• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,086 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Christmas Holidays Part 1: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Scootaloo faced many questions over what had gone on with Hermione across the course of the next week from her two best friends and they taunted her relentlessly over it, especially after seeing the two girls giving each other awkward goodbyes on Saturday evening before Hermione and the majority of students had left on the Hogwarts Express early on Sunday morning. It hadn’t helped with the brutal weather and the arctic wind that ripped through the hallways, which meant that, unless they wished to freeze to death, they were pretty much confined to their common room for most the day where a fire raged in the hearth forcing the cold back. With their teachers not setting them any homework over the holidays, besides Snape, and instead instructing them to enjoy themselves and to have fun with their families, the girls had quickly become bored of wizard chess, exploding snap, reading and practicing the same few less dangerous spells over and over again. They couldn’t even send letters back home fearing for Wally’s safety. As such, they often spent the many hours simply chatting the boredom away and one of Bloom’s and Sweetie’s favourite and persistent topics of conversation was Hermione and Scootaloo sitting on a broomstick K-I-S-S-I-N-G, which by Friday Scootaloo had finally had enough of and was thankful for the distraction that Discord had arranged by taking them Christmas shopping to Diagon Alley along with Harry and Ron. The latter had looked at Scootaloo in shock when after a quick stop at Gringotts she’d passed him five galleons and told him to buy whatever he wanted. Aside from Ron’s gift, she purchased a beautiful new tea set for Professor Trelawney and together with Sweetie bought Bloom her own miniature Apple tree to remind her of home. For Sweetie, together with Apple Bloom she’d bought a Broomstick Servicing Kit along with an array of top of the line protective Quidditch equipment that keepers required so that Sweetie would no longer have to borrow the oversized second-hand offerings from the school. Overall, the three girls and two boys had a wonderful day that finished with ice creams at Fortescue’s even despite the bitterly cold weather. That was until Sweetie spoke up.

“So, boys, did Hermione at all spill the beans to you about what happened with her and Scootaloo before she left. Me and Bloom here think that the two girls decided to take their friendship to the next level but Scootaloo’s being an utter party pooper and not telling us anything.”

Ron choked on his ice cream as Harry went wide eyed.

Scootaloo groaned placing her head in her hands. “Why can’t you just let it drop already, nothing happened. I gave her her Christmas gift, then we got lost in the snow and Discord found us and brought us back to the castle.”

“And I keep telling you, mah sister’s the Element of Honesty, I know yah lying.” Apple Bloom chipped in before adding in a loud whisper to Harry and Ron. “We know they were K-I-S-S-I-N-G; we’re just trying to get her to admit it.”

The two boys faces went red in embarrassment.

“I can hear you Bloom, I’m sitting right next to you.” Scootaloo grumbled. “And nothing happened.”

“Yeah, yeah, so boys, cough up, Hermione drop you any juicy dirt before she left?” Apple Bloom said wickedly.

“Yeah, were there tongues involved? Did she rate how good our friend was? Admit they are seeing each other? Anything like that.” It was Sweetie’s turn to add to the conversation.

Ron had a look of horror plastered on his face. Harry had an equally terrified look but managed to stutter.

“She told us the same story Scootaloo told us just now, except that they got checked over in the infirmary for Hypothermia. Now that you mention it though, it does seem highly suspect that Hermione, being as smart as she is, would get lost that easily, even in a snowstorm.”

“Huzzah, see, our accusations are supported by others.” Sweetie exclaimed. “So, like to confess yet or still in denial.”

Scootaloo tried to hide her beetroot red face in her hands as laughter reverberated round the table.


After the trip to Diagon Alley, the weekend and beginning of the following week were very much similar to the first, although the weather did abate a little which allowed the girls a few opportunities to escape the castle for walks. It was on one of these walks on the afternoon of Christmas Eve that Scootaloo enacted her revenge for the torment of the past week by pelting her friends with snowballs.

“Scootaloo, quit it.” Sweetie whined.

“How about no.” Scootaloo replied before firing another snowball that hit Sweetie plum in the face causing her to laugh uncontrollably for a moment until she saw the giant snowball that was heading her way. Her eyes went wide as she quickly dodged the projectile.

“Stop now, or there are more where that came from.” Apple Bloom growled from below.

“You going to stop teasing me about kissing Hermione?” Scootaloo screamed back.

“Oh, so you are finally admitting it.” Apple Bloom replied with a wicked smirk.

“No, that’s not what I meant.” Scootaloo retorted going red faced.

“Sure. Scootaloo and Hermione sitting on a broomstick K-I-S-S” FWOMP, a snowball ended Apple Bloom’s singing. She spat the snow out of her mouth. “This means war.”


Professor McGonagall walked unimpressed out onto the training field where a mass snowball war had erupted between the remaining students on campus. She had not been at all happy when a snowball had shattered the window of her office letting in the harsh winter weather.

“In all my days.” she grumbled casting Sonorous on herself. “You will all cease this tomfoolery at once and return to the” FWOMP, a snowball hit her square in the face.

“Oh, lighten up Minerva and have some fun for once you old prude!” Professor Sprout cried before dodging an incoming snowball. “You’ll have to be quicker than that Fairweather!” she yelled firing one back in return at the prefect before a lump of ice-cold snow hit her on the back of the neck.

“That may be so, but it provided me with the perfect opening!” Madam Pomfrey cackled as Professor McGonagall wiped the snow from her face.

“Well, as the old muggle saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them.” The professor muttered to herself forming some snowballs with her wand and stepping out onto the training fields.


Sweetie dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged some more as snowballs flew at her from every direction, even above as Scootaloo had resorted to collecting snow directly from the clouds above before aerially bombarding those below. How their snowball fight had escalated into pretty much every student who was staying at the school over Christmas she couldn’t quite fathom but it was complete mayhem and a total free for all. There was absolutely no organisation or teams of any sort with everybody simply attempting to hit whoever they could with as many snowballs as possible for the sheer thrill and fun of it. Pure chaos and pandemonium. Even some of the teachers had got involved and she’d let out a giggle when she saw Professor Sprout hit an irate Professor McGonagall square in the face with one. Hagrid had also joined in and she was sure she’d seen Madam Pomfrey and Madam Hooch in amongst the melee of people and snowballs, although she’d lost sight of Apple Bloom a while back.

She was thrown out of her thoughts as more snowballs headed her way.

“You’ll have to be quicker than that Ron.” Sweetie chuckled before she launched a snowball of her own back at the boy hitting him squarely on the chest.

“Hello squirt.” A voice laced with hatred spoke from behind her and she swiftly turned to see Eliza Kingston glaring daggers at her. “Let’s see if you can save these!”

What would have happened next no one will ever know as an avalanche of snow fell upon both girls from up above to raucous laughter.

“SCOOOOTALOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Sweetie screamed, now a literal living snow girl as Professor Sprout walked past and snickering mercilessly placed a carrot on her nose.

“Ah, so cute!” The herbology professor sniggered pulling out an old-fashioned camera and immortalising the moment in history before she moved on as Scootaloo’s laughter from up above grew two-fold.

“I should have killed you when I had the chance.” Sweetie grumbled from her snowy prison.


Fred and George were having one hell of a time. Having built their own miniature snow fortress, they were now defending it valiantly from potential invaders. As yet another snowball clattered into their stronghold, the latter peeped out to see who had foolishly dared to attack them this time. He immediately turned back to his brother white as a sheet.

“I say dear brother of mine, what has got you in such a tizz.” Fred said with a chuckle. “We are the great and powerful Weasley twins and nothing will ever break through our indomitable fortress.”

“Oh boys.” A voice cackled from just outside the fortress. “Me and some of your house mates want a little word with the both of you.”

“Okay, so maybe her. Especially if she’s still mad about the whole snow sculpture incident. Err George, just what are you pointing at?” Fred finished and looked up. “Oh crap.”

Professor McGonagall released the spell and a hundred or more snowballs fell from the sky and reigned snowy vengeance upon the two boys, burying them in an icy tomb. She cackled like an insane maniac before turning her attentions elsewhere. Who else had severely irked her during their time at Hogwarts? Ah, there was that girl Melody Song sneaking up on Potter. Not if she could help it. She headed off with her small army to intercept and teach the girl that no one messed with her students.


Scootaloo swooped in low and rapidly fired off another barrage of snowballs before she shot back up high into the sky. Neither herself or her friends could have predicted the carnage they’d cause through a simple snowball fight between the three of them. She believed the Weasley twins must have had something to do with that as participants from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had slowly appeared and joined in the fun. Even the teachers had got involved and she’d seen more than once Madam Pomfrey pummelling students with a snowball or two. Still, after nearly two long and enjoyable, but tiring, hours and as the light started to fade students had slowly begun to feel the cold and opted to head back indoors to the Great Hall for a nice warm meal. Sweetie had already done so after she’d dropped an avalanche of snow on her along with that bitch Kingston and Scootaloo was now wondering whether she should do likewise when another massive snowball headed her way.

“Scootaloo, where are you? It’s getting ridiculously cold and starting to get dark. Everyone else is heading back to the Great Hall for dinner. Now, you can either come down from up there and face me or you can stay up there all evening like the chicken you are. I can wait.” A voice she knew all to well called from below.

“Oh no she didn’t.” Scootaloo growled to herself. She ignored her rational brains its a trap warning and instead dived towards where she’d heard the voice coming from.

FWOMP, a giant snowball crashed into her side and she spiralled out of control as her rational mind chastised her for being such an impatient and irrational fool. Thankfully, there was still enough snow left on the ground to cushion her descent as she crash landed.

“Dearie me Scoots, that really was to easy.” A voice mocked approaching the dazed Pegasus.

“Ow, my head. Damn Bloom, you put rocks in that last one or what?” Scootaloo winced.

The only reply she got was another snowball to the face and Apple Bloom’s distant voice calling “that one was from Sweetie Belle.” And then Scootaloo blacked out.


“God damn that hurt Bloom.” Scootaloo groused once more holding the ice pack against the lump on the side of her head.

After passing out, Apple Bloom had ungraciously lugged Scootaloo back into the castle where she’d woken up just as Apple Bloom dumped her on one of the benches at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall. Still, at least she’d been kind enough to fetch her an ice pack for her head from Madam Pomfrey Scootaloo thought to herself.

“Ahh, diddums. Sadly, Hermione isn’t here to kiss it better for you. Maybe you’d like me to kiss it better for you instead?” Apple Bloom mocked.

Scootaloo chucked a chicken nugget at the other girl who responded by sticking out her tongue.

“Girls, come on, let’s drop the teasing for now and enjoy the holiday.” Sweetie interjected before she stood up and started to sing. “Ponies voices fill the night; Hearth’s Warming Eve is here once again.”

“Happy hearts so full and bright.” Ron bellowed from the Gryffindor table before he exclaimed. “Wait, what just happened?” As some Slytherin and Ravenclaw students stood up and sang the next few lines.

“Sweetie, what have you done?” Scootaloo groaned slamming her head on the table as Dumbledore rose from his chair without thought and in a ridiculously deep voice exclaimed.

Hearth’s Warming Eve is here once again.”

“Oops, my bad.” Sweetie giggled guiltily watching as Scootaloo’s wings involuntarily lifted her towards the ceiling where she started fiddling with the clouds that she’d prepped to dust one of the great fir trees Hagrid had brought in with snow.

“Clouds arranged so they’re just so” Scootaloo sang compulsorily.

Everybody in the Great Hall now rose and sang “Hearth’s Warming Eve is here once again.”

And for the next minute or so the song continued to reverberate around the hall until its inevitable conclusion.

No sooner had the song finished Snape’s voice rang round the hall. “Twenty-five points from Hufflepuff for initiating an involuntary musical number upon their fellow students and the staff.”

“Denied Severus.” Dumbledore barked before turning his eyes towards the Hufflepuff table. “Thank you girls for adding a delightful bit of entertainment and cheer to our Christmas eve. Five points to Hufflepuff, although next time please inform us before you wish to start a musical number.” He finished with a chuckle.

“Sorry sir, it just sort of happens where we are from. One pony starts singing spontaneously and before we know it, we’re all singing and have no control over our actions until the song finishes.” Sweetie giggled as Scootaloo lowered herself to the ground looking less than pleased over what had just occurred.

“How unusual and quirky.” Dumbledore mused as Snape glowered irately at the headmaster.

“I’m going to bed.” Scootaloo groaned putting the ice pack back on her head. “That singing just made my head hurt even more.”

“Oh, come on.” Sweetie admonished “Take a look at everything around you, All the smells that surely will astound you” she began to sing again.

Scootaloo looked at one of her best friends with sheer horror carved across her face.


As soon as the second impromptu musical number had finished Scootaloo had departed from the hall as fast as she could followed by a large proportion of the other students as Sweetie tried to explain once more that she didn’t have any control and it just sort of happens. Even so, to be on the safe side she was sent to her dorm for the remainder of the evening. Apple Bloom, with little else to do now that her two friends had retired for the evening opted to join them in their dormitory and discuss the presents they hoped to receive the following day. In actual fact the conversation ended up between just her and Sweetie as Scootaloo had immediately and rather unladylike stripped to her underwear and catapulted onto her bed where she had instantly started snoring loudly.

“I wish I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat like that.” Apple Bloom groused sitting on the edge of her bed.

“I know. I just don’t know how she does it.” Sweetie replied enviously.

“Pegasi. Extremely talented but also extremely lazy.” Apple Bloom chuckled.

“True that. So anyway, what are you hoping for Hearth’s warming or Christmas as they seem to refer to it here? It is strange how both worlds have a very similar holiday that coincidentally collides with each other isn’t?” Sweetie asked her friend.

“Yeah, truly bizarre.” Apple Bloom replied before quickly dismissing the notion. “Personally, I’d love to see my family again although I know that isn’t likely. Other than that, I’m not really that bothered. We’ve never had a great number of expendable bits on the farm for lavish gifts, especially since the incident when I was little. That’s why I want to spend and cherish as much time with my family as possible as you never know just what might be around the corner. I can barely even remember my mother and father’s faces.” The girl finished sombrely with a sniffle.

“In some ways, I know how you feel and at least you still have family who want to be around you. I sometimes wonder with my own family. Ever since dad struck it big on the Equestrian lottery and opted for early retirement, I’ve spent more time with Rarity than them as they’ve gone on one holiday after another. Heck, sometimes I even wonder if they really wanted me at all. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they still believed that I was staying with Rarity right now and had no clue that I was in another dimension and had received my cutie mark. They’ve probably gone to Neighagra Falls, Las Pegasus or some other holiday hotspot for Christmas. Since I was four, I’ve only spent one Christmas with them and even that was a total disaster. Why do you think I was so keen to stay here with Scootaloo this Christmas?” Sweetie rambled on lost in her own mind.

“Wow, that’s cold. I always wondered why we never see more of your parents Sweetie but I guess that explains it.” Apple Bloom said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

“Yeah, I know they love me really and lavish me with all sorts of gifts from their travels but they never give me what I truly want, their time.” Sweetie sighed dejectedly.

For a while the two girls just sat in silence lost in their own memories.

“You know, we would have been fine if you’d gone back to Equestria for Hearth’s Warming. Scootaloo did say to us Discord was happy to take us home and bring us back.” Sweetie finally pressed the question that was lodged in the back of her mind.

“I know, and although I would have enjoyed seeing my family immensely, I would have missed you girls too much and it wouldn’t have been even half as fun. I was either going to be stuck inside hearing Granny Smith persistently rattle off tales from her past and complain how the fire wasn’t nearly warm enough or stuck here teasing Scootaloo over her blatantly obvious relationship with Hermione and having a massive snowball fight with around fifty other students and staff. Yeah, I miss Granny’s stories a lot, but you girls are my family to and I would have just been miserable back home thinking about what you two were getting up to without me.” Apple Bloom explained. “Now let’s stop this depressing line of conversation and focus on what’s really important, how we can get Scootaloo to spill the beans on her and Hermione being together.”

As if on cue Scootaloo’s snoring paused for a moment and she mumbled in her sleep “oh Hermione, I’ll help you with your kissing studies.”

The other two girls in the room stared at each other wide eyed for a moment before both fell onto the floor in utter hysterics.

Author's Note:

I opted to condense this down into two parts in the end, second part will be up shortly once edited. Hope you enjoy it. I believe after these two there will be just 10 or so more chapters left to conclude book one. It may be done by the end of the year if lucky, but not going to push it.

Once again, I believe my editing skills are okay but feel free to point out anything I've missed.

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