• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,085 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Christmas Holidays Part 2: Christmas Day or is it Hearth's Warming?

In the end all three girls opted for an early night as they looked forward to the following days festivities. Slowly, as the night went on, silence and darkness engulfed the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. Not a creature stirred, not even a mouse. That was until two shadowy figures started sneaking around the castle in the depths of the night, leaving festive cheer wherever they went.

Apple Bloom awoke early the next morning in absolute awe and wonder at the vast array and assortment of packages that had magically appeared in their dormitory overnight along with a table filled to the brim with all manner of apple-based delicacies. She had immediately rushed from her bed and torn open the letter with her name on that had accompanied said delicacies.

Apple Bloom,

We’re all missing you greatly here on the farm. Have a wonderful Hearth’s Warming with your friends and we hope you all enjoy the breakfast me and granny spent all of yesterday preparing for you. Love you lots,


Apple Bloom sniffled as she finished the note, another tear forming in her eye. Just like her sister, short, sweet and straight to the point. Two photos accompanied the letter. The first of her brother, sister and granny in a massive group hug brought a wide smile to her lips. The second of her sister wide eyed and blushing as Rainbow kissed her on the cheek while dangling some mistletoe above them with one of her wings elicited a chuckle from within her.

“Ugh, keep it down. I’m trying to sleep.” Scootaloo grumbled tangled in amongst her sheets.

“And a Merry Christmas to you to Scoots!” Apple Bloom replied merrily before she took a sip from a glass of Apple juice she had poured herself. “How were your kissing studies with Hermione?” She teased.

Scootaloo was halfway back to dreamland before she suddenly realised just what the other girl had said and shot straight up in her bed red faced. “I’ve no idea what you are talking about.” She blurted out.

“Oh, sure you don’t.” Apple Bloom giggled. “Neither of us ever realised you talk in your sleep till last night.”

Scootaloo’s face went even redder. “I do not.” She stammered. “You are just trying to get me to confess to something that isn’t true!”

“Give it up already Scootaloo, you might as well just admit it. Not like we’re going to think any differently of you. And Apple Bloom, what did I say about teasing over the holiday? Would you like to spend Hearth’s Warming as a mouse?”

“You do that and Hagrid will be spending tomorrow thawing you from a block of ice after retrieving you from the lake.” Apple Bloom retorted sticking out her tongue.

“I’d like to see you try.” Sweetie growled

“FINE.” Scootaloo interjected sulkily. “Me and Hermione took the broom for a test run in the blizzard and she ended up kissing me and I kissed her back. And yes, we are now seeing each other. You both happy now?” She finished with a pout.

Sweetie and Apple Bloom stared at each other for a moment.

“Was there tongue? What was it like? What did she taste like?” Apple Bloom suddenly blurted out a whole host of questions.

“Bloom.” Sweetie warned before she got out of her bed and went and wrapped the other girl in a hug. “We’re really happy for you Scoots, we really are. And if she ever dares to break your heart just let me know and I’ll transfigure her face into that of a troll or something similarly horrible.”

Scootaloo stared at the other girl for a moment unsure whether to be concerned or not. “Err, thanks, I think.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “You’re welcome. Now how about we have some breakfast before Apple Bloom devours everything. Then we can get started on the gifts. I see Bloom’s just noticed the Apple tree we got her.”

After they ate a hearty breakfast of apple-based treats the girls made a start on their gifts.

Apple Bloom received the least, but clarified once more she was used to not getting much and was just happy with what she did get. Aside from the tree her best friends had got her and the feast her family had provided for her and her friends the only other parcel she received was a small badly wrapped cyan blue one with a poorly written note attached.

Hey Apple Bloom,

AJ is going to kill me for doing this but after talking with her over how little you’ve received for Hearth’s Warming over the years, I felt compelled to get you something nice. I know it isn’t much but I hope you like it, your soon to be sister-in-law,

Rainbow Dash.

P.S. I hope you don’t mind, but I got a similar one for Scootaloo of her own cutie mark.

Intrigued, Apple Bloom hastily ripped into the parcel which contained a small box. Her interest peaked she hastily opened the small box to find a simple gold pendant of her cutie mark along with a gold chain. For many it wouldn’t have felt like much but to one who had received so few gifts over the course of her life it meant everything.

“What you got there?” Scootaloo enquired, pausing the unwrapping of her own presents to see what Apple Bloom had received. “Oh wow, that’s neat, who sent you that?”

“Rainbow Dash did.” Apple Bloom forced out, still overwhelmed by the act of generosity from someone she still knew so little about and had only met face to face on very few occasions.

“Woah, she did. That’s totally awesome! Hang on, she’s got me something here to.” Scootaloo rummaged through her own presents and pulled out her own poorly wrapped cyan blue present. It didn’t take her long to unwrap and reveal her own necklace with a pendant of her cutie mark on. “Woah, neat.” She exclaimed before opening her own letter.

Hey squirt,

I bet you weren’t expecting a gift from the one and only Rainbow Dash this Hearth’s Warming once more! Keep up the awesome work kiddo,

Rainbow Dash

P.S. I hope you don’t mind, but I got a similar one for Apple Bloom of her own cutie mark.

“Huh, I’m surprised you’re not going insane having received a Hearth’s Warming gift from your idol,” Apple Bloom exclaimed having got over the initial shock of her own gift.

“She bought me my scooter last year. You remember that high pitched scream that shattered most the windows in Ponyville last Hearth’s Warming? That was me.” Scootaloo admitted guiltily going red faced once more.

“That was you?” Sweetie burst into the conversation. “Rarity was so pissed when that happened. It was hilarious.” She finished with yet another giggle.

“Huh, we heard about it but seeing as the farm is the other side of town to the orphanage didn’t have any real problems.” Apple Bloom said. “Hey Scoots, stop looking so embarrassed and help me with this fiddly thing.”

After Scootaloo had helped Apple Bloom with putting on her new necklace and vice versa, the former returned to her own pile of gifts. She soon wished she hadn’t. Apart from the necklace Rainbow had given her she’d so far also opened Molly’s gift to her which had contained a hand knitted yellow jumper with a black S for Scootaloo on it along with a box of homemade fudge and a tattered looking second-hand copy of Quidditch through the Ages. After these two she was left with three more from Discord the girls and Hermione. She started with Hermione’s which included a note that read.

I’m so sorry I couldn’t get you anything more on my allowance. Hope the book interests you and provides you with something new. I expect you to teach me some of these on my return! Missing you greatly, love,


“Ahh, how sweet.” Apple Bloom teased earning her a slap over the back of her head from Sweetie Belle. The former retaliated by glowering at the latter, both having decided to forego examining their own presents for the time being to see what their friend had received.

Ignoring the two girls and their squabbling, Scootaloo ripped open the parcel to reveal a heavy book entitled The BIG Book of Insane Broomstick Stunts and a couple of chocolate frogs. A big grin adorned her face, she was sure there would be something in that book she hadn’t thought of yet. Putting the book and frogs aside for one moment she moved onto Discord’s which was a rather flat parcel that did not include a note and was wrapped in yellow paper with pink polka dots. She immediately regretted her decision. Her wings flared open from her back and her face went scarlet once more as she saw what was enclosed, a gold photo frame with a close up shot of her and Hermione kissing.

“Oh, so that answers the tongue question.” Sweetie giggled earning her a slap over the back of her head from Apple Bloom.

“Ow Bloom, I didn’t hit you that hard.” Sweetie groused rubbing the back of her head.

“Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” Scootaloo murmured.

“Oh dear, I think Discord’s gift broke her. Hey, Earth to Scootaloo, anyone in there!” Sweetie cried.

Scootaloo shook her head and laid the quite intimate picture of her and Hermione to one side for the moment opting to instead finish unwrapping her final gift from her two best friends.

“Girls, just what in Equestria have you bought me, it looks like a coffin!” Scootaloo exclaimed examining the oversized rectangular box that lay on the floor.

“Maybe it is, for when Hermione finally has enough of you.” Apple Bloom tittered.

“Thanks.” Scootaloo deadpanned before ripping off the paper on her last present. It didn’t reveal much just a large brown cardboard box with a note attached.

I hope you find the costume inside this box to your satisfaction. It was certainly one of the most unique, unusual and challenging jobs I’ve ever undertaken, especially the added enchantments to ensure it will perfectly fit whoever wears it, roar on command and even breath fire! Still, as a fellow Hufflepuff it was an honour and a privilege to have been given this job. Enjoy, and all the best in your next Quidditch match,

Madam Malkin

Scootaloo looked at the note once more with a puzzled expression. The note had only generated more questions rather than answers as to what was in the box. Still, she wasn’t going to get any answers to these questions just by sitting here. She reached into the draw in her nightstand and pulled out a pen knife before delicately cutting the Sellotape that sealed the box. Slowly she opened it. Her mouth dropped in surprise. Inside was a beautifully handcrafted and highly detailed badger costume.

“Every team has got to have a mascot and this’ll give Bloom something to do while we’re on the pitch.” Sweetie said. “Is it alright?”

“Yeah, wait, you said nothing about me having to wear it before.” Apple Bloom added before realising just what Sweetie had implied.

“It’s perfect.” Scootaloo said barely above a whisper inspecting the costume’s head. “And there is no time like the present to try it out.” The devilish grin was back.

Apple Bloom gulped.

“Don’t worry Bloom, we’ll all give it a go, but first let’s see what Sweetie got for Christmas.”

Apple Bloom wiped the sweat off her brow.

“Oh, my presents aren’t that interesting. A few Knick Knacks and trinkets along with a letter from my parents of their travels, a dress from Rarity,” Sweetie explained

“Oooh, lets see.” Apple Bloom interrupted.

Sweetie opened a small box on her bed and pulled out a sleeveless navy-blue sequin dress.

“Oooh,, that’s pretty.” Apple Bloom exclaimed impressed by the dress.

“Yeah, it’s nice but she has got me the same thing, a new dress, every year for my birthday and Hearth’s Warming since I was five using the same old excuses of you’ve grown so much in the past year or a proper lady can never have to many dresses. I will give her credit though for somehow making one for my human form. I’ve no idea how she got my current measurements!” Sweetie replied.

Scootaloo sniggered.

“Well that answers that question. Anyway, aside from my parents and my sister, Dumbledore gave me a complex book on Transfiguration theory that he himself wrote and which seems highly fascinating and I was just about to unwrap yours when I got distracted watching you. I can tell Rainbow Dash taught you how to wrap a present.” Sweetie finished examining the massive ball of tape and paper.

It took her a while, but finally she managed to get into the gift and gave a hearty chuckle at the Quidditch equipment that lay inside.

“I’m not sure whether to be extremely pleased and grateful for such beautiful equipment or to wonder if you had some ulterior motive. Can’t have your star keeper getting injured now can you?” Sweetie said with a wry grin.

Scootaloo chuckled nervously. “Okay, you got me. Part of me did want to keep my keeper injury free for the rest of the season, but the main reason was because I wanted you to have your own Quidditch equipment to use rather than the second-rate stuff which doesn’t even fit you that the school lends you. Yeah you may grow out of it in a few years, but that just gives me something to buy in the future for another Hearth’s Warming!” Scootaloo joked.

Sweetie gave her friend a light punch on the arm. “Thanks, doofus. I know you meant well and thanks for the broom care kit also. You to Apple Bloom. Now get that damn costume on before I force it on you.”


Professor Sprout had just started doing her usual Christmas morning routine of personally wishing all the students who were staying for the holidays a Merry Christmas when she walked into the first-year girls’ dormitory to the most peculiar site of a dancing two-legged badger in Hufflepuff colours.

“GIVE ME A F” Scootaloo shouted from within the suit.

“F” The other two girls on the bed yelled back in between chuckles.

“What does that spell?”

“Hufflpuff!” The girls screamed as the badger then proceeded to let out a mighty roar and sent a stream of fire into the air that caused Wally to let out a squawk of annoyance as he was forced to dodge the wave of fire.

“Stupid fucking bitch. First you wake me up and now you try and roast me.” He squawked unhappily before settling on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, the girl putting out the tiny bit of flame that had caught hold of his tail before passing him an apple to calm him down. “That’s better, bribery will get you everywhere with me.” The bird squawked in between nibbling his treat.

“Sorry Wally.” Scootaloo said guiltily while removing the head.

Professor Sprout was totally mesmerised, unsure whether to scold the girl for such reckless use of fire or squeal like a school girl at the fact her Quidditch team was the only one to now have a mascot and a totally radical one to. In the end she opted to simply clap politely to announce her presence to the three girls.

Scootaloo instantly turned around to take a look at the intruder.

“I see you girls are up nice and early. Enjoying your Christmas so far?” The professor commented.

“Definitely!” Scootaloo replied. “The girls got the team this nifty Mascot costume for our games. Apple Bloom’s promised to wear it on matchdays.”

“More like been forced to.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Scootaloo ignored the interruption. “It is magically enchanted to fit the wearer as well and can even breathe fire.”

“I saw.” Professor Sprout was trying to hold back a smile but failing badly. “A mascot will certainly be a welcome addition to the team and play an important part in maintaining team moral and spirit. Just please, no setting fire to anything in the castle.”

“See Bloom. You can’t let us down. I expect to see you at training cheering us on from now on.” Apple Bloom groaned in response to Scootaloo’s request but the latter once again chose to ignore the girl’s protestations. “And we promise Professor. I’ve destroyed enough of the castle for one year!” Scootaloo finished with a giggle. “I also see you got the plant we sent you via Discord.”

“Ah, I did wonder how you managed to sneak it into my abode and that would explain it. Yes, it truly is a unique specimen. Your note said it was called Poison Joke and that I should not under any circumstances take it out of the glass case, come into contact with it or breathe in any of its spores at any cost. Would you care to elaborate on that? I’ve not had time yet to go through either of the two books you sent along with it.” Professor Sprout stated.

It was Apple Bloom who replied. “We thought you might find it interesting and hopefully the two books that got sent with it will be able to explain it more for you. For simplicity though, if you come into contact with it in anyway shape or form it will play a practical joke on you that over time will become a physical affliction. It shrunk my sister to barely ten inches tall and gave her friends all kinds of kooky ailments as well, such as a male voice, a limp horn, a swollen tongue and so on. One of the books we gave you includes the remedy to reverse its effect.”

“How peculiar. I’ll certainly have to examine it further over the next few days. Anyway, I must dash. I’ve still all the other students to visit. Before I go though, these two are for you three girls.” She placed two parcels on the table that now had mostly empty bowls plates and mugs on it. “I see it looks like you’ve already had breakfast?”

“Yeah, Apple Bloom’s sister and granny sent us a load of treats.” Sweetie piped in. “And that’s really kind of you professor. Thanks so much!”

“Don’t mention it. Now I really must dash, but remember you are expected to be in the Great Hall by noon and Christmas dinner shall be served at 12:30. Enjoy the gifts!” She said through a mouthful of apple fritter re-opening the door before remembering one more thing. Looking over her shoulder she said in an impish tone “and I expect our new mascot to be wearing the suit or she’s in detention with me for a week after the holidays.” And with that the door slammed shut behind her.

“Fuck.” Apple Bloom swore going over to inspect the two gifts as the other two girls started to laugh uncontrollably once more. “Hey, we missed something earlier, there’s a letter here on the table for Scootaloo, looks like my sister’s writing. Oh, and one of these parcels is for Scootaloo, the other is for all of us.”

Scootaloo slowly got a hold of herself and followed Apple Bloom over to the table. I wonder what this could be about she said taking the letter from Bloom and opening it. Thirty seconds later her eyes were bulging out of her sockets and she started spouting complete incomprehensible gibberish.

“Gimme that.” Apple Bloom said rudely yanking the letter out of Scootaloo’s hands and reading it aloud for herself and Sweetie Belle.

Dear Scootaloo,

Me and Rainbow have one final surprise for you this Christmas. You see, both of us have decided that we need our own space once we are married and thus have opted to move into a new barn we will building in the spring a little way away in amongst the Orchard. As such, this will leave my room vacant and having discussed it with Discord he has agreed that while you are staying in Equestria you will be staying with us on the farm in the summer and any other holidays you wish to return home. Me and Dash will also be acting as your legal guardians during your visits. We hope you are okay with this arrangement and expect your response in the immediate future,

The soon to be Applejack Dash-Apple and Rainbow Dash-Apple

Sweetie immediately put her hands over her ears as Apple Bloom squealed with glee before screaming.

“You’re coming to live on the farm, you’re coming to live on the farm. That is so awesome.” She hadn’t even realised she was shaking the life out of poor Scootaloo.

“Bloom, please stop before I throw up my breakfast.” Scootaloo managed to squeak out.

Apple Bloom slowly stopped shaking the poor girl. Gradually the room stopped spinning for poor Scootaloo.

“You’re welcome.” A voice cooed from across the room. “I can already see you are having a wonderful holiday so far.” Discord said as he drank a rather bizarre looking bubbling concoction of unknown substances sitting once more in his throne.

Having got her bearings back Scootaloo ran over and leapt at her adopted father. Discord was taken aback for a moment before he caught the girl with one arm and wrapped her in a hug.

“Thanks dad you’re the greatest.” Scootaloo cried.

“No problem at all.” Discord managed to stammer. “You are also always welcome to stay at my place in the chaos realm, I just felt this arrangement would be easier and more suitable for you.”

“Thanks so much. Happy Hearth’s Warming dad. Did you like your gift?” Scootaloo queried.

“A glass with a fake bottom, just what I’ve always wanted. So chaotic!” Discord replied.

Scootaloo’s face beamed up at the draconequus and for a moment a bizarre sensation pierced his heart. Was this love? Discord quickly shook the thought away as Sweetie called out from across the room.

“Hey Scoots, sorry to interrupt your family moment, but we’ve still two presents to unwrap.”

Slowly Scootaloo let go of her adoptive father. “Did you want to stay for a while? Or shall we see you again at lunch?” Scootaloo enquired as Sweetie impatiently unwrapped the present for all three of them.

“I think right now you should have some time with your friends and I’ve a few other tasks to see to myself before lunch anyhow.” Discord explained.

“Oh my word, it’s a magical photo album of events from our first term.” Sweetie yelled from across the room.

“You really did make a good snowman Sweetie.” Apple Bloom joshed.

“I suggest you get back to them before you miss out. Merry Christmas daughter of mine.” Discord looked at Scootaloo with his usual wicked grin before he snapped two of his fingers and was gone.

“Hey Scootaloo, come open your final present and then take a look at these photos with us. There are some really good ones in here!” Apple Bloom called to her friend indicating to a spot next to her on her bed.

Scootaloo bounded over picking up her final gift from the table on the way before she jumped onto the bed. It was a rather small but weighty parcel wrapped in plain brown paper. A note was attached and she began reading it aloud for the other two girls benefit.


I know you have made significant progress since the start of term in Herbology. I’m really proud of the effort and hard work you put into your studies on a consistent basis even if you find it a struggle to do so. Hopefully the following book will make things easier for you in the long term. Keep making myself and Hufflepuff proud,

Professor Sprout.

“Huh, guess that solves the mystery of what it is.” Scootaloo said unwrapping the small jotter sized book. “101 Herbology Tips and Tricks by Pomona Sprout, neat.” She said having a quick scan through its contents. “This could really come in handy and yes girls, you can borrow and read it to if you wish when I’m done.”

“Could prove useful.” Sweetie remarked from Apple Bloom’s other side.

“Certainly interests me.” Apple Bloom commented.

“Well, I’ll try and give it a more in depth look and read over the next week. Right now though I want to enjoy my Hearth’s Warming and nothing sounds better to me than a look back over our time at Hogwarts so far.” Scootaloo explained wrapping one of her wings round Apple Bloom and Sweetie pulling them in close so that she could get a better look at the photo album along with her friends. In that moment and at that point in time, she couldn’t have been happier.


Everyone stared wide eyed at the anthropomorphic badger that had just entered the Great Hall.

“I hate you girls so much.” Apple Bloom’s muffled voice came from inside the suit.

Barely holding back her laughter Sweetie Belle replied. “Oh, stop being such a Snowfall Frost. Remember, it was your idea as much as mine.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t know I’d be the one to have to actually wear it. This suit is ridiculously hot to wear.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

“Typical Earth pony with rocks for brains.” Sweetie Belle jested.

“Hey! Unless you want me set your hair on fire, I suggest you stop picking on me.” Apple Bloom fired a warning shot across the unicorn’s bow.

“Stop your whining and give us a show, you know you want to.” Sweetie chuckled prodding the other girl in the ribs.

“I’m warning you.” Apple Bloom growled.

“That’s a great idea. Come on Bloom, why don’t you provide the Hufflepuffs with some pre-dinner entertainment. That’s an order from your captain.” Scootaloo demanded

Apple Bloom muttered something darkly under her breath.

“Is that dissent I hear?” Scootaloo barked.

Apple Bloom started doing a little jig. “Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, we’re number one. Badgers, badgers, fierce, loyal and true. We’ll fight till the end and never give up. Now come on everypuff it’s time to join in and show those other houses just what we’re made of. Give me a H.”

The hall fell silent bar from a few sniggers from the Slytherin table. In amongst all the sweat that now draped her body Apple Bloom was going red from embarrassment within the suit.

Then Professor Sprout, who had opted to sit amongst her students for the feast rose and bellowed “H”.

Apple Bloom smiled inside the suit. Trust Professor Sprout to join in this debauchery. Before she could even cry out Anthony had risen to his feet and cried.


Another student “F” and another and another as one by one the few Hufflepuffs all joined in before finally Apple Bloom boomed.


And as one the small contingent of Hufflepuffs boomed “HUFFLEPUFF!”

Apple Bloom sent out a controlled roar of fire that, although she couldn’t see it, elicited ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ of wonder from the Hufflepuffs before Apple Bloom somehow managed to give a little curtsy in the suit.

Although it was only a small number, the Hufflepuffs that were present nearly brought the place down with their cheers, whistling, clapping and drumming on the table in delight at the girl’s impromptu performance. Slowly, one or two others from the other tables got up to and clapped politely.

“See, they love you.” Scootaloo said next to Apple Bloom while elbowing the other girl in the ribs.

“I wish you two would stop doing that” Apple Bloom grumbled as she rubbed her side with a paw.

Finally, Dumbledore bellowed from the teacher’s table. “Order please.”

Slowly the noise and hubbub quietened down as Apple Bloom removed the badger head to suck in a lungful of fresh air, her face red from a combination of embarrassment at being the centre of attention and the physical exertion she’d just had to put into her performance.

“Ten points to Hufflepuff for a rather quirky bit of pre-lunch entertainment. Now if everyone wouldn’t mind settling down, I believe it is nearly time for our lunch.” A voice droned from the teacher’s table before Dumbledore could speak again.

Every head turned from the girl in the badger costume to Professor Snape at the teachers table in utter shock.


After the pre-dinner entertainment, the meal itself was just as spectacular. Countless turkeys, roast and boiled potatoes, pigs in blankets, vegetables and Yorkshire puddings were dotted across the tables along with boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce. Professor Sprout regaled the girls and her other students at the Hufflepuff table with hilarious tales during her time at Hogwarts whilst consuming unspeakable quantities of nettle wine, while up on the teachers table Dumbledore now sported a flowered bonnet, most likely from a wizard’s cracker. Professor Snape, who sported a brand-new silk black robe, was attempting to have a conversation with Professor Quirrell, who looked even more nervous than usual, but was getting constantly interrupted by Professor McGonagall and Hagrid who were hugging each other whilst merrily attempting to sing Christmas carols after drinking copious amounts of wine. Even Professor Trelawney had come down from her tower for Christmas lunch for the first time ever and almost hugged Scootaloo to death to thank her for the brand-new tea set she’d given her before giving the girl a book on fire omens in preparation for next terms sessions.

Overall, it would have been hard for anyone in attendance to deny the Christmas lunch was the standout event in the Hogwarts calendar and even as the meal drew to a close with flaming Christmas puddings there were still one or two surprises to be had. Despite everything that had been on offer during the standout meal, the standout item from the standout meal had to have been the stacks of wizard crackers massed every few feet along the tables. Having already seen these in action during one of Discord’s Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons, the girls ripped through a fair proportion of them and collected an array of interesting items, from sweets to joke items to a miniature broomstick that actually flied of its own accord. Each of the girls also now wore a novelty hat, Scootaloo had a Santa hat with beard, Sweetie wore a train conductor’s cap and Apple Bloom sported a black Stetson.

“Hey girls,” Scootaloo stated as she finished a mouthful of pudding. “We’ve one cracker left who wants to pull it with me!”

Barely before Scootaloo even finished speaking Apple Bloom had yanked the other end causing a loud boom and red smoke to engulf both of them. As it cleared, the latter declared “I won” displaying of her bigger half of the cracker to Scootaloo with a wide grin.

“Of course you did, Earth pony strength!” Scootaloo joked as the two girls turned their attention to the two items now sat on the table. “What is that?” She exclaimed.

“Silly, that’s a clown’s wig and nose. You should know that by now. Pinkie Pie wears them all the time back home.” Apple Bloom joshed.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Not that, that.” She pointed at the aquamarine egg that now sat on the table.

“No idea. Hey professor, you got any idea what this is?” Apple Bloom asked holding the egg up for the professor too see across from her.

Professor Sprout spat the nettle wine she was drinking back into the glass before coughing for a few moments as she tried to dislodge the wine stuck in the back of her throat.

“Well that doesn’t bode well.” Apple Bloom deadpanned to Scootaloo.

Finally Professor Sprout managed to catch her breath. “Sorry, but that my dear child is a very rare and priceless Phoenix egg. Where on Earth did you get it from?”

“I won it out of the final wizard cracker.” Apple Bloom said casually.

Professor Sprout’s jaw dropped.

“Uh oh, I think I broke Professor Sprout. Sweetie, do you mind getting Dumbledore, he might want to see this.” Apple Bloom chuckled nervously.

“Of course, I’ve got to give him my present anyway.” Sweetie Belle said as she rose from the table and walked up to the teacher’s table where Professor McGonagall and Hagrid were still butchering Christmas classics.

“Miss Belle, what brings you to our table?” Dumbledore said in his usual friendly tone as he finished his slice of Christmas pudding with custard lathered all over.

“Two things sir. Firstly, I wanted to give you this as a small thank you for the Transfiguration tuition.” She passed Dumbledore a small red parcel with pictures of holly on it.

“For me, you shouldn’t have.” Dumbledore said with a laugh as he unwrapped the present to reveal two pairs of hand knitted thick woollen red socks with orange phoenixes knitted into them. A tear came to Dumbledore’s eye. “How did you know?” He choked overcome with joy at finally getting what he’d really wanted after so many years of just being gifted books.

“I think that one is obvious. My best friends a seer.” Sweetie chuckled.

“Of course.” Dumbledore chuckled in reply regaining his composure. “Well, thank you very, very much from the bottom of my heart. I shall wear a pair later in front of the fire whilst reading a good book. This truly has been a wonderful Christmas so far, one of my favourites.” He announced putting the socks into a pocket in his robes before remembering. “Oh, wasn’t there something else you’d like to talk to me about?”

“Yeah, Apple Bloom kind of found a Phoenix egg in a wizard cracker.”

The singing stopped and before Sweetie knew what was happening every teacher, bar Discord, was making a dash to the Hufflepuff table. Sweetie couldn’t help but giggle as some kept falling over each other in the mad rush. Every other table was wondering what all the commotion was about, but by now had got used to the three chaos cursed girls and as such soon went back to finishing their own puddings.

By this point Professor Sprout had recovered her senses and was examining the egg closely. Although her mind was a little hazy from all the nettle wine she’d drunk, the egg was no illusion. It was one hundred percent a Phoenix egg. How it had ended up in a wizard cracker she’d no idea, but one thing was certain, it was now a part of Hufflepuff. She cackled with glee as a dozen or so pairs of eyes crowded in behind her. She carefully passed the egg to Dumbledore.

“Incredible! Simply incredible!” The headmaster exclaimed in disbelief. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes. And you say this came from a wizard cracker?”

“That’s right sir. Me and Scootaloo had no idea what it was till Professor Sprout told us. She’s already told me to keep it somewhere extremely safe until it is ready to hatch.” Apple Bloom clarified

“Yes, please do that. Although you won’t need to do anything surrounding its care as the phoenix inside incubates itself, if news gets out about this I wouldn’t be surprised if one or two people attempted to steal such a rare gem especially considering a phoenixes powers in regeneration. Furthermore, it could take years or even decades for the egg to hatch giving thieves plenty of time to plot their dastardly plans.” Dumbledore warned Apple Bloom before he passed her back the egg.

“Just let them try.” The girl growled hugging the egg protectively to her chest.

“Good. You’ve truly been blessed with a wonderful gift this Christmas Miss Bloom and I’m glad to see you taking your new responsibility seriously. For now, hide it somewhere in your dorm. After the holidays we’ll arrange to put it in your safe at Gringotts. Then, when the egg starts glowing orange, you can prepare yourself for when it hatches.” Dumbledore instructed.

“Yes sir.” Apple Bloom replied.

“Excellent, now I believe it is nearly time to officially finish this meal.” He started back towards the teacher’s table.

The remaining teachers stayed rooted to where they stood as the girl started talking nonsense and cradling the egg like a crazed lunatic.

Dumbledore coughed startling the other teachers out of their stupefaction. Slowly and reluctantly they followed him back to the teachers table, most still though with their eyes fixed upon the girl and the prized possession she protectively held to her chest. Only Professor Snape refused to move, looking somewhat discomfited.

“Yes professor? Is there something I can help you with?” Pomona growled angrily.

“Erm, yes, there is. I just wanted to thank your student for the robe she purchased for me for Christmas and give her this.” He pulled a battered looking textbook from said robe before passing it across the table to the girl who looked at it a little puzzled.

“Thanks sir, but I already own a copy of Advanced Potion-Making.” Apple Bloom said politely.

“That may be so, but this one is my own personal copy from my time at Hogwarts. I’ve noticed you getting a little frustrated with how some of your more advanced potions have not quite gone to plan and can assure you this book will help assist with these in the long term.” Snape explained.

Apple Bloom looked at the professor wide eyed for a moment before she flipped the book open with her right hand, still hugging the egg to her chest with her left. “You bastard.” She cawed.

“Excuse me?” Snape said, taken aback by the girl’s outburst.

“You knew all this time the perfect way to make Draught of Living Death and you never told me. I spent a day in the infirmary after my own tinkering of the recipe exploded in my face. All my bucking hair fell out and the rash that came with it was unbearable.” Apple Bloom snarled, her anger growing by the second.

“You let a first-year attempt to brew Draught of Living Death!” Professor Sprout roared, equally as angry with her colleague, but for completely different reasons.

Snape gulped. “Erm, yes well, I didn’t want to hinder Miss Bloom’s creativity or own personal development.” He tried desperately to explain.

Apple Bloom did not look at all happy with the response and neither did Professor Sprout but thankfully for the Potions professor he was saved by Albus calling out across the hall.

“Quiet please, I’d like to say a few words before we all depart too our common rooms. Ultimately, I’d just like to thank everyone for such an amazing meal this year. I’m just sad like all good things it has got to come to an end, but I’m sure I’ll see many of you again this evening for tea, if you’ve any room left that is after such a big meal!”

“Oh, we will!” One of the Weasley twins cried out to a round of laughter throughout the hall.

Dumbledore waited for the laughter to subside before he continued. “Thank you for your insight on the matter Mr Weasley. And on that note, I would just like to quickly finish up by wishing you a wonderful afternoon investigating all the gifts you received this morning. I myself am going to put my feet up by the fire in the brand-new socks I’ve received while reading a good book.” He finished looking and smiling at Sweetie Belle below. The girl blushed at the unexpected attention.

Apple Bloom and Professor Sprout turned their heads back towards the Potions professor. Snape had vanished.

“Sneaky bastard.” Wally cawed in-between nibbling some leftover Christmas pudding.

“You can say that again bird.” Professor Sprout grumbled.


The rest of Hearth’s Warming or Christmas thankfully went by relatively peacefully for the girls. After dinner they were invited to another snowball fight by Harry and Ron but politely declined as they were still recovering from the previous days one. They instead spent the afternoon each reading the new books they had received for Christmas in front of the fire in their common room although Apple Bloom spent just as much time inspecting the phoenix egg. After a scrumptious tea the girls ended up back in front of the fire before bed playing magical charades along with their housemates and Professor Sprout. Finally, with massive yawns they retired to their beds for the night where they almost immediately fell asleep, not even managing a goodnight to each other. Unbeknownst to the girls though, not everybody was planning to get a good night’s rest.


Later that night a figure slinked through the hallways of Hogwarts.

“Master,” a whiny voice whispered. Are you sure this is a good idea? I promise you I’ll try harder to get the stone, just give me more time please.”

“You fool, that’s why we’re doing this. You know very well your body is weakening from hosting my soul and that if we don’t do something drastic soon, we’ll both be dead. If we can get a hold of that phoenix egg and make it hatch, the regenerative powers it possesses will bide us all the time we need to get the stone.” A voice replied seemingly from nowhere.

“O-okay.” Professor Quirrell stammered as he approached the barrels that marked the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

“Now, do you remember which barrel the girls touched to gain entry?” The other voice stated.

“Yes, master. I believe it was two from the bottom, middle of the second row. You also have to play it in the rhythm of ‘Helga Hufflepuff’.”

“Good, you have done well for once Quirrell. We sneak in, find the girls dorm, find the egg and sneak back out again. Easy.” The voice commanded.

“I-if you s-say so m-master.” Professor Quirrell stammered as he reached out to press what he believed to be the correct barrel.

Before he’d even touched it, a blood curdling shriek pierced his ear drums from a distance.

“T-that’s from the library. S-somebody has snuck into the r-restricted section.” Quirrell whined pulling his hand back. “M-maybe we should come back tomorrow?”

“Nonsense you fool, it’s very faint and those who have been awoken by it will be distracted in trying to find out whose sneaking around the library at this hour. This is the perfect distraction we need. We can even wake the girl and force her to tell us where the egg is without repercussions.” The voice explained.

“I-if y-you s-say so master.” Quirrell reluctantly complied reaching out for the barrel once more. A stream of what smelt like vinegar shot out from the barrels into his face.

“My eyes!” He cried in agony stumbling back.

Something warm and sticky fell atop him from above followed by something else he couldn’t quite identify still blinded by the vinegar that stung his eyes. Slowly his vison cleared a little and he saw a pair of malevolent red eyes boring a hole into his soul. They were accompanied by a malicious voice.

“Leave now and don’t return. These girls are under my protection. Next time I won’t be so lenient.”

Scared out of his wits, Quirrell fled.


Snape was not happy. To be fair he wasn’t usually happy anyway, but right now he was even more unhappy than usual. Whereas right now he should be curled up in his bed instead he was slinking through the halls firstly following Professor Quirrell and now trying to find whoever had been attempting to steal something from the restricted section of the library with the help of Filch. He was just wondering if Quirrell knew he was onto him and planned the whole library episode to get him out of the way, when the other professor came bounding through the hallway in front of the two of them frightened out of his mind and covered in what looked like tar and feathers.

“Is that?” Filch began.

“I believe so.” Snape said. “Filch my old friend, please don’t mention what you saw tonight to anyone.”

“I doubt they’d believe me anyway Severus.” The caretaker said in a gruff old voice.

“Thank you. Now I don’t think we are going to catch are mysterious nightwalker, so I’m going to head back to my quarters and get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow Argus.

Back in their dorm, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and had no idea just how close they had come to some serious danger as they slept soundly in their beds, stomachs full and recalling the days events in their dreams. They didn’t even notice when Discord popped in.

“Sleep well, daughter of mine. Until you are ready, I will watch over you always.” He said with a warm smile tucking Scootaloo in and giving her a quick kiss on her forehead before he snapped his fingers and disappeared into the night.

Author's Note:

Wow, who would have expected Quirrell to be the bad guy! :rainbowlaugh:
Who let Derpy pack the wizard crackers? :derpyderp2:
Some ideas that were cut from the final draft:
1. Some of the teachers waking up to presents from the girls.
2. The girls thanking Professor Sprout for the album.
3. A greater in depth recap of the first term with the girls while they read the album.
4. Ron and Harry commenting on Scootaloo's jumper.
5. Apple Bloom slamming Snape into a wall.
6. More Wally.

Once again I've pushed this out for your benefit, so any errors please let me know. Next up a New Year and New beginnings. It's time for the girls studies to get kicked up a notch. Get ready for Basilisks and banter!

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