• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,153 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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It's Time Now For A New Change to Come

A/N: Special thanks to ABitterPill, amethyst blade, Scarheart, Drgnwolf, Achivist Nightwatch, ZeroInfinity, GlassFloors, Ketvirtas, Evilhumour, JBGrim, Fear the Dark, Mutie Genic, DestructivePwny, and Killabyte for your comments last chapter...kinda...Anyways, thank you again, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Chapter title now brought to you by Celestia's Ballad from MLP.

Also, if you could stop by my recent blog post and leave your ideas/thoughts that would help me a lot with all of my writing!

I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:!

“Hold it, thief!”

“Oh crud, it’s Princess Luna!”

“Thou shalt stop or be forcefully brought into custody!”

“Not my fault nopony will hire me since they kicked me out! Catcha later, chump!”

Luna had been busy eradicating threats and capturing criminals all across Equestria when she was bombarded in a rainbow light. From the sky came this fountain of colors, but the sudden change in color did not irritate Luna.

The Bifrost was pulling her in. That meant Asgard needed or wanted her, which in turn meant that Loki might be back or that they might have a lead on his whereabouts.

The Pegasus she was catching could wait for another day. There were too many of these executive tasks for Luna to handle, too many major threats to counter. The idea of possibly having some others helping her brightened Luna’s day, as she was growing tired of having to handle these matters personally when she had so many duties to attend to given Celestia’s gradual weaning of her own.

The Equestria Games were coming. Luna had trouble keeping track of the days given the length of time she had been pouring herself into these tasks. The closer it got the harder it was for Luna, however. The increasing paperwork was irritating, yes, but what the Equestria Games symbolized was what hurt her.

Trixie had been gone what must have been months. In her comatose state, in the company of who took her, Luna had waning hope of her safe return. Loki could pull himself out of a tough scrape, that she was sure of, but Trixie was young and vulnerable.

Celestia’s swelling stomach had not been helping matters either. Luna felt envy creep into her for the first time in ages whenever she saw Celestia enjoying being a future mother. Whenever she would have Discord wrapped around her.

Luna knew that holding darker emotions inside would not do her any favors, so she took it out on each and every one of the threats she took down.

It was with all of this stirring within her that Luna felt herself be transported to Asgard, where she was sure she would have her spirits lifted.

Upon her arrival Luna cast her gaze around the Bifrost’s chamber. Heimdall was standing at his post, where he would insert his intricate sword into a pedestal to activate and control the arcane machine, but no others were in the chamber with him.

Not seeing anyone else instantly worried Luna, who had taken to her Asgardian form for the encounter. If Loki was back he would have greeted her at the gates, she thought. And if Thor or any of the others needed her they would do the same. Why was only Heimdall there?

Heimdall removed his sword and slowly made his way over to where she was standing, with Luna taking this time to address her confusion, “Heimdall, you summoned me? Is there something I am needed for?”

He gave no response. Verbal response, that is, as once he was within reach the loyal and dutiful guardian of Asgard swung his sword at where Luna’s pale white neck had been. Luna felt the blade pass through some of her blue hair, which in turn angered her as she teleported across the Bifrost.

Something was most certainly wrong.

“Heimdall? What in Tartarus are you doing you foal?”

Heimdall did not seem to be perturbed to have missed her, as he took his time to slowly face her and begin approaching her again, “The queen has decreed that you are to be executed. I will obey my master.”

Luna had heard enough. Queen? Master? What about Odin? Had something happened to him? And Frigga would never order such a thing.

What the hell has happened to Asgard these past days? She had visited only a couple weeks prior to check in with Thor and had gotten the feeling that everything was fine, outside of them still not finding Loki. Thor had seem pretty furious about that, that was for sure, but this?

Before Heimdall could continue the conflict, Luna did them both a favor and teleported directly into the castle. Specifically, by the residence quarter, where she might be able to ask someone some questions without running into a guard trying to execute her.

“What was that?” Luna muttered to no one in particular as she gathered herself. Heimdall had felt...off, even outside of the whole murdering thing. Too slow. Too simple.

She had come in a blue dress, fashioned after one of Lady Frigga’s own, with the expectation that maybe she needed to look nice for the return of Loki. With that whole thing out of the picture, Luna had no problem changing into her battle armor that Frigga helped her create.

Luna had made sure it would not take too much out of her dexterity and speed, even if it cost some of the material’s toughness. Frigga had the armor made to protect Luna should she ever be pregnant without knowing, but Luna felt assured that such a thing would be impossible at the moment.

The material was made to shapeshift along with her, a special blend of Equestrian and Asgardian magics that Frigga had assembled. Luna could always rely on her to find a way to make things work with magic, especially given that Lady Frigga was one of a few who could even harness magic in Asgard. More books for her personal use, Luna presumed.

Now armored against any more sudden attacks, Luna started her search by calling out down the hall, “Thor! Fandral! Volstagg!” she paused as no-one responded. The whole area appeared empty, and for good reason. Blood stains marred the walls and Luna could see a couple dead bodies farther down.

This caused her to become even more worried as she continued to call out, “Lady Frigga! Allfather!”


Luna spun around to see a wounded guard with a bald head she recognized. One of the jerk-ish guards she had met before in the palace. While no fan of him, Luna could see that he was not in his right mind, as his eyes were spaced out and distant even as he lumbered towards her.

Not about to bring harm to someone obviously out of their mind, Luna sidestepped him as he made a mad grab for her. She jabbed her elbow out to the side to catch him on the side of the ear, her elbow tip going right into his ear and knocking him off balance.

“Get out of my way, cretin. I have something I must attend to.”

She doubted she could ask him anything of importance, what with his regular limited intelligence being dropped by his current mental state. What could be effecting both him and Heimdall though? They were acting like they were mind controlled, but no-one Luna knew of in Asgard could do something along those lines.

A clash of weapons caught Luna’s attention further down the hallway, where some of the bodies lay and where Loki’s quarters were. She rushed off instantly to see what the fuss was, hoping to find an answer to all of this.

Upon reaching it, Luna noticed that there were two groups of about six guards each clashing swords, pikes, and axes against one another. They all wore the same armor, though a few guards wore some that appeared as if it had been patched back together a half dozen times.

Not willing to let these guards slay eachother, Luna teleported between their scuffle so she could let out a gust of magic to knock them all back. They had been so focused on their combat that they were unable to resist it as she swept them all off their feet.

Half the men groaned while the other half made no noise whatsoever. Having drawn their attention gave Luna her opportunity to question this madness, “What is going on here?”

A blinding purple light caught everyone’s eye just outside the combat area. The origin of the light was the area right before what once was Loki’s room, and in it Luna could see a variety of five vaguely defined figures.

“And what is glowing over there?” Luna asked as well, the attention having gone from her to this phenomenon.

The light began to fade, granting the figures there a more defined outline for Luna to study. Three were upright while two were on the ground, one of which Luna could tell had four legs instead of a normal Asgardian body structure like the others in the light.

When the light finally faded, Luna found her jaw dropping at the sight of not only Trixie, but Loki laying beside her. Standing above them was a sickly pale elf who was panting as his eyes glowed a disturbing green, while next to him was a blue man that Luna could recognize as a Frost Giant, and behind him a fully armored woman with a weapon in her hand that was for some reason crescent shaped.

With both Loki and Trixie unconscious for whatever reason, Luna leapt forward with the obvious conclusion that these bastards must have had something to do with it.

“Stay away from them!”

The Frost Giant held his hands up in peace while the elf dropped to the ground like a sack of rocks. The woman made no move, instead staring out of her helmet with her glowing eyes at Luna as the princess approached.

“I have no intention of staying by either, though I must admit I thought we left the runt behind,” the Frost Giant stated with a small prod to Loki’s face with a foot.

The green armored woman standing behind all of the others turned to leave, but not before tapping her weapon on the elf’s bare chest, “I came here to hunt this one, but he will pose no threat like this. Farewell. I have a hell to return to so I can haunt my enemies once again.”

With the only two standing members now leaving, Luna was met with no resistance as she moved to tend to the collapsed Loki and Trixie. She did not care about the other three at the moment given the amazing gift she had just received.

While kneeling down beside them Luna brought her arms around Trixie to pull her into a hug while looking down at Loki, “Loki, Trixie, are you both alright?”

Trixie was the only one to respond, her voice faint as she squirmed weakly against Luna’s armor, “Princess…”

Luna could tell that something was wrong. Trixie was as limp as she was when she was comatose, and her fur seemed to have become a greyer blue somehow. Like she had aged all of a sudden in the time she had been gone. Loki, on the other hand, appeared to not be any worse for the wear except being unconscious.

“What happened to you? You look terrible!”

Trixie’s eyes flickered open before falling shut again, her body displaying a complete lack of energy. It seemed all she could do just to whisper, “Drained...magic…”

From the melee that had broken out again behind her came a voice Luna recognized, though she was not used to hearing the cocky man sound confused.

“Princess Luna?”

Luna turned her head to see the womanizer Fandral parrying the attack of one of the more lethargic guards, “Fandral?”

He seemed to just then realize what she was doing, and the man riposted an attack to free himself to leave the battle.

“Men, take care of this,” he rushed over to Luna’s side, where he knelt down to pick Loki up, “Oh goodness, let me help you milady!”

It took some effort for the slight man to lift the slight form of Loki, whose leather clothes did not help with the whole weight issue, “I see that the prince is back, as well as your student. Lady Frigga and the others are all holed up in the medical station, and I see that these two seem to need it!”

Luna nodded as she went about picking Trixie up in her arms as gently as possible. As Fandral moved to lead them away, Luna decided to finally speak to someone she could trust.

“What is going on here? A damn civil war?”

Fandral was silent at first. His face contorted as he tried to find words to explain what he never thought he would need to say.

“You see...Thor accidently released a witch known as Lorelai, and she has the power to control men. She managed to also get Hogun before Sif, Volstagg, and I could manage to run, but with his help Lorelai managed to enter the throne room.”

The throne...which meant that the king was compromised. Her control obviously went so far as to include Heimdall, so any man could fall victim.

“What is the status of Odin?” Luna desired clarification, just in case there was some great turn of events that he had not mentioned yet.

Fandral’s head hung just like Loki’s own limp head, “He is being controlled by Lorelai, as are half the guards in this castle,” he breathed out another sigh, “Well, about half. We’ve lost so many it’s hard to tell anymore who has what!”

When Luna stepped into the medical center she found herself instantly embraced by Queen Frigga, whose eyes were tearing at the sight of her, Fandral, Loki, and Trixie. Luna felt a bit awkward with Trixie being caught in between them during the embrace, but she smiled to the queen as she continued the hug.

“Luna,” Frigga choked out between tears, “I don’t know how I can thank you. You have brought my son back to me.”

As Frigga let go Luna gave her a small shrug, not really sure what to make of the sudden reappearance. She was just glad it happened, “He appeared here through some kind of teleportation. I had no part in it.”

“All the same, I thank you,” Frigga turned to some of the medical technicians in the room and beckoned them with a finger. They took Trixie and Loki and moved them to the healing tables while Frigga continued to speak to Luna, “He just seems to have been exhausted from whatever trip he had. Not a scratch. Your apprentice on the other hand…”

That brought a grimace to Luna’s face as she thought back to everything that has happened to Trixie, as well as her current situation, “Will she be okay?”

Frigga returned the grimace as she eyeballed the weakened equine now on a table, “Let us examine her.”

Luna could only nod and numbly watch as Frigga went to work with some of the others. The staff seemed to be less populated than it used to be, but guards took up the slack in terms of presence there. This seemed to be the main base of these guards holding out against the witch Lorelai.

During this time the elf was also brought in to be looked after, as the large crystal lodged in his chest and sickly appearance worried those who saw him. They knew not if he was friend or foe, but they would at least keep him alive long enough to find out while keeping him weak enough to make sure he was no threat.

After about five minutes of intense observation, Frigga muttered to herself before turning to face Luna with a sour expression.

“This is not good. She will live, but I am afraid that her energy has been drained from her. Magic and life both.”

That made Luna’s heart falter. Trixie, without magic? She would not only be defenseless, but useless...“She has no more magic?” something else punched Luna right in the heart though, even more than her concern about Trixie’s ability to do anything, “And what do you mean life energy?”

Frigga closed her eyes and took a breath in. What she was about to say was weighing heavily on her mind, “Something has taken her energy, and permanently so. Plucked right out of her.”

Luna had to fight the urge to hit, crush, or just generally destroy something like when Loki and Trixie were first taken, “Is there anything we can do?”

That caused Frigga to pause again before giving a brief nod yes, “Her pool of magic has not disappeared, it is just empty. If one infused her with their own magic she could use it once again,” another pause, “As for her life energy, I am afraid she will simply have a shorter lifespan. That is not something one generally can or will give out.”

It took Luna a moment to realize that she had a perfect solution to this. One that would, yes, take some skin off her proverbial hide, but one that would restore everything Trixie once had and more.

Luna approached the table to get as close to Trixie as she could, “I will grant her both. I have an excess of energy in my own body at the moment, and I can transfer it like my sister did some months ago to her student. Instead of adding to her existing power though, like my sister did, I will just be replacing it.”

Her stomach knotted up as she realized the next piece of this plan. If Celestia could stomach granting some power, Luna could not see why she could not do the same...and more.

“As for my life, I have thousands of years ahead of me. I was going to outlive her already if I didn’t do anything…” Luna smiled sadly, “She has lost what, about twenty years worth of energy? Thirty? Fifty? I can grant her that, as it is nothing compared to my own.”

Seeing that Luna appeared to know what she was doing, Frigga smiled to her and took a step back.

“I will leave the matter to you then. You do know that mixing your energies with hers will cause...changes to her, correct?”

Luna smiled back to her, though it remained wistful, “I do. I won’t mind her taking a little after me though.”

The princess decided that she should be in her original form when she did this or else something might go wrong. She transformed back into an Alicorn with little effort all the while looking at Trixie, who was resting peacefully after lulling into a much needed sleep on the trip.

Like Celestia did for Twilight at the time of her ascension, Luna used a large portion of her power to create a realm where it could just be the two of them. Luna was not going to make Trixie an Alicorn. Not yet, as much as she had earned the privilege by now through sheer adversity.

The medical center and all the others within it faded away as Luna brought Trixie into the special realm. Using her powers, Luna recreated the same shadowy world she once used to frighten Loki when he came to Equestria the first time. This time, however, she added in distant yet bright stars to place some spotlight on where the two ponies stood.

Celestia explained that a transfer of power was easier when in a place without outside influence that might draw the raw power elsewhere. Power transfer could be done in Canterlot’s very throne room if one desired, but if one wished for an efficient and effective transfer they needed to go the extra mile.

Luna sighed while bringing a hoof to Trixie’s cheek so she could stroke it gently, “I was already going to do this, you know? A gift for when you proved yourself at the Equestria Games and showed everyone just how far you’ve come.”

The touch roused Trixie, who still appeared to be nearly dead from exhaustion with how weak she reacted.

“Wha—” Trixie collapsed fully when she tried to move, “Wh...ere...am I?”

Luna lowered herself to Trixie’s level to place her head against her student’s, “Don’t worry, just rest. Everything is going to be okay now, dear.”

Trixie did as she was told and closed her eyes, leaving Luna to look at her adoptive daughter in peace.

When they returned to Equestria Luna would make sure nopony hurt Trixie again. That nopony could hurt any of them again.

After granting Trixie the needed energy, Luna returned them to where they had been. Trixie no longer appeared to be at death’s door, and her fur had returned to it’s normal indigo coloration. Luna felt a bit strained from all the effort, but she did not regret it at all despite what she had lost. It had helped Trixie, and that is what mattered to her.

Free to relax for the moment, Luna decided that maybe learning more about the situation she found herself stuck in would be helpful. She approached Frigga after returning and letting out a yawn.

“How bad are we?”

Frigga shook her head sorrowfully, “Only ten percent of the guard forces are still ours, and we only have that amount because Lorelai has grown complacent. If she truly desired to she could wipe out all who oppose her here in Asgard.”

That made Luna squirm in anger. She hated this witch already without ever having met her, “She is just playing with you then.”

Luna turned to face her sleeping apprentice. The princess supposed she could use some rest as well if she was to go about fixing this matter, “When Trixie wakes up we will handle the issue. Lorelai controls only men, correct?”

Frigga nodded to Luna, who had not noticed from sheer exhaustion she had not resumed an Asgardian form, “Yes, so we are immune.”

That settled things for Luna, who was not about to have an usurper take the throne that Luna one day hoped to snag for herself and her husband, “Very well. I will teleport right into the throne room and engage whatever guards she has there while Trixie disables or kills her.”

“If you take her alive you may be able to get ahold of her sister, known as the Enchantress, who in turn could assist us in tracking and confronting those who took your loved ones,” Frigga advised, though her tone showed that she might be amenable to just outright killing the witch.

“If we render her unconscious, will she lose control of them?” Luna questioned, genuinely curious to see what she could get away with.

Frigga shook her head no, “I know not the specifics of her powers. It would be best to remove her powers entirely, but that is easier said than done. I would recommend you retrieve her so you can bring her back here and we can do something about her terrible power.”

Luna gritted her teeth. She hated going into things blind. Knowing is half the battle, “I’ll see what I can manage.”

No-one touched her people, be it her ponies or Asgardians, and got away with it. Lorelai would be wishing for death by the time Luna finished with her.

Author's Note:

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write so much! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me. Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!

Also, if you could stop by my recent blog post ( http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/366602/please-read-your-thoughts-please ) and leave your ideas/thoughts that would help me a lot with all of my writing!

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