• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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So Proud Of You

A/N: Special thanks to JBGrim, Scarheart, gakuseiakira, GlassFloors, ZeroInfinity, DestructivePwny, Ketvirtas, Evilhumour, Drgnwolf, Killabyte, New Spark, and The Batmane of equestria for your comments last chapter...kinda...since I had to ask most of you to do it after nobody did it for a couple days...:twilightsheepish: Anyways, thank you again, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Chapter title now brought to you by Celestia's Ballad from MLP.

Also, if you could stop by my recent blog post and leave your ideas/thoughts that would help me a lot with all of my writing!

I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:!

After Trixie recovered her strength enough to get up, things moved from the medical wing to the only other area held by Frigga’s resistance forces. With its easily defended entrance and location by the outside of the castle, the stalls where they kept their mounts were the only place Frigga could wrest control of other than the medical center, which supported itself through healing the troops stationed there.

While Luna went off to speak with the remaining troops and devise a plan of attack, Frigga approached Trixie who was standing away from the couple dozen others located there. The stalls only had people, no animals, but that was not the reason Trixie was feeling somewhat out of it.

“How are you feeling, dear?” Frigga questioned her, noticing that Trixie was staring off into space as all the others spoke to one another with purpose and interest.

Upon being spoken to Trixie shook her head and smiled up at Frigga, who Trixie came in at about the waist of, “Much better…different, but better.”

When she said the word ‘better’, Trixie lit her horn up. Instead of her usual purple tinge, the magic was a violet with hints of aqua green. Trixie frowned temporarily before shaking that off and powering down her magic, “My magic feels and looks different, but so long as I have it I don’t really care.”

Frigga could see that Trixie was just acting tough, but she did not want to press the issue and get off to the wrong foot with this technical grandchild of hers, “I am glad to hear you are doing well. If there is anything I can do for you, do not hesitate to ask.”

Trixie appreciated the effort and nodded to Frigga politely, “Thank you,” no longer dazed and the tingling sensation throughout her body having died down, Trixie observed for the first time their current location, “Now, what is this place? Your ‘stalls’ did you say? For cows or some other animal?”

“Horses, actually,” Frigga grimaced. She would have appreciated the irony if not for their foe’s sick sense of humor, “At least until Lorelei had them butchered in the chaos of everything to act as an insult to your mother before she even arrived.”

Trixie paused to blink. A moment later her jaw dropped, followed a second later by a growl.

“She…” Trixie closed her mouth to speak through gritted teeth, “She just killed them?”

Frigga nodded solemnly to the young mare, “They were not sentient like yourself, but yes, she had them killed. We wrested control of this place from her, but it was already too late,” the normally reserved and kind Queen balled her fists in anger as she thought back to the atrocities committed these past days, “Lorelei is a monster who would go so far as to lay with my husband and son to mock me as I am helpless to stop her. In a fight I could defeat her, but I am not young enough to get past her guards.”

Trixie looked around the stalls for inspiration. It was time to perform, only this time lives were on the line, “Well then we need a way to get around all of that…”

Trixie’s attention was caught by a large mounted piece of leather that had a familiar shape, but Trixie had no idea as to what it actually was, “What’s this?”

“That is a large saddle my son Thor once used to tame some wild beasts. It was made to tame any animal it is placed upon. It has been too long for me to remember why or how he used it, but I think two giant rams were involved.”

That made Trixie pause. It could control an animal…did that mean any animal?

“So if I put it on someone they will be controlled?” Trixie asked Frigga with a hint of the idea brewing in her blue furred head.

Frigga shook her head and smiled to Trixie, thinking the mare to have misheard her, “It is for animals, my dear. Not people.”

Trixie shook her head back and pointed a hoof to Frigga and then herself, “But I’m an animal. You’re an animal. That Elf that drained my power is an animal. Just different kinds, if the bits of biology I’ve learned over the years are true.”

Frigga blinked as she realized that Trixie had just come up with something ingenius that no Asgardian had even thought of despite owning the artifact.

“You know, I have not thought of it through that way,” Frigga nodded as she began to see where Trixie’s mind was going with this, “What are you suggesting though? That we use it on Lorelei? It seems an inch or two too big for her.”

“Maybe so, but that’s not what I was thinking,” Trixie turned towards the exit and smiled, “How about we test it with what we have available to us?”

After Trixie had laid out her plan and successfully used the harness on its intended target, Luna allowed herself to become a part of said plan. It was a sound idea and Luna trusted Trixie to follow through with her own side of it.

Luna’s part was to do exactly as she was intending to anyways: teleport directly into the throne room as her Asgardian form and draw attention to herself before causing Hel to break loose.

The normally pristine room was covered in armor, bodies, and blood. Not only this, it was covered with the guards who Luna once humiliated, now in various states of undress, along with their king Odin, who sat beside Lorelei like a dog might its master. Luna felt anger swell within her at the indignity of it all.

Across the throne room was an auburn haired woman with skin almost as pale as Luna’s own. She was clad in a black dress, or rather she would have been if she was not currently being undressed by Thor.

After a small moan the woman atop the throne seemed to notice Luna, at which point she shooed Thor away and tried to pull her lower garments back up, “Welcome to my throne room—”

Luna blanched as she looked at the woman who was enslaving and raping the brother of Luna’s own lover, “You are disgusting.”

The half dressed Thor moved to get in-between Lorelei and Luna while Lorelei herself only laughed at Luna’s comment, “I am sorry, have we met before? Have I by chance taken a lover of yours at some point?”

Luna smirked as she thought about having Loki to herself now, “No. Loki rests well out of your clutches.”

The witch atop the throne beckoned Odin to stand up and join his son, the king doing so without a word. The guards around the room joined him slowly, all of them missing various pieces of their regal armor or even all of it.

“Ahh, yes, you must be that foreign princess of the horses I heard about. What an odd title. I hope you found the stalls to your liking. I think I might have you stay there and have you become acquainted with some stall keepers very closely when I am finished with you. You are the princess of horses I do hear.”

Luna resisted the urge to not just kill her. It was quite tempting, especially as Lorelei dug herself deeper and deeper every word she spoke.

Lorelei brought a hand to her chest, where her black dress was partially ripped and her breast revealed its upper half, “Now, how about I introduce myself? I am Lorelei, queen of Asgard and ruler of all men.”

Her words brought Luna’s eyes to become slits, “You mean enslaver and rapist, you poor excuse for an Asgardian.”

Before Lorelei could speak back, Luna brought a hand to her own chest and increased her volume as per the Royal Canterlot Voice, “Let me introduce myself. I am Princess Luna, ruler of Equestria, actual heir to Asgard, heir to Jotunheim, and mistress of the night, moon, and sleep itself. Known to some as a Nightmare, which I will soon demonstrate to you.”

Lorelei snorted at Luna while calling a guard to her side, who she ordered to continue where Thor left off, “Bravo. I can see why Loki can find some enjoyment in you. You’re quite the arrogant, meloooo-dramatic woman.”

“I am arrogant?” Luna snarked, not believing her eyes that this disgusting creature was sleeping with one of her brainwashed men as Luna was speaking to her.

“Yoooou boast of your laundry list of titles and being supppposedly scary, but I don’t see any proof of that power,” Lorelei snapped her fingers as she let out another moan, “You will see firsthand my own. Boys, beat her half to death and tie her up. Looks like you’ll have some new meat.”

As the guards, Thor, and Odin surrounded Luna the princess addressed Lorelei a final time, “When I finish handling these poor souls, I will make you regret how you have humiliated this family and their people.”

Lorelei let out an insane cackle alongside another moan, this one deeper, “And whennnuh—I—uh—have him dismember your body I will!—See what fun I can have with your fiancé,” Lorelei patted a hand on the arm of the throne, “You will be here to witness it, until I have him kill you as slowly, as intimately as I can have him.”

Completely disgusted, Luna turns to face her actual foes. This was another reason she went along with Trixie’s plan: a chance to kick Odin in the face and be justified, even if there were simpler plans that could be done, was worth whatever extra effort was required. Odin mistreated Loki far too much for Luna to forgive him, at least yet, and so this was to be quite therapeutic for the princess.

Still, fighting the famed powerhouse of Asgard Odin was not likely to be easy. She would need to cast aside her false form and return to her more powerful pony body if she desired to defeat Odin, Thor, and their guards. Luckily they were all under the same handicap that Heimdall and the others were afflicted with, as normally this would be impossible odds.

Lorelei cried out and began to laugh as she gazed upon Luna’s transformation, “An actual horse? Or should I say whorse? Loki has some interesting kinks I’ll be sure to keep in mind.”

As she finished her flash transformation, Luna looked straight at Odin and stared the King straight in his distant eyes.

“I do not know if you can truly hear me, but know that I am both sorry and unapologetic for this. Sorry I will bring harm to you, but unapologetic otherwise because it must be done if I am to free you.”

Sure she was half lying, but this covered her for later in case she needed to explain having beaten him into the floor so hard that he would break it.

Finding a way to stall for time and do that simultaneously was going to be the difficult part.

As Luna confronted the guards, Lorelei found her newest lust filled session interrupted by yet another flash and appearance of a newcomer. This one appeared right before the throne, well behind the chaos that erupted in the center of the room as Luna drew the attention of all the others present.

“And what is this?”

Trixie finished her teleportation with a shot from her horn which knocked the guard attending to Lorelei off the throne and down its steps after he stumbled first. She followed this up with a bow, and she had to fight a smug smile from appearing on her face.

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie. Student and adopted daughter of Princess Luna.”

Lorelei once again made a small attempt to make herself modest, though in the end her black dress was too damaged from what appeared to be tears to actually do its job in covering her. After trying this she stood up to stare Trixie down, displeased to have been interrupted once again, “Another horse. Does Frigga have no better warriors to put against me and my minions?”

“I would not act so haughty. That is reserved for those who deserve it, you disgusting,” Trixie paused for a moment as she shuddered, “—lustful, psychopath.”

Lorelei rolled her eyes at the blue horse, “And you have no blood on your hands?”

“Hooves, and no, I do not,” Trixie corrected with a hint of pride, “I have not taken any lives that were not in defense of my fellow pony. You, however, force men to commit sick acts of violence and perversion. Hardly on the same level as a hero such as myself.”

Lorelei shook her head in exasperation, “And what are you here to do, great and powerful hero? Talk me to death? I seem to be in no peril since you have arrived.”

Trixie meets her foe’s exasperation with a big grin, “That is quite correct, but that is only because I have not been trying to kill you. I am only here to keep you occupied you while my teacher defeats your guard.”

“As if that will ever—”

“She will defeat them. The question is whether you will be awake to see it or not,” Trixie’s voice became both threatening and smug as she turned to the side of the throne, where she felt comfortable letting go of her illusion magic.

At once Trixie’s horn began to glow and a figure appeared beside Lorelei. Trixie had placed an illusion over herself to mask her magic usage, and had also been spending the whole conversation working on the very hard task of teleporting her experiment in and masking their presence as well.

Lorelei’s eyes bulged as she noticed all of a sudden the appearance of a deathly pale, blonde elf whose lower body was covered in some kind of robe while his upper body was wrapped tightly in some leather that seems to have been shaped to him. A glowing crystal poked out of his chest cavity in a disturbing fashion, and his glowing green eyes caused the witch to feel fear for the first time in ages.

As Lorelei tried to launch herself away from the Elf as he slowly approached, Trixie spoke to her servant, “Alive, Elf. Drain her of her tainted magic and leave her with none at all.”

“As you command,” his crazed voice responded, his body still lumbering as the near-zombie homed in on the witch.

Despite losing face, Lorelei still attempted to put an air of confidence on, “You think this Elf can disobey me? Fool!” she stopped retreating away and instead smiled to the foreign being while bringing a hand to his sickly face, “Elf, my dear, would you dismember this petite horse for me?”

He made no reaction to her touch, though he did respond to her verbally, “I will obey my master.”

That made Lorelei regain her actual confidence, and the witch turned to face Trixie, “Very good. Now—”

“Mana!” the Elf screeched as he grabbed the witch by the throat and in the same movement slammed her into the ground. An aura began to form around him as different lights were pulled off of Lorelei as she choked on the ground.

“Mmmpf!” she tried to cry out, only for him to place his other hand on her mouth as she attempted so.

Trixie just sat where she was in glee as her plan worked out as expected, “See this odd leather vest he is wearing? It is a special harness that binds him to my will and my will alone. He will obey me and no other, not even his own desires. You control men through their desires, and so I trump your trickery with an even higher level of magic.”

Seeing power surge from Lorelei to the Elf made Trixie quite amused with herself, having come up with the idea of removing Lorelei’s powers without killing her which would allow them to question her, “I could get used to this. Too bad I am not fond of enslaving other, lesser, races,” she turned to look at her current servant, “Lucky you, Elf.”

Magic stopped leaving Lorelei’s body and a new, almost transparent energy began to replace it. Trixie assumed that this was her life energy now being drained, so she waited a few moments before reminding the Elf not to slay their captive.

All sounds of combat faded elsewhere in the room, the source of the whole mess having been defeated. The soldiers, Thor, and Odin all collapsed, no longer being willed to fight beyond their limits.

Free to see how her apprentice was doing, Luna turned to see Trixie picking Lorelei up into the air with magic and into the arms of the Elf who seemed to be sparking with magical energies.

The victory had been flawless and had resulted in zero casualties, and now the witch would no longer have access to her sick powers. Luna could not think of a more fitting ending to the crisis.

“I am proud of you, Trixie.”

Trixie turned back to face her teacher with starry eyes. Hearing the praise meant everything to her, and to have the chance to prove herself and earn her praise made Trixie more happy than she would ever admit to anyone.

Luna continued to speak while nodding her head to the door, “Now, let us take her and put her back in a cell where she will await her punishment. You and I have work ahead of us back in Equestria.”

Trixie bowed, “As you wish, princess.”

Receiving such formality from Trixie made Luna’s heart fall a little after everything they have been through, “I have the paperwork in order to make it so you no longer have to call me that. I just needed you and your consent.”

What Luna was saying made Trixie clam up instantly. The idea that she could call her something less formal…that would mean that she would be of a rank and nobility to do just that, “Princess…”

Trixie gulped and averted her eyes from Luna, who had been approaching her until they were only a foot apart, “I…I’m sorry if I put you in a weird spot after I fought the Ursas. That was wrong of me. I just…”

Luna brought a hoof up to Trixie’s face to both comfort her and to wipe away the tear that had dripped down it. In Trixie’s time gone Luna had beat herself up over her moment of neglect that drove her to such a drastic action as confronting an Ursa in its own cave.

The harsh reaction to being neglected had its roots in Trixie’s life before she became the stage magician that would become famous, and the details still made Luna furious and wince at the very thought of them.

“I have taken a look at your history,” Trixie gasped as Luna paused, though the princess picked up again quickly in reaction to the noise Trixie made, “You need not be upset. I understand that you have not truly had a mother figure, and if you need me to be that for you that is what I will do.”

Luna brought Trixie into an embrace and nuzzled her face into the top of Trixie’s own face, which became burrowed in Luna’s black fur.

“I will expect no less of you. In fact, I may expect even more,” Luna joked with a serious tone.

“Have the Equestria Games happened yet?” Trixie mumbled into Luna.

Those had fallen off Luna’s mind the moment she arrived at Asgard, but she now had a reason to focus on them once again, “No, and our first business when we return is to prepare you for them. I have lost track of time and for all I know it could be tomorrow.”

“I will do my best, Princess Luna.”

Luna’s smile became a tinge more sinister as she thought ahead to what she had planned oh so long ago, “With your talent you will win. And when you do, I have something special in mind. The show of a lifetime.”

Author's Note:

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write so much! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me. Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!

Also, if you could stop by my recent blog post ( http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/366602/please-read-your-thoughts-please ) and leave your ideas/thoughts that would help me a lot with all of my writing!

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