in curiosity. Whereas Sombra dawned a comprehensive expression as the leaders were summoned in a flash of light.

"You crafty son of a..."

"I can't be my girlfriend." I looked to the others, and drawing the attention of the leaders whom most recognized me instantly. "But I can get us through this with this idea. A very human idea, of deceit and brute force."

"Then I trust you are responsible for bringing us here, Stardust Balance?" Chief Thunderhooves of the Buffalo clan approached, looking as stern as ever save for the shades of dark brown and white around his usual orange fur. "Whatever it is must wait; my clan is fighting the unnatural weather back home."

"A blizzard's been sweeping through the Dragon Lands!" Ember contributed, jabbing a clawed finger my way. "I should have known you were involved somehow, Stardust!"

"We're suffering our own problems back in the Changeling Kingdom." Thorax sighed with full remorse, head bowed. "Enduring a sudden horde of predators knocking on our doorstep."

Figured these problems would arise, but I could be undeterred, nodding in sincere sympathy but maintaining the levelheadedness to get my message across. "Thorax, Ember, Thunderhooves, Rutherford, Zenith and... Um..."

"Lord Dougle."

"Dougle..." Taking a brief moment to side-eye the incredibly wide grey and black canine on two feet, but nodding again regardless and getting back to the situation at hand. "Twilight and the others have been chased out of Equestria by foes who wish to do our lands untold harm. Most of you remember our agreement in Canterlot a while back."

Many nodded, with the King of Griffonstone stepping forward once, eyes shining in knowing resolve, evidently prepared to do battle himself. "So the time has come."

I met his stare dead-on, equally determined. "To rally our forces and unite as one. The Crystal Empire is about to be invaded by a majority of the Storm King's army. The other Princesses encased in stone. Imbalance is being brought to the entire land, and it's time we bring Balance back once and for all."

"Long has it been since Yak kind have faced the art of war." Rutherford nodded, his intelligence increased dramatically from the effects of imbalance too. "It will be... A privilege to fight in the name of freedom and unity, as the Mystics have foretold."

The canine leader then spoke upwards. "Wait a second! I never agreed to fighting some stupid war for-"

"If not for me, then those who risked their lives so much to save you all." I interjected with much more fierceness, staring back at the stunned canine. "The six wonderful mares who did so much for us all."

"Compassion." Discord smirked.

"Empathy." Sunset beamed in warmth.

"Forgiveness." Starlight couldn't look anymore proud.

"Selflessness." Trixie breathed in knowing fondness.

"Sympathy." Sombra merely stared, but I understood the meaning behind the glint in his eyes.

"Family." I turned back to the six leaders. casting aside any further doubt there. "And now, it's time to return the favour. Equestria needs all its children now more than ever; united, we are the most powerful force of friendship on the planet."

The lead dog opened his jaw again to try protesting. "I... Never mind, you have our allegiance." Withering back from the no-nonsense stares by... Pretty much everyone.

Still, I was gratified, and that was underselling it, widening arms with a massive grin of hope. "I'm glad then, because while the majority of forces are being repelled by our own, myself and some others will infiltrate Canterlot and liberate the imprisoned there when their numbers have dwindled." One look to Sombra and the other ponies - and Discord - told me I didn't even need to inquire, things looking up moreso. "And I suppose this is where I give some positive friendship speech like Twilight would."

A few grins and chuckles of fond knowledge. "Perhaps your own variation, Stardust." Thorax, the Changeling King, replied with a friendly smile, though bug eyes maintained the equal resolve. No hesitation in fighting for the land. Guess the imbalance affected him positively as well.

Alright, I've got something in mind.

"If friendship is magic, then magic is balance, and balance... Is friendship." A beaming nod to all willing to band together, and fight for all of Equestria, and perhaps the world itself, once and for all. "Let's hammer that message in those sons of [BEEP]es' skulls."

Getting into the kingdom was a walk in the park.

Seeing the countless imprisoned equines there in dangling cages across the streets like displayed decorations, though, almost had me charge headfirst in and attempt to liberate all the ponies before the plan could come to fruition. Sombra and Flash had to restrain me a little.

Trying not to stare at the horribly depressed captive stallions and mares for too long lest I lost myself, I maintained the cover under my black cloak upon entry through the somber Canterlot. The freaky weather patterns from imbalances weren't occurring here, save for the blood red sky hovering above, so we won't have to worry about nature itself conspiring against us. Getting in despite my status was easy, simply utilizing an old trick thought up by a brilliant alicorn Princess far from here the last time we came to Canterlot when it was all bright and cheerful.

Thank you Twilight.

"Royal Balance. Royal Balance. This is Guitar Box, over."

I pressed the ear-communicator with a finger, on my seat observing Discord distract and 'haggle' the remaining soldiers whom all slowly approached the outspoken entity. "Guitar Box, I am in position. What's everyone's status, over?"

A different female voice perked up. "This is Sunlight Child. The Clown Mare of Crime and I are also ready, awaiting on your signal." Lo and behold, Starlight and Trixie were visibly perched atop the roof overseeing the exchange right below them. Barely picking up the other mutter of "Why did he call me that again...?"

"Forgot to say 'over,' Starlight." I huffed in quiet amused fondness, then speaking to another through the channel. "Guitar Box, what's your status, over?"

"I've already set up to twenty-five ponies free, Royal. They're heading down the safe route Abominable Showman mapped out earlier. I should have the rest down this street freed in a matter of moments, over."

"Traumatic Pony here. I have eyes in the sky." Almost comical, the sight of the green Earth Pony flying around from the corner of my eye at a distance in the sky, overseeing the rest of the kingdom with that advanced technology crafted from his Equestria. Long story, don't ask. I certainly didn't, for now. "Edgy Unicorn is handling the stragglers far from your position, over."

"Copy that." And with hesitation here, I managed to call out for another stallion of another world lowly too. "Alright my orange friend, where are you up to."

"This is... I hate you for choosing this codename, by the way."

"Yeah, running away from Ponyville has either made still or more of a jerk. Why 'Traumatic Pony?'"

"Less demeaning than Clown Mare..."

"Edgy Unicorn, Jack? Please."

"Cut the chatter folks." I ordered then sternly, speaking with more emphasis of hurrying this up. "Your status, Casey."

"...This is Sloppy Seconds, reporting in. I'm about halfway done freeing the chained ponies in the west side of Canterlot... And I've led the remaining guards Edgy Unicorn's way, over."

Much better. One mare yet to have chimed into the communications. "Sunset?"

The answered replied about four seconds later. "This is... Look if this 'codename' is payback then-"

"Codename, Sunset."

"..." A bitter, reluctant sigh. "This is Sunbutt... I've already saved up to sixty ponies in the north, over..."

"I can literally see your smile from behind that hood up here, Royal. Over."

"Don't know what you're talking about Sunlight, over." Finishing up, I finally contacted the last guy needed, "Edgy, how are we doing?"

"Just about finished..." Sombra grunted from the other side, sounding a little worn out but satisfied all the same. "No more spare conscious soldiers to report to Zagreus of anything amiss. Again, hypothesizing that monster is even inside the castle."

"It's the best hunch we have, Edgy." Beck chimed in next, still flying around beyond the sight of the kingdom to be mistaken for a bird... With a rocket jet. "According to all gathered intel, Zagreus works behind the shadows than the front lines. He would want to be alone to carry out his plans while the pawns go grab what he needs."

"Remind me again what the plan is, once we confront him?" Casey added in with open curiosity, sounding a little strained himself. "How would we contain him, because I imagine most of us will be against anything more lethal..."

"'Most of us?'"

"Are you insinuating something, Sloppy?"

"Are YOU insinuating something, Pony?"

A more impatient voice hurried through the com. "Hate to interrupt, guys, but I think that's all of them bartering with Discord now!"

Codenames and professional communications forgotten, I looked to the mass gathered goat-soldiers in armour and nodded, signaling the tall draconequus whom could see over the growling guards and see my thumbs-up, marking its time. With a wide grin, Discord looked down and around, apologizing in false sincerity.

"I'm so sorry gentlemen, but it looks like the ponies I offer today won't reach a reasonable price from any of you." One fast slither like a snake around the large group, a tight bind following behind and trapping the grunting goats altogether, the Lord of Chaos finishing up with a nice bow one of their black heads. "Besides, the ponies you have are much more valuable than you should ever have. I'll be taking them all off your goat hands... For free."

At that signal, Discord teleported just as the magical net landed down atop their protesting heads, keeping the minions of two madmen entirely confined with, limbs poking out here and there before the spell took its effect. Growls and grunts transforming slowly to snores and yawns. Almost adorable ones at that.

We've struck garlic, getting up from my seat to join the draconequus, whom merely snapped his fingers and flashing away all the remaining cages and chains close by. Ending with a pat on the cheek of one sleeping brute.

"Nighty-night." That said, Discord straightened, looking to my approach with a bold smirk. "Harmless and quickly effective. What a wonderful team all we past nemesis' of the world form, isn't that right Starry boy?"

Rolling eyes upwards, I smiled faintly myself and turned to Starlight and Trixie hovering down in blue to join us, nodding in pleased gratitude. "All those lessons with Twilight paid off, I see." Starlight merely smiled in sheepish flattery. "Combining it with Trixie's net. You two are a great team." The blue unicorn couldn't help but grin herself.

"Well of course! Together, Starlight and Trixie make the most wonderful pair." Trixie held her meek humoured friend tightly close in boasted confidence.

"In more ways than one..." Discord and I shared a coy glance and faint smirks, before the sound of hoofs trotting alerted us of the others approaching, Sombra in lead with speaking to the point.

"Zagreus will likely have felt the usage of Chaotic and Equestrian magic." Green eyes remaining deathly serious. I had to frown back in turn to appreciate the situation. "No doubt he will come down from his self-appointed throne to investigate."

The sound of a rocket jet descending from the sky, Beck joining the gathering group in the center of the town square. "All the ponies have left Canterlot now." Came his straight report, showing a small smile of relief. "The pathway Abominable Show-"

"We're done with the codenames now, Beck." I quickly interrupted, slyly playing ignorance to some rather annoyed stares and quickly grinned. "The pathway worked like a charm?"

A nod, before Sunset, meanwhile, sighed with a shake of the head, offering her own wry smile afterwards. "Shining and Sunburst are safe and unharmed." A breath of great relief escaped Starlight and myself. Another burden lightly bringing some peace. "In any case, our intuition was right. One of the captives close to the castle said that some bald pony entered the castle alongside the Storm King, but didn't come out when he and his forces left."

So Zagreus was here... Right then.

On cue, Beck snapped his head to the left, obviously picking something up on those red sunglasses of his. Yeah, Beck's pretty much got the Falcon suit from the Marvel movies. How and why? Eh. Bigger fish to fry now. "Something's coming. A high energy disturbance."

I could feel it. The air suddenly growing colder, the winds cackling with black energy, the approach of something deadly and filled with impure, relentless malice. All aimed at the group of nine for standing and opposing his wishes. My skin shivered, hands clenching, recognizing it all too well and slowly removing the black cloak from my form, revealing the golden chest armour that could activate something more useful.

"We don't have much time then." Sombra took point, looking to the fellow former villain. "Discord, you're in good range now, get all the guards out of here to a safe, secure location as well." One shrug and snap of fingers, followed by a flash, and the soldiers vanished. That done, Sombra commanded sternly after, "Now, get yourself out of here." What? At our baffled expressions, the previous tyrant clarified, "If we fall, someone as powerful as the entity of chaotic magic himself must be there to protect the innocent." With that, the grey unicorn in armour left no room for argument with his next command. "Go."

Although, as our ace in the hole left, something occurred to met about Sombra's behaviour. He seemed more... Somewhat relaxed in tone and body posture... Was that lip marks on the side of his cheek...?

"So now what?" Trixie was compelled to ask, gesturing rather wildly. "Our only real fighting chance is gone now!"

"We'll have to box him in." Casey suddenly piqued up, nodding to everyone with his own grave but determined glare. "Attack on all sides and overwhelm him. We already drew out the battle plan earlier when Discord mapped out the street routes for us. Now we just need to take positions before he arrives."

A small beeping noise. "That better be now then." Beck voiced with growing apprehension. "Because he's close now."

In a matter of moments, everyone but the live bait took their hiding spots, myself behind the building close by and, finally with a sharp inhale, slammed my fist on the chest piece and enveloped with a white glow.

The sensation was... Heavy. Physically heavy, my line of sight covered by some darker gold visor, one look at a nearby reflection to notice I was wearing the [BEEP]ing Keyblade Armour from Kingdom Hearts. At least, some version of it, but still! Mad props to Casey's Twilight, as I examined quickly the golden, more bulky form and inspecting a few weaponry. The hidden blade still pops up, I can pull out my spare other weapon, and utilize my rocket boots, reinforced. And the promise ring still rested upon my finger.

The ring...

One stare down at it, and I felt... Sadness, and not entirely my own. As though Twilight's own somber mood from far away was touching me through this... Was Twilight upset? Well, she would be? Yet a tinge... Of hopelessness. What happened outside of Equestria...?

Suddenly, flying across the world itself just to envelop the Princess I loved in my arms, comfort and reassure her felt a huge more priority than what was happening here for the fate of all the universes. But duty came first, and I knew Twilight, not to mention our other amazing best friends, would have it no other way.

Twilight... I'll be home soon... Not Ponyville, nor the castle... To you.

"You've looked better."

Sombra's voice echoed from the other side of the building shop, followed by something sinister responding, darker and with casual distaste. "And you've been busy... Rescuing some poor unfortunate souls when you could have reached me in the castle... Still, you succeeded in drawing me out to face you."

And the former King retorted with just as much casual disdain. "Something you'll soon come to regret. Not everyone can match the might of the greatest King the Empire knew."

"Where's the boy?"

I flinched at Zagreus' open contempt once addressing about me, to which Sombra merely responded. "Around. Why'd you ask?"

A low scoff, the sound of hoofsteps slowly to a halt, close. "As if you don't know." Too close. "You're fighting the wrong pony, Your Highness. I'm only trying to correct the Balance the worlds have neglected to confess long ago. And to do so, I must make the choices everyone refuses to acknowledge."

A flippant answer from Sombra reflecting my own darkened mood. "You mean genocide."

The answer was immediate. "The worlds have grown imbalanced long before I arrived. Resources wasted. Species created for nothing. Countless wars. Ingratitude. Unending strife. I see the ugly truth of the universe and I deem it unwell." No hesitation. No traces of doubt in what this mad creature of my own making states. "You call me an abomination. But perhaps my being here was destiny finally selecting the right cause."

Only a pause from the King, while my hands pressed tightly against the wall of the building, every nonsensical word that monster spat out thoroughly grating on my nerves. "Congratulations then, you're a product of what made you."

"I'm only the beginning."

"To the annihilation of everything."

Neither voice wavered, even as Zagreus responded in calm reassurance. "With that child of humanity dead and all the magic in my power, I can simply reset the entire multi-verse from fiction to real in my image. And I'd call this... Balance."

Just the way he used that word sent shivers more crawling down my spine. Not now, not ever... Never.

The sounds of what appeared to be Sombra making a few steps backwards. "And afterwards...?"

I imagined the monster's shrug. "And I oversee it all. Make certain what my new worlds create take the paths these ones never should have." God of all creation, then. That voice lowered almost to the point I couldn't hear it. "Only he who has witnessed all could contain the most power for change."

And that will never, EVER, by you Zagreus. Even perhaps one of the bestest friends who knew me most concurred with that internal fierceness, the sound of crystals popping up alongside the formerly tyrant unicorn. "I believe you'll find... Our power... Greater than yours."


That's my cue, the oh-so powerful enemy unsuspecting to the big wide building from his left being torn off the ground and slamming down fully upon his unprepared state, courtesy of this newfound boost in strength in this golden armour I then flew away in. Sombra was close by, muzzle firm in determination.

And I knew a second later why, the fallen used building tearing up to bricks and glass from the recovering abomination, the ever black baleful eyeless voids glaring in my direction in heated anger. Ah boy. Unable to dodge fast enough from the flying objects attacking my armoured form, sending me down and pinned against another abused wall. Yep, endurance boost too...

Zagreus took one step of the magically cleared rubble, before forced to pause in a stunned grunt from some kind of... Black goo? Wrapping at his equine shoulders and hind legs and keeping him to a struggling halt, courtesy of a teeth grit Casey. Will have to ask what the [BEEP] that black symbiotic-looking [BEEP] was if I made it out alive. Taking this chance, Sombra charged with tow floating sharp crystal spears at the ready leaping to attack and met with resistance of black some black-produced scythe fighting back to the spears. From the air, Beck soared across in full battle mode, taking out some weaponized guns fit to be wielded by hoofs and fired energy blasts in Zagreus's side.

Scoring hits, but scarcely enough. Zagreus takes a moment of pinning both spears down and throwing a blast from the horn upwards at right timing, hitting a grunted Beck in the chest and landing harshly on the ground where the building once was. Spinning one spear away with his scythe in Casey's direction, almost causing a graze in his orange cheek and distracting the Earth Pony enough, blasted away from the monster rearing his head backwards, freeing his full form and spin-kicking Sombra across the face, the unicorn rolling away for recovery.

Managing to free myself with enough pulls, I charged myself to the spinning dark unicorn, Zagreus blocking my punch and blade and retaliating, a swift battle of a small, hidden knife and a large, magically-produced weapon. Agility verses endurance, magic bouncing off my chest. And around us, round holes appearing all around like mirrors, courtesy of Trixie herself. Starlight tagged in, firing blue beams repeatedly into the first 'window' which came out and bounced through others, all aimed at the growling unicorn who blocked and grunted when hit.

It really [BEEP]ed him off then when I grabbed two blue beams with his gloved hands and brought them together, squarely hitting his dark chest and sending the abomination flying across into another, unoccupied building. Score!

Knowing what needed to be done next, I fired my hidden blade connected to an endless chain forward, hitting the edge of the house Zagreus landed inside as he came out. Casey followed my example, his black sticky goo on the other edge. And together, like bullets, our fist and hoof slammed into the large energy shield, sending all three of us flying across the streets of Canterlot, throwing punches and blocking collectively. Ending in Zagreus gripping the end of the goo that struck out, spinning and slamming Casey into myself and hurtling us away, my vision spotting a red beam of magic attacking the monster with Sunset in pursuit leaping over buildings.

"Thanks." Casey commented with enough breath upon our more harmless landing, myself catching the brunt of the fall for himself. Though remembering then who he was expressing gratitude too, the orange stallion glared hotly. "This changes nothing." And ran back off after our quarry, myself following, using that symbiote-looking stuff like Spider-Man's web.

...Wait a [BEEP]ing minute...

Reaching the battlefield with Beck in flight, we witnessed Starlight and Trixie assisting Sombra collectively, blue and pink beams of magic bouncing off the crystal-enhanced walls surrounding Zagreus easily, impacting and bouncing of growling enemy whom was currently distracted with Casey's obvious symbiote. From the side, Sunset lay in bruising, and I inhaled sharply with concern.

Seeing his chance, the green Earth Pony with his tech yelled for the orange stallion of his world to get out of the way, four quick missiles producing from Beck's arsenal following, enveloped the snarling Zagreus in large explosion that forced us to look away or shield our eyes. Even me with the protected visor. But that wouldn't be enough and we knew it, as I quickly pushed a surprised Beck away beside me from the black powerful blast throwing me away somewhat, armour again taking the damage, by the after-smoke itself.

Ow. The emerging monster growled in hateful black orbs, stomping one hoof on the ground and, in a heartbeat, the black crystals shattering to millions, and Zagreus ruthlessly sending them everyone's way. A recovering Sunset shielded by Casey with a large barrier of his weapon, Beck flying away in attempt of escape from the harrowing shards, Sombra levitating them back, and Starlight and Trixie protected by a great blue bubble. I had to shield myself and, again, take the brunt of the sharp fast-moving objects.

Zagreus wasn't done though, from one large-powered wave and swipe of his head, knocking back a few while Beck used this opportunity, firing yet again with his deadly arsenal. This time Zagreus was prepared, sidestepping out the way and casually grabbing the Earth Pony's passing-by hing leg, flying himself against a grunting Casey over a ducking Sunset, both stallions a distance down another streets. Now just my old student and I, and we took him on together, both pulling out some unique weaponry.

Not to mention the certain teenager of Canterlot High biding his time from sneaking in, once Zagreus was damaged enough. Three ignited blades - blue, green and purple - attacking altogether, forcing the black scythe to return and hurriedly repel the lightsabers spinning and whizzing his way, aiming for head, sides or legs. Again, not set on kill.

Sunset and Flash have clearly practiced, maybe some fencing lessons back home, regardless we pressed on the offensive, even if Zagreus was breaking no sweat, batting and blocking away with ease against three lightsabers. We had to be careful not to hit each other, and our enemy knew that. We fought his sides and front, until the monster had enough, evidently, and Sunset wasn't use to levitating the lightsaber as Flash wasn't accustomed to using his mouth.

A roar of power throwing us flying backwards, to windows, brick walls and street lamps. Agh, that hit a mark. Zagreus growled my direction, stepping forward as Sombra moved between us readily, both unsuspecting to the flying house suddenly smashing into the unicorn from behind, Zagreus flying in a diagnol direction away from us because of some other party joining in.

Standing up, albeit wearily, I pursued with jets. This fight couldn't last forever, and Zagreus was clearly toying with us alone. Sometimes I don't understand his thought process... Perhaps I never did.

Merely batting away the remains of the thrown building with one swipe of the hoof, the standing Zagreus growled then from a unicorn's kick right across his features, looking to battle-stanced crouching dark pink mare in black, a scar over her right eyes and purely broken horn. I would've bursted out in laughter if the situation wasn't so serious.

"Well well..." He seemed to recognize the new helper, straightening.

And said newcomer sneered. "You shouldn't have made the Storm King turn against me."

"It was inevitable!"

That set the mare off, whoever she was, attacking and proving quite an adept fighter without magic, spinning, flipping and kicking with all hooves like a master. Though to minor avail with only one or two strikes hitting him, before the abomination had enough, casually gripping one spun hoof and retaliating himself. Then newcomer flew back against the ground of the large park we're now in, a literal blow to her stomach from one dark hoof.

Zagreus took a few slow steps closer, seemingly ready to finish her, if not for my fired blade hitting the grass between, pulling myself down to stand there and dislodge the knife out, straightening with heat behind the visor the monster's way.

"Attacking mares now?" I breathed out in mocking disdain. "You're putting me to shame."

"Jack..." The unicorn smiled in crude recognition, tilting his disgusting head with tone all too casual with its contempt and irises-less voids. "Finishing letting others fight for you I see."

"At least I have backup..." Came my low retort, swallowing in exertion, taking a defensive posture. "What do you have?"

"Endless magic. Limitless power." And, just for a moment, Zagreus looked almost emotional. "The means of saving you all."

I frowned heavily there, corner of my visor spotting the sneaking former King before I replied lightly, "We have various definitions of 'saving.'"

Crystals trapping his hoofs to the ground powerfully, Zagreus having zero reaction time then to break free when I made my turn, throwing and wrapping the chain around his bare furry neck tightly, the blade at the end connecting with the circled chains successfully. The newcomer assisted with her own dark growl, leaping to the side and lighting her broken horn in blue magic, forcing the glowing monster down.

Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, Casey, Flash and Beck arrived soon enough, the first two combining their red and blue magic to call forth vines and grass from the park ground, constricting with care around the stomach and back to keep the protesting, roaring Zagreus pinned. Trixie helped there with a produced napkin suddenly wrapped around his muzzle. Casey used his symbiote on the dark tail, and Beck deploying small turrets onto the grass surrounding the fallen, but still decidedly dangerous adversary.

"Is that it...?" Flash breathed in pants, hurrying over to my side with renewed hope and exhaustion. Great for one who only attacked Zagreus once... Then again, he did help with the guards and releasing the prisoners. "Is he trapped?"


He spun our heads to face him, most of us struggling with all out might in keeping the monstrosity confined, teeth grit and eyes fierce with determination.


He was speaking through his teeth, despite how clamped his muzzle currently was from the fabric. But the fierce anger and raw power emanated from eyes alone, swearing my way with indefinite furious vengeance. A spike of fear or two shooting through my fast-beating chest.


My wrist starting to strain, eyes closing tight from my oppressing spot and struggling as much as possible against the ridiculously strong neck. Come on... COME ON!


This was the chance! Starswirl, if you're here now you can-!


The following, all too powerful magic set the monster free and all of us flying back feet away in pure shock and pain. Ow, ow, OW! What the Hell WAS this thing?! Teeth grit in hurt, I moved to stand, on one knee while Zagreus snarled loudly, glaring us all down with relentless disgust and neverending contempt. Clearly more than prepared to take us all out... At once.

Uh oh... Oh that look was already damning me to Tartarus...

Zagreus then merely glanced upwards, dark horn emitting an unnatural pure black, forcing us to follow where he was even looking. The top of the mountain over Canterlot, where the king was constructed on its side for a thousand years, beginning to start cracking open like an egg. Earthquakes and tremors the likes never felt before in my life. And the dawning horror reached to what exactly this monster was just about to do.

Collapse the entire mountain...!

"GET TO COVER!" Sombra screamed unlike anything I've ever heard of him, and I could only kneel there, horrified and filled with pain, from watching Zagreus do one swipe down of his head, and the mountain's top following in hundred of shattering, massive pieces, falling down with excruciating terror in the kingdom's direction.

OUR direction...

"Stardust! STARDUST!" Flash tugged at my armoured shoulder, the reality sinking in as everyone else ducked themselves in powerful materials and magic shields prepared... Save for Flash and I whom were too far away.

And my instinct made the right choice, in the end, throwing my complete bulky form over the innocent human-turned-pegasus' entire body, soon afterwards feeling the pressed of a thousand mountain rocks lands down on my form without utter mercy.

Author's Note:

Casey belongs to a few spin-off stories which corresponds with AJBS by an author named "CJAmbrose." This is my gratitude for giving Stardust and my Equestria more recognition through his work. Go check his stories out on Fanfiction or Fimfiction; the latter there he is known as "CJ Esmerio." His main stories are compiled into one on Fimfic, but on this site they're separate:

"My Little Pony: A Race Against Time"

"My Little Pony: Good vs Evil"

"MLP: Journey's End"

"MLP: Seeds of the Past"

"MLP: Playing With Fire"

And so many more quality stories of his featuring Stardust and other versions of the character.

As for Beck, that character belongs to a faithful reader and good friend in the form of "Fanfic920," whom has that username on both sites. He's written perhaps the most masterful interpretation of my work yet in the story, again on both sites, "Princess Stardust". So, check these guys out! They've done much for me and it's high time I returned the favour.

Until next time for the conclusive, explosive and amazing finale, my friends!

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