• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,085 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Week 1 Term 2: Banter and Basilisks, Pranks and Poison Joke.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Dreadnought helped give me some ideas that got used in this chapter. Also, the information on Basilisks can be skimmed over if you wish, I only included it just in case anyone might be interested in reading it. Right, enough talk, enjoy! I'm going to make a start on Valentines day!

Nothing of note particularly happened over the remainder of the Christmas holidays, with the girls once again confined to their common room for the most part due to the weather. Although the icy chill that had engulfed the castle for much of the past month had started to dissipate, it was replaced by non-stop torrential rain. Even Scootaloo had to forego her usual early morning flights the rain was just that bad. The three girls spent most of their time reading and making notes from the books they’d received at Christmas or doing the small amount of homework Professor Snape had set them in Potions. Aside from this, the only other notable things to occur were Dumbledore’s announcement two days after Christmas that somebody had been prowling the halls late at night and reminding all students that if they were found outside their dorm after curfew without a sufficient reason, they would experience serious punishment. The second was that the phoenix egg had disappeared and Apple Bloom refused to disclose its location, simply stating to her friends that it was safe and you don’t need to know anymore than that. They’d also had a wonderful party on New Year’s Eve in the Great Hall although had fallen asleep before the new year came in.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the Hogwarts Express came roaring back into the station and the halls of Hogwarts were once again packed to the rafters with students chattering away with each other over how their holidays had gone. Scootaloo had practically pounced on Hermione as she’d gotten off the train and they had spent the final evening of the holidays catching up whilst wandering the halls aimlessly. The two girls may have also found a quiet corner for some ‘private studying’ and it was as they were finishing one of their studies of each other’s mouths that Hermione let slip to Scootaloo about a certain Nicolas Flamel.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I kinda had to admit to Bloom and Sweetie that we’re seeing each other. They’d pretty much worked it out anyway and teased me relentlessly about it for the first half of the holidays.” Scootaloo confessed.

“No problem. They already pulled me aside and told me they knew but would keep it secret until we were ready to come out publicly. At least your friends are reliable and trustworthy. I sometimes wonder why I’m friends with Harry and Ron. I gave them a simple task of attempting to find out who Nicolas Flamel was over the Christmas holidays and all they’ve done is goof off playing wizard chess and having snowball fights.”

Scootaloo sniggered. “Sorry, that was partly my fault. Still, why’d you want them to find out who this Nicolas Flamel character is anyway?”

Hermione looked away guiltily.

“Hermione, I’m you girlfriend. If something is bothering you, you know you can trust me, but I won’t push it. If it means that much to you here. I thought I’d heard that name somewhere and I was right. It was on one of the famous wizard cards I got with the chocolate frogs you gave me for Christmas.” Scootaloo replied reading a card she’d pulled from her robes.

Hermione snatched the card from her girlfriend’s hands. It was one of Albus Dumbledore and after she quickly scanned the information on the card, she screeched with glee at the final ten words it contained.

and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel

“Ouch, my ear drums.” Scootaloo winced.

Hermione’s face went red from embarrassment before she started to get up from the floor they were sitting on. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go. Thanks so much.” She said giving her girlfriend one final kiss on the cheek as she rose.

“Right now? But curfew doesn’t come into effect for nearly another hour.” Scootaloo said with the look of a forlorn puppy.

“I’m sorry, but this is really important. You can continue helping me with my kissing studies later.” The other girl said with a sly smirk.

Scootaloo’s face went red. “Th-they t-told you.” She started to stutter

Hermione nodded her head, the smirk plastered across her face. “Did I say your friends were trustworthy, because they’re not. Still super cute that you talk about me in your sleep.” She finished with a giggle before racing out from the cupboard they’d snuck into to conduct their extracurricular activities.

“They’re dead. They are both dead.” Scootaloo growled to herself.

“Ooh, I feel a prank coming on.” A voice cooed from nowhere yet everywhere.

“Daaaaaaad, how long you been spying on me.” Scootaloo groaned putting her head in her hands.

“Long enough.” Discord chortled. “Now here’s what we are going to do…”


The weather was atrocious. They’d barely been on the training fields five minutes and already the Hufflepuff Quidditch team were soaked, shivering as the wind viciously nipped and bit into them, chilling them to the bone. Apple Bloom looked on from just inside the castle, not wanting to damage the highly prized mascot costume, as Scootaloo barked out orders.

“Right, I hope you lot have enjoyed your break, because its time to get serious once more. I expect you’re all going to be a little rusty after six weeks of but don’t expect to use that as an excuse. It just means you’ll need to work extra hard over the next eight weeks before we play Gryffindor and I will be driving you all the way.”

Groans erupted from her team.

“Is that dissent I hear. Do you want to know what the other houses are saying about us? That the win against Ravenclaw was a fluke and it won’t happen again. We will prove them all wrong, but only if we work flat out between now and the match, whatever the weather. Now, for that bit of dissent, you can all start with ten laps round the fields and no, I don’t mean on your broomsticks. It’s time for us all to burn off those extra pounds we’ve put on over the holiday.”

More groans.

“Do you want me to make it twenty? Now come on, I’ll lead.” Scootaloo finished pulling her goggles over her face.

The Hufflepuff Quidditch team remained silent not wanting further punishment as they slugged through the early morning January gloom after their captain. Each one was thinking the same thing, the holidays were most certainly over.


The following morning the girls were just leaving the Hufflepuff common room when Scootaloo called out.

“Hey girls, I’ll catch up with you in a moment, my shoelace is untied.”

“Sure.” replied Apple Bloom. “Although I do wish you’d get your act together this morning, you are all over the place. Hannah, Susan and Megan have already gone on ahead of us.”

“I know. Sorry, didn’t get a good night’s sleep.” Scootaloo yawned to emphasise her point.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “We’ll wait by the entrance, just please hurry up.”

“Cool, won’t take me a moment.”

Apple Bloom scuttled off after Sweetie Belle not looking back to see the wide grin that adorned Scootaloo’s face.

“Achoo” Sweetie sneezed once more blowing into another tissue. “Damn Scootaloo and that morning run.” She grumbled with yet another sniffle.

“That really was a little mean of her, but I guess she just really wants to repay Professor Sprouts faith in her.” Apple Bloom replied as the two girls came out of the entranceway to their common room.


“What in Equestria?” Sweetie Belle said taken aback. She looked at herself and then Apple Bloom. Both girls were now sporting a rather unique look.

Laughter reverberated behind them.

“You didn’t really think I’d let you get away with telling my girlfriend my deepest darkest secrets now did you?” A voice said wickedly. “Magic, non-removeable rainbow paint. Don’t worry though, it wears off over time. How long did you say it was dad? Twelve hours, so you should be back to normal by this evening.” Scootaloo raced past the two astonished girls before they could retaliate calling over her shoulder. “See you at breakfast Rainbow Bloom and Spectral Belle.”

The two girls looked at each other’s new forms.

“I really am going to kill her this time.” Sweetie growled as Discord laughed his head off above them.

“Get in line.” Apple Bloom replied. “Although, I blame you in part for this. I warned you telling Hermione about Scootaloo’s sleep confession would backfire on us.” She grumbled. “Come on, might as well get the humiliation over.”

“Achoo” Sweetie sneezed sending rainbow coloured snot everywhere. She stared wide eyed at Apple Bloom for a moment before the two rainbow coloured girls wrapped their arms around each other and laughed merrily on their way to the Great Hall to numerous stares and looks from other students.

“She got us good didn’t she.” Apple Bloom confessed.

“That she did Bloom, that she did.” Sweetie admitted defeat.


To no surprise Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom got numerous odd looks throughout the course of the day. Only Professor Binns seemed to not notice the two girls’ odd appearance in History. Professor Snape chose wisely to simply ignore Apple Bloom’s new look as he continued on from Professor Sprout the day prior in teaching the class about Poison Joke.

“When cultivated and brewed carefully, this plant’s blossoms can be used in a potion to administer its effects in a controlled and targeted manner. Thankfully the plants effects are only temporary, with the length of time they take to appear and last dependant on time and concentration of exposure. The effects can also be reversed immediately through the use of a herbal bath. Now, Miss Prewett, seeing as you like to play tricks on your fellow housemates, why don’t you come up here and give us a demonstration of this potion’s effects, unless you wish for me to dock your house twenty points for insubordination?”

Scootaloo looked at Snape with alarm as a wide grin streaked across Apple Bloom’s face.

“Well, I’m waiting.”

“Sir, that’s highly unethical and.” Hermione tried to interject next to Scootaloo.

“Miss Granger, so kind of you to volunteer as well. Come along girls, we don’t have all day.” Snape growled.

Hermione looked like she was about to argue some more but Scootaloo wisely put her hand across her girlfriend’s mouth while shaking her head. She then rose from the table helping Hermione alongside her.

“Splendid.” Snape droned passing the two girls a small vile each of bubbling blue potion. “You’ll see in a moment class that the greater concentration the potion contains compared to its natural form will result in an almost immediate reaction compared to the delayed one the plant usually causes.”

“Bottom’s up.” Scootaloo sighed as she downed the concoction almost simultaneously with Hermione. “Blegh, tastes like cabbage mixed with sour milk.” She grumbled before doubling over in pain.

“Scootaloo.” Hermione cried before adding “I love you” and immediately covered her mouth as her face went red and the class roared with laughter.

“Interesting.” Snape said making notes on the potion’s effects. “As you may have noticed class, the joke the plant usually plays has some kind of personal connection with the victim, often manifesting one of their biggest fears in a comedic way. In these two cases Miss Prewett’s wings seem to be shrinking while it seems to have acted as a truth serum for Miss Granger.

“Yes, that’s correct.” Hermione blurted out unable to stop herself. “I found out I had magic when I was four when I accidentally set fire to the living room curtains. I was suspended from primary school on four separate occasions, all bar one from accidental magic use due to being bullied and only my grades saved me from expulsion. Scootaloo’s also my girlfriend and a couple of nights ago we snuck into a closet to make-out.” By now the girl had gone scarlet. The whole room had gone silent. With tears in her eyes Hermione ran from the classroom.

Panting Scootaloo slowly got up from the floor, her wings now a fraction of their original size. “You’re a monster.” She growled before she attempted to shoot out of the classroom after her girlfriend.

Snape grabbed her arm. “Miss Prewett, I’ve already one student playing truant, I will not allow another. Take your seat.”

Scootaloo felt the anger boiling and bubbling inside her once more but took a deep breath and forced out “yes, sir”, before she made her way back to her table.

“And maybe next time you’ll think about the consequences of playing pranks on your fellow students.” Snape warned. “Now class, I hope you all saw from that demonstration just how potent and dangerous this plants effects can be. As this is a new discovery that has yet to be recorded in any textbooks, I’ve taken the liberty of writing the key facts surrounding it on the board for you to copy.” He pointed at the chalkboard at the front of the classroom. “You have till the end of the lesson to note all that down.”

A few grumbles erupted from the students as they reluctantly grabbed their quills and ink and hastily began to write down everything from the board. Scootaloo barely took in any of what she was writing still fuming over what the Potions professor had done. Instead she spent most the time agonisingly watching the lower half of the hourglass slowly fill up with sand at the front of the class. That was until a knock reverberated on the Potions lab door.

“Enter.” Snape droned.

Filch entered pulling a teary-eyed Hermione behind him by her right ear

“Quit it, that hurts you troll. And I won’t deny I gave that bitch of a cat of yours a good kick to after she scratched me.” Hermione, sporting a black eye, growled rebelliously as she stuck her out tongue at Filch.

Filch slapped the girl’s face with the back of his hand, hard. “You’ll speak when spoken to you ungrateful wench. Apologies to disturb you professor, but caught this one playing hooky and bawling her eyes out in one of the girls’ toilets. Thought you’d like to sort her out.” Filch finished, pushing the girl to the floor with a sneer.

“Thank you, Argus. I will deal with her from here.” Snape said emotionlessly indicating for the caretaker to leave, which he did after a moment’s hesitation reluctantly grumbling under his breath. “And why can’t I hear pens on parchment. There is only ten minutes till the end of the lesson and let me warn you now. Anyone who fails to copy everything from the board down will be spending lunchtime with Miss Granger here in detention. Do I make myself clear?”

“Totally, you toad.” Hermione replied defiantly going red faced. “Oh my God make it stop, I’m so sorry professor, I can’t help it, although I’m not really sorry because I despise your guts.”

A little way away Ron let out a snort as one of Snape’s eyes twitched

“Mr Weasley, detention.” The professor bellowed.

“Oh, come on, I’ve pretty much done everything you asked sir.” The boy replied feeling aggrieved.

“Like to make it two.”

Ron shrugged his shoulders. “Might as well make it worthwhile. Hey Hermione, tell us every little thing you love about Scootaloo and everything you want to do to her.” Scootaloo behind Ron slapped the other boy angrily over the head.

“Mr Weasley, after school detention, for the remainder of the week. Miss Prewett, lunchtime detention.” Snape bellowed struggling to keep control as Hermione’s eyes went wide, trying desperately to avoid revealing her most secret desires.

“To begin with, I love her carefree attitude and the fact she seems to fear absolutely nothing. She’s also the first person my own age who’s ever offered to be kind to me and shown me that there is more to life than just knowledge. Oh please, make me stop!” Hermione blurted red in the face before continuing. “She’s made my life worth living. Physically, she’s smoking hot and I love the way she entwines her tongue with mine and how it tastes.”

“Silencio” Snape bellowed having heard enough.

Hermione continued talking but now nothing came out. The class were staring at her wide eyed. Scootaloo had gone red faced.

“Ahh, sir, we were just getting to the good part.” Seamus Finnigan chuckled.

“Lunchtime detention Mr Finnigan.” Snape growled ominously; the boy went quiet. “Right class, I feel that is enough for today. I’ll see those of you that are not in detention on Friday where you shall all be attempting to brew the potion yourselves. I hope this demonstration has shown you the serious effects this plant can cause and will make you take great care when brewing the potion. We wouldn’t want any accidents now would we Mr Longbottom?”

Neville shrank in his chair. “No sir,” he replied barely above a whisper.

“Good. Class dismissed. Miss Granger, as much as I’d like to see you suffer, my responsibility as an educator means I’m legally required to give you and Miss Prewett the antidote. The herbal bath has already been set up ready for you both in the prefects’ bathroom. Miss Prewett knows where it is. I suggest both of you head there now before returning for your detention.” Snape droned as he walked back too the front of the class.

Without another word Scootaloo grabbed hers and Hermione’s things before pulling her distraught girlfriend out of the classroom, channelling out Apple Bloom’s yells behind her.


Hermione winced as Scootaloo washed her bruised and battered face.

“That bastard Filch. I’ll roast his cat on a barbeque for what he’s done to you.” Scootaloo growled furiously. “I mean just look at your poor eye and the scratches that damn cat has given your legs.”

“Please, let’s just put it behind us.” Hermione said softly a tear in her eye. “I just want to forget about the whole damn thing.”

“What, after everything those two did to us?” Scootaloo retorted before seeing the look in her girlfriend’s eyes. “Fine, although I doubt we’ll be allowed to forget about this incident for a while considering the entire school will probably know about us by the end of the day if not lunch.” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Who cares, as long as we’ve got each other we’ll get through it.” Hermione replied as Scootaloo started to brush her hair. “I almost feel it is worth it for this bath alone. Now I know why you come up here so often.” Hermione continued.

“Well I’m sure no one would mind if I snuck my girlfriend in on occasions.”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to get you into anymore trouble.”

“Pfft, as I said I doubt anyone would mind. This bath is plenty big enough if even three or four others want to bathe in at the same time and from what I recall there are only twenty-eight of us who can use this bathroom anyway.” Scootaloo explained.

“Well if you are sure.” Hermione responded a little uncertain.

“Positive, as long as you can answer this one question for me. Did you really mean everything you said back there?”

Hermione stumbled over what to say in reply before simply replying in a voice barely above a whisper “yes.”

“Good enough for me.” Scootaloo finished brushing the other girls’ hair and turned her around before bringing her lips into meet hers.

“Ahh, how sweet. So, it is true.” A voice said innocently at the side of the large bath.

By now Scootaloo had had enough and huffed “why don’t you take a picture Maddie, it’ll last longer.”

“Oh, you know I wouldn’t do that. I just came to say you’ve both had your detentions downgraded. You’ll be kept after Herbology tomorrow to help out Professor Sprout instead. She threw an absolute fit once Apple Bloom told her what Snape did.” The newcomer explained.

“Thanks Maddie.” Scootaloo replied.

“Don’t mention it. Geez, that sleazeball Filch really did a number on your face didn’t he. I’d get Pomfrey to look at that, looks nasty.”

“Yeah, we were thinking of going there as soon as we finished here, but won’t have time if we want to get some lunch.”

“I’ll get a message to Madam Pomfrey to come find you on her way to lunch.”

“Thanks again, Maddie.”

“Don’t mention it, everyone in Hufflepuff owes you so much for what you’ve done so far this year. Anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. Congratulations, you make a very cute couple.” Maddie tittered turning to leave.

Scootaloo blushed once more as she prepared to leave the bath.


Lunch proved to be a very sombre affair. Unsurprisingly, news of the girls’ relationship had spread like wildfire round the school and Scootaloo had to deal not only with the constant whispers behind her back, but her concern for Hermione also, the other girl having been whisked off to the infirmary by Madam Pomfrey as soon as she’d taken one look at her face. Scootaloo had offered to come to, but Hermione had told her she’d be fine and that she’d see her later. The rest of the girls from the first year Hufflepuff dormitory all attempted to raise their friend’s spirits but to no avail and thus the majority of lunch was spent in silent solitude along with the trip to the Discord tower. Not even when a whole bucket of slime deposited itself upon Apple Bloom did Scootaloo elicit a smile.

“Oh c’mon. I’m rainbow coloured and now covered in pink glittery slime and still you can’t even smile.” Apple Bloom pouted.

“Sorry Bloom, I’m just not in the mood right now.” Scootaloo sighed in a distracted tone.

“Achoo” Sweetie added with a sniffle blowing more rainbow snot into a tissue.

“God, you two weren’t kidding. She’s got it bad. You know Hermione will be fine, so quit your grumping or I’m not going to tell you that you are about to step on, oops to late.” Susan sniggered as a giant cookie started rolling down the hallway.

“Oh, real original Discord.” Scootaloo grumbled as she prepared herself to move out the way only to find her feet stuck to the floor with treacle. She finally let out a slight chuckle. “Okay, now this is interesting.”


After dealing with the giant cookie of doom using a bizarre plan that involved a rubber chicken, cookie cutters, lemon curd and an assortment of other items, Scootaloo actually started to perk up a bit and the girls entered class 104 laughing and giggling over the whole debacle. That was until they saw the giant snake hissing and staring back at them.

Hannah, Meghan and Sweetie screamed as Susan, Bloom and Scootaloo all raised their wands, ready to attack.

As quickly as it had appeared though, the snake disappeared and was replaced by Discord who started clapping in respect at three of the girls’ reactions.

“Well done to Miss Bloom, Prewett and Bones, although right now all six of you would be dead. Anybody like to hazard a guess at what that creature was?”

All six of the girls looked at each other blankly for a moment.

“Well then, looks like we’ve a lot to get through today so I suggest you all take your seats and we shall begin, everyone else is already here.” Discord stated as he and the girls floated up to the ceiling.

The girls quickly took their seats and took out their wands along with some parchment and ink, the other six children already patiently waiting for the start of the lesson. As soon they were ready Discord began.

“This term we shall be moving on from our more practical learning of jinxes and hexes to a more theoretical approach in learning about a wide array of dark creatures which shall continue into your first semester in your second year. This knowledge will then be applied practically across your remaining time at Hogwarts. There are countless dark creatures across the world and we may not have the time to look at them all in depth over the next five years. Thus, we shall be focusing on the most dangerous as classified by the Ministry of Magic. To begin with though I’d like you to acknowledge the five classes the Ministry of Magic uses for creatures as shown here on the board.” Discord lectured before he pointed towards the board

X Creatures – Boring and harmless to humans.

XX Creatures – Harmless and easily domesticated.

XXX Creatures – No trouble for competent wizards.

XXXX Creatures – Dangerous and require specialist knowledge to deal with. Should only be dealt with by trained wizards. This classification also covers creatures which are not dangerous, but endangered or very difficult to catch.

XXXXX Creatures – Incredibly dangerous and known wizard killers. Should be avoided at all costs as they are impossible to train or domesticate.

After allowing the students a few minutes to copy the classifications down Discord continued. “We shall be focusing on the twenty-six most dangerous and dark creatures, mostly from categories four and five, with my opinion being that if you can defend yourself against these, you should have no problem with the rest. If you’d like to learn about any further creatures, I suggest you take Care for Magical Creatures in your third year. The creatures we shall be looking at here are as follows.” He again indicated to the board.

Year 1

1. Acromantulas
2. Banshees
3. Basilisks
4. Ghosts
5. Gorgons
6. Gytrashes
7. Hidebehind
8. Quintaped
9. Trolls
10. Vampires
11. Wampus Cat
12. Werewolves
13. Zombies

Year 2

1. Boggarts
2. Chimera
3. Dementors
4. Dragons
5. Horned Serpent
6. Kappa
7. Kelpie
8. Lethifold
9. Inferious
10. Manticore
11. Nundu
12. Runespoor
13. Thestral

After a little while of more scribbling of quills on parchment Discord proceeded. “Now, I’m not going to lie, some of these creatures may give you nightmares. On the positive side, by the end of your time here at the school, if you are ever unfortunate enough to encounter any of these, you will hopefully live to tell the tale. Now, can anyone hazard a guess from that first list just what creature I was imitating?”

Sweetie’s hand shot up.

“Yes, Miss Belle.”

“Well I know what all bar four of those are on that list and from the other four if I was to hazard a guess, a basilisk?”

“Very good, a point to Hufflepuff.” Discord replied.

Sweetie beamed from the praise.

“Now, does anyone have any clue what a basilisk is?”

Scootaloo’s hand this time rose into the air alongside a few others.

“Yes, Miss Prewett.”

“A giant snake?”

“Simply put, yes. A basilisk is a tier five serpent with fangs that contain the deadliest of venom and golden eyes that will you kill you instantly if you dare to gaze into them. Rather than have me prattle on, for the next ten minutes or so I’d like you to copy down these thirteen key points on basilisks, which we will then discuss together in greater depth throughout the remainder of today’s and Thursday’s lessons.” Discord explained snapping his fingers and making the information on the board change once more.

1. Known as the king of serpents, it can grow up to fifty feet in length.
2. Unlike other dark creatures that developed naturally, they were engineered by dark wizards and originated from Ancient Greece through the dark work of Herpo the Foul who discovered one could be hatched from a chicken’s egg placed underneath a toad.
3. Breeding them is illegal and been banned by the Ministry of Magic since Medieval times.
4. They can live for a thousand years, sometimes even more.
5. They are almost impossible to control, even by Parseltongues.
6. The venom from their fangs is extremely poisonous and not only will kill anything within minutes but the only known antidote is phoenix tears.
7. Physically, aside from their fangs and their size, their other most notable feature is their large yellow eyes which if looked into cause immediate and instantaneous death, except in the case of an immortal being, such as a phoenix or Draconequus, which are immune to its effects.
8. The effects of its gaze can also be dampened if contact between the victim’s and the basilisk’s eyes is interfered in anyway, i.e. if someone is short sighted and cannot see the eyes clearly. The same also applies if contact is indirect, i.e. though a reflection in a puddle or mirror. In both these cases, the victim would be subject to petrification and not death.
9. A basilisk loses its deadly gaze if its eyes are damaged or it loses its sight in any way.
10. Spiders are particularly fearful of basilisks and can sense when they are near. Thus, fleeing spiders is a tell-tale sign a basilisk is near.
11. Due to their armoured skin, deadly fangs and eyes, they are incredibly difficult to kill, with their only known weakness being the crowing of a rooster, which is fatal to it.
12. Contrary to popular belief, the stench of a weasel will only agitate and anger a basilisk whilst staring at its own reflection will also have no effect upon it.
13. Unsurprisingly, the Ministry of Magic has classified them as XXXXX.

The Hufflepuff first years once again hastily scribbled down the information from the chalkboard, whilst Discord sat in his chair at the front of the class reading an upside-down newspaper and drinking a glass of chocolate milk.


Later that afternoon Dumbledore sat behind the desk in his office waiting for the knock on his door. Punctual as ever it came.

“Come in.” He commanded

“You wish to see me sir.” Argus Filch’s head popped round the door.

“Yes Argus. It surrounds an incident earlier today surrounding a first-year girl called Miss Granger.”

“Oh, that sneaky little brat who thought she could skip class and taunt me. Kicked poor Mrs Norris to. I soon taught her a lesson she won’t forget in a hurry.”

“Yes, I know.” Dumbledore sighed. “Argus, I’ve told you countless times before that corporal punishment is no longer permitted, no matter what the circumstance may be. Were you aware that Miss Granger was under a highly powerful truth serum at the time?”

“No.” Filch looked at the headmaster just starting to feel a little uneasy at where this conversation was going.

“Or that this was the reason she was absent from class?”


“Did you even ask the student, who is one of the most intelligent and sensible students in our first year what she was doing out of class before you dragged her back nearly pulling her ear off in the process.” Dumbledore said, his voice just starting to rise a bit in volume.

“Bah, talk is cheap.” Argus grunted trying to regain a foothold on the conversation. “When I was a wee nipper a few lashings with a whip or a cane or a box round the ears soon put an end to any rule breaking. Miss Granger will think twice before skipping anymore classes or kicking poor defenceless animals.”

Dumbledore let out another heavy sigh. “Argus, for one, the girl reacted in self-defence, I’ve seen the scratches on her legs. Secondly, those times are gone, why can’t you just let them go?”

“Let them go?” Argus roared indignantly. “You’ve gone soft in your old age Albus. Students these days feel they can get away with just about anything, that break in over Christmas into the restricted section of the library in the dead of night should have been a wake up call for you. We need to go back to the old ways of hanging misbehaving students by their wrists for a few days or beating some sense into them. Only then will they learn.”

“Argus, that will never happen while I’m at Hogwarts and you know it.” Dumbledore tried to get through to the caretaker.

“Bah, you’re just a pushover.” Was the reply he got.

Dumbledore had had enough. “What if I was to dismiss you from your post with immediate effect due to assaulting a student, because I’ve enough evidence to do so.”

“What! You wouldn’t dare. I’d have the Ministry of Magic on you for wrongful dismissal in a heartbeat.” Filch retorted angrily.

“On what grounds. Miss Granger has a fractured cheekbone, a black eye, bruises across her body and has more scratches on her legs due to that damn cat of yours than I can count. That and your track record of abusing students,” Dumbledore paused and placed a folder on his desk. “This being the 37th incident of physical abuse you’ve been involved in in your twenty-five years serving Hogwarts, it doesn’t look good for you Argus. The only reason I’m not firing you right here on the spot is because of your dedication to your post and the fact I’ve managed to convince Miss Granger not to escalate it further as long as you offer her your sincerest apology in person at dinner this evening.”

“What!” Filch screeched again. “I’ll do nothing of the sort.”

“Okay, let me make it clear. You apologise to the girl or remove yourself from the premises before the end of the day, because if her parents find out what happened nothing will save your job.” Dumbledore commanded.

“Yes sir.” Filch grumbled mutinously as he stared down at his feet.

“Excellent. This is your final warning Argus. I do not want to see the back of you. You are a loyal, hardworking and highly valued member of the Hogwarts team, not to mention a dear friend, but I just cannot ignore the evidence that lies in front of me. If I hear you’ve hurt even just one more student, you’ll be packing your bags and escorted from the premises before you can say Hogsmeade, understood?”

“Yes sir.” Filch’s eyes hadn’t moved from his feet.

“Good, you are dismissed.” Dumbledore said sternly.

Argus Filch rose from his chair and without another word left the room.


The lesson and discussion on basilisks had been just the distraction Scootaloo needed to get her mind of Hermione for the time being. For the remainder of the school day she was able to focus on doing her homework in the library during her free period and on her extra Herbology class where Professor Sprout started to go over Poison Joke to the other two houses. It was as she was leaving the greenhouse though that she heard Draco Malfoy say it under his breath, but intentionally loudly enough for her to hear.

“Disgusting how the school allows such repulsive behaviour. Both those girls should be expelled. It’s bad enough such freaks were allowed to study at such a prestigious institution, let alone get romantically involved with each other, blegh.”

Scootaloo turned with a look of fury on her face that slowly turned to a wry grin.

“What are you grinning at, freak.” Draco sneered.

“Mr Malfoy, ten points from Slytherin for bullying and detention, starting immediately. How do you fancy helping me repot those other Poison Joke samples Professor Discord kindly acquired for me?” A voice said angrily from behind Draco.

The boy gulped and turned around to see Professor Sprout glowering at him.

“Yes mam.” He whimpered.

“Thank you, professor.” Scootaloo said politely.

“Anytime, now off to dinner with you. Can’t have my Quidditch captain late for practice.” Professor Sprout grinned as she dragged Draco back into the greenhouse.

The latest episode with Malfoy had brought a smile back to Scootaloo’s face for the first time since the prank she’d pulled upon her friends that morning and her spirits were high as she neared the Great Hall only to find two hands suddenly blocking her vision.

“Guess who?” A voice giggled playfully.

Scootaloo’s smile widened. “Hmm, I wonder. Could it be Apple Bloom, no to high pitched, Sweetie Belle, no, maybe it’s that annoyingly squeaky Gryffindor girl who keeps following me everywhere?” She jested.

“Hey, I’m not squeaky.” Hermione squeaked turning the other girl around and booping her on the nose with one of her fingers.

Scootaloo blushed before her eyes went wide at the face in front of her.

“You like the new look. Filch hit me so hard it caused a small fracture of my cheekbone. Madam Pomfrey didn’t want to take any chances and insist I wear this mask for a week.”

“I’ll wring his neck.” Scootaloo said ferociously.

“No, you won’t.” Hermione chided. “I talked with Dumbledore while in the infirmary and as long as Mr Filch apologises, I won’t take it any further. Please, things are hard enough for us right now without making a scene over this as well.” Hermione pleaded.

Scootaloo looked at her girlfriend for a moment wanting to argue but then sighed and reluctantly grumbled, “Fine.”

As if on cue a cough interrupted the two girl’s conversation and there before them stood the topic of discussion.

“Um, Miss Granger, I just wished to apologise for my actions earlier and the injuries I caused you. I wasn’t thinking clearly after seeing you kick Mrs Norris.” Filch forced out as he handed Hermione a bunch of freshly picked flowers.

“Thank you very much. The flowers are lovely and I’d just like to say I’m sorry for the way I acted to. I do hope your cat is okay?” Hermione replied graciously.

Filch was slightly taken aback by this but after a slight pause eked. “She’s fine, thank you for asking. Now I must be getting back to my work.” Filch finished shuffling away.

As soon as he was gone Scootaloo blurted out “well, that was awkward.”


Like always, after a few days the students of Hogwarts found something else to gossip about and Hermione and Scootaloo’s relationship became old news, with the girls barely getting the odd stare anymore. The news didn’t even feature in the Hogwarts Hawk although that might have also had something to do with Joanne MacGyver not wanting to face Professor Sprout’s wrath again. They’d actually enjoyed detention with Professor Sprout the previous day, helping her tidy up the greenhouse as she told them how Mallfoy had ‘accidentally’ been inflicted with Poison Joke the day before that had resulted in his head turning into that of an Ass. Unfortunately, it seemed Snape had been less than pleased with the whole situation and was now retaliating by docking points for even the slightest infraction in their Potions lesson.

“Mr Weasley, would you care to tell me what is so funny?”

Ron looked like a deer caught in a set of headlights.

“Alright then, five points from Gryffindor for not concentrating on brewing your potion.”

“Lovebirds, did I say you could whisper sweet nothings to each other? Five points each from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.”

Hermione and Scootaloo look ready to blow a fuse but opted to go back to concentrating on their potion.


“That’s another five from Gryffindor for Mr Finnigan once again turning the potion into an explosive. Mr Thomas, accompany him to the infirmary please.”

“No, Miss Bones and Miss Abbot, are you even reading the instructions on the board? Five more points from Hufflepuff for failing to read instructions.”

“Ahh, Miss Bloom, at least I can count on ONE student to make the potion correctly. Two points to Hufflepuff.”

“Thank you, sir.” Apple Bloom replied humbly as Wayne Hopkins cried across the room.

“Sir, Neville just accidentally ingested a leaf!”

“Why am I not surprised? Five points from Gryffindor for just being you Longbottom.” Snape sighed walking over to the two boys as the Longbottom boy screamed from the floor.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaah, I’m Professor Snape.” Neville wailed rising from the floor.

Just a flicker of emotion flashed across Snape’s face as he stared back at an almost exact replica of himself. Laughter erupted from the class.

“Oh my word. The plant turned Neville into the thing he fears most.” Ron hollered.

“Five more points from Gryffindor for talking without permission Weasley. Anymore from you and I’ll be extending your detentions into next week.” The real Snape growled examining his doppelganger. “Miss Bones, seeing as you decimated your potion, help Mr Longbottom to the infirmary, Miss Abbot help Mr Hopkins finish his and Neville’s attempt. The rest of you back to work. If I do not get at least five more vials of viable Poison Joke potion to accompany Miss Bloom’s by the end of the lesson, you shall all be back this afternoon during your free periods.”

The Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors wanted to groan but felt better of it and swiftly got back to work. To the students’ relief, by the end of the lesson they’d managed to brew seven more vials of Poison Joke potion.

“Wow what a sour puss. What got on his nerves?” Scootaloo exclaimed as they headed to lunch. “Anybody knows how many points we lost in the end.”

“I think we lost forty and gained seven through Apple Bloom.” Susan quipped.

“Lucky, Snape took sixty of us. The brute” Hermione grumbled.

“Still totally worth it to see the look on his face when Neville turned into his doppelganger,” Ron interjected.

“Really Ron, could you not care less about the House Cup?”

“Hermione, Hufflepuff are leading over us and Slytherin by more than two hundred points right now, it’s a foregone conclusion. Best we can hope for is the Quidditch Cup.” Ron said matter-of-factly.

“There are still six months between now and the end of the year, anything could happen.” Hermione argued.

“Like to make a bet on that?” Scootaloo said with a devilish smirk.

Hermione sighed. “Fine, Hufflepuff are almost certainly going to win the House Cup, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still at least try to catch them!”

“No chance bitches.” Wally cawed suddenly appearing on Scootaloo’s shoulder.

“Where’d he come from?” Meghan said with surprise.

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders.

“Don’t fucking ask and I’ll tell you no fucking lies.” Wally cawed.

“That answer your question.” Scootaloo said to Meghan.

“Can you quit your yakking and hurry up. I’m hungry and we all know what will happen if I get hangry.” Apple Bloom growled a little way out in front.

The gaggle of students looked at each other with fearful expressions for a moment before hastily attempting to catch up to the other girl.


After her stomach was sated from a lunch of homemade soup, fresh bread, fruit and an assortment of cakes, Scootaloo had said her goodbyes to her friends and had eagerly made her way to the North Tower. As per the norm, she was greeted by the warm voice of Professor Trelawney who sat in her favourite armchair next to a blazing fire.

“Welcome my dear! I’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival. I hope you enjoyed your break and are ready to learn once more. Please take a seat.” The professor indicated the chair across from hers.

“It was great, thank you. I was so glad you joined us for the Christmas feast, it certainly was entertaining!” Scootaloo said in reply.

“Indeed, it was. I’ve never seen a phoenix egg before, it was certainly a once in a lifetime experience. Has Miss Bloom deposited it in your safe at Gringotts yet?”

“No. Although we’ve pushed her, all she’s repeated to us since Christmas is that it’s safe and that’s all you need to know.

“How Mysterious.” Sybil replied sipping from a cup of tea. “Anyhow, let us not dwell on it any longer, we’ve a lot to get through today. Did you at all suffer from any visions, dreams, seizures and so forth during your time off?”

“I did have one strange dream actually on Christmas night of Professor Quirrell as a giant chicken, although I’ve no idea why I dreamt that and don’t really think it means to much.” Scootaloo admitted.

Professor Trelawney chuckled before she said “How peculiar. I’m sure if it did mean anything it will reveal itself in due course. For now, shall we proceed with this term’s areas of study? I believe we shall start with Fire Omens and move onto Palmistry sometime in February.”

Scootaloo rubbed her hands with glee. “Yes please. I’ve been engrossed in Fire Omens ever since you bought me that book and have read it cover to cover three times already.”

Sybil looked at her protegee impressed. “Then please, if you don’t mind, enlighten me with what you know.”

“Fire Omens or Pyromancy as it is otherwise known, is the art of divination by fire, with its truest form being the interpretation of shapes from a source of flame, such as a candle. It is one of the earliest known forms of divination due to fires consistent importance to civilizations across the world and records of its use date back as far as ancient Zoroastrian, Greek and Asian rituals. More recently it was classified as one of the seven ‘forbidden arts’ during the renaissance period along with necromancy, geomancy, aeromancy, hydromancy, palmistry, and scapulimancy by Johannes Hartlieb in 1456. Despite its popularity waning over the course of the past few centuries in favour of the easier to interpret Crystal gazing, Pyromancy still remains a core part of numerous other branches of divination, such as Alomancy or Botanomancy, which base predictions of the burning of salt and plants respectively, and still has an integral part to play in modern divination.” Scootaloo finished rapidly in almost a single breath.

“Wow. That was seriously impressive. I don’t think there is anything I could add to that. You really have been studying hard over the holidays.” Professor Trelawney replied with a massive smile on her face. “Would you like to give it a go?” She pointed at the roaring fire in the hearth.

Scootaloo nodded her head with vigour in reply as she removed herself from the armchair and settled herself crossed legged in front of the hearth. She was soon joined by Professor Trelawney and it was here they stayed and stared intently at the blazing fire for the better part of the next hour as it crackled and popped. Just when it looked like nothing exciting was going to happen the fire twisted and morphed into an only to recognisable face.

“Oh no,” Scootaloo murmured under her breath as her eyes suddenly took on a glazed and hollowed look. “Time ticks by and the Dark Lord’s return looms ever nearer. An eye for an eye, a limb for a limb, certain doom awaits any who attempt to intervene.” Her eyes cleared and she shook her head, clearing the fog a bit as Professor Trelawney supported her. “What just happened?”

Professor Trelawney was unsure whether to shriek with glee or worry. In the end she opted for neither and went for the middle ground. “I believe the fire just spoke to you my dear. I’m a little worried over the ominous nature of the premonition, although delighted you managed to connect. Fire omens are certainly one of the harder forms of divination to learn. Shall we see what else we can learn from the fire or would you prefer to call it a day there?”

Scootaloo stared at her teacher as if she was mad. “No way am I stopping now. The flames were just showing me how Apple Bloom’s family are getting on back home until that face rudely interrupted.” She huffed. “Her granny’s arthritis has been acting up and she’s planning on remaining in the kitchen and the warmth of the oven till Winter Wrap Up. Applejack will hog-tie Rainbow and leave her hanging from a tree for dumping a whole load of snow on her, whilst the future of her brother I couldn’t quite decipher before that damn face destroyed all my hard work of the past hour.”

Professor Trelawney stared at the girl in stunned silence for a moment before she wrapped the girl into a rib shattering hug.

“You are truly one of a kind.” She whispered into Scootaloo’s ear.

“Help, can’t breathe!” Scootaloo wheezed, but Sybil refused to relent her grip of the girl.


Scootaloo and Hermione lay atop the Astronomy Tower and stared at the beautiful night’s sky above them. After a hectic first week back after Christmas, the girls had finally managed to hop on their broomsticks Sunday evening as the rain took a five-minute breather from its battering of the school. As the clouds parted, they’d gone for a breath-taking acrobatic and death-defying ride before taking a breather atop the Astronomy tower.

“So, not afraid we’re going to be caught up here?” Scootaloo turned away from the night sky for a moment and teased her girlfriend.

“Pfft, we’d hear them and fly off before they did. Besides, almost everyone is at dinner right now.” Hermione replied smugly.

“Oh ho ho. Calculated risk. I knew there was more I liked of you than just your stunning looks. Brains as well as beauty.”

Hermione blushed causing Scootaloo to start giggling.

“Oh, that’s to cute.” Scootaloo jested.

“Why did I ever fall in love with you?” Hermione groaned.

“It’s because I’m smoking hot and you know it.” Scootaloo quipped with a roguish smirk. “Or maybe it’s how good I am at kissing? Why don’t we practice some more and find out?

“You’re never going to forget those things I said in Potions, are you?” Hermione grumbled.


Hermione rolled her eyes before a devilish smirk of her own crossed her lips and she pulled her girlfriend in closer. “Fine then, let’s practice some more.”

Scootaloo’s eyes shot open in excitement for a moment before she closed them and lent in for the inevitable kiss.

It never came. Instead Hermione pushed her away and as Scootaloo opened her eyes in surprise, the other girl called over her shoulder as she hopped onto her broomstick and zoomed off into the night.

“You’ll have to catch me first though!” Hermione’s voice echoed through the darkness.

“It’s on.” With a wide grin Scootaloo leapt of the stone floor, raced to Broomy and shot off into the night herself after her prize.

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