• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,085 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Quidditch Try-outs!

Compared to the previous week, Monday thankfully proved to be a quieter affair. The Hufflepuff first years continued learning about unique magical plants and fungi in Herbology, went over the transfiguration alphabet in greater depth and proceeded with their practice of Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa in Charms. After the chaos of the previous week’s flying lessons Madam Hooch had opted for a safer way to start the second week, showing the students the location of the school’s broom care stations along with how to properly care for them. This included actions such as how to properly polish a broom and how to identify loose and bent twigs and then how to trim these twigs down properly. Scootaloo in particular had been enthralled by this lesson, wanting to keep Broomy in tip top condition.

Tuesday started with a bang, well an overly excited Pegasus waking everyone up at 5:30am with squeals of joy.

“Scootaloo it’s way to early for this, please go back to bed.” Hannah groaned.

“Who can sleep. Today’s the day.”

Four girls instantly shot up in their beds.

“Is she sick?” Meghan immediately asked.

Scootaloo looked around the room perplexed. “What?”

“Well what else would make you willingly sacrifice and turn your back on sleep?” Meghan clarified dreary eyed through the darkness that encased the room.

Four girls nodded their heads.

“Maybe Discord is planning to help her blow up more of the school?” Apple Bloom joked.

“I hope not.” Susan deadpanned

“Girls.” Scootaloo tried to interrupt.

“Maybe Professor Trelawney has planned something we don’t know about?” Hannah groaned. “Can we please just go back to sleep.”

“Girls.” Scootaloo tried again.

“You are all wrong, it is the Hufflepuff Quidditch trials today. Now can we please go back to sleep.” Sweetie said gruffly rolling over in her own bed and trying to go back to sleep.

“Girls.” Four sets of eyes finally turned to look at Scootaloo. “Yeah, what she said. I’m going to get some early morning practice. Anyone want to.” A pillow hit her in the face. “Guess not.”

With that, Scootaloo grabbed her freshly laundered flight suit and headed to the bathroom to get changed before grabbing Broomy and proceeding to the training fields.


There were quite a few grouchy and tired faces at the Hufflepuff table at breakfast that morning after their wake-up call earlier that morning. Scootaloo was still bouncing like an utter loon, barely able to sit still for a minute even after an hour of flying that morning.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so excited or energetic before?” Meghan said as a yawn escaped her.

“You should see her back home when she sees Rainbow Dash.” Apple Bloom sniggered receiving a glare from Scootaloo. “Don’t worry though, it won’t last, we’ve History first thing remember.”

“Good point.” Meghan concurred. “I’m looking forward to a little more sleep myself” she finished with yet another yawn.

“I think we all are.” Susan added to several nods from around the table. “Now I suggest we quickly finish up or we’re going to be late. It’s 8:35 already!”

This exclamation suddenly jerked the girls awake and to their senses. After quickly devouring what remained of their breakfasts, they swiftly headed to their first lesson of the day where they just as swiftly fell asleep as Professor Binns prattled on about some guy named Emeric the Evil. In their free period afterwards in the library Scootaloo and Apple Bloom learnt from Sweetie Belle he was some Dark Wizard from the Middle Ages who once possessed the Elder Wand and terrorised the South of England for a short period before being slaughtered by Egbert the Egregious. In actual fact, it was Apple Bloom who copied and went over what Sweetie had recorded from Binns as Scootaloo had fallen asleep once again as soon as Sweetie had started talking.

“Didn’t take long.” Apple Bloom groused trying to filter Scootaloo’s snoring out and concentrate on the information they’d received from the previous lesson. It was at that precise moment a devilish thought crossed her mind. Getting up, she silently went over to her sleeping friend with a quill and a pot of black ink in her hands.


Scootaloo couldn’t understand why the other students in the corridors were giving her strange looks and sniggering behind her back. After being woken up and told by Sweetie it was break time and they were going to get a drink of water before parting ways, Scootaloo had been rather unsettled by all the students that now seem interested and were staring at her face. Finally, she opted to dart into one of the many girls’ lavatories that were dotted throughout Hogwarts. It was here she saw the black glasses and moustache that had been painted on her face. Quickly washing her face with soapy water to get the ink off she had dashed back into the hallway only to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie had vanished.

Muttering venomously under her breath, Scootaloo had headed for the Potions lab.


Apple Bloom had wisely opted to sit next to Hannah during Potions while Scootaloo sat alone due to Sweetie’s absence.

“Good morning class.” Snape droned upon entering the room. “Today we shall go over our theoretical knowledge of the boil cure before practising it one further time on Friday. Hopefully, with the removal of a certain student there will be no more accidents this week.” He added with a sneer. “Next week we will be moving onto the Forgetfulness potion. I will remind you about this Friday and will expect you to be well prepared for our theoretical lesson next week. Failure to do so will result in points deductions for your house. Now, back to the boil cure, Mr Potter, what’s the first ingredient you add to your cauldron.” Snape demanded once again targeting Harry.

Harry gulped looking at the Potions Professor nervously.


Snape the snake had been on fine form, the girls were just thankful to come out of the lesson having lost their House only five points, thanks pretty much to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s knowledge. Gryffindor on the other hand had ended up losing fifteen points during the lesson, although Snape had been quite surprised by the ‘idiotic boy’ Neville’s knowledge of the potion and had actually praised the boy for once.

“My wrist hurts.” Meghan grumbled, rubbing it where Snape had slapped it with a ruler when she hadn’t been paying attention and was doodling on her parchment.

“I’m not surprised. I think we all winced when Snape did that. Unsure what’s got into him today but he seemed crueller than usual.” Apple Bloom pitched in.

“Didn’t think it was possible.” Susan added.

“True.” Apple Bloom paused for a moment. “Wait where’s Scoota” she never finished as she felt the ink dripping through her hair.

“Woops, so sorry there Apple Bloom, I seem to have dropped my ink upon your head.” Scootaloo said with feigned innocence as Apple Bloom looked up to see her floating above.

“Oh, you are so going in the lake.” Apple Bloom growled as the now partially black-haired girl shot after her friend who had quickly attempted to make herself scarce.

“Did I miss something?” Meghan asked a little confused.

“Oh yeah. Apple Bloom said to me that Scootaloo had fallen asleep again in the library after History while they were copying Sweetie’s notes down. The little minx then decided to draw a moustache and glasses on the sleeping girl, who didn’t notice for ten minutes after waking up. Finally, after so many people stared and looked at her funny in the hallways she went into a bathroom and looked in a mirror. Unsurprisingly, by the time she came out Apple Bloom and Sweetie had scarpered.” Hannah explained, causing an explosion of laughter throughout the first years.

“Now you mention it, me and Justin remember seeing that on Scoti’s face when I passed her in the hall during break. It was hilarious!” Wayne said, before laughing some more upon unearthing the memory.

As the laughter subsided, the Hufflepuff first years slowly disbanded into their usual groups and went their separate ways, occasionally chuckling at the memory of seeing the angry girl chase after her friend. Life sure wasn’t dull in Hufflepuff!


At lunch Apple Bloom pouted, her hair still a mixture of red and black. Sweetie roared with laughter as Scootaloo informed her of the revenge prank. The latter was still thinking of a way to get her other friend back as Sweetie went on to describe in ridiculous detail her time with Dumbledore, explaining how they’d gone over the basics of a switching spell. Much to everyone’s amusement she then proceeded to switch the apple Apple Bloom was about to tuck into for an orange.

“What is this, tease Apple Bloom day?” Apple Bloom grumbled picking up the apple again only to find it turn into a pear before she could take a bite. “One more time. I Daring Do double dare you.” Her voice calm, collected, but dripping with unhidden rage.

Apple Bloom picked up the Apple for the third time and went to take a bite, the orange returned. She hurled it with all her Earth Pony strength across the table at Sweetie who barely had time to react. Amazingly she was only forced of her seat by the force of the projectile, most people would have been sent flying halfway across the room.

“Ow.” Was all the unicorn girl moaned from the floor as several spectators looked on in astonishment to see if she was alright.

“Huh, getting better. I remember when a misdirected buckball sent you hurtling fifty trots into a tree!” Apple Bloom giggled.

“Don’t remind me, I still have the scars.” Sweetie winced from the floor before gingerly lifting herself up.

“With you two around, I don’t even need to bother with revenge pranks, you do it for me!” Scootaloo chuckled before returning to her lunch.

Sweetie sat back down intent on finishing her own lunch as Apple Bloom gave her a impish grin from across the table. As Sweetie returned the gesture, Wally decided to make an appearance, crash landing on the table and sending food everywhere!

“Crazy bitch, crazy bitch, crazy bitch.” The one-eyed bird cawed, dropping a knife on the table before vomiting up a letter to go with it. The bird then proceeded to pass out.

“What on Earth?” Sally cried, now covered in bread, lettuce, tomatoes and crisps among other things.

The food that now adorned her did not bother Sweetie though in the slightest. She was to engrossed in looking at the seal on the letter that lay in amongst the carnage that previously was their lunch, it was Rarity’s.

“Mummy” she whined with dread.


Fifteen minutes later, and after a quick stop in a bathroom to clean up, the Hufflepuff first years were hastily making their way to the Discord tower for their second DADA lesson with the apparent God of Chaos. Sweetie hadn’t spoken a clear word since opening the letter, simply staring straight ahead of her, her mouth mumbling incoherent gibberish as she blubbered like a fish. Apple Bloom had been forced to carry the frozen girl on her shoulder as nothing they did worked in relieving Sweetie from her stupor.

The other girls were currently reviewing what the letter had contained to cause such a reaction.

“Woah, that’s a lot of curse words.” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Not sure who’s worse, her or Wally.”

“Fuck off.” Wally squawked.

“Well to be honest, I’d go with Miss Rarity Belle for pure malice and insanity. I mean just look at this section to begin with. Let me get this fucking straight young Miss, if you ever do something so stupid or reckless again, I’ll chop of both your forehooves, hands, whatever and shove your horn where the sun doesn’t shine. Do I make myself absolutely fucking clear? I’ve had enough of your bullshit shenanigans and along with your parents am still paying off the damages and compensation caused from the Great Baking Disaster last year. I’ll grind you into paste if you create me anymore debt or maybe I’ll skin you alive and make a dress from you to clear it. Not to mention the unsettling way she goes from complete psycho to normality at the flick of a switch. Following that section up with, On the other hoof, I’m glad to see you settling in well at your new school and having so much fun. Just don’t cause anymore trouble if you know what’s good for you. Keep working hard, all the best and hope to see you soon, with lots of love, Rarity. That’s just unnerving how she goes from crazy nutjob to loving sister to crazy nutjob in the blink of an eye.” Susan finished her analysis to several nods of agreement from the group.

“Hey, don’t talk about my sister that way.” Sweetie argued from Apple Bloom’s shoulder suddenly coming out of her stupor.

“Ah, brilliant, can I put you down now? You are not the lightest load by any means.” Apple Bloom said bluntly before indignantly dumping the other girl on the floor.

“You calling me fat?” Sweetie grumbled from the floor as she slowly pushed herself up. “Yeah she’s a little bit of a drama queen but she loves me really.” She said nervously dusting herself down.

“I agree with Susan. How many cats does she own?” Meghan interjected.

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Sweetie bemoaned as they continued navigating the bizarreness of the Discord tower to class 104.

“I’m wondering if we can class her as a crazy cat lady.” Meghan replied with a chuckle which also saw Apple Bloom and Scootaloo let out a snort of amusement. “I’m guessing by those two’s responses she at least owns one cat.”

Sweetie Belle pouted crossing her arms and refusing to reply.

“Yep, Sweetie’s sister is a crazy cat lady.” Meghan jested to a round of giggles. Even Sweetie gave up her defiance.

“I think even calling her that right now would see some gruesome punishment considering the mood I’ve put her in. I just hope she calms down before she can think of a suitable punishment for my potions mishap.” Sweetie managed to say as the laughter slowly subsided. “That knife might very well be needed!” She exclaimed to more giggles.

“You ponies sure are a curious bunch.” Justin expressed his feelings on the matter being discussed.

“That they are young sir, that they are.” Discord chortled popping into existence in front of them as they neared the entrance to Class 104. “Crazy cat lady, drama queen and psychotic nutjob sure do suit Miss Rarity Belle well.”

“Hey!” Sweetie exclaimed. “That’s my sister.”

“Would you claim any of my accusations to be false?” Discord queried looking at the girl and waiting for a response.

Sweetie thought for a moment. “Good point.” Was all she managed to eke out.

“Excellent, now shall we proceed with our discussion and investigation into the Unforgiveable Curses? Thanks to Miss Belle we even have an Unforgiveable Potion to talk about to!” Discord explained ushering the children into the classroom where they promptly floated to the ceiling. “Oh, and Miss Bloom, loving the dye job.”

Sweetie Belle had gone bright red in embarrassment once more.

Apple Bloom gave Discord a look that clearly said ‘don’t push your luck.’


Apart from Sweetie’s embarrassment, the lesson itself went along without much incident, focussing on topics such as ways to become more resilient to pain, possible ways to determine someone is under the Imperious curse and how to tell if your drink might have been spiked by the Unforgiveable Potion. Discord continued to be in his unusually sombre and serious mood throughout the lesson although did occasionally throw in the odd act of chaos to lighten the mood, such as when he demonstrated the Imperious Curse on a group of mice and got them to perform a highly entertaining version of the Can-Can. Thankfully, the lesson provided the first year Hufflepuffs with just the distraction they needed to get over the disturbing letter that Sweetie had received at lunch from her sister. The girl herself pushed it to the back of her mind as she headed to the library to recap last week’s Astronomy lesson with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. It was here they bumped into Hermione, Harry and Ronald who were doing likewise. Scootaloo was particularly happy to see the girl had quickly made friends with her fellow housemates after her intervention the previous week.

“Hey, mind if we join you?” Scootaloo requested.

Ron looked like he was about to argue, but Hermione was quicker.

“Sure, pull up a seat. Six heads are better than three! I’m guessing you’ll also be going over last weeks Astronomy?”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo groaned.

“I’m guessing you are not a fan.” Hermione giggled in reply. “Although I think that was obvious from you sleeping through the majority of both lessons last week. If you like I’ll give you a hand and try and make it more interesting and easier to understand.”

“Thanks.” Scootaloo replied pulling up a chair at the end of the table next to Hermione. “I’m not sure how you could though? It all seems rather pointless to me. I just want to try and get through the lesson without another detention so that I can get to the Hufflepuff Quidditch try-outs on time this evening.”

“Oh, so it’s the Hufflepuff try-outs tonight. We went along to the Gryffindor try-outs last night to watch Ron’s brothers, over half the house turned out to either try-out or watch, it was a real spectacle.” Hermione chirped.

“Woah, sounds epic.” Scootaloo replied impressed, her excitement for this evening growing once again. “No chance you’d give me some clues as to who will get picked?” Scootaloo tried pushing her luck.

“No chance, you’ll just have to wait till Friday like everybody else. Now, lets start with this Astronomy.”

Scootaloo groaned once more.


She tried, she really did, but it took barely ten minutes before Scootaloo was banging her head on the table.

“I give up!” She wailed.

Hermione chuckled, “it’s not that bad.”

“It is.” Scootaloo protested defiantly. “Why would anyone willingly learn this? I see no practical implications? Its just pointless facts and figures!”

Hermione chuckled once more. “Don’t let Professor Sinistra hear you say that or she’ll have a fit and probably put you in detention for a week.”

“In all honesty, if my Divination studies didn’t depend on it, I’d probably just play truant.” Scootaloo grumbled.

“I thought you were trying to steer clear of trouble for five minutes? I’m sure you’ll get it, sooner or later.

She didn’t. By the end of their study session Scootaloo was more confused and lost with Astronomy than when she began. The lesson itself went even worse. Despite her best efforts she was once again kept behind for not paying attention after failing to answer a question surrounding gas giants and was currently awaiting her inevitable fate as the students around her filtered out the classroom. As Professor Sinistra closed the door behind the final student she approached Scootaloo and sat at the desk in front of her.

Sinistra sighed. It was the usual yearly lottery all over again. No student ever came to Hogwarts to learn Astronomy. It was merely a necessity to be able to learn what most students classed as actual magic in their other classes. Thus, whereas those classes consistently needed to do little to secure the interest of the first-year students, for her it was often an uphill battle and was ultimately why, aside from History of Magic, Astronomy had the poorest O.W.L results out of any core subject studied at Hogwarts and retention onto N.E.W.T level. Simply put, most the time she was lumbered with students who would rather be in bed than studying the night sky. It took most of her time and effort just to get them to an Acceptable level by their fifth years and she was lucky if those with Exceed Expectations and Outstanding grades for the year reached double figures. She had pleaded on numerous occasions with Albus that the subject should be made an elective, but to no avail. Thus, this meant that on rare occasions she ended up with students she knew instantly, no matter how much time and effort she put in, were a lost cause and nigh impossible to achieve anything with. Two years ago, it had been the Weasley twins, who had nearly succeeded in persuading the entire Gryffindor and Hufflepuff factions that year into boycotting the subject. Thankfully, she’d quickly bargained with them to avoid such pandemonium from occurring. In a little over two years’ time, they’d receive an anonymous gift and each pass their O.W.L with an A. She’d hoped it would be at least another five years before another appeared, but, unfortunately, she’d not had a winning ticket this year and now had a rebellious half-Pegasus girl with a cerise mohawk sitting in front of her.

“I’m going to keep this brief. I applaud you for at least trying, but I can clearly see Astronomy is not the subject for you and you are going to get nowhere from studying it. I’ll deal with Dumbledore and your head of house. Please leave the textbook on the desk before you leave. Thank you.” Professor Sinistra explained before jumping of the desk and turning to head back to the front of the classroom.

“W-w-what?” Was all Scootaloo could stammer.

Aurora sighed once more turning back to face the wayward pupil. “You are a bright pupil in your own way Miss Prewett but Astronomy is clearly not for you and I won’t be forced by bullshit Hogwarts bureaucracy in forcing you to continue studying it. I’d rather you spent the time studying those subjects which you can actually succeed in. Thus,” she never finished as Scootaloo wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a crushing hug!

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” The Pegasus girl screeched before releasing the Astronomy professor and bolting for the exit with only a quick turn of her head and one final thanks.

Scootaloo almost missed Sweetie waiting outside the classroom for her she was in such a delirium.

“I’m free” she cried pulling the rather alarmed Sweetie into an impromptu dance whilst continuing saying those same two words over and over again.

Back in the classroom Aurora smiled. Yes, Albus would grumble at her for once again shirking her responsibilities, but she was more than willing to accept that in knowing that she’d done the right thing once again for the student in question.


“So, you’re telling us that she just let you drop the subject then and there, no argument, no lecture, nothing?” Hannah said in disbelief.

Scootaloo just replied with a quick nod of her head, to busy guzzling her dinner to offer any more of a reply. After Sweetie had managed to calm her down and was able to get some form of rational explanation from her, they had headed off for an early dinner. On their way to the Great Hall Sweetie had explained that Apple Bloom would see them out on the field later, stating that she was heading back to the Potions lab for some further practice. Scootaloo hadn’t really paid much attention though, still buzzing over the fact she’d not have to sit through one more Astronomy class ever again. Upon entering the Hall they’d found Meghan, Hannah and Susan already waiting for them at the Hufflepuff table.

“From what she told me; it was Professor Sinistra’s idea. Apparently, she came straight out and told Scootaloo that it was clear she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the subject so might as well make use of the time studying subjects she could actually succeed in. Said she’d even deal with Professor Sprout and Dumbledore to.” Sweetie explained.

“Yes, I’ve just had rather an enlightening conversation with a certain Astronomy professor regarding Miss Prewett.” Professor Sprout interrupted approaching the first years at the table. “Apparently, although Pegasi are supposedly masters of the sky, they are pretty abysmal at studying it.” She glowered at Scootaloo who abruptly stopped guzzling food and whimpered. “I have though agreed with Aurora’s request reluctantly as I do feel a less congested schedule will benefit you.” The glower turned into a warm smile and Scootaloo relaxed once more letting out the breath she was holding in. “This does though come with two clauses.” Scootaloo held her breath once more. “Firstly, you’ll spend seventh period on Tuesday with me in the Greenhouses with the first year Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you already slacking off in Herbology. No Hufflepuff has ever failed at Herbology during my tenure as head of house and you will not become the first if you don’t wish to find a Venomous Tentacula at the end of your bed.” Pomona said deadly seriously.

Scootaloo gulped seeing the deathly stare of a disapproving grandma bore a hole deep into her soul. She may seem to be a pottering old fool, but that was all for show. You most certainly did not want to get on the wrong side of Professor Sprout.

“Secondly, I expect you to spend the extra time on Tuesday evenings practicing your Quidditch with your fellow teammates. I’ve no doubt you’ll be our seeker for this year and hopefully many more years to come. I am predicting great things from you on the pitch this year and am pinning my hopes on you turning our houses fortunes in the sport around. And on that note, I look forward to seeing you out on the training fields shortly.” The Herbology teacher finished abruptly, not waiting for a response as she shuffled off to speak to Dumbledore who had just entered the Great Hall.”

“Is it just me or does she scare you gals as well sometimes?” Meghan blurted out what was on everyone else’s mind.

“She’s got an army of deadly plants at her disposal and could probably quite easily dispose of anyone who gets in her way without anyone else proving it was her. Yeah, I definitely don’t think we should ever get on the wrong side of our head of house. Scootaloo, if I was you, I’d certainly start ensuring you are paying more attention in Herbology if you want to live till year two.” Susan inserted her view on the topic of discussion.

“Eeep.” Scootaloo muttered, quickly gulping down a banana for desert as Wally, who’d flown in during the meal, wolfed down an apple. “Thanks girls, I think I got the message. Pass Herbology or face Professor Sprout’s wrath.”


After a quick stop to change and collect her broomstick, Scootaloo along with the four other first year Hufflepuff girls made their way to the training fields.

“Alright, lets play some Quidditch!” Scootaloo thundered as she walked out into the low evening autumn sun.

As her sight slowly returned to her from the blinding light, four, not forty, bemused faces looked back at her.

“Err, where is everyone. The try-outs were scheduled for six o’clock right?” Scootaloo said, her confident demeanour suddenly evaporating.

“Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me. No, just no. That’s it, I quit.”

Scootaloo turned to see the voice of the newcomer. It was an older girl, probably fifth or sixth year and she was currently being denied her exit by a pleading Professor Sprout.

“Please Melody, I’m sure this year will be better, just give us a chance.”

“Chance? I’m supposed to be training a Quidditch team, not babysitting a bunch of younger years. We’re going to get annihilated.” The new girl, Melody, chimed.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad, come, just see what we have on offer this year.” Pomona tried vainly. “Remember what it means to be a Hufflepuff, loyal to the very end.”

“Oh yeah, where the fuck is everyone else from last year or anyone for that matter from the upper years? Where were all of you during the summer I spent in therapy recovering from all the teasing and bullying I suffered last year? What was our record again? Played 3, won 0, drawn 0, lost 3, for 100, against 1820. We broke a one-hundred-year record for heaviest defeat, twice, and with this lot at your disposal I’m going to find the Weasley twins right now and place a bet on that record getting smashed once again. No extra Herbology credit is worth this indignation.” The irate girl finished, ripping off the captain’s armband before nearly pushing poor Professor Sprout over in her haste to return to the castle.

Pomona Sprout sunk to the ground in defeat, tears streaming down her face. The first house in Hogwarts history to be unable to field a Quidditch team in the Inter-House Quidditch Cup. The latest in a long line of embarrassments she’d suffered in her twenty-year tenure as the head of the Hufflepuff house. Maybe it was finally time for her to find a suitable Herbology apprentice and hang up her apron for good. Fate had other ideas.

“Right you motley lot. You see our poor head of house over there. If ever she needed a bunch of loyal Hufflepuffs to stand by her side in the face of overwhelming adversity, now is the time. Who’s with me?” Scootaloo thundered once more, picking up the discarded captain’s armband from the floor and pulling it up and over her left arm.

Silence engulfed the field for a moment before the four older students started chanting wildly “HUFFLEPUFF, HUFFLEPUFF, HUFFLEPUFF!” and were soon joined by the first years that had accompanied Scootaloo.

Just when Professor Sprout was at her darkest ebb, a hand reached into the darkness and plucked her back into the light.

“Come now Professor, we’ve a Quidditch team to arrange.” Scootaloo smirked as she helped her head of house to her feet alongside Sweetie Belle.

Wiping her nose with her grubby sleeve Pomona sniffled forlornly. “Thank you, Miss Prewett, but even you can see we are a little short on players.”

“Nonsense. You two names and positions.” Scootaloo pointed towards two second year girls.

“I’m Heidi Macavoy, she’s Tamsin Applebee. We usually play as Chasers. We’re not the best, but wanted to see if we could help our house after seeing how badly we were decimated last year.” The girl spoke nervously.

“Excellent.” Scootaloo swiftly moved over to one of the third years. “Cedric am I right? Think you can assist in getting these two girls up to some standard where we don’t embarrass ourselves in front of the entire school?”

“Err, possibly?” Cedric replied taken aback by the first-year girls sudden and rapid takeover of the whole situation.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m counting on you Cedric.” Scootaloo commanded.

Cedric actually saluted. “I won’t let you down captain!”

“I’m sure you won’t.” Scootaloo attempted to hold back a giggle at the boys over exaggerated response. “Now, Beaters.” Scootaloo turned her head to the final third year boy. “You look like the kind of boy dragged along by his friend against his will.”

The boy nodded his head, at a loss for words by this first year girls abrupt rise to power.

“But like any boy your age, I’m guessing you’d love a Nimbus 2000 to call your own.”

A smile widened across the boy’s mouth. “Now you speak my language. Names Anthony Rickett. Give me a bat and I’ll try my utter best to keep those Bludgers away from our other players.”

“Brilliant.” Scootaloo’s head turned towards her group of friends, a look of pure unhindered madness spread across her face. They all took one step back. All bar one.

“Shit.” Susan grumbled.

“Susan, thanks so much for volunteering.”

“No, just no.”

“You’ll get your very own Nimbus 2000.” Scootaloo cooed seductively.

“I’m listening.”

“You can wilfully hurt Slytherins without any repercussions.”

Susan cackled maniacally.

Everyone else shuddered.

Pomona stood stock still staring wide eyed at the girl for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and rubbing her hands in delight. The girl would make a wonderful beater.

“Okay, Pomona, think you can teach them the basics? Oh, and I’ll need you to sort out an order for six more Nimbus 2000s and arrange for them to be delivered to the school. We need every little bit of help and advantage we can get. Obviously, I’ll pay for them and once the year is up, every one of you shall be free to keep them.” Scootaloo explained rapidly.

The other five children stared at her as if she’d gone mad. How could she afford five more Nimbus 2000s and more importantly, why would she give them willingly to people she’d only just met?

Slowly, a smile appeared across Pomona’s face. “I think a teacher accompanied trip to Diagon Alley can be arranged for Saturday morning.”

“Excellent, that only leaves one more position to be filled, our keeper.” Scootaloo turned her head knowingly towards Sweetie Belle.

“Sigh, I thought you might have noticed. Of course I’m in you dunderhead. You just had better catch that snitch ASAP before it becomes redundant.” Sweetie finished by giving Scootaloo a quick noogie.

Upon being released Scootaloo surveyed her rag tag team. It would take a lot of hardwork and effort over the next two months, but she’d do her utmost in getting them ready for their first match. “Right as Sweetie has already worked out, my plan is simple. We need to win three games of Quidditch to win the cup. As long as we keep the oppositions score less than one hundred and fifty points above ours and I find the Golden Snitch three times, we win. Simple.”

This resulted in a round of nods of agreement from her teammates.

“Awesome. Now, if you haven’t got one, go borrow a broom from the broomshed and then split into your assigned groups. Sweetie you’re with me for shot practice. We reconvene here in an hour and will put what you’ve learnt and practiced to the test. Its time to see what we’ve got to work with.” Scootaloo commanded.


Nearly two hours later the players on the newly formed Hufflepuff Quidditch team returned to the ground, bruised, battered and absolutely exhausted. It had been a testing session for all those involved.

“Alright, yeah we’re a little rough around the edges, but with some hard work and dedication I’m sure we can match whatever the other houses throw at us this year. Sweetie, you made some incredible stops throughout, well done.”

Sweetie took to collapsing on the floor in exhaustion and simply stuck her thumb in the air in response to Scootaloo’s praise as Apple Bloom checked on the girl to ensure she was alright.

“Anthony and Susan, you’re getting there. Keep remembering what I said and believing that bludger is Snape’s head. Whack it with as much strength as you can!” Scootaloo continued her report.

The two players in question nodded their heads vigorously in acknowledgement.

“Cedric, Heidi, Tamsin, we’re only one session in and already I’m seeing some really amazing teamwork and plays from you three. Great job at integrating yourself with the girls Cedric.”

“Thanks! He’s taught us a lot already!” Tamsin quipped.

“Now, I’m going to be brutally honest with you, we are going to severely lack the strength, talent and experience of the other houses teams. They are more than likely going to play and bully us off the field. Thus, we shall be having three sessions, not two, a week to try and bridge this gap, find out what our strengths are, and to generally help us become more unified. Alongside Tuesday evenings at six and Thursday evenings at eight I expect to see you all out here 6am sharp Monday mornings.” Groans rang around the group. Scootaloo ignored them. “Remember that each of you are receiving a Nimbus 2000 for your participation this year and in return I expect your utmost dedication and commitment to the cause. We shall make Professor Sprout proud. Now, hit the showers, enjoy the rest of your evening and I’ll see you all Monday morning with the new brooms. Team dismissed.”

And on that final note, the hotchpotch of Hufflepuffs disbanded and headed back to their common room, leaving just the Crusaders and Pomona Sprout on the training fields.

“Realistically, how much of chance do we have?” Pomona asked her new Quidditch captain.

“In all honesty, it’s hard to tell right now. Sweetie really surprised me with her keeping and I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone better in our house. Cedric is also a great addition and he’ll help the two girls massively as they are still very much learning the game. On the positive side Heidi and Tamsin are very in tune with each other and work very well as a team. They are still very rough around the edges but the raw ability is there, all we can hope for is that they are fast learners. Our beaters are my biggest worry. We’ve two complete amateurs who barely know what they are doing. If we can’t get them up to scratch very, very quickly, we are in for some bumpy and painful games this year, which definitely won’t assist me in getting to the Golden Snitch first. Finally, I’ve no clue what the buck I’m doing right now. I’ve barely been playing the game for a month myself and have no idea what the job of team captain actually means? Do I need to look at drills, tactics, team bonding exercises and so forth or are we seriously just winging it and putting everything on my shoulders to find the Golden Snitch before we are totally annihilated!” Scootaloo finished breathing rapidly as the reality of the situation she’d put herself in dawned on her.

“Shush” Professor Sprout embraced the overwhelmed girl in a hug in an attempt to calm her down. “You are doing a fine job. No, an unbelievable one. Now that the trials are over you have three simple duties, planning training sessions, organising our team and dealing with anything else that concerns the team or its members. As this is a huge responsibility for any student let alone a first year, I will assist you throughout.” She slowly released Scootaloo as the girls breathing slowed to a more normal pace. “Along with the armband, you’ll also be expected to wear these badges. One is for your school uniform; the other is for your Quidditch robes.” She pulled out two gold badges with a massive black C and the outline of a badger emblazoned upon them before handing them to the girl leaning in as she did so and whispering in her ear. “These along with the password Mint Tea Tree Oil will grant you access to the Prefects bathroom on the fifth floor. Why don’t I take you there now? You could probably use a good bathe after all the hard work you’ve put in today. Thank you so much for everything.” Pomona finished pulling away from the surprised girl with a beaming smile.

“A wash sounds lovely right about now. Shall we continue our discussion surrounding the team on the way. Girls, sorry to palm you off. I’ll see you back in the common room before you head off to Astronomy.” Scootaloo said to her two friends before walking off to the castle with Professor Sprout.

Sweetie stuck up her other thumb. “Sure thing, I’m just going to lie here for a while anyway.”


The bath had been utterly divine and was honestly the best bath she’d ever had. After changing into some clean pyjamas Professor Sprout had retrieved for her, the girl was just leaving when Maddie Fairweather caught her.

“Miss Prewett, what might I ask are you doing using.” She stopped mid-sentence as she saw the badge on the first year’s bath robe, her eyes bulging.

“Only five people turned up to the Quidditch try-outs. Long story short, I’m the new captain. Enjoy your bath, it is absolutely heavenly,” Scootaloo replied not waiting for a response as she headed back towards the Hufflepuff Common room. Seeing as it was now way past nine and curfew had come into force, the halls were practically empty and no one was able to question why she was in her pyjamas outside her common room. Just as she was nearing the entrance to her common room though an older boy jumped out her nearly startling her to death.

“Hello, hello, what do we have here then, A Hufflepuff out of bed after curfew. I hope you have a good reason young Miss. Wait, Scootaloo?”

“Hi Percy, its nice to see you to, although I’d rather you didn’t frighten me half to death. I’m just off to bed now. I was just using the Prefects bathroom after my first Quidditch practice. Here.” She unpinned her Captain’s badge and passed it to Percy.

The Prefect stared at it for a moment before giving her a mocking look “Oh this is a real nice forgery. My brothers give you this? There’s no way a first year can be the captain of one of the House’s Quidditch teams!”

Scootaloo looked at Percy for a moment unsure what to do next. After thinking for a moment, she simply decided to be honest. “You don’t believe me you are more than welcome to take me to Professor Sprout right now, but I doubt she’d want to be disturbed this late after spending the evening out on the Quidditch field. She’s also standing right behind you.”

“Oh, haha, like I’m going to fall for that one.” Percy said in a disapproving tone.

“Mr Weasley, I was just saying goodnight to my house and what do I find upon leaving, you abusing your powers and keeping my Quidditch captain from returning to her dormitory.” A stern voice uttered behind the Prefect, making him jump.

“Professor Sprout, it’s not like that at all.” Percy stammered unable to find the words to reply to the unhappy professor behind him. He quickly returned the badge to the girl.

“Thanks Professor.” Scootaloo said with a polite smile skipping past the Prefect on the way to the Hufflepuff common room. “Have a great night Percy.”

As she was entering the Common room, she couldn’t help but take a glance and giggle at Percy trying to explain the situation to Professor Sprout. As she clambered out of the other end of the passageway, she saw the rest of the girls musing over their Herbology homework from the day before in the Common Room. Hey Scoots, you joining us or heading to bed as you don’t have Astronomy tonight.

“The latter. I’m pooped. Have a great night girls!” And with that Scootaloo shuffled along to her dorm. After a quick goodnight to Wally, who was snoozing under a wing on his perch, she collapsed upon her bed and was out like a light within a minute.

Author's Note:

This chapter was a right slog, not totally happy with it but done all the same. Few things I'd like to say quickly here.
1. Most importantly away 21st-27th September visiting family, thus there will hopefullly be one more chapter before a slight break in proceedings.
2. There are new Lego HP Minifigures out and Pomona Sprout is one of them!

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