• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,153 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Numb the Pain

A/N: Special thanks to Nethalar, ShyHeart, whitedorumon, and tzeentch for commenting on last chapter! Your input is very much appreciated and also taken into account while I write!

It was the beginning of the day’s early afternoon when Celestia found herself confused by her sister walking past their castle’s ornate throne room. Given the time of day, either Luna had awoken early for some reason or she had been without sleep.

Before Luna could finish walking past the open room, Celestia decided she had best call out to her. After all, something might be wrong or something could not. Celestia had vowed not to be as negligent as she had in their past, so it would best to err on the side of caution.

“Luna? I thought you were asleep?”

Luna stopped briefly, looking into the room with a small smirk upon her muzzle, “It would seem not, sister.”

Celestia was at least glad that Luna’s tendency to snark was not impaired, but still she decided to follow up her inquiry. Luna hadn’t been back that long, after all, and she had best demonstrate her care for her younger sibling, “Is anything the matter?”

The night princess closed her eyes as she responded in a voice that held a tinge of weariness, “No, I’m quite fine. We just were attending to some matter concerning a subject’s nightmares. The issue has been resolved for now.”

The idea that Luna was out helping ponies through their problems gladdened Celestia, who was afraid that her sister wouldn’t ever be able to adapt to the changes time had made in their society. One by one, Luna was helping her subjects and showing them that she was not Nightmare Moon. Not any longer.

“I’m glad to hear that, Luna,” Celestia couldn’t help but grow a smile, “Now why don’t you get some sleep before we trade places for the night? It is quite unhealthy not to get enough sleep.”

While the tone held no malice in it, the words Luna spoke as she left came off negatively to the elder sister, “We know quite well the facts regarding sleep, Celestia,”

Her sister gone, Celestia could not help but question that particular snark, “Luna?”

Recurring nightmares were not uncommon amongst some of Equestria’s citizens, and Luna had grown accustomed to this happenstance many, many years ago. There were the ponies whom faced problems amongst their foalmates, such as bullying or exclusion, and there were ponies who had done something or seen something they regretted. There were a myriad of reasons, actually, and Luna had lost track of them all after only months of doing the task, a comparatively short time for the nigh immortal being.

What the ponies with bad dreams all had in common, however, was their willingness to accept her aid. Even in the time before Nightmare Moon Luna had little trouble dealing with her subjects, who all would graciously accept her ways to end their constant misery. Sure, sometimes she was faced with some fear with her booming royal Canterlot voice, but it would all subside in the name of good rest. And now after the Nightmare Moon debacle she was in much the same place, although the process of winning their trust would take a little longer. While ignorant, her subjects were all of quite good natures and accepting of the aid their Princess of the night offered.

Which brought the blue coated alicorn to the problem she had stumbled upon. What had just been another routine nightmare cleansing had become a confrontation with a being not of Equestria, who seemed partially hostile while retaining signs of being lost. Not in the conventional sense, for he was obviously that with how he took multiple days to stumble out of the Everfree forest, but the more metaphorical sense: he acted in a whimsical way, Luna noted, that reminded her of how she herself had been quite some time ago. One moment fine and content, while lashing out and being ill-spirited the next.

Luna frowned at the ceiling from her bed. This Loki appeared to have some family grief from what little she had observed from his nightmare. How much of it had been his mind fabricating something and how much had been his mind playing his lowest moments before him? Luna could not tell, for she had not been able to study it long enough to truly learn anything. In fact, whatever she had learned was quickly forgotten with how confrontational he had been. How moody and disrespectful.

But it all felt so familiar that Luna could not help but sympathize to a level...she by no means excused his rancor, but had a feeling she knew where it came from. His words seemed to imply he was not welcome at home, but Luna did not feel as if he was banished. If he had been banished he would not likely have been forced into a place unknown to him, or so she would believe. She had no idea how his alien customs worked, so it all was speculation...

Except his eyes.

Looking into his blue eyes when she had the chance had given Luna more information than all his words. He seemed weary, as if he had been through a great ordeal, but more so he had...he appeared hurt. As if he was suffering and didn’t know how to deal with it.


With her curtains obscuring the day’s bright sun, Luna closed her eyes to rest. She was supposed to help other ponies and beings as the princess of Equestria, and she would not give up on this knave.

Not yet.

There was nothingness inside the dream Luna entered, not unlike the previous two she had. It was hardly uncommon for dreams, especially those of the frightful kind, to be dark and almost featureless. This was different though, the princess of the night had realized, for where as a background may be darkened or hard to see in a good amount of nightmares there still existed one. This place was devoid of any form of anything…

In fact, Luna was unnerved while she creeped inside it, only finding in solace in that she had been through two such dreams already. Intent on finding a solution to them, Luna decided that it was best to do what she came to.

The first thing the princess noticed was a soft voice playing all throughout the dark; a woman's voice that was completely unfamiliar to Luna.

Don’t worry, Loki. Everyone is talented at something, and just because yours is not the art of war does not mean you are any less great at what you do. You have so many talents Thor never will, so don't feel sad when the others show appreciation for what he does more so than they do your own skills. They'll come to respect you and them in time, as they have Thor. He too had to earn their respect, remember.

Luna rose a brow, confused as to what this was. She had sensed that Loki was suffering in his sleep…but this woman's soothing voice seemed far from a grievance. As soon as Luna had thought about this, the voice returned to speak into the nothingness.

Loki, I understand you were only playing a prank, but you must go to your friend and apologize for lopping off all of her hair. You wouldn’t have wanted her to do the same to you, would you?

Again, the voice was calm and soothing, not antagonistic or demeaning…Luna had the sudden realization that Loki was dreaming of things his mother must have said to him in the past. Once again the voice rang out again, this time a warm coo.

Come here Loki and let me see that wound…you really must take care of yourself better, Loki. There won't always be a healing chamber when Thor gets you two into trouble.

Was Thor a relative of Loki's too? A friend? These were the things Luna thought about before something changed before her: a ghastly figure that had indescribable features, beyond looking like a pony rearing on its back legs and possessing womanly clothing, then stood in the darkness not too far from Luna, who was the only other thing of shape and color there.

In the hands of the figure lay a bouquet flowers, their color white and their petals few. Luna had never seen this particular kind before, but her attention was quickly diverted from them when the woman's voice emanated now from the place where the apparition stood.

"Oh Loki, you shouldn’t have. You know these are your father’s and I’s favorite flowers. Wherever did you get them? They are such difficult things to find..."

Luna could not help but smile even as the figure disappeared, leaving only darkness again. This was Loki's mother…and it was almost certain to her that they shared a loving relationship. The mother looked after and cared for Loki as if he were her entire world, and Luna could tell that Loki cared for her too by how these were the memories he called upon, as well as how well he visualized the prized flowers he had gifted her at some point.

The warm feeling that had been growing in Luna instantly vanished as a thought came to her; Loki was suffering and in pain somewhere within this dream realm. As this is where the dream was taking place, he must be here listening to his mother and feeling pain. What could have possibly happened to him to be hurt by hearing her?

Luna feared to find out. Had he lost her?

In due time the voice returned again, but Luna could swear she had heard a soft sob act as a prelude to it.

I could not have asked for a better son, Loki. Better sons. You and Thor may not be perfect, but I don’t think I could handle having two boys who were. Even if you two seem to seek trouble, you’ll always be my precious children...

Even having a better idea about his family did not cause the gut feeling of pity and fear to leave Luna, for the sob she thought to have heard previously now broke out again in a much louder fashion. It originated in no particular place, carrying out all throughout the darkness that filled the nightmare. More quiet cries of anguish followed it, their origin undoubtedly Loki given their sound. Luna regretted not being able to face him, but she had to find him within the dream to do so. Her powers could only go so far.

Silence was left in the dream and Luna looked around. Nothing was changing, and the sobs had died down…but then the woman's voice returned, although it sounded different this time. Now…it remained comforting, but it held an amount of fear in it that made the princess of the night uneasy.

He kept the truth from you so you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki, and we your family.

The truth? What was so different about Loki that he would have to have something important hidden from him? The way she made it sound…was Loki adopted?

Luna's ears perked up at the sound of another voice, this one echoing from seemingly nowhere just as the sobs were. Loki's voice.

“Mother...I love you. I’m so sorry for what I’ve done…for how it must hurt you. I wasn’t good enough...I didn’t deserve to be your son and I didn't deserve your love.”

That sentence felt like a physical strike itself to Luna, who was caught completely off guard to hear the weeping and pathetic voice of this abrasive foreigner call out to his mother for forgiveness. Not only did it feel weird to hear…Luna felt sorry for him, for whatever it was he had done was causing him to miss and seek forgiveness from his mother. What was it Loki could have done to have caused his own mother pain?

Luna felt herself wince at that particular thought and of how her own mother must have felt in those years after her banishment…

But the sound of Loki and his mother disappeared and were soon replaced by that of a man whose age came across through his voice.

A fine example of how skill and finesse can overcome the most powerful of foes. Well done, Loki. Thor, you had best learn from your brother, lest he manage to beat you again.

This must be Loki's father, Luna thought to herself. He was grieving over his family and missing them, as well as feeling regret for whatever he did to separate them all.

Loki, I would appreciate it greatly if you would return my favored eyepatch to where it belongs. Even I, Odin the Allfather of Asgard, have a limit to my patience.

Again, mention that Loki was a bit of a mischievous soul…to that, Luna felt some of the sadness building up in her lift. She could remember all the times she had played practical jokes on Celestia, and of how many times she was on the receiving end of such antics.

The gruff voice returned again, this time sounding less annoyed and more amused.

I am most impressed by your cunning, Loki. However, remember to train more than your magical talent and brains, for even Thor won’t fall for the same doppelgänger trick more than once...or a few times as the case may be...

Luna smiled at the mention of Loki's trick for duplicating himself…apparently she was not the only one he used it as a way of tricking, and not the only one caught off guard by it. From the mention of things though Thor appeared to be the dim brother to Loki's intellectual self, so Luna didn't know how she felt about being beat by the trick herself with that in mind. She was certain he would not catch her off guard again with it, that was for sure.

Things in shift in the darkness once more, and this time two figures appear, one to Luna's left and one to her right. The left figure was an old man who stood higher in the nothingness, as if he was on top of a platform or some stairs, whereas the other, more youthful being across from him was on a lower plane. These figures, unlike the mother before them, were more detailed, but the finer details of their clothing appeared to be forgotten. Their faces, however, were wrought with detail and Luna could see every small movement on their unusual heads.

The eyepatch on the elder man tells Luna who that particular figure was meant to represent, but the other one was unknown to her. It could be Loki in his natural form for all she knew, but Luna wanted to wait and hear their voice before jumping to that conclusion.

“STOP!” bellows the figure belonging to this "Asgard’s" Allfather towards the other, who had his arms and hands outstretched to hold some object not inserted into the dream.

From across the darkness the pale skinned being just stood in silence, raven hair slicked back and garbed in green cloth as well as leather. After a moment his back remained turned to the Allfather as he asked, “Am I cursed?" his voice came across as if he was trying to explain to himself something in a rational way,

The voice confirmed the figure's identity to Luna…she was gazing upon Loki in his supposed regular form. An odd being with hands not unlike a dragon's, legs and arms similar to a diamond dog, and a head of noticeable skin except the mane it wore on top and the back. What an odd combination for a pony to witness for the first time, but Luna decided to accept it for what it was. After all, this is how the being she was trying to help truly looked.

“No,” came the sad voice, as if it knew it would soon have to explain something it did not wish to.

Silence hung for a moment before the pale skinned figure in green garb asked, anger inflecting in his tone, “What am I?”

The response given was another one of nothing, yet it was said in the most caring of manners, “You are my son.”

Then the raven locks turn away from the Allfather as the once pale skinned being turned to face Odin, his skin having turned to a blue not unlike princess Luna’s coat. Silence remained in the air once again as the blue skin became pale once more from the top down, the conversion taking its time, “What more than that?”

Luna felt her mouth open a bit at the sight of Loki's transformation. Something was obviously amiss, as Loki's pasty skin color not unlike Celestia's fur seemed to be this species norm if Loki's normal skin and his father's were anything to go by. She, like Loki, was curious as to what revelations Odin was to make. Given what she had heard from Loki's mother previously, Luna could only assume that this was what had been kept from Loki.

No response was given this time by the Allfather, who seemed to have not quite planned for this possibility despite its inevitability.

The once again pale skinned being began to walk towards his father at a slow pace, his words accusing and failing to hold back all of the emotion stirring within him, “The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?”

“No,” came the sad reply from the elderly man, who looked down with his one eye from the place in the darkness he stood at his son. His voice was quiet, adding to the sad emotion it conveyed, “In the aftermath of the battle I went into the temple and I found a baby. Small for a Giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering. Left to die,” another brief pause for what was to be a revelation, “Laufey's son.”

The figure in green could not even meet the eyes of his ‘Father’ as he stated more than asked, “Laufeyson?”

A brief moment later, the son was able to face his adoptive father, who merely stated, “Yes,” in the same forlorn voice he had held the whole time.

Having just been told his life has been a lie, the pale skinned ‘Asgardian’ took a few shallow breaths and averted his eyes for a moment before asking, “Why?” His voice was shaky, and his tone holding back a thin level of anger, “You were knee-deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?”

“You were an innocent child.”

This did not soothe the one whose anger was growing, “No. You took me for a purpose. What was it?” his voice was demanding, his breathing panicked and rapid, and after a moment of no response he yelled, “TELL ME!”

The man he had grown up calling father gave in to his demand, although he appeared to do so with regret, “I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace...through you.”

“What? came the weak, almost inaudible voice of the Jotun who looked as if he was about to break down and cry.

“But those plans no longer matter,” Odin stated in reference to some unknown happenstance.

This was beginning to get into a place where Luna could not understand the whole situation, for she knew nothing of their context. Apparently their land, Asgard supposedly, was at odds with this other land, Jotunheim, from where Loki was born…seemingly not the same kind of creature as the Asgardians, appearing as different to them as a pegasus is to an earth pony given the minute difference of skin color. Other things may be different, but for the moment that was all Luna was able to discern.

The one who was about to cry found his voice again, and the hurt in it was soon coupled with more anger, “So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me?”

“Why do you twist my words?” Odin asked indignantly.

The hurt remains, but his voice was now more parts anger than pain, although it would be untrue to say the former did not stem from the latter, “You could have told me what I was from the beginning! Why didn't you?”

“You're my son...I wanted only to protect you from the truth.”

Loki's voice was choking, and his “What, because I... I... I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?

Odin begins to look unwell, and he turns away from his furious son, “No...no...”

As the son chewed his father out and stepped towards him in fury, the old man falls as if onto a platform in the darkness, as if he was becoming more and more ill by the moment, “You know, it all makes sense now, why you favored Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claim to love me,” the old man reached out to his adoptive son, who didn’t take it and instead continued his tirade, “you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!

The Allfather then collapsed, appearing either comatose or dead with no indication of life. His son, who had reached him while yelling, instantly lost all traces of his anger and bent down to try and help his father.

His hands hovered over Odin for a moment, but they did not touch: they hesitated as if the man standing is afraid to hurt his comatose kin.

They get closer slowly until they are just at the point of being in contact...and when the standing Jotun realizes his touch would not bring harm to Odin, he touches Odin’s hand with his own. No sooner does he do this before he calls out.

His anger dissipated, his tone returned to a scared and hurtful one, “Guards...Guards, please help!”

The two apparitions disappear into the darkness of the nightmare, and in their place appears a green furred pony with raven black hair. The horse was sitting down, its back legs sprawled out carelessly while its front ones limply lay between them, his head facing downward as he cried into the darkness beneath him.

Luna felt her mouth hang open unintentionally as she thought about what she had just witnessed. Loki, and his pseudo father, in their natural states in a very personal moment...

The way things moved in this dreamworld revealed much to Luna, who was then figuring out how the bits of this dream fit together. The positive memories with his father and mother, mixed with painful parts from them both...

Loki was able to manipulate his dream, editing out all the background objects and noises...but the dream otherwise continued. This meant that what remained was meant to be there. That the hurtful memory was played out like he wanted.

He was bringing this suffering upon himself consciously, not just unconsciously. Thus the focus on certain things, and the complete lack of others.

Luna’s eyes fell to what would be the floor in a non-ethereal realm, unable to look directly face the sobbing being before her as he choked out, “Father...forgive me. I never could earn your love like Thor, but I still failed you in the end,” he sobbed again before he could whimper, “But even then, you left me all alone when I needed you the most...what was I to do?”

As much as she wanted to reach out to him, Luna knew that she still had to hold out and observe more. The more she knew when she did confront him about his issues, the more of a hand she could lend, even if it was intrusive to do so.

The pony's figure vanished almost as soon as it appeared, and now another voice replaced it. Male, but more boisterous and young than Loki's father.

Brother, why is it that you lock yourself in your chambers with this heavy tomes when you could be sparring? You do know Father will be watching today.

This would be the previously thought of Thor then…his voice gave her a good feeling, as if he was speaking with care rather than condescension. What was said reminded Luna of a time when her own sister said very similar words…it was when Luna was beginning to realize how interesting it was to use her magical abilities and would spend nights upon nights studying them instead of doing other tasks.

Fandral, stay your tongue. This is my brother Loki, and even if he is a bit odd, it is only my right to say so.

And the next instance of Thor's voice was protective in a way Luna often heard amongst siblings. But with the sense and feeling that Loki was suffering in his nightmare, the memory of Thor doing so only brought more sadness to Luna. Loki was torturing himself with memories of the family he was either separated from or had lost forever.

Loki…I am sorry. I know you wished to be with Father today, but it was not my choice. How about I make it up to you? You and I spar, and I promise not to use Mjolnir. Deal?…Alright, that's the spirit!

Caring…Luna wished Celestia had been able to do more of that years ago. Maybe things would have gone differently.

I do not see why I am the one who has to wear the dress when you are so much more feminine looking, Loki…yes, I know I'm the one who lost Mjolnir, but this is still embarrassing! You promise Father will not hear of this?

Luna did not have enough time to laugh before Loki's pattern of self-inflicted pain continued to its next course; from the darkness appeared two figures who were opposing each other. One Luna recognized instantly as Loki, and the other to her suspicion was Thor, who was different in that his hair was blonde as well as in that he wore silver colored armor.

The figure with blonde hair spoke with Thor's voice in a partially anguished manner, "Why have you done this?"

Loki snarled at his brother, "To prove to Father that I am a worthy son! When he wakes, I will have saved his life, I will have destroyed that race of monsters, and I will be true heir to the throne!"

"You can't kill an entire race!" Thor replied with a bit of disbelief and anger both.

"Why not?" Loki questioned darkly, before adding in his own disbelief, "And what is this new found love for the Frost Giants? You would have killed them all with your bare hands!"

"I've changed," Thor stated in a manner that would make Odin proud, for he had not revealed anything with his statement.

"So have I. Now fight me!"

The figures faded away once more, but this time they once again were replaced with an apparition of Loki's pony self. Luna let out a small breath of relief at this change, for she was worried she would have to witness two brothers re-enact a scene from her own life.

The remaining figure of Loki wept in his place, haven broken himself down in a place he thought to be private, “Brother...please don’t hate me. For turning against you, for envying you...I only did what I thought was truly right.”

Luna had seen enough. She decided then to approach Loki, her pace only being that of a slow trot in light of the atmosphere of the situation.

Even distraught, Loki was attentive, and the sound of her hooves trotting on seemingly nothing caught his ears. He didn’t look back to her, instead continuing to look down beneath him at the emptiness that lay there while he spoke venomously, obviously having felt violated, “How long have you been spying on me?”

Luna had opted to finish walking when she reached his side, as well as not answer his query by starting a different conversation, one that may be more fruitful, “Mother once told my sister and I that we were both fit to be rulers. That we should do so together.”

Loki looked up to her with eyes that shot daggers and a tone of acid, “Isn’t that just wonderful. Living with your sister in an everlasting state of happiness and rays of sunshine-”

Luna looked down and met his eyes, her face impassive as she spoke neutrally, “I hated it, as I’m sure you detested living in your brother’s shadow.”

Surprised partially by her answer, Loki took a moment to refocus his anger at her intruding his sleep once more, “And I suppose you would know just how painful that can feel, Princess Luna of the night,” he said facetiously before he snarled and went on, “It is hard enough for me to discern my own feelings, so forgive me for thinking it would be impossible for you.”

Luna narrowed her eyes a small amount, feeling her natural temper beginning to rise, but she fought it. Now was not the time, “Not quite, you recalcitrant foal,” while harsh, Luna had kept an edge out of her voice. With a brief pause, Luna broke eye contact and looked ahead of her into the nothing Loki had surrounded himself in this place, “I control the night and moon. Our sister, the day and sun. Ponies would enjoy sister’s sunny day, but shun our respective time,” Luna let out a breath as she relived the feelings of pain and anger she felt every time she was glossed over in favor of Celestia, but quickly recovered and continued, “I...grew envious of Celestia. I just wanted to be loved as sister was...”

Loki blinked, partially confused about how this magical candy colored equine who was fit to be in some inane female child’s fantasies was an imperfect, green eyed being who was jealous of the way people loved their sibling and not her. Loki felt something in his chest pang as that same feeling found itself in him, but he shooed the feeling away. He sympathized with the feeling, but he was quite irked with Luna herself.

After another brief pause, Luna continued her narration, “But that was not to be. I was always shunned in favor of Celestia in every manner possible. The one pony I was close to as a friend, my dear sister, became the pony I hated the most,” Luna bit back a surge of anger as she thought about how glorious Celestia saw herself as those many years ago; how she absorbed the attention like a sponge and left none for anypony else, “She stole the spotlight. She took the affections of all our subjects and didn’t act at all sorry that their affections were so fixated on her that I received nothing but their fear and other negative emotions.”

Loki looked back down and nodded, stating in a cold and bitter voice, “Always living in the shadow of your older sibling who, despite despite being no more special, is loved and celebrated by your subjects while you are cast aside and ignored. Always knowing that you are just as deserving of their love, even if not for the exact same things.”

Luna nodded too, stealing a glance down at Loki as he sat pathetically beside her before looking back to the pitch black before her, “So, am I so wrong to think...to have thought...that they should love us too? I mean, why shouldn't they adore us? Is it not within our right? I had done nothing to earn their fear, their distrust and their lack of affection but be myself,” her eyes fell to the ‘floor’ as she paused. After a brief silence she added quietly, “But do our duty for all of their sakes.”

Loki made no effort to interject, for he was intensely staring at the space before him as he pondered something, so Luna took it upon herself to just keep going. Hopefully something would effect the green pony who Luna now felt as if she had a kinship to from their shared experiences and troubles, “But...we’ve seen what happens when we try to take what naturally isn’t ours. Forcing our great, jeweled sky upon our subjects only led to our own downfall,” it was an effort for her not to grate her teeth, “One thousand years spent banished upon our own moon was as maddening as it was humiliating. We have no desire to resume our stay there.”

The son of Odin looked up to Luna warily, but kept to his own thoughts. Here was the same creature that annoyed him thrice so far, and yet...something about their words gave his anger pause. He wanted to yell at them, to chew out this animal for daring to invade his privacy so soon after their arrangement was made...but he didn’t. He considered himself curious.

Luna met his eyes only for his to flicker away, “We apologize, but I...I saw your memories. I always try to help others through their nightmares, so we apologize for entering yours once more,” as he had looked away, Luna did so too before blosing her eyes, “I too turned against our family and did things we regret...things that I had but a millennia to go over and curse my foolishness for.”

Her sorrow angered Loki in a way he couldn’t exactly describe, causing the prince of Asgard to speak with a growling voice, “You shouldn’t feel ashamed for what you did. If you hadn’t been neglected, you wouldn’t have been led down the path you went. If you had been shown proper respect, you wouldn’t have had to forcefully take it,” he stopped himself and took in a breath, his face relaxing. After some silence it softened and became reminiscent of how it looked when he was crying, although no tears fell this time, “It wasn’t your fault,” he stated weakly,

Thinking she had found an opening of sorts, Luna sat her hindquarters down and took the place next to Loki. He didn’t react even as she spoke in response to him in as soothing a tone as she could manage, “Nor was your fall. You had been lied to and shunned for who you truly were your entire life. You deserved the truth, and you deserved respect for who you were instead of neglect caused by who you were not.”

Loki scoffed at her words, but Luna went on, “My sister loved me despite having to defeat and banish me. She still loves me, even though I could have caused the deaths of all our subjects with my maniacal goal of having the night last forever,” Luna grew a smile as a thought came to her, “I’m sure your brother is the same.”

“You haven’t met the oaf. He’s vain. Brash. Completely oblivious.”

Luna had to concede that point, but she did know a thing or two about vain and oblivious siblings, “However, your memories showed just how much he cared for you,” before Loki could retort or claim she was wrong Luna followed up her statement, “Or did I mistake the kindness he showed you? Your brother cares for you,” and then a softer, “Your mother cares for you,” as she diverted her own eyes away from the pony she was soothing.

“Has she passed?” Loki asked carefully, given the manner she said her last sentence.

Luna nodded, beginning to wonder how much of being here was for Loki and how much it was for her at this point, “While I was banished my mother passed. Only fifty two years later, actually. Tia hasn’t said as much, but I believe the events related to me may have had something to do with her departure. She was always so kind, I’m not sure she could take seeing one daughter become wicked, only to be banished by the other.”

Loki straightened himself out and glanced at his unwelcome guest again. Some wouldn’t know what to say at all, but Loki’s penchant for words helped him address the topic to a degree, “I am sorry then for your loss. I do not think I could take that pain, myself, especially with the possibility I had caused her passing.”

He paused before continuing, noticing that a tear had fallen down the night blue mare’s face, “My own mother was the one person I could honestly say loved me without any doubt. She did not care that I was not her own...She wanted to let me know the truth, but father wouldn’t hear of it.”

Luna recalled Loki’s mother mention something along those lines, but before she could find something to say on her own Loki’s tone turned to anger, “Why explain to your son that he’s different, that he is that monster that parents tell scary stories about to their children? Why let him understand that he was to be another kingdom’s ruler instead of leading him on to believe he has a chance of being his believed kingdom’s ruler?”


The green stallion smashed his hoof down, a crash reverberating throughout the area as if he had broken an object, “I never wanted the throne!” he choked down a sob as he yelled ahead of him, “All I wanted was a chance to earn his respect! Earn his love the same way Thor had! But no, I never had a chance from the start because I am a bloody ice giant!”

His wounds were still fresh, unlike those Luna bore, something she realized a bit late. He still wanted to lash out at all the people he saw at fault for his problems.

Luna brought a hoof to his shoulder as he seethed, hoping he wouldn’t react with violence even if this was only his dream, “Loki...calm down. It’s okay. It’s in the past.”

The physical contact did something, for Loki’s anger was stayed for the moment and he fell back to how he was before...pathetic, “But I...I gave up everything to prove myself...I destroyed my birthplace...my despicable race...slew my true father to prove myself to the one I...”

Loki felt himself freeze in place and his eyes widen when he felt fur rub up against his side and a voice speak softly, “It’s okay. You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

Loki blinked, caught off guard and finding that his silver tongue was now one of lead. He didn’t know what to do or say...or what to feel.

An impossibly colored pony felt sympathy for him and he was accepting it.

Loki, prince of Asgard, felt himself leaning against his companion.

A/N: Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you about what you thought!

Author's Note:

A/N: Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you about what you thought!

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