• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,086 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Scoti tried to run, but her right leg seemed to be refusing to cooperate, pain racked her body. Where was she? Why was she so scared? She didn’t know, just that she had to keep on running. She looked behind her, nothing. Maybe she could relax? A bolt of green engulfed her and she found herself falling, the twisted faces of the family she never knew staring back at her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She sobbed covering her eyes as she landed with a thump. Groggily, she rose, wiping the tears from her eyes. Where was she? It looked like a graveyard but where she couldn’t tell, mist and darkness shrouded the gravestones that stood all around her.

“The girl who lived, it is good to meet you once more?” A voice echoed around her. “I’m sure we’ll meet face to face very shortly.” And then that cruel twisted face appeared from the gloom. “Avada Kedavra”.

Scootaloo awoke with a scream waking the entire occupancy of the first-year dorm.

“What in tarnation?” Apple Bloom groused sleepily as Sweetie reached for her wand and cast Lumos to see what was the matter.

“Danger is near and the Dark One plots his return. Beware the evening of All Hallows.” Scootaloo said in a voice that was not her own, sat bolt upright in her bed. As soon as she’d finished the girl slumped back into her bed fitting uncontrollably.

“I heard the scream,” Maddie Fairweather said out of breath slamming the door open. “What’s the matter.”

Five hands pointed to Scootaloo and Maddie was on the girl in a flash. By now a number of others woken by the scream occupied the corridor as Maddie took a hold of the girl’s head and tried to get through to her as she started to froth at the mouth her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

“Someone get Madam Pomfrey, now!” The prefect bellowed. “Scootaloo, can you hear me. You are alright girl, you are in your dorm, please settle down.”

“The Dark Lord is coming! The Dark Lord is coming!” Was all Maddie got in reply.

“Scootaloo, please. You are safe. Come back to us.” Maddie tried again.

“The clock is ticking! The clock is ticking!” The girl spat through the froth in her mouth.

By now Maddie had been joined by another male prefect. “Should we use Dormiens?

“I’m not sure that’s wise Thomas.” Maddie replied without turning her focus away from the fitting girl. “I’ve no idea what side effects magic might cause in a situation like this.”

“Well we have to try something!” Thomas exclaimed.

“Move it now. Come on. Get out the way.” Pomona Sprout grumbled forcing her way into the room and upon seeing the struggling girl on the bed wheezed “Merlin’s beard” before settling down next to Maddie pulling out a small vial as Scootaloo cried incoherently once more.

“Darkness engulfs Hogwarts! Take Heed! Take Heed!”

“Hold her head steady my dear.” Professor Sprout commanded Maddie as she placed the vial under the writhing girl’s nose.

Gradually the struggling slowed until finally Scootaloo’s eyes returned to normal before her eyelids fluttered shut.

Professor Sprout heaved a sigh of relief before taking charge. “My own special blend, she’ll be out for a couple of hours at least. Thomas, you and Michael get the other students back to bed. Maddie, get Bree and Wanda and get statements from every one of the first-year girls. I need to know everything Miss Prewett said exactly word for word. Due to the disruption I’ll speak to Professor Discord about postponing this morning’s Defence Against the Dark Arts Class. DANIEL!” Professor Sprout yelled at which point another boy appeared from the throng of students.

“Yes, Professor Sprout.”

“You’re with me, if you wouldn’t mind carrying Miss Prewett to the Infirmary.”

“Of course, Professor.” The boy lugged the now limp girl onto his shoulder before shouting “Move it, back to bed with the lot of you, prefect coming through.”

Professor Sprout followed sighing once more. She had been enjoying the peace of the past month.

“Good, fuck off and let me sleep you fat old crow.” Wally cawed unhappy at the disturbance to his rest.

Pomona turned her head slowly. “If you don’t watch your tongue, parrot pie will be added to the Halloween feast tonight.” She said sternly.

And for once, Wally kept his mouth shut.


Scoti was running once more, sweat laced her brow. He was coming for her, she just knew it, but where. She tried looking around but saw nothing but inky blackness. Then the laughter began and by now she was in utter hysterics.

“SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD!” She screamed into the darkness.

“All in good time my dear, all in good time.” Was the only response she got.

Scootaloo awoke with a start and sat bolt upright in her bed, her heart beating frantically. Wait? This wasn’t her bed, where was she and what time was it? She attempted to look at her watch but found her wrists were for some reason bound by leather straps to the bed, her ankles also she swiftly realised. Okay, now she was starting to get worried. Looking around all she could see was white and what looked like hastily set up dividing walls.

“Err, hello? Anyone here?”

“Ahh, you’re awake. Sorry about the straps, couldn’t risk you hurting yourself, how you feeling?” Madam Pomfrey pushed past the divider.

“Madam Pomfrey? Am I in the infirmary? How’d I get here? Last thing I remember was having a nightmare…Oh my.” Scootaloo would have doubled over if she’d been able to.

“Miss Prewett?”

“That face, that awful, awful face. Voldemort is returning. Someone in the school is helping him, I’m sure of it. Something needs to be done.” The girl started to struggle against the straps restraining her.

“Miss Prewett, I can assure you that you are perfectly safe at Hogwarts, please stop struggling or I’ll have to sedate you.” The Matron spoke calmly but sternly.

“But don’t you see, we’re all in danger.” Scootaloo argued.

“Hogwash, now relax.” Madam Pomfrey spoke sternly.

“No. I need to inform Dumbledore. He needs to know.” Scootaloo refused attempting fruitlessly to free her arms from the straps.

“I warned you.” Madam Pomfrey began pulling out her wand.

“Let me talk to her.” Dumbledore said appearing from behind the curtains. “You gave us all an awful scare yesterday morning, how you feeling?” The professor chuckled.

“YESTERDAY MORNING!!! I’VE BEEN ASLEEP A WHOLE DAY!?!!? BUT THE HALLOWEEN FEAST, WHAT HAPPENED?” Scootaloo screamed struggling once more against the restraints.

Madam Pomfrey scowled at Dumbledore. “You’re not helping. Miss Prewett needs to rest, not be worked up even more. You can tell her once she’s better.

“No, I’ll be good, please, just tell me what happened last night. Did anything bad actually happen?” Scootaloo forced herself to stop fighting the restraints.

“You’ll like this one,” Dumbledore started despite the look of displeasure from Madam Pomfrey. “Let me start from the beginning my dear.” He sat down at the end of the bed. “Oh, and thank you for the warning by the way. Anyway, it all began when…”


The Previous Evening…

Sweetie and Bloom barely noticed the bats that fluttered everywhere, the pumpkins that dotted the tables or the very realistic looking skeletons that hung from the walls.

“Scoots would have loved this.” Apple Bloom said gloomily. “I hope she’s feeling better soon.”

Both girls had been downcast and worried throughout the course of the day. Even Discord invading their Charms lesson and teaching them the Melofors jinx after casting it on Professor Flitwick hadn’t cheered them up.

“Really you two. I know you’re worried, but I’m sure she’ll be up and about in no time at all. Furthermore, if you told her you spent the entirety of the Halloween feast moping, I’m sure you’d just make her feel even worse. So come on, buck up and let’s have a little fun! For Scootaloo!” Susan exclaimed raising her golden goblet.

Sweetie smiled. “For Scootaloo.” She said raising her own goblet.

“For Scootaloo” Apple Bloom roared raising her own along with the rest of the Hufflepuff first years as the feast suddenly appeared on the golden plates in front of them.

They were just tucking into the lavish spread when a dishevelled Professor Quirrell burst into the Hall, a look of horror etched upon his face.

“TROLL, IN THE DUNGEONS!” He screamed. “Thought you ought to know.” He finished with a spectacular dead faint sinking to the floor.

Chaos and carnage erupted in the hall before Dumbledore erupted several purple fire crackers from his wand and bellowed “Silence please. Prefects, take your houses back to the dormitories immediately! “Teachers, with me please.”

And just like that Sweetie Belle and the other first years found themselves being shepherded back to the Hufflepuff dorms by Maddie and the rest of the Hufflepuff Prefects. No one except Sweetie had noticed Apple Bloom sneak off during the initial carnage.


Madam Pomfrey looked down at the poor sleeping girl that lay writhing in the bed fighting off the fever that gripped her body along with whatever else she was dreaming off. Occasionally she’d mutter some incoherent gibberish or shriek in pain, but otherwise it had been pretty much the same condition all day ever since Pomona had come bursting in with the girl at quarter past four that morning just as she was about to head down to the Hufflepuff dormitories herself after a rather frantic fifth year Hufflepuff girl had woken her up and explained a first year girl was having a seizure. In truth, she was exhausted and thankful she’d had little else to do during the day aside from maintaining her vigil while hoping and praying for some kind of improvement. It had yet to come.

Then the doors flung open and a twelve-foot grey, lumpy, boil ridden troll that smelled about as appeasing as a pair of the sweatiest socks dipped in vinegar mixed with manure and the smelliest fish imaginable stumbled into the infirmary.

The troll roared swinging a ridiculously oversized club around the infirmary sending beds and equipment flying everywhere.

Madam Pomfrey screamed.


Apple Bloom heard the scream and hastened her pace. Her worst fear had materialised. The troll was not only no longer in the dungeons, it was in the infirmary. She burst into the infirmary to see the Matron defiantly standing between the troll and her patient. It swatted her out the way with its club and Madam Pomfrey flew into the far wall and was out like a light. The troll reached out for the incapacitated girl; its job nearly done.

It never reached her. With a huge grunt Apple Bloom raced over and lifted the beast into the air from behind and swung it around like it was little more than a twig. With a humongous roar she let go and the troll sailed through the infirmary wall with an almighty CRASH before a loud SPLASH was heard as it landed in the Lake.

“AND STAY OUT!” She bellowed, before giggling to herself “I guess I owe Scootaloo one. I did end up throwing something into the lake before Christmas.”

“What in Merlin’s beard?” Professor McGonagall stammered entering what, up until five minutes ago, had been a pristinely kept school infirmary alongside Professor’s Sprout and Dumbledore.

“Troll went for a swim.” Apple Bloom murmured pointing with her left arm to the large hole in the wall as another brick fell down. “Anyone got some Apple Whisky, I’ve kinda dislocated my right shoulder?” She said before passing out from the shock.


Down in the Slytherin dungeon, the students clumped nervously together discussing in hushed whispers what would happen next. At least they were safe in their common room and the troll wouldn’t be able to get them in here. Then, through the windows that looked out onto the gloomy depths of the lake, a thoroughly surprised mountain troll suddenly appeared and stared back at them.

The Slytherins screamed.

The troll roared defiantly.


Present time…

“And, after scaring the Slytherins half to death, we fished the troll out of the lake and sent it packing with its club between its legs. The Halloween feast then continued in the common rooms while we sorted out the mess of the infirmary and moved you to one of the side rooms where you’ve just woken up. That reminds me, you must be hungry.” Dumbledore finished his tale pulling out a slice of pumpkin pie from his robes.

Scootaloo’s stomach growled in response causing the poor girl to blush profusely as she took the proffered slice of pie and tucked in ravenously.

“But enough about last night, how are you feeling?”

“I’ve a mighty headache, feel a little woozy and have had enough nightmares and visions to scar me mentally for life, but I’ll live. What I’m more concerned about is that Apple Bloom may have halted his plans this time but what will He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named plan next time? My guess is he’s after whatever that Cerberus is guarding up on the 3rd floor corridor and I doubt he’ll be stopped so easily.” Scootaloo replied between mouthfuls.

Dumbledore stared at the girl for a moment before he calmly replied. “So, you know about Fluffy then. Why am I not totally surprised?”

“Yeah, kind of got lost one evening coming back from the Prefects’ bathroom. You should really get a lock for that door.” Scootaloo giggled. “Don’t worry, I’ve no interest in finding out what he’s guarding and I think the other girls have smartly opted against testing fate further as well. Oh, and love the name by the way.” Scootaloo said

“I see. I’ll speak to Filch as that door should be locked. I’m glad to hear that you are at least trying to stay out of trouble as the last thing I want to be doing is explaining to a bunch of irate parents why their darling daughter or son ended up as Fluffy’s chew toy or worse. Her name by the way was Hagrid’s idea. You should know by now he has a strange sense of humour. Dumbledore paused for a moment as Scootaloo let out another little giggle.

“That he does.”

“Anyway, I ensure you that what Fluffy is guarding is more than adequately protected and that you need not concern yourself with such matters. You are also perfectly safe within the castle grounds, that I can promise you.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something? It seems awfully coincidental that the troll just happened to waltz into the infirmary of all places where I just also happened to be comatose. My bet is that whoever let it in placed it under the Imperious Curse and sent it to shut me up.” Scootaloo stared at Dumbledore waiting for a response.

Dumbledore breathed a heavy sigh. “Professor Discord certainly has been teaching you well. I won’t bother denying the troll was under the Imperious Curse. All the same though, I will reiterate that me and the other members of staff will do our utmost to keep you safe within the castle walls, but I must also state that…”

“Although we may be able to foresee the future and make plans around it, any attempt to change it could result in a negative outcome just as much as a positive. It is better to simply just sit back and bide our time, only intervening and changing futures course if absolutely necessary for the greater good. Thus, although it is clear and obvious Voldemort is plotting his return and is being aided by someone within the school to do so, we mustn’t act to hastily for fear that by scaring him off he will return more powerful and a greater threat in the future along with the fact that we could cause his accomplice to panic and act rashly.” Scootaloo interrupted.

“Smart girl.” Dumbledore mused. “Professor Trelawney has been teaching you well as well I see. I’m sure she’d be very impressed with your deductions and I am thankful that you are able to understand the predicament we currently find ourselves in. I promise you though that I am keeping a careful eye on the situation and will personally not allow you or any other student to come to harm because of them.” He cusped Scootaloo’s right hand in both of his own wrinkly ones and gave her a warm smile. “Now if I’m not mistaken it seems you’ve another visitor who wishes to see you.”

“What do you mean I can’t see her?” Apple Bloom exclaimed loudly from just behind the partitioning.

“Miss Bloom, can you please return to your own bed. Headmaster Dumbledore is currently talking to her and afterwards she needs some rest, as do you.” A resigned Madam Pomfrey was pleading.

“I wrench my shoulder out saving her arse and now that she finally decides to wake up you tell me I can’t see her!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Not happening.” The curtains shifted and the aforementioned girl appeared before Professor Dumbledore and Scootaloo, her right arm in a sling. “Glad to see Sleeping Ugly is awake. You owe me one.” She emphasised her arm in the sling.

Dumbledore chuckled rising from the bed. “I’ll leave you two to catch up. Miss Bloom, I’ll bide you five minutes but then Miss Prewett really needs to rest. I’m hopeful both of you will be back in classes by the beginning of next week.” And with that he started to make his departure before turning his head back. “Oh, I nearly forgot. For your selfless act of courage and bravery, I’m awarding Hufflepuff house one hundred points.” And on that last point he departed as the two girls stared open mouthed at each other, Scootaloo immediately forgetting the whole school safety and evil warlord trying to assassinate her issue for the time being.

“One hundred points, that must be a record!” Scootaloo squealed. “I’d hug you right now but I’m sort of tied up at the moment.”

“Literally.” Apple Bloom giggled looking at the straps restraining her friend “and no sweat. One hundred points, I honestly can’t believe it. What will our housemates say?”

She sat down on the bed still overwhelmed by the headmaster’s announcement and for a while the girls just sat in silence unsure of what to say to one another. Finally, it was Scootaloo who broke the awkward silence that hung in the air.

“Thanks, it would probably be me at the bottom of the lake right now if it wasn’t for you.” She confessed.

“Don’t worry about it, we’re family and family look out for one another.” Apple Bloom replied nonchalantly, grasping Scootaloo’s left hand in her own. “I’m just glad you and Madam Pomfrey are alright and besides, I did have a prophecy to fulfil.” She giggled.

“Oh yeah, I heard about the Slytherins getting a rather unwelcome surprise. I never knew their common room has windows that look out into the depths of the lake.”

Apple Blooms hands covered her mouth. “You’re kidding me.”

Scootaloo shook her head.

Both girls erupted into full blown laughter for a moment until they heard Madam Pomfrey cough and slowly they came to their senses.

“Okay, okay, don’t need to tick me off. I’ve had my five minutes, I’ll go back to have my rest, doctor’s orders.” Apple Bloom said sarcastically clasping Scootaloo’s hand in hers once more and uttering. “You take care and get better you hear me. No more giving me and the girls heart attacks at four in the morning please” She concluded with a smirk of her own and jumped of the bed.

“Thanks Bloom. I will.” Scootaloo replied yawning, watching her friend depart whilst feeling her eyelids slowly closing despite the fact she’d just slept for the past twenty-four hours solid.

“Oh no. You’re are going to have some breakfast and take your medicine before you even consider going back to sleep.” Madam Pomfrey scolded.

Too late. Scootaloo was fast asleep once more.

“Why do I even bother?” Madam Pomfrey grumbled to herself.

“Because it’s your fucking job you silly bitch.” Wally cawed flying in from somewhere and perching himself on Scootaloo’s bed’s headboard.

“Oh, for fuck sake, who let you in here.”

Halfway across the castle sitting upon a throne on the wall of his quarters drinking a cup of chocolate milk freshly squeezed from a startled cow beside him, Discord chuckled.

Author's Note:

Yep, I'm totally addicted. Hope you enjoy part one of two of tonight's update. Once again,, any major issues let me know.

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