• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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A Centaur's Song

The following week proved to be a really miserable affair for Scootaloo of nothing but sleep and revision for the upcoming exams. Apple Bloom and Sweetie tried valiantly to cheer her up, but to no avail. It didn’t help that Hermione barely spoke to her at all; it seemed that she was suffering nearly as badly as Harry and herself after being caught during their midnight excursion. The other girl simply sat in silence next to her during every lesson, as no one else would even speak to her let alone sit next to her, head down ploughing through whatever task had been assigned to them. Even the sight off a rather grumpy Professor McGonagall in a pair of Dungarees and a straw hat as they left Herbology on Wednesday didn’t brighten Hermione’s mood. To make matters worse Scootaloo had no time herself to cheer her girlfriend up, due to her ankle lock. She dared not make her father even more mad at her. She was just glad she at least had two amazing friends who stayed by her side always and assisted her with her revision when she struggled with something, whether it be potions ingredients or tips on how to perform a successful transfiguration spell. Then at breakfast on Thursday morning, Wally appeared and vomited a note in front of her.

Your detention will take place at eleven o’clock tonight. Melody will meet you in the common room at half past ten sharp and take you to Hagrid’s hut,

Prof. P. Sprout

P.S. Bring the bird.

After a long day of revisiting jinxes and hexes, the magical middle ages, correct wand movements, preparing for their flying aptitude licensing exam, and final quidditch practice of the year before their final match on Sunday, Scootaloo sat across from Melody in the Hufflepuff common room, both girls lost within a mountain of notes as they waited for the clock on the wall above them to tick over to half past ten. Most of their fellow housemates had already retired to their dorms for the night aside from a few desperate souls who were trying courageously to force back the yawns and continue their studies. Even these few had given up by a quarter past ten though leaving just the two girls to keep each other company in the slowly dimming candle light. Wally was snoozing under a wing perched on Scootaloo’s shoulder. Finally getting nowhere with her revision, Scootaloo decided to breach the awkward silence that had plagued them for the past hour since Sweetie and Bloom had gone to bed.

“So, might I ask what Professor Sprout meant by your heritage?” She asked trying to start a conversation.

Melody didn’t look up from the textbook she was buried in. “Nothing, she meant nothing by it,” she replied coldly.

Scootaloo was stung by the sharp reply, but she decided anyway to press on. “Sorry, I was just trying to find something to talk about, I don’t think I can take anymore revision.”

“Well, don’t,” Melody grumbled before letting out a sigh and closing her textbook. She started putting her stuff away. “I guess we might as well get a move on. If either of us don’t turn up to this detention we are in for a world of trouble.”

She continued to pack up her things in silence and Scootaloo opted to do likewise, deciding not to push her luck any further with the older girl who seemed to be somewhat distant. Afterwards, Melody picked up a lantern Professor Sprout had provided her with, and they headed out of the common room, navigating the empty and eerily quiet hallways until they’d left the castle behind them. Neither girl had said a word as the dark foreboding shadows of the forest got nearer and nearer.

“Who’s there?” Hagrid’s voice finally pierced the gloom. “Is that you Filch?”

“No, it’s Miss Song and Miss Prewett,” Melody replied as the two girls appeared in front of Hagrid out of the gloom.

“Ah, yes, Professor Sprout told me to expect the two of you. I’m glad to see you are punctual, unlike a certain caretaker,” Hagrid grumbled. “Still, are you sure it’s wise for you to enter the forest my dear?” he added with a hint of concern.

“I’ll be fine,” Melody snapped back rudely.

“Okay, I’m sorry, but am I missing something or,” Scootaloo said completely confused.

“Unless you want a hoof down your throat, I suggest you quit prying,” Melody barked.

“Hey now, there’s no need to take your feelings out on Scoti, she’s not done anything wrong,” Hagrid scolded.

Melody looked like she wanted to continue the argument some more, but at that moment a second lantern light appeared in the distance growing brighter by the second.

“That you Filch, you’re late,” Hagrid bellowed lugging a quiver of arrows onto his back and picking up a large crossbow. Fang stood up next to him.

The caretaker along with Malfoy, Neville, Hermione and Harry suddenly appeared out of the night as if from nowhere. Hermione looked shocked to see Scootaloo waiting for her, the other girl having not told her she’d been issued the same punishment.

“Bah,” Filch grunted. “I was just informing them of what their punishment shall be.”

“You been threatening and scaring them with tall tales, have you? That why you’re late?” Hagrid said whilst glaring at Filch. “You’ve been warned in the past its not your place to punish them. You’ve done your part; now begone with you. I’ll take over from here.”

“I’ll return at dawn,” Filch muttered, “for what’s left of them,” he added nastily before turning around and heading back to the castle, the dot of his lantern slowly disappearing into the inky blackness of the night.

As soon as he was gone Malfoy turned to Hagrid.

“I’m not going into that forest,” he said, his voice unable to hide his rising panic.

“You can either take your punishment for the wrong you’ve done or pack your bags and be gone from Hogwarts by morning, your choice,” Hagrid said bluntly.

“What, you can’t be serious? I’ll be informing my father about this,” the boy replied angrily.

“Go ahead,” Hagrid said not at all fazed, “but he’ll tell you that’s how it is at Hogwarts before giving you a right hiding himself for what you’ve done.”

Malfoy didn’t move. He looked at Hagrid furiously for a moment but then dropped his gaze in defeat.

“Right then,” said Hagrid, turning his attention to the small group of students. “I need you all to listen carefully because what we are about to do tonight is highly dangerous and I don’t want any of you taking any unnecessary risks.”

He paused for a moment and indicated for them to follow him with a large hand as he turned and walked to the very edge of the forest. It was here where he stopped, bent down and inspected the ground for a moment, lantern held out in front of him. You all see this silvery stuff on the ground? That’s unicorn blood, been hurt pretty bad and it’s the second one in just over a week. Our mission is simple, find it and if necessary, put it out of its misery. Any questions?”

Hagrid looked out across his strange little group; Neville clutching onto Harry in utter terror. He sighed as he saw the snot nosed Slytherin stick up his hand.

“Yes?” Hagrid said with a heavy sigh.

“What if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?” the boy uttered shaking a little in fear, much to Harry’s delight.

“That’s what my crossbow is for and I promise you there’s nothin’ in that forest that’ll hurt you as long as one of me, Fang or Miss Song are with you and you don’t wander off the path, unless you wish to be an acromantula’s next meal. Trust me when I say that’s not a nice way to go,” Hagrid explained.

Malfoy visually gulped in fright.

“Right then, we’re going to split into two parties and follow the trail in different directions. I’ll take Hermione, Harry and Ron one way, Miss Song will take Scootaloo and Malfoy another along with Fang,” Hagrid went on.

Malfoy looked at the massive great teeth on the boarhound and let out a little sigh of relief.

“Oh, and by the way, Fang’s a massive coward,” Hagrid stated.

Malfoy whimpered; Melody put her hand up.

“Yes?” Hagrid said in a slightly annoyed tone wanting to get a move on.

“Will I be in any trouble if I ‘accidentally’ lose him?” Melody enquired, pointing and grinning like a loon at Malfoy.

Malfoy’s face went even paler.

Hagrid’s large right hand met his face. “Okay, Malfoy, you’re with me, Harrry and Neville. Miss Granger can go with you two. “Now, if any of us finds the unicorn, we’ll send up green sparks. If either group get into trouble, red sparks and we’ll come immediately to back you up. Please get your wands out and practice.” Everyone followed Hagrid’s commands and soon they all managed to perform the two spells perfectly, even Neville. “Excellent, now just one more thing.”

He threw a bag at Melody’s feet which she quickly unzipped. The smile on her face somehow grew even wider. Inside was a crossbow and quiver of arrows, both slightly smaller than Hagrid’s. She quickly shouldered the quiver and felt the weight of the crossbow.

“Made it myself just in case you need to protect yourself; call it an incentive from your Godfather to do well in your upcoming O.W.L’s. Now come along, it’s time we set out.”

If it was dark outside the forest, inside it felt like a black hole sucking them into their unwilling doom. Deathly silence reigned round them and bar from the two lanterns shining just a few metres in front of them, they could see absolutely nothing in their surroundings. Malfoy looked like he was about to pass out from fear whilst Neville still gripped tightly onto Harry. Harry himself, along with Hermione and Scootaloo, weren’t faring much better either, the two girls holding one another’s hands for comfort. After a short while they came to a fork and the two parties split. Melody and Fang led the two girls down the left path whilst the boys took the right path. Wally still snored away on Scootaloo’s shoulder.

They walked on in silence. Although she was hiding it well, Scootaloo could tell by the look on Melody’s face that she was very worried.

“Any clue what might be killing the unicorns?” she finally asked the nagging question that was on her mind. “A rogue vampire or werewolf maybe?”

“Unlikely, unicorns are very difficult to catch. That’s what has me worried. Whatever is killing them must be something very, very powerful. WAIT!” The other girl stopped dead in her tracks. “Behind me, NOW,” she hissed raising her crossbow and prepping an arrow as she listened intently. The faint sound of a twig snapping came from nearby. “I’m giving you to the count of three to show yourselves and then I’ll fire,” Melody called into the gloom, sounding more confident than she actually was.

Two strange creatures, both female, appeared in the light. They had the upper bodies of a human attached to the body of a horse. They wore no clothes to protect their modesty.

“Oh Zeus strike me down,” Melody muttered under her breath, not wavering in her pose.

“What are you doing here, half breed scum,” one said threateningly. She had extremely long black hair to accompany the solid black coat and tail of her horse body. “You know you are forbidden from entering our domain. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t trample you to death right this instant.”

“I’m guessing from my dad’s descriptions you are Hecate,” Melody replied, forcing herself to remain calm and civil. “It’s a pleasure to see your face in person at last and that you are still angry about your betrothed ditching you for an insignificant human. He lived by the way after everything you lot did to him, but only thanks to Hagrid did I ever get to see my father alive. You lot really are a sick a bunch of freaks, not only exiling, but also attempting to kill one of your own kind just months before his fucking daughter is born. He still bears the scars you inflicted upon him and forever will too,” Melody finished, anger and venom oozing from every word she spoke.

“Insignificant devil spawn, how dare you insult me and the superior race. Mars is significantly bright tonight and I am only to prepared to act upon its orders,” Hecate growled ominously.

“I believe you’ll also see that the sky is clear and the moon is full. That allows me safe passage to hunt on behalf of the school for this dangerous being that is tormenting and murdering the unicorns of the forest, or do you wish to anger Artemis?” Melody retorted unfazed, although inside her heart beat faster and faster.

“How dare you speak her name!” Hecate bellowed looking like she was ready to stampede.

For a moment it seemed it was going to be a case of whoever was quicker, the furious centaur or Melody’s trigger finger. That was until the second centaur stepped across the first. She was significantly older than Hectate with similarly long hair, although hers was completely white. Almost completely white fur accompanied her hair except for the lower parts of her four legs which were jet black.

“Cease now Hecate. I shall not let you harm my granddaughter or inflict the wrath of the gods upon us for an unjust death. Your quarrel is with my bastard son, not my granddaughter.” She turned her attention to Melody and continued. “I am Melodia my dear and I apologise for Hecate’s behaviour. I must say I am impressed by the bastard’s teachings. He has taught you well. You may proceed on your travels, but be warned, if you are not gone from our domain by the time the dawn breaks, I can no longer promise your safety,” the elder centaur explained.

“Thank you wise one. It is nice to finally learn where my black legs and hooves are from, along with my name. May Jupiter and Saturn watch over you both this evening and keep you safe,” Melody said courteously, her heart beat starting to return to normal once more.

“Thank you, come now Hecate, we have much to do before the sun rises,” Melodia stated disappearing back into the darkness of the surrounding forest. After a moment and rather reluctantly Hecate followed her, her fuming gaze fixed upon Melody until she too was pulled back into the inky blackness.

Melody let out a deep breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding in and lowered the cross bow.

“You two okay back there?” she asked turning her head round.

Both girls were staring at the older girl, mouths open wide.

“Look, it’s not safe to stay in one spot for too long in this forest. I’ll explain briefly as we move okay?”

The two girls nodded, mouths closing.

“Good, now come on, lets see where this trail leads us.”

And thus, the three girls and Fang continued as before along the dark path, their flicker of light only illuminating a few feet in front of them. This time though, after a few minutes Melody began to speak.

“What I am about to tell you stays between us. If I find either of you have even leaked it to your best friends, so help me I’ll hang you from the top of the astronomy tower. You got that?”

Both girls nodded a silent reply.

“I’m a half-breed, a complete freak of nature and one of a kind. Not even my parents know exactly how it happened, but it happened and I’m here now,” Melody began in a distant tone. “My mum was a young witch at the time who wanted to be the first one to catalogue all the species that live in this forest. Not her brightest idea. She ended up cornered by a pack of wolves. My dad saved her. Unlike the other centaurs he felt it was wrong that they looked down upon humans as inferior and wanted to learn more about the world outside the sanctuary of the forest. In return he helped her write her book. They met in secret for months and months, one thing led to another and she became pregnant with me. I’ve no idea how that is even biologically possible, but somehow it was. After a while though his betrothed became suspicious along with his younger brother and they caught him in the act with my mother. He managed to buy her enough time to escape, but he was captured and tortured mercilessly for his infidelity. That was until one night a fire broke out in their camp and he managed to escape, collapsing from sheer exhaustion and his injuries right at the edge of the forest. Thankfully Hagrid found him and carried him all the way back to his hut where he bandaged his wounds and managed to nurse him back to health. He saved his life. When my mother found out he was safe and still alive, she proposed to him. Dumbledore officiated the wedding and helped them set up a small fortune telling shop in Hogsmeade. Shortly afterwards I was born. From the waist up I’m human, but my legs and feet are that of a horse. A total freak. Only the teachers know what I truly am aside from my parents and now you two. I was home schooled in my early years and was barely allowed to leave the house, let alone make any friends my own age, for fear of what would happen if people found out what I truly was. My parents weren’t sure whether to be ecstatic or terrified when they realised I had magic. Thankfully we managed to cover the reason for me wearing trousers and knee-high socks all year round down to the fact I have a rare skin condition,” Melody finished with a sigh before turning her attention back to the trail of blood they were still following.

Silence once more encompassed the trio of girls. In the end it was Scootaloo who finally spoke up.

“Well, that was fucking depressing,” she said bluntly getting a stern look from Hermione in the process. “Seriously though, don’t be ashamed of what you are, embrace it,”

“Wow, that was actually rather insightful for someone with half a brain cell,” Hermione replied in a snarky tone.

“Ouch, my ego,” Scootaloo said sticking out her tongue playfully at Hermione.

Then they heard the rustling in the trees and a black shadowy figure scuttled out of nowhere onto the path in front of them before disappearing once more into the darkness.

Scootaloo had never admitted in her life that she was afraid, but right then she would have happily admitted she was petrified beyond belief.

“What the fuck was that?” she swore.

“I do-don’t know,” Hermione stuttered, her face ghostly white.

“Shit. This is bad, this is really bad. Both of you stay right behind me and hold on to my robes. Both of you know lumos. If worse comes to fruition I’ll buy you as much time as I possibly can.” Melody raised the crossbow once more and slowly they inched forward.

“Don’t you think we should turn around?” Hermione suggested.

“Pfft, have you ever seen Professor Sprout really mad? Whatever that thing is, nothing can compare to how mad she was with me on Sunday when I accidentally scalped her. I also dread to think what other punishment she’d think of if we don’t go 100% through with this one. No, sorry, we go on. Cautiously mind, so no talking or noise from now on,” Melody responded with a slight shiver.

For the next half an hour or so the three girls edged deeper and deeper into the forest in absolute silence, the trees hemming them in more and more as they progressed. Their nerves were shredded after what they’d seen and it took all their courage and resolve not to call Hagrid then and there. Their eyes shot this way and that and they had a terrible feeling that something was watching them from the shadows. Furthermore, what had started as a thin trickle of blood on the ground had slowly turned into a stream and was now a river. Eventually they saw it. Gleaming pearly white in a clearing ahead was the unicorn, dead. They barely had time to register this though as in the middle of the clearing the shadowy cloaked figure they’d seen was rapidly approaching Harry!

Melody didn’t hesitate. Fearing that even a slightly miscued shot could hit the seemingly paralysed boy she instead dropped the lantern at her feet and sprinted into the clearing, brandishing the crossbow over her head like a club.

Fang leapt terrified into Scootaloo’s arms.

Hermione fired of the red sparks spell.

Melody was now wrestling bravely on the ground with the cloaked figure, but was clearly losing. The crossbow lay useless a few feet away from her.

“GRAB HARRY AND GO,” she yelled before an unbearable pain flooded through her right side. Adrenalin kept her going and she refused to let her opponent go, but slowly her strength and vision were fading. Why was she suddenly so weak?

A bright light flashed across her vision and the weight of her attacker was suddenly gone.

“GET THE FUCK OFF HER YOU MONSTER,” Scootaloo screamed.

Melody turned and looked to see Scootaloo completely bathed in electricity, her prosthetic arm protruded in front of her, smoking. She turned the other way. Whatever the fuck that thing was, it was gone, for now. Slowly she raised herself unsteadily to her feet as the sound of hooves and footsteps grew near.

Yet another centaur appeared from the trees surrounding the clearing along with a wheezing Hagrid, Neville over his shoulder.

“Peas and rice, of course you would just have to go and get kidnapped by an acromantula. Now, what’s all,” he stopped mid-sentence and stared at the scene before him.

Harry was slumped on the ground rubbing his head, Hermione was holding desperately onto Fang and not allowing him to bolt off into the forest, Scootaloo was lit up like a Christmas tree with a still sleeping parrot on her shoulder and in amongst it all, beside the wobbling Melody, was a dead unicorn and a load of blood. Not all of this was the unicorn’s.

“MELODY,” Hagrid cried unceremoniously dumping Neville onto the floor in the process and rushing towards the girl.

“Erm, yes, that’s my name,” She replied perplexed, still a little woozy from her altercation with that thing. Slowly though her eyes managed to focus and follow the direction of Hagrid’s own. That’s when she saw the knife sticking out of the right side of her stomach next to her hip. “Oh, so that’s why I feel so light headed.” She shrugged her shoulders before stumbling into Hagrid’s outstretched arms.

“Hey now, you’re going to be just fine, but just to be on the safe side we’ll need to keep the knife in there till we can get you back to Madam Pomfrey,” Hagrid said, trying desperately to put on a brave face for the girl

“Great,” Melody replied sardonically turning head towards Scootaloo. “I should have known something like this would happen with you around. Could have at least had a vision or something and warned me or shot the wanker before he stabbed me,” she teased playfully.

“Well, for a moment there I was worried and prepping to fly back and inform the school, but sounds like you’re just fine. Not like you lost an arm or something similar” Scootaloo tittered in response.

“Always got to be one better haven’t we,” Melody retorted sticking out her tongue at the other girl.

“Girls, not to interrupt your delightful banter, but this wound is serious and we need to get Melody back to the school urgently. Scootaloo, if you don’t…” Hagrid never finished what he was about to say as a massive gust of wind shot into his face.

Scootaloo was gone, leaving a rather startled Hermione with a rather grumpy and unhappy parrot on her shoulder.

“Can you keep the fucking noise down, some of us are trying to sleep,” Wally cawed before settling his head back beneath a wing once more.

Hagrid paid the bird no heed and instead turned his attention to the centaur. “Firenze, please old friend. I understand it is demeaning of your race, but…”

“Say no more, place her onto my back and I’ll leave her at the edge of the forest. But the Potter boy must also come with me; there are things we must discuss,” Firenze stated.

Hagrid lowered Melody gently onto the centaur’s back before lifting and placing Harry behind her, the boy not even getting a chance to argue.

“I promise you’ll be safe with him, Harry. Look after my goddaughter and we’ll see you back at the castle,” Hagrid said as the sound of more galloping could be heard approaching.

Firenze shot of without another word into the forest just as Ronan and Bane appeared from the other side of the clearing.

“Ahh, Ronan, Bane, if you’ve come to look for Firenze he just left,” Hagrid said in an uninterested tone.

“Where is that traitorous welch, meddling in affairs against the wishes of the heavens, how dare he!” Bane thundered angrily.

“Calm down Bane. I’m sure Firenze did what he thought was necessary. Just look at the dead unicorn upon the ground,” Ronan tried to defend the other centaur while pawing the ground a little nervously.

“How can you defend him?” Bane roared. “We are only concerned with what has been foretold and not what is necessary unless it has anything to do with us!”

“But Sorlith’s daughter? Surely, she, an innocent party, does not deserve to die as punishment for what her father has done before her?” Ronan argued.

Bane snorted and reared onto his hind legs. “How dare you speak my vile worm of a brother’s name. Him and his heathen family deserve everything Mars and Pluto can send their way.”

“How can you speak in a such a manner about your kin?” Ronan pressed.

“I have no brother or niece. Now I suggest you back down or feel my wrath,” Bane said threateningly looming over the other centaur.

Ronan wisely opted not to accept the challenge instead staring gloomily at the ground. “I concede,” he grumbled unhappily.

“Good, now come along, the night is still not yet half through and the stars have many stories still to tell us before the dawn does break,” Bane stated turning from the other centaur and falling back onto all four hooves.

Without another word he trotted back into the darkness whence he came. After a moment Ronan reluctantly followed.

Hagrid heaved out yet another heavy sigh. “Bloomin’ stargazers,” he grumbled as he examined the remaining members of his party.

Hermione was singing softly to Wally, the bird now once again sound asleep, Fang likewise at her feet, whilst Neville had risen from the hard ground Hagrid had dropped him on and was gingerly rubbing one of his elbows.

“Huh, I wonder where the Malfoy brat disappeared to; please tell me the wolves got him or the giant foxes, either or,” he said crossing his fingers and closing his eyes for a moment, pleading to the gods above.

Sadly, they continued to torment him as a pale white face peeped out from behind a tree at the edge of the clearing.

”I-is the m-m-monster gone?” Malfoy’s terrified voice squeaked.

“Squirrel guts,” Hagrid muttered under his breath before he continued to the entirety of his party. “Come along now children, let’s get back to the castle. Our job here is done”

Taking one last look at the dead unicorn he bent down, picked up and then shouldered Melody’s discarded crossbow before picking up his lantern and exiting the clearing, Neville hugging his side tightly for fear of another acromantula thinking he was their dinner. Malfoy and Hermione, refusing to acknowledge one another, followed closely behind with Fang.

Back in the clearing the poor unicorn continued its eternal rest, never to see the dawn of a new day again.

Author's Note:

So, what you think? Love reading your comments good or bad although I'm particularly proud with this one myself, a great balance of comedy, suspense, drama, shock and one girl's unheard story.

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