• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,085 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Not So Calm Before the Storm

After the late night she’d had, the last thing Scootaloo wanted to do on Sunday morning was wake up early. By now though she was well aware that fate was completely against her. She was awoken a little past six by the crude screaming of her parrot.

“Oh shit it found me again. Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, I had a bath last year,” she heard Wally squawk indignantly.

Slowly she forced open one of her bleary eyes to see Wally hastily darting left and right across the room in a vain attempt to get away from something.

She forced open her second eye. Yep, it was definitely a bar of flying soap.

By now all the girls, bar herself, were sitting up in their beds gawking at the peculiar spectacle.

“It’s too fucking early for this,” she grumbled closing her eyes and turning over, preparing to force herself back to sleep.

That’s when the peculiar smell hit her nostrils. Was that lavender? She re-opened one of her eyes to see the bar of soap hovering in front of her.

“What the…” She never finished as the soap forced its way into her mouth.


Scootaloo yawned as she sat grumpily at the breakfast table, still blowing bubbles from her mouth. The rest of the girls hadn’t stopped laughing since the peculiar incident had occurred in the early hours of the morning.

After the soap had invaded her mouth Discord had appeared, apparently having been notified that his charge was in peril, only to likewise fall to the floor in hysterics at his poor daughter’s troubles as she valiantly attempted to rid herself of the block of soap now lodged in her mouth. Finally, after he’d managed to get control of himself, he’d snapped his claws and sent the dreaded soap to who knows where, but not before Scootaloo looked like a rabid beaver.

“Ugh, I don’t even want to think about where that soap had been,” Scootaloo groused for the umpteenth time. “There were definitely some hints that were certainly not lavender in there,” she finished with a hiccup and a succession of bubbles.

“Eww, too much information Scoots,” Apple Bloom said with repulsion in reply.

“What I’d like to know is where the blasted thing came from, it just appeared out of nowhere,” Susan said entering the conversation.

“An ulterior parallel dimension similar to this one but where Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are placed into Gryffindor and ultimately form the Gryffindor Mafia. I got lost there on my way to fucking Romania, which, I might add, is a fucking shithole, and ultimately that fucking damn bar of soap unjustly targeted me. It then had the cheek to follow me back here,” Wally explained on Scootaloo’s shoulder before tucking into an apple.

The six first year girls stared in stunned silence at the bird.

“What?” Wally paused in devouring the apple for a moment. “I’ve a fucking master’s degree in Chaos Physics from the University of Discord and Mayhem. Oh, and that reminds me,” Wally fluttered from his perch and nabbed Scootaloo’s wand from a pocket in her robes before she could stop him.

The bird hovered over to the Gryffindor table with the wand in his beak and before the girls even knew what was happening Fay, who was innocently chatting to Lavender at the time, suddenly found herself transfigured into a toad.

“Fucking alternate reality bitch called me fucking stupid,” he huffed dropping Scootaloo’s wand on the table upon his return. He then picked up his apple and continued his breakfast atop Scootaloo’s left shoulder.

“As if I wasn’t in enough trouble as it is,” Scootaloo groaned.


Two ponies trotted towards the east wing of Canterlot castle deep in discussion.

“I’m afraid to say Miss Sparkle that the latest incident involving the Changelings may have been the final straw for our benevolent ruler. Luna’s been raising the sun as well as the moon every day since the wedding, she’s exhausted and I fear without her sister’s help will be unable to continue soon. I was hoping you could talk some sense into her although I fear the worst,” Doctor Horse explained with a sigh.

“Surely you don’t mean that?” Twilight replied.

“Well, you can make your own judgement if you like, but in my professional opinion, she’s gone completely insane,” the doctor deadpanned as they came to the doors to Celestia’s chambers. Twilight barely had time to drag the doctor out the way before one of the doors was blown of its hinges by a powerful blast of magic.

“BIRDS AND BUGS EVERYWHERE!” Celestia cackled from within her chambers.

Cautiously Twilight peeped around the one remaining door to see the most peculiar sight she’d ever witnessed in her life so far. Celestia, foaming at the mouth, was chasing a flying block of soap around her quarters.

“I knew they were working in tandem, but Luna didn’t believe me. The birds hired the Changelings to attack Equestria to enslave us and make us manufacture as much seed as their little bellies could eat, whilst others would be forced to mate non-stop till they dropped dead to provide a constant supply of love to those nasty bugs,” Celestia rambled on with wild theories. “Any rebellion would be met by having your life source sucked away or being pecked to death, but now I’ve caught their little spy Luna will have to believe me,” she cackled once more before noticing Twilight staring at her wide eyed from the door. “Oh Twilight, my loyal student you’ve come to help me. I knew I could trust you. This Changeling-bird spy attacked me just as I was waking up to raise the sun, we must imprison and interrogate them, but first.”

Twilight’s eyes somehow went even wider as Celestia turned and stared at her for a moment. What once was the kind, heart warming and wise gaze of her mentor had completely evaporated. Two swirling vortexes of pure insanity bored their way through Twilight’s eyes and into her brain. It hurt, it hurt a lot and that was before Celestia ignited her horn and fired it at her. Twilight waited for her inevitable demise as blinding white light engulfed her. It never came. Slowly the light subsided and her vision returned.

“Wha-what just happened,” Twilight arose groggily from the floor.

“Arise Twilight Sparkle, Princess of bird and bug zapping,” Celestia cackled once more before turning her attention back to the soap.

Still in a daze Twilight looked down upon the pair of wings she now sported.

“OH, FOR FUCK SAKE,” she screamed before immediately finding her mouth filled with flying lavender soap that had a slightly sweaty and urine flavoured aftertaste that reminded her why she never played truth or dare with Rainbow anymore.


Absolute chaos and carnage reigned around the Great Hall as spells and food aplenty flew every which way. The Gryffindors, already enraged after waking up to find themselves one hundred and fifty house points worse off than when they went to bed last night due to the stupid actions of three first years, had only been more than happy to retaliate to what they saw as a completely unjustified and despicable use of magic against one of their youngest members. It had started with ten jugs of milk floating over and dumping their contents upon as many of the Hufflepuffs as they could manage. This was swiftly followed by the Hufflepuffs retaliating with a number of jinxes and hexes of their own, along with firing grapes magically machine gun style at their neighbours. The students from the other two houses stopped their own breakfasts for a moment to watch in stunned silence at the slowly escalating war on one side of the Great Hall. Not even the professors were having any luck at calming down the situation as the Weasley twins pulled an actual canon from somewhere and were firing anything they could at the Hufflepuffs, from plates and cutlery to scrambled eggs and sausages. Scootaloo along with the rest of the first year Hufflepuffs were currently hunkered down behind an upturned table unsure just what to do next.

“Wally, why, just why?” Scootaloo groaned to her pesky pet who still sat upon her left shoulder, now eating a banana.

“I think I already fucking explained that,” the bird replied not at all bothered by the anarchy he had caused.

“Lighten up Scootaloo, this is the most fun we’ve had in months!” Apple Bloom cried over the din as she momentarily peeked from cover to fire another stinging jinx at the Gryffindors. A cry of pain informed them it had been successful in finding its mark.

“I suppose I’m already in enough trouble right now after last night, might as well make my punishment worthwhile,” the other girl sighed in defeat. She took a deep breath and stood up from their cover, wand prepped and ready. “Ventus Crackario,” she yelled.

The clear sky above the hall darkened and suddenly wizarding crackers started to rain down upon everyone, exploding on contact with anything they touched and covering them with blue smoke.

In the middle of it all Scootaloo stood cackling like a maniac firing bolts of lightning at whoever she pleased from her right arm. It felt good to finally let loose some of the tension and stress that had been building up over the past few months.

“Sweet Celestia, I’ve unleashed a monster,” Apple Bloom mouthed.


So far Scootaloo’s Sunday was not going as planned. Although they’d sent Norbert safely on his way to Romania, Professor Sprout had sussed she’d been out of her dorm after curfew and she now faced an unknown punishment in the future for that. After her late-night drama all she’d wanted more than anything was a nice quiet lie in followed by yet another day of revision with her friends. She’d ended up being woken up by a bar of soap flying into her mouth and then her pet parrot had started a war with the Gryffindors at breakfast. It wasn’t even midday and she now sat in Professor Sprout’s office once more trying to explain the whole chaotic story to her head of house. Professor Sprout though wasn’t believing any of her wild, but totally truthful tale. Part of the reason for this though might have been the fault of a certain fifth year sat next to Scootaloo and the fact she couldn’t help but constantly snigger at the fact the poor professor now donned a completely shaved head and was covered in blue dye.

“So, you expect me to believe that your parrot cast the spell that turned poor Miss Dunbar into a frog, due to her parallel dimension self insulting him after he got lost delivering a letter home. Why do I find that hard to believe but utterly plausible with you?” Professor Sprout sighed placing her head in one of her hands.

“Because it’s the fucking truth,” Wally cawed from Scootaloo’s shoulder.

“See, he fucking admits it,” Scootaloo practically screamed with frustration.

“Language,” Professor Sprout muttered, her head now in both her hands. She felt a headache coming along.

“I can also vouch that it was indeed the parrot and not my daughter who cast said spell,” Discord’s voice echoed around the room as he snapped into existence at Scootaloo’s side. “I do apologise somewhat for his actions, but as a being of chaos, it was highly entertaining to watch the events that unfolded at breakfast this morning. I especially liked the wizard crackers raining from the sky my dear, very chaotic. That’ll earn you a few extra points in your Defence Against the Dark Arts mark at the end of the year,” Discord praised. “And loving the new smurf look professor, suits you perfectly.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but chuckle at that last comment as Professor Sprout’s head hit her desk.

Finally, she took a deep breath and raised it once more. In her most professional voice possible she spoke. “Be that as it may, the parrot is your pet and thus you must take some responsibility for his actions. Furthermore, there is also the matter of covering many of your peers and professors in magically resistant permanent blue dye along with firing lightning bolts at your peers.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but giggle at that last sentence, interrupting Professor Sprout’s verbal tirade.

“And I am also not pleased young Miss with you sneaking out in the middle of the night to assist in the transportation of an illegal dragon to Romania,” Discord added, his voice suddenly turning icy cold.

Scootaloo’s face turned from its jovial form to one of sheer terror.

“Oh shit,” she murmured.

Professor Sprout’s eyes went wide before she banged her head against the table once more. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” she groaned. “And language again Scoti.” Slowly she lifted her head of the desk and resumed her judgement. “Considering how near we are to exams and the quidditch finale, along with the fact that it is because of you I have Professor McGonagall helping me in the greenhouses this week, I shall be lenient and only issue one combined punishment for all three of these actions. Firstly, I shall be deducting twenty-five points from Hufflepuff. Secondly, you shall be assisting Hagrid with some business in the Forbidden Forest on Thursday night and finally, you shall assist Mr Filch with the clean-up of the Great Hall without the aid of magic upon leaving here. Do I make myself clear?” Professor Sprout finished sternly.

“Yes professor,” Scootaloo sighed in resignation.

Professor Sprout’s attention turned to the other girl. “Melody,”

“I told you it was an accident!” The girl interrupted with a wail.

Professor Sprout continued as if she hadn’t heard the girl’s protests. “For misuse of magic on a professor you shall also be assisting Miss Prewett with the clean up of the Great Hall. Additionally, you shall be responsible for her safe return on Thursday night. Considering your heritage, I entrust you’ll be able to keep her safe as if anything should befall my quidditch captain during her trip to the forest and prevent her playing next Sunday, acromantulas will be the least of your worries,” Professor Sprout said gravely.

Melody gulped, “yes professor.”

“Good, now, I suggest you both better get yourselves back to the Great Hall.”

“Yes professor,” both girls replied simultaneously.

Scootaloo let out a huge sigh of relief as she started to rise from her chair, feeling she’d probably got of a little lightly after everything that had happened in the past twelve hours. That was until Discord coughed.

“And now for my punishment young Miss.” He snapped his fingers. Something clamped itself onto Scoootaloo’s left ankle. “Aside from quidditch practice and your other punishments you are confined to your common room and dorm, even for meals, from the moment classes end to the moment they start up again the next day, for the remainder of the term. Any attempt to defy this will lead to you being immediately teleported back to the bathroom in your dorm where a cold bathtub of water shall be waiting for you. Do I make myself clear?” Discord growled ominously.

Scootaloo slumped back into her chair and her head banged against the desk. “Yes father,” she whined pitifully.

Author's Note:

What, you wanted MORE? Parts 2 and 3 of this section coming later today and tomorrow. According to Word there are 24 cases of the use of fuck across these 3 chapters, oops, I really do fucking swear to much.

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