• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,147 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I Know You Hear Their Voices

A/N: Special thanks to Evowizard25, D48, Drgnwolf, Cadmium, pvtspoon, leo0074, MoonSparle the Vampony, Farista Sairuv, and kyle guardian of harmony for your more in-depth comments last chapter, but thank you to everyone who let me know what you thought and everyone who has favorited and liked this story!

I hope you enjoy and that I can hear from you after about what you think!

Luna knew where Stark was going to go, but had no energy left in her to teleport there after all of the healing she had done to her body. Her pale human skin no longer was red with blood or torn and punctured all over. Healing itself would not be exhausting, but it had been all of what energy Luna had gathered since confronting Loki and his men.

She only wished she had it then.

After leaving the meeting room Luna headed straight to where her most recent fight had taken place. Where Loki made a fool of her and Thor, to her own frustration. Luna really wanted something to hit after all of that, to release the pent up anger she never got to unleash upon Loki’s face, but the barren and destroyed hallway she stumbled down offered no good target.

Luna leaned her body on one wall and took a breather as she felt her energy begin to return to her. She had blown her energy killing those fools when she did not need to, but now that no more healing need be done she was beginning to feel her energy pick up.

As she pulled herself off the structure something in the corridor caught her attention. A low whisper that came from nowhere in particular. No other live person stood in the hallway, yet Luna was sure she had heard someone.

It only took another few steps for the voice to return, this time loud enough for her to make out what it was saying.

“Kill him.”

Luna twisted her head around from side to side, even glancing behind herself to look for whoever was speaking, “Who’s there?”

No response was given. Luna bit her lip, her mind trying to convince herself that she was just hearing things.

Nothing more was said before Luna turned into another corridor, nearing the location of the former cell room. Once again there was no sign of life in the hallway, and similarly the voice returned and haunted the hallway.


Luna was beginning to become fed up with whatever was speaking to her. The voice seemed familiar, and yet she had no idea as to whom it belonged. Like she had heard it but one time, not enough to know it’s owner.

“You will make him pay,” the voice whispered, Luna swearing that it was within her own mind as it did not have a point of origin in the hallway.

“Okay, this isn’t funny!” she shouted out, not knowing who she was addressing and not caring so long as it stopped.

“Run a blade through him where he-”

Luna stomped her foot on the ground, denting the metal where her foot collided as she yelled over the voice, “Enough!”

It did not seem to even notice her, and it continued its suggestions, “Kill Loki like you killed his men.”

Her fists balled and her nails dug into her hand as Luna seethed at whatever was slipping these inappropriate messages to her, “They were bad by their own choice! They deserved everything that happened to them!”

“And Loki does not?”

Luna strode down the hallway as fast as she could manage, wanting this to end and hoping that catching up to Stark and having company would end the madness.

This too did nothing to stop the whisper from continuing, “Your friend’s soul demands justice-”

Luna’s day had been less than spectacular, she was emotional over losing a friend to her lover, and she had not yet sorted through her own feelings on the whole issue. She hadn’t had the time.

As such, she was about ready to explode as she reached the door of the room Loki’s cell had been in, “Whatever you are, get out of my head!”

It spoke again as Luna opened the door, “With Odinson dead, no-one could stop you-”

The sound of the door slamming overcame the disembodied voice while also drawing the attention of the room’s one inhabitant, Stark. He looked over from where he stood, where Coulson had fallen, to Luna with concern.

“You okay?”

Luna brought a hand to her head and massaged her temple, a headache having arisen between her ears, “Just fine,”

Stark turned back to where he had been looking, drawing Luna’s attention to it as well. The wall was stained with blood, as was the entrance to the room where the dead bodies of Loki’s forces had laid.

Luna could not bring herself to look directly at Stark as she spoke, feeling guilty about everything that happened in the room.

“Look...I know we don’t get along…”

Stark glanced back to her, his face changing from distress to a hint of anger as he spoke, “That’s selling it a little short. I think I might even like Cap more than you, Blue.”

Luna’s previous hope was proven to be ill founded when the voice returned, “Why allow a mortal to be so disrespectful? An example should be made of him.”

She shook her head in an attempt to dispel the bad thoughts being injected in her mind, “Shut up and listen. This bickering...we can’t keep doing this if we want to stop Loki.”

Stark’s gaze fell again and he grew silent, the billionaire philanthropist not finding something snarky to say because of the grief he felt. Luna took his silence as an opportunity to offer an olive branch, her eyes growing soft, “Phil was a friend to me too, and I can not forgive Loki for what he has done.”

His head hung and his eyes closed. “I’m willing to partially get over myself if you are. Truce?”

The door behind Luna opened and Captain America entered, nodding sadly to her before approaching Stark and standing in between the two of them.

Rogers gave Stark a look of pity as he had Luna, “Was he married?”

The shorter man shook his head, “No. There was a uh...cellist, I think.”

Luna lowered herself to the ground and inspected the thick coats of blood spoiling the steel wall by her. To think that she had caused this made her feel sick with herself. What had gotten into her during that fight?

Rogers continued to console his partner, “I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man.”

The response surprised both the Captain and Luna, who turned away from the wall to Stark as it was said, “He was an idiot.”

“An idiot?” Luna questioned, contempt in her voice. She had thought Stark was a friend of Coulson. It seemed that way given how distressed he had appeared upon learning about what happened to Coulson.

Stark turned to her, his voice part angry and part choked up, “For taking on Loki alone.”

His words made the pieces click in Luna’s mind. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Stark was suffering from the second stage of grief, while she was still in her fourth and had no plan on moving past it anytime soon.

Stark was just as hurt as her, but he was having trouble accepting the situation. Luna doubted he ever had lost someone close to him before, something she had grown accustomed to in her long life.

Steve was not exactly picking up on all the clues like Luna was, “He was doing his job.”

“He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should have…” Stark could not finish his words as he dragged himself through third stage while slowly losing any traces of his anger.

Luna leaned forward and placed her forehead on the bloodied wall, wanting to just rest again. Close her eyes and forget.

The Captain tried to console his begrudging ally, “Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony.”

Stark continued to look at where Coulson had laid while he bled to death, “Right. How did that work for him?”

That brought the Captain to the same conclusion Luna had met earlier, “Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?”

Stark turned around sharply towards Rogers, “WE ARE NOT SOLDIERS! I am not marching to Fury's fife!”

Even Luna did not consider herself a true soldier. She fought to protect Equestria on a daily basis, but that did not make her a trained soldier like the captain. When every foe she faced was easily defeated, where she was the only one in danger, and while she had no doubt in what she did. A guardian and a soldier did not always have to be one and the same.

Not about to enter a shouting match, Rogers kept himself cool and controlled while responding, “Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does. Right now we've got to put that aside and get this done. Now Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list-”

Stark returned his view to the wall as he muttered, “He made it personal.”

Still in control of his emotions, the Captain missed the weight Stark’s words held, “That's not the point.”

Tony Stark approached his taller ally with apprehension, “That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?”

A fourth voice answered him.

“To tear your forces apart. Wasn’t that obvious?”

Luna’s eyes shot open and she rushed to her feet at the sound of Loki’s voice. Surely enough, the prince of Asgard had appeared right behind Stark with his scepter in hand. Tony swirled around to face Loki, whose face was not one of smugness and malicious glee as it had been earlier.

It was one of regret.

“What the hell are you still doing here?” Tony spat out, ready to attack the Asgardian even without his powered armor.

Loki shook his head and held his hands up peacefully, “Never left actually. Sorry to disappoint, but no-one really looked for me,” he looked to where he murdered their shared friend, “I am sorry for your loss. More so because I caused it.”

At that, Tony drew his arm back and the Captain brought himself into a fighting stance. Loki held out his arm with the scepter, “I wouldn’t if I was you,” he released the scepter and let it fall to the floor, “I’m not here to fight. I could have slipped away and continued their plan, but I don’t really feel up to that.”

Both Stark and Rogers opened their mouths to talk as Loki strode past them, but the way he ignored them on his way to Luna caught both off guard.

Luna stood still as Loki walked towards her. She had no idea how to react, but something in her gut made her want to deck him across the face. When he was a foot away from her he lifted a hand to her cheek, Luna recoiling as he spoke, “I thought something was wrong with you. Tell me, what happened to that creature who bonded with you to form Nightmare Moon?”

She batted his hand away as he tried to touch her again, “I still feel its power, Luna, but not its presence,” he ignored her protests and brought his arms around her back to pull her closer, “Luna, whatever it has done to you-”

Looking down to him, Luna snorted as tears found their way to her eyes, “Who are you to talk!? You-”

He gripped her tightly as she struggled to get free, Captain America moving to pull him off her if need be, “I know you’re intelligent enough to have picked up on some things. What color are my eyes, Luna?”

The mention of the trick she realized made Luna instantly stop struggling as she instead focused on looking into Loki’s face. Besides the exhausted appearance Loki had, something stood out to Luna.

“Green…” she mumbled softly, but everyone in the room could tell what she said. Stark had hacked Shield’s files and knew what that meant for the prince, but the Captain was only left confused.

Loki smiled at her as he continued their eye contact, observing the eyes that should be a shade of aqua but instead appeared cerulean, “Right. Yours are more blue than normal though. That scepter you took from me lends its user great power, but it corrupts them with their own dark emotions,” he let go partially so that he could turn and look at the discarded scepter, “It allows those on the other side of it to communicate with you.”

Stark looked to the scepter too, the immense hatred he had for Loki being put on hold as he thought about what the Asgardian was saying, “Woah, hold on, are you saying that her using that thing messed her brain up? Messed yours up?”

Loki let go of Luna completely, to her chagrin, and approached Stark and the scepter, “Yes, so you must be curious why I have not destroyed it now that I am free of their control,” he kicked the golden object so that it rolled across the floor, “The scepter is a powerful tool. If my forces continue to enact the plan I put into place, then it may be the only way to stop them.”

Captain America spoke up, his voice rightly apprehensive, “And why should we trust you?”

The fallen prince turned to the man he defeated in Germany. Loki’s voice took a tone of anger that surprised the man in blue, white and red, “You can trust my fury at how I have been manipulated, bullied, and forced into committing terrible crimes in two realms that I have no quarrel with.”

Stark narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, his mind considering running to go grab his damaged suit of Iron Man armor, “Forgive me if I’m not convinced. You seemed pretty into all of this.”

“Yes, I so happen to despise my brother for everything he has caused and I do want revenge on him for that…” Loki’s voice trailed off as he turned around fully to the place where his cell had once been, “I suppose I may already have, but that is beside the point. His arrogance led to events that drove my family apart and led to my disgrace, and this happens to be the world he loves. The darkest side of me would take it from him and hurt him for what he has done, but the brother that has saved his elder blonde oaf of a sibling would not.”

As furious as he was that Loki killed one of the few people Stark had ever let be close to him, what Stark had learned about the matter thus far curtailed that anger. If Loki truly was not to blame, rather just being the puppet used by some other being to commit the crime, then should he still be blamed for Coulson’s death?

Stark tried to rationalize the situation more, the genius caught between anger and reason, “They took your rage at Thor and turned it towards conquering Earth.”

Loki admitted his guilt where it lay, “Yes, but even then I was reluctant. Why incite conflict and reopen the wounds related to my family’s deceit when I could just forget and stay away?”

Tony was growing more and more sure he would be viciously beating some alien in the future the more and more they talked, “So they blackmailed you to do their bidding.”

Luna had been observing Loki as the others spoke and had picked up on that he was indeed telling the truth. She could feel it. She wanted it to be true as much as she didn’t. What could these beings have possibly done to her beloved trickster?

Loki hung his head similarly to how Stark had earlier, “Yes. Not only did they convince me I wanted what they did, but they held something over me,” he closed his eyes as he steeled himself to reveal that, yes, he indeed did love others, “Someone, rather. My mother.”

Forcing someone else to murder a friend, brainwashing them and supplementing that with blackmail against their mother. Whomever lorded over Loki was finding more and more ways to get on Tony’s bad side, and Stark found himself beginning to feel sorry for the same man he had been so willing to kill minutes before, “That is low. I’m not okay with what you’ve done, but I am even less okay with whoever these guys are.”

Loki nodded to Stark before turning to Luna, “When I began courting you their attention turned to the powerful being I had found. They thought you too weak willed, too kind to do their bidding. I kept from them your history of wicked behavior to prevent them from wrapping you up with everything.”

Captain America interjected, his focus being on the issue at hand. They could always talk about this subject later, “Where are your forces and how can we stop them?”

The wayward prince sighed and looked to Tony, “It may just be too late at this point, but they are at your personal building Stark. Stark Tower I believe it is named?”

“That makes complete sense, since the energy our reactor-” Tony cut himself off before he began to babble about things the others would not understand, instead rushing towards the exit, “I’m going to go head them off. The faster we get there the more lives we can save.”

Captain Rogers was less convinced, although he was beginning to feel a pang in his gut the more Loki revealed about this whole situation, “You’re just going to trust him? He killed Coulson. He nearly killed us.”

“I can kick his ass later, but right now there are a lot of people about to be hurt because some even bigger jerk decided to play god with a god,” Stark flippantly replied.

Loki grabbed his golden instrument on the ground and picked it up, quickly tossing it towards Stark, “Take the scepter. Your metal suit should provide some protection from its power. Just be quick. There should be a generator on top of the tower that can only be destroyed with the scepter.”

Tony rotated and caught the scepter as he started to backpedal, “Got it. I’ll catch you all later,” he turned to the door and hurried out, “Make sure he doesn’t screw everything up here again Cap!”

After the man had left, the three remaining souls in the room fell into a silence. Loki approached Luna again, but Captain America felt uneasy about the whole situation. Loki claimed to not want to fight, but he also let himself be captured so that he could destroy their base. What could the soldier trust about the manipulative man?

Rogers eyed the two lovers as they embraced across the room, “So, where does that leave us?”

Loki ignored him and spoke to Luna instead, “With the scepter away from you, its effects should leave you. Your contact with it brought you to their attention, and I have a feeling they would have supplanted me with you as their herald should you have held on to it much longer-”

Having been jerked around emotionally and physically all day, when Luna brought her head to rest on Loki her body gave out. It had endured enough and the princess of the night collapsed, her slight frame falling against Loki’s.

Loki sat beside Luna’s bed, having been brought to her room by Captain America upon request after she collapsed. The exhausted Luna was now laying on her bed, recuperating from all the stress she had been placed under.

The guard who had originally stationed himself outside of the room was scared off by Loki, who spent ten straight minutes looking at the with a smug grin. It had the unnerving effect desired by Loki, and he was left alone with Luna as Rogers left the room to report to Director Fury some while ago.

The sight of Luna sleeping in her humanoid form brought a genuine smile to Loki’s lips. He had seen her sleep in her equine body, usually from very close quarters, but this was something new to him.

He brought a hand to her long dark blue hair and ran his fingers through it, not encountering a single knot as he did so. Her hair, or rather mane, was always so flawless. He wasn’t sure what made it so beautiful, nor did he know what made it seemingly float and sway in place while having an almost incorporeal appearance, but he did not care. It was a trait of Luna, and that’s all he needed to know in order to adore it.

Loki lowered his head to lay beside hers, letting out a tired breath as his head touched her bed. While not the most comfortable structure he had ever rested on, Loki had seen far worse and chronic sleep deprivation was getting to him.

Luna’s soft breaths beside him made Loki’s smile grow, for he could only wonder what was going on within her unconscious mind at that moment, “I only wish I could see into your dreams like you can mine.”

“She can do that?” a voice asked from the now open doorway. Loki lifted his upper body and turned it to face Fury, who was looking down at the two of them suspiciously. After being informed that Loki was still on the Helicarrier, was not seemingly hostile anymore, and actually seemed to want to help the crew stop his own plan, Fury decided to confront the man.

Loki gave him a weak smile, not knowing where this conversation was going to go, “Yes, it happens to be how we met. Hello Director Fury.”

The ever blunt Director did not have a kind tone as he addressed Loki, “Explain to me why I shouldn’t have you thrown in another cell.”

“You are quite bold to come here alone.”

Fury could not tell if that was a compliment or a veiled threat, but he knew full well that it did not matter which it was as Loki was the one in power between the two of them, “Captain Rogers tells me you revealed the location of the Tesseract and a portal of sorts. Stark is headed there now because what you told him makes sense and we have nothing else.”

The one eyed man narrowed that one eye at Loki, “Even if I wanted to detain you, which I do, I couldn’t right now, given that Doctor Banner and your brother are out sightseeing and Rogers alone can’t fight you. So why not talk to you face to face when there is nothing I can do to stop you from killing us all anyways?“

Loki nodded as he conceded to what his visitor was saying, “You raise a good point, but have nothing to worry over. Now that I have been freed of their direct control, I do not intend to oppose you and your agents any longer,” he returned to looking and smiling at the woman sleeping beside him, “I am here for Luna, just as she came for me. I intend to find Thor after she awakens, and then we can go home. Stark should save this world within the hour.”

Fury frowned as his mind thought ahead to what happened after that point, “So we’re supposed to just let you go I suppose.”

The prince was resigned to his fate in some ways, so he only shrugged as he thought about the most likely outcome of how his situation would be handled, “I am sure I will be brought to justice for my crimes when I return home. Thor may become violent if you try and pass judgment on me here.”

“Very well then,” Fury turned his eye on the new addition to the team he had put together who happened to be sleeping soundly, “How is she doing?”

Loki brushed a hand over Luna’s cheek and smiled down at her, “Fine. She is just tired from all of the fighting I would suppose. Bullets harm her kind much easier than they do my own and it must have taken a great deal of her power to just fix herself up,” his smile faded, “Having your mind tormented by foreign voices could not have helped matters.”

Fury snorted at the obviousness of that last statement before speaking in an actual warm voice, “She seems to be a good soul. She really does care about you, Loki Odinson. I’d be on my knees begging for her forgiveness when she wakes up.”

A quiet murmur came from the bed, “I like the sound of kneeling.”

Luna slowly opened her eyes and Loki smiled down at her, bringing her into an embrace as she sat up on the structure, “How are you faring?”

She yawned and stretched her arms out before returning the embrace, “Better,” she brought her lips to his cheek, embarrassing Loki in front of the snickering Fury, “Better now that you’re back.”

Fury turned to leave, “I’ll leave you two alone. I have a situation to handle.”

Alone once again after Fury shut the door, Loki was the first to try and speak. His voice was quick, as he wanted to get it off his chest, “I am sorry for everything Luna. My deception, my-”

Luna covered his mouth with a hand as she stared into his green eyes, “When they got in my head…” she shivered as she thought about the things that she had to hear earlier, and compared that to how long Loki had been under their influence, “Dear Celestia, what did they do to you?”

Loki’s eyes were cast aside as she removed her hand from his face, “I care for you too much to let you know the details, but I’ve told you the basics.”

Luna replaced her hand with her mouth, kissing Loki right on the lips and whispering, “I love you.”

That made him give a nervous chuckle, his eyes remaining away from Luna’s, “I think quite warmly of you too.”

His inability to say the simple phrase irked Luna to no end and she crossed her arms over her weirdly curved chest, “Why do you have such trouble saying it?”

His shoulders sagging conveyed the same emotion that he spoke with, “Luna, when I return to Asgard I will be imprisoned for what I have done. How long I do not know, but-”

“You think I can’t wait? I spent one thousand years on a moon, Loki. I will wait for the man I love.”

“Can we not talk about this now?” he nervously shifted in his chair as he finally resumed eye contact.

An awkward silence fell as Luna acquiesced to his desire, but no other easy topic presented itself. After some thinking, Luna came upon what they should discuss however. A question he asked before that she did not answer.

It was the one about the Nightmare being that she had bonded with. The one that she had to resist, just as she had to ignore the voice not much earlier. With a check on her own energy, Luna could feel the power of it still within her, but the being’s consciousness had disappeared.

That, while scaring her, at least helped explain her brutal actions as of recent.

Luna was the one who became nervous as she spoke, “The being of shadow...I can feel it. It’s a part of me now. Not just an addition, but my own flesh. Possibly my own mind. That teleportation between realms must have bonded us.”

Loki brought her in for a hug to comfort her, knowing full well what it was like to have your mind altered unwillingly, “You will be okay. You’re still Luna, the majestic blue mare who managed to capture the divine attention of the trickster god. I’m sure that between us we can find a way around this.”

Drawing back from him, Luna nodded as another emotion sparked within her, “Loki?”



“What?” his eyebrow rose, “For Equestria? Earth? The agent I slew before you?”

Luna let go of him so that she could punch him in the ribs, “His name was Phil,” she gripped his chest and tugged it so that their faces were an inch apart, “Phil Coulson. And to answer you, everything. Do you know just how much you’ve done?”

He sadly did, almost wishing to be ignorant as it might help absolve him of the crimes, “Yes. More so than Barton does in the medical ward we passed. I think he’ll be paying us a visit when he learns I’m here.”

The name of the agent Romanoff wished to free from Loki’s control caught Luna’s attention, “They managed to capture him?”

“Yes. Knocked him out, as per your suggestion I hear. I wish I could thank the son of Coul for doing the same to me,” Loki wanted to put a grin on his face, but held off from doing so lest he anger Luna through insensitivity.

He held his head low as he continued, “You saw the effects the scepter had on me before. It can be emotionally and physically draining to just be around it, and to be under its control keeps one from resting.”

Luna frowned as she thought back to the night prior, “I rested fine last night, if not long.”

“Then their control was not strong on you then. But I could hear their voices here today, and they were not speaking to me,” he paused before having a look of regret wash over him, “No, they were speaking to you.”

“How could they talk to me without the scepter though?” Luna questioned, nervous about these unknown beings Loki did not seem to wish to talk about for whatever reason.

“Beings powerful enough to craft such a tool can do a great deal of things. It merely being in the general vicinity can let them send you visions. Tell you things,” he looked down to his hand where he once held the powerful and dangerous artifact, “Holding it, however, lends a far greater danger.”

Luna huffed at him as she thought back to when she first became suspicious, “I remember interrupting one of their sessions with you...you assured me that everything was fine.”

“A necessary lie at the time, for which I apologize.”

He received a tight and forceful hug as Luna retorted, “I would rather you not do that anymore. Yes, I understand you wanted to protect me from whomever controlled you, but I also want to know when you are being hurt. When you are in trouble.”

“I make no such promise, for I know it is one that I cannot keep,” Loki responded, voice forlorn as he did so. As he returned her hug, he found a tear in the back of her dress that he stuck a hand into so that he could feel her back’s smooth skin.

Loki was the one to lean forward and kiss her on the lips this time, continuing with conviction, “But I will promise you that I will do my very best to never bring you harm again, be it physical or emotional. I know you have been through a lot in these past days, and I would be wrong to not acknowledge my full hand in that.”

Using her restored strength, Luna tugged Loki and turned her body so that he lay on top of her on her one person bed. She wanted to sleep again, but had a feeling he would want to as well. He laughed at her playfulness, and found himself resting on his own sort of pillow not long thereafter.

Things were bad, but for now they had their peace.

Author's Note:

Hahaha, and here I'm thinking some of ya'll thought we'd be continuing the Avengers more by the script. As fun as that'd be, nope! I know how trying the seriousness has been on you all, and so I had this breather planned for awhile. My gift to you, free of charge!

Please let me know your thoughts in the space below! The more I know about what you guys like and enjoy, the more I can add in regards to it! Thank you for reading and I do hoped you enjoyed.

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