• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,153 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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A/N: Special thanks to Nethalar, D48, and evowizard25 in particular for your more in-depth reviews last chapter, but thanks to everyone who let me know how much they enjoyed it! I hope that you continue to do so and let me know what you think about it, as the more you let me know about what you enjoy the more I can make the story fit that!

It was with a weary eye that Loki gazed upon the entrance to Ponyville. It was the following day that he had decided to solve future problems by engaging in a relatively menial task, one he hoped would both not draw attention to himself or tax his patience.

“No pink surprise this time? Good.”

The dreaded ‘Pinkie Pie’ was nowhere in sight as Loki entered town. Ponies all were going about their everyday lives, few seeming to notice him at all and those that did not lingering on him too long. Sure, he was really, really tall in comparison, but their panic button was not set off by this fact.

Loki used this lack of attention to his favor, studying the place around him before deciding he could not make head or tail out of the layout. A series of tents in an odd place, houses that looked physically unsound, and other such sights met his eyes. Just how did these ponies function day-to-day anyways with such a random looking town?

Deciding he had best resort to the populace for what he needed, Loki approached the closest equine to him and addressed them.

“Greetings, I am a traveler who knows little of the land. Would it be of trouble to you to assist me?”

The equine, a large but still small in comparison stallion, turned to face Loki from where he stood. His response was quite succinct, “Eenope.”

Loki knew the value of sweet-talking more than most and quickly began to work his silver tongue, “Most kind, my good sir. Now, if I were to desire a map, is there a place I may obtain one in this town?”

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied flatly, not batting a lash.

The lack of a true reply irked Loki a small degree, but kept his composure, “Ahem, where might that be?”

The red stallion only lifted a hoof to point in a direction further into town where a large tree lay. Realizing he would not be hearing much more from this equine, Loki decided it time to depart, “My most humble thanks.”

First visit, a pony would not shut up. This time one would not utter a full sentence. Loki was quite perplexed how there was a pony as stoic as Hogun when the others in the town seemed to be quite bubbly. Then again the one he was most acquainted with was a former green-eyed monster who committed crimes worthy of a long banishment, so there wasn’t a homogenous personality type amongst them.

Before Loki could fully depart on his way to the tree, a blue flash in the sky caught his eye. Following it, Loki watched as it landed atop a nearby cloud and hugged close to it so as to hide their presence. Loki found this odd until a pink and hopping pony he recognized all too well appeared on the ground going about her business.

Upon the sight of the dreaded pink, Loki tried to make himself scarce but found that his large form could not hide behind any other pony nearby and by being in the middle of a street there were no walls to duck behind.

As if a signal flare had been shot, the annoying equine known as Pinkie Pie began to head towards Loki-


-only for a lightning bolt to fly down from the sky and nearly strike her, causing her to jump up out of her skin. She darted away at an astonishing speed and quickly left sight, leaving Loki to look up to where the lightning had originated. The cloud it had popped from was moving quite fast and unusually, which made the rainbow tail hanging off of it all the more suspicious.

Loki found himself walking in the same direction as the cloud, which stopped over a nearby building, as well as curious about just whom saved him.

“You on the cloud, who are you?” the prince called out.

A blue head poked down from over the cloud’s side, revealing a mane of hair similar to the tail.

“Oh, hey there. What’s up tall guy?”

Loki smirked as he started to piece together what he just witnessed, “Was that a prank I just witnessed there with the lightning?”

The rainbow haired equine on top of the cloud tossed her head back as a fit of laughter caught her, “Hah, that was classic. Pinkie Pie always falls for that one, even though she’s helped me set it up on other ponies before.”

Music to his ears.

“I am quite the fan of pranks, if I do say so myself. Been doing them longer than you’ve likely been alive, young mare. Care for a few pointers?”

Rubbing a chin with her hoof for a moment, the rainbow maned pony quickly shrugged and flew from the cloud to the ground, “Sure, why not? I’ll love to get the drop on Pinkie Pie next time with something new.”

Loki was surprised with himself as felt himself grinning quite largely. The opportunity to pay that pink equine back for talking his ear off while also having some fun?

Looking down to the considerably smaller equine, Loki laughed, “Excellent. Now, pranks and tricks can grow boring if overused, so it is important you have a good repertoire of them.”

Loki glanced to the side where an orange coated equine with blue hair was walking, or at least where they were walking before the ground beneath them became ice. Loki grinned as the pony slipped and slid out of sight.

Rainbow laughed as a second pony slid unknowingly on the same ice and fell on their back, “Woah, I bet having magic is awesome for pranks!”

“Of course, but one can pull off a good trick with far less,” Loki laughed as the original victim slid and fell again on the ground, “Now, what is your pink friend afraid of most?”

“Well, I don’t know...well actually I do know of some things. Pinkie is really scared of snakes for some reason-”

Snakes? Loki supposed he could do snakes.

With a wave of his hoof, Loki conjured to small snakes out of some rocks on the ground. Or rather, two inanimate snakes that were set to constantly wriggle in place.

The rainbow maned pony gaped at the sight, “Wow, I bet Twi would love to meet you. Are those real?”

Loki shook his head no, “Wouldn’t want them to needlessly cause harm. A prank is no good if it causes more damage than fun.”

He theorized that he would not be looked upon favorably if he repeated the mess that was Thor’s coronation...he really wished those guards had left like he planned, as they would not be dead.

“Take those and place those inside some food she will eat in the coming days. A larger food, such as a cake, will do just fine,” “Now, for the execution, you should mention earlier in the day something concerning the specific kind of food. Then bring it up again later to get her hunger going. And again, and again up until the point where she will eat the first one placed in front of her.”

The blue mare picked one ‘snake’ up in her hoof and grinned at it, “And then bring her to one and she’ll chomp down on it, really psyched up about finally eating one.”

Loki nodded, proud that they could connect the dots, “Precisely. Now, I have enchanted the snakes to give me sight of the event as it transpires. Such simple spells after all. When you have pulled this off I just may help you again.”

A salute was what the mare gave Loki before flying up to her cloud, scooping up the second snake on her way up, “Yes sir!”

Departing without ever asking the mare’s name, Loki set his eyes on his original goal.

Loki quickly noticed the tree was actually another building, having a door built into its side. Having seen similar practices in some of his adventures throughout the centuries, Loki did not bat an eye at the notion of a tree building and instead approached it confidently.

Upon entering the front door, Loki could hear a voice call out to him, “Hello and welcome to Ponyville’s library.”

Loki craned his neck to the side to see a purple furred equine laying down and reading a novel on the floor, eyes and mouth both glowing as if the act of reading was the best thing in the world, “I am Twilight Sparkle and am the local librarian, so if there is anything you need help with just let me know.”

The former prince and king of Asgard glanced around at the wide and circular inside to the tree. It looked quite larger on the inside that the outside, and books lined around the walls the entire way. Loki was quite impressed that a species such as this would have this many books, and it made him more hopeful he might find what he was looking for.

“Where might I find a book of maps for my usage?” he inquired politely.

Eyes still glued on her book, the librarian pointed a hoof to a section of the room without even glancing at Loki, “Our atlases should be right over there. We’ve got ones for Ponyville’s streets, the Everfree Forest, the region in general, all of Equestria and even some for other nations.”

Satisfied by the assistance, Loki approached the section in question. It did not take long for the longtime scholar to locate the very book he desired, and after opening it Loki found himself amazed that he could read it despite its unfamiliar text. He had deciphered and learned many languages over the years, but never before had it been an instantaneous process.

Apparently having this new body had its perks after all, besides the ability of flight he had yet to test.

Pleased that the book he had removed from a shelf, The Complete Atlas of Equestria, Loki looked back to the librarian, “Do I just take the tome?”

Twilight finally closed her book and got up from the ground so she could walk over to her desk, “Well, I have to write down who is taking it of course and what book. Give me a moment.”

After retrieving some parchment and an inked quill, the librarian’s mouth dropped a little at the sight of the towering stallion, “Wow, you’re quite tall for a unicorn, sir. You remind me of the princesses. All you need are wings and you’d be just like them!”

Loki opened his mouth to bring notice to the wings on his sides, or at least he did until he realized that there were still bandages wrapped down his entire abdomen. He hadn’t gone about addressing the wound any further and had forgotten all about them, but now they were obscuring his wings.

Given this pony’s reaction and words, Loki could sense that the wings not being visible had saved him from a good deal of attention, “Is having both wings and a horn not usual?”

The purple equine shook her head and laughed as if what he said was quite silly, “No, it’s very rare in fact! I only know three ponies who do, our princesses. You know, one of them was once a pegasus who became an Alicorn like the other princesses as a result of her good deeds. She used to tell it as a bedtime story when she was my foalsitter.”

Loki was quite stunned that he had run into an acquaintance of the princesses, whom he admitted to be quite curious about after nights of speaking with one of them and hearing of the other royal sister.

The newcomer to Ponyville pressed the matter, “And what of the royalty? What can you tell me of them? I am afraid I am a traveler who knows quite little of this region.”

“Well you couldn’t have asked a better pony! I am the personal student of princess Celestia after all, so I know more than the average pony. So, what do you want to know about them?”

Loki gave her a smirk, amused by her innocent wonder at the mention of books and also pleased by the serendipity of encountering this specific equine, “Everything you know would be most appreciated. I am quite fond of learning.”

“Well, I should start with the founding of Equestria-”





A foot stamps on the ground and the voice grows in volume significantly, it’s tone both confused and worried, “Loki!”

The so-named being snapped his eyes open and shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of his stupor.

“My apologies. I was...lost in thought.”

After having acquired his needed tome, Loki had returned to the place in the forest where the ruined castle still lay. Luna had rightfully guessed he would be at the former castle and had decided to visit him again, not having truly much else to do. Everypony in Canterlot except her sister feared her and would not take the time of day to just be around her.

Loki, however, was growing increasingly tolerant to her visits and the mare of night found herself drawn to the kindred soul. The foreign prince was the less regarded sibling, the outcast of society, hurt by his family’s ignorance, and those were only the negative things. He also appeared to be quite the trickster and also was a user of arcane magic, something she could sympathize with quite well especially given the synergy between those two things.

Standing inside the previously forgotten castle room, Luna approached Loki from where he sat on the dilapidated throne, “I see that, and I apologize for startling you, but I was was worried something might be wrong.”

“No...I am quite fine,” Loki watched as Luna approached him and sat down in front of him, the sight of this princess reminding him of a previous conversation that day, “Say, would you mind granting me some information?”

Luna rose a brow to the odd inquiry but relented, “Of course not, what is it you wish to know?”

A broad grin found itself upon Loki’s face as he recalled his experience in Ponyville that day, “I was on the receiving end of a history lecture by your sister’s student and heard her mention this land has faced severe threats in the past. Given that I have been fighting off monsters in this very forest, I am curious what constitutes an actual threat to this country.”

This took Luna a moment to consider, as she herself was still learning the land and its ways after all that had changed in her absence, “Well, generally the animals in this forest stay in the forest, so our truly grave threats could be considered those that threaten the country itself. Take the Changelings who invaded Canterlot, our capital, for example. They very nearly took everything over and eradicated ponies from the map of Equestria.”

The name sounded quite familiar to Loki, but he decided to confirm his suspicions, “Changelings?”

Luna held a hoof up as she pictured a changeling in her mind, teeth biting her lower lip, “They are similar in size and shape to a pony and are even led by a Queen, who resembles my sister and I in form if not for her more grotesque features. All Changelings have black carapaces with pointed edges and spikes, as well as having holes in their legs and wings.”

Loki noted the odd look on Luna’s face, “Let me guess, they get their name from their ability to shapeshift.”

His visitor affirmed his theory, “Correct. That is why they are so deadly, as they can pose as just about anypony and be anywhere. I am most glad we drove them off, and most recently defeated them again at their newest lair. They are a threat to Equestria no longer.”

That brought back many memories to Loki, some of which brought pain while others brought amusement, “I see. You know, I once was able to change forms but find myself unable to in this new body. Would you happen to know the reason for this?”

“How art thou trying to change form?” having not noticed Loki’s horn glow very much, Luna found herself puzzled at how he was doing magic at all.

“Well, before it was just a simple spell. I could even shapeshift others. All I’ve managed to use in the arcane arts now are some small tricks and my most natural spells.”

The princess was quite sure she had found the solution to his issue, “Do you focus through your horn by any chance?”

Loki frowned as he tried to think back over the past few days, wondering if he even had done that and not recalling any instance where he had, “No, I have not. Or at least, I do not knowingly attempt to when I use my magic. Why do you ask?”

Luna nodded to him as she pieced together how Loki had been casting some of his magic but not all of it, “Well, certain ponies powerful enough in magic can cast smaller spells without the aid of their horn, but that is quite rare.”

Loki nodded towards Luna as he watched her horn glow momentarily. The light outside of the castle became shrouded by clouds, thunder and lightning blasting from them as Luna demonstrated her point. Loki admitted the usage of such magic effortlessly was amazing, as even Thor took a moment to channel his powers of the same variety.

Thor could not dreamwalk to the relief of Loki.

Luna used her power to whisk the clouds away and brighten the sky again. The smile on Loki’s face at her power usage made one appear on her own face, glad to have pleased the haughty prince.

“For more powerful magic, thou must channel the energy through the horn atop your head. Without it you are trying to accomplish an impossible task. There are artifacts that exist that amplify magical ability, but even those require you to first channel the power through your horn.”

Loki nodded to her as he tried to wipe his smile off, noticing that she had seen it, “Would you mind helping me learn how this is done? I would feel a great deal safer in these woods if I did not have to rely on cheap tricks to survive.”

Luna approached the throne and reached a hoof up to tap Loki’s head, the prince grimacing at the touch, “If you wish for aid, we would be most happy with helping you. We too can shapeshift, so it would not be the most difficult task to assist you with this,” to demonstrate, Luna quickly transformed into a taller and darker furred form Loki thought familiar. Luna turned back to her regular form a moment later with a inquisitive expression, “If we may ask, why the Everfree Forest? This is a dangerous land.”

Loki shrugged, glad that she had stopped touching his head, “I have dealt with far worse. It was common practice for my brother, his warriors and I to go on expeditions and quests into the most dangerous places this universe has to offer.”

“Is this truly so? We would care to hear of your tales sometime, Loki,” Luna smiled again, this time in a more cheekish fashion, “Payment for your lessons.”

Loki squirmed in his seat, finding their close proximity quite awkward, “I think that could be arranged. Now, would you mind starting our lessons now? The sooner I can harness my power, the better.”

Not noticing Loki’s discomfort, Luna stayed right in front of where he lay on the throne, “Of course. We have quite some time before it is our time of duties.”

An important thought crossed Loki’s mind, “Do you not sleep?”

Now it was Luna’s turn to shrug, “We can go without regular rest as I can dreamwalk, which requires me to be resting as well, or at least meditating heavily.”

“Quite impressive. I would never have pegged an equine for having such powerful talents,” Loki tried but failed to keep his natural smarminess out of his tone.

Luna rolled her eyes at his racial prejudice, “I always have enjoyed growing my magical talents, more so than my sister anyways. She has a basic variety of spells and powers besides her power to control the sun, where as I have access to more powerful arts.”

“Good thing I am your student and not hers then. Something I have over that librarian who should honestly get out more, coming from an avid reader.”

The mention of her sister’s student made Luna’s eyes light up, “You have met Twilight Sparkle I presume?” at Loki’s nod, Luna laughed, “Is she not quite the nice mare? She is one of the few friends we have here.”

That made Loki laugh as well, “She seems to be quite intelligent and welcoming, but I do not believe I will be visiting her as often as you do me. Something about being lectured for hours on end would grow tiring I would believe.”

Luna closed her eyes and nodded, “Yes, you are correct. We do not visit her often enough simply because we have to deal with sister’s lecturing enough already.”

“Is your sister really all that terrible?”

“Do you want to learn how to use your magic or not?” Luna deflected, a small snarl forming on her face.

Loki decided to return a favor and reached a hoof out to touch her head, “Oh come on, I told you of my woes. Tell me more of yours. Then we can learn your tricks to unlocking my magic.”

Luna plopped her hindquarters on the ground and let out an agitated sigh, “Fine. Yes, Celestia is quite aggravating. She even gave me a lecture on befriending you. Each and every day she reminds us of why we rebelled in the first place,” Luna gazed over to a part of the room that held no importance to Loki, yet caused her eyes to grow hurt, “It is hard to imagine that it was here that we were defeated by Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony. I was so glad to be reunited with Celestia after all that time...”

Loki leaned back in his claimed throne, wincing briefly, “And the novelty of seeing her has worn off I suppose?”

Loki felt his stomach drop at the thought of how things might be if he returned to Asgard. If Thor nearly starting war was a crime worthy of banishment, what he had already committed would no doubt land him a more severe punishment.

Luna glanced up to Loki and nodded, “One thousand years gave us the hope that our sister would have changed in all those years...she may have grown wiser, but Celestia is still flawed,” Luna looked back to the spot in the room, “The believe my defeat here purified me. It did nothing of the sort.”

Luna stomped her foot on the ground and seethed, surprising Loki with the sudden bout of anger, “All it did was strip me of my dark powers those foolish creatures granted me on the moon. But when the source of your overwhelming power is stripped away and you are left defenseless, why not surrender and let them believe that you are one of them again?”

Loki stayed quiet for a moment, wondering if he should interject or if he should let her finish. His silence gave Luna time to breathe out deeply and continue, “We are glad to be among friends these days, but…” Luna wiped a tear growing on her face away, “It took only a moment for our subjects to forget and fear us after first accepting us back.”

Loki leapt from the throne to the ground beside Luna, “You need not worry about those who would blindly judge you. Those who care for you are those that matter,” he took a breath before adding, “But in any case, I think it best that we move on. No use hanging on a sore topic.”

Luna smiled weakly to him as she rose to her feet, “We should go outside then. I think I just may enjoy teaching you, Loki, provided you are not as difficult a student as you are a pony.”

That gave Loki quite a good laugh.

A/N: Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! If you did let me know what you liked in the comment boxes below! Thanks again!

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