• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,154 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Dead Promises

A/N: Special thanks to Evilhumour, Scarheart, Killabyte, Pacman_The_Peach, Cadmium, FleetlordAvatar, Ketvirtas, IkioStar, Killabyte, and Drgnwolf for your comments last chapter. Thank you again, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Title is from the song "Dead Promises" from The Rasmus.

Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

When Luna awoke she was hit with a flurry of sensations. Her mouth and neck were busy fighting back a strong wave of nausea unlike any Luna had felt before. She had not even eaten yet that day, so she was quite confused about the source though her mind was also preoccupied with processing the various other places of ache in her body.

Her legs were feeling as if they had been shattered, so much so that Luna would have preferred waking up without feeling them at all. Her arms felt little better, though she could at least budge them the slightest bit if she tried.

Luna was flat on her back and even moving her head hurt. Her blurry vision began to focus as she began to gather herself more. What previously had been a brown blur to her focused into the tannish setting that Luna knew to be the insides of the castle. Adding to her perception, the smell of blood running across the floor and the presence of both Asgardian bodies and Elvish bodies piled up on either side of the room reminded her of what this most definitely was.

Luna had to fight to lift her chin up and tilt her head. Her neck felt as if it was snapping at every moment, but she continued to keep it up just to confirm her suspicions. A destroyed throne identified the surroundings as the throne room, and Luna could tell that she had been brought there by a malevolent force. If someone moved her in an attempt to help her they would have just lifted her on to one of the medical machines.

The presence of Jane being forcibly held by Dark Elves in front of the destroyed throne helped dispel any doubt. Behind them stood Malekith and his guard, Algrim, while dozens of guards stood in-between those holding Jane and where Luna lay.

Luna dropped her head down to the ground, not caring when the back of her skull slammed into the ground and her head rolled to the side. She could not muster her strength to cast magic in such a condition. A single punch from Algrim had shattered her concentration. His barrage of them had shattered her ability to as well as her body.

A lazy look beside herself gave Luna a look at the similarly defeated Frigga, who lay still with piercing eyes staring at the ceiling in a manner that told Luna that her mother-in-law was planning something, though given that she was taken down by Algrim just as easily and felled with a single blow Luna had her doubts. Lady Frigga could combat a single foe with grace, yes, but this invasion was out of their league.

An elf between Frigga and Luna looked down to observe Luna’s movements. He knelt down beside her, though Luna could not observe his face to see his intentions because of the creepy doll mask he was wearing like the others. She could watch as his head turned to look down at her lower body, at which point she thought she could hear a sorrowful sigh, before the elf rose up and called to Malekith to come over.

Luna could swear she recognized the voice from somewhere, but she was too out of it to actually process why or how. All she could notice was that out of the corner of her eye Malekith was now approaching her.

The elf beside Luna steps out of the way to join the others guarding the area while Malekith instead takes his place. His face had been marred terrible by scars, Luna finding a small smug grin growing on her at the view. Those would not be going away anytime soon, and one half of his face looked as if it had been turned to scales given how damaged it was.

Malekith did not follow the lead of his subordinate, instead choosing to kick Luna in the side of her face right as he arrived at her side, “You have awoken like the others. Good, now we can begin.”

The Dark Elf leader knelt down after his kick so that he could grab his broken foe by the face, gripping her cheeks tightly and forcing her to look him in the eyes, “You will watch my ascension firsthand. Then you will feel my power as I end your lives and bring night to this realm once more!”

Little more than a ragdoll at this point, Luna just felt herself laughing weakly while coughing out blood on her foe, “Dark magic…everlasting night…been there, done that. Stop boasting and get on with it, lest I recover enough,” a violent cough caused Luna to begin choking before she ended her threat with a smirk, “to rip out your trachea and beat your talkative mouth to death with it.”

Done having her blood being spilled on him, Malekith dropped Luna’s head onto the hard ground so he could rise and sneer down at her, “That is laughable coming from the weak woman who dared challenge my lieutenant. Tell me, how are your wounds healing from your brush with death?”

“Go ahead and mock me now…I made my mistake,” Luna slowly curled her closer fist into a ball to clench, “I won’t make it again.”

Not seemingly fazed by Luna’s empty threats, Malekith waved his hand towards the still focusing Frigga, “This elderly woman was more of a threat than you.”

“I don’t know, tell me, how are your wounds healing from your brush with me?” Luna spat back with absolute glee. She had no doubts now that this was the place she was to die, and she would die defiantly just as she lived.

For his part, Malekith did not appear to comprehend her acceptance of her coming death, “I do not understand. I am allowing you to live for the time being. Do you really desire death that greatly that you would aggravate me?”

“My lover is gone…my kingdom fears me…my lover’s kingdom is in ruins,” Luna hacked up more blood as she continued trying to speak, having to pause multiple seconds before she could muster the effort, “I have not the energy to resist you, and you are about to grow even more powerful I presume. I’m done here. I have nothing left.”

Luna expected that to be it. She honestly would not mind just being put out of her misery at this point…Trixie was at Equestria by now and would be safe there, hopefully. She could scarcely remember the feeling that she had felt months ago when she forced Loki to propose to her, only to leave her directly thereafter.

There would be no Sleep Near...or whatever his Asgardian name would be. Sleipnir maybe? No, that opportunity ended the moment these Dark Elves came to take back the Aether and do their generic doomsday scheme. They were simply too much.

Malekith was not done with Luna however. He turned his back on her as he spat down at her with contempt.

“Then I will make sure you are last to feel my wrath. I will pay these scars running down my face back to you, witch.”

When Malekith finished turning he found himself facing the prone Frigga, a smirk forming on the wicked man’s face.

“What an unruly queen. You are not the pretty face many would assume you were.”

For once since Luna’s awakening Frigga actually moved, though it was just a glance of her eyes to look disapprovingly at the Dark Elf, “At least I can pretend to simply be one, Scarred King.”

“To think I thought you dead. At least now you can pay for your impudence. May you enjoy the show that will be me ripping the Aether from that woman’s body, she who you tried to hide from me,” with this, Malektih had rose a gauntlet covered hand to point at Jane.

Feeling finished with being physically close to the Asgardians, Malekith began to walk back to where he had been standing near Jane. The woman from Earth was unconscious, seemingly having been made that way by a strong hit to her face if the bruise on one cheek was any indication.

“And you can do so alongside your husband, whose face I will keep as a trophy long after I have killed you all. It looks so much like his forefather’s…”

Malekith’s voice trailed off as he had another thought. He turned back to face the other captive in the room, who while beyond Frigga Luna could still see was there. Odin was prone on the ground as well, his golden armor shattered in the front from what little Luna could see past and over Frigga.

“Did they ever tell you, Allfather? Tell you of the slaughter they waged against my people? Of how they murdered my family, my children?” Malekith growled, now completely beside Jane and ready to begin whatever ritual he would have to do to gain his powers, “Of course not. You always are the righteous victors, as it is who wins who writes the history.”

“Yet history is recorded by many, and the many have spoken of your horrible misdeeds Dark Elf!”

Luna watched with some confusion as one of the Dark Elves in line with the others turned and fired one of their weapons at the four standing beside him, killing them outright. This distraction proved enough for a blur of a man to surge through the room and cut down three more.

A glance at the new figure now fighting the elves in melee revealed to Luna that it was Heimdall, Asgard’s guardian and protector. He may have arrived late to the castle fight, but she could not say he was an unwelcome sight. She recognized the voice that had called Malekith out as his, though she next tried focusing on the traitor elf.

A look at his hair revealed it to be more blonde than white, a stark contrast to the others around him. The blonde hair and longer ears he sported told Luna that this must be Trixie’s newfound ally, the foreign prince with the blank slate of a memory. It appeared that he took some initiative to help out while Trixie was gone, and he had successfully infiltrated the enemy forces.

Sadly, Kael’Thas was quickly intercepted by Algrim, who with a single punch sent the High Elf spiraling backwards and into one of the columns that supported the room. Had he hit harder the High Elf likely would have been sent straight through the pillar, though it appeared as if no effort had been placed into the strike. Still, Kael’Thas crumpled down just as Heimdall leapt past all of the remaining guards to confront Malekith.

Malekith smiled at Heimdall as he avoided the warrior’s powerful strike, “You are the man who defeated one of my ships with a pair of daggers.”

Algrim closed the distance to Heimdall and gripped his shoulder from behind, though Heimdall was not about to be caught off guard. He had spun just as Algrim did this and swung his mighty blade right into the monstrous creature’s gut.

The blade let out a clang as it made contact but did not manage to cut into the powerful being’s thick hide. Heimdall attempted to follow up on his strike, but before he could Algrim was already grabbing a better hold of him and turning around to send them both into a spin that Heimdall was unable to stop even with his great strength.

After a full rotation Algrim tossed Heimdall into the air in the direction of Luna and the others. He landed before them hard, though he was quick to recover. However, a well placed shot from a Night Elf knocked him down and off his feet, his armor having taken the brunt of the damage. This in turn allowed Algrim to rush across the room and grab two smaller blades from the many scattered across the ground.

Malekith smirked even wider as he noticed what his lieutenant was doing, “Here, let us return the favor.”

Algrim swung both blades down to impale Heimdall in the shoulder blades and pin him to the ground, but to his surprise Algrim found his blades finding flesh prematurely.

“I may not particularly adore Heimdall and his all-seeing eyes, but I do not care for you mistreating my subjects.”

Having teleported in the way was Loki, who stood before Algrim with a cocky grin even as two blades pierced his bare upper body.

“Loki!” Luna called out, realizing that this must be her own. The fake one would not have done this. Her voice came out in a shriek given the sight of her lover appearing one second only to be impaled within the same second.

As if his impalement did nothing, Loki continued to speak as Algrim just looked down at the skewered Asgardian with confusion, “I have sent one of Thor’s allies to round up other companions to assist us. They should not be too long, but stay still. I will handle this, and Thor and the others should be here as soon as they finish the guards halting their progress.”

Algrim took a step back and let go of the blades impaling Loki. This did not bother Loki, who turned to face Luna directly before looking back to Algrim and observing the giant’s hands, “Given her wounds, I am going to assume you are the ruffian who dared lay a hand on my queen.”

Loki jumped forward to land a blow against Algrim’s face, though the attack was caught easily by the large being who just gave a snort.

“Puny god.”

Loki froze in place as his fist stopped in front of Algrim, though his voice soon appeared from behind Algrim even as the mutated Dark Elf gripped his hand.

“Foolish malformed Elf, did your mother not teach you a better way of breaking the ice?”

Algrim’s clenching of Loki’s fist ending in him breaking it into pieces, ice falling to the ground and the illusion of Loki placed over an ice sculpture of himself fading to just leave the shaped ice. Algrim spun around in massive confusion much too late to save himself from Loki’s first attack, which found its mark on Algrim’s shoulder to arm connection.

Luna gasped, with some pain, as she realized that Loki had seemingly pulled two large glaives out of seemingly nowhere. Had he been hiding them before with his illusions? One of the blades was quickly brought down on Algrim and with a green glow it separated Algrim’s arm from his body, cutting through the being’s hide as if it was smoother than warm butter.

Algrim roared in pain as his arm fell to the ground, but even now turned to face Loki he was unable to stop the next strike which removed his hand from his remaining arm. The hand fell to the ground as all others present watched in awe of Loki, who was conquering the previously unbeatable foe as if he was nothing.

Algrim kneeled down and howled as he brought his arm into his chest, a sickening green glow coming off where he had been struck. The tough being seemed to be in such pain that he had nothing he could do but revel in his own agony, giving Loki time to pause his attack and snort at his foe, “Oh, did you think this was to be a fight?”

The black giant leapt towards Loki, intent on hitting him with his body if he did not have hands to do so with. Loki spun around him with grace before bringing his blade down on Algrim’s remaining arm socket and severing the entire limb as well, followed by Algrim tumbling and crashing into the floor.

“Another example of your foolish mindset. This is an execution.”

With his foe on the ground Loki was free to stroll over to Algrim and impale both glaives into the warrior’s shoulders, pinning him to the floor.

“I have read about your kind before. You are Dark Elves who sacrifice yourselves to become a terrible monster, a monster capable of destroying your enemies at the inevitable cost of your own life at some point.”

Loki took a glance over across the room only to notice that Malekith had begun removing the Aether from Jane, the red and black energy of the power source now flickering across the room and emanating from her body. The reason the other elves had not been firing at him was that they were all focused on their leader and bowing to him, their apparent consensus being that Algrim could handle the newcomer.

They were quite wrong with that bet, so Loki patted Algrim on the shoulder before walking towards the others.

“Suffer a little longer. I have more important matters to tend to.”

The transfer process was not something Loki understood nor did he want to interrupt. Even if Malekith did receive the power, interrupting it could kill everyone as well. While it may save the rest of the galaxy, Loki would rather fight for his life against a powered up Malekith than be instantly killed by the explosion of a power source even Thanos had interest in.

Jane crumpled to the floor as Malekith finished his absorption of the Aether, black and red energy now flickering about the Dark Elf who seemed in awe at the feeling he felt at that moment. He stood there taking it all in with evil glee before he turned slightly to see the defeated Algrim.

The sight actually angered the King of the Dark Elves, who snarled as Loki slowly approached him, “You will pay for what you have done to my friend.”

Malekith began to form a ball of energy in his hands, Loki sensing extreme dark energy emanating from it and actually feeling a bit of worry in the pit of his stomach. This could actually do damage, though Loki did not let this appear on his face.

“Literally nothing you do to me could be worse than what I just went through, nor can it kill me,” Loki boasted as he gestured to the blades still impaling him.

Malekith smiled wickedly as he shifted the aim of his attack from Loki to Luna, “I beg to differ.”

His strike sailed through the air and Luna winced as she felt it close in. Despite thinking that once again she was dead, an old familiar voice made her shoot her eyes open as the sound of the blast deflecting met her ears.

“Not on my watch!”

Kneeling before Luna with a smoking shield before him was the familiar form of Captain America, someone Luna had not seen since Loki’s trip to Earth. She would react to it, but her chest was on fire and she felt as if she was about to have another coughing fit.

The captain rose to his feet while staring right at Malekith and leveling a pointer finger at him, “Aiming at those who can’t fight and pregnant women is not very befitting of a king. You don’t deserve your position, and we’re here to take you down.”

Malekith waved for his forces to hold their fire while he looked at the Captain with an amused expression, “Who is this we you are speaking of? You would need an army to hope to face me, Midgardian.”

A blast collided straight into Malekith’s body and, though it did no actual damage to the Dark Elf who now sported a surging black and red aura, announced the entrance of one Tony Stark, who flew up into the air of the area through the doors he had fired from. He continued to fire down at Malekith as Captain America yelled.

“Avengers, assemble!”

Thor came rushing into the room along with Fandral, Hogun, and Sif, each of whom wore a grim face that told that the normally jovial group was not in the mood to play around. Behind them came a seemingly normal man from Midgard, though his appearance was quite familiar to Loki.

Loki laughed at the sight of the new arrivals, not having moved to intercept the attack given how strong he knew Captain America’s shield to be, “I told you I brought help.”

Not hurt but certainly annoyed by the arrival of new enemies, Malekith growled to his men, “Kill them all!”

Malekith jumped forward not to assault them, but rather to land beside Algrim. Malekith blasted Algrim’s shoulders with the dark energy of the Aether and, with its immense power, regrew the arms of the defeated lieutenant. This done, Malekith ripped the glaives out of his ally and tossed them aside, though they disappeared in mid-air.

Moving at the same speed he used to catch the glaives, Loki dashed over at a blurring pace to stand beside the Captain who saved Luna, “Captain America, it is good of you to arrive.”

From the area above them the annoyed voice of Tony Stark called down to them from his red power suit, “Save the chit chat for later, emo prince. Now’s not the time!”

Loki nodded before turning back towards Malekith, his voice becoming quite commanding as he spoke, “I daresay I agree. Captain, you protect my family,” Luna tried to cough out a reply, but instead passed out momentarily, “Stark, you continue to distract Malekith,” Loki turned to see his brother fighting Malekith’s men with a berserker’s fury along with his forces, and then turned again to see that their was the last of the people who came to their aid, “Brother, you can mop up their warriors I presume. That leaves you, Dr. Banner, to handle their newly revived warrior. Are you ready?”

The seemingly normal man, Dr. Banner, smiled to Loki as he began to pace towards the Dark Elves who were thrown into confusion with all of their new foes.

“I was ready the moment I walked in here.”

In a flash, Doctor Banner’s secret was revealed. His body grew at a rapid pace as it grew more and more green, resulting in what many on Earth would know as “The Hulk”. Now standing taller and broader than any other in the room, multiple times so in each case, the heavily muscular Doctor Banner roared as he rushed to attack the now standing Algrim.

Loki intended to next confront Malekith once again, but this plan was halted by the instant arrival of a certain cloaked daughter of his before him.

A grimace found its way onto his face as Loki began to stare down the fully robed and concealed figure who now levied a scythe at him. Captain America moved to react to her, but Loki stopped him with an arm. If Hela had decided on a whim to end this here and now, then there was nothing any of them likely could do.

Her scythe did not collide with Loki’s neck though like it appeared it would, instead sweeping around over her head and causing a sickly glow to appear in the corners of the room. Loki watched in disgust as what appeared to be souls left the bodies that lay discarded on the sidelines, only to then find their way into her scythe’s blade. Was this how she did her work, he wondered? It would require a great level of omnipotence to be enough places at once to do this after all.

Her trick did not finish however, as Loki jumped out of the way of a hurtling new arrival who seemed to be leaping at her as if he had been galloping. This seemed odd to Loki given that the person tackling her onto the ground was seemingly an Asgardian, albeit one with six arms. The sight unnerved Loki, though he was not about to let this chance go unheeded and he prepared to go around the two and head straight for Malekith, whom Stark was keeping busy with a constant barrage of blasts.

“Hela! That’s enough!” the six armed unknown man yelled as he pinned her to the ground. To Loki’s surprise, the being managed to catch her off guard and hit her, something he had not seen in his entire time in Hela’s domain.

The six armed man was swiftly kicked off of Hela, whose body language displayed that she was quite irritated. She jumped to her feet to attack he who attacked her, but he caught the blade between his many hands just as he recovered and yelled, “They are not supposed to die this day! Do not needlessly take their lives because you are feeling petty!”

Loki decided to ignore whatever was going on with them and instead focus on the one in the room who wanted to destroy Asgard and everyone in it. Seeing Malekith’s face in rage brought a certain glee to Loki, who was quite happy to be back and able to experience the land of the living once more.

“I am going to enjoy this much more than I should.”

Author's Note:

Literally no points for guessing who the heck the six armed being is :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, your thoughts and comments are appreciated and are helpful to me, so please leave your comments below! They really keep me motivated, and without your guys support this all wouldn't be possible! Remember, comments are :heart:

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