• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Gaiden: Girl's Day Out

A/N: Special thanks to Referee and InsanityStreak for your comments last time. Hope to hear from more of you this time since it's an actual chapter!

I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below, because boy is this more than just pure fluff!

Hooves and the legs they were attached to all desperately pulled out of the way of a blue flash making its way across the street, itself carried by a set of four hooves as the blur made its way from one side of the street to the other back and forth in a haphazard fashion. Excited to be out of the castle for once, they were displaying their enthusiasm by how much they ran around in absolute glee, even as their supervisors all struggled to keep up without making a scene.

“Trixie, slow down!”

The loud voice calling out made Trixie instantly halt her young hooves, her mood shifting from glee to petrifying dread. Trixie bowed her head and waited for Luna to make her way through the crowd to catch up with her, at which point she murmured.

“I’m sorry…”

Realizing that she had inadvertently scared Trixie, Luna calmed herself down and lowered herself to scoop the filly up in her arms gently.

“I just don’t want you to get lost, okay?” Luna cooed, nestling her own face in Trixie’s fur as she brought her daughter close to herself, “I’m not mad, I’m just worried about you.”

At this point the others with Luna and Trixie had caught up, the last of which was Hela, who had teleported ahead of Trixie to cut her off in case she got too far ahead.

“I have never seen Canterlot like this before,” Luna’s mother Faust stated, looking around as she stopped beside Luna, “Things have changed so much.”

Luna sighed as she felt Trixie move to hug her, her own mind thinking back to her first time in Canterlot years back after her return, “I know the feeling. You have acclimated to the language change far better than I had.”

Faust smirked down at her daughter, standing taller than her because while Luna was in her mixed form her mother was still standing as an Alicorn, “Of course. I am your mother, to be inferior to my daughters is not in my job description.”

The last member of their group spoke up with a playful tone, “I would think that making our children better than us is very much in our job description.”

Faust rolled her eyes at Frigga’s words, knowing them to be true but also not wanting to fully admit that, “That does not mean we cannot try our best to prolong the period it takes for them to do so.”

Trixie, having listened to the conversation, gestured over to her sister, “Is Hela better than mommy?”

Luna glanced over to Hela, who was averting her eyes at the time. Hela had powers Luna never would, but Luna knew that even her daughter was not perfect, “In some ways.”

This made Trixie hopeful, and she looked back to her mother, “Am I better than you, mommy?”

The thought made Luna balk, wanting to be ever kind to her daughter but also willing to draw a line at telling her that she was better than her, “Trixie, you are five. Ask me that in a few millennia.”


The rest of their walk went without incident, though Luna eventually put Trixie down only for Hela to take the young girl in her own arms and hug her close the rest of the way.

Their destination was a particular boutique in Canterlot that Luna had often conducted business with on behalf of Loki, as he was too proud to be seen going to it himself. Luna often rolled her eyes whenever he came up with a new excuse not to be around frilly dresses and the like, but given that Loki did other things she did not mind taking care of their clothing.

“This shop is owned by our friend, Ms. Rarity. I have some things I would like to pick up, so feel free to browse while I do so,” Luna explained to the others when they reached the entrance, at which point Hela placed Trixie down so that she could move around as she wished.

When they all entered they found the owner, Rarity, attending to a Human man who Trixie recognized as one of the ones in charge of teaching Sleep Near and Hela. He was standing in a full military uniform except for his feet, which Rarity was measuring for what appeared to be a pair of slippers she was working on.

Realizing the company now present, Rarity turned her attention away from the man to face the royalty who so casually entered her establishment, “Oh, Darling, pardon me.”

“Empress Luna, Queen Faust, Queen Frigga,” went the greetings as Trixie slipped away from her family, Rarity, and the man wearing the grey uniform and pink slippers. Curious about all the frilly things she was seeing on mannequins in the shop, Trixie continued wandering until she bumped into someone else quite literally, that person being the airheaded friend of Trixie’s older brother.

“Miss Anima!” Trixie cheerfully greeted, forgetting her own dizziness at having collided with the woman in favor of seeing someone familiar.

“Oh, Trixie. What are you doing here?” Anima asked as she looked around, as if expecting someone else to be with Trixie.

Trixie glanced back at the others and giggled as Luna studied the garments she was there for.

“Mommy is picking up clothing from Miss Rarity. It looks really stretchy!”

“Maybe you’re going to have the baby brother you always wanted?” Anima smiled as she lowered herself down to Trixie’s level.

Once her blue face was level with Trixie’s, Anima gave one last look around and whispered, “Speaking of which, where is your brother? Sleep Near isn’t usually too far from Hela, especially not when you’re around too.”

Trixie laughed as she remembered what she had been told that morning about their family’s plan to split into two for the day, “He’s with dad and their boyfriends!”

Anima raised an eyebrow, hoping Trixie was mistaken, “You mean boy friends.”

“What’s the difference?”

That was not something Anima was sure she should tell a five year old, but she didn’t know how to really dodge the question so she tried to say it simply, “Well, one is boys that happen to be your friends…and the other is…”

Realizing that she was not smart enough to simplify it, Anima sighed and realized she’d have to say everything rather than just a minute amount as she had hoped.

“You know how your mom and dad are together, right? Married, right?”

Trixie tilted her head, confused about one of the words said since she had only her vague mentions of it so far, “Married? Is that a type of food?”

“No, it’s when two adults are like your mom and dad and live together and have a family. A boyfriend is someone who is like that, but not as permanent as a husband in a marriage. Usually someone’s boyfriend can become a husband. Like, for example, if Sleep Near and I were to be together we’d be boyfriend and girlfriend…” Anima blushed and shook her head, “Not that we are or anything, just saying…”

Trixie hugged Anima’s leg and rubbed her face against it, a behavior she had grown when dealing with her doting family, “You know a lot about this stuff miss Anima.”

“I wouldn’t say that. I haven’t had a boyfriend yet. Not for lack of trying, mind you. Well…sort of.”

Trixie mimicked her mother’s earlier blanching expression, “You shouldn’t, mommy and daddy get all smoochy and kissy and they don’t save any for me. That stuff’s gross when they do it.”

“Maybe you’ll grow into it. You’re only a kid now.”


It took less than twelve hours for Trixie to go back on her word.

After Luna had stored her clothes away, the group left the boutique and realized they did not have a part two to this trip in Canterlot given that this was an impromptu get together. As a result Faust offered a suggestion to the others that she thought would have appeal to everyone.

“Is there perhaps a bookstore we could visit?”

Luna smiled to her mother, happy to indulge her mother if it meant she could also get Trixie and Hela to read more, “Of course. It has been some time since I have picked up anything new, after I bought some books on speech and our current language at Loki’s suggestion.”

Faust smiled back, appreciating her in-laws for how well they treated Luna, “I am glad my son-in-law is so thoughtful.”

Trixie, wanting attention, spoke up with what little she could add, “Daddy thinks a lot!”

Luna nodded to Trixie and gave her a gentle pat on the head, “He does think a lot, Trixie, but you need to lower your voice when we are in the bookstore, okay?”

Trixie nodded, realizing she had been loud and that she was impolite. Still, she was curious about the possibility of getting something at the bookstore since she was quite fond of books already given all her studying with Sleep Near and Hela at the castle, as well as the books Luna would help her through and read to her, not to mention those her parents took turns reading to her at bedtime.

“Can I pick a book?”

There were worse habits to indulge in than a reading habit, and so Luna actively sought to encourage Trixie’s, “Of course you can. And when you finish that one we can get you another.”

When the bookstore was in sight Faust gave Trixie a soft pat similar to how Luna had, “I will look after her.”

Frigga wound up in the children’s section reading to the children gathered there, foals, Asgardians, Frost Giants, and Humans alike. Luna and Hela were left to go off elsewhere as Faust followed after Trixie, who was wandering similarly to how she had in the street, only with less speed.

“What kind of book are you looking for, Trixie?”

Glancing from shelf to shelf, Trixie gave a vague response, “Magic book.”

Realizing that perhaps the foal did not know enough about book stores to specify more, Faust decided to just let the girl wander as she stayed in decent proximity of her.

“Don’t you have enough books on magic in the library? How about a history book or a novel?”

“Mommy’s books are hard…” Trixie whined quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone who might be reading and also not wanting to be heard by her mother, wherever she was.

Faust chuckled softly as she realized that Trixie, while precocious in some regards, was still only five. She needed something that someone a few years older than her could read, not something that would take someone a decade older to decipher at the earliest, “I suppose things meant for adults are hard for somepony your age to get through.”

Instead of responding in amusement or returning the laughter, Trixie hung her head. Her grandmother paused, unsure what was going through her head until Trixie suddenly spoke again.

“I wish I could learn with other fillies.”

That caught the elder Alicorn off guard, not having intended to make Trixie sad by dwelling on her learning circumstances, “Oh?”

Trixie continued to scan the shelves until a name caught her eye, at which point she dully removed it from the shelf and began to look down at the floor as she hovered the book in the air, “Mommy says I’m not the same, that it wouldn’t be fair to have me learn with them.”

That certainly was true, but Faust knew it was not the full reason why Luna was homeschooling her children. While there was less animosity and more good will throughout the world, there were still faint traces of the things Luna’s first daughter had strove to wipe out in her final actions. Luna feared that if she let her children, especially her uncannily familiar second daughter, experience such things that they might feel the pain that their elder sister had tried to shield them from.

So they had friends, but they were those already in their family’s inner circle. Unfortunately there were not any around Trixie’s age that she could bond with, and she felt isolated because everyone was older than her and treating her like the foal she was.

“Your brother and sister had trouble in school when your mother had them go. She doesn’t want you to have to go through that,” Faust tried to explain gently, not wanting Trixie to misunderstand things. They weren’t doing this to hurt her.

Still, Trixie hung her head and had to keep herself from crying.

“I want a friend.”

Faust pulled her granddaughter into a close hug, not knowing just what to say. She had created much in her time, but this felt like a particularly tall order, and so for the time she just took to comforting the young girl.

Elsewhere in the bookstore, Luna found herself facing a different kind of dilemma with one of her daughters, given that Hela was awkwardly standing right by her the entire time without saying anything. She was still awkward around Luna ever since learning of their family history, but she was at least on speaking terms with her now.

Or, Hela’s usual equivalent of speaking, nods and stares. Luna didn’t know what to do get Hela to come out of her shell, but she also did not want to be forceful in her approach. She didn’t want to give Hela a reason to resent her, but how could she walk that line without making it seem like she didn’t care about her?

She decided in the end to ask something neutral, something about what they were doing rather than the thick cloud hanging between them that Frigga had left her to handle, “Do you want anything, Hela?”

Hela was staring at a book on the shelf that seemed to be captivating her entire attention. When Luna moved herself to get a better look at what the book was, it made her spine shiver.


Luna noticed then that Hela’s hands were clenched. Not only that, her arms were shaking as she stared at the book she had found.

Despite this, Hela choked out.

“You’re a good mother.”

Luna blinked, having expected the opposite statement from Hela, especially given the book that had thickened the dark cloud over Hela’s head.


Hela lowered her head just like Trixie had moments ago, unable to look her mother in the eye, “You love us, you take care of us, and you would do anything you could for us. You comfort us when we cry, and you do everything in your power to make sure we don’t.”

Luna brought a hand out to touch Hela’s shoulder, but Hela caught it with a movement faster than Luna could see. She gripped Luna’s hand tightly at first before then loosening her grip and then allowing her own hand to guide Luna’s down towards their waists, where Hela then gingerly intertwined her fingers with her mother’s.

“I know you made mistakes, I know that it was not entirely your fault, but I…”

Luna fought the flood of emotions she was experiencing as Hela finally took the step to mend their bond, which had been a casualty of Luna’s own mistakes over a decade prior. Mistakes she entirely owned up to, but which she had come to understand were not the only pieces of the puzzle that went into her first daughter’s downfall and death.

It seemed that now Hela too was willing to forgive her. That was something even Luna had taken years to do.


Using her free hand, Hela removed the book she had been staring at on the shelf and held it before herself, allowing her eyes to glance over its cover instead of its spine.

“This book…”

‘Nothing Lasts Forever: A Semi-Autobiography by Trixie Lulamoon’ hung before them. A published book of memories Trixie had stored away detailing her life and later descent into madness. At first Luna had fought to keep others from knowing publicly what had happened with Trixie, but with time she realized she had to let others know, and know correctly. Trixie had left behind a will wishing as such, explaining also how to access the library of videos she had left behind for Sleep Near and Hela, as well as videos for Luna and Loki. Both videos to remember their good times, as well as others to highlight those that broke her psyche.

These, in addition to help from Twilight who offered to write the book, was why this semi-autobiography existed. An accounting of what happened, so others could know the truth and so others would not twist it into something it was not. Luna had executed certain individuals directly following Trixie’s death who had sought to do just that, up to and including her maternal grandparents who had helped set everything into motion by throwing their own child out after what happened with Blueblood’s father.

Still, they were not the only ones who were punished in a form…for Trixie’s will explicitly admitted to her crimes. Luna sighed as she thought back to the day when her heart broke its second time on Trixie’s behalf.

“It was made after the public trial we had for her. She had asked that we prosecute her like anyone else who would do such crimes.”

Hela nodded the smallest amount before looking from the book up at her mother. Luna could see that even in her daughter’s resolute eyes that tears were beginning to form. Hela idolized her elder sister, and the scars still left on Luna were only newly embedded on the teenager who had come to learn of them.

“The biography has all the information we’ve gathered about her. There are missing pieces because neither her nor her mother could tell us…but…”

Hela nodded as she tucked the book under her arm, showing her intention to read it, as she took on a stoic expression even more serious than the look she had been carrying.

“One day I will have the power to go and see it all myself.”

And, if she could manage to, fix what she could. But she knew little of time travel, alternate dimensions/timelines, and the like, so she let those thoughts die down as she decided to settle for now with this story.

Seeking to make use of the moment, Luna pulled Hela into a hug which her daughter did not resist. The two stood silently in the bookstore, unbothered by patrons because of laws Luna had enacted at the suggestion of her new guard leader concerning the possibility of assassination. No-one could approach the royalty without permission, though they would not be found at fault if royalty approached them.

This of course did not pertain to royalty itself, and so the mother-daughter moment was interrupted by another member of their family.

Luna felt something poking into her side over and over again at a slow pace, causing her to look aside to where Trixie stood levitating her book in the air. The foal was seemingly unaware of the moment going on or its significance, so she continued to prod Luna.

“Book please.”

The innocence she could see in her daughter made Luna cheer up immediately, hopeful for this second chance to do things right with her daughter. A part of her wanted this to be the Trixie she lost, but another wanted a fresh start to do things right.

“Of course, Trixie.”

Once she learned that she would be able to get the book she chose, Trixie instantly began reading it, hovering it right in front of her face and reading at a pace one would not expect of her age. Being a living god came with its perks.

Hela knelt down and brought an arm around Trixie, even giving her a small kiss on the head, “How’s my little sister?”

Focused now intently on reading, Trixie ignored her sister and continued to read, “Book.”

Luna snickered at the single minded focus being displayed before looking down and actually reading the title of the book Trixie had chosen. Faust had ended up steering Trixie in the direction of a non-magic book after all, as this was a biography from the ‘Humans In Equestria’ section, “A novel about Mister woman’s bunny slippers? Trixie, I thought you were going to read something your own level, not a full biography.”

This playful accosting was lost upon Trixie, who didn’t seem to get the problem and just continued to read as Faust joined them with a smirk on her muzzle, “Luna was quite similar at her age. Oh how long its been since then…”

“Mother, you make it sound as if I am old.”

That got Trixie’s attention, and she laughed as she prodded Luna again with her book, “Mommy’s old!”

Luna did not even look down at her daughter as she half closed her eyes in resentment over the fact she was being ganged up on, “Trixie, do you want to join Hela and Sleep Near in their lessons tomorrow?”

“But tomorrow is drill day!”

Luna scoffed at the irony of one of the people running the drills being the one on Trixie’s book, the expression further amplified by Luna’s own self-pride as she spoke, “Then your mother is a beautiful, young mare who is in her prime and at an optimal point in her life to do anything she wants.”

Trixie nodded as she went back to reading, “Mommy is Optimus Prime.”

Hela snorted as Luna hung her head down, at the end of her rope in patience and just deciding to give up for the time being.

“Close enough.”

After the family milled about Canterlot for the day, they met up with the other half in Asgard at the orphanage that Loki had established in the main city. Fortunately it was not filled to the brim, but it was not empty because of the conflicts Asgard still had to enter thanks to its role in protecting so many worlds. It had taken a lot of effort on Luna’s end to convince Loki to stop leading from the frontlines in every battle, with him only agreeing if she reciprocated. If something major arose they would still call on their soldiers, but for the time being there was really no need and great risk at having royalty go out onto the battlefield for every which issue.

“Who’s Lulamoon?”

Luna cursed herself, having planned to divert Trixie’s attention when they arrived, only to have herself forget right when the moment came. Trixie still did not know she was a carbon copy of her older, unrelated sister…only with slightly darker fur and natural wings. She didn’t really know about all that, and Luna intended to keep it that way until she was much older.

To avoid dodging the question entirely and making Trixie ask someone else, Luna gave a small explanation that could be grown with time, “Someone else is our family who has passed away.”

“Oh. Was she nice like you mommy?”

Luna looked down sadly at her daughter, whose face was still buried in her almost finished book, “I think you would like her, if you two could meet.”

Not wanting to go further into the topic, Luna guided Trixie with a hand towards the orphanage where she could see children running about and playing inside. Faust had mentioned Trixie’s sadness earlier and Luna saw this as a good chance to rectify her oversight. She had thought Trixie was happy with just her family, but she realized that it was more healthy to have her experience others her own age.

“Now, Trixie, you go play inside, okay?”

Trixie nodded, running first to Loki and Sleep Near who she hugged tightly before she ran inside. This left Trixie with the crew Loki had been going around with, including both Odin and Laufey as well as Illidan and his son, but they got to talking with Frigga and Faust as Hela watched Trixie go inside.

“Loki, how was your day?”

Loki shrugged as he kissed his wife on the head, then pulling her into a hug where he was able to run his hands over Luna’s firm stomach with its small bump, “Laufey nearly killed Sleep Near in training, Sleep Near had the chance to meet Illidan’s son and make a friend, and the world did not end. Overall for a day of physical gods getting together, I would say it was productive. How was yours?”

Luna tried to think of something she could counter with that was also in good cheer, and so she smirked as she whispered into her husband’s ear, “I found out that a certain member of our staff goes to our seamstress friend to get pink bunny slippers. I bet he left that out of the biography Trixie picked up at the store.”

Loki smirked back, knowing that he loved his wife for a reason. This was the sort of playfulness he required in a partner, “You know, when I bartered with the other Hela to get him I was not expecting that. I think when we get back I’ll have to have some fun with him. What, are his stuffy boots too uncomfortable?”

“What have we become that we are gossiping like common folk?” Luna joked about their conversation, realizing that they no longer were discussing matters of dire importance but rather fun things that amuse them. She liked the change, but it was different than when they met.

“Regular adults who do not have to worry anymore about the world ending at any given moment,” Loki explained in a whisper to her ear before leaning in and kissing her on the neck and cheek, making Luna blush since her mother was extremely close.

“Now, are we going to do this showing of good faith and be with the orphans or not?”

Loki grinned at Luna’s blunt admission to their purpose there. While it was a nice place to meet, and offered Trixie a chance to play, it looked really good for royalty to visit places like this and interact with normal people. It kept people from resenting them from afar, instead instilling a sense of close admiration.

Loki summoned some of his more regal clothes, including his golden helmet, and stepped to Luna’s side where he offered her an arm. She took the arm and smiled to him, the two then following in their daughter’s footsteps and going inside.

“Trixie, where are you? It’s time to leave.”

The sun was setting and Luna found herself wanting for a nice bed after all the walking she had been doing the whole day. She had lost track of Trixie with all of the orphans and administrators she interacted with, and was actually genuinely curious where she had gone off to.

From a door leading into the yard outside the back of the orphanage, Trixie galloped inside and joined her mother at the first call of her name.

“Mommy, I found someone who can do magic!”

Luna smiled as Trixie moved to climb up on her, her foal obviously quite happy and wanting to hug her mother as a result. She normally wanted to do that, but she really was trying to climb up on Luna’s lap since Luna had taken to sitting after all her activity that day.

“Oh, did you?”

Trixie nodded with excitement, seemingly glad to have a personal friend for the first time, “Yeah! He’s my sidekick now.”

“You said partner…”

Luna’s ears heard the voice coming in from the back and she nearly felt herself have a heart attack on the spot. Desperate to remain calm, she took a moment before actually looking over to see that a young boy with long ears and blonde hair had followed her daughter inside.

Trixie had spun around on Luna’s lap to face her friend, who she jokingly stuck her tongue out at, “Sidekick!”

Still stunned, Luna shook her head and tried to steady herself as she stared at what must be a phantom, “W—what’s your name?”

The boy looked up from his new friend he, who he was sticking his tongue back out at, to Luna. Not sure what to do with suddenly seeing a Queen, he began to mumble and fight between deciding to salute or bow to her.

Utilizing this indecision, Trixie gestured to her friend and spoke in a know-it-all voice to her mother, “His name is Kale’floss. They say he’s a Dark Elf.”

Luna felt a hand place itself on her shoulder, nearly jerking her out of her reverie caused by seeing a living boy who was the spitting image of Kael’thas and was even named after him, minus Trixie’s mispronunciation of his name. Luna glanced back to see that Loki was standing behind her now and was indeed staring at the same thing, confirming that this was not a hallucination.

The resemblance was not 100% much like Trixie’s, but outside of his hair being paler and eyes not shining it was an awfully close mimicry of the man who had been saved by and who had followed their first daughter.

Loki was the next to speak, though his arrival made the boy even more nervous, “Can I see your magic?”

The young Kael’thas glanced to Trixie and then at the ground, unsure if he could perform in front of two people who scared him so much just by their station in life. He thought a talking horse was funny, but meeting her parents who happened to be his King and Queen made him a nervous wreck.

“Come on Kael, I know you can do it!” Trixie cheered, trying to boost his confidence. Fortunately it had its intended effect, as Kael snapped his fingers and a wisp of fiery magic waved across the air in front of him. As Luna continued to look on with intense shock, Loki instead grinned.

“Did I…did I do alright?”

Loki nodded to the boy as he stepped in front of Luna and Trixie.

“Luna, take Trixie and meet the others outside.”

Unsure what her husband was thinking, Luna simply nodded as Trixie waved goodbye to her new friend. Once they were gone, Loki knelt down and with his magic removed his helmet. Looking the very nerve wracked Kael in the eye, Loki smiled.

“I take it you are well fed and taken care of here?”

Kael nodded before he averted his gaze and began looking at the floor much like Loki was used to Trixie doing.

Loki glanced back to the still waving Trixie and laughed, “My daughter seems to have taken a liking to you.”

“None of the other kids play with me…”

“But she went right over to you,” it was a guess, but Kael nodded and that made Loki laugh again, “Have you ever heard the expression ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’?”

The young boy didn’t seem to get it given his quizzical tilt, but Loki waved a hand given that it didn’t matter.

“I’ll explain it to you sometime. Now, to answer your magic question, you are quite skilled for someone I presume is self-taught. Would you care to learn more?”

“More?” nervousness gave way to curiosity.

Loki nodded, revealing his intentions for staying behind, “If you wish, you could join me as my apprentice. I think I know exactly how to nurture that talent of yours.”

This seemed to shock the boy, so to seal the deal Loki finished explaining what that would mean.

“And you would be staying with my family, so you could be with my daughter whenever you want,” he winked, “So long as it does not interfere with your studies, of course.”

That decided it for Kael, who nodded quickly and began to thank Loki endlessly as the King tried to downplay it all and say it was nothing. Loki spoke to the person in charge before leaving, a young Elf in tow.

Outside the others had all waited for him, and when he left the building with the blonde boy standing by him Loki saw his daughter’s eyes light up, “Trixie, Kael is coming home with us.”

“Loki…” Luna started, but she was cut off by Trixie leaping out of her arms and tackle-hugging her friend.


As Trixie began to roll about with her friend, Loki approached Luna and whispered.

“Perhaps two surviving Dark Elves had a child, and perhaps someone at some point named the blonde child after the man who gave us the leap in technology we now use in our everyday life.”

Glancing back to their giggling daughter and her complete shift in mood from what Faust had described earlier, neither could bring themselves to stop her. This was uncomfortable on some levels, but the fact that Trixie was happy was enough to make them content.

“Whatever the case, they are happy. They have a new lease on life, if it is the same two, and we should be happy for them.”

Seeing Trixie and Kael run around in circles to the amusement of the others gathered made Luna find herself smiling as well. If things had gone as she had once hoped, this would be her granddaughter and grandson playing, but given the circumstances she couldn’t be angry, “You are right…”

Whether it actually meant something or not, they did not know, but symbolically the family felt whole again to both Luna and Loki.

Author's Note:

Hahahaha, oh, been thinking about this one for awhile. It's a 2 parter, really, but the other half is "Guy's Day Out" rather than something that takes place afterwards.

I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to hear from you in the comments below! Bit by bit, the family is getting their happy ending after their original bittersweet one!

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