• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I Only Wish You Weren't My Friend

A/N: Special thanks to D48, evowizard25, thewaffler, and ketvirtas in particular for your more in-depth reviews last chapter, but thanks to everyone who let me know how much they enjoyed it! I hope that you continue to do so and let me know what you think about it, as the more you let me know about what you enjoy the more I can make the story fit that!

“Good morning, sister. I see your guest is up.”

Luna had decided to get something to eat before taking to sleeping again, not having a defined time to sleep now that she spent both days and nights in irregular intervals visiting her friend. Loki had tagged along, which she thought nothing of until he animated the food a servant was bringing them.

She would be going to bed hungry.

Now she found herself blushing as they left the dining hall, where Celestia happened to be walking on her way to the throne room. Luna hid her embarrassed blush at the sight of her sister, that split second letting Loki be the first to respond.

His tone was facetious as he bowed once again to Celestia, who did not appear at all to notice his mockery, “Greetings once again your highness. I only wish my visit could be under better circumstances.”

Celestia nodded to him and glanced him once over, attempting to find any noticeable wounds before realizing that by what her sister told her of the events there would be none, “I am only glad Luna found you and was able to bring you here. Please stay and rest until you are feeling better, for I would not feel like a good host if I were to see you off in such a state.”

Loki replied smug, “I am most grateful,” his smirk grew as his eyes caught an irregularity on Celestia’s form.

Not wanting to interrupt Luna’s time with her love interest and also having things to do, Celestia once again bowed out of their conversation, “Excuse me, but I must attend to my duties. I welcome you to join me for tea after I finish working, Loki. A chance to get to know you.”

Luna smiled at the idea. Her sister was too dull for Loki to be any threat, and them getting to know one another would help establish a better relationship with Loki. After all, not everypony could claim to get along with one’s in-laws.

Loki bowed again, his lowered form hiding his giant smug face, “I would be delighted, provided the tea is not subpar.”

Celestia chuckled and shook her head as she turned to leave, “No need to worry about that. Farewell, Loki.”

Luna turned to Loki with a smile, glad about how things were turning out. She could not ask for a better-

“During our last encounter I could have sworn there was a sun there,” Loki stated in a hushed voice as Celestia got out of whispering earshot, his gaze cast upon her flank. More specifically, the Cutie Mark upon it.

Luna did not care for anything past that first part about the flank.

“May I ask just why you were looking at her hindquarters?” Luna whispered back, only in an aggravated tone. She knew he liked to poke fun about her jealousy, but that did not mean she had to like it.

Loki rolled his eyes as he jabbed a hoof in Celestia’s direction, “I apologize for having noticed a different tattoo on her. But seriously, one hundred percent Discord approved? I thought he was turned to stone. Who would have put that there but him?”

Luna blinked, confused about what he meant concerning Discord, “Wait, what?”

On Celestia’s side was not a glowing sun, but rather a circle akin to a stamp of approval. And on it was text saying ‘100% Discord Approved” around an image of the chimera himself, all to Loki’s confusion and amusement.

Luna, however, was not confused. Just highly amused.

“That is hilarious! We will have to commend him when we next see him, even if he is an aggravating jackass! However did he manage to slip that by her?” Luna cackled as she pointed a hoof at Celestia as well, the other princess not noticing in the slightest as she continued to leave and read a document.

Loki was glad that he was out of the frying pan now that Luna was amused as well, “I do wonder how long it will take her to notice?” he stopped his own laughter to clear his throat and turn his glance to his companion, “And I am serious, was Discord not turned to stone? The librarian was very copious in her storytelling details.”

Luna shrugged, realizing that while Loki had a certain knowledge of their history he did not seemingly know much of current events, “He has been freed and redeemed supposedly, but only time will tell.”

So, the mischievous being was free? That made Loki very, very interested.

“I have a feeling I would like meeting this Discord.”

Not having thought of that before, Luna’s eyes widened as much as they could physically. Every alarm in her mind was screaming ‘NO’. To have a god of chaos and a powerful magical trickster both conspire together would mean the end of everything logical and normal in life.

Luna tried to laugh, but it came out as a nervous chuckle, “I will do my best to never leave you two in the same room. I know not what havoc will result.”

Loki held a hoof to where his heart was, his voice containing false hurt, “You wound me. Why I-”

Her hoof shoving him stopped his snark, but Loki quickly caught on to something else in the immediate area: ponies with various tools and ribbons and things all going about their business in the hallway, “What are all of the ponies here doing? Is some event to be occurring soon?”

Luna’s recovering good mood quickly was shot in the head at the mention of the ponies all around them. She had had Celestia claim Loki to be a foreign diplomat to the castle to not cause a panic at the newfound Alicorn, but they would be seeing a new Alicorn soon enough anyways.

Luna snorted and felt her head sink, “Why yes, although you must be silent on the matter. Nopony knows about the huge news yet. We are to have a royal celebration to honor our newest princess in the next few weeks and we are beginning preparations.”

Loki started walking towards the residence halls of the castle he was actually coming to grow accustomed to with its nice architecture and willing servants. As he walked, Luna beside him, he questioned what he was just told, “Newest princess?”

The current princess nodded and spoke in a whisper, a small amount of smugness trickling into her tone, “Her name is Twilight Sparkle, I believe you may have heard of her.”

Now Loki was the one with wide eyes as he tried wrapping his mind around what he was just told, “She is to become a princess.”

“Yes. We were just as keen on the idea.”

Loki scrunched his brow. This made no sense. A semi-anti-social young adult mare whose biggest job title ever had been librarian did not have the qualifications required to run a nation. And what would she do? Rule over the half a second in-between the shifts of the two reigning gods as befitting her name of Twilight?

“She does not even have the wings to pull off the part,” Loki snarked, quite perturbed by this development. Who in their right mind would want this for the nation? That white mare with a chimera on her ass?

Luna shrugged, knowing that Cadance had received her unicorn horn from her sister, “I would not be so sure. Celestia might just pull some strings for her personal student.”

“You do not seem all too supportive of this,” he rightfully noted.

Luna hung her head and groaned, feeling a bit bad about what she was saying and its selfish connotations, “There was a time I thought Equestria only needed one princess, and now we will have four,” the only thing that outweighed her guilt was her feeling that she was right, “Twilight is a good friend, but I do not believe she is ready for this responsibility.”

Loki nodded in agreeance to that, his mind racing to remember more details about the princesses of the land, “At least there is a purpose for that other princess...Cadance was it? Whatever her name is, at least she is contributing something to your society by lording over that Crystal Empire I have been informed of. But what will this mare possibly contribute?”

“I know not. She has been groomed for this purpose her entire life by our sister, so I would not be surprised that this may have been a plan Celestia had in case she could not redeem me and gain my aid in ruling again.”

Loki laughed as he thought to how much Celestia aggravated his companion just like Thor did him, “Family. You can not live with them, and you can not kill them,” he amended what he said, given both of their histories, “Easily, at least.”

Luna pushed him with a hoof playfully again, laughing at his words, “Oh, you are terrible,” after a moment she added something as well, “We only directly tried killing her once.”

“Directly?” that specification caught Loki’s interest, his brow raising as he spoke.

She leant towards him and spoke in a hushed voice, “A long story I would rather not tell in a hallway with so many prying ears,” reverting to her regular walking position, Luna chuckled heartily, “And besides, I have made my peace with Celestia. I envy her status and adoration, but I have come to realize I do not need everypony to love me. Just those that matter to me.”

A yawn threatened to sneak past Loki’s lips, bringing the god of mischief to the realization that he best sleep while he could, “I think I need to rest a bit more. You had best go tell your sister about her unfortunate marking before a scandal arises.”

Luna smiled at him as she turned around, intent on heading to where Celestia went, “Okay, Loki. We will come by and see you later,” she glanced at a guard and beckoned them, “You, bring him to a guest room and assist him in whatever he needs.”

Loki let the yawn overtake him as his horn glowed and a content smirk found its way on him.

Seeing as it was still early morning, Celestia was drinking tea to wake herself after a tiring night when Luna trotted into the throne room. Celestia looked past the scroll she was looking at to look her sister in the eye.

Celestia nodded to the spot before her where a tea kettle rest, “Care to join me, Luna?”

Laughter was the answer given as Luna fell down on the red carpet in the room and started banging a hoof on the ground as she continued to howl in laughter. Celestia looked on at this in a confused way, thinking for a moment that Discord had taken her sister’s form before Luna wiped a tear from her own face and took in a deep breath, finally speaking.

“Okay, I think I have had my fun. Tia, mind looking at your flank?”

More confused now, Celestia did as her sister suggested.

Turning back to Luna, the elder sister let out a breath and shook her head as she realized why Luna had been laughing.

“Discord will be summarily...dealt with,” Celestia stated through a groan. She honestly should have seen it coming, she was convinced, after he had been on good behavior the entire night before.

Luna approached Celestia and conjured up a cup to pour some of the tea into, snickering on the way, “How have you not noticed?”

Celestia quietly drank her tea and closed her eyes as she pictured how she could make Discord pay for this grievance, “I tend not to stare at my flank all day.”

She took another sip before snapping her eyes open and looking to the guards in the room.

“But, seriously, nopony was going to tell me?” her eyes focused on the guard furthest from her, an orange coated and blue maned stallion, “You. What is your name?


“I hear the Crystal Empire is cold this time of year. Care to be relocated?” Celestia threatened jokingly with a large smile.

“No ma’am!” the guard quivered in place, as if he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

Celestia hovered the tea kettle over to where the guard stood at attention, her smile not leaving her face, “Then be a dear and fetch us some more tea, would you?”

“Yes ma’am!” the guard yelled as he took the tea kettle and charged out of the room and towards the kitchens.

Turning her attention back to her sister, Celestia noticed something that made her wish to chuckle as her sister had been, “Where is Loki?”

Luna rose a brow at her sibling’s change from an amused to a smug grin, “Asleep in a spare guest room. Why do you ask?”

The elder shrugged, taking another long sip of tea, “Just curious. If he is sleeping, I may just not mention your own cutie mark.”

Luna’s eyes shot open and down at the mention of her own cutie mark, “What?”

Surely enough it was missing, and in its place was a new symbol. It was the same thing as Discord’s, but instead of Discord’s picture and name there was Loki in his pony form.

Luna was very glad that her fur covered her blush at the sight of this.

She spoke in a soft voice, not exactly sure how angry she was, “Discord is a bad influence on him. We will teach them the error of their ways later,” drinking a sip of her drink, Luna tried to calm herself, “For now, I will have tea with you.”

Celestia smirked, “Then we show them their place.”

“Luna, it is not a badge of honor. I recommend changing yours back.”

Loki’s door slamming open made the prince of Asgard jump up out of his bed, fear wracking through his mind as somepony entered the room.

“I am not long for this world I realize,” Loki stated to the blue form of Luna, who he was sure would have noticed his little prank by now.

The sight of a positively amused and laughing Luna calmed those fears and also added a piece of confusion to the mix.

“I am pleased that you find our rear end so praise-able, but I would prefer you not do such...public actions in the future. I mean, after all Loki, do things like that and somepony might get the idea that you fancy me.”

Loki let out the breath he had been holding, realizing that Luna was not about to react badly to his prank. She had enjoyed it, for whatever that was worth, “It was just a little fun. Changing one’s appearance for the sake of a prank goes back ages. When I was a child I changed the color of a girl’s hair with dye, so it is something of a stock prank.”

Luna crossed the room and leapt up onto the bed Loki was standing on top of, leaning in towards his face smugly, “You know, I ought to punish you for the embarrassment.”

The proximity made Loki retreat the slightest bit and take a breathe in, his mind reeling for something witty to say. After a moment he came up with something that might deter whatever was on Luna’s mind, “How is your sister punishing her own offender?”

“Likely bondage. She must show him his place.”

Her straight face as she said it made Loki’s pale. Did she know what she just said?

“I take it that her offer of tea requires a rain check then?” another attempt at starting a witty banter.


It went over her head. Luna was confused as to why Loki would not be able to attend his tea meeting with Celestia. Was he not feeling up to it now that she said that Celestia might have Discord turned to stone for a brief period of time?

Loki balked at her ignorance, “Never mind. May I be left to my sleep? I am afraid I have much to catch up on.”

“Of course. But know that I will punish you when I can think of a proper punishment,” Luna pointed her tongue out at him and giggled. The gears in her mind were turning about how to best pay him back.

His eyes rolled as he sat down on the bed, “Fine, whatever gets you through the day.”

Luna leapt off the bed and beamed at him, “Have a good rest, Loki.”

“Goodbye, talking horse,” Loki called to her as she left, laying back down on the bed that had been set aside for him.

He was the one glad that fur covered a blush quite well. He had been sure he was about to be kissed on the lips by the mare whom he spent so much time with.

Loki shook his head and lowered himself fully on the bed as he felt his heart racing. He could not allow for that.

After the rest his body so desperately craved, Loki found himself wandering throughout the castle. He did not care at this point if some random pony was caught off guard by his horn and wings being a set, so he went uninterrupted on his way to the throne room.

Well, uninterrupted if he were to not include a run-in with that despicable unicorn from his previous visit. Loki was unsure if the dolt would be able to get himself out of the rolled up carpet, but he did not particularly care.

A glance around the grand room where Celestia lorded over Equestria actually made Loki envy how well made it was. Asgard had nowhere near as rich colors, although he had to admit that maybe the multitude of them was a bit much.

One thing in the middle of the room felt like a blight to Loki, who thought that the royal sisters ruled together, “Interesting room. Only one throne though, unlike the castle you used to have.”

On top of said throne was Celestia, who only then noticed that she had another visitor, “Oh, hello Loki. Come to take me up on my offer of tea?”

He returned the smile she was giving him as he approached the throne, “If it is still open, then yes I am.”

“Thank you for stopping by then,” her smile faded into a flat face, “Now, I was hoping to get to know more about you. Luna talks much of you, but withholds details quite often. She said, and I will quote, that ‘You should ask him yourself’.”

“So here we are. I must admit I have some questions of my own, but as your guest I will relent to yours first.”

Celestia nodded, “I appreciate that. Now, I know you are no pony, so what are you?”

Loki sat in the place before the throne quite uncomfortably and thought about how he wanted to spin this, “I am also not a Changeling, if you are worried about that. No, I am an Æsir who happens to have magical abilities. The culture I grew up within tends to emphasize physical combat above all other skills, but I daresay I have managed to accrue some magical talent in my centuries of existence.”

The nodding continued, although her brow furrowed, “If you are of another race, why take our form?”

Loki yawned and shrugged both as he conjured up a cup to drink the tea Celestia had nearby her, “I am afraid that when I first appeared here that I was already in an equine form for some particular reason. I have shapeshifted before, horses included, so the change has not been too great for me to survive that dreadful forest you keep nearby. Mind telling me why I have fended off Hydras and other beasts?”

The ruler of the land sighed and closed her eyes, “The forest has been growing more and more corrupted for some unexplained reason ever since the Elements of Harmony were taken from the Tree of Harmony within it. I am afraid the matter still needs to be looked into.”

“They are not too much for me to handle. Nuisances,” Loki was partly telling the truth. He could easily handle the monsters...with his natural powers. His tricks were very effective against the beasts, but it was quite hard to slay a monster by tricking it into attacking an illusion.

“If you have the power to shapeshift, like my sister, why do you remain like this then?”

“Well, I am afraid that if I look like this,” Loki shifted to his normal form and then back in two flashes, “Someone may react quite badly. I do not want anyone to panic at the sight of some new creature, as I have heard your citizens are prone to doing even at a Zebra.”

Celestia agreed sadly to that, “My subjects are sheltered in that regard, I will admit,” The brief look at how Loki truly looked made memories rise in Celestia’s head, “And that form reminds me much of a human’s form. Only they do not live lives as long as you claim to have.”

Loki felt himself completely floored. Celestia knew of Midgard? How could she possibly know of the human’s realm?

“Midgard, a realm mine protects. You know of it?”

Celestia chuckled, realizing that she had surprised the castle’s visitor, “I believe they call it Earth, and yes I do. A portal I discovered long ago and brought to this castle can bring one to this Midgard. It remains unused, as I would not like to bridge my nation with those found there. They subjugate their equines, and from what I witnessed they were prone to warfare of a grand scale.”

Warfare on Midgard was nothing new to Loki, but maybe he could make sense of what she had seen, “Do you remember the year you visited? Their year, not your own.”

Celestia’s head hung as long-forgotten memories crossed her mind, “It must have been somewhere in their 1700’s. Brutal wars over resources and land made the people I encountered quite savage.”

Given the time gap between then and now, Loki decided he pass along the good news, “Things have improved to some degree, but war and conflict is still rampant there. My own realm, Asgard, is suppose to protect them from these things yet they inflict them upon themselves.”

She was partially pleased to hear her suspicions about the other realm were correct, as her little ponies would not have to handle the issues of this faraway place, “An interesting thing happened when I transported there. I was turned into a form not unlike your own, true one. Only I had my access to my magical abilities cut off. I could no longer raise and lower the sun, and without a horn not even telekinesis was possible.”

Loki smirked at the revelation that this issue went both ways, “It is different channeling magic with and without a horn, Luna has taught me.”

Celestia decided to return to her questioning, “Now, if I may ask, what are you doing here? Is this a trip, exile or some odd coincidence?”

Loki thought for a moment about how he could say this without revealing too much, “I fell through a rift in space for quite some time. The memories of what I saw then were blurry and faded when I landed here finally, as if they never happened, but I have begun to recall them as I have recovered under Luna’s care.”

Celestia’s silence pressured him to go on, but Loki decided he best drink some of her tea lest his throat go hoarse, “I fell from grace back home during a family fight and do not care to return just yet. Before I would not even know how to return, but now the portal you mentioned is a possibility should I wish to return home. It would not be hard to get from Midgard to Asgard.”

Her curiosity almost satiated, Celestia decided to go and finish the trivia round with her most serious set, “I will ask you one last thing before I turn the questioning over to you. What do you intend to do during your stay here? What are your intentions, both those regarding Equestria and those regarding Luna?”

Loki took a breath in slowly and let it out just as slowly. She would go for the hard ones, wouldn’t she?

“I hold no ill will of your nation and would do anything in my power to keep it separate from the realms I know of. So you should not fear me, even if my magical ability puts you on edge,” “As for your sister, she is a companion I have grown to be fond of. It is rare to find one who has shared many of your life experiences and your outlook, and I will admit I will miss her when I inevitably leave this place.”

That response seemed to be to her liking, and Celestia smiled at her guest.

“Very well then. Ask what you will of me, to make this fair.”

That blank check of a statement was too much for Loki to resist.

“How was it having Discord on your rear for a day?”

She only rolled her eyes, to which Loki kept talking, “I apologize, but I found the idea to be quite inspired.”

Celestia smiled down at Loki as innocently as she could, “Have you checked your own?”

Had he what? Loki looked down and behind to find that his behind had a picture of Luna hugging him tightly with the text ‘Property of Luna’ beneath.

Loki now knew why the damnable Blueblood had been laughing at him for some odd reason. It also explained why he had called Luna a harlot who had no standards. Loki was really surprised with himself that he hadn’t done more to him.

“I dare say that this means war,” Loki stated to himself with a sigh, knowing Luna had found a way to get him back like she had promised.

Celestia was having a small fit of laughter on her throne to Loki’s chagrin, causing him to pull out his hidden ammunition.

“Oh you wish you had one of these with you and Discord on it, don’t you?” Celestia gasped as Loki went on, “Really unfortunate to have feelings for an enemy of the state, is it not? Yes, I found your diary in the castle ruins. Surprised you left it to be honest.”

Celestia glaring at him made Loki feel satisfied. His snooping around in the ancient castle had paid off it seems, and he had been waiting to use that stored information at some point. He still had to get around to reading all those tomes in the library there, as he was quite fond of reading, but they could wait. They were not going anywhere.

Loki cleared his throat, “Anyways, I have an actually serious question for you. After you fought your sister those many years ago, what were your thoughts? Did you miss her? Did you grieve?”

Celestia was glad that the subject had moved from her love life, even if the new subject was a sad one. Despite her relief the white princess felt a tear threaten her eye, “My mother and I did, yes. It was hard to be hailed as a heroine by our subjects for banishing our own sister.”

She caught herself losing eye contact with Loki and quickly looked back up, her eyes sharp and confident, “That day made me realize just how much I had neglected her throughout the ages, how much my arrogance had led me to overshadow her more modest self. It took much effort, but I have done my absolute best to change from the pony I once was.”

That felt about right to Loki, who had no knowledge of how his family back home was doing. Did they mourn him? Did they grieve for the fallen prince?

“How did your mother fare?” Loki questioned, his thoughts stuck on his kind mother who even after his madness set in was there for him and who supported him.

Celestia cast her gaze aside, glad that she had dismissed her guards earlier so they could not listen in on all of this, “She was distraught over how the subjects she had served so long quickly turned on and vilified Luna, to the point where they began retelling history by excluding or changing what Luna had done. I had defeated Discord alone and banished her after she massacred an entire town of innocents if their stories are to believed.”

She took a breath in before choking out, “Mother...left us from the stress only a half century after the events around Nightmare Moon.”

That made both of them go silent, yet it was Loki’s silence that worried Celestia rather than the other way around.

“Do you worry for your mother?” she questioned as her eyes turned back, the Alicorn sensing that there was a reason for his questioning.

“She was always there to care for me, even when my brother was thrust into the spotlight by our people,” Loki paused as he thought about how his brother and father had wronged him, yet his mother never had, “If anything were to happen to her I know not of what I would do.”

Celestia gave a sad smile to him through the emotional situation, “I am beginning to see why Luna sees you as a confidant.”

Sensing that he best end things there and having something come to his mind, Loki stood up to leave, “Well, I think I best be leaving. I would not want to distract you from your duties.”

Celestia nodded to him and continued to smile, “Thank you for your consideration. It has been a pleasure getting to know you better. I apologize if I was a bit upfront, but I do have my duty to Equestria.”

Loki scoffed at her, “Do not worry, I am used to handling the subtlety of warriors and ruffians.”

As Loki began to retreat from the room a thought cropped up.

“Before I leave, I have one quick question. I hear word of your student’s upcoming coronation and would like to give my congratulations given that I have met her before. When can I expect the festivities to be?”

Celestia was caught off guard by his question, but in a pleased way. Loki seemed to be a good pony in her book, “In three weeks time. I am sure Luna would appreciate the company during the event.”

“Thank you, and I wish you the best of luck with the coming weeks.”

A/N: For those who liked the flank thing, you have this to thank: Flank Comic link

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! If you did please let me know what you liked in the comment boxes below! Seriously, every bit I hear from you helps this college student get motivated both in life and in writing!

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