• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Introductions and Explanations

“So just to be clear. An immortal God of Chaos saved you from certain death as a child and transported you to another dimension to keep you safe. In this dimension you’ve been living as a Pegasus for the past ten years until fate allowed him to escape his prison and return you to our world along with your two best friends, a parrot which can apparently deliver letters across said dimensions, and a huge chest of priceless gems that probably equates to more galleons than I’ll ever earn in my entire life.” Professor McGonagall finished nonchalantly.

“Yep. That sounds about. Ow, hey that hurt.” Scootaloo chastised as Madam Pomfrey pulled a feather from one of her wings.

“Apologies Miss Prewett, I just required a sample to complete your medical. Your wings are truly astonishing!” Madam Pomfrey explained. “All in all, the three of you seem to be in perfect health and my scans have revealed no underlying health issues. I will say Miss Prewett you are slightly underweight for your age and it appears the curses you referred to being inflicted upon you as an infant have had a permanent impact upon your hair and eye colour although no further damage seems to be present following Mr Discord’s intervention.”

“Well that’s a relief. I am so sorry I had to call you back from your holiday Poppy, this was a rather unexpected situation.” Minerva expressed her gratitude to her colleague and long-time friend.

“Pfft, don’t be. This has been much more interesting than Pompeii! How many times in my life would I get the chance to treat a sentient unicorn or a patient with actual wings?” She referred to Sweetie Belle who had transfigured herself back to her unicorn self as part of the medical and explanation process and was currently sitting on one of the infirmary’s beds still in said form. Need I even point out the eleven-year-old girl who was able to lift Hagrid one handed without breaking a sweat? This has been one of the most fascinating days I’ve ever had in my career and certainly one I’ll never forget.” Madam Pomfrey squealed like a child visiting Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop for the very first time as for the umpteenth time she hugged Sweetie Belle. “You are just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”

“Help, can’t breathe.” Sweetie Belle croaked, once again being crushed to death by the over enthusiastic school nurse. Slowly Professor McGonagall managed to get Madam Pomfrey to let go of the poor girl who swiftly transfigured herself back into her human form.

“Hmm, we may have to restrict you from transfiguring back into your natural form Miss Belle if it continues to cause such responses. I don’t know where I’d begin trying to explain to your family if you were hugged to death.” McGonagall stated, a slight smirk adorning her face.

“Believe me. I won’t.” Sweetie Belle confirmed as the doors to the infirmary slammed open.

“What now.” Minerva sighed.

“WHERE IS SHE! WHERE IS MY NIECE.” A booming voice reverberated around the room as the doors to the infirmary slammed open to reveal an exasperated Molly Weasley.

“I’m sorry Minerva, I tried doing what you told me, but she wasn’t having any of it.” A wheezing Professor Sprout with hands on her knees tried to explain although most of what she said ended up being inaudible.

“You floo me whilst I was in the middle of clearing the remnants of lunch away asking if me and my husband can house three girls during the remainder of the holidays due to exceptional circumstances and when asked why you have come to us state that one of the girl’s may have familial ties to myself through my youngest brother. How do you think I would react? Oh, I’ll just wait here till you feel like bringing her over. Ten long years I’ve often cried myself to sleep over my brothers’ deaths and then suddenly a slither of hope arises from the ashes. Of course I’m going to floo myself straight over. Now for the last time I’m going to ask.”

“That would be me” Scootaloo slid of the infirmary bed and walked towards her supposed aunt. “Is it true, do I still have one member of family left?”

Molly just stared at the girl with orange wings and peculiar coloured hair standing in front of her for a moment and then, most peculiarly, she started singing “Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi, Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri; Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad, Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.”

And despite never hearing it before in her life Scootaloo continued where her aunt finished “Gwlad!, GWLAD!, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad. Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau, O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.”

Molly didn’t say another word as she enclosed the distance between the two and grasped her niece into the tightest hug possible. “Even with the peculiar eye colour I’d recognise my younger brother’s face anywhere. Welcome home.” Molly cried as the tears flowed down her face.

Applejack stepped back into the barn with a sigh. Placing her hat on a coat hook she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door pulling out a jug of light brown liquid. Sitting down at the table she poured herself a glass full and took a sip. What a day she thought to herself. At least that monster is back in his stony prison. As if on cue a loud knocking came from the front door.

“What now?” She mumbled to herself heading for the door.

Opening it she came face to face with a startled and upset looking Miss Cheerilee.

“Oh, Miss Applejack, I’m so sorry to disturb you so late but it’s the girls you see. They wandered off on the field trip and despite us looking everywhere we have yet to find them. We’ve the guard out looking and everything but obviously due to today’s events the search was late beginning. I’m so sorry. I literally turned my back for a moment and they were.”

“Wait” Applejack interrupted. “You were visiting the Canterlot Gardens and Palace am I correct?”

“Yes, what’s that got to do with anything?”

“All that’s happened today was caused by an immortal God of Chaos breaking free from a stone stat.”

“Please tell me it wasn’t a draconequus.” Cheerilee interrupted.

Perfectly timed, a parrot appeared out of nowhere and landed on Applejack’s head before vomiting up a scroll which landed between the two ponies.

“Okay, that was just nasty.” Applejack murmured picking up the scroll reluctantly with a hoof.

“Wally want a fucking cracker bitch.” Wally mouthed as the two ponies stared at each other with dread.

Slowly Applejack unfurled the scroll and read aloud what was contained.

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow,
We hope this letter reaches you, this is the first time we’ve sent Wally so are unsure how long or if he’ll even make it to you. We’re sorry for abandoning Miss Cheerilee on our field trip today but were approached by a curious creature named Discord. Yes, I know you’ve told us countless times not to talk to strangers, but this was different because guess what! Scootaloo is apparently one of his children of chaos and from another dimension entirely full of the mythical beings known as humans, some of which are magical like us. As Scootaloo is now of a certain age it is time for her to return to her home world to study magic at a place called Hogwarts. Even better, Mr. Discord has allowed me and Sweetie Belle to join her to! Yippee, we are going to have so much fun and have already met many interesting people including Scootaloo’s aunt! I’m sorry we could not inform you before leaving but Mr. Discord said he would retrieve us for the Hearths Warming’s holiday as long as he hadn’t been turned back to stone, which I’m sure you won’t do considering how nice he seemed too be to us, especially Scootaloo. Anyway, if you need to contact us just hand Wally a letter before he attempts to fly back. Apologies, he does have a bit of a language problem. See you for Hearth’s Warming,
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo/Scoti Alaw Prewett.

P.s. We hope Rarity won’t mind, Discord had to acquire some of her gems to help us pay for our schooling and necessary equipment.

Said bird was now happily munching on a cracker fetched by Big Mac, who had been awoken upon hearing the commotion downstairs, to stop the torrent of swear words the one eyed, one legged monstrosity had been coming out with.

Applejack’s right eye twitched and it wasn’t from the cracker crumbs that were persistently falling down her face.

“Child of chaos, why am I not surprised.” Cheerilee commented. “I’m just thankful they are safe.”

Applejack’s right eye continued to twitch.

“Err, sis, you alright?” Big Mac enquired.

“DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She Screamed.

It was said that night that windows as far as Canterlot Castle were shattered by the voice of one Lady Applejack Apple.

In his stony prison in the Canterlot Royal Gardens, Discord laughed. Looks like Applejack just got some news, oh I wonder what that could be?

The early morning crow of a rooster awoke Scootaloo way to early from her slumber. After numerous explanations and plans had been made, including the girls sending Wally with a letter back to their guardians, they and Molly had arrived back at Molly’s homestead very late the previous evening to the greeting of a very worried and surprised Arthur Weasley. Thankfully Percy had taken charge and with the help of Ginny sorted dinner out for the family. Having already eaten at Hogwarts before they left the girls were shuffled upstairs to a bedroom and provided with a few old bed clothes. For once they were too tired to complain and were just grateful to get out of the dusty, musky oversized robes that the school had lent them.

“Eugh, another five minutes” she groaned stretching out her wings.

It took her less than five seconds to realise that she now had perfectly able wings and barely five seconds more to launch herself naked out of a window on the third floor of the burrow.

Apple Bloom and Molly stepped out of the kitchen to the most peculiar sight of a naked girl with wings flying like a maniac around and around the Burrow doing all manner of circus tricks, loop de loops, barrel rolls, dive bombs, twisters, you name it, the girl was doing it.


Scootaloo didn’t come down. Instead she decided to rise higher and higher and higher so that she was barely a speck in the sky and then she dived. What came next was the most beautiful thing Molly had ever seen in her life as a circle of cherry red exploded from the young witch across the dawn sky. It also meant she wouldn’t be having to drag any of her family out of bed that morning. The girl did a few more loop de loops to try and slow her descent before crashing headfirst into Apple Bloom as the rest of the Weasley clan and Sweetie Belle emerged from The Burrow.

“Eugh” Sweetie groaned rubbing her eyes. “What’s with the light show?”

“Huh, what, who are you?” The youngest red headed boy asked in a daze. “And anyone else see the horn atop her head or am I still.” He looked up and saw the dispersing red cloud in the sky. “Yep, definitely dreaming, I’m going back to.”

“Oh no you’re not Ronald, we’ve a full day planned and unless you want no breakfast you’ll march straight into that kitchen and sit down at the table. And that goes for the rest of you to. Chop chop,” Molly commanded pushing everyone back inside before dragging her niece of Apple Bloom with the help of Sweetie Belle. “I’ve a good mind to confine you to your room for the rest of the week for such an irresponsible stunt” she growled.

Scootaloo’s head dropped. “I’m sorry, I just.”

“Stop, I know, I was there with you yesterday remember and can only imagine the pain you’ve suffered from being restricted for so long. Just no more flying with no clothes on. It’s improper for a lady. We’ll go to Madame Malkins first thing after Gringotts today to get you all fitted for a full wardrobe, okay? Now go inside and get dressed into the robes you were given yesterday.”

“Yes Aunt Molly.” Scootaloo muttered before heading inside.

“Now Apple Bloom, you okay? It didn’t seem that bad of a collision, but I’d rather be safe than sorry, especially as Minerva is leaving you in my charge.”

“Naw, I’m an Earth pony at heart me, tough as nails. Should have seen the look on Minerva’s face when I lifted Hagrid one handed of the floor yesterday!”

Molly simply stood and stared open mouthed at that remark for a moment. This was certainly going to be an interesting month. “Well that’s great. Now would you two please go and freshen up and get dressed before breakfast, Minerva will be along shortly to accompany us to Diagon Alley.”

“Okay Miss Weasley” Both girls chorused before walking back inside.

As soon as Molly re-entered The Burrow behind her charges every single eye of the Weasley house fell upon her.

“Well?” Percy enquired. “We’re waiting?”

Mealtimes at the Weasley estate during the school holidays were always an intriguing affair. The current additions only added to the chaos.

Out of politeness Sweetie Belle had transfigured for the youngest and only female Weasley child who had then refused to let her go from a bear hug until Mrs Weasley intervened. After this the little girl, Ginny, was enthralled in watching her use her horn to levitate all sorts of foods to her plate.

Scootaloo kept getting asked all sorts of questions by the twins, Fred and George, about what it was like to have wings and that she’d have to try and get on her House’s quidditch team once she arrived. This then sparked a whole conversation about what quidditch was, which to Molly’s dismay seemed to enthrall her niece. Molly was already 110% sure her niece had a death wish. Why’d she have to be a rebellious tomboy?

Apple Bloom barely said a word, to engulfed in challenging Ron to who could eat the most.

Upon seeing the carnage before him Arthur Weasley decided to drink his tea and eat his toast as quickly as possible before scarpering through the fire place to the Ministry, using the excuse that he needed to report the girl’s appearances to the ministry as technically Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were foreign diplomats. He knew he’d chosen the right course of action when he saw the one-eyed, one-legged parrot that appeared out of nowhere just as he was leaving.

“Wally” cried Scootaloo. “Have you brought.” She didn’t finish as the parrot inexplicitly regurgitated a scroll upon the table.

“Eeeeeewwwwww!” Ginny Exclaimed as Scootaloo picked up the scroll passing the bird a banana in return for his work before reading it aloud.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle,
Although we’d all like to ground you for several years for your impulsive actions, we can understand why you undertook them and thus we have opted not to punish you any further. Part of our decision is also because we don’t wish to anger Discord any further after returning him to stone whilst the fact that accidents in Ponyville have dropped to a record low since your departure has Mayor Mare absolutely ecstatic, especially during her re-election year. In no shorter words she said, ‘I’ll give you half my re-election fund, just keep those three bundles of Chaos away from Ponyville!’ and personally I’m quite glad for the peace and quiet as the whole Discord affair has set me way back on orders. Seeing as you have probably enough funds from the gems Discord took from me, we have opted to split these bits between paying me back for the gems and making necessary improvements to Applejack’s farm. We expect a letter at least once a week from you and Twilight is absolutely dying to know if their magic has any differences to ours. Enjoy your new school and if we can safely release Discord without him turning the whole of Equestria into a lunatic’s paradise again we will hopefully be able to bring you back for Hearth’s Warming, but you may wish to make alternate arrangements just in case. Lots of love,

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow

It was Apple Bloom who recovered quickest from the blunt message.

“Wow. That was cold. Even for Rarity.”

“But can you blame her. We did kind of release an all-powerful God of Chaos on Equestria and that was only yesterday. How many more times have we inconvenienced them with our Cutie Mark quests?” Sweetie Belle murmured.

“Your cooking alone caused a record thirty-four incidents in one week!” Scootaloo piped in.

“Don’t remind me. I’ve still got the restraining order preventing me from being within 25 hooves of a working oven throughout the entirety of Equestria.” Sweetie Belle admitted.

The twins had broken out into full blown laughter at this. “Oh my word” one of them managed to eke out in-between their fits of giggles. “Snape is going to love you.”

“Whose Snape?” Sweetie Belle didn’t want to ask but felt she had to know.

“The potions professor. Strictest teacher in the entire school.” Percy stated.

“Bastard, wanker” Wally decided to add causing almost all the kids at the table to fall into laughing fits as Molly looked sternly at the bird and Sweetie Belle held her head in her hands.

“I’m doomed” She murmured.

After breakfast had been polished off and the table cleared the girls sat at the kitchen table studying their acceptance letters and accompanying equipment lists.

“I can’t wait to get my wand” Apple Bloom chimed.

“I’m looking forward to learning some new spells” Sweetie Belle added.

“I’ll just be happy to get out of these robes, we look ridiculous.” Scootaloo groused.

“Don’t worry we’ll soon get you acquainted in something that fits you better.” Professor McGonagall spoke appearing out of the fireplace.

“Aaaah.” Apple Bloom cried. “Don’t you know it’s not nice to sneak up on ponies, I mean people.”

Minerva chuckled. “A good witch or wizard should always be aware of their surroundings Miss Apple. Now, are we ready? Where’s Molly?”

As if planned Molly and the children appeared at the bottom of the staircase.

“Ah, Minerva, perfect timing as always. Shall we get moving?”

“That sounds like a great idea, we’ve a lot to do this morning. Do you wish to take your lot and I’ll take the girls? We’ll meet up at Fortescue’s for a spot of Ice Cream say around 13:00, my treat?”

“That’s awfully kind of you, but you know we don’t like.” A hand shot out over her mouth before she could finish.

“Never say no…” One of the twin’s started

“To free ice cream.” Before the other finished.

Professor McGonagall chuckled. “That settles it. Now girls do you remember how I showed you last night?”

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