• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Remember, Remember, the 4th November

Scootaloo was racing along on her broomstick, the golden snitch nearly within her grasp. She reached out to pluck it out the air only to find it suddenly transform before her eyes into that grotesque and hideous face once more. Her broomstick jerked to a halt and she found herself toppling off and falling, falling into never ending blackness until…

Scootaloo jerked awake in her bed, heart thumping wildly, sweat dripping off her brow once more. Thankfully, this time she’d managed not to scream and wake up the rest of the dorm as she’d done yesterday morning. A slight improvement she thought to herself but still the sleeping tablets that Madam Pomfrey had provided her with upon her release from the makeshift infirmary on Saturday evening were not particularly helping. Although she’d not had an episode as severe as the one Thursday morning, the same nightmare was now plaguing her every time she slept and it was driving her insane trying to figure out just what it meant.

Sighing, Scootaloo looked over at the clock on her nightstand, 5am, might as well get up and start Quidditch practice early. She lugged her weary limbs out of her nice warm bed with a yawn. Now that November had hit the Scottish weather had become bitterly cold. The lake had started to ice over and they had even had their first flurry of snow the previous morning. More importantly though Quidditch season had begun and the first game between Gryffindor and Slytherin was this Saturday followed by Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw two weeks later. Her team still had a lot of work to do before they’d be ready. After pulling on her Quidditch robes, she pulled out the box of Quidditch balls that she’d purchased alongside the brooms for her team and gave a sharp whistle to Broomy as she headed out the door calling softly over her shoulder.

“I’ll see you two on the field in thirty, unless you want to be doing ten laps of the training fields on your brooms”

Sweetie groaned sleepily in response.

Susan rolled over and immediately fell out of bed, waking her up immediately with a thump.

“Shit” was all the girl grumbled.

Scootaloo tried to suppress a laugh as she left them to get ready.


The ice-cold wind howled menacingly as Scootaloo stepped onto the training fields, the clouds above threatening to burst and sprinkle the ground with even more snow.

Scootaloo grinned. Just the conditions she needed for her team. She opened the box of balls, the Bludgers fighting relentlessly against their restraints, pleading to be released. For now, they’d have to wait just a little bit more. She picked up the Snitch, threw it into the air and zoomed off after it.


The Hufflepuff Quidditch team watched in awe as their captain made the elements quake in her wake up above. It was simply breath-taking to watch as neither the wind or snow, which had just started to fall, seemed to bother her. The other teams wouldn’t know what hit them this year. Finally, Scootaloo came into land.

“What are you lot standing around here for? We’ve three weeks and I will not stand for any stupidity, laziness or lacklustre performances from anyone. I want to see you on those broomsticks and ready to begin in two. Do I make myself clear?” Scootaloo barked.

“Yes Mam.” Her team roared as one hopping onto their own broomsticks.

“Excellent.” Scootaloo went over and prepared to release the remaining balls.

“Oy, what are you Hufflepuffs doing out here?” An indignant voice called just as she was about to release the Bludgers.

She looked up to see Oliver Wood, Gryffindor’s Quidditch captain, staring unhappily at her.

“Training, like we’ve done every Monday morning since the third week of term. If you’ve got a problem with that go speak to someone who cares.” Scootaloo replied cheekily.

Wood looked at the girl grumpily. “Well we’ve got a game this weekend and need the extra practice and Minerva said we could use the training fields this morning. Also, I doubt you need the practice anyway, you’ll just be awful and an easy win as always. So why don’t you move along pipsqueak, take your bunch of pre-schoolers with you and let the professionals train.” This caused several guffaws from the Gryffindors

Scootaloo took a couple of deep breaths before taking a piece of parchment out of her robes.

“Well I’m sorry to say dear that Hufflepuffs have exclusive rights to the training fields this year every Monday morning 6-7:30am. Maybe if you actually cared about the quality of your team, you’d have been practicing extra from the start of the year also. Can’t be a very good Quidditch captain if you’ve only realised one week before your first game of the season that you’re not ready and require more practice sessions.” Scootaloo said scathingly, thrusting the parchment into the now red with anger Gryffindor captain’s face.

“You little ignorant bitch.” Wood raged reading the parchment in amazement.

“That’s enough Wood. I will not have you insult my Quidditch captain. That’ll be twenty points from Gryffindor for your insults. Now, unless you want to lose any more points, I suggest taking your team back to the castle and returning later in the week. We only have exclusive rights to Monday mornings; you’ve still got the other four mornings to practice before your game Saturday.” Professor Sprout said appearing from the gloom looking less than pleased with the older Gryffindor captain’s behaviour.

“That’s ridiculous, I’ll be talking to Professor McGonagall about this.” Wood fumed shoving the parchment into Scootaloo’s chest. “Like you bunch of clowns need to do any training at all. We all know you are going to be mauled in every game like last year once again.”

“That’ll be a further five.” Professor Sprout said unfazed. “Like to continue? After one of my first years received one hundred points from Headmaster Dumbledore for bravely saving Madam Pomfrey and one of her friends from that troll at Halloween, it’s not like we need much help right now in the House Cup, but please, feel free to do so.” She finished mockingly.

Wood looked like he was ready to burst with anger, but he just gave one mighty huff, turned around and stormed back to the castle, his team following in his wake.

Scootaloo heaved a sigh of relief. “Thanks Professor. You turned up at just the right moment. I really felt that might get ugly there. Took my entire restraint just to not slap that smug bastard round the face.”

“I could see. I’m glad to see you are gaining greater control over your emotions although I’d have happily turned a blind eye if you had.” Professor Sprout gave her student a sly smirk, to which Scootaloo gave a small giggle in reply. “Anyhow, I see you’re still not sleeping well.”

“That obvious?” Scootaloo groaned.

Professor Sprout nodded. “The bags under your eyes are a clear giveaway. Same nightmare?”

“Same nightmare.” Scootaloo confirmed.

“You need to talk about it or it gets any worse, you know where to find me. Now, shall we continue with what I came here to see. I’ve been dying to see the progress you’ve been making.”

“Thanks professor. Of course, let me just release these Bludgers.”


The grin on Professor Sprout’s face as Scootaloo led her team in from training was all she needed to see.

“You like?”

Professor Sprout wrapped the girl in a tight hug.

“You’ve given this old witch renewed hope once more. Thank you.”

“No problem, now could you please stop hugging me to death. I’ve got to give everyone the lowdown before we head off to shower and have breakfast.” Scootaloo gasped causing her head of house to slowly release her. “Thanks. Now, good shift everyone, if Professor Sprout is happy, I’m happy, just don’t get cocky. All the other teams are still going to out muscle us and will use this too their advantage, along with their greater experience. No matter how much we’ve improved, we’re still very much the underdogs and I need you to give 110% in every training session between now and our first game. You’ve had it easy the past week with a training session off for the Halloween feast and fifteen minutes today due to me needing to be somewhere, but I promise you now, from here on in it only gets harder. I want to show those bookworms in three weeks that we’re are no longer just a bunch of clowns riding broomsticks. Who’s with me.”


Scootaloo smiled looking at Professor Sprout who gave her a similar smile in response. The other houses wouldn’t know what hit them.


Apple Bloom was surprised to see both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle accompanying her to breakfast. Usually she met them in the hall for breakfast on Mondays, but for some unknown reason Scootaloo had ended practice slightly early so they could accompany her to breakfast this morning.

“I told you. Don’t look at me, I’ve no idea what she’s got planned.” Sweetie admitted as Apple Bloom gave her a suspicious glare for the umpteenth time as they neared the Great Hall.

“And I told you it was nothing. Just that I didn’t want you struggling with that arm still in a sling.” Scootaloo blatantly lied.

“That’s bull crap and you know it.” Apple Bloom said unimpressed. “My sister is the element of honesty, so of course I know when you are lying.”

“Bull crap, bull crap. Scootaloo’s spouting bull crap.” Wally cawed from overhead.

Scootaloo glowered at the pesky pirate parrot.

“See, even he can see through your obvious sham. So, spit it out. What have you got planned? You know I don’t like surprises.”

Scootaloo just smiled deviously in reply as they pushed open the doors to the Great Hall.

Apple Bloom was looking everywhere as they sat down, expecting something to jump out at her, but nothing did. Slowly and cautiously she sat down and went to take something from the spread on offer. That’s when she noticed. There was an awful lot of apple items on offer today, apple cereal, apple juice, apple pie, apple cobbler, apple strudel, apple crumble and so on and so forth. Weird, especially as she’d class many of them as not really being breakfast-based foods, she thought to herself as she poured herself a glass of apple juice wondering what to tuck into first. Then, a plate of apple fritters landed in front of her.

“Oh no you don’t, we all know what an Apple gets for their breakfast on their birthday. And just what mess have you been getting yourself into this time?” A voice she recognised only too well chuckled from behind her.

Her eyes shot open in astonishment. Scootaloo had the widest grin imaginable on her face across from her.

“I asked Discord when your birthday would be in this world while I was recovering as I wanted to plan something big to say thanks for the whole troll situation. As soon as he told me it was so soon, I asked him for a couple of favours.”

Tears of joy were welling in Apple Bloom’s eyes as she slowly turned her head around to see a young tanned blonde-haired woman with emerald green eyes grinning behind her.

“Howdy sis. It certainly has been too long.”

Apple Bloom didn’t say a word, simply hugging Applejack with her one good arm as tears of joy flooded down her face.

“I missed you to Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she reciprocated the hug.

“You’re truly amazing.” Sweetie said from next to Scootaloo.

“Thanks, it’s the least I could do. Although she’s hidden it well, I’ve noticed for weeks how homesick she’s been and how much she’s missed her family. Oy Bloom, if you could stop hugging the life out of your sister for a moment, I’ve got the rest of your birthday present here. Discord, if you’d please.”

Apple Bloom turned, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief Applejack had provided her with, just as Discord materialised next to Scootaloo and placed a carefully wrapped gift in front of Apple Bloom.

“Applejack has to head back before first period. I know it is brief, but I’m sure that will be at least enough time for you to catch up with each other. I’ll be back when it is time for goodbyes. Enjoy your gift and thank you for protecting my charge in her time of need.” Discord finished with a wry smile before snapping his fingers and disappearing once more.

Apple Bloom looked at the box still overwhelmed with everything that had happened over the past few minutes. Finally, she flipped the lid and stared inside at a beautiful brand-new cauldron and a whole array of potion supplies.

“It’s Tungsten, extremely rare and cost a fortune, but only the best for one of my best friends. Hope you…” Scootaloo never finished as the squeal of joy Apple Bloom omitted pierced her ear drums. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She winced rubbing her ears.


Meanwhile, at the teachers table at the front of the room, a heated discussion had just begun.

“Hello Pomona, I’m glad you’ve graced us with your presence this morning. I’ve just had an interesting chat with my Quidditch captain. Apparently, you refused him and his team access to the training fields this morning and docked him twenty-five points for bullying, something which he strongly denies and claims was simply a slip of the tongue and a bit of, how do the children call it nowadays, banter? He does though wish to offer his sincerest apologies and hope you will reconsider the points deduction. I’d also like to see this parchment you showed him. I have heard nothing of this exclusive extra training period for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team on Monday mornings.” Minerva said smoothly but with a clear hint of annoyance.

“He called my captain a pipsqueak and a bitch and referred to her team as a bunch of pre-schoolers and clowns before nearly shoving her over. Yeah, sorry, but unless he’d prefer a slap in the face, then no. My punishment stands, hopefully that will teach him a bit of humility in future. And before you ask, she didn’t provoke him. In actual fact, she was pretty civil during the whole affair. If you think I’m being biased, you can ask Lady Applejack, the Element of Honesty, to vouch for what I say. She is rather coincidentally currently visiting her sister for her birthday.” Professor Sprout said with mock civility highlighting the current situation going on at the Hufflepuff table in front of them. “Oh, and why should you when it has nothing to do with you. It was a simple request made by myself and my captain to Professor Dumbledore who didn’t see any issue with it as at that time most the students are either still asleep or just waking up. Here’s a copy of the parchment by the way, you should see everything is in order.”

Minerva McGonagall did not look pleased as she read over the parchment. “I see,” she muttered under her breath. “Well, everything seems to be in order. I do wish you’d reconsider the points deduction but can see that your mind is made up and I trust your judgement on the matter. I’ll talk to Wood and ensure that the Gryffindor team doesn’t disturb your House’s training sessions in future.” She forced out, admitting defeat on this occasion.

“Thank you, that would be very much appreciated. If you really would like the points back, I might be interested in a little wager?” Pomona said with a coy smile.

Minerva looked at her fellow professor with a wary but curious expression. “And what might that be?”

“When our two houses meet at the end of winter, if Gryffindor wins, I’ll return the points and be your Transfiguration guinea pig for an evening. If Hufflepuff wins, you assist me for two hours in the greenhouse every evening for a week, sound fair?”

Minerva laughed mockingly. “Have you gone mad?” Your team has got no chance.” Minerva said quickly shaking the Herbology professor’s hand before she could retract the offer.

“Let’s just say, I like my odds.” And with that Pomona Sprout rose from the table, grabbed a last slice of toast with marmalade on and departed to collect her students for their somewhat different Herbology lesson today.

Meanwhile, across the hall, Snape was informing Applejack about her little sister’s progress in Potions while inspecting and scrutinising the exquisite new cauldron his protegee had been gifted. “Although a little petulant and stubborn at times, your sister is a diligent and hard-working student who is performing way above the expected level in Potions for a first year. I’ve fifth year students who couldn’t brew some of the potions she has and with the addition of this new cauldron I believe we can take her education even further. You should be truly proud of her.”

Apple Bloom blushed halfway through an apple fritter.

“Sounds like my sister and I’m glad to hear that. I just hope she’s as committed in her other subjects” Applejack replied. “We Apples believe that with hard-work and dedication anything is achievable. Now, I do believe my time is nearly up and I’ve got to get back and give my brother a hand back on the farm.”

“Do you really have to go so soon?” Apple Bloom whined looking up mournfully at her sister from the last of her breakfast. “You haven’t even met Professor Sprout yet?”

“You called my name. Lady Applejack I do presume. It is good to make your acquaintance if only briefly. Your sister and her friends have been welcome additions to my house this year and it has been a pleasure teaching them in Herbology. In fact, that is why I am here now, we’ve a special lesson planned for today. Tomorrow’s Bonfire Night, a great British tradition, so this week in both Herbology and Charms we’re going to be teaching the students the Fire-Making Charm Incendio. If Professor Discord doesn’t mind you staying an extra hour, you’re more than welcome to stay and watch.” Professor Sprout explained shaking Applejack’s hand.

“Hmm, sounds interesting but I should really be getting back.” Applejack considered thinking for a moment. She was a little concerned that the school was teaching eleven- and twelve-year olds how to make fire, especially considering the girls prior history with fire and the wide grin that now adorned Scootaloo’s face. Nevertheless, these teachers of theirs seemed like smart folk and wouldn’t be teaching them anything to dangerous surely?

“Oh nonsense, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea.” Discord cooed appearing from out of thin air.

“Oh no.” Applejack groaned, seeing Apple Bloom looking pleadingly up at her. “It seems I’m outvoted and I guess it would be interesting to see this worlds magic.” She sighed in defeat. “But just another hour. Then I must really be getting back.”

Apple Bloom beamed happily.


The early morning snow had finally finished falling by the time the first year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors made their way out onto the training field, but the wind still chilled the students to the bone and they huddled together in groups, teeth chattering, as Professor Sprout began the lesson.

“So, some of you might be wondering why I’ve brought you out onto the training fields this morning or why there are a number of piles of sticks. Well, as some of you might be aware, November 5th marks the Muggle tradition of Bonfire Night in relation to the Gunpowder plot of 1605. Although we in the magical community have no real interest in such festivities, it has developed into a bit of a tradition here at Hogwarts to teach first years the Fire-Making Spell across Herbology and Charms on the week this Muggle tradition falls. Now, before I show you how to cast the spell, would anyone like to have a guess as to why such a spell is important in the subject of Herbology?”

Apple Bloom’s arm shot into the air alongside Hermione’s followed a little slower by Neville’s.

“Yes, Mr Longbottom, if you would like to enlighten us all.”

“Protection, from dangerous magical plants.” Neville stuttered.

“Excellent, two points for Gryffindor.” Professor Sprout congratulated the boy for getting the right answer. “Professor Flitwick will go over other uses for the spell in your Charms lesson later today and will warn you as I do now that the spell should only be used for its intended purposes” She finished sternly. “Miss Prewett, can you give me some examples of what magical plants you might need to protect yourself from.”

Scootaloo looked like she’d been hit by Petrificus Totalus for a moment before an answer hit her. “Spiky Bushes.”

The class all giggled, remembering the poor girls unfortunate accident with said plant.

“Settle down, please. Yes, you are correct. Miss Bloom, could you help Miss Prewett out with a few more?”

“Venomous Tentacula, Devil’s Snare and Fanged Geranium, to name a few.” Apple Bloom was only to eager to add and impress her watching sister.

“Exceptional, a point for Hufflepuff. Now, watch me closely.” Professor Sprout praised the girl before pulling out her wand from her robes and with a swish and a flick of her wand cried “Incendio”.

A pile of the sticks burst into flames to oohs and aahs from the group of students.

Aguamenti” Professor Sprout cried extinguishing the flames with a burst of water from her wand. “Okay, now divide into pairs and take a pile each. I’ll pop round and extinguish the flames if necessary. Remember though, you’ve a whole double Charms lesson this afternoon, so don’t feel bad if you don’t quite…”


A pile of sticks burst into a massive bonfire accompanied by a disturbing cackle.

“Miss Prewett, why am I not surprised.” Professor Sprout sighed as Applejack shuffled over to the Herbology professor and whispered into her ear.”

“Err, Mrs Sprout is it. This might be a good time to tell you the girls once burnt down a whole wood whilst attempting to gain their pyromaniac cutie marks.”

Professor Sprout face palmed her hand. “You couldn’t have said that early.”


“Amazing job Apple Bloom, and that’s not even your natural wand hand. Now let me try.” Sweetie’s voice chorused around the training ground.

“What have I done.” Pomona groaned as a third bonfire began roaring behind her.


Professor Sprout wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or worried that in only one lesson a record number of students had managed to successfully cast the Fire-Making-Charm. Overall, she was just thankful she’d taken the smart option and run the class far enough away from the castle to avoid it suffering anymore damage, especially when Mr Finnigan had caused his and Mr Thomas’s bonfire to explode and sent fire flying everywhere. It was going to take her hours to regrow the damage the boy had caused to the training field. Nonetheless, this wasn’t her biggest concern. The fact the three Equestrian girls had successfully cast the spell in less than a minute and one with their weaker hand, did, very much so. The fact they’d then followed up perfecting the spell by trying to make the biggest bonfire imaginable with Miss Granger’s help whilst cackling like insane lunatics, probably also had some part to play in this. Miss Bloom was currently squealing her success to Lady Applejack, who had a similar look of concern and horror to hers etched across her face. Finally, Professor Sprout spoke.

“Alright, settle down class.” She paused a moment to let the whispering from the clusters of students in front of her die down to nothing. “I’m very pleased with all your hard efforts this morning. Truly, I’ve never had so many in a first-year class be able to perform such a tricky spell so well by the end of just one lesson. I will make this evidently clear though. If any of you even attempt to practice or cast the spell without the presence of one of the teachers, you’ll find yourself in detention with me for a month and lose your house fifty points. Me and the other professors have done enough castle repairs in the past couple of months without one of you accidentally burning down even more. Understood?” She said sternly focusing her gaze on the Crusaders.

“Yes, Professor Sprout.” The class stated autonomously with gloomy expressions.

“Good. Now for homework this week I’d like you to research what you believe are the five most dangerous and deadly magical plants that exist and write a two-thousand-word essay explaining your choices. There are no right or wrong answers, this is purely down to your own interpretation and I expect you to hand it to me next Monday. Professor Flitwick will be setting you homework in relation to reading up on the Fire-making spell itself this afternoon. Class dismissed.”

More groans erupted from the clusters of students as they started to disperse and head back into the castle to escape the chilly autumn wind that continued its assault on any who dared leave the warm confines of the castle.

Soon, only the Crusaders remained with Discord and Applejack.

“So, I’ll see you soon.” Apple Bloom croaked wrapping her big sister in a hug with her left arm. “I really miss you, but I won’t lie, this is where I belong. I’ll see you at Christmas if we decide to come home, although I think we’ll probably be staying here. It wouldn’t be right if we left Scoots alone for Christmas as she’ll be staying here with Discord.”

“I understand Sugarcube and remember I am only a letter away. You may have only turned twelve, but it is clear to me you’ve grown up so much in the past few months and your path differs from that of myself and our brother. Mum and dad would have been so proud of the young woman you’ve become. Just don’t burn the school down please.” Applejack choked, trying to force out a chuckle as a tear slid down her cheek.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but titter. “We’ll try not to.”

“Are you ready?” Discord asked.

“Yep, Big Mac will be wondering where I’ve got to.” Applejack forced herself apart from her sister and wiped the tear from her cheek. “I’ll see you again soon sis, enjoy the rest of your birthday.”

And with a snap of his fingers, Applejack and Discord were gone.

Aside from Apple Bloom’s sniffles, silence reigned across the training fields.

Slowly Scootaloo approached her friend. “Hey Bloom, you.” She never finished as the other girl wrapped her arm around her.

“Thank you so much. Best birthday present ever.” Apple Bloom whispered into Scootaloo’s ear.

“No problem Bloom, no problem at all.” Was all Scootaloo said in reply as she embraced her friend.

“Hey, don’t think you’re leaving me out of this.” Sweetie interjected, launching herself at her two best friends and causing all three to tumble onto the grass in fits of laughter.


The rest of Apple Bloom’s birthday went bye reasonably peacefully. After swiftly realising just how cold it was outside, the girls had retreated to the library and started researching for their Herbology essays. Afterwards, in Transfiguration Apple Bloom’s and Scootaloo’s mice were finally starting to turn into something resembling a snuffbox before they scared the life out of Professor Flitwick with their ability to perform Incendio in Charms in the afternoon. Apple Bloom was particularly pleased to be excused from fighting a broomstick in the final lesson of the day due to her shoulder and instead spent it in the library, practically having her Herbology essay completed by the time the girls came to join her. After some further studying and preparation for the following days lessons the girls had dinner before opting to retire to their common room for the evening. They really should have expected the confetti that covered them along with a delirious pink pony jumping all over the place as they entered the Hufflepuff common room. A banner reading ‘Happy 12th Birthday Apple Bloom’ hung from the ceiling.

Apple Bloom’s response was to squeal once more in delight before grabbing Pinkie and giving her the biggest hug imaginable.

“He he, thought you’d like it.”


A little over two hours later and with eyes drooping the girls sluggishly made their way back to their dormitory. The party had been incredible, as was always the case with a Pinkie Pie party, and the girls only regret was that they hadn’t left much room after dinner for all the beautiful delicacies the crazy party pony had prepared. From dancing to games, it had been an unbelievably chaotic and fun two hours, the highlight being when Professor Sprout had not only done the limbo but followed it up by absolutely whitewashing everyone at Twister. Even Dumbledore had popped by once more upon hearing the pink pony had returned, having taken a real fancy to Pinkie’s cupcakes of which she’d already prepared a whole trayful just for him.

Overall, it was truly the best birthday Apple Bloom could ever remember having and she honestly couldn’t have asked for anything more as she slumped onto her bed. She didn’t even get a chance to say goodnight before she was fast asleep with a wide smile across her lips.

Scootaloo smiled popping one of the sleeping pills Madam Pomfrey had provided her with into her mouth before settling into her own bed.

“Night gals.” She yawned not even waiting for a reply as she slowly drifted of to sleep after another exhausting day.

Scootaloo was racing along on her broomstick, the golden snitch nearly within her grasp…

Author's Note:

Sorry couldn't get this out any earlier this evening, I was watching football, socialising with my housemates family and the realised that whole section with would could do with further expansion, thus the added chunk with Pomona and Minerva trying not murder each other.

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