• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The End of Term

After the chaos of Halloween, birthdays, bonfires, psychopathic maniacs, nightmares, trips to the infirmary and Quidditch, not to forget their lessons and homework, November had come and gone in a flash for the Crusaders. Thankfully, Snape or whoever the traitor within the school was seemed to be leaving Scootaloo and Harry alone for the time being and as December began many lessons became much more relaxed as thoughts turned to the looming holidays.

Due to Sweetie’s injury, the increasingly bad weather and their win against Ravenclaw, Scootaloo had treated the Hufflepuff Quidditch team to six weeks off from proper training till the new year, as long they continued their own individual training to maintain their fitness and sharpness.

In Herbology Professor Sprout told them about a very dangerous variation of pine tree that lures victims in hypnotically before devouring and digesting them alive and very painfully over the course of a week. Neville had almost pissed his pants just from hearing about it. In Defence Against the Dark Arts Discord showed them a number of peculiar holiday related jinxes including one which summoned an absurd amount of wizard crackers. Professor Dumbledore even got into the spirit of the season seeing if they could transfigure bouncy balls into Christmas baubles while Professor Flitwick ditched proper classes completely, instead ‘testing’ the first years on what they’d learnt so far whilst decorating the Great Hall and the fir trees that Hagrid had dragged in with all manner of trinkets. In fact, the only real downer was Potions. It was to no one’s surprise that Professor Snape refused to get into the festive spirit, but the fact he seemed even more grumpy than usual, coupled with the fact the Dungeons were bitterly cold, made the whole experience truly horrible, even Apple Bloom had ceased her extracurricular studies for the time being. It was upon leaving their last Potions lesson and actual lesson for the calendar year that Scootaloo and Bloom along with Hermione, Ron and Harry bumped into the Slytherin Malfoy and his goons outside the Great Hall.

“Oy, watch where you’re going.” The Slytherin boy grumbled. “Oh, it’s you Potter. I see you’ve found a freak and an orphan to go along with your peasant and Muggle-born trash.” Malfoy exclaimed snobbishly. “Oh look, here comes that great oaf with yet another tree, why don’t you fight it out to see which one of you can be his apprentice, it’s about as far as any of you will get in this world. That hut of his must feel like a palace to all of you.” He finished with a sneer.

“Beat it Malfoy, nobody cares what you think.” Ron grumbled as they opted to ignore the boy and enter the Great Hall for Lunch.

“Yeah, well at least I’ve got a home to go to at Christmas. It must feel horrible not to be wanted around the holidays, but I’m not surprised. My dad probably did that girl’s parents a favour. Who’d want to welcome a freak like that home for the holidays?” Malfoy continued his verbal attack singling out Scootaloo.

Right then and there you could have heard a pin drop outside the Great Hall. Hagrid dropped the tree attempting to intercept what was about to come next but was struggling to get round the mighty fir.

Scootaloo turned, a look of fire blazing in her eyes. Before anyone could stop her, her wand was out “Lepus aures” she bellowed tears welling in her eyes.

A pair of rabbit ears sprouted from Malfoy’s head.

Malfoy screamed.

Scootaloo would have dropped to the floor if Hermione hadn’t caught her. The distraught girl wailed pitifully into the other girl’s chest.

“Serves you right. You’re just lucky I don’t follow through with my warning and throw you into the lake.” Apple Bloom snarled as Professor McGonagall, Discord and Snape arrived upon the scene.

“Just what in tarnation is going on here?” The deputy headmistress scathed looking less than pleased at the new addition to Malfoy’s head.

“She attacked me purely for bumping into her as I was walking into the Great Hall.” Malfoy howled.

“Oh really, you know as a God I can easily tell when someone is lying. If there are two things I seriously dislike, it is liars and those who upset my adopted daughter.” Discord cracked his knuckles menacingly, fire blazing in his eyes.

Malfoy gulped nervously before Professor Snape intervened.

“Professor Discord, please don’t threaten my student.”

Discord turned his attentions on the Potions professor. Neither backed down as they glowered at each other. It was left to Professor McGonagall to try and decipher just what had taken place.

“Why don’t we all just take a deep breath and calm down.”

“Calm down, just look at what that brat has done to Scootaloo. She’s a mess. Hagrid will back up that she was antagonised.” Apple Bloom snarled once again.

“Of course that great oaf is going too side with you. It’s no secret he has a soft spot for freaks like himself.” Malfoy blurted before he realised what he was saying.

“Oh, do I now?” Hagrid glared at the boy before turning his attention to McGonagall. “Professors, there’s something you should know. Miss Prewett’s family has history with the Malfoy family, specifically Draco’s father who led the death eaters that slaughtered almost her entire family. The girl has also witnessed these events through a memory orb Discord here owns. According to Professor Sprout, Headmaster Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey, the contents are quite disturbing.”

Snape didn’t look at all interested at the excuse the half-giant was trying to concoct for the Hufflepuff girl, instead continuing his glowering contest with the aforementioned God.

McGonagall sighed and pondered for a moment. “I see, how disturbing and what has that got to do with today’s incident?”

“Imagine witnessing your entire family being wiped from the face of this Earth and not being able to do a thing about it. Both Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey threatened to quit if Lucius wasn’t removed with immediate effect from the board of governors.”

“A grave injustice.” Malfoy whined.

“Shut it, twerp.” Discord snarled.

“Ten points from Hufflepuff.” Snape snapped.

“You are walking on a tight rope right now.” Discord retorted pushing his face into the Potions professors. “Just give me one more reason to transfigure you into a carrot for your darling student to eat.”

McGonagall rolled her eyes before baring her wand and muttering “Ebublio” encasing both her fellow professors into a single bubble. “Until both of you can settle your differences, calm down and act like adults and proper Hogwarts professors, you’ll remain in that bubble.” She scolded, neither of her fellow professors looking pleased at the prison they were now in. McGonagall let them get on with it and turned her attention back too Hagrid. “Sorry about that Hagrid, please continue your description of what happened.”

Nervously Hagrid went on, not wanting to upset the Transfiguration professor any further. “Well, after teasing them, Malfoy said My dad probably did that girl’s parents a favour. Who’d want to welcome a freak like that home for the holidays.

“HE SAID WHAT” A voice bellowed from behind Hagrid.

The giant turned to see a furious looking Professor Sprout, with a few fir needles sticking out here and there from where she’d pushed past the tree blocking the corridor, standing behind him.

“And I’m guessing that the rabbit ears were the reaction.” McGonagall ignored her colleague’s outburst.

“I’ll skin the brat alive and take every last point I can from Slytherin.” Professor Sprout fumed as Hagrid did his best to hold back the furious head of Hufflepuff House who seriously looked like she’d go through with her threat right then and there.

Malfoy actually cowered behind Professor McGonagall.

“How many times am I going to have to say it. Please don’t threaten my students and also, that is still no excuse for improper use of magic.” Snape droned.

“You fucking short-sighted fool.” Screamed an enraged Professor Sprout. “The boy got what he deserved. You know very well that the ruling of a student’s head of house goes above all others except the headmaster himself. I’m taking my student back to my quarters. She will not be punished further for this incident unless you wish me to take one hundred points from Slytherin professor or press the matter with Dumbledore who I assure you will also side with me. As I have found out from all her fellow professors, Miss Prewett is a naturally gifted and highly skilled witch, as can be seen by the craftmanship and detail of the spell casted on Mr Malfoy here. BUT, and this is a big but, she has also been highly traumatised by events surrounding her past, mostly surrounding Malfoy’s father, and such a brazen attempt to rile her was only likely to lead to such an outcome. I hope your idiotic pupil has learned his lesson because next time he dares target one of mine, Miss Bloom here has my permission to give him a cold bath in the lake.” She finished her lecture crouching down next to Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom cackled manically making a slicing motion across her neck.

Malfoy shrunk even further behind McGonagall, the Transfiguration professor barely taking any notice of the argument going on around her, instead staring completely baffled and lost at the two male professors wondering just how they had escaped the jinx she’d cast on them. Discord had even made a throne appear from somewhere and was currently sitting in it munching popcorn as the chaotic argument unfolded. Snape wasn’t backing down.

“Really! He exclaimed in disbelief. You are willing to let a student get away with such a blatant and obvious misuse of magic. This is ridiculous. The girl needs to be…”

“Go fuck yourself Severus. Miss Bloom, Miss Granger, if you don’t mind, could you please help Miss Prewett to my quarters by the greenhouses. Minerva, if you wouldn’t mind, could you get the elves to deliver some sandwiches and so forth there. Thank you, now come along girls.”

And without another word she rose and pushing the three girls along in front of her made off back towards the greenhouses.

Severus and Minerva just stared at each other while Discord laughed uncontrollably behind them in his throne. Never in all there years of teaching had they seen the mild mannered Herbology teacher lose her temper as they’d just witnessed.

“Did she really just say that?” Severus said to Minerva still evidentially in shock from the whole situation.

“Yes, I believe she did.” Minerva said in reply, Malfoy still cowering behind her. She looked across at Harry and Ron in front of her, both boys with jaws gaping. “Boys, if either of you let slip what Professor Sprout just said I’ll have you both in detention for a month, understood?” She said deadly seriously.

Both boys gulped and nodded in response.

“That goes for you to Mr Malfoy.”

Draco rapidly nodded his head, slowly releasing Professor McGonagall as he overcame the terror Professor Sprout had unleashed upon him.

“Good, now shall we carry on to lunch? Severus, if you would please sort your student out, thank you.” The deputy headmistress commanded before walking back into the Great Hall whence she came from.

What she failed to spot though was the slightest gap in a wooden panel in the hallway outside the Great Hall. It slowly clicked back into its rightful place.

Discord smiled and snapping his fingers disappeared once more.


Scootaloo sat in an armchair still sniffling whilst eating a sandwich. Opposite her in an equally outdated and worn armchair was Professor Sprout, while to her left and right Hermione and Apple Bloom sat in similar armchairs. Professor Sprout lived in a tiny dilapidated and misshapen looking cottage covered in ivy and other foliage squeezed in-between two of the greenhouses. Inside was a simple layout consisting of three rooms, a small lounge with a fire and kitchenette on the ground floor and an overhanging mezzanine level in the roof that was her bedroom. Out the back was an outhouse and her own small private garden which seemed to have invaded the entirety of the cottage itself, there were plants literally everywhere you stepped or looked. After apologising for the mess and settling her guests in, the Herbology professor had departed out the back to put the kettle on. She’d returned several minutes later with several cups and a tea pot, which was swiftly followed up with a plate of sandwiches that Dumbledore had sent their way. Pomona had read the brief note with the sandwiches with embarrassment, her face slowly going red as she realised just what she’d said to Severus in the heat of the moment. Thankfully, Albus had taken it jovially, much to her relief. He’d finished the note by hoping that Miss Prewett hadn’t been to disturbed by the incident and hoped she was feeling better before the afternoon and evening festivities.

It was Hogwarts’ tradition that the house’s took part in a friendly competition on the final afternoon of term before Christmas. This year, due to the record snowfall they’d had, each house was to have two hours to build the best snowman possible, the winning house receiving fifty house points. Afterwards, on the final evening of term, each house returned to their common rooms and had their own separate Christmas parties featuring their own traditions, such as listening to festive tunes, playing charades and roasting chestnuts for example. Most importantly though it was one final time to enjoy with friends who most wouldn’t see for nearly three whole weeks, along with the handing out of gifts to said friends.

These current festivities though were at the back of Professor Sprout’s mind.

“So” Pomona breached the awkward silence that hung in the air. Before she could say anymore Scootaloo blurted out.

“Is it true. Am I just a freak that no one could ever love? At least with Belle her horn is easy to hide and Apple Bloom just looks like a normal girl, even if she is ridiculously strong. Are these wings a gift or a curse? Would my parents be proud or horrified of what I’ve become?” She flared out her wings from her back for emphasis.

“Hey, you’re going to poke someone’s eye out with those things.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Professor Sprout nearly spat her tea out before doing something totally unexpected, she started to guffaw uncontrollable.

Scootaloo looked at her head of house confused.

“Are you mad? Malfoy teases you because he’s jealous. Heck, I’m jealous. I think if you asked everyone in the school apart from Apple Bloom here, they’d happily give almost anything to be able to fly at a moment’s notice without the need of a broomstick.”

“You got that right. Flying’s for the birds.” Apple Bloom chuckled.

Professor Sprout ignored the interruption and continued her explanation. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to be able to soar into the clouds and control the weather or create a sonic rainboom?” She cradled the teary-eyed girl in her arms. “I sadly never got to meet your parents but I’m sure wherever they are now they are looking down extremely proud at the fine witch and seer you are becoming. Practically I’d say you are probably working at a level similar to most third years and even some fourth years while although you struggle theoretically you have made some wonderful friends who are helping you tremendously in this department. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the similarities between yours and Hermione’s homework on occasions.” She paused and stared knowingly at Hermione who blushed and tried to avoid eye contact.

“I’ve no idea what you are talking about professor.” The girl blatantly lied.

Professor Sprout chortled before she took a deep breath and resumed her talk once more. “You’ve become the first student ever to become a Quidditch captain in their very first year, are an unbelievably gifted seer that has brought joy and wonder into Professor Trelawney’s life and even added a God of Chaos to the school’s staff roster. But most importantly though, you’ve given this old duffer of a witch often laughed at by her peers and honestly wondering if it was time to hang up her trowel at the beginning of the year, renewed hope that Hufflepuff house can become great once more. And all this on top of having to adjust to a new form and way of life in just five months alongside coping with severe mental trauma. It doesn’t matter what you look like, rather the actions and choices you make that define your path in life and even in only a short space of time I couldn’t be anymore proud of the choices you have made and as I said previously, I’m sure your parents are to, wherever they may be. Now wipe those tears and give this old Huffleduffer a hug.”

Scootaloo wrapped her arms around Professor Sprout and hugged her head of house, a smile slowly worked its way back onto her face.

After an age Professor Sprout slowly released the girl. “That’s what I want to see, you truly have a wonderful smile.” She chuckled. “Now, it’s nearly half past one and the snowman building competition begins in half an hour, shall we finish our lunch and make our way out to the training fields? Dumbledore sent us a rather scrumptious looking chocolate cake for dessert!”


Over the course of the next fifteen minutes the three girls entertained Professor Sprout with some of the highlights of their first term at Hogwarts. Finally, after the chocolate cake had been thoroughly devoured, they trudged through the snow out onto the training fields where Hermione went to join Harry, Ron and the rest of the Gryffindors while Scootaloo and Bloom went and found Sweetie who was trying valiantly to keep warm as even more snow started to fall from the clouds up above.

“There you two are. I was seriously worried after Harry told me that slimeball from Slytherin had said something really nasty to you Scoots. I was sorely tempted to use Ducklifors on him, but felt the pair of rabbit ears Professor Snape refused to remove till after lunch were good enough. How you feeling now anyway?”

“A lot better thanks. Professor Sprout always knows how to cheer me up and Dumbledore sent us a lovely lunch to her cottage.” Scootaloo replied.

“Her cottage is worse than the common room, you could barely take a step without stepping on a plant.” Apple Bloom chipped in.

“Like you were complaining. You spent most of lunch admiring them all. She even has a smaller version of that man-eating pine tree, which this crazy one fed and petted like it was Winona back on the farm.” Scootaloo went on.

“He was really friendly and well behaved. Professor Sprout told me his name’s Norman.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie stared at Apple Bloom like she’d just grown another head. Finally, Sweetie spoke.

“Anyhow, glad to see you’re feeling better Scoots, we’re going to need you at your best if we are to win the snowman building contest.”

“I wish I could say the same about you. Weren’t you supposed to get the boot of today? Please tell me nothing’s wrong, I need my star keeper back out on the field early January.”

“Yeah, I was and don’t worry, fingers crossed it should be off just before Christmas. The problem has been because it was such a small fracture in such a key position that it has been hard for her to cure it completely with magic due to not only its size but also without making a mistake and possibly causing a greater injury. Otherwise, I’d have been out of this boot a week ago, rotten luck.” Sweetie explained.

“That’s great. I know the game was difficult, but you still want to be our keeper don’t you, no second thoughts? I feel somewhat guilty for your injury.” Scootaloo admitted.

Sweetie looked at her mouth agape for a moment. “Are you kidding me? After everything I went through in that match, you’d think I’d pack it all in now. Not in a million years. I’d have to be in a full body cast to miss either of our remaining two matches. We’re going to bring a smile to Professor Sprout’s face by the end of the year with both the Quidditch and House Cups. Firstly though, we’ve a snowman building contest to win.”

Perfectly timed Dumbledore bellowed, “settle down please.” Slowly the chattering of students across the field quietened as they awaited their headmaster’s instructions. “Thank you very much. It looks like we’ve a record turnout this year despite the atrocious weather.” As if on cue the headmaster had to grab a hold of his hat as a strong gust of wind attempted to blow it away. “Anyhow, with the record snowfall this year we felt it only fitting that our annual Christmas competition involved it in some way. Simply put, here are the rules and regulations. Each house has two hours to build the perfect sculpture out of snow. It can be absolutely anything and there are no restrictions magic wise, let your imaginations and creativity run wild. The only restriction is that any sabotage of other houses sculptures will result in immediate disqualification for that house. We do not need a repeat of last years mass brawl over a simple game of life size wizard’s chess.” He paused for a moment giving the Slytherins a stern look before continuing. “Nevertheless, that’s history now and where was I, oh yes. This year 110 points shall be issued as followed. Each head of house will vote for the snow sculpture they like the most that is not their own house. Each of these votes is worth ten house points. I shall also vote for my favourite. This vote is worth twenty house points but will still only count as one vote. Finally, the house with the most votes wins the grand prize of not only fifty house points, but a very special house Christmas party in the Great Hall this evening. Alright, now without further ado.”

Dumbledore pulled his wand from his robes and pointed it above his head. A timer appeared displaying 2:00:00 which swiftly dropped to 1:59:59.


Percy immediately attempted to take charge.

“You, fourth years, start transfiguring items into wheel barrows and shovels.”

“First and second years start filling those wheel barrows with.”

Fred and George accidentally shoved him into a pile of snow.

“Oops, careless us. Now listen up everybody, we’ve the perfect idea.” The twins said in unison laying blueprints upon the ground.


Scootaloo and the Prefects were brainstorming ideas while the rest of the Hufflepuffs waited with baited breath.

“So, what theme should we go for?” Daniel quizzed.

“How about something to do with Christmas at Hogwarts?” Maddie suggested.

“Hmm, maybe, but what exactly. Only thing I can think off is the oversized trees Hagrid brings in every year.” Bree stated.

“Good point, but what then?” Maddie replied a little flummoxed.

“How about a giant magically enchanted snarling badger?” Scootaloo popped up with out of the blue.

Six stunned faces turned and looked at the girl.

“Where on Earth did that come from?” Thomas exclaimed.

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders. “No idea, just came to me.”

“Doesn’t matter where the idea came from it sounds totally awesome.” Wanda cackled malevolently.

“I agree, any objections?” Daniel quickly pressed the matter at hand.

There were none.


“So, the first years have reported back that Ravenclaw are going with a snow sculpture of Dumbledore dressed as Santa Claus.” Mathias Bulstrode, Slytherin’s fifth year male prefect announced.

“And apparently the Hufflepuff’s are going with their house logo of a badger, how unimaginative of the both of them.” Head Boy Augustus Flint said. “What about the Gryffindor’s Marcus. You better not have let our family or our house down again like you did in that Quidditch match.”

Marcus visibly flinched before regaining his composure and standing up straight he said confidently. “Unfortunately, the Weasley twins have hijacked Gryffindor’s entry into the competition and are keeping everything very hush, hush. Our infiltrator couldn’t get close enough I’m afraid to say to discover just what they are up to, although knowing them it will be some kind of prank or other.”

Augustus stroked his chin for a moment. “Hmm, that is slightly concerning, but knowing those two they will be focused less on winning and more on cheap laughs. If we stick to implementing my idea, we’ll win this easily. You each know your roles. We’ve ninety minutes to achieve perfection and I expect nothing less from all of you. Failure is not an option.” He finished with a snarl and dismissed Slytherin’s prefects and Quidditch captain.


“Five…four…three…two…one, TIME.” Dumbledore bellowed. “Students, stop your building please.

Slowly and reluctantly the students retreated from the works of art they had painstakingly created over the past two hours. Although he would never admit it, even Dumbledore was a little frightened of the thirty foot plus snarling snow badger that had slowly appeared on the field. He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it breathed fire or something similarly crazy. He was also intrigued by the beautiful twelve-foot replica of himself as Santa Claus constructed by Ravenclaw. With a cold hearty breath, he thought it best to get this over with quickly so that he could retreat back to his nice warm and cosy study with a mug of hot cocoa before joining the winning house in the great hall for dinner, especially with the light now deteriorating rapidly and snow once again beginning to fall.

“Heads of house with me please. First up will be Gryffindor’s entry.” He wandered over with a lantern in his hand to where Fred and George Weasley were standing in front of a tarpaulin. He was shortly followed by Professors Sprout, McGonagall, Snape and Flitwick, the students crowding together behind the professors in a vain attempt to keep warm.

Minerva had her head in one of her hands, already fearing the worst.

“Hello headmaster and professors, today Weasley” one of the twins blared.

“And Weasley are hear to dazzle you with a recreation” the other twin continued.

“Of a momentous event in Hogwarts history!” the first twin finished yanking the tarpaulin of a twin set of snow people.

Professor McGonagall wished she could crawl into a hole and die right then and there. Standing in front of her were life size replicas of Professors Sprout and Snape. She automatically knew what was coming next.

“Intriguing boys” Dumbledore mused wandering around both sculptures. “Both sculptures bare an uncanny resemblance to both professors.”

“My nose is definitely not that pointy and I certainly do not have a gut.” Snape interjected.

Dumbledore paid no attention to the unhappy Potions professor. “I do have two questions though, why did you opt to make life size sculptures of two of your professors and why is professor Sprout wearing boxing gloves?”

Professor McGonagall’s eyes shot open in alarm. Please no.

“Glad you asked headmaster. If you’d kindly step back for a moment please.” George or Fred instructed.

“It’s time for the fun to begin.” The other twin added.

A smile crept upon Dumbledore’s face. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less with the both of you in charge.”

“I’m sorry sir. I tried to stop them but nobody would.” Percy’s objections were abruptly cut of as George’s outstretched leg sent him flying head first into what little snow remained on the ground.

“Whoops! My bad. Now as Fred was saying, let the fun begin.” And with a swish of his wand the snow clone of Professor Sprout stepped forward into the face of the one of Professor Snape.

“Go fuck yourself Severus.” It bellowed in Sprout’s voice before promptly lifting its right arm and punching the snow clone of Snape in the face causing it to instantly explode and send snow flying everywhere!

Dumbledore looked on in amazement for a moment, his robes now covered in snow. He then chuckled merrily.

Professor Sprout had gone red in the face.

Flitwick was attempting and failing not to laugh his head off.

The students standing behind the professors were cheering with glee.

Professor Discord had once more appeared out of nowhere and was clapping and whistling ecstatically.

Snape’s right eye twitched in annoyance.

“The best part is we used a reconstitution spell so.” George stopped as magically the snow clone reappeared.

“Like a second demonstration?” Fred asked.

“Yes!” Discord and the students cried.

“No.” Professor McGonagall growled angrily. “A month’s detention for both of you once classes resume after Christmas.”

Boos rang round the field.

“And you’ll all be quiet unless you wish to join them.” McGonagall added.

The boos slowly and reluctantly deteriorated.

Fred and George were not phased at all though by the ticking off from their head of house.

“Totally worth it.” George chortled.

“Definitely” Fred added.

“And a further month of cleaning the Potions lab. And don’t think you can escape while my back is turned this time, I found your escape hatch.” Snape droned.

“Oh yeah. We heard you put your foot in it, literally. Oh well, gives us time to dig another one!” Fred said with a wide smile.

“You do and that’ll be another month Mr Weasley.” Snape admonished.

“Ahem” Dumbledore coughed attempting to regain everyone’s attention. “Thank you, boys, for that intriguing re-enactment” he said trying to hold back a laugh. “It was certainly amusing and I have to praise you and your housemates for such beautifully sculpted and life like statues of our professors.”

“I told you I’m not fat and my nose is not that pointy.” Snape grumbled once more, only opting not to take points from Gryffindor due to the presence of the headmaster.

“Yes, yes, Severus, I heard you the first time. Also, points for successfully incorporating magic into your entry. Overall, a very good start, well done to Gryffindor. Now, next I’d like to get a close up look at this badger.” Dumbledore said trotting off to view Hufflepuff’s entry.

“I’m watching you two.” Minerva growled crossly at the Weasley twins before following Dumbledore along with the other professors, Professor Sprout’s face was still bright red.


Dumbledore inspected the giant badger with great interest.

“Outstanding. To create something so big with such detail and craftmanship in such a short space of time. I know Hufflepuff’s are known for their dedication, commitment and hardworking ethos, but this is truly something else.” The Headmaster marvelled. “It’s even got its own personal snow shower!” He pointed to the small cloud perched above the badger draping it in more snow.”u

Scootaloo beamed. “A personal touch, I thought you’d like it. Still, you haven’t seen the best part yet. It breathes fire.” The girl cackled with glee.

“It breathes fire.” Dumbledore sighed. “Of course it does. Only you and your friends would think of creating a snow sculpture that breathes fire. Go on then, lets see it.” He finished taking a few steps back for safety.

Professor McGonagall’s and Professor Flitwick’s eyes went wide in alarm.

Professor Sprout gave a hearty cackle.

Professor Discord put on a pair of sunglasses.

Snape droned “Are we sure that’s”

The giant badger roared and a ball of fire shot out of its mouth. Ravenclaw’s Father Christmas Dumbledore was obliterated into a pool of water as Ravenclaws dived left and right to safety.

“Oops.” Scootaloo muttered sheepishly.

“Disqualified.” Snape said monotonously.

Professor Sprout whacked him round the back of his head with her trowel.

“I hate this job.” Snape groused rubbing the back of his head.


“Absolutely outstanding. You’ve all done a marvellous job and no chaos anywhere to be seen.” Snape said to Augustus Flint with an actual smile on his lips as he and the other professors watched the finale of Slytherin’s entry, a magically enchanted snow sculpture of a ballet dancer performing Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy to music coming from an equally magically enchanted snow sculpted gramophone.

“Thank you, sir, I’m glad it was to your liking. We all worked very hard to make you proud.” Augustus said bowing to the Potions professor.

“Hmm, yes, a very good use of magic although the sculptures themselves lack the detail of some of the other entries.” Dumbledore interrupted stroking his beard.

“What other entries.” Snape huffed. “Hufflepuff have been disqualified, Ravenclaw’s entry is now a pool of frozen water and Gryffindor’s is insulting and disgraceful. Surely this must win by default.” Snape growled angrily.

“Hmm, we shall see, but remember this is a snow sculpture building contest and this entry really does lack the intricate detail of Gryffindor’s entry. I’ve also not made up my mind on Hufflepuff yet. Let’s take five to think things over.” Dumbledore explained before heading back to the impromptu stage Hagrid and Filch had set up earlier in the day. Professor’s Flitwick, McGonagall and Sprout followed in his footsteps.

Snape grumbled incoherently before he muttered, “I’m surrounded by idiots.”


In almost pitch darkness the snow started to fall heavier and heavier and was joined by an icy wind that rattled Dumbledore to his core. “Quiet please” he hollered and almost immediately the talking between students below ceased. “Now I know we all want to get back into the warmth of the castle ASAP for our house Christmas parties so I’ll make this as quick as possible.”

He dropped his hand into a bowl and pulled out one of four pieces of paper.

“Professor Snape votes for Ravenclaw. An interesting choice but nevertheless ten points to Ravenclaw.” Dumbledore bellowed against the wind leading to polite clapping from the students below the stage. He quickly reached in and pulled out another scrap of paper. “Professor McGonagall votes for Slytherin’s delightful rendition of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy along with Professor Flitwick” he announced upon pulling out the third scrap of paper. “That’s twenty points to Slytherin.” In the inky darkness a roar of triumph erupted from the Slytherins as groans echoed from the other students. Finally, he pulled out the last piece of paper and unfolded it. “Professor Sprout awards ten points to Gryffindor.”

The Gryffindors gave a small cheer knowing it would be very difficult for them to overcome Slytherin now. Professor Sprout stared defiantly at Snape and stuck her tongue out through the gloom at the Potions professor.

“And finally, as it was not a deliberate act of sabotage, my vote goes to Hufflepuff. Accidents happen and in my eyes their sculpture was the best of them all and the one where the majority of work went into the sculpture rather than magical enhancements. Still, in the spirit of fair play, they shall only receive ten points with Ravenclaw receiving the other ten as compensation for the destruction of their sculpture.” Dumbledore announced.

Scootaloo’s despondent expression in the crowd lightened a little at the headmaster’s announcement. Snape turned his dour expression upon the headmaster for a moment before deciding not to press the matter further as it ultimately meant his house had won the competition overall for yet another year.

“So, I believe that means that this year’s winners of the annual Hogwarts Christmas competition are Slytherin. Congratulations, fifty house points to Slytherin and I shall ensure the Great Hall is ready for your celebrations at seven o’clock sharp. You are hereby dismissed and thank you once again for your participation this year.” Dumbledore finished and wrapped up proceedings.

The Slytherins roared in triumph once again as the other houses groaned and grumbled before everybody made a dash for the castle and the warmth of the roaring fires in each of their common rooms as the wind and snow continued its relentless assault upon them.

“I can’t believe Fred and George got the majority of our house to go along with their idea.” Ron pretty much shouted to be heard as he, Harry and Hermione neared the entrance to the castle.

“I know. It was really insensitive of them. Poor Professor Sprout went as red as a tomato in embarrassment!” Hermione huffed.

“It was pretty funny seeing Snape explode though, even if it wasn’t the real thing. Great work on the nose by the way Ron.” Harry giggled.

“Oh, he really hated that didn’t he.” Ron said with a wicked grin.

“Really you two, you are nearly as bad as Fred and George.” Hermione scolded.

Harry continued to giggle. “Oh, come on Hermione, lighten up a little. It’s nearly Christmas and we’ve no more lessons for three weeks, even if me and Ron do have to remain here for the duration.”

“Oh, that reminds me. I do hope you’ll continue trying to find out who this Nicholas Flamel character is while I’m away? And send me an owl if you find anything.” Hermione suddenly remembered.

“Of course. You could also ask your parents if they know who Flamel is, I’m guessing it would be safe to ask them?” Ron replied.

“Very safe, as they’re”

Hermione never finished what she was about to say as a great burst of wind engulfed the three first years along with an orange blur.

“Merlin’s beard, what was that?” Ron exclaimed his hair sticking up all over the place. “Wait, where’s Hermione? Some creature must have nabbed her! We’ve got to get McGonagall!” Ron exclaimed.

“Yes, Mr Weasley, what is it now. After the little escapade your brothers pulled off this had better be good.” The aforementioned professor said sternly approaching the two boys from behind.

“Some creature just nabbed Hermione and took off with her.” Ron exclaimed frantically.

“She was there one moment talking to us and then there was this great surge of wind and a flash of orange and she was just, gone!” Harry added completely bewildered by the whole situation.

“Ah, I see Miss Prewett found her then. Although I disapprove of her not only flying in this weather but also kidnapping fellow students, it’s Christmas, so I’ll let it go. Now come along boys before you are completely soaked through from the weather and nursing colds for the entirety of the holidays. I’m sure Miss Granger will join the party later.” The professor finished pushing the two boys along in front of her while taking a swig from a hip flask. It had certainly been one of the more interesting terms she’d endured as a teacher, but it had also been one of the most trying. She was sixty percent sure Miss Granger would be fine and anyway, she was a smart child, Minerva was sure the girl could get herself out of trouble for once, tonight she was on vacation. She took another swig from the hip flask.

Harry and Ron looked nervously at each other.


Hermione found herself tumbling head first into the snow. Slowly she gathered her bearings and pulled herself out of the snow, wand drawn.

“Show yourself fiend” she screamed through the blizzard.

“Sorry about that, it’s really hard to fly in these conditions, let alone while carrying someone. You need to lay of the puddings at dinner time.” Scootaloo said cheekily.

“HEY” Hermione cried indignantly into the blizzard. “Not only do you kidnap me, but now you have the nerve to say I’m fat. Let me just say that you had better have a good reason for dragging me off to goodness knows where in the middle of a blizzard or someone is going to spend the evening in the infirmary rather than their common room.”

Scootaloo chuckled, “have to find me first.”

“Oh, it is so on.” Hermione cackled racing towards where she believed the voice was coming from.


“Oooh, nearly that time, how about over here.” Scootaloo’s voice echoed mockingly through the darkness.

“You are so dead when I find you.” Hermione grumbled. For the past two minutes she’d wandered aimlessly through the snow following Scootaloo’s voice, each time she felt she was getting close it ended up getting further away again.


“What now.” Hermione groaned hugging herself to try and keep herself warm, the thick jacket and winter robes she had on only barely keeping the icy cold at bay. Slowly she reached out and felt what she’d just walked into. It was a door. Yes, there was a knob.

“Well, anywhere would be better than out in this snowstorm” she mumbled to herself, although thinking about it the odds of Scootaloo pouncing on her inside wherever it was she currently found herself entering were pretty high. Still she’d take that gamble.

Wand at the ready and lighted with Lumos she pulled the door open and entered the…broom shed? Why in all tarnation had Scootaloo led her here of all places and in the middle of a snowstorm in the dead of winter? A lantern illuminated the small space from above her and she quickly mouthed “Nox” and lowered her wand.

Aside from the brooms and the howling wind that ripped through the dilapidated wooden planks that made up the walls, there was not that much interesting to be seen in the tiny, rickety old shed. Except for the fact that standing with the biggest smuggest grin at the far end of the small shed was Scootaloo holding a broom.

“Explanation now, or death, your choice.” Hermione growled, her breath rising as mist in the ice-cold shack.

“Oh rats, you caught me. You know you are really cute when you’re angry and covered in snow.” Scootaloo said with mock irritation at being found.

Hermione’s face went red.

Scootaloo giggled before she simply said “catch” and threw the broom across the small shed.

Hermione barely had time to react. In the end she took the broom to her chest in a sort of awkward one-armed hug.

“Merry Christmas.”

“What?” Hermione looked at her friend in complete bewilderment while stroking the beautifully polished ash handle

“Didn’t think I’d forget, did you? I know we’ve both been really busy past month and barely seen each other outside of lessons, bar from a few early morning flights when the weather has behaved itself, but I’d never forget to get such a good friend a Christmas gift. The goblins at Gringotts are shrewd investors and contacted me over the summer about a man called Randolph Spudmore seeking investment to develop a radical new racing broom to compete with the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. They thought I’d be interested, of course I was. This is one of his earliest prototypes. Randolph was going to scrap it and re-use some of the parts because apparently the broom acted way too much of its own accord and constantly had a penchant for completely ridiculous and reckless stunts combined with the fact he realised that no one was able to actually stay on a broom going faster than 150mph. I instantly knew exactly who it would be perfect for. What you have there is a one of a kind Brunhilda broomstick. Ash handle, a unique mixture of birch and hazel twigs to maximise both speed and precision turning. Top speed 222mph. No one will ever own another one like it. I’ve been dying to try it myself since it arrived last week, but it’s not mine to.” Scootaloo never finished as Hermione squealed with glee hugging the broomstick tight to her chest.

“Thank you. Thank you, thank you. How can I ever repay you?” Hermione’s squeals of joy turned to wails. “Oh my, I didn’t even get you anything. It completely slipped my mind.” The girl said morosely. “It wouldn’t be fair if I accepted this without giving you something in return.” Fighting every last fibre in her body Hermione pushed the broom away from her only to find it forced back into her chest.

“The only thing I want in return is to see a smile on your face as you attempt to outfly me and Broomy. Now how about we take Brunhilda here for a little test run and prove Randolph wrong.” Scootaloo grinned like a loon.

Hermione stared at the girl for a moment before stuttering “out there? In that blizzard. We’ll either be killed or put in detention for a month if anyone finds out.” A grin of equal lunacy slowly adorned her face. “What are we waiting for?”


“Yahooooooooo.” Hermione screamed as she hung on for dear life, the broom zipped through the blizzard as if it was nothing but a mere snow flurry and soared higher and higher into the nights sky. Scootaloo hung valiantly onto her waist. “This is unbelievable. I’ve never felt so alive!” She howled so Scootaloo could hear her even though the other girl was sat right behind her.

“I know right. This is totally insane!” Scootaloo roared in reply as without any instruction the broom did a loop de loop followed by a corkscrew, still soaring higher and higher.

Then, suddenly, the broomstick burst free from the clouds and the pelting snow and wind. In time it slowed to a standstill as if it was admiring the view. Stars twinkled in the sky above and an almost full moon shone down upon them. The sound of the storm was gone. Silence engulfed them.

“Wow” was all Scootaloo muttered. “This has sure been some ride. What a beautiful night!”

“Erm.” Hermione chuckled nervously turning to face Scootaloo. “Thanks, for everything.”

Before Scootaloo even knew what was happening Hermione’s lips were locked upon hers. Her eyes shot open in total surprise. Thoughts crashed against each other in her mind. She was eleven, wasn’t it a bit young to be having these feelings? She’d only known Hermione for four months, wasn’t this a little fast? Shouldn’t she be snogging boys not girls? So many conflicting emotions crashed through her mind but so did all the time she’d spent with Hermione and how she’d enjoyed it, from their flights to doing homework with each other to the intriguing discussions and jokes they’d had with each other between lessons. Most importantly though, whenever she saw Hermione a smile always pierced its way onto her lips and butterflies danced in her stomach. Is this what love felt like, Scootaloo wondered as the other girl’s lips finally and rather awkwardly departed hers.

Upon seeing the confused look upon the other girl’s face Hermione immediately went bright red and tried to stutter an explanation. “I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know what came over.”

She never finished what she was about to say as Scootaloo closed her eyes, leant forward and returned the kiss with interest, attempting to entwine her tongue with the other girls. This time it was Hermione’s turn to go wide eyed before slowly she closed them and embraced the other girl, wrapping her arms around her. For a brief moment they clumsily explored each other’s mouths in the beautiful moonlight sky.

“Jesus Mary Josephina Christ, more fucking lesbians, just what this fucking story needs. At least wait a few years till you’re teenagers before you snog each other’s brains out you hormone driven sluts.” A voice cawed.

Both girls’ eyes shot wide open and still with their lips locked looked down to see Wally squeezed in-between the both of them.

“Earlier than expected, but congratulations to the both of you!” Discord’s voice cooed from a cloud above while holding a sprig of mistletoe over the two now red-faced girls. A mischievous grin adorned his face.

The God of Chaos slowly slithered of his cloud in his draconequus form and approached the two girls who had swiftly ended the kiss. Scootaloo was now guiltily looking away from Hermione and her adopted father as Hermione stared open mouthed at the monstrosity that approached them.

“What in tarnation is that thing?” Hermione said in fright, staring at Discord as he slowly approached.

“That is Professor Discord’s true form. Or, more accurately, my adopted father.” Scootaloo grumbled unhappy with the intrusion on her private moment with Hermione.

“I am sorry to intrude but was worried for the safety of both of you out here in this blizzard after Sweetie told me where you’d disappeared to.” Discord cooed.

“That traitor. I told her and Bloom in strictest confidence.” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Another Defence Against the Dark arts lesson for you. Never entrust your secrets to those who are ticklish. That Apple girl though sure can take some punishment. She refused to say nought no matter how hard I tried.” Discord replied as he slowly entwined himself around Hermione who shuddered in response. “Now I hate to interrupt your experimenting but I can already tell that the both of you are starting to experience the first stages of Hypothermia, thus I have no choice but to bring you both back to the school with me. Before we head back though, a little bit of advice for you Miss Granger. You ever break my daughter’s heart and I’ll hunt you down and snap you like a twig.” Discord growled ominously.

Hermione gulped, eyes going even wider.

Scootaloo slapped her father playfully round the head “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd, no threatening my girlfriend.” Scootaloo whined in embarrassment before going red once more. “That’s if you’d like to be” she quickly added looking sheepishly at Hermione.

“Of course, Dunderhead.” Hermione jested leaning in and kissing the girl once more just as Discord snapped his fingers.


The two girls stared back at the seven members of staff that stared at them, their lips still locked together on the broomstick. Everyone had gone bright red in embarrassment, except Discord who was howling with laughter. Bottles littered the floor of the infirmary and cards and chips dotted the table Madam Pince, Pomfrey and Hooch sat at along with Professor’s McGonagall, Sinistra, Sprout and Trelawney.

“Errrrrrr.” Pomfrey murmured.

“What should we do with the drunken teacher, what should we do with the drunken teacher,” Wally started to sing to everyone’s annoyance except Professor Trelawney and Professor Sprout who were high fiving each other.

“Alright, that’s a galleon from each of you for each of us.” The latter declared.

Professor McGonagall, her head slightly hazy from the large amounts of alcohol that had been consumed in the past few hours, attempted to rectify the situation. “Girls, we didn’t see anything if you didn’t.”

“Deal.” Both girls replied without hesitation.

Author's Note:

1:20am Saturday morning here in the UK, a couple shots of rum and some Dolly Parton in the background it is finally checked and ready for release, enjoy and please take a number to murder me, I never expected to add romance in here, this just kind of happened, still more natural than Ron and Hermione.

Edit: Few minor edits
Gramophone not grammar phone
Although it was clear to me, people have been confused by why Slytherin not Ravenclaw won the competition so I've added a little extra into this line to make it clearer. This vote is worth twenty house points but will still only count as one vote
Finally the two girls have only known each other for four not five months.
Overall though very minor fixes

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