• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Day 1 Part 2 - Boom

“Well, when I was four, I drew over a number of family portraits with crayons, like all kids do. Dad wasn’t happy when he found me and saw I’d added an orange moustache and green glasses to his portrait along with ‘I’m a poopy head.’” Hannah admitted, her cheeks turning red as she and the rest of the gaggle of girls walked back to classroom 99 for Charms.

The girls started to giggle.

“It gets better. He made me so upset I managed to cause a magical outburst.”

“No way.” Susan interrupted.

“Yes way. As I ran off crying the portrait levitated of the wall and slammed over his head! He wasn’t sure whether to be delighted that I had magic or ground me for a month!” Hannah chortled as they entered classroom 99 for the second time that day. “Thankfully it was the former.” She finished.

“Ah, good to see you’ve joined us girls. Please take a seat.” A very small man said in a squeaky voice from the front of the classroom. “I do believe that is everyone.” He did a quick count. “Yes 22, perfect. I am professor Flitwick master of charms here at Hogwarts. Now I’ve some good news for you in that unlike many other subjects this year, charms will mostly be practical. You will still be needed to study the theoretical side of charms including the types, history and effects of certain charms, but the main purpose of your first year in charms is to ensure you are able to perform the basics by the end of year through correct wand movements and pronunciation whilst also gaining an understanding of your wand. To begin with I want you all to make a note of these five important pieces of information from the board.” He turned pointing his wand at the board which stated:

1. Charms or enchantments are the backbone of magic. They are a magical spell that adds specific properties to an object or living being.
2. Charms differ from transfiguration in that they add certain properties to an item or living being whilst a transfiguration spell will change the composition of the item or being into something utterly different.
3. Charms last longer than other spells and will often need a counter spell to remove the addition you have made to the item or being. Long lasting charms are often referred to as bewitchments.
4. Poor pronunciation of the incantation, lack of concentration, incorrect wand movement and a damaged or burnt out wand can all lead to charms failing and even backfiring.
5. Hexes, curses and jinxes are all classed as Dark Charms.

After a brief pause where every student hastily wrote down the notes from the board Flitwick continued. “Today we shall be getting to know your wands before attempting to perform a basic Wand-Lighting Charm and Wand-Extinguishing Charm, which you will continue to practice and read about for this week’s homework alongside reading the history of charms section in your standard book of spells. Now please place your wands on your desks so we may examine them.


Professor Flitwick came across the young girl’s wand and didn’t know whether to be awe struck or alarmed.

“Miss Prewett isn’t it?” He stammered examining the cherry wood creation very carefully. “This is a very powerful wand for one so young to wield. I am a little surprised Ollivander sold you something so powerful or that you could afford it. Until you have mastered it you are not to use it outside of my classroom or that of one of the other professors. Something of this magnitude can be highly dangerous in the wrong hands. I expect you to come by my office after flying every Monday to continue your practice and ensure you don’t fall behind your classmates, understood?” Professor Flitwick instructed.

“Yes sir.” Scootaloo replied less than enthusiastically.

“Good. Now, on the positive side it is a beautiful specimen and once mastered you will be a very powerful witch alongside your apparent Seer capabilities.” He said with a smile on his face before moving onto Apple Bloom’s wand. “Why am I not surprised your wand is made of apple wood” he laughed.


“Right, now that I’ve inspected your wands and informed you of their capabilities and how to look after such delicate instruments, let’s have some fun! I want you all to point your wands out in front of you like so and repeat after me, Lumos! Okay, let’s begin.” And in almost an instant Professor Flitwick saw a ginormous ball of light heading towards him. Taking evasive action, he ducked behind his desk as the ball of light cannoned into the wall behind him setting it on fire.

“Oops, my bad.” Scootaloo uttered sheepishly.

Aguamenti” Filius cried trying to quell the flames before they got out of hand. Unfortunately, they were spreading to fast. “Everyone out he cried. Convene on the training grounds.” He instructed as he fired another spell at a bell in the corner of the room.” Alarms across Hogwarts sounded.


Sitting in his office Dumbledore used his magic to determine where the alarm had gone off and uttered to himself. “Hmm, 1st Year charms class, interesting.”

Minerva had cast a similar spell whilst hurrying her fourth years out the building. “The South Tower? But only first year charms is going on there, it shouldn’t.” She stopped mid-sentence. “I knew letting her have that wand was a bad idea.” She sighed, re-directing herself to the South Tower having safely seen her fourth years escorted from the building.


Half an hour later and through the accomplishment of the majority of the staff, the South Tower had just about managed to be saved. It would though require significant repairs.

“So, you’re telling us Flitwick that this amount of damage was caused by a first-year girl’s first attempt at Lumos. That despite the magical wards and safety spells in place she managed to set fire to the South Tower with magic that resisted our attempts to quell it and nearly led to its destruction along with the rest of the school.” A slightly flustered Snape deadpanned beating the last of the fire out of his robes.

“Correct,” Flitwick stated dusting soot of himself. “It was not her fault though. She has been chosen by a highly powerful and unpredictable wand. Flexible, 16 inches in length, cherry wood, dragon heartstring.”

“What. Who in their right mind allows an untrained first year have such a thing!” Snape bellowed.

“Unfortunately Severus, the wand chooses the owner and we have little say in the matter. All we can try and do is guide and assist them in using such a powerful vessel to channel their magic.” Minerva interjected whilst putting a fire out on her hat.

“The look on your face tells me everything I need to know. I’m holding you responsible for this debacle.” Snape growled highlighting the still smoking tower in front of them which, as if on cue, collapsed into a pile of rubble.

“Oh great.” Snape grumbled.

“Now, now, let’s not play the blame game. Accidents happen. The main thing is none of the students were hurt. Although it will take time the South Tower can be rebuilt and classes can be accommodated elsewhere in the meantime.” Dumbledore said taking charge. “Now I’m suggesting we let the students have the rest of the afternoon off so that we can assess the damage. Madam Hooch, to avoid the first years getting in anymore trouble could you continue with their planned flying lesson. Now, before we do anything else, I must pay a visit to a very distraught young girl.”


“I DIDN’T MEAN TO!” Scootaloo wailed for the umpteenth time into Apple Bloom’s shoulder tears flowing down her cheeks. “They’re going to take my wand of me and expel me for sure.” She blubbered.

“There, there Scoots, we all know you didn’t mean it. I’m sure you won’t get into any trouble over an honest to Celestia accident.” Apple Bloom continued to attempt to console her distraught friend.

All around them on the training fields students clumped together in groups whispering about what might have occurred and constantly looking over at the first years. They’d been astonished when the South Tower had collapsed in the background.

Percy and numerous other prefects were currently getting the lowdown from Sweetie Belle. Although teachers had originally accompanied the students, they had slowly disappeared one by one due to the arising emergency in the South Tower. Even Hagrid had been required leaving the prefects and the upper years in charge.

“You’re telling me that despite all the wards and counter measures in place, a first-year student destroyed the South Tower with their very first attempt at a spell and not only that but one of the most basic, innocent, innocuous and safe spells imaginable!” Percy exclaimed in astonishment.

“Hey, it was an accident, but yeah, that about sums it up.” Sweetie Belle replied to the stunned prefects.

“Sweet Jesus, remind me never to get on her bad side.” Percy replied.

Fred and George, having attached themselves to the edge of the posse had burst out laughing.

“This is better than any of the pranks we managed in our first two years!” One managed to get out in-between fits of laughter.

“Way better.” The other twin commented.

Suddenly all the murmurs died down as Dumbledore and the rest of the faculty emerged upon the training fields all looking slightly worse for wear and a bit frazzled.

“Ahem. Silence please.” Dumbledore called applying the voice amplification spell upon himself. “Due to an unfortunate accident in a first-year charms class today classes are suspended until third period tomorrow except for first years. Please use this time to study either in the library, your common room, dormitory or the Great Hall. Mr Flint and Miss Apple, Professor Snape still wishes to see you for your detention this afternoon. Please also be aware that access to some southern parts of the castle are now currently strictly of limits for the time being. Any temporary room changes for your classes shall be provided to you shortly. That is all. You may now return to the castle. First years, your lessons will restart in twenty minutes. Thank you once again for your calmness and swift evacuation of the castle.” Dumbledore turned and walked over to the still distraught first year being consoled by her friend. “Miss Bloom may I have a moment with Miss Prewett.

Apple Bloom gave him a scathing look. “It wasn’t her fault. You make her feel any worse and you know where you are heading.”

Dumbledore chuckled. “Do not worry, I just wish to have a polite talk with her. I understand it was purely an accident with no ill will meant. I certainly don’t want a swim in the lake.”

“Okay. Scoots, I’ll be just here for you in case you need me. Oh Wally, there you are.” She finished as the slightly ruffled and soot covered bird settled on her shoulder.

Scootaloo sniffled as Dumbledore lowered himself to her eye level.

“Do not worry dear you are most certainly not in trouble so please dry those beautiful eyes of yours.” He said levitating a small handkerchief up to Scootaloo’s face as the girl continued to sniffle.

“Y-you aren’t going t-to take m-my wand and expel m-me.” She stuttered.

“Good heavens no!” Dumbledore exclaimed. “In all honesty, between you and me, it’s nice to have a bit of excitement round here once in a while.” He whispered in her ear making her laugh. “That’s what I want to see, a smile back on your face. This was purely an accident, as I can easily tell from your reaction. As I'm sure Ollivander has already explained to you, the wand that has chosen you requires exceptional self-control and strength of mind, the latter I believe you already obtain in abundance but the former will be something that will take time to acquire. You are most definitely not to blame for this incident and will not be punished because of it. Now could you tell me, how long have you had your wand for and how many times have you used it prior to today.” Dumbledore enquired.

“I’ve had it for a month but after what Minerva said about its power Molly wouldn’t let me practice with it until I got to Hogwarts. This was my very first spell.” Scootaloo explained looking a little sheepish as she wiped the last of tears of her face.

“I see. Well that partly explains what happened. I’m guessing you’ve been a little frustrated by this.” Dumbledore pressed eliciting a nod from the girl before he continued. “You see wands are somewhat sentient. They respond to how we are feeling and can react unpredictably because of this. I’m theorising that although you may not have meant it to your underlying frustration and desire to use your wand caused a huge magical build up inside of you which released itself through your wand when you attempted to use it for the first time. Combined with the wands natural power and your lack of experience and control this caused the spell to be magnified greatly. No matter what anyone else says to you, from now on I want you to use your wand on a regular basis and if feeling emotional for any reason at all to come visit me or your head of house. We would not want any repeat incidents would we.” Dumbledore chuckled as he finished his explanation.

“No sir and thank you for cheering me up.” Scootaloo smiled warmly at the headmaster.

“My pleasure and trust me when I say that you will be a very powerful witch one day. I expect you to be practicing that spell tonight, but first could you do a favour for me. I heard from Professor McGonagall that she’s given you special dispensation to have a broom this year but refused to let you fly it until you’ve had some basic training. I think someone who has flying as one of their special talents will have little need for training, especially considering the brooms affinity to you. I believe there will be little chance of you coming to any harm and I really want to see your ability in the air with those wings. Think you are okay in showing me. If you like, let’s call it your alternative punishment for this unfortunate scenario.” Dumbledore said with a warm smile.

Scootaloo beamed and shot of. This was going to be awesome!


Half the school stood on the training fields watching in awe as the girl danced majestically through the air performing all manner of tricks with her broom. What was amazing was sometimes they’d do a trick together, whilst sometimes individually in perfect harmony with each other. It was truly breath-taking.

“Wow, we might actually have a chance of winning a quidditch game this year.” The random Hufflepuff boy exclaimed.

“Pfft, with her on the team we have a shot at the title!” Cedric exclaimed excitedly.

“Alright Miss Prewett, I think that is a good enough demonstration. Fancy coming down and letting your classmates having a go please.” Dumbledore called.

Minerva did not look pleased next to him. “After everything that just happened, this is how you deal with her. Like we need any more incidents today.”

“I knew she didn’t mean any of it. She was truly devastated over what happened and needed cheering up. And really Minerva, she’s a Pegasus, they are masters of the skies. I knew handling a Nimbus 2000, especially one so infatuated with her, would be no trouble. I think this demonstration has also been very good for the school’s morale.” He replied calmly looking up to see the girl and her broom writing I’m sorry with the clouds up above. “Isn’t that nice. Such a sweet young girl.”

Scootaloo then proceeded to grab hold of her broom before diving at ridiculous speed towards the ground. A circle of cherry red exploded outward from the young girl as she seemingly impossibly managed to pull up and do one more lap around the lawn to slow herself down before landing perfectly.

“Huh, a sonic boom, how extraordinary.” Dumbledore murmured to himself as Minerva stared at the beautiful sight slack jawed.

“Was that okay for you professor Dumbledore sir? Broomy really is thankful that you let me ride him after so long. I couldn’t have asked anymore from him. Could I boy?” Scootaloo asked as the broom affectionately nuzzled her like a dog. “Okay, okay, down boy.” She giggled.

“That was truly wonderful Miss Prewett. I can’t remember seeing anything so beautiful before in my long life. Thank you so much. Twenty-five points to Hufflepuff.” Dumbledore cried as a tear rolled down his cheek

The girl blushed as the Hufflepuffs roared in delight and came over to congratulate her.

Minerva was still staring open mouthed in astonishment at the slowly vanishing cloud in the sky. What had she just witnessed? The girl had just defied every law of magic imaginable!

“Alright. Settle down. Madam Hooch, whilst we are here shall we see what the other first years are capable of?” Dumbledore ordered.


Unsurprisingly, the remainder of the flying lesson did not go without any further incidents. Apple Bloom ended up having an actual argument with her broom which in retaliation scooped her up and then proceeded to dump her in a hedge, from twenty feet in the air. Somehow though she managed to stagger out of said bush with barely a scratch on her bar from being a little bit dazed. Just to be on the safe side though she was taken for a check-up in the infirmary. She was followed into the infirmary by Neville Longbottom who seemed to have no broom control at all and was abruptly flung into a wall, breaking his wrist. The Irish boy Seamus’ broom literally exploded in his face before take off sending splinters of wood everywhere including one into the poor boy’s eye leading to a third student off to the infirmary. Thankfully they managed to keep it to just three students being admitted to the infirmary. Some of the students barely managed to get off the ground on their first attempts such as Miss Granger and Miss Moon and they seemed grateful for it, being much happier on the ground than in the air. Others seemed happy for the break from their textbooks for a little while, enjoying the freedom the brooms offered. Thankfully to Madam Hooch’s relief no students attempted any of the hair-raising stunts Scootaloo had. Most surprising was Harry’s natural flying ability which had Gryffindors quidditch captain Oliver Wood and Professor McGonagall deep in discussion.

“How’s she doing?”

Scootaloo jumped for a moment before realising it was Apple Bloom next to her. “Shouldn’t you be in the infirmary?”

“Madam Pomfrey did a quick once over and then let me go. Said I had a few scratches on me but nothing major. Takes more than a little fall to hurt an Apple and besides she had more important things to deal with after Neville and Seamus arrived. Fears the latter may lose his eye, or at least the sight in it. Was touch and go when I left.” Apple Bloom explained.

“That’s just dreadful. Poor lad. Hope he’ll be alright. I suppose it wasn’t too bad your fall, just looked it. Think the broom was more fed up with you rather than actually wanting to cause you any harm. As for Sweetie, she’s doing just fine, Madam Hooch is just calling them back in now. Let’s go see how her landing is.”

“Sounds good and”

“INCOMING” Sweetie cried before barrelling into her friends.

“I suppose that’s one way to land.” Apple Bloom groused from the bottom of the pile of girls. “If you don’t mind, I’ve a detention to get to.”

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