• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,085 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Eye of the Storm

Author's Note:

WARNING: You know the deal, chapter may contain some scenes that some people may consider upsetting.

A little rough round the edges but the big finale is here and just two more chapters to sum up the year!

Scootaloo stumbled out of the other side of the fire and stared in shock and surprise.

“You!” she heard Harry gasp.

It was Quirrell, that quivering buffoon Quirrell all along. Fuck, she owed Apple Bloom twenty galleons!

“I wondered whether I’d be meeting you here Potter, but before we have a delightful conversation…” Quirrell snapped his fingers and ropes rose from the floor and bound themselves tightly around both Harry and Scootaloo! “Don’t think I missed your entrance either little Miss. You have been as big a pain as Potter this past year.” He strolled past the struggling boy and whipped the cloak off Scootaloo’s head.

“Scootaloo?” Harry exclaimed in surprise as the girl spat in Quirrell’s face.

“Just you wait until I’m out of these ropes,” Scootaloo growled rebelliously.

“Oh, I don’t think you are going anywhere,” Quirrell mocked wiping the spit of his face. His nervous and timid nature had completely evaporated. “Both of you are like annoying ants that just won’t go away. I mean, just how much more do I have to do to kill either of you? The cursed broomstick and snitch, the troll at Halloween, the Forbidden Forest, Christmas night. I even drugged you Miss Prewett to try and stop you foreseeing my plans. I will admit the first attempt did not go quite according to plan, but at least it got rid of that pesky bird of yours.”

“You killed Wally!” Scootaloo bellowed with rage struggling desperately against her restraints.

“Those were all you!” Harry exclaimed once more.

“Yes and yes,” Quirrell sneered into Scootaloo’s face before turning to Harry and releasing a sinister laugh. “You really thought it was Snape, didn’t you? Dearie me, Snape was trying to save you boy. Dumbledore’s had him stalking me since the start of this year and I can tell you it was no easy feat sneaking into his chambers and cursing that snitch. And when it wasn’t him stalking me, he would send that blasted prodigy of his instead to ask some stupid question saying she couldn’t find Professor Discord anywhere,” Quirrell growled angrily.

“Wait? Apple Bloom knew?” Scootaloo gasped in surprise, the ropes tightening even more around her.

“Almost certainly. Damn witch has constantly been badgering me all year for help with her Defence Against the Dark Arts studies,” Quirrell growled again.

“Well at least she didn’t steal twenty galleons off you,” Scootaloo pouted.

“That’s the risk of gambling my dear: you win some, you lose some. Today I will most certainly be winning, as soon as I can work out this confounded mirror. If you’d both just like to sit and be quiet that would be most appreciated or if you’d prefer, I could use the killing curse on you instead,” Quirrell said with an evil smile.

Harry had been particularly quiet for the majority of this exchange staring intently at the mirror. It was the Mirror of Erised!

“The boy knows something,” a voice rasped from somewhere. “Use the boy to find the stone,”

Scootaloo’s head pounded, Harry’s likewise.

“Yes, Master,” Quirrell obeyed walking over to Harry and picking him up from the floor.

Harry tried to stall him.

“But why does Snape hate me so much?” he asked Quirrell.

“He and your father were at Hogwarts together and couldn’t stand each other. He never wanted you dead, which you soon will be unless you quit stalling and find the stone for me,” Quirrell commanded. “You would not like to see my master mad.”

“Voldemort, he’s here. Is that who that voice was? Where is he?” Harry said fearfully the ropes chafing him as he was pushed roughly towards the mirror.

“He is with me wherever I go,” Quirrell stated in a low tone. “I was a foolish young man once upon a time. Lord Voldemort set me straight and showed me there is no such thing as good and evil, only power! I have served him faithfully ever since but he does not accept failure and has punished me for the many mistakes I have made, such as the failed break in at Gringotts.”

“Enough,” the raspy voice spoke once more. “Don’t you see you fool he is stalling. We must find the stone now!”

“Y-yes, master,” Quirrell quivered before clapping his hands. The ropes fell from Harry’s body.

“And before you get any ideas,” Quirrell said, his confidence returning as he proceeded to levitate Scootaloo over to him with his wand, the girl by now having realised the ropes were bound way too tightly for her to wriggle free from them. “Every time you disappoint me the girl loses another body part,” he said emotionlessly pressing a knife to Scootaloo’s throat.

“Harry, don’t you dare.” Scootaloo screamed struggling against the ropes binding her once more.

“I’d suggest being silent unless you want your tongue to be the first,” Quirrell said sternly pressing the knife into Scootaloo’s skin before proceeding to slice it across the girl’s throat.

Blood started to drip down onto Scootaloo’s robes. She gritted her teeth. Her throat was on fire, but she wouldn’t let Quirrell have the satisfaction of seeing her scream with pain.

“Go to fucking hell!” she yelled before finding herself being gagged.

“Such language, tsk, tsk. Now Potter, if you don’t wish to see your friend carved up like a Christmas turkey I suggest,” he paused suddenly realising Harry had disappeared.

Harry was nearly at the flaming door, the stone in his pocket, when an ear-piercing scream stopped him dead in his tracks.

“I warned you,” Quirrell’s voice echoed coldly across the chamber before Scootaloo landed with a sickening crunch to his right.

“Go,” Scootaloo wheezed. “Forget about me.”

Harry though was frozen to the spot, staring at the poor girl’s face.

“Tsk, tsk, I warned you Potter, now hand over the stone!” Quirrell demanded clamping a hand on the boy’s shoulder and turning him around.

Harry turned and stared defiantly at Quirrell.

“Let me speak to him… face to face…”

Harry winced in pain, the scar on his head throbbing once more. Just where was that voice coming from?

“Master, you are not strong enough!” Quirrell feebly exclaimed.

The clock has finally struck midnight. It is time for the coin to land on tails for once,” a distant voice echoed throughout the chamber as Quirrell and Harry turned to see Scootaloo staring gormlessly at them before seemingly falling unconscious.

Quirrell’s attention turned back to Harry.

“See, it is time. I am strong enough for this,” the voice explained.

Harry’s scar roared with excruciating pain as Quirrell unwrapped his turban and let it fall to the floor. Slowly Quirrell turned around.

Harry tried to scream, but all the breath in his lungs felt like it had been suddenly sucked from his body. There was no back to Quirrell’s head; instead, a grotesque face stared back at him with blood red eyes.

“Harry Potter…” the face whispered in a husky voice.

Harry wanted to run, but his legs had turned to jelly.

“See what I have become?” the deformed monstrosity began. “I am nothing more than mere shadow and vapour.” It paused once more; every sentence seemed a mighty strain for whatever this thing was. “I have form only when I can share another’s body but this can only last so long. You have seen faithful Quirrell here drinking unicorn blood to strengthen me these past few weeks, but without the Elixir of Life to create a body of my own, he will die and I will return to nothing more than mist.” The face paused once more taking a raspy breath. “So why don’t you help us by giving me that stone in your pocket. You wouldn’t want to end up like your parents now, would you? They died begging me for mercy…”

“LIAR!” Harry screamed finally snapping out of his trance and interrupting the distorted face’s monologue.

He started backing away, edging ever closer to the door.

A twisted smile formed on Voldemort’s face as Quirrell edged backwards to continue keeping Harry within touching distance. “How moving. Neither of them needed to die. It was all because of you. They died protecting you. Do you want that to have been for nothing? Come on, give me the stone.”

“NEVER!” Harry roared hurling himself towards the exit.

“KILL HIM!” Voldemort bellowed in retaliation.


Everything went dark for Harry as the pain in his head grew too much.

Meanwhile, Quirrell stared in disbelief at the girl who had somehow got free of her ropes and had her wand held out in front of her

“You took my fucking arm, nearly killed my housemate, killed my fucking pet, are now trying to kill my friend and for good measure took my fucking eye. GO TO FUCKING HELL,” Scootaloo thundered.

Quirrell just stared blankly at her for a moment before dropping to the floor, dead.

A black mist rose from him and dissipated into the atmosphere as Scootaloo fell to her knees exhausted. Tears rained from her left eye, the scar across her throat burning ferociously. Neither mattered right now; she had killed Quirrell. What had she done?

She vomited onto the floor of the chamber, closed her remaining eye and was just preparing to curl up into a ball and forget everything that had happened this evening when a small pair of arms engulfed her. A soft voice whispered into her ear.

“You are not alone dear child. Sometimes the greatest evil is the only option for the greatest good. Come, stand and walk with me.”

It was not Dumbledore’s voice, nor Sprout’s or Trelawney’s. Not even Snape’s.

It was Flitwick’s.

Slowly Scootaloo rose unsteadily to her feet with the help of the Charms professor. Professor Sprout, still in her pyjamas, stood nervously next to him.

“Oh, dear heavens, not again. You poor girl!” she wailed.

“Hey professor. Sorry, I got into trouble again,” She sniffled trying to force out a laugh. “Am, am I going to Azkaban?” she said barely above a whisper.

“For what? Using the killing curse as a desperate last attempt of self-defence and to prevent the darkest wizard of all time from returning? Don’t be silly. If you hadn’t done it, I would have for what he’s done to you. First of all, though, I’d have ripped his balls of and made him eat them,” Professor Sprout finished with a snarl.

Scootaloo and Professor Flitwick both stared at Professor Sprout awkwardly. Thankfully another party was able to break the uncomfortable silence.

“Jesus Christ girl, can you not go five minutes without having an accident, breaking a bone, having a seizure or losing a body part? You’re worse than Professor Kettleburn,” Madam Pomfrey’s voice interjected gruffly. “We’ll be hiring Hufflepuff their own personal nurse soon!”

“Poppy, the girl has suffered severe physical and emotional,” Flitwick started to chastise the matron but saw that Scootaloo had broken out into a fit of giggles. Sighing he added, “Never mind.”

“Same old matron,” Scootaloo laughed. “You know, only having one eye is really weird,” she stated before she caught a glimpse of Quirrell’s corpse once more. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I really fucking killed him, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Sighing Madam Pomfrey put down her medical bag and took the girl’s rapidly moving head in her hands. “Scootaloo, I need you to focus on me and take some deep breaths.”

Slowly Scootaloo’s roaming eye settled and focused on Madam Pomfrey. “Good. Feeling better?”

“Yes,” Scootaloo said with a yawn.

“Excellent. Now, we’re going to take you up to the infirmary, get your eye and that nasty gash on your neck looked over and then,” she never finished as Scootaloo fell into her sound asleep. “Or we could just carry you.”


It was gone midday when Scootaloo groggily came around in the infirmary.

“Oof, what hit me?” she groaned.

“Ah, you are awake. Professor Sprout and your friends will be pleased.”

“Professor Flitwick?” Scootaloo groaned once more her vision slowly coming into focus.

“Yes, Dumbledore wishes he could have been here to see you awake but he’s currently watching over Harry,” the professor stated.

“How is he?” Scootaloo asked.

“Still unconscious but I’m sure he’ll be fine. What I’m more concerned about is how are you feeling?”

“Like I was run over by the Hogwarts Express,” Scootaloo replied bluntly. “My vision is also all over the place and my neck is on fire.”

“I’m sure over time you’ll get used to only having one eye. Unfortunately, we have also been unable to heal the scar fully, Quirrell almost certainly used a blade of dark origins. All of us professors are truly sorry we were unable to get to you and Harry sooner and extremely grateful for what you sacrificed in order to keep the stone safe, as are about half the school it seems.”

Flitwick indicated to Scootaloo’s blind side and gingerly she turned her head to see a mountain of sweets, flowers and gifts.

“Obviously what happened between you, Harry and Quirrell is an absolute secret, so, unsurprisingly, the whole school already knows what happened,” Flitwick said with a sigh. “My personal favourite is the pirate outfit Misters Fred and George Weasley sent you,” Flitwick continued his explanation before letting out a laugh of his own.

It was not reciprocated and Flitwick almost immediately stopped and looked at the girl who had a faraway expression on her face.

“I killed him. I really killed him,” Scootaloo muttered barely above a whisper before bringing her legs up and burying her head in them sobbing uncontrollably. “I’m a monster.”

Professor Flitwick sighed. “Am I a monster my dear?” he said to the clearly distressed girl.

“No,” Scootaloo mumbled head still buried in her knees.

“But I’ve used the killing curse three times, so surely that makes me a monster?” Flitwick asked.

Scootaloo’s head shot up instantly. “What?” she sniffled, “But you hate dark magic?”

“And what I’m about to say is the reason why I will never again conduct, condone or teach such magic. First though, do you promise to keep what I’m about to say secret and not utter a word to anyone, not even your two best friends or girlfriend?”

Scootaloo nodded wiping a hand across her face. “Yes sir, cross my heart and hope to die,” she said solemnly.

Flitwick closed his eyes and began his tale. "It was the beginning of 1977 and the height of the wizarding war. Unbeknownst to us He Shall Not Be Named’s death eaters had murdered three seventh year students’ of muggle origins families during Christmas break and he had then himself personally cast the Imperious Curse upon them in an attempt to get to Dumbledore. Once they returned, I immediately noticed changes in their demeanour, but before I could inform Dumbledore,” Flitwick paused for a moment, his hands were shaking. “They came for me in my office. I did everything I could to try and stop them, but they were relentless. Dumbledore had figured out what had occurred before even I had, but by the time he’d worked out what was going on it was too late. He found me cradling one of the students in my arms.”

Scootaloo stared at her Charms professor opened-mouthed. A single tear trickled down Flitwick’s cheek.

“I’ll never forgive myself for what I was forced to do that evening and not a day goes by that I don’t think about what I did. But, with Dumbledore’s help, I was able to put it behind me and become a better wizard. Tell me, what would have happened if you hadn’t stopped Quirrell?”

Slowly Scootaloo managed to get over her shock and stuttered, “He, he was about to kill Harry.”

“Exactly. Dumbledore helped me realise that I’d had no choice and that it was either me or them and that’s what you need to focus on. Rather than focus on what you did to Quirrell, focus on the fact you saved Harry’s life and yours most likely yours too. This is not to say you should forget what you’ve done, rather learn and take whatever positives you can from it. You, not anyone else, saved the life of another student and not for the first time this year might I add. As I said at the start of your journey here, you have a heart of gold Miss Prewett and from what I’ve witnessed this year, despite your wand core, I don’t see anything ever being able to corrupt that unless you let it. Yes, you may have a fiery temper and an impulsive streak that constantly gets you in trouble all too often, but almost every time they do it is with good intentions at heart. You are not and never will be a bad person Miss Prewett unless you start thinking that way, something that I certainly hope will never happen especially when you’ve so many friends and family by your side to help you through dark times,” Flitwick finished sombrely.

“Yes sir,” Scootaloo replied forcing her lips into a smile.

“Excellent, now any more questions? Quickly, as I do believe someone is dying to see you.”

“Let me go! I want to see Scootaloo,” Hermione’s voice cried from somewhere beyond the makeshift walls of her cubicle.

“Miss Granger, as I’ve said before she is not currently up to seeing visitors. Please come back tomorrow,” Scootaloo overheard Madam Pomfrey’s voice say in reply.

Scootaloo let out a giggle imagining her girlfriend struggling with the exasperated matron, before she turned her attention back to Professor Flitwick. “Just two. First, what happened to the stone?”

“Destroyed. Dumbledore agreed with its owner that that was the best course of action. And the second?” Flitwick asked.

“We’ve only delayed Voldemort, haven’t we? He will return someday, won’t he?”

Flitwick shuddered at the mention of the dark lord’s name before replying “I don’t know; I honestly don’t know. Now rest up and also, well done on your Charms practical exam,” he finished with a smile.

Scootaloo was pretty sure the professor was not telling her something important but before she could press him further the curtains opened and Hermione burst in.

“OH MY WORD YOUR FACE!” she screeched before Molly appeared and wrapping the stunned girl in a bear hug attempted to drag her away.

“Glad to see you are awake dear and sorry for the intrusion, your girlfriend’s a slippery minx,” she said as Hermione dug her heels into the floor. “Miss Granger stop being so stubborn. Scoti is fine but needs time to recover from yet another serious injury.”

Scootaloo gulped at the tone of her aunt’s voice. She was surely in for another lecture later.

“Oh, I’m sure five minutes won’t hurt as long as she’s good,” Flitwick argued with a smile. “I think the company would be good for Scoti,” he added.

“Well, if you’re sure professor,” Molly said a little unconvinced.

“Absolutely certain. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll bid you all a good day; I’ve a lot of other work to catch up on.”

“Not at all professor,” Molly responded moving to one side to let Flitwick past.

Hermione looked pleadingly up at Molly and then likewise at Madam Pomfrey.

“You have until after Scoti’s had something to eat, okay?” Molly sighed in defeat.

Hermione beamed.

Madam Pomfrey scowled but decided to simply turn the other cheek this time and go and check up on her other patient.

“I’ll let you two have a few minutes to catch up while I go fetch Scoti some lunch, okay?” Molly said turning and disappearing through the curtains that enclosed Scootaloo’s bed.

“Thanks Molly,” Hermione called after Molly before turning her attention back to Scootaloo. Her enthusiasm dropped like a stone as her eyes once more locked onto the other girl’s face and guilt took a hold of her. She turned her gaze away and looked shame-faced down at the floor.

“Hermione what is it?” Scootaloo sighed seeing her girlfriend’s tortured look.

“It’s my fault isn’t it,” the girl said barely above a whisper. “If I hadn’t asked you to follow us,”

“Harry would be dead and Lord Voldemort would have returned,” Scootaloo interrupted brusquely. “You, as much as myself, are responsible for preventing the darkest wizard whoever lived from returning.”

Hermione slowly looked up from the floor, “But your face and oh my word that scar on your neck, just what has he done to you?”

“A small price to pay and wait, has nobody told you what happened?”

“There has been a lot of rumours flying around but I don’t know what to believe and what not to,” she stopped mid-sentence as Scootaloo peeled back the bandage on her face.

Hermione wanted to scream but found all the air had been removed from her lungs.

Scootaloo sealed the bandage up once more before saying solemnly, “Sorry to shock you like that but no point beating round the bush.”

“Quirrell took your eye, that bastard,” Hermione said barely able to force out the words before adding furiously, “I’ll kill him,” while giving Scootaloo a look that made her shudder uncontrollably.

“A bit late,” she deadpanned.

“What do you mean?”

“Look, rather than me giving you random snippets, why don’t you take a seat and I’ll tell you what happened after I passed through the door,” Scootaloo stated shifting over and making room on the bed for Hermione. “I could do with a hug right now.”

Hermione needed no second invitation and rushed over and wrapped Scootaloo in the biggest hug imaginable.

“To tight,” she gasped before slowly Hermione loosened her grip.

“Sorry,” Hermione giggled. “I’m just so relieved you’re, well, somewhat okay.”

“Thanks,” Scootaloo replied with her characteristic smirk as Hermione kissed her on the cheek. “Now, let me begin the story.”

Over the next five minutes Scootaloo told Hermione how Quirrell had somehow known she was there and bound her and Harry, how he had admitted to killing Wally, stabbing Melody and nearly killing her and how Apple Bloom had known who it was the whole time. She continued with how Quirrell had used Harry to acquire the stone from a mirror whilst using her as leverage and how her plan to distract him to allow Harry to get the stone and get away had nearly worked but Harry had stalled when she’d screamed as Quirrell had plucked her eye out. At this point Hermione had gasped and stared at her wide eyed. Her eyes had only grown wider when she’d told her that Quirrell had been possessed by Voldemort for the entire year and had an extra face on the back of his head before concluding the tale.

“And so, after I had the vision, I faked falling unconscious and continued using the blade in my right hand that Moody supplied me with to cut the ropes. I got free just as Voldemort instructed Quirrell to kill Harry and…” Scootaloo paused shuddering, Quirrell’s stunned face etched across her mind.

“Yes?” Hermione asked confused.

“I used the killing curse on him,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“YOU DID WHAT!” A voice bellowed as Molly Weasley chose the perfect moment to return with a trolley full of food.

Scootaloo tried desperately to bury her head into her knees.

At the loud exclamation both Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore had come running over.

“You,” Molly growled turning to her attention towards Dumbledore who for a moment actually flinched.

“Yes?” Dumbledore said nonchalantly.

“You said nothing about my niece using the killing curse!” she hissed keeping her voice down so nobody would overhear her.

“I did not feel it was necessary at the ‘gack’,” Dumbledore never had time to finish as Molly had him by the throat.

“You are lucky I have my family to think about,” she said threateningly. “But if even one more scratch appears on my niece, physical or mental, while she’s here, your balls are getting a visit from Bombarda. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal,” Dumbledore wheezed as Molly lowered him to the floor and turned her rage upon her niece. It melted in an instant when she saw the tears flooding down Scootaloo’s cheeks as Hermione tried to comfort her. “Oh Scoti,” she sighed.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry,” Scootaloo wailed. “Just after everything he’d done and the fact he was about to kill Harry! I was just so angry and desperate to stop him succeeding and from causing anyone anymore suffering.”

“Oh, you silly, silly girl,” Molly pushed the trolley over and left it by the bed before walking around to the other side and sitting on the edge. She stared with a warm smile into the sole remaining tear-stained eye of her niece. “You were tremendously brave and ended up being forced into a terrible situation with no other viable options. No one will ever hold what you did against you, I can promise you that.”

“You mean that?” Scootaloo replied with a sniff, her head buried in one of Hermione’s arms.

“Certainly. Now, let’s not talk about this disturbing matter anymore. It’s time for you to have some lunch and for us to catch up on the good and fun times you’ve had since my last visit. But first, if your girlfriend would let go for a minute, I’d like to give my heroic niece a hug of my own.”

Reluctantly Hermione let go and almost instantly Molly took a hold and cradled her niece in her arms.

“It’s great to see you again Aunt Molly,” Scootaloo sighed in contentment.

“You too my dear,” Molly replied resting her head atop Scootaloo’s. “Just please don’t give me anymore heart attacks next year.”


“But why!” Scootaloo whined, “I’m not ill.”

“Girl, you’ve suffered serious physical and mental injuries; you need to rest!” Madam Pomfrey argued.

“But I’ve been doing that all afternoon; I’m perfectly fine. I want out of here to enjoy what little time I’ve got left this year with my friends,” Scootaloo complained.

Madam Pomfrey rubbed her temple. Why did this girl have to be so stubborn?

“How about I take her to the Great Hall for dinner and then bring her back?” Molly suggested. “I think it would do her good to get some exercise.”

“Fine,” Madam Pomfrey reluctantly agreed, “but I want her back here no later than seven.” She grumbled. “I still want to keep her in for at least one more night for observation and to make sure that eye of hers doesn’t become infected.”

Scootaloo smiled and gave the matron a hug, much to Madam Pomfrey’s surprise before darting off to get changed.

“You’re welcome,” Madam Pomfrey said, a smile actually forming across her lips.

It wasn’t long before Scootaloo, accompanied by Molly, was heading for the Great Hall. The hallways were relatively quiet due to almost everyone being at dinner and the few students that did turn and stare at the girl with half her face bandaged soon went back to minding their own business when Molly glared at them. As Scootaloo practically bounced into the Great Hall the chatting of students stopped almost instantly.

Scootaloo laughed. “What? Oh, my face. Yeah, kind of had a run-in with an evil megalomaniac last night. I think the new look is actually quite cool and anyone who doesn’t think so will have their robes set on fire, you got that?” she yelled at the top of her voice.

Molly face-palmed next to her.

The hall remained silent until Professor Sprout stood and started clapping. One by one professors and students alike followed and soon the entire hall was standing and clapping as Scootaloo went and squeezed in between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Well, this is slightly embarrassing,” Scootaloo admitted her face going slightly red as the clapping slowly subsided and the students sat down once more.

“Right girls. I’m going to leave my niece in your capable hands. She has to head back to the infirmary at 19:00. Before you ask, no she cannot tell you what happened, no she cannot freak you out by showing you her eye socket and if anyone pushes her, you’ll have me to deal with. Do I make myself clear?” Molly said sternly.

“Yes Mrs Weasley,” the first-year girls all said as one aside from Susan.

“But I wanted to see her eye!” the girl whined.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll freak you out at some point, but right now it has to heal,” Scootaloo replied mischievously. “Still, you can check out this awesome scar on my neck if you like,” Scootaloo replied.

Sounds of awe and wonder reverberated round the table as Susan replied, “woah, that looks nasty, is it permanent?”

“Yep,” Scootaloo replied smugly, “dark magic is all I’m allowed to say.”

More oohs and aahs rang round the table.

Molly let out a sigh before saying, “Well, I’ll let you continue catching up with your friends Scoti and I certainly hope you don’t give them the fright of their lives. I get enough owls visiting my house because of the twins.”

Scootaloo let out a chuckle in response before Molly continued.

“Anyway, if you need me, I’ll be sitting at the teacher’s table. Enjoy your time with your friends.”

As Molly started to walk off Sweetie suddenly remembered something important and cried “Mrs Weasley.”

“Yes?” Molly responded turning her head back towards the group of girls.

“Applejack just sent us word that although improving the situation back home is still too fragile and dangerous for us to return aside for the one day of her and Rainbow’s wedding. Although we could easily afford a hotel for the duration,” Sweetie began but never finished as Molly immediately interrupted.

“Good heavens no. You’ll all stay with us at the Burrow, although I would appreciate it if your parrot could hold his tongue a little more. I would prefer it if Ginny didn’t pick up any bad language from him.”

“Humph fine, but just because you asked nicely,” Wally’s ghost cawed giving Molly a nasty shock as he appeared out of nowhere next to her.

“GAH, what in Merlin’s beard?” she exclaimed.

“Oh, sorry Molly I forgot to tell you Wally suffered an accident and is kind of a ghost now,” Scootaloo admitted somewhat sheepishly.

“Okay,” Molly replied calming her breathing. “He just gave me a bit of a shock is all.”

“Oh, that reminds me, you all right with dogs, specifically a large puppy?” Sweetie nipped in before giving a sharp whistle using her mouth and two fingers.

“Erm, yes?” Molly replied somewhat uncertainly before clarifying further, “As long as they are well behaved.”

A massive black head covered in rabbit’s blood and guts reared itself from under the table next to Sweetie.

“Oh, he’s a very good boy aren’t you Wallace. Wallace, Molly. Molly, Wallace,” Sweetie said giving the dog a scratch behind one of his ears.

The dog howled loudly with joy as Molly stared a little taken aback at the beast. Almost instantly though she realised that such a beast could only be beneficial in hopefully keeping her daughter safe in her future years at the school. She was though not ready for the so-called dog to proceed to somehow squeeze out from under the table, escape Sweetie’s grasp and then come barrelling towards her with his tongue hanging out and a set of very sharp teeth showing. It almost looked like he was smiling.

Just as Wallace was about to launch himself at his new friend Molly spoke. “SIT,” she commanded sternly.

Wallace stopped immediately in his tracks and sat down looking at Molly with a slightly confused expression.

Molly reached over the table and picked up a sausage.

“PAW,” she commanded.

Wallace lifted his paw.

“Nice to meet you Wallace,” She said shaking the paw with one hand while throwing the dog the sausage with the other. She then proceeded to drop onto one knee and give the dog a hug.

Having quickly devoured the extra morsel to his dinner Wallace gave his new friend a friendly lick.

Molly just laughed in reply while ruffling the dog’s fur. “You’ve a fine pup here Sweetie. He’s more than welcome.”

The girls and most the students in the vicinity just stared open-mouthed at what they’d just witnessed while at the teacher’s table Professor Kettleburn whispered to Professor McGonagall next to him.

“Still got it, even after all these years. I’ll never forget the day she came to class with a pack of wolves at her beck and call or how she could make practically every creature obey her every word no matter what they were.”


After an evening of relaxation and laughter, along with Apple Bloom tormenting her over yet another failed bet, Scootaloo had returned to the infirmary and immediately fallen asleep. She awakened the following morning to see her father sitting anxiously at the foot of her bed tapping his fingers together.

“Hey Dad, you’re back,” Scootaloo said with a yawn slowly coming to her senses. “Have a good trip?”

“Erm, yeah, it was fine,” Discord replied in an unusually muted tone.

“You knew, didn’t you?” Scootaloo said bluntly opting to get straight to the point sitting up in bed

“Yes,” Discord replied not looking up.

“And the trip was merely a cover because you couldn’t get involved.”

“Yes,” Discord said once more solemnly before raising his head, tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry. I should have been here to protect you but,”

“Although we may be able to foresee the future and make plans around it, any attempt to change it could result in a negative outcome just as much as a positive,” Scootaloo recited word for word what she’d told Dumbledore at Halloween.

“Yes, and on this occasion if I’d got involved it could have spelt disaster for this dimension in the near future. Plus, you are also growing up and no matter how much it pains me, need to learn sooner rather than later to defend yourself as I will not always be there to save you, no matter how much I want to be.” Discord sighed before continuing. “Still, if I’d known you’d lose yet another body part,” Discord didn’t finish what he was about to say instead letting out another heavy sigh and dropping his head once more.

Scootaloo shuffled down her bed and lifted her father’s head to stare into his tear-filled eyes.

“Nice shiner, Molly give you that?” Scootaloo giggled.

“Yes, I deserved more,” Discord responded gloomily.

“Oh, come on Dad, lighten up. I’ve still got one eye; the bad guy’s been defeated for now, it’s practically the summer holidays and hopefully Harry will come around soon. Plus, I got a ton of sweets and other cool stuff for what I did!” Scootaloo said cheerfully before giving her Dad a warm smile.

Slowly a smile managed to resurface upon Discord’s own face. “That’s why I love you so much dear daughter, always the optimist. I got you something to by the way,” he said snapping his fingers.

Slowly the bandages peeled away from Scootaloo’s face and she realised she could see from both her eyes once more. Discord passed her a mirror and the smile on Scootaloo’s face widened as she saw what was staring back at her.

“I love it!” She practically screamed launching herself at Discord.

“I thought you would. It can also be used as either a normal magic eight ball by popping it out of your socket, which is also a great way to scare your friends, or by simply thinking or saying a yes, no question. Go on, give it a try,” Discord instructed wrapping his own arms around his adopted daughter and embracing her in a hug.

Is my father a goofball? was the first thing that crossed Scootaloo’s mind.

The words Yes – Definitely flashed across her vision and she giggled.

“What did you ask it?” Discord whispered into Scootaloo’s ear refusing to let her go.

“I asked it if you were a goofball. It answered yes – definitely.”

“Sounds about right,” Discord replied gripping his daughter tighter as Molly appeared wondering what all the commotion was about.

“Discord got me a new eye Molly!! Scootaloo exclaimed looking up at her aunt with a smile whilst still hugging her father.

Molly stared back at her niece, specifically at the eight ball that now adorned her right eye.

“Sweet Celestia,” she exclaimed.

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