• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,086 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Quidditch Finale: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

Abigail Wing, more commonly known by her peers as Silent Wing, was not having the best of starts to her day. First, a noisy rooster outside her dorms window had awoken her at 6am sharp. Then, on her way to breakfast, a bucketful of freezing cold water Filch had been using to clean the windows fell on her. It was while she was sitting in her soggy robes miserably eating breakfast as her green eyes scanned her copy of the Sunday edition of the Daily Prophet, which was pretty much just a recap of the week’s headlines, that her head of house and quidditch captain entered, along with a motley crew of Hufflepuffs. Before she even knew what was happening, she found herself being kidnapped and hanging off another redheaded girl’s shoulder. It said a lot about her friends that not one attempted to help her. Anyway, that’s how she now found herself preparing for a quidditch match she didn’t particularly want to be involved in. Unfortunately, it seemed that Professor Sprout was the only one who spoke sign language and she was ignoring her. Great, just great.

“Can anyone decipher what she’s complaining about?” Melody asked her peers between mouthfuls of pear. Professor Sprout had had an assortment of breakfast items brought to the changing room to save time after the morning’s events.

“I can. I’m just choosing to ignore it for the greater good of Hufflepuff,” Professor Sprout confessed guiltily.

Abigail signed fucking bitch and middle fingered her head of house.

“Even I got that one,” Maddie sniggered.

Professor Sprout glowered at the mute girl. “Just be thankful I’m desperate otherwise you’d be spending a week in detention helping me in the greenhouses.”

Abigail went back to sulking unhappily in the corner as the door to the changing room opened and Scootaloo walked back in with a broomstick under her arm. She immediately went across to Abigail.

“Hey, sorry for kidnapping you. This is for you if you agree to play. Nimbus 2001, not even on the shelves yet,” Scootaloo said sheepishly holding out the broomstick.

Abigail looked up at the gift the other girl was holding out to her. Yes, it was a dirty trick and definite bribery. She’d wanted her own broomstick ever since her first broomstick lesson at Hogwarts but her muggle parents weren’t nearly well enough off to be able to afford her even the most basic one. It had been the only item on her Christmas and birthday wish list the past four years but to no avail. Now this girl she barely knew was not only willing to give her one, but the top broomstick on the market. Warily she signed, what’s the catch?

Scootaloo turned to Professor Sprout for clarification.

“She asked what’s the catch?”

Oh sure, now she listens to me, Abigail thought grumpily as she felt the sleek glossy black handle and examined the black and silver twigs with her eyes. The broomstick was a thing of sheer beauty and it was taking all of her resolve to not just yank it out of the other girl’s hand then and there.

“One game, that’s it and it’s yours no questions asked. Professor Sprout explained how you’ve always wanted a broom of your own, here’s your chance. We got a deal?”

Abigail thought for all of five seconds before snatching it like a kid in a candy store and hugging it to her chest as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks. Finally, something she’d always thought would be well out of her reach was hers. She’d never let it out of her sight, never.

“I’m guessing that’s a deal then, fantastic,” Scootaloo said turning to the rest of the team.

“Hey, how come I don’t get a cool new broom?” Hannah groused holding Susan’s broom in her hand.

“You volunteered, that’s why,” Scootaloo retorted.

“No, I didn’t,” Hannah stated. “You threatened me with detention.”

“Same thing, plus you’re my friend. Also, you get to physically harm Slytherins as much as you like with no repercussions and there’ll be a massive party if we win. Good enough?” Scootaloo retorted once more.

“Okay, fine, I’m convinced,” Hannah conceded. “You know I’d help anyway.”

“I know you would, because you’re a great friend.” Scootaloo said before turning her attention to all of the other girls in the room. “And that goes to the rest of you to. Without you lot right now Slytherin would be celebrating with the Quidditch Cup. I can’t thank all of you enough. It is still going to be an uphill battle but as long as I can grab the Snitch, we have a chance. And that’s all we need. We’ve been put down constantly throughout this year and come through so much. We shall not give up right now and I’ll tell you the exact same reason I told my team in our first game.”

Scootaloo never got a chance to finish what she was about to say though as Sweetie stood up and boomed, “We are fucking honey badgers and we give no shit what anybody thinks of us. No enemy is out of our range, no task is too great. We’ll fight to the bitter end or die trying. Now, who’s ready to rip some snakes apart!”

Everyone stared slightly concerned at the wild look upon their Keeper’s face, all except Scootaloo who had a wide smile on her lips.

“Exactly, what are we?”

One by one the room erupted “HONEY BADGERS!”

“What we gonna do?” Scootaloo asked.

“Win or die trying!” the room replied.

“Excellent, now we’ve half an hour until we’re required in the tunnel. Get ready and we’ll try to discuss a few tactics and drills before the game starts.”


“Hello to all of you just joining us, I’m Lee Jordan and I’ll be your sole commentator for this final deciding quidditch match of the year between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. It’s going to be an epic contest folks in this winner takes all battle, but from the off the Hufflepuffs have problems. Yes, I’ve just been handed the team sheets and I can inform you all that the rumours are true. The Slytherin sniper has struck again! After Charlie Weasley woke up to find a dragon in his dorm last year and suffered serious burns to his hands that ruled him out of Gryffindors final game against Ravenclaw, this time around Hufflepuff has lost five of their first team, with only Miss Belle and Prewett surviving the curse it seems. Those slimebucket Slytherins really are nasty pieces of work. Should be expelled the lot of them.

“JORDAN, I’M WARNING YOU!” Professor McGonagall bellowed.

Lee ignored the interruption. “Anyway, here are the changes to the Hufflepuff line-up. Chasers: prefect Maddie Fairweather is joined by wait, seriously, wow. It’s a return and reprieve for former captain Melody Song who not only sensationally left her post at the start of the year but also, if the rumours are true, was stabbed in detention in the Forbidden Forest only a little over forty-eight hours ago.”

“How’d you find out about that? That’s strictly confidential information,” Professor McGonagall’s voice growled angrily behind the boy.

Jordan ignored his head of house’s interruption for the second time. “That’s one remarkable recovery but isn’t the only surprise inclusion. Mute fourth-year girl Abigail Wing completes the line up of Chasers while two more first year friends of Miss Prewett take up the reins of the Beaters, Miss Hannah Abbot and Miss Apple-Bloom Apple. I’d suggest wearing your hard hats because anything can and will happen with Miss Apple on a broomstick. Anyway, moving on Slytherin remain unchanged, Keeper Miles Bletchley, Chasers Adrian Pucey, Izabella Rowle and captain Marcus Flint, Beaters Lucian Bole and Peregrine Derrick and Seeker Terence Higgs. In all honesty this commentator can only see a crushing win for the Slytherins against a group of Hufflepuffs that can barely be classed as a team. But they’ve proven us wrong more than once this season, so who knows? We’re all just going to have to wait and see. At the very least those Hufflepuffs should put on a nice show for us, that Maddie Fairweather in particular has a great arse.”

“RIGHT, THAT’S IT” Professor McGonagall snarled from behind the third-year rising from her seat.

“Uh oh, looks like it is bye from me for now, but I’ll be back to bring you commentary once…” His voice was cut off and replaced by Professor McGonagall’s.

“Give me that microphone.”

“See you all soon!” Jordan’s voice echoed around the ground before the speaker system went quiet.

Down in the tunnel Scootaloo was just bringing her ragtag bunch of misfits out of the changing room.

The Slytherins were already waiting and sniggered upon seeing their opponents.

“Didn’t know we were playing the amateur girls’ team,” Marcus Flint scoffed to a round of laughter. “Why don’t you just save us the trouble and forfeit now.”

“I’d be very, very careful what you say. The last captain to insult me and my team ended up in the infirmary,” Scootaloo growled.

“What team? From what I’ve heard they are all in the infirmary already. This lot are just whoever you could find last minute to replace them. I heard you even kidnapped a mute girl from the Great Hall as she couldn’t argue back and say no to OW,” Flint stopped his taunting and rubbed the back of his head as he looked behind him. Abigail stood innocently holding onto her new broom. She shrugged her shoulders in mock innocence as Flint’s eyes went wide with worry for a moment. “Wait, how did she get her hands on a Nimbus 2001? They are not even on the shelves yet.”

“Worried your team, who’ve been training for this moment for nine months, are going to get done over by an amateur girls’ team formed in barely an hour?” Scootaloo said with a wicked grin.

“N-no,” Marcus stuttered as a bead of sweat dripped of his forehead. He suddenly remembered his brother’s words to him the night before.

Remember who got you the captain’s position dear brother. Failure to win tomorrow will result in dire consequences.

Marcus shuddered. He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by the voice of Madam Hooch behind him.

“Right, we ready? Wait, when did she get a horn?” She pointed at Melody as she passed the girl on her way to the front of the two teams.

The Slytherins all turned and stared at the girl. Yes, the girl really did have a horn sticking out of her head.

“Don’t ask. Yes, I’m aware magic cannot be used during the course of the match. Can we please just get on with it?” Melody replied with a sigh.

“Freaks, the lot of them,” Flint muttered under his breath.

“What was that? You got something to say troll face,” Scootaloo growled attempting to get in the other boys face but finding Madam Hooch blocking her path.

“Save it for the game Miss Prewett,” Madam Hooch ordered before turning her attention to Melody. “I’m glad to hear you are aware of the rules Miss Song. Remember, if I do catch either you or Miss Belle using your horns, there shall be consequences and penalties for your team.”

“I understand,” Melody replied.

“Good, now that that’s settled, let’s get this game underway,” Madam Hooch said before leading the two teams out onto the field. “Now, a reminder I want a nice clean game from all of you,” she said sternly, her eyes scrutinising both teams. “Mount your brooms, please.”

The Flying teacher opened the case of balls as thirteen brooms rose high into the air. Apple Bloom’s barely hovered off the ground.

Madam Hooch stared at the girl quizzically. “Miss Apple if you’d please join your teammates.”

“Nah, if it’s alright with you I’ll just wait here and let the Bludgers come to me,” the girl replied.

“Nothing in the rules against it, suit yourself,” Madam Hooch shrugged and returned to releasing the balls.

“Ahh, look at the little baby, need mummy to hold your hand? Scared of heights, are we?” Adrian Pucey mocked to yet another round of laughter from the Slytherins.

That was until a Bludger smashed the poor boy in the ribs and he flew off his broom. After flying through the air for what felt like an eternity, he finally landed with a sickening crunch on the ground below. He wouldn’t be out of St Mungo’s intensive care unit for a week. The Quaffle hadn’t even been thrown yet and the game officially started and Slytherin were already a player down.

Everyone was staring at Apple Bloom.

“Fucking bastard needed to be taught some respect. Anyone else got anything to say about my flying skills?” the girl snarled in a vicious tone.

The remaining Slytherins immediately all shook their heads as one in fear as Madam Pomfrey and a number of professors went to go check on the stricken boy. Even Flint decided against arguing with Madam Hooch over what had just happened.

“Right then, without further delay, lets play,” Madam Hooch stated throwing the Quaffle high into the air.

Melody expertly grabbed it for Hufflepuff and immediately threw it at Flint’s face less than five feet in front of her. It made a resounding cracking noise as it made contact with the boy’s face. As Flint reeled from the impact, she swooped in, grabbed the loose Quaffle while all the Slytherins gawped at what she’d had just done and shot off at blistering speed to put Hufflepuff into an early lead.

“My dose. That damn botch broke my dose,” Flint argued to Madam Hooch, blood streaming from his nose.

Madam Hooch sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Although I do not condone such actions, it was technically not against the rules, thus there is nothing I can do about it I’m afraid. The goal stands.”

“WHAT!,” Flint raged as he tried to stem the bleeding, “but she broke by dose.”

“Yes, you just told me that and I told you there’s nothing I can do about it. You can either man up or go to Madam Pomfrey and leave your team two players short,” Madam Hooch sighed in an annoyed tone. This game was not going to end well.

Flint returned to his starting position silently seething. Barely a minute in his team were a man and a score down and he had a broken nose. The tone of the match was set. This meant war.


The game turned into a bloodbath with both teams focusing more on injuring their opponents than scoring. From hair pulling to sandwiching between broomsticks to using the Quaffle as a makeshift Bludger to the Slytherins constantly trying to knock the Hufflepuffs off their brooms, the whole spectacle would be referred to as the dirtiest quidditch match in Hogwarts history. Madam Hooch issued more penalties in the first ten minutes than the previous five games combined and although Hufflepuff initially had the player advantage, the more organised and prepared Slytherins soon found themselves with a 50-20 lead. Then came the mass brawl. Maddie avoided tackles from both Flint and Rowle and darted away towards the Slytherin rings only for Bole to come steaming in from nowhere and slam his club over the back of the poor girl’s head. As the unconscious girl fell from her broom lifeless to the ground thankfully to be caught by Apple Bloom chaos broke out up above as the players clashed.

“Shit, so sorry I was going after one of…” Bole started to lie before Hannah’s club smacked him over the head, the younger girl using it as a missile. “You little bitch,” he bellowed furiously.

He didn’t get a chance to retaliate though as Derrick flew behind the girl and unceremoniously yanked her off her broom before throwing her towards the ground below. Luckily Scootaloo witnessed the whole thing and managed to catch her terrified Beater on her broomstick before returning Hannah to her own.

While this was going on Melody had stormed up to Derrick and slapped the boy in the face. The two were now wrestling in the air. Both Sweetie and Bletchley had left their rings and removed their protective gear. They were now having a wrestling match of their own, the older boy clearly having the advantage but Sweetie was giving as good as she got biting, kicking and scratching the other keeper as he socked her with punches. She hadn’t won the Canterlot junior wrestling championship three years running by playing fair. Rowle and Flint were gleefully chasing after Abigail, who despite her superior broom, was being cornered by the two in a pincer like movement. In amongst it all Madam Hooch was trying to regain some semblance of control but was completely outnumbered.

In the end it took the introduction of Professors Sprout, McGonagall and Snape to pull the two teams apart from each other.

“You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Never have I seen such despicable behaviour in all my time refereeing quidditch. I’ve a good mind to disqualify both houses from the tournament with immediate effect,” Madam Hooch roared angrily.

“WHAT!” Professor Sprout screamed in outrage. “Slytherin started it. Do you really expect my girls too sit idly by while one of their teammates is illegally knocked off her broom in such a despicable manner?”

“What do you mean?” Snape retaliated. “As far as I’m concerned the boy was going for a Bludger and didn’t see the girl coming.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Pomona retaliated in turn.

Snape continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “And anyway, you can hardly speak after your team sent one of my Chasers to St Mungo’s before the match had even officially started.”

“Which only happened after not only your team taunted my player, but suspiciously five of my regular first teamers ended up in the infirmary the morning of the game. Care to explain that or are you still going to deny Slytherin's involvement,” Pomona was nearly in the other professors face, her own face as red as a cherry.

Professor McGonagall had wisely moved her broom between the two arguing professors.

“Purely coincidental I can assure you,” Snape droned once more with barely a flicker off emotion

“Right,” Professor Sprout said glaring daggers at her colleague.

“ENOUGH,” Scootaloo exploded. “Can we please just get back to playing the game. I believe the first foul was in our favour, thus it is our penalty.”

“Oh no, if you barbarians want to continue, I’m having no part of it,” Madam Hooch immediately stated.

Both Pomona’s and Severus’ gazes fell upon Minerva.

“Why are you two looking at me like that for? Oh no. No, no, no.”


Minerva sighed and blew her whistle for what felt like the hundredth time already. Why’d she agree to this? The game had only restarted ten or so minutes ago and already she’d lost count of the number of fouls, which was probably higher than the actual score. It was currently 90-40 in Slytherins favour. And yet another argument had broken out, this time between Fairweather and Flint.

“You little toe rag think it’s okay to pull on a girl’s hair, do you?” Maddie exclaimed rubbing the base of her ponytail.

“Terribly sorry, lost my balance on my broom,” Flint replied in a mocking tone.

“Bullshit you lying,” Maddie never got a chance to finish.

“Enough, from the both of you,” McGonagall commanded. “Hufflepuff penalty. Get on with it.”

The professor prayed silently in her mind that one of the Seekers would soon put an end to this mockery of a quidditch game.

Maddie reluctantly obliged and cut the gap to forty points. Even with their player advantage though the Hufflepuffs were clearly struggling to cope with their superior opposition and Sweetie’s rings were constantly the busier. If it wasn’t for the Slytherins being a player light and committing numerous ridiculous fouls, they would probably have already been out of sight of their opposition. Still, as time went on and the Snitch continued to refuse to make an appearance the gap started to grow, especially as the Hufflepuffs began to tire leaving Sweetie almost single handed to guard the rings. The Slytherins also started to calm down somewhat and committed fewer fouls, leaving fewer opportunities for Hufflepuff to score in retaliation. After nearly an hour of play, the score had reached 240-100 in Slytherins favour and as Flint got away from Maddie and Melody again and beat the hopeless dive of Sweetie Belle, the gap stood at one hundred and fifty points.

Scootaloo was getting desperate. As she watched the latest goal for the opposition go in, she knew time was not in her or her team’s favour. The cup was slowly slipping from their grasp. Where was that blasted Snitch? That’s when her keen vision finally caught site of it hovering just off the ground. She dove. Crucially, the Slytherin seeker hadn’t seen it and only reacted after she had. The two Slytherin Beaters tried to block her path. A timely Bludger sent from Apple Bloom cleared her path once more. She barely heard Lee’s voice reverberating round the stadium.

“Prewett has seen the Snitch. I repeat, Prewett has seen the Snitch. But will she get there in time? Slytherin are quickly mounting another charge on the Hufflepuff rings to prevent the Snitch having any meaningful impact upon the game. It’s going to be a close one folks!”

Scootaloo pushed and pushed Broomy to his limits. She just had to catch that Snitch before Slytherin scored again. Slowly she edged ever closer to her prize.

“Oh my word folks. The Hufflepuff Chasers all congregated on Flint to stop him from getting a shot in, but he has somehow managed to get a pass past all of them and has sent Rowle through one on one with Sweetie Belle!” Jordan’s voice echoed above.

Scootaloo pushed Broomy beyond his limits, the Snitch was diving ridiculously close to the ground in its attempt to avoid being caught. Scootaloo refused to pull up and instead reached out for the snitch with her left arm.

“Rowle Shoots,” Jordan bellowed from somewhere in the stands.

Sweetie dived despairingly in an attempt to save the Quaffle.

Scootaloo nabbed the Snitch and crash landed into the turf getting a large mouthful of dirt for her troubles.

Professor McGonagall’s whistle blew just as the Quaffle passed through the hoop.

The game ended in utter confusion, the crowd going deathly silent waiting for McGonagall’s verdict.

In a daze Scootaloo raised her left arm from the trench she’d dug. Held tightly within was the struggling Snitch. Apple Bloom was frantically trying to reach her friend to see if she was all right.

“Game,” Professor McGonagall called. “Hufflepuff 250, Slytherin 250. Draw.”

The Hufflepuffs in the stands went absolutely ballistic.

“WHAT!” Flint cried in anger confronting McGonagall as they came into land along with the rest of his team. “The Quaffle was in before she caught the Snitch, the game and cup are rightfully Slytherins once again! This is outrageous, I won’t stand for this injustice.”

“Quiet Flint. The girl clearly caught the Snitch before the Quaffle passed through the hoop. It was an excellent and exceptionally risky take that deserves to win the cup,” Snape admitted walking onto the field with a number of other professors.

Flint grumbled mutinously under his breath but wisely chose not to argue with his head of house.

Meanwhile Professor Sprout had gone to check on Scootaloo who had been yanked out of the turf by Apple Bloom. Remarkably, bar from a mouthful of mud, some scrapes and bruises and the fact the whole world seemed to be spinning, she seemed to be all right. Sadly, Broomy had not been so lucky and was now little more than kindling. Scootaloo cradled the remains of her first broom and sniffled.

“He gave it his all,” she said in a low voice. “I know he wasn’t alive but it felt like it at times. It hurts you know, like I’ve just lost a pet.”

“We’ll certainly miss him. I understand what you must be going through, I had similar feelings when we lost Winona’s mother a few years back,” Apple Bloom said in an attempt to comfort her despondent friend.

“I’ll box him up and send him to Randolph. Maybe he can make me something from what’s left,” Scootaloo replied wiping the tears from her eyes.

“That’s the spirit; now, you’d better watch out. Oh, too late,” Apple Bloom giggled.

“Can’t breathe,” Scootaloo eked as Professor Sprout attempted to hug her to death.

“You wonderful, wonderful girl, I can’t believe you actually managed to pull it off,” Hufflepuff’s head of house squealed in delight refusing to let the poor girl go as she threw her around like a ragdoll.

“If you don’t release her soon, you’ll be looking for a new captain next year,” Snape deadpanned walking up to the other professor.

“Oh, sorry, I just got a bit carried away,” Pomona giggled like a school girl as she released and slowly lowered poor Scootaloo to the ground.

The girl wobbled unsteadily on her feet for a moment.

“Next time give me some warning before you do that or preferably don’t do it at all,” Scootaloo groaned as slowly the world once again came back into focus.

What she saw surprised her. She took the proffered hand of the Potions professor and shook it.

“Congratulations and well played,” Snape droned before walking off.

“Well that was a little unnerving,” Scootaloo said bluntly.

“He actually seems to be taking it rather well,” Professor Sprout chuckled. “I’m going to go plan the victory celebrations. I’ll be back shortly for the presentation of the cup. Try not to let the mob trample you to death in the meantime.”

“Okay professor, Wait, what?” Scootaloo replied before seeing the horde of Hufflepuffs racing onto the field. Her eyes slowly widened.

The first to reach her were her teammates who lifted her triumphantly and threw her high into the air. Slowly more joined and the cry got louder and louder.


The remainder of the day and night proved to be one of the best of Scootaloo’s life so far, although she wouldn’t remember a lot of it.


Scootaloo awoke the next morning sprawled across one of the couches in the common room. Her head was pounding fiercely and for some reason she was wearing the quidditch cup for a hat. She detected the unmistakeable taste of alcohol on her lips.

“Shit,” she mumbled groggily as her eyes slowly focused on the carnage laid out before her.

Thankfully, despite the whole place needing a massive clean-up and the fact students were sprawled everywhere, aside from a small self-sufficient magical fire in one of the corners and numerous black marks on the wall, it seemed that nothing overly crazy had occurred. Then her eyes focused on the creature eating the leftovers at the buffet table whilst Apple Bloom stroked it.

It looked like one of the four horses of the apocalypse she’d heard about from one of the few times the orphanage’s mistress had caught and forced her to go to church on Sunday. It was like the forbidden offspring of a reptile and a horse. Black and gaunt, with black leathery wings, it seemed quite content munching on a bowl of cheese puffs while Apple Bloom stroked it.

“Apple Bloom, what is that thing?” Scootaloo asked, every word making her head pound even more.

“No idea, I woke up with him sleeping on me. Didn’t half give me a fright, but he’s really friendly once you get to know him,” Apple Bloom replied in a way too chipper voice as she nuzzled the rather creepy looking reptilian horse thing.

As Scootaloo tried to comprehend the bizarre scene she was witnessing, another problem decided to rear its head, literally. What she initially thought was a blanket on top of her started to move and shuffle around.

“Could you two keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep,” Hermione stated groggily while attempting desperately to cling on to whatever dream she was having.

“Hermione? What are you doing here?”

“You flew in through a window in the Gryffindor dorm and kidnapped me. Having the real thing is a lot better than a plushie, I can tell you. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve an awful headache,” she replied before settling back down to sleep on Scootaloo’s chest.

Double shit. McGonagall and Discord were going to kill her. The fact she’d almost certainly given her twelve-year-old girlfriend alcohol was unquestionably not going to help matters. What she’d like to know though is where the alcohol had come from?

“Yeah, keep it down over there,” a rather burley voice grunted from the couch across from hers.

“Hagrid? What are you doing here and why is a pink pony snuggled into your beard?” Scootaloo replied rubbing her temple. Her hangover was growing.

“Couldn’t miss the celebrations now, could I? Although I don’t remember a lot after spiking the punch. Oops, shouldn’t have told you that.”

“Not again,” a voice groaned from the floor. “Hagrid, how many times do we have to warn you that the children are too young to drink alcohol, especially your bootleg stuff. You nearly blinded that student last time." Professor Sprout’s head rose up, her usual witch’s hat replaced with a lampshade. “I’m likely going to have to sign off my entire house off sick today because of you!” she added testily.

“Pfft, you can never be to young to start drinking alcohol. I was ten when I had my first drink,” Hagrid argued, Pinkie pie still snoring gently into his beard.

“Agreed. According to Granny Smith hard apple cider was the best thing to knock me right out when I was teething as a baby. Also why I’ve built up such a resistance to the stuff,” Apple Bloom added still snuggling and talking funny nonsense to the bizarre horse creature that had now started on the left-over sandwiches.

“So that’s why you’re so chipper,” Scootaloo grumbled jealously.

“Yep,” Apple Bloom replied smugly.

“Anyone going to tell me how a Thestral got in here?” Professor Sprout groaned.

“Oh, so that’s what that things called. I was about to ask you the same thing,” Scootaloo replied.

“Can everyone just go back to sleep,” Hermione grumbled attempting to bury her head deep into Scootaloo’s chest.

“And why your girlfriend is here?” Professor Sprout said less than pleased.

“I got drunk, was likely flying under the influence after curfew, kidnapped her and she may have then had several glasses of the punch.

“Less talk, more sleep,” Hermione groaned.

Professor Sprout rubbed her forehead. “Brilliant, yet another sick note I’ll be needing to write out. Fuck it, let’s just all go back to sleep and work things out later in the morning.”

She finished scribbling a quick note before waving her wand and teleporting it to wherever it needed to go and then started to dim the lights down.

“Wait, where’s Sweetie?” Scootaloo suddenly realised.


Dumbledore read over the rather simplistic note that had just apparated into his hands:

Hagrid spiked the punch again. All Hufflepuffs and Miss Granger off sick and no Herbology either today,

Professor Sprout

Well, that explained the catatonic unicorn girl that was snoring her head off while uncouthly strewn across his desk and the other unicorn girl who was sleeping in his armchair. A number of empty bottles littered the floor along with numerous books.

No problem, I kind have had an inkling when I found Miss Belle sleeping atop my desk and Miss Song in my armchair,


Just as he finished sending the note a third student fell from the chandelier above and landed in his arms.

Initially Abigail’s eyes slowly and reluctantly started to open. That totally changed when she realised just who was holding her and they shot open faster than lightning. The Pegasus wings that now adorned her back did likewise as she rolled out of the headmaster’s hands and landed with a thump on the floor. Groggily she started to stand up.

“Ah, so that somewhat explains the reason these two came to my office,” Dumbledore stated completely unperturbed. “I don’t wish to alarm you my dear girl, but it seems you are the unfortunate sufferer of the use of magic whilst under the influence of alcohol. I’m sure we can sort something out to return you to your normal self in no time.”

Abigail wasn’t listening, instead staring intently at the grey feathery wings that now sprouted from her back. Her head was absolutely pounding; was this some kind of weird dream? Suddenly she felt last night’s dinner rise in the back of her throat and before she knew what she was doing she had vomited all over Dumbledore.

“Ah, alcohol and magical backlash. I should have expected that.” He made some more parchment appear out of nowhere and quickly scribbled another note before sending it to the other heads of house.

All lessons cancelled today. Students instead to spend their time revising for upcoming exams,


The headmaster cast scourgify on his robes before turning his attention back to Abigail who was looking absolutely horrified at what she’d done.

“Right, I think it is time we awaken your friends and have a little chat, don’t you?”

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone! I can't believe how far I've come in just 5 months. On the downside this is it for the next two weeks, no more writing till after Xmas bar from a few edits suggested by Rich-online of previous chapters. On the plus side, it gives you plenty of time to think of crazy shenanigans that might have occurred during the Hufflepuffs party. Also I'm on holiday till the new year so will have plenty of time to still give you something to read for the new year. I will not be adding any further OCs into the story for now, although maybe we'll get some apple family members for the AppleDash wedding, who knows.

Anyway, final table

House Pld W D L F A PD

Hufflepuff 3 2 1 0 650 300 350

Gryffindor 3 2 0 1 570 280 290

Slytherin 3 1 1 1 730 480 250

Ravenclaw 3 0 0 3 130 1020 -1020

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