• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Friday: Toil and Bubble, Boil and Trouble

Apple Bloom sighed adding 4 horned slugs to the cauldron before removing it from the fire.

“Where are those Porcupine quills Neville?”

“Right here” the boy uttered passing her the quills.

“These are hedgehog quills. How many times do I have to tell you that porcupine quills are the long ones or are you just that much of an idiot?” Apple Bloom spat angrily.

Neville cowered back in fear as Scootaloo handed Apple Bloom the porcupine quills. “Hey, lay of Bloom, that wasn’t very nice. We’re trying our best.”

“BEST! BEST!” Apple Bloom roared before hurling a glass vial against the wall the wall of the small room they were using beside the infirmary as a makeshift potion’s lab whilst the real one was decontaminated. “I’ll hurl Sweetie into the lake when she’s out of the infirmary.” She then started to cry before wailing “I just want my lunch!” and getting back to the task at hand.

Neville and Scootaloo looked nervously at each other.


3 Hours Earlier…

After entering the potions classroom, the students had sat in pairs at the desks available. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had quickly paired themselves together which led to Sweetie giving them a traitorous look before she searched for other willing victims, sorry partners. Ultimately, after none of her fellow Hufflepuffs sacrificed themselves she had been forced to team up with the Longbottom boy from Gryffindor just as Snape marched into the room.

“Good morning class.” He said in his usual monotone.

“Morning professor Snape.” The class replied.

“Today we shall be conducting the practical we prepared for on Tuesday working in pairs at our respective desks. There will though be one alteration to this.” Snape’s head turned to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Due to Miss Bloom’s natural affinity for potions she shall be working alone so that her partners don’t decide to try and coast their way through my lessons. Miss Prewett you can work in a three with Longbottom and Belle.” Snape concluded.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Sir, if you don’t mind, could I work alone or if not come back for detention instead.”

Snape looked at the girl like she’d gone insane for a moment before Scootaloo clarified her reasoning pointing at Sweetie Belle who gave her friend a death glare in response.

“Don’t you know that girl has a restraining order against using all ovens in our homeland after causing thirty-four incidents in a week and that her first attempts at a boil removing potion not only ended with her in St Mungo’s for two days, she also nearly burnt down the Weasley’s home! Who knows what will happen today? I’d rather have a week of detention than go anywhere near her with a cauldron!” Scootaloo exclaimed

Snape’s eye twitched as Neville looked at the girl as if she had grown all three of the heads on a hydra. In fairness to the boy, most of the class had similar expressions plastered on their faces. Having had enough chaos for one week without his potion’s lab being disintegrated as well, Snape quickly came to a solution.

“Fine, Miss Prewett you will partner Mr Longbottom. Miss Belle, please come up front and sit behind my desk. I will be your assistant today and if needs be for the future until you can master the basics of potion making.” Snape concluded.

As a mightily relieved Scootaloo went to sit next to Neville, Sweetie Belle stuck her tongue out at her friend as she passed her on her way to the front of the classroom.

“Okay, now that that is sorted, shall we begin. You’ll find the recipe on page twenty-five of your textbooks along with it being on the blackboard.” Snape droned moving to watch over Sweetie’s shoulder causing the girl to shuffle nervously.


Amazingly, the lesson had gone without incident. The Longbottom boy had nearly added the porcupine quills before taking it off the fire but thankfully Miss Prewett had stopped him just in time. Aside from that it had been a rather pleasant first practical lesson in Snape’s eyes and definitely one of the better ones compared to previous years with all of the student’s potions looking the correct shade of pink. That was until he returned to Sweetie’s cauldron. Snape looked at the concoction with a look of unhidden horror. He’d watched the girl like a hawk since she’d begun and only turned his back for a moment to review his other students’ attempts. How? How had hers gone from perfect pink to blacker than the cauldron it resided in in the blink of an eye.

“What did you do?” Snape growled ominously.

“Nothing. I took it off the boil, added the quills and stirred. Wait did I mix the echidna and porcupine quills again? No, definitely not, I triple checked them. I’m also sure I stirred it the right way. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” The girl with a broken nose squeaked out slightly deflated before raising her wand in defiance.

“STOP” Snape cried.

This caused a number of the students to turn from their own potions and look towards the front of the classroom in curiosity. Apple Bloom instinctively dived behind her desk. Scootaloo did the same pulling a stunned Neville with her as the spell reverberated around the room.



As the fallout from the supposedly innocuous boil cure subsided, the two girls and Neville appeared from their hiding places to howls of agony as every other student and Snape writhed on the floor in excruciating pain, now covered in horrible black boils. Sweetie had somehow turned an innocuous boil potion into dark magic.

“Don’t touch anything where the potion has landed. Follow me. We need to seek help immediately.” Apple Bloom had commanded tip toeing from the room nimbly avoiding the writhing bodies.

Scootaloo opted for a safer option. Lifting Neville up, she fluttered to the exit doorway which had thankfully avoided contamination.

“Damn, you need to leave off the sweets Neville” Scootaloo wheezed as Apple Bloom opened the door and exited the classroom.

“No time for rest, we need to find a teacher fast and then get Madam Pomfrey.” Apple Bloom ordered.


Having found nobody on their way, the two girls and a still rather dumbfounded Neville had entered the infirmary, Scootaloo shouting at the top of her lungs to get the Matron’s attention. A rather flustered Madam Pomfrey had appeared from out the back and after a brief explanation she had raised the alarm.

It had swiftly been deduced after a test on Professor Snape that a substantial amount of the correctly brewed boil removal potion worked at nullifying the pain and boils whilst dittany removed the black marks that were left upon the skin afterwards. Unfortunately, it had taken Madam Pomfrey’s entire store to cure just Snape who’d been so exhausted from the ordeal he’d fallen asleep in his hospital bed straight afterwards. Madam Pomfrey had sought assistance with the arrival of a doctor and two further nurses from St Mungo’s, but they didn’t keep a large amount of the potion in storage and what they had had only been enough to cure Mr Potter, who like Snape fell asleep immediately after being cured.

This had meant Apple Bloom and her two lackeys, along with the entire 6th and 7th year N.E.W.T classes were now frantically attempting to brew as much as possible from what they could obtain in makeshift labs setup in rooms next to the infirmary. With the potions lab now under quarantine and being disinfected by a hazmat team, who were investigating how such a potion could have gone so badly wrong along with how they could avoid such an occurrence happening again, Apothecaries across Diagon Alley and beyond had been wiped clean of snake fangs, dried nettles, horned slugs, porcupine quills and dittany. The potion had already been classed as ‘The Unforgiveable Potion’. More importantly though, Apple Bloom had been forced to miss lunch.

As Neville and Scootaloo cowered in a corner whilst Apple Bloom applied the finishing touches to yet another batch of boil cure, a tapping came from the door and Dumbledore poked his head in.

“How’s it coming along and why are you two cowering in the corner?”

“Please, bring her something to eat. She’s gone totally insane!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Maybe if someone learnt the difference between a hedgehog and porcupine, I wouldn’t be so tetchy.” Apple Bloom retorted.

“I don’t think that warranted destroying a perfectly good glass vial then threatening to throw your best friend in the lake, before breaking down and weeping for a whole minute over missing lunch. I that wasn’t bad enough, you then continued making the potion whilst casually singing a jovial song about how you are going to cut Sweetie open and harvest her organs for use in an array of potions. And you are wondering why we are cowering in this corner.” Scootaloo responded giving Dumbledore a pleading look that clearly said ‘please get me the hell out of here’.

“Oh, it wasn’t that bad.” Apple Bloom retorted

It was Neville who stepped forward and nervously stammered “And I’ll hack, hack, hack and chop, chop, chop till her legs come right of. Oh, and as the blood sprays everywhere, I’ll set up jars and collect it for use in some of the foulest potions known to man! I don’t know what was worse, the gruesome detail, the awful lyrics, or her singing.” He finished before hiding behind Scootaloo as Apple Bloom gave him a look that reeked, you’re dead.

“I’ll get some sandwiches, drinks, crisps, fruit and cakes sent up straight away.” Dumbledore said wide eyed. “Miss Prewett, I don’t believe Professor Trelawney has any classes right now. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you arriving a little early.” Dumbledore didn’t even see the girl dart out of the room she moved that quickly. Interestingly, Neville had also disappeared with her. “Huh, sorry you’ve lost your two assistants. Now, once again. How’s the latest batch coming along?”

“Don’t worry, they weren’t much help anyway.” Apple Bloom replied sticking a cork on yet another glass vial. “There, that’s another batch done and should cure one more student. I’ll set this cauldron up again and by then the second cauldron should be ready for the second part. Might take a little longer without those two but at least I won’t have to double check every ingredient they hand me.”

“Excellent! This’ll leave just five more students to heal. No need to set up that other cauldron again, I’m sure the other teams will be able to produce the remaining four batches, just focus on the cauldron already boiling. I’ll be back shortly.” Dumbledore pronounced with joy as he took the crate of vials of the table and headed back for the door.

“And don’t forget those sandwiches unless you want a one-way trip to the bottom of the lake.” Apple Bloom said, a hint of malice lacing her voice.

Dumbledore shuddered and gulped nervously. Quickly turning, he raised his wand and after saying a few words a whole array of food appeared on the table where there was space.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened in delight.

Dumbledore closed the door behind him to the sounds of a wild animal devouring its pray. Even at his age, you could still learn new things. Today he had learnt that if you valued living, never get between Apple Bloom and her meals or food in general. With that vital piece of information stored safely in his mind, he headed back into the infirmary.


Scootaloo headed for the North Tower. After saying goodbye to Neville, who had snuck out with her and once again thanked her massively for saving him from being a victim of the boil Pandemic, she had headed back to her dormitory. After saying a quick hello to Wally, she’d grabbed all her divination equipment from her trunk and then attempted to locate the North Tower. After a bit of guesswork, she finally managed to locate it along a long narrow hallway and up a narrow spiral staircase that ended on a landing that lead to nowhere? Huh, had she taken a wrong turn? Looking all around she finally found the entrance, a circular trapdoor on the ceiling with a brass plaque adorning Sybil’s name and profession. Fluttering up she banged on the door three times before returning to the landing. After a little while the door opened with a slow creek and a silvery ladder descended onto the landing.

A little nervously Scootaloo ascended the ladder into a strange and dimly lit little classroom. Twenty small, circular tables were crammed inside, surrounded by armchairs and pouffes. A fire was burning under the mantelpiece and giving of a peculiar perfume aroma as it boiled a large kettle. The curtains were closed and small lamps dotted all over the place provided the room with its only light. Countless divination paraphernalia dotted the walls. In amongst it all sat the shaggy brown-haired woman with her trademark thick spectacles in a winged armchair drinking a cup of tea from a teapot on a table next to her.

“Welcome, welcome my dear. The crystal ball informed me you would be arriving a little early. My, my, what a stressful day you have had. Please, have a seat and we shall begin.” Professor Trelawney spoke warmly highlighting the empty chair across from her.

Scootaloo took the proffered armchair and sunk into its comfortable embrace, letting the worries and anxieties of the day melt away. She sighed in contentment.

“Excellent, I am glad to see you are comfortable. Now let me go over what we shall be studying this year. Usually I mainly only cover one form of divination a term, especially to my younger students, due to its difficulty. With your natural gift though I feel we can easily cover two. We shall cover the basic third year course of Tessomancy, Palmistry, Fire Omens and Crystal-gazing alongside two other more advanced and lesser known forms, Axinomancy and Xylomancy. To begin each lesson though, I will ask if you have had any more visions, signs, dreams or anything that might indicate the future to come.” The tutor explained to her pupil. “Any questions?”

Scootaloo shook her head.

“Excellent. Now, aside from that vison at the Start of Term Feast which Dumbledore has already informed me about, is there anything else you’d like to talk to me about before we begin with our first lesson properly.”

Scootaloo thought for a moment remembering the dream and nodded her head.

“Oh?” Professor Trelawney looked at the girl a little worried.

“It might be nothing but after the prophecies I feel it could be a warning of what’s to come.”

Trelawney looked at the girl fixated, silently urging her to go on.

“It was the night before we arrived at Hogwarts and the second warning occurred. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt of mist all around me and then suddenly a grotesque face howling in agony appeared from the gloom. That’s all I remember as I awoke with a start. Although it has obviously been a super busy week, The Dream Oracle suggests that this was a warning of some kind. I believe the face was You-Know-Who and he has returned and is being abetted by someone in the school.” Scootaloo claimed.

Trelawney looked at the girl for a moment wondering how much she should say. “I won’t deny your fears seem well grounded but I can assure you that you are one hundred percent safe here at Hogwarts. All your professors are well versed in an array of magic and quite able to defend you in case anything happened. Still, shall we see if the tea leaves are able to shed any more information on the topic?” She finished pouring Scootaloo a cup from a large silver teapot and offering it to the girl on a small saucer.

Despite the tea and coffee being off limits at breakfast to the first years, Scootaloo had still managed to sneak a few cups in here and there after becoming acquainted to the taste over the summer after Professor Trelawney’s visit. After savouring the taste for a moment, she quickly finished her cupful. She then swilled the dregs in her cup three times with her left hand, tipped it upside-down on the saucer to remove the remaining tea and then took a look at what remained. She didn’t even bother to consult Unfogging the Future, already knowing the majority of basic symbols and their meanings of by heart. Over ten minutes, her face slowly paled as she took in more and more information from the cup. Trelawney looked on in concern.

“This is bad, very bad.” Was all Scootaloo could muster in a deadly serious tone before lowering the cup gently upon the table.

Sybil grabbed the cup immediately and over time her face paled to. “The vulture, the cross, the gun, and knives. This is bad, very bad.”

Scootaloo nodded her head morosely. “It is clear to me that evil and unrest are rising and await my future. This ultimately will lead to a significant trial against a powerful enemy that will result in a violent death which will cause me great suffering and wounds, possibly mental and physical, that end in pain and dismay. Unsurprisingly the vulture flies suggesting this will be a tragedy that causes me sorrow and tears.”

“Although I would often praise such an outstanding and highly accurate assessment of the leaves, I believe this time we both wished that this was not the case. I think it is best if we take a break from tea leaves for today. Although I rarely leave my tower as the chaos of the main school clouds my inner eye, I feel we both need a break and some fresh air after that ominous prediction. Come along now and bring your axe.” Professor Trelawney commanded heading for the trap door. “Let us see if Hagrid has finished setting up what I requested.”

Scootaloo followed her willingly, still reeling from the ominous prediction.


They arrived upon the training fields just as Hagrid placed the last of a number of tree stumps onto one of the edges of the fields.

“Ah Professor Trelawney, I hope this will prove to be satisfactory, although what you want all these tree stumps for is beyond me.” Hagrid stated.

“Ahh, it is so me and my protegee here can practice the ancient art of Axinomancy.” Trelawney replied.

“Axino what?”

“Axinomancy, a form of divining the future through throwing an axe or hatchet into an object, i.e. the ground, a tree etc., and then interpreting a number of factors, such as the quivering of the blade, the time the axe takes to fall over, etchings on the blade, the direction of the handle and so on and so forth, to predict future events. A second method is to heat a correctly etched axe head in an open fire and see which of the etchings glows the brightest.” Scootaloo explained.

“Excellent, I am glad you’ve been studying the gifts I bought you. Shall we proceed and give our friend a demonstration?” Sybil complimented, getting a beaming smile from Scootaloo in return.

Hagrid looked at the two of them completely befuddled.

“Watch Mr Hagrid sir and I’ll show you.” Scootaloo said taking the axe from her bag. She took two steps focusing on one of the stumps and threw the axe from a good thirty feet or more. A loud thump demonstrated that it had found its mark.

“Incredible” Hagrid mouthed as he followed the two women who were proceeding to inspect the axe.

“So, first of all, you see how the axe has embedded itself into the wood up until that etching.” Scootaloo pointed out pulling out a book from her satchel. “That suggests immediate danger. I think it be wise if you sat down Hagrid sir.”

Hagrid thought it best to go along with this peculiar charade for now. Moments after he’d seated himself on the grass though a call of ‘lookout’ screamed across the training fields and a rogue bludger flew past where Hagrid’s head had been a moment before. He stared at the girl in bewilderment as George Weasley flew past.

“Sorry about that. Practicing for try-outs next week.” He said guiltily before quickly flying after the bludger.

“Hmm, yes.” The girl and her tutor hadn’t even bothered to pay the boy on the broomstick any attention as they continued their inspection of the axe and its analysis.

“Look at the way the axe handle is leaning and pointing in the direction of the lake. Hmm.” Professor Trelawney mused.

“Yes, and I’m pretty sure the blade quivered ten times before it came to a standstill” Scootaloo mused thinking it over. A thought suddenly occurred to her and she counted the fingers out on both her hands and then repeated the feat over again. Sighing she muttered to Hagrid “is this the stump of an Apple Tree?”

Hagrid looked at the girl astounded by her observation and knowledge. “Why yes, it was one close to my hut that got hit by lightning a few years back and hasn’t produced fruit since. How’d you guess that?”

“Oh, just a hunch. I think we’ll be fishing something or someone out the lake before the Christmas holidays arrive.” Scootaloo replied in resignation. “Now, would you like to try Hagrid sir?” The girl finished pulling the axe out of the stump.


After a few more attempts that included a warning to Hagrid that somethings are to good to be true and that alcohol would be his undoing, to which Hagrid had replied as being hogwash and had quickly tried to change the subject, Professor Trelawney had opted to end the lesson for the day, simply asking Scootaloo to continue her diligent studying into the two forms of divination they’d looked at for homework before giving the girl a great big hug and letting her go on her way.

Scootaloo had decided to head back to the great hall for dinner where Apple Bloom greeted her at the currently rather sparse Hufflepuff table.

“Hey Scoots. How’d the lesson go?”

“It went well, but the problem with divination is that the answers are not always those which you hope for and seek.”

“Huh?” Apple Bloom queried.

“The tea leaves showed a future heralded with danger, death and emotional trauma. No point in worrying over it though, what shall be, shall be.” Scootaloo sighed in defeat.

Apple Bloom stared at her; worry etched across her face. “That doesn’t sound good, like to talk about it some more?”

“Not particularly, except that you’re going to chuck somebody into the lake before Christmas, I wonder if it’ll be Sweetie? How’s she doing by the way?” Scootaloo tactfully tried to change the subject.

“Don’t think you can change the subject that easily.” Apple Bloom chided, “but I’ll leave it for now. I know you’ll talk about it when you’re ready. Sweetie’s out like a light and no, that was purely hunger talking, I’d never really do that to her after everything else she is going through right now. She was the last to be treated and totally exhausted by the time they cured her. I don’t expect her to come round till tomorrow morning at the earliest. They are hopeful though everyone will make a full recovery. Madam Pomfrey is already having to force Snape to remain in his bed for the remainder of the day at least.”

“Thanks Bloom and that’s great to hear. Poor Sweetie, I hope we can be there for her when she wakes up. She’s going to be devastated over what has happened and I feel really bad after we teased and laughed at her over her broken nose.” Scootaloo admitted gloomily.

“Agreed.” Was all Apple Bloom muttered in response before shovelling a spoonful of mash potato into her mouth.

The remainder of dinner was a quiet and sombre affair with both girls worried about their poor friend and the trouble she would likely be in once she recovered. Finally, as dinner came to an end, Apple Bloom tried to lighten the mood forcing a chuckle.

What’s so funny.

“That you’re about to take a dip in the lake.”

“WHAT!” Scootaloo cried.

“Well, I said Sweetie wouldn’t be taking a dip, I said nothing about you and I’ve got to ensure your prediction comes true! No time like the present.” Apple Bloom pressed rising from her chair and grasping her friend in a tight hug before she could make her escape.

“This is a joke, right?” Scootaloo questioned nervously as Apple Bloom carried her from the room. She’d given up squirming, having no chance to out muscle the Earth Ponies heightened strength.

“Nope.” Apple Bloom grinned wickedly marching out the front of the castle and onto one of the connecting ramparts before unceremoniously hurtling the startled Pegasus-girl over the side towards the lake below.

A number of students had followed the two girls out of the school wondering what was up and looked on open mouthed as Apple Bloom nonchalantly threw her friend off the rampart towards the lake fifty odd feet below.

“Miss Bloom, what in tarnation?” Professor McGonagall stammered.

Apple turned to the professor and said confidently, “don’t worry, she’ll be back.”

As if prompted the Pegasus rose up behind Apple Bloom. “When I said I’d predicted that you were going to chuck someone in the lake, I did not mean me” she chortled.

“Hmm, looks like I forgot about your wings.” Apple Bloom said with mock surprise. “And maybe you should be more specific next time with your predictions. Didn’t say it wasn’t you.” She added sardonically before pelting it trying to get as much distance between herself and Scootaloo. Unfortunately, a mass of students now stood between her and the safety of the school behind her and thus she was forced to go across the rampart to another part of the school.

“Like, you can get away from me.” Scootaloo mocked the Earth pony’s feeble attempt as she zoomed across and pinned her pray down.

“Eeep” Apple Bloom said sheepishly as Scootaloo grinned wickedly at her.

“Now, I wonder if someone is ticklish.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “No, please no.” She pleaded in vain as Scootaloo plucked a feather from her wings and started tickling her prey with it relentlessly.

“Mercy.” Apple Bloom whimpered in between fits of giggles.

“Will you attempt to throw me in the lake again? Scootaloo questioned.

“No, no, please just no more tickling.” Apple Bloom pleaded once more.

“Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” Scootaloo got up off Apple Bloom before pulling the other girl to her feet. “Shall we go get a start on that Herbology homework? Could really use your help once again with it.”

“Sure thing, dunderhead.” Apple Bloom replied pulling Scootaloo into a friendly headlock and giving her a noogie before the girls wrapped arms round each other and headed for the Hufflepuff common room, their worries over Sweetie forgotten for at least a few hours.

“What just happened?” The random Hufflepuff at the front of the crowd of startled spectators asked.

“I’ve no idea” was all McGonagall was able to reply with, deciding to put this incident under kids will be kids in her brain.


The two girls made good inroads on their Herbology homework with Apple Bloom helping Scootaloo go over and understand quite a fair bit of what they’d covered so far.

“Thanks for this Bloom. I’m trying, I really am. I’m sorry for not being as smart you or Sweetie.”

“Coming from the girl that can predict the future and memorise almost any spell and cast it pretty much perfectly after a few attempts. Not to forget your unbelievable flying ability. Just because you may not have book smarts like me or Sweetie doesn’t mean you aren’t smart in your own way. You just prefer a more practical approach is all and once you become fixated with something not even me or Sweetie can catch your attention. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you sneakily reading those Divination and DADA textbooks after lights out. It’s probably why you sleep during so many classes.” Apple Bloom finished with a smirk.

“Ah.” Scootaloo chuckled nervously. “You noticed that and you really think I’m smart?”

“Of course. Now let’s stop with this sentimental mush and get on with our Astronomy.” Apple Bloom demanded as Scootaloo groaned and rolled her eyes.

Five minutes later Scootaloo was snoring loudly in the armchair across from hers as Apple Bloom tried to concentrate on studying her notes and a textbook professor Sinistra had supplied to them written by herself and simply entitled The Planets of our Solar System. She was failing miserably. Sighing she closed the book and looked over at her best friend. It truly amazed her how she could struggle so badly in one subject but excel magnificently at another. Placing the book and her notes back into her saddle bag she went over and shook Scootaloo.

“Five minutes more.” She grumbled.

“Okay, I’m going to have a shower and get an early night.” Apple Bloom yawned.

Scootaloo’s eyes opened and she replied yawning. “Sounds good, I’m getting cramp in my neck sleeping here.”

“You’ve been asleep two minutes.” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders. “Can still get cramp.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and headed for their dorm, Scootaloo following in her footsteps.


As the girls lay in bed going over the day’s events in their minds Scootalo decided to clear her mind.

“Hey Bloom, you still awake.”

“Yeah Scoots.”

“I know I’ve said it a lot recently but I truly mean it when I say you and Sweetie mean everything to me. I honestly can’t thank you two enough for everything you’ve done for me. You’re the best friends any pony or human could ever ask for. You two are family to me.”

“Feelings mutual Scoots. You and Sweetie are like sisters to me. Although Applejack’s been amazing, the fact there are more than eight years between us along with the fact our parents are gone means she’s been more like a mother than a sister to me and acts like it a lot of the time to. The last couple of years with you girls has been truly unbelievable. Family for life.”

“Family for life.” Scootaloo said with a smile before yawning. “Let’s hope Sweetie feels better tomorrow.”

“Hopefully. Night Scoots.”

“Night Bloom.”


Unbeknownst to the two girls, across the school in the staff room a meeting was ongoing to determine Sweetie’s fate. Professor Snape, looking even paler than usual, had even managed to make it, against Madam Pomfrey’s advice.

“She should be expelled and sent back to wherever she came from.” The potions teacher bellowed angrily. “We were lucky she didn’t kill anyone.”

“Now Severus, I understand your feelings but it was a genuine accident. She honestly didn’t mean to cause any harm. Furthermore, think of the diplomatic implications.” Dumbledore countered.

“You’re not the one who ended up in the infirmary! Those girls have caused more chaos in a week than in ten years since the war ended. Destruction of the school, threatening and endangering fellow students, disrespecting teachers, need I go on? If one of them has to stay for diplomatic reasons I suppose the red haired one can. She seems the most level headed of the lot.”

“You’re just saying that cause she’s a natural with potions and Apple Bloom has a name.” Pomona retorted angrily. “From what I’ve heard Sweetie Belle is excelling in every other subject and I think we can all agree that all three of our unusual acquisitions this year will turn out to be exceptionally powerful witches.”

“Yes, after her unfortunate accident on the first day, Miss Prewett and Miss Belle as well are both progressing extremely well and already seem to have mastered Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa. The latter is supposed to be the next two weeks’ worth of charms lessons!” Filius chipped in.

“Thank you Filius for your support and that just further highlights my next point. Along with the diplomatic implications, with us still recovering from the fallout of the Wizarding War we simply cannot afford to lose any of these three girls right now.” Pomona explained.

Snape was furious. “So what? You just want to give her a slap on the wrist and let her get away with nearly murdering myself and the majority of her classmates? What more does one of them have to do to get expelled! At the very least I want that girl out of my potions class. I don’t care how unorthodox or unfair it is, I will not allow her back in the potions lab again whilst I’m the Hogwarts Potions Master.” He roared.

“Severus, if you do not calm down, I’ll send you back to the infirmary.” Dumbledore stated firmly, taking control as Pomona looked ready to punch Severus’s face in. “Although I understand it was an accident, the girl did endanger the wellbeing and safety of her fellow students. She also did not heed her teacher’s warning when instructed and recklessly progressed with the potion. Thus, I’ve little choice on the matter.”

“Albus, no. You can’t seriously be thinking of expelling the poor girl. She’s suffered just as much as the rest of the class because of this accident.” Pomona protested.

“Please let me finish. I’ve little choice on the matter in terms of that a suitable punish must be issued. To begin with forty points shall be deducted from Hufflepuff for reckless use of magic and endangering the lives of her fellow students. Secondly and reluctantly the girl will be removed from the Potions tract immediately. Furthermore, if she ever attempts to brew another potion on the grounds, she will be expelled immediately without debate. I simply cannot risk her endangering any students lives further. Does anybody wish to challenge my verdict?” Dumbledore said firmly looking across at Pomona and then Snape, daring either to challenge him.

There were some hushed whispers amongst the teaching cohort as Pomona sighed.

“I respect your decision Albus, even if I don’t 100% agree with it. You do understand though that this will leave Miss Belle with even more free time on her hands?”

“Yes. I realise that, which is why I’ll be teaching her some more advanced Transfiguration spells and concepts fortnightly. I wouldn’t be surprised if I tested her on the first-year curriculum now and she ended up scoring 100%.” Dumbledore replied with a laugh.

“Yes, that seems like a very sensible idea.” Pomona replied satisfied.

“I also accept your verdict. I understand that she did not mean any malice in what she did and as such feel the punishment you have come to is just and fair.” Snape grunted, internally relieved simply to be rid of the girl from his Potions class.

“Excellent, anybody else have anything else to say on the matter?” Dumbledore pressed.

There was a round of head shaking.

“In that case I consider the matter dealt with. Once the girl is well enough Pomona can you please bring her to my office so that I may talk to her about her punishment.”

“Of course Albus.” Pomona replied.

“Now if nobody else has anything else to say I will call this meeting to an end and will let you all be on your way to enjoy the remainder of your evening.” Albus commented hoping he’d still have some time to read the Evening Prophet with a cup of cocoa in his favourite armchair before bed.

Perfectly timed the door opened and Sybil came bursting in.

“Albus, we need to have a word about Miss Prewett.”

Albus sighed heavily wondering if he’d ever catch a break again.

Author's Note:

Apologies fell asleep this afternoon editing and then went over to grandparents for dinner so little later than planned but hope editing is okay. I think we've all learnt now never to make Apple hungry oh and finally, WANT TO PLAY A PART IN THIS STORY? WANT TO BE THE HUFFLEPUFF QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN? Then tell me, what two things did Scootaloo work out from the blade quivering ten times? First correct answer gets the part!

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